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File: 27 KB, 496x180, Dragonlance-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1042069 No.1042069 [Reply] [Original]

A friend from my D&D group recommended the Dragonlance novels.

I haven't read much fantasy outside of The Hobbit, Discworld, and Wizard of Earthsea.

My intuition is that these books are pure neckbeard garbage, but it's kind of interesting that they're based on a D&D campaign (ala Ultima).

Like, will they be enjoyable trash? Or just trash? Or are they fantastic?

What do you think, /lit/?

>> No.1042074

>They hate fantasy around here

>> No.1042089


I know, but I see a lot of post about the Dresden Files on here... so I figured I'd ask.

>> No.1042099

Just trash. Find something else.

>> No.1042104

I'm more scifi fan

Sorry can't help you

>> No.1042108
File: 16 KB, 390x268, muaddib84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragonlance is generally regarded as trash (unless you're in 6th grade, in which case, go for it!)

Read A Song of Ice and Fire. It is regarded as the best fantasy series by many.

Also, I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but I also enjoy Tad William's The Dragonbone Chair trilogy.

Of course, if you really think highly of your D&D group's opinion, don't be afraid to check it out (pic related; You must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller). You might like it.

>> No.1042111

They're precisely as bad as you might think.

The plto was based on a marathon DnD campaign the authors were in and that is NOT hyperbole.

>> No.1042113

dragonlance is ok if you are like 14 or so. the twins trilogy isn't that bad as far as genre fantasy goes but you kind of have to read the books before it so you know what the fuck is going on

just because you play dnd it might be worthwhile because you will recognize all the shit they are doing. like oh raistlin cast featherfall, I know what that is.

>> No.1042119

there's this line in majesty 2 (vidya) about how this one dude's fireball is equal to 5 megaraistlins.

i lol'd hardcore

>> No.1042128

these are good recommendations but OP not every meal you eat has to be fillet steak, dragonlance is like a bigmac. sometimes you just want to go to mcdonalds but it isn't good to make a habit of that

>> No.1042132
File: 56 KB, 309x475, WoT01_TheEyeOfTheWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

So Dragonlance is out, then.

Is Wheel of Time any good? I've heard good things, but also really bad things.

>> No.1042139

i enjoyed books 1-3 and 6. considering picking it up again since brian sanderson is finishing it off. incredibly talented young fella.

highly recommend mistborn/elantris by sanderson

>> No.1042144

D & D? God dammit. The internet is getting overrun by nerds. Amiright?

>> No.1042147


OP, I grew up on Tolkien. I loved fantasy. But after reading stuff like Dragonlance and Wheel of Time, I basically abandoned High Fantasy and threw myself wholeheartedly into urban fantasy.

I guess waht I'm saying is Wheel of Time is a piece of garbage.

>> No.1042152
File: 172 KB, 1229x838, 1271767194539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the intertubes was created by nerds.

nowadays its becoming overrun by hipsters.

pic related

>> No.1042153

Silly childish nerds.

>> No.1042157

>I've heard good things, but also really bad things.

Yeah, that's a decent description.

I like the books more than almost anyone else on here, so obviously I have a bias. I think that the books, when they're on, are really great, I love the characters, love Jordan's writing (again, when he's good), really think they're excellent in terms of doorstopper fantasy.

There's a couple problems, though. First, Jordan does tend to go on a bit - stretch things out when he doesn't need to. Also, he can sometimes have some problems writing women characters - I like most of them, but they can come off as bitches. But the big problem is that the seventh, eighth, and tenth books are fucking terrible. They're shit. nothing happens in them, and Jordan completely forgets how to write. Even 9 isn't that good - it does have the virtue that actual plot related events that are pretty exciting takes place.

So, in sum, I think they're very good books, if a little long-winded, with the exception of the middle of the series, which is trash, and you shouldn't even bother to read it, just look up a summary online.

>> No.1042160

Take that advice.

>> No.1042165
File: 143 KB, 800x401, The Reptile Of Choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1042171

1-6 is good.

Its hard to recommend because its a giant series and has like 4 0r 5 bad books in it

>> No.1042172
File: 4 KB, 245x184, 1279469100957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1042183

I liked the first Wheel of Time book. It was all downhill from there.

>> No.1042187

Oh come on

3, 4, and (parts of) 5 are all really, really good, I don't see how you can deny that.

>> No.1042195

people have their opinions and on 4chan the only difference between a good opinion and a bad one is the pic you upload and how much you whine about it

>> No.1042196

I like you, kid. You're crazy, but I like you. You'll go far.