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/lit/ - Literature

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10414912 No.10414912 [Reply] [Original]

Do christians take the bible literally? Like do you actually believe what is being described in the bible actually happened, or do you think they are more meant for their messages?

>> No.10414939

Yes, obviously only the new testament though, I'm Christian not Jewish.

>> No.10414977


Short Answer: Yes

Long Answer: Yes

Are you kidding?

>> No.10414987


I don't think Christians are terribly consistent most of the time, and when they are it's usually at the cost of coherence and intelligence

>> No.10415006

The book was written by flawed men about a perfect one and the God who created him, and existed for thousands of years on animal skin written in candle soot before being translated many times.

Don't expect everything to be perfect.

>> No.10415016

>t. nu-christian, recently started taking it seriously nigger
lol ok yeah the Jewish parts are fake and actually about your ancestors, the new testament parts (all also about Jews) are real

>> No.10415020

I sure hope they don't because if they did, they would literally want to murder gay people because their god said so.

>> No.10415027

You have to be joking.

>> No.10415033

Some do, some don't.

>> No.10415047 [DELETED] 

Try the redpill, scum whore. There are very many good reasons to take it literally. Sorry if it doesn't conform to your feminist-liberal brainwashed mind

>> No.10415055

First, you can't just lump all Christians together. There are many types and they believe different things.

But to answer your question, most of them take some parts literally and other parts non-literally. Only certain, small protestant sects take the whole thing literally.

And of course, if you take the whole thing non-literally, you are Jordan Peterson mode.

>> No.10415061


I'm a cultural Christian. At least for me the answer is no. I read the Bible like literature and I apply to my life in the ways I think are important.

>> No.10415067

>Do christians take the bible literally?
This approach to the whole issue indicates that you do not know of the varying genres within the Bible. The Bible is a collection of 66 books + Apocrypha. Very few know that Genesis is written in poetic language, for example.

>> No.10415078

Please point me to where this redpill is. Idiot.

>> No.10415106 [DELETED] 

Thank me later

>> No.10415108

The Hexaemeron by St. Basil the Great

>> No.10415198

The Bible is a library. You don't go into the history section looking for poetry.

>> No.10415206

>There are very many good reasons to take it literally.
Not even one.

>> No.10415212

every scientist accepts monogenism, so yeah Adam and Eve were real

>> No.10415217

It's meant to be literal, actual history, but since it became extremely obvious even to the ancients that this is impossible, they've tried to erase this fact. Now that there's no doubt that it's purely made up, their reaction is to simply stick their fingers in their ears and ignore reality however best they can.

>> No.10415230

>every scientist accepts Adam and Eve were real singular ancestors of homo sapiens
Name one? Then, name ten.

>> No.10415233

To Christians who do not believe the Genesis creation account as literal history, at least be honest that you just don't believe it, rather than trying to pretend that it's something other than what it is. It's better to be honest.

>> No.10415243

Why do people like this exist on /lit/? You say absolutely nothing but buzzwords. Your prime mode of argument is ad hominem.

>> No.10415266

Protestants are not Christians; they’re heretics.

>> No.10415287

Actually happened in the symbolic sense. We're symbolic creatures, and the OT actually happened in that sense at least. The closer you get to the end the more the events that happened are physical events.


Yes. By all accounts.

>> No.10415296

I thought that was Catholics?

>> No.10415305

>Actually happened in the symbolic sense.
What do you mean?

>> No.10415310


>> No.10415326


>did fish, birds, and mammals get created in less than a week
>was Jesus sent by God to save humanity

>> No.10415350

Look up Tolkiens concept of a Sanctifying Myth. That'll give you an idea of how Orthodoxy interprets a lot of the Bible. In short, it depends on which book of the Bible is being analyzed and its literary format and intended audience. Books like Genesis, Exodus, and Judges may be grounded in a historical event, but are for all intents and purposes allegorical or metaphorical. The Deuterocanonical books are just books of law, so they must be put in context of their intent for the Brews at the time. Books like the Gospels are written as eye witness accounts and are treated as such. Etc etc etc

>> No.10415369

How do you christians decide what actually happened and what is allegory?

>> No.10415371

If it's something that would embarrass you in front of your secular friends, then it's not literal.

>> No.10415372
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New Testament 100% happened, rest is more complicated

>> No.10416971

yes but its a ~metaphor~

>> No.10416974

Because /lit/ exists on the same website as /pol/. There's no way to avoid them coming here.

>> No.10416981

I think a lot of people believe their "holy writ" just enough to justify their other wackier agendas,which are almost always self serving and profitable. This includes Ayn Rand.

>> No.10417000

So Jesus curing hordes of people from all kinds of ailments and diseases, bringing back people to life and dividing a small and limited amount of food without end all happened?

>> No.10417011

It wasn't taken literally in the first place. People didn't exactly write nonfiction like today back then.

>> No.10417014

inerrancy doesn't mean literalism, it means that God has made it so that the text contains a distinct, accessible message

>> No.10417023


>> No.10417033

Are you sure you’re in the right place?

>> No.10417053

It's the truth, manifested in a way that anyone can believe and understand. Metaphors, analogies, explanations that were written by such commonfolk at the time. Also heavily influenced and changed im sure. The turth is in there though.

>> No.10417055

Didn't say that, did I? Maybe you should learn to read. Since you are so incapable, I'll reveal my inference. Monogenism essentially claims we—of all races— came from one common descendent. This scientific consensus fits seamlessly with the story of Adam and Eve. So don't fucking say your hurdur tripe
>every scientist accepts Adam and Eve were real singular ancestors of homo sapiens
when you are painfully unable to see what I actually said.

Too, if you look to polygenism as a counter, you are like a retarded racist from the 19th century.

>> No.10418452
File: 473 KB, 1784x1024, 35312060-B322-4D33-AFCF-016E8FD71A38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10418968

I didn't and neither did anybody I know. Everybody appreciated the Bible, but in symbolic sense; lots of metaphoric wisdom and whatnot.

>> No.10419026

Origen is a bad example, he believed in reincarnation and all sorts

>> No.10419031
File: 295 KB, 1259x1600, resurrection-icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. And, of course, the Resurrection literally happened. Without it Christianity would be a pointless religion.

>> No.10419248


>> No.10419286


Well what's wrong with that?

>> No.10420032
File: 302 KB, 640x638, Ancient-Hebrew-view-of-universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this looks completely reasonable

>> No.10420078
File: 114 KB, 402x564, 1449680035654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural 'christians' refusing to humble themselves before God
everyone who considers it as "helpful and symbolic metaphors" or any such nonsense are tricking themselves and using the church for their own ego. I highly consider these people either stop corrupting the church with their presence and false faith, or confess your blasphemy to your priest.

>> No.10420092
File: 172 KB, 1200x800, web-card-wilfrid-napier-synod-of-bishops-briefing-2015_10_20-c2a9-antoine-mekary-aleteia-dsc1005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultural Christians are all going to go to Hell with the rest of the de facto atheists.

>> No.10420115


Well, sorry, I have trouble with that thing called "faith."

>> No.10420152

You're joking right? Please tell me you know bait when you see it

>> No.10420212

just empty yourself to God and follow God endlessly, longing for God. Drink holy words like sweet water in an endless desert.
what else can be done?

>> No.10421422

I'm incapable of having a belief (in the sense I'm completely apathetic towards possible existence of paranormal and paranormal itself), but I think Bible's breddy good stuff anyway.

>> No.10421426

agreed, that image could use Augustine, who specifically counselled Christians against using the account in Genesis as a literal scientific one... they would be laughed out, even back then..

>> No.10421429

the exception proves the rule

>> No.10421432

this turns people away

>> No.10421458


>> No.10421460

Can I get a ref for that please? It would be a good source to have handy

>> No.10421535

Why would Jesus carry around a small version of what killed him?