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/lit/ - Literature

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10422031 No.10422031 [Reply] [Original]

I have never read a piece of literature in my life. I know /lit/ says I should start with the greeks but would reading important pieces of literature chronologicly be interesting? Starting with pre-historic stories and ending with modern. Has anyone done this?

>> No.10422033


>> No.10422048

OP... easy on the pizzazz

>> No.10422050


>[Jezebel Intensifies]

>> No.10422059


>> No.10422111

You should read whatever interests you, there's no point in forcing yourself to enjoy intellectual wankery.

>> No.10422131

Intellectual wankery IS my interest.

>> No.10422132


>> No.10422134
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It can be richly rewarding.
I'd suggest finding a decent reading list.
You could then strike off some of the items to make the list manageable.
As you go through it all, you'll start to see themes and ideas being reworked again and again.
This multifaceted historical exploration gives you a depth of understanding that is difficult to acquire otherwise.

>> No.10422136

You said you never read anything before, it's a lot more boring than you think and you will give up pretty quickly if you try reading "literature essentials" before reading what you want for pleasure.

>> No.10422153

You don't have to read everything chronologically, just be aware of the fact that writers have always built on each other, and that if you haven't at least read the "big hitters" of the western canon, then you're not going to get the deeper meaning of most later works.
For example, all of science fiction owes its existence to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and a major plot point in that book is Frankenstein's Monster getting ahold of a copy of Milton's Paradise Lost, and greatly relating to the protagonist (Satan), with the monster taking revenge on Frankenstein for creating, then abandoning him forcing him to live a life of cruelty, and misery, and seeing him essentially as a god in need of dethroning.
While you can obviously read Frankenstein without reading Paradise Lost, and still understand the plot, and relate to a couple of the characters, a lot of the deeper meaning of the book will be lost on you if you.
Likewise, you definitely won't appreciate Paradise Lost itself anywhere near as much if you aren't reasonably familiar with the teachings of Christianity, which would mean not only reading the Bible, but also Paradise Lost, considering how much of an impact that's had on the way that most Christians actually think about shit.
And it goes on like that.

At the very least, before reading anything from ~1800 onwards, you should read:
Apollodorus's Bibliotecha

The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Aeneid
The Oedipus Trilogy
Ovid's Metamorphoses
The Bible
The Poetic Eda
The Niebelungenlied
L'Morte D'Arthur
The Canterbury Tales
Dante's Inferno
Shakespeare - Othello
Shakespeare - Hamlet
Shakespeare - Macbeth
Shakespeare - King Lear
Paradise Lost
Don Quixote

(Note, this only includes fiction & Mythology, there's also a bunch of Philosophy & History you should read up on if you're serious about becoming well-read).

>> No.10422159

Fuck, meant to say "Not only reading the Bible, but also Dante's Inferno"

>> No.10422168

while I can appreciate the theoretical value of "start with the greeks", it's basically a meme, premised on the wishful notion that there is some chronologically driven rational structure to the development of insight and understanding in the human mind. appreciating literature on a personal level is a very different thing than e.g. understanding math (in which case we all literally start with the greeks/persians/etc. when we're learning basic arithmetic, geometry and algebra).

if you're really this much of a newfag, just jump in by reading something that sounds interesting to you. if you're truly desperate for knowledge and inspiration, you'll start with whatever the fuck the closest book is and go from there

>multifaceted historical exploration gives you a depth of understanding that is difficult to acquire otherwise

>> No.10422182

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.10422197

here you go:

mental age 6 - 13

>ASTERIX (26 comics)
>TINTIN (24 comics)

mental age 13-17


mental age 17-25


mental age 25-35

mental age 35+
>free to choose

should take you about 3 years to complete. we can discuss why i have chosen some over others, but it's all about giving you a well rounded perspective on human civilization and the various stories people have told for the past 4000 thousand years. as you get down the list more is required of you in terms of reading, such as expanding vocabulary or learning a little about the historical period the text was written in.

>> No.10422198

What do you actually get from reading the Greeks

What difference does it make in you

>> No.10422230

I'm sorry sir, but this is a Christian forum. If your post isn't removed within 6000 seconds, I will not hesitate to give you a one hour ban.

>> No.10422242
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>implying the average 25yo could understand the glorious miracle that is the Quran

>> No.10422270

>people don't change
>lead don't follow
>stay humble
>create something
>pick good friends

cant ignore 21% of population.

>> No.10422396

Dude I'm on 3 weeks nofap don't post this shit on a blue board.

>> No.10422403

Name of this titted queen?

>> No.10422410

She's my sister you asshole.

>> No.10422426

She's german. Name is Mein Tagebuch desu

>> No.10422439

I wish to court her

>> No.10422451

>get chrome
>right click, "Search Google for image"

>> No.10422537

It’s from her blacked kino.

>> No.10422587
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>tfw she got blacked

>> No.10422640
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>> No.10422659

Who gives a fuck what a stupid meme can we start calling reading the Greeks getting GREEKED lmao

>> No.10422681

>bauss bunny
ma nigga

>> No.10422712

Don't set a rigid reading list, especially if you've never read literature regularly before. People post here everyday resolving to read The Canon from the start but I would bet anything that none of them ever get beyond the 2nd or 3rd book they've told themselves they have to read.

Let curiosity guide you - don't do it in a pre-arranged order. If you're generally interested then you'll fill in the gaps eventually.

>> No.10422724

>I would bet anything that none of them ever get beyond the 2nd or 3rd book
Speak for yourself complete pleb

>> No.10422743

>>ASTERIX (26 comics)
what do you have against asterix and son you shitlord

>> No.10422774
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never speak of it again.

>> No.10422789

How to be a pseud 101

>> No.10422879

This only includes western canon items.

missing things like the upinashads, bhagavad gitq, tao te ching, etc.

>> No.10423502

Beautiful women keep me going

>> No.10423533

well, good news, my libido isn't dead, bad news, i have no idea what you asked OP. thank you for asking it though

>> No.10423805


>> No.10423844


>> No.10424275

Lol faggot

>> No.10424288

>starting with pre-historic stories

gee willikers i sure wanna read fucking cave paintings, what planet did you crash from

>> No.10424296

Start with the Gravettians

>> No.10424298

yeah we should read those

pick up a dictionary

>> No.10424307

The stories comprising Gilgamesh are pre-Historic.

>> No.10424321

>not Perigordian
>he autistically relies on bashing things with rocks instead of developing proper saws

>> No.10424327

>While you can obviously read Frankenstein without reading Paradise Lost, and still understand the plot, and relate to a couple of the characters, a lot of the deeper meaning of the book will be lost on you if you.
What? Did you actually read Frankenstein? If you did you would know those references are written within reasonable context.

Why do people act like you need "get" the references in order to "get" the work. Anything that can't hold up on it's own because you didn't read [something completely unrelated but the author liked it so it's here as a reference] is just bad writing

>> No.10424351

nice quotes faggot

>> No.10424798

who is this jizz jinn?

>> No.10424825

kylie page (or paige, idk)

>> No.10424844 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10424848 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10424882

any poetry about how big tiddies hang in tight tops as illustrated by OP's pic related?

>> No.10424898
File: 19 KB, 400x264, russian cat kills you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pendulous Melons
Pleas Induce Friction Upon
My Wee Penor

>> No.10424901

would any kind gentleman here be able to point me to a pornographic work where a white man is cucked by a glorious black bull, whom the white man then proceeds to ass fuck for revenge
The idea of an aryan man reaming some nigger's babboon butt while he grunts in his deep, lusty voice seems too primal to not have been adapted to video

>> No.10425072

I could point you to two separate videos which you could watch in sequence and would produce that effect, as long as you don’t look at the characters too closely.

>> No.10425824

We had to read Crime and Punishment in School when I was about 17. If you're not on some Prussian regime when it comes to learning classics and lit from the moment you can read you won't understand shit and the implications of the book. Same with the Meditations. I openly admit I was to stupid to appreciate these books when I was 17 and I read them both at that age. I had an easier time with the Meditations that got me interested in stoicism, but I at least had some background and vivid interest in Greece and Rome even back then.

>> No.10425831

I could point to about 6 other boards that'd be more appropiate than a fucking literature one

>> No.10427276

Exactly my reaction. I can't concentrate when seeing small blond girls with big tits who are a little chubby and have a nice face.

>> No.10427304


Shame she does porn.