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10416298 No.10416298 [Reply] [Original]

why do jewy dumbass ideas trying to turn understanding of the human mind into a soft science keep coming out of austria

>> No.10416305

>muh jews

Why is this board so shit now

>> No.10416309

you're aware there are jewish neuroscientists and psychiatric theorists?

>> No.10416315

Anti frogposters are more autistic than frogposters

>> No.10416327

it's something about austrian jews

>> No.10416364
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It's called the Phenotype.

>> No.10416371

Dialectics is still a nothing term.

>> No.10416374

most things in philosophy are desu

>> No.10416418

OP here, I've increasingly felt alienated from every "soft" field of academia. I used to be interested in history, but competing schools of thought eg revisionism and pomo "end of history" masturbatory nonsense drove me away. I read biology, neuroscience, chemistry and psychics papers until I discovered the subjectivity and cultural (Jewish) influence in those fields too. Now I only read math proofs. Please help me. i'm so alone

>> No.10416435

Because Austria was a place jews infested during that time. Hitler talked about this, how jews had turned Austria into a degenerate shithole like they've done to everywhere they've ever existed in large numbers.

>> No.10416666

Get into analytic philosophy.

>> No.10416672

>I don't understand it so it's meaningless

Read Kant

>> No.10416677

fug ok quadruple satan

>> No.10416686
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Well no fucking shit, but here's the thing; there are only antifrogposters if the frogposters are frogging up the damn board, you fool.

>> No.10416690

dialectics is two positions thrown against each other which results in a newer understanding. It's literally what happens every time you have an argument with someone you disagree with. They attack you in new ways, you defend in new ways, and you do the same to them.

>> No.10416692

no escape. read austrian econ, become self sufficient, get a hands on hobby like carpentry or engine repair to keep you physical and out of your head

get a reasonably intelligent gf. tryt o stave off suicide.

it'll never get better

>> No.10416693

cant believe people replied to my bait t b h

>> No.10416708

Praxeology, which OP has a problem with, is part of Austrian econ anon...
I imagine it could be mathematically codified. Too bad academia's too busy getting a carpet burn from jacking itself off too hard to to finish praxeology or develop austrian-libertarian thought in any capacity.

>> No.10417068
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.t brainlet

>> No.10417078

nash formulas more or less unintentionally hard codify praeology as true

e.g. tit or tat is the only universally successful strategy (due to parasitism)

nash regarding centralisation prove that iterated and responsive systems are almost 100% of the time built by skin in the game actors, etc.

but thats precisely the reason academics need to be hanged. they discovered austrian school is correct then ignored all of it

>> No.10418362

why bother with biology or chemistry if you don’t work on research?

>> No.10418392
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>talk about jews in any negative way whatsoever
>jews dindu nuffin

>> No.10418461

then what the fuck is "dialectical materialism"?
two guys discussing the price of bread?

>> No.10418621

jewish verbal tricks

>> No.10418666

If you can’t deal with ambiguity, uncertainty, and the lack of foundations you probably shouldn’t be on /lit/

>> No.10418670

it doesn’t matter anymore, its now a pseudo-real thread

>> No.10418692

>he thinks that an unregenerated human being can be objective
Read Gurdjieff.

>> No.10418699

Loony marxist historical determinism. They actually think they can predict the future using a """"dialectical process""""". Tell me leftism isn't a religion.

>> No.10418732

It’s a crude 19th century way of understanding the world as working according to things which would later be called ‘feedback loops’, ‘reciprocal transaction’, ‘emergent properties’, ‘non-linearity’ and so on.

When Engles or Lenin talk about ‘the transformation of quantity into quality’ they basically are referring to ‘emergence of spontaneous order’ or Malcolm Gladwell’s “Tipping Point”.

>> No.10418764

Yet when you read Marx’s actual history writing, 18th Brumaire for example, it’s clear that he understands the outcomes as being highly contingent on the personalities involved and the choices they made.

The dialectical process is far more a descriptive one than a predictive one.

Marx’s innovation is to be explicit about the social and economic factors which form the background in which men act. He’s explicit that it’s the particulars of the situation which create the range of possibilities, but it is the choices of men which ultimately take us to the particular instance which actually happens.

>> No.10418769

what do i have to read to understand what this post is talking about

>> No.10418772

Same reason every board is shit, 70-year-olds from r/the_donald.

>> No.10418779

>randomly bringing up some reddit page unprompted
go back there

>> No.10418800

If you want the Marxist side of this, the most explicit schematic of ‘Dialectical and Historical Materialism’ is Stalin’s book of that name. Most Marxists consider it to be overly mechanical and lacking nuance but I don’t really know of any other book which attempts an explicit discussion on methods.

The German Ideology Pt. I, and the Preface to ‘A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy’ both by Marx are also good places to look. The first couple paragraphs of 18th Brumaire gives his quickest summary of historical materialism probably.

As for the other stuff, honestly just flipping around on Wikipedia pages starting with “Systems Theory”, and things linked to that will give you the basic idea and you’ll be able to find more fleshed out resources from there. The wiki does indeed mention Marx and Engels as precursors to systems theory.

>> No.10419573

>implying they weren't both degenerates
The Nazis lost, industry kept getting better, end of story. The true master race are the "centrists" (people who know how to take advantage of all things at the right time).

>> No.10419596

>The true master race are the "centrists"
Then why is there a specific demographic of people with a hugely disproportionate level of representation within my government that preaches one code of conduct to me while abiding by a separate code of conduct for themselves?

>> No.10419632
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>> No.10419640

>/leftypol/ users

>> No.10419642

Because the world operates under democracy right now.