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/lit/ - Literature

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10421152 No.10421152 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw refuse to read anything written by women
Tell me why I should care about thoughts or ideas of a female

>> No.10421170


no. figure it out yourself..

>> No.10421173

because they're people

>> No.10421209

The publishing industry is now majority white women. Not knowing them is not knowing literature.

Literature is itself effeminate. Sitting around writing and reading in isolation is not a masculine activity or worldview. Deal with it.

>> No.10421218

t. never read frankenstein

>> No.10421225

>The publishing industry is now majority white women
>literally is in the rut worse than ever
Hmmmm really makes my chugger lugging

>> No.10421244

>music is dead! what happened to my Real Music! #borninthewronggeneration
>it's actually the best time to be a musician or simply listener, there is more variety than ever before, pointless gatekeeping has been removed, you can find new shit all the time or just make your own

fuck off grandpa 20 year old

>> No.10421281

>I was born in the wrong generation!! they just don't make music like this anymore... nowadays it's all pop crap like Just Bieber! like this comment if you are young but still listen to good music like nirvana and led zeppelin xD

>> No.10421294
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>> No.10421298

Your continued ignorance will only ensure you will never matter to those beyond your clan.

>> No.10421299

frankenstein was a lot better than expected. i regret not reading it in school.

>> No.10421300

who the fuck sent /mu/? go back plebs

>> No.10421307

Ease of access doesn’t make it a good era for literature/music/whatever, is just makes it a good era in which to consume those things. And yeah maybe it’s easier to also produce, but that doesn’t mean what’s being produced is as good as what used to be produced. Even if a Shakespeare or a Handel were producing today, the very fact that he would not have been influential on centuries of our cultural history would render him less important and arguably “worse” than the actual Shakespeare or Handel.

>> No.10421400

yeah yeah whatever, we live in a pomo world now and there are no shakespeares mainly because the gatekeepers are gone and now there is just a big mass of bullshit, instead of an establishment telling you who to worship. good riddance. the fact is, people are smarter than ever, IQs are high (see Flynn Effect), people are more affluent and more able to make educated decisions. they are definitely better equipped to handle the literature that exists and continues to be made than people with lower literacy rates and almost no access to information beyond radio and shitty print media.

the fact is, 100 years ago people were even MORE retarded than they are now, literary fiction for the pleb was basically a postwar concept of about 3 decades and died before you were born. you can argue all day about how there are no more masters, but whatever man you can't prove there aren't. it's a lot harder to be great today than it was in elizabethan england assuming you were privileged enough to create at all, your competition was like a hundred dudes in downtown who were all stealing your shit anyway. now the community is international.

>> No.10421412

>Musica analogy

>> No.10421416

Like Mohamad

>> No.10421419

I wouldn't read history books by them, I just can't trust they write without altering historical events in a globalist/marxist pro-negr0id/anti-white way.
It's too bad, because I am sure I am missing out some good books.
But this is the way the have made the modern world.

>> No.10421425

This x100. You're not entitled to being spoonfed by us, you cunt.

>> No.10421441

Is /lit/ left leaning because there's a lot of women posting here?
By seeing those discussions on threads like this one it seems a very reasonable claim

>> No.10421461

You probably shouldn't. They don't have remotely similar plights to you. Their roles in society have changed slightly enough to write about stuff kind of relatable to a male, but not really, attempting to do so comes off poorly. Their roles changing slightly have devalued their traditonal roles and made them writing about those not seeming worthwhile or bland

Their is enough great stuff written by white men to last a life time. Why would you even want to read women and darkies?

>> No.10421466

you could shart on a piece of paper and the shitstain would be a better work of art than anything a woman has ever done

>> No.10421484

No, it's left leaning because it's a bunch of literal faggots.

>> No.10421490


>> No.10421556

you don't actually care about thoughts and ideas anyway, though, do you? just shallow justifications of your preexisting worldview.

>> No.10421564

I agree, that's why I only read white men like George Elliot

>> No.10421580

It's not actually an inherent problem if a book is by a woman, the problem is that they so often get men so completely wrong that I just can't take it seriously. The male characters just don't act or sound male in any way. They either act like women in drag, or they act like some odd imaginary version of men that women have in their heads. Men probably get females just as wrong, but that isn't as noticeable to me.

>> No.10421583

its left leaning because rw’s are largely illiterate whiggers
women have never ever, never in the history of the species, contributed to philosophy or maths at even remotely the level of a male. they have nothing to say and are biologically incapable of genius. please fuck off you idiot.

>> No.10421605

>women were rarely given respect or education at all and were treated as second class citizens until modern history

>> No.10421611

>they’ve been literate and emancipated in the West for 100 years, if we exclude America its been much longer
0 breakthroughs in: physics, maths, philosophy worth mentioning

no Female Gauss’s, no female Heidegger’s, no female Reimann’s, no female Maxwell’s, no female Newton’s, no female Joyce’s, no female Jung’s, no female Hegel’s, no female Kant’s, no female Ramanujan’s

yup they’re just incapable of genius. im right, and you are insane

>> No.10421721

>cats are dogs

>> No.10421745


>female jungs

i lol'd

anyway whats a marie curie and i thought this was a /lit/ board also

>> No.10421749
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>he never read The Violent Bear It Away
LMAOing at your life

>> No.10421753

>ada lovelace was a mathematician and essentially the first computer programmer, the reason you are shitposting on /lit/ right now is because of she decided charles babbage's analytical engine could be more than a glorified calculator and wrote the first computer program for it

but I know you don't care and will just continue shitposting your retarded nigger bullshit because you don't want to have a discussion in good faith, you just want to autistically screech on the internet.

>> No.10421764
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>Tell me why I should care about thoughts or ideas of a female
implying i'd ever waste my A1 recs on a place this pleb

>> No.10421782
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>Curie, Noether, Meitner, Germain, Lovelace
>0 breakthroughs in: physics, maths

>> No.10421813 [DELETED] 

>yup they’re just incapable of genius.
no you just have shit taste and aren't researching at patrician levels. you're still common /lit/ fare. inb4 you spaz out indignantly at the truth of this.