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10412340 No.10412340 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I download the quarterly essay for free?

>> No.10412557

Why would you ever read quarterly essay? The best cultural commentary comes out of the diffuse “alt-right” sphere

>> No.10413170

Support quality journalism.

>> No.10414324

I guess you're right

>> No.10414347


>> No.10415185

Ahahaha doesn’t make it not true. You and the chattering class can enjoy being wrong on everything and incapable of accurately predicting things

>> No.10415196
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>> No.10415211

*fails to accurate predict anything*

>> No.10415232
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I predicted the Democrat loss in 2015. And I'm a brainlet. NRx cannot be ignored.

>> No.10415238
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I'm predicting that you will be spending yet another life as an incel, lmfao

>> No.10415239

go back to 2014 and stay there you sperg. I'm not a shitlib I just hate faggots who think reading bargain bin classics and hating niggers makes them a fucking aristocrat

>> No.10415265

Wow incel great Chapo joke I’m sure those rich Jews are honest

>> No.10415270

chapo just plagiarises frogtwitter and 4chan shit. You're either trolling or retarded

>> No.10415274

All these delicious buttmad (You)s. Mmm mm.

I was a liberal Democrat you fucks. I railed against Bush in the early 2000s, voted for Obama twice and served in his Army for nearly his entire time in offce. The way the DNC ran their 2016 campaign and shut out the people from the process was to me a sign of a failing democracy. The neoreactionary movement is not about hating people for their race, it's a natural consequence of tyranny. Read Xenophon, read Thucydides. Understand why voters do things, and review the past election and the media circus that has been 2017 to see how the system we have now is not a functioning democracy.

I don't have to convince you of anything. The voters of this country are losing their goddamned minds and for good reason. The consequences of our civic carelessness can't be stopped, and you can't laugh them away.

>> No.10415276

The only people still saying incel are Chapo fans

>> No.10415314
File: 414 KB, 1015x599, Nick land god i wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neoreactionary movement
it was minuscule in 2014 and it has shrunk ever since. Mike Annisimov had a melt down over a girl not playing Sonic 3 with him, Bryce Lalibert got cyberbullied off the internet and Nick Land is just a gay nerd who wants to burn rice. I didn't read your tl;dr spiel because boring dunning kruger faggots are dime a dozen. Again im not a shitlib I hate democracy but so does anyone who isnt a retard. Quit pretending you're like some esoteric string pulling puppet master you're a 20 year old who was socialised on the internet

>what is r9k
>what is r/incels (RIP)