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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 624x245, nickisintrouble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10412857 No.10412857 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no! Pray for Nick, guys :'(

>> No.10412862

Would be nice to see another right-winger die

>> No.10412888

Jeez, he's only 55. He did look horribly out of shape in that recent video though.

>> No.10412901

Which recent video? I'll admit he doesn't look great in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8byZUj0vmwE but in all his lecture videos he looks fine.

>> No.10412902

Don't do drugs, kids

>> No.10412942

Came here to write this

>> No.10412946

Brits love coke like Niggers love ass

>> No.10412953

Your body on continental philosophy

>> No.10412996

I don't think Nick would approve of prayer.

>> No.10412998

80% mortality rate


>> No.10413016


I wonder how the amerifriends who are popping adderall will feel when they realize that the reason he looks so fucking battered is his daily amphetamine use.

>> No.10413018

jesus. stay safe nick. do amphetamines lead to heart attacks

>> No.10413022
File: 109 KB, 634x1080, 1512511682393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism kills

>> No.10413026

>do amphetamines lead to heart attacks

Jesus fuck, obviously yes

>> No.10413059

I'm sure it was the racism and not the years of drug/alcohol abuse.

>> No.10413063
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RIP, sweet prince

>> No.10413071

Should i bother reading him? I'm concerned it's just pages of bizarre conjecture terminating in conveniently racist conclusions.

>> No.10413074

Start with A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism.

>> No.10413075

yes read him and stop being a faggot, race isn’t technically real but its extremely useful for understanding reality and population genetics, study of haplogroups renders it sort of real. absolutely read Land, he’s not a Nazi

>> No.10413089


think he'd appreciate a 'get well soon' card from /lit/?

>> No.10413101


>> No.10413104

Yes but he wouldn't admit it.

>> No.10413108

Race has enormous implications with regards to how a society will operate.

>> No.10413112

Bit sure how you'd send it to him. He doesn't just give his address out to people for obvious reasons and I've heard he's in Singapore right now, possibly for medical reasons.

>> No.10413117

sure, he’ll laugh at it tho

>> No.10413120

The racism happens quick and the conclusions are not convenient

>> No.10413121

If you read him as a sci-fi horror instead of as an actual philosopher he's entertaining though I'd avoid his retarded pseud fans who take him seriously

>> No.10413124

This guy is definitely not making it to level-2.

>> No.10413127

Someone could tweet it, also he lists an email addrsss on xenosystems.

>> No.10413130

>I've heard he's in Singapore right now

Where do you get this info from?

>> No.10413134

you both are going to love the future a lot

twitter might be best option, he’s always on there

>> No.10413162


>> No.10413185

Weather in China will do that

>> No.10413217
File: 30 KB, 473x298, Kane-3,127768,original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I thought Nick Land was going to become our Kane and make the order of Nod in order to beat NATO.

>> No.10413249

I guess he really ACCELERATED his own death hehe

>> No.10413300


>> No.10413306

Oh, I thought you meant a physical letter. I think he would like knowing people appreciate his work enough to make him a letter though.

>> No.10413315
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>> No.10413336

lmao wtf

>> No.10413346

lulz xdd

>> No.10413396

The Deep State got him

>> No.10413537


>> No.10413563

fugg, get well soon nico

maybe time to stop smoking those chinkfags

>> No.10413578

haha BASED corporate fascist cocksucker, BASED Dear Leader who shorted the real estate market before it crashed and whose friends are all deep state and organ1d cr1m3; BASED boomer appeciation irony from the postironic masters at /pol/




>> No.10413583


>> No.10413601

Where is your retrocausal post-singularity future god now Land?

>> No.10413611
File: 243 KB, 1191x794, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closer than you think.

>> No.10413616

be nice to see you nigger lovers hang

nick barely even comments on race, and is less racist than you, given that he speaks chinese and lives in china

you can... eat fried chicken and avoid talking back to niggers? out of fear? so tolerant

>> No.10413621


be nice though. if continental composition is intended to accomplish anything via form, land is precisely it

funny that he is so pro anglo but cant into analytics

>> No.10413646

Nigga, I don't have organs and I'm an analytic

>> No.10413747

Live fast, die young


>> No.10413822


May the void continue to breath through him.

>> No.10413838

underrated post

>> No.10414017


>> No.10414025

>Chinese engineering

inb4 it bursts into flames

>> No.10414114

>the increasingly nervous american repeats his stale memes again as he sees his nations world hegemony crumle

>> No.10414123

t. Germany, USSR, Japan, EU...

>> No.10414139

germany, europe, canada, etc all have huge nigger problems too

cant even stop truck massacres

>> No.10414144

Chinks are little better than niggers. Read up on Chinese history, "peaceful" and "stable" are not words you'll find a lot

>> No.10414148

speaks chinese. bull. shit.

>> No.10414153

ah, yes. you skimmed a iki page about china and that means conflict makes them niggers

tip top mate

>> No.10414154

Not they don't

>> No.10414157

>be world power since the 50s
>think it will last


>> No.10414169

Displacement requires competition. A toxic ridden shithole of effeminate manlet bugmen is not going to be it.

>> No.10414171

I've never met a bilingual hite liberal. they're all dumb, brainletcel go hate on someone else

>> No.10414176
File: 5 KB, 190x266, 1513450200751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never met a bilingual hite liberal. they're all dumb, brainletcel go hate on someone else

Bugs... easy on the amphetamines...

>> No.10414189

liberals cant even learn spanish. fucking idiots

>> No.10414223

This image always cracks me up.

>> No.10414231
File: 48 KB, 553x640, 1512914268186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this racism aboot?

>> No.10414235


>> No.10414239
File: 376 KB, 781x484, alq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Displacement requires competition.
Doesn't require the runner up to necessarily become better, the leader become worse can be enough.

But if you think China isn't serious competition and well on the way up you've only been consuming American news.

>> No.10414365

He wrote a whole book about how badly he wants to die. And now he suddenly doesn’t? Hypocrite.

>> No.10414399

not surprising. the guy is old, dumpy, probably never exercises, eats like shit, etc

>> No.10414603
File: 144 KB, 576x903, landdietadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol he's getting diet advice in his replies.

>> No.10414617

I wonder how a man of his intellect endures the company of unironic white nationalists

>> No.10414632

Its his own fault for being an ironic white nationalist

>> No.10414633

That Guyenet guy really knows how to market to morbidly obese Ameriburgers. "Instinctual overeating" is a foe to be outsmarted. Truly the heavy bones of the 21st century.

>> No.10414643

He doesn't have to like their company, just their cash

>> No.10414658

What does that have to do with that post? Do you know who that is and if he's a white nationalist? Even if he is, what does that have to do with what he said?

>> No.10414667

>implying he's making money off of them

>> No.10414670
File: 85 KB, 212x238, Il Crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10414672


>> No.10414926

Do you have a problem with African Nationalists? Then why would you have a problem with White Nationalists?

>> No.10414934

I dont have a butt but I must poop

>> No.10415026

Again and again, you post this bullshit every thread, every one of the Nick Land threads at least for half and year.

He was always a nihilist, never a leftist or someone who wanted equality. Get over it.

>> No.10415036

He never said in that tweet that he doesn't want to die.

>> No.10415081

Nibba pizzagate was real. You don’t get a bunch of people cavorting with convicted sex offenders, pedophile whistling and human sacrifice art in an age of British elite pedophilia in the public record and have it be nothing

>> No.10415087


>> No.10415095

It’s also worth noting that political gaydom only split with its pedophile wing in the mid-90s, so political gays getting together for some chicken loving around comet ping-pong isn’t wildly out of character

>> No.10415293

he looks cute here ^_^

>> No.10415316

teen thread

>> No.10415346

it was a psyop, there was no evidence behind any of it, much smarter researchers than you or I who i trust almost completely have debunked it completely. if you’re interested you can start digging. It was a fake conspiracy meant to discredit the pedogate investigations in England and France/Belgium and DC. It had no merit, was a political hit job on HRC and her team and was poorly executed so that even a large number of truth movement people distanced themselves from it. its not real even a little bit, if you studied the elites you’d know that they’re not stupid and that pizzagate could only happen to stupid people if it was true. You’re an unqualified thinker as was everyone on /pol/ LARP’ing as detectives. None of you care at all about children, young men or women who get murdered by these people. You’re the worst kind of tourists and you don’t understand what we’ve been building up and your board purposefully did not push hard on thr Prince Andrew case or Dutroux affair. F3ds all over, stormfront a honey pot from the beginning, passing off old KGB and C1A propaganda and intel octopus web fascist propaganda written by rich, coke running criminals in the 50’s and 60’s and disseminated to holed-brained paleos and isolationists to throw people off track from how reality works. I resent all of you and honestly wish this website wasn’t so easy tosubvert but its strengths are also its weaknesses
>unironically when talking about kids you accused someone of murdering
absolutely disgusting

>> No.10415367

no it is you dumb stupid faggot because they don’t need to use a fucking pizza shop or normal middle class families who aren’t likely to be part of these lineage networks. You don’t understand how they get their slaves, how they dispose of them, where they do their rituals and have their parties. You don’t think at all, you’re a parrot and incurious as can be. Typical american, typical unthinking westerner, typical consumer, typical Normalfag (which is what you really are, all of you, neurotypical dipshits with low iq’s). You do not give a damn at all about the kids. You are focusing on democrats and gays because you have an agenda. Low level people like the comet pizza owner would never be put in that kind of public position if they ran a ring. All the low class traffickers are from industrial or sketchy drug dealer/pimp backgrounds and wouldn’t be directly connected so obviously with elites like that. there’s always a degree of separation, anyone whose stufied THEM, not (((them))), but TPTB, the real ones, the akshual people in charge, knows they’re all extremely high iq and c and wouldn’t expose themselves to that kind of public attention ever. You again, are a tourist and don’t care. You were not a part of the truth movement prior to /pol/, you’ve done no primary research and you are politically motivated

>> No.10415378

tomorrow can take care of itself :^)

>> No.10415410
File: 4 KB, 184x184, ce9cef7cf0602df876bdce08425760476d20601a_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hear more. Where can I learn more about the elite?

>> No.10415480

w-why does it take so long for the sun to die?

>> No.10415549

Why would you assume I don't have a problem with African Nationalists? Learn to make an argument that doesn't rely upon low-effort strawmen

>> No.10415559
File: 21 KB, 605x289, thumbnailImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my nigger i have literally seen meatspace evacuate with my artificial eyes
whoop de doo

>> No.10415622

he'll be fine

>> No.10415754

Ok, I will give you the baby spoon with my regurgitation, so you can eat it, chew it around a bit, hock and chock up unto it your own flavors, and then regurgitate back your own, because you are shy.

Hey there pal: why do you have a problem with African Nationalists? And why do you have a problem with White Nationalists?

>> No.10415758

*crosses arms and tilts head upwards snobbily* Humpfhh, now I am not answering you because you tried to mock me!!! Your loss, my answer and opinion is extremely important and accurately true

>> No.10416343

*raises paw*

>> No.10416381

>+The Reactionary Tree do you have any data to suggest that democracy and egalitarianism brought about the great recession? i won't ask for proof of "societal decay" since that just means your precious egos can't cope in a world where you aren't god. if you don't want to back up your rhetorical bullshit you can just sneer and call me a communist and a leftist, which is all your pathetic whinging cult is capable of. i suppose that will all change when your "decaying" sea stead is trying to pay for repairs to patch up its leaks with crypto currencies noone else wants. have fun drowning because cuthulu isn't coming to smite you and you'll just rot on the ocean floor until you're consumed by plankton which is in turn consumed by a homosexual miscegenated species of whale you fucking douchebags.
You can't disprove this.

>> No.10416396

>The Reactionary Tree
Holy shit that guy used to be everywhere, I wonder what happened to him.

>> No.10416429

Nick is gonna leave a sexy corpse. The analytics were/are hopelessly autistic, hair-splittingly boring, and petty in their "rulz of grammar". Saul Kripke is what happens to you when you devote your life to philosophy of language.

>> No.10416470

Haha fuck him. Primitivism wins again. All that speed didn't advance much but his age huh?

>> No.10416488

These k*kes really hate self-determination, for all peoples.

>> No.10416492

analytic phil is not about grammar. it is about forcing language conventions to conform to reality

e.g. forbidding euphenmism fuckery

and it succeeded, for a time

>> No.10416878

hey hbdchick!

>> No.10417769


>> No.10417901
File: 76 KB, 604x646, nicollo landiavelli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's going to make it lads

>> No.10417908

you'll make him have another stroke dont do it

>> No.10418413

Just imagine

>> No.10418439

anon, primitivism is a movement in visual arts. having a little trouble with naming stuff correctly because all that hate and irony are hard to maintain, eh? ;)

>> No.10418604

Wow #btfo

>> No.10418610

democracy correlates with lower iq’s, egalitarianism correlates with debt. so yeah, that person shouldn’t ever speak again. also, not understanding the inevitability of kybernetic control networks is a sign of insanity or again lower iq.

>> No.10419217

He’s already back at tweeting alt-right byllshit

>> No.10419405

Is Land to Deleuze what Marx was to Hegel?

>> No.10419495


>> No.10419526

Who did this?

>> No.10419567

Redpill me on Land. A lot of the British authors/theorists I I like have written about him (Kodwo Eshun, Mark Fisher, Simon Reynolds, etc.) as have British musicians, especially those descended from 90s electronic/rave/experimental music (Kode9 + Hyperdub, Fatima al-Qadiri, Lee Gamble, etc.)

However, they tend to refer to his work before the "breakdown" whereas in more current contexts, he's often described as an incredibly racist/far right and misanthropic drug addict who has completely destroyed any semblance of a reputation he used to have.

Where do I start/end with this guy?

>> No.10419587

his modern/racist pieces are far more comprehensible than his drug fueled leftist binges. they're essentially the same though.

anyone that thinks being racist undermined him is an idiot. he fundamentally pens pieces about intelligence heirarchy as a property of cybernetic configurations of flesh

if you get that far and cant figure out some brains are BETTER you're a fucking idiot

>> No.10419629

this desu

some lefties just like edge within a containment space, but nicky doesn't do well at honouring those constraints