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10417294 No.10417294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your type and your favourite book

>Complete Works of Zhuangzi

>> No.10417353

every time I try to take one of these surveys I realize how little I know myself.
I am an introvert as in I get exhausted when I get exposed to the public and other people for a longer period of time. I love being alone, I love silence. But I have no problem with leading either, with talking to people, but while talking I'm constantly focusing on myself, other people are like mirrors to me.

Am I an introvert or not?

>> No.10417356

Introvert. Extroverts don't really spend much effort of self-reflection, they get to know themselves through other people.

>> No.10417359

Heart of Darkness

btw MBTI is a meme

>> No.10417374

Crime and Punishment

For special fun OP you should have asked for political views, religious views, and astrological signs.

>> No.10417440

Life: A User's Manual

>> No.10417560
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I don’t know what my favorite book is so I’ll just say the author I’ve read the most this year is Thomas Merton

/dreamworld/ where u at

>> No.10417561

Bad thread

>> No.10417563

your mom is bad thread LOL

>> No.10417565

woe is me

>> No.10417587

my starsign is INFP too
I've got a Thomas Merton book on my shelf, would you recommend I get around to reading him anon? I'm not especially Catholic anymore, but religious writing of that sort has a refreshing substance, written manna. Two authors who provoke a similar sensation I've become familiar with recently are Simone Weil and Martin Buber.

>> No.10417597

I was born under the sign of INFJ, I don't really have a favorite book. The book that was most influential on me was probably Guénon's The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times.

>> No.10417617

Possibly, for me I think one of the big reasons I like him so much has a lot to do with the timing of when I decided to actually read the book I had by him lying around (No Man is an Island.)
Was smoking too much weed and alienating myself, feeling lost and purposeless etc. and that book was just what I needed at the time. So I kind of doubt most people would receive the same enthusiasm for him that I do but who knows. Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander is his best book by the way.

>> No.10417625

Also actually, if you like Weil and Buber you probably will like him.

>> No.10417660

Thanks anon. 'The New Man' is the book which I have of his. I might pick it up next.
I don't know if you're familiar with Pope John Paul II's book 'Love and Responsibility', I got it off abebooks but it's rather intimidating. Looks like a traditional philosophical treatise. I mean, I should have expected nothing less, but jeez.
Some of the subchapter titles:
>The Person as the Subject and Object of Action (first chapter)
>The First Meaning of the Verb 'to Use'
>The Second Meaning of the Verb 'to Use'
>Subjectivism and Egoism
>The Phenomenon of Sexual Shame and its Interpretation
etc. etc.
I'd like to read it sometime though. Maybe it will rehabilitate religious morality and metaphysics for me, with which I've become disillusioned.

On another note, I've also been reading a bit of Cioran, which is refreshing in a completely separate way.

>> No.10417671

I am INTP and since a bunch of years I stopped reading fiction.

>> No.10417681

Almost picked up one of his books the other day, I also read somewhere that his book on his theology of the body is really good. Apparently he was a pretty sophisticated guy.
Cioran is pretty great, but I can only handle so much gloom, especially 500 aphorisms in a row of gloom.

>> No.10417690

>Crime and Punishment
its a little ironic I know

>> No.10417707

Watership Down

>> No.10417730

The Master and Margarita,

Taurus, atheist, social-democrat

>> No.10417784

>falling for rebranded astrology

>> No.10417813 [DELETED] 

INTP here, the Architect nickname doesn't really suit the type, as it implies INTPs get shit done. Practical implementation of ideas (even blueprints) is generally outside of most INTPs' scope. Thinker is more appropriate

>> No.10417814

INTP here, the Architect nickname doesn't really suit the type, as it implies INTPs get shit done. Practical implementation of ideas (even blueprints) is generally outside of most INTPs' scope. Thinker or Logician is more appropriate

>> No.10417832

not sure why you think having particular personality traits, which can be categorised, has anything to do with the belief that planetary alignment is what determines one's personality

>> No.10417843

I can't remember if i was INFP or INTP.
Which one is the faggiest?
Anyways, The Savage Detectives

>> No.10417845

>modern astrology

>> No.10417848

INFP is the ‘faggiest’. People with INTP personality are coldhearted.

>> No.10417854


>> No.10417856

Same. I relate to Raskolnikov way too much.

>> No.10417857

those traits aren't in any way fixed though. I've taken the Myers Briggs multiple times and got different results each time. INTJ or whatever might describe a certain period of your life quite well but it doesn't define your personality unless you actively try to behave in the way it tells you you should, in which case it's a self fulfilling prophecy, like a horoscope. it's better than astrology but not by much.

>> No.10417862

How so? I mean, it's probably the best book about the failed INTJ's struggle.

>> No.10417879

i suppose it differs from person to person; some personalities evolve and adapt a lot more, though i still think there are fundamental traits, which you can determine by being as objective and observant as you can. i fit the traits of an INTP without any fluctuation or doubt, though instead of trying to stick to stick to those traits or hide behind them, i try to recognise my seemingly inherent strengths and weaknesses and make the effort to exploit the strengths, be aware of the weaknesses, and to make a conscious effort to evolve and progress as a person

>> No.10417893

ISTJ (I don't know what this means)

The Hobbit

>> No.10417928


>Don Quixote

>> No.10417949

>ISTJ (I don't know what this means)

That's not even memeing the beta virgin personality

>> No.10417954

Portrait of the Artist

>> No.10417962
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Don't really have a favorite

>> No.10417970

>the fedora personality

>> No.10417989

>i don't agree with you therefore you're a fedora tipper *tip tip*
Imagine getting this butt mad at something like this

>> No.10418008

Architect or healer
Abstracting or Dream-World

I was kind of expecting the Dream-World to be honest.
But I don't really get this study... What would that mean :
>Lead (Dominant) Process
>Introverted Feeling (Fi): Staying true to who
>you really are. Paying close attention to your
>personal identity, values and beliefs.
>Checking with your conscience. Choosing
>behavior congruent with what is important to

If I truly believe I don't exist. Meaning that there's no foundation of myself. there is NO me. It has never been stable and it is always changing. and I'm talking about what you would call "me".
So how can it make sense ?
And if I'm always sad about the misery on this earth it doesn't really match with the dream-world either.

I guess i probably misunderstood some question because english is not my native language. Thus leading to too much error to be acurate.
Or maybe I don't know myself enough thus making a result incoherent.
Maybe it is the good result but it's kinda weird to me.

>> No.10418021

he's not wrong though, i can't look at that picture and not think about a fedora. no one is mad, fellow tipper.

the INTP is strong with you, kindred. i can tell purely by how you phrased your post. read my post from earlier >>10417879 regarding the instability of character.

>> No.10418025

Not him, nor am I ISTJ, but that's on the opposite side of the spectrum mate. INTP is more of a beta virgin - obviously not true, but as far as memes go

>> No.10418039

Please, you're making us look bad. Get some taste

>> No.10418063
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Mandatory posting in these threads

>> No.10418145

Dorian Gray

>> No.10418162

could be ENFP like me
supposedly the most introverted extrovert type

>> No.10418689

>the smug rabblerouser
yep thats me

>> No.10418708

>The Outsiders

>> No.10418729

im a nigger and i can’t read, i steal and cheat people and also like to rap to the hippity hop beats, my gf is latina and i ran a train on her last night with my bruhs, i smoke crack and punch people without warning, i voted for Obama and think we sud have trillion dolla reparations from whitey, black muzick blaq powah blaq people yeah yeah

>> No.10418750

this but unironically

>> No.10418783

>Stoner, strangely.

>> No.10418794

The Power Broker (1974)

>> No.10418857
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Industrial Society and Its Future

Also this

>> No.10418873

This shit is a joke

>> No.10418905
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>Some people are tall
>Some people are white

>Yep totally, no problems here

>Some people are reserved
>Some people are analytic


>> No.10418927
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Someone who is reserved or analytic can change, you have no control over height or skin colour. Your comparison is retarded but I expected much from someone who would take this seriously.

>> No.10418928
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>objectively measurable things are the same as vaguely defined concepts measured by a test that gives different results everytime you take it
Jungians, everyone.

>> No.10418952

>Moby Dick

>> No.10418981
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>objectively measurable

>> No.10418993

>Someone who is reserved or analytic can change

You say this but I've rarely ever seen it to be the case. People like to think they're changable but the reality is most people are exactly the same from when they're a toddler to when they die

>> No.10419015
File: 84 KB, 500x426, 14702649264923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I rarely ever seen it be the case
Therefore it's not possible?
>People are exactly the same from when they're a toddler to when they die
Pic related

>> No.10419043

Same and same. Do you ever miss reading fiction?

>> No.10419050

Same same, I miss it, but have become obsessed with non fiction texts

>> No.10419094

>you have no control over height
cut your legs off anon

>> No.10419123

>Therefore it's not possible?

Yeah same way someone changing their height or skin color is possible

>> No.10419156

>Briggs Meyers
6th percentile agreeableness, fight me

>> No.10419182

Hans Hermann Hoppe: Democracy - the god that failed

>> No.10419299

How are Lenin and Trotsky loathsome?

>> No.10419304

Trotsky was a twofaced hypocritical cretin and Lenin betrayed the revolution before Comrade Stalin fixed things

>> No.10419313

Goddamn I really am an INFP