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File: 16 KB, 265x434, weininger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10423214 No.10423214 [Reply] [Original]

>Reason has no interest whatsoever in the eternal continuation of humankind. Whoever wants to perpetuate humankind wants to perpetuate a problem and a guilt, indeed the only problem and the only guilt that there are, for the aim is the deity and the ending of humankind in the deity, a pure separation between good and evil, between something and nothing. Therefore, the attempts that have sometimes been made to sanctify sexual intercourse (which admittedly it badly needs) by inventing an ideal sexual act in which only the procreation of the human species is envisaged prove to be an affectionate disguise rather than an adequate defense. For the motive that allegedly allows and sanctions it is not only no commandment and nowhere to be found as an imperative in the human being, but is itself morally reprehensible, since one does not ask a human being whom one fathers or mothers for his agreement. As for the other kind of sexual intercourse, in which the possibility of procreation is arti¤cially prevented, even that extremely feeble justi¤cation loses its validity.

>Thus sexual intercourse in any case contradicts the idea of humanity; not
because asceticism is a duty, but above all because in sexual intercourse Woman
wants to become an object, a thing, and Man really does her the favor of regarding her as a thing and not as a living human being with internal psychic processes. That is why Man despises Woman as soon as he has possessed her, and Woman feels that she is now despised, even though two minutes earlier she was

Is he right?

>> No.10423233

>That is why Man despises Woman as soon as he has possessed her

How would he know?

>> No.10423255


>> No.10423264

In the animal kingdom most of the time the male abandons the female after copulation.

>> No.10423272
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>but above all because in sexual intercourse Woman
>wants to become an object, a thing, and Man really does her the favor of regarding her as a thing and not as a living human being with internal psychic processes. That is why Man despises Woman as soon as he has possessed her, and Woman feels that she is now despised, even though two minutes earlier she was idolized.
He's right and I hate it. How do I out of Romanticism and is it even worth it

>> No.10423303

>you have to murder a man to know what a murderer thinks

Guess Dostoyevsky is a fraud then

>> No.10423310

a gentle reminder he blew his brains out because he felt he was too stupid to live. thereby proving himself correct, if only once.

>> No.10423377

Vicious person. It is not good to speak so crudely and spitefully.

>> No.10423400

but i was gentle.

>> No.10423404

Gods dick fucks every asshole and every pussy

>> No.10423846

>Then the little old woman answered me: 'Many fine things has Zarathustra said, especially for those who are young enough for them. It is strange: Zarathustra knows women little, and yet he is right about them. Is this because nothing is impossible with woman?'

I find Weininger is sometimes very right and sometimes very wrong and more so than Schopenhauer. He is contradictory sometimes but not as much (and purposefully done of course by) Mencken. I do like the chapter Prostitution and Motherhood--i don't think you're excerpt is from that though:

>"• “A motherly woman, already as a girl, adopts the stance of a mother toward the man she loves and even toward the man who late becomes the father of her child: in a certain sense he is already her child. This common feature of the mother and the woman in love reveals the most profound nature of this type of woman: it is the enduring root-stock of the species formed by the mother, the never-ending rhizome grown into the soil, against which man as an individual stands out and becomes aware of his own transience. It is this thought that allows man, more or less consciously, to see in the motherly individual, even as a girl, a certain eternity, which transforms the pregnant woman into a lofty idea. It is the tremendous confidence of the species, albeit nothing else, that underlies the silence of these beings, who may even make man feel small for some moments. At such moments he may be overcome by a certain peace, a great calm, in which all his higher and deeper longings are silent, and he may briefly believe that he has really achieved the most profound connection with the universe through woman. The reason is that to the woman he loves he becomes a child, whom the mother contemplates with a smile, for whom she knows an infinity of things, whom she tends, and whom she tames and keeps under control. (FUCKING CF. DELILLO AND THE HAPPIEST COUPLE).