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10419726 No.10419726 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading Lolita in public a "statement"?

>> No.10419729

>implying men can get away with reading lolita in public anymore

>> No.10419735

No its someone reading a book?

>> No.10419746

Reading in public is general is a statement that goes:
>look at me I'm more intelligent than you and a total fucking pretentious dickweed please pay attention to me

Or maybe that's just how I feel.

>> No.10419754
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>> No.10419762

Yes, the statement is
>I am a tool

>> No.10419765

I doubt the average public transit user is literate enough to even recognize Lolita, or any other book.

>> No.10419769
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What's the trick to seducing a reading girl without interrupting her reading?

>> No.10419785

I feel like this too, the only time I read on public is when going on the bus for 2+ hours

rub your penis on her shoulder

>> No.10419788

to be honest with how socially detached I am I don't know if it's people like this poster who are paranoid or it's me who's socially unaware.

>> No.10419800

that poster is paranoid and projecting. Only homeless and drunk people think like that.

>> No.10419804

I saw a white cis gendered male read the stranger on the E train one day. It was cringey as fuck. And he was holding the book vertically, so that people can read the title.

>> No.10419813

the former

>> No.10419814

lol why not, someone going to call the cops on me?

>> No.10419818

probably not quoting the first sentences of OP's book pic

>> No.10419821
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>listening to music while reading
>in the fucking subway

>> No.10419826

>people talking loudly
>crying babies
>people coughing and sneezing
>people eating their food
yeah good luck reading without headphones/earbuds

>> No.10419831
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Pretty much this. I made a The Outsiders reference at work and the person I was talking to asked me
>What are the outsiders, anon?

>> No.10419835
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seems u are spooked my friend

>> No.10419840

It's to discourage men from talking to her.

>> No.10419843

women wear headphones so people leave them alone

>> No.10419887


>> No.10419932

lolita is a feminist book

>> No.10420018


although I don't perceive it that way when the person is using an e-reader, it just kind of blends in with modern life

>> No.10420045

>listening to music
How presumptuous. Perhaps she could be listening to simple white noise so as to drown out the subhuman shrieks of nigger children and other disenfranchised, loud, ugly company that offensively inhabits public infrastructure.

>> No.10420059

maybe because the outsiders is literary trash meant for middle school kids

>> No.10420060

I can never read in public, not because it's "embarrassing," I just can't read when people are talking, only in complete silence.

>> No.10420069

That's ear pro dude

>> No.10420074

dude big words your smart

>> No.10420090

What a disgusting cynical little fuckwit you are.

>> No.10420290

Only is so far as it's attempting to signal to others that you read only from a selection of books approved by high school English teachers. If the statement you mean is "hurr pedophilia is intellectual" then no. It's a famous book and most non-retards know it doesn't actually promote pedophilia at all, so it doesn't really send that message.

OP's pic is a NYC subway. It's a wide practice in NYC/the metro area because of how long commutes take. I read on the train into NYC all the time because there's fuck all else to do and it was only pointed out once by a conductor taking my ticket because it was a book and not an e-reader.

The only time I feel a little self conscious/aware of my actions is when it's a weirder book. For instance, Lolita wouldn't be a problem but when I was reading The Aesthetics of Murder I was making sure the cover was as hidden as possible.

>> No.10420309

Yeah the statement is "Im smart and fancy."

>> No.10420483


Those who think in this way are quite limited and I am surprised that they are in the lit section. With this statement you understand that the society in which you are immersed is more ignorant than you and read a book in front of them is going to emphasize that point, I only ask you to stop being a scary little whore that only looks around in search of approval

>> No.10420692
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>listening to music while reading

>> No.10420697

That was me. I hold the book vertically to assist my posture

>> No.10420702

it's probably to block the noise you fucking dummy ever been on a train? oh right live in trumpville in pennsatucky where you have to drive 20 minutes to get to their nearest walmart kys

>> No.10420713

You actually shop at Wal-Mart, dude? Is that where you bought your Berniebro merchandise, or just your copy of What Happened?

>> No.10420840

well now that walmart bought bonobos i've considered it but not really no

>> No.10420855

I had no issues reading Lolita in public until I brought it into the bakery for lunch one day, forgetting that there was an elementary school next door that let out for lunch at the same time. Got some weird looks that day. Shit, I'm probably on a registry somewhere now.

>> No.10420872

fuck off, coinfag

>> No.10420879

paranoid af

>> No.10420889

Why the fuck would it say that? I spend most of my fucking time on public transport getting from work to home so I can take care of my ass, so why the fuck should you care that I like to use that time to read?

>> No.10420892

just read on your phone dummy then u don't look like a showoff and u can have more books

>> No.10420898
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>> No.10420903

What if someone just likes reading?
So they want to read

>> No.10420917

I have no problem listening to classical while reading but thats just me

>> No.10421001

cunt what
what else are you going to do? sit there worrying about what other people think of you?

>> No.10421035

yeah that she mentally retarded

>> No.10421116
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>"Stay Golden Pony Boy"
>I made a The Outsiders reference at work

>> No.10421121

>I quoted a middle school book at work and people didn't get it
>I'm so smart


>> No.10421168

But books don't require a battery.

>> No.10421513

Holy shit, this is literally my gf's double.

>> No.10421533

I feel the same way

>> No.10421540
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What do you mean? That its just an idea,a perception?

>> No.10421558
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Listening to rap whilst reading Brothers Karamakov :)

>> No.10421574
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is there a problem anon?

>> No.10421669

attention whoring as usual.

>> No.10421675

>oh no a woman!
>guess its time to pretend to be a different person and lie to please her
think carefully about this type of meme posting anon, you people don’t realize what signs you associate yourselves with and its always amusing the unintended symbolism that’s formed because of this

>> No.10421783

this post makes me want to stop reading on my phone and buy books just so i can aggravate over socialised spergs

>> No.10421787
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>reading in public

>> No.10421808
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This, real Chads play videogames in public

>> No.10421810

Is there ever a time or a context within which someone doing something you don't like isnt pretentious or attention whoring?

>> No.10421834

this, everybodys triggered because they hate themselves for doing it

>> No.10421842


>> No.10421844
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>> No.10421857

Wow this board Id fucking reddit Bring so insecure lmao fking kys

>> No.10421871

You realize some people have jobs and commutes and lunch breaks and time-away-from-the-kids where they need to read in the liminal spaces between the other demands of their lives? And that not everyone is a mommy suckling neet like urself?

>> No.10421894

honestly while I carry a book with me on my commute most of the time I don't read it because I can't get invested because I feel like everyone is judging me

>> No.10421905

Your mind is a gulag.

>> No.10421915

There is nothing wrong with reading in public, if anyone judges you for it that is their weakness. Don’t capitulate to resentful fascist cunts.

>> No.10421925
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>unironically reading nabokov

>> No.10421988

Real men play Candy Crush Saga in public

>> No.10422001

>cis gendered male
You mean a man, yes? Remember when genders used to be simple. I guess you wouldn't that to be the case, you mentally ill fuck.

>> No.10422032

real men stare people in the eye in public, studying their every move and making up stories of where they are going and what they are like a person

>> No.10422161

How much are you reading every day that that becomes an issue? If you're talking on your phone all day at work, surely there's some way to charge it there. Cars, planes, buses all have outlets or usb ports these days. I don't see many subway trains that do but even if your commute is two or three hours, that shouldn't be enough to drain it.

You're allowed to say that you just like books better and not need a real reason.

>> No.10422187


This world would be a better place without people like you

>> No.10422217

Well I dont have a cellphone and I can only listen to music so much. So I read. Not trying to be smarter than anyone.

>> No.10422630

Look at me I'm Mr use big words big baller on campus

>> No.10422696

People read on the subway and train all the time, pretty long commute sitting with no talking, sensible to read.

>> No.10422708

I just read The Enchanter, nobody is the wiser.

>> No.10422746

It is a statement that you are a pedophile.

>> No.10422755

eman muxu

>> No.10422758


>> No.10422762

trial message

>> No.10422832

let me guess, you're an american

to think reading in public is anything out of the ordinary you'd have to come from the trash heap of the planet

>> No.10422836


>> No.10422902

insecure fuck

>> No.10422905

kek so true

>> No.10423056

no but those cans are

why red????

>> No.10424249
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>> No.10424280


>> No.10424345

Epic meme.

>> No.10424376

Fucking plebs

>> No.10424932

which rap?
both of them?

>> No.10424955

lol i just bought my boyfriend a Lolita shirt for his birthday and he's been wearing it out

>> No.10424972

One time was at an airport with nothing left to read. Was the only literature in the airport bookstore so I bought a copy and read it in the airports during that trip. No one said anything.

>> No.10424986

was it autism?????

>> No.10425017

Read a physically larger book than her.

>> No.10425023

>Not blasting white/harsh noise to tune out ambient conversations.

>> No.10425024
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No, reading Tampa in public is.

>> No.10425177


>> No.10425435


>> No.10425893


>> No.10425941

>be me in public
>read book
>see people trying to look at what im reading
But why?

>> No.10425972


>> No.10425993

Nah I'm just surprised people still pay for media. "Stealing" is a man-made concept and Mill can suck my hot cock.

>> No.10425997

Easily discharge my phone 60-70% during an 8 hour day and also read for 2-3 hours more.

>> No.10426007

this made me laugh anon, thank you

>> No.10426016


>> No.10426101

Good thing 60-70 percent isn't 100 percent then.

>> No.10426235

Not american actually but totally agreed

>> No.10426636

One should not read when one can not at that given instance take notes.

>> No.10426654
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I can't focus when I try to read in public. I'm kinda hyper-sensitive to sounds and I just can't get comfy.

>> No.10426667

A lot of people in this thread responded as if the idea was about reading generally in public. The question was about reading Lolita in public. I guess there are a lot of weak minds on this board.

>> No.10426674


We just decided to take this thread in a more interesting direction. Eat a dick pseud.

>> No.10426689

It's banal and, since it's constantly discussed on this board, trite.

>> No.10428283
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Reading's for faggots! I dab and watch the videos on youtube's front page when I take the train.

>> No.10428954

I can tell you have social anxiety

>> No.10429005
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how long till lovecraft is the new trendy nerdy thing to be "different from the other girls anon"

>> No.10429018

What if you cover your book with a protective paper cover that hides the title of the book you're reading? I honestly wouldn't be comfortable reading if it weren't like this, does it come off as retarded/paranoid? (I never read in public transport btw)

>> No.10429023

What books to I read to maximize irl (you)s?

>> No.10429308
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>using public transportation

>> No.10429469


>> No.10429477

Good post

>> No.10429493
File: 884 KB, 198x257, 1387438170223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get an e reader you can pirate any number of whatever type of book you like and nobody can tell what you're reading.

If your response to this is derision of e readers, we all now know you care more about how you appear while reading than about what you're reading.

If you like to collect you can keep your physical books on a shelf at home, for enjoyment there, see much like real books you can change where you are in an epub pdf or mobi.

I bought a paperwhite and I've enjoyed it thoroughly. I've been able to read it places I wouldn't have wanted to carry a physical book, and places where it was too dark to read one anyway.

>> No.10429506


>> No.10429518

Yes. It's a statement that your phone battery is dead.

>> No.10429566
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I have a longish commute,and I listen to audiobooks,but only ones that I have heard dozens of times so if I am distracted I won't miss important details. It also baffles somewhat outside noise,but I can imagine damaging my eardrums if I had the volume loud enough to compete with severe rackets,so just a covering of the ear canals helps.

>> No.10429618

stay gold ponyboy

>> No.10429632

Look at this fag, he hasn't realized the best writers purposefully omit stupid pretentious words.
I bet you've unironically said "pontificate" or some other shit, too. You make me sick.

>> No.10429646
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>basic Lovecraft edition from B&N

>> No.10429650


Lol this right here

>> No.10429692

This works.
It's how I met my first bf.

>> No.10429730
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Maximum plebian detected. I highly suggest you end yourself at the next possible opportunity.

>> No.10429739

This. Anyone who cares about their appearance while reading needs to grow up. Also, Paperwhite pirate master race reporting in.

>> No.10429756

If presumptuous is pretentious then you have a nigger-tier vocabulary

>> No.10429908

I don't like e-readers. They give me headaches. I have one and can't use it. That said, I rarely read in public. It helps that I barely ever leave my house, but also because the few time I did I couldn't focus and enjoy the book because it felt like people were watching me

>> No.10430119
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One nice summer day I went to the local castle ruins and sat against the stone wall and read for the whole day while drinking tea from my thermos and eating biscuits. Where does that fall on the "pretentiously reading in the public" scale? Pic related.

>> No.10430147

Only subhuman poseurs read in public. Not only that, reading on public transport is not onlyh extremely pretentious, but also reeks of attention whoring, plus the fact that reading on the bus simply makes you nauseous. Reading is sort of a meditation which one does with utmost respect and attention, in an environment which makes him comfortable , so as to actually understand the author's perspective, to do so in public, where so many distractions lurk, is simply the sure sign of a pretender or simply a plebeian

>> No.10430152

This attitude is why I nervously try to conceal what book im reading and that i'm reading a book in the first place when I'm on public transport

>> No.10430168


>> No.10430194
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>> No.10430485

Not in <current year> because people are too busy whining about his racism to actually bother reading anything he ever wrote.

>> No.10430490
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Negative ten years?

>> No.10430496
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>> No.10430500
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I think they just have the one copy between them that they share to pose for photographs

>> No.10430504
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Lovecraft's themes of ancestral taint appeal to Poles because they live so close to Russia

>> No.10430505

>wears vidya cosplay to pander to geeks
>holds up book to pander to geeks

>> No.10430507
File: 141 KB, 720x405, Veela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Goth chick throwing up gang signs while posing with a Penguin edition collected Lovecraft in the bath]

>> No.10430508

>upset that a girl's pandering to his demographic

>> No.10430600

i dont feel aroused knowing that the girl is trying so hard to convince people that she really is into the same hobbies as us men but i know its one big ruse

>> No.10430612
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The epitome of commodity fetishism

>> No.10430705

Why don't you buy a good pair of closed headphones? Recommend Sennheiser HD4.20, has a mic too.

>> No.10430715
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What about people who read IJ in public?

>> No.10430720

Nah, a lot of girls like that genuinely are, but they show it off for attention.
So it's just like you said, but not as dishonest.

>> No.10430845

Why does the margin before the first I disappear from one image to the next?

>> No.10431176

How does it feel to be your own enemy? Does it hurt?

>> No.10431187

2004-2008. You missed it.

>> No.10431236

I read Mein Kampf on the daily bus to work.

>> No.10431237

thats not vidya lad

>> No.10431246

That "margin" is the spine of the book

>> No.10431493

Are you a tourist guide at Auschwitz?