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10409397 No.10409397 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone hate this book?

>> No.10409403

why does anybody like this book?

>> No.10409409

Because it's trash, and you're trash too for not checking the archive. Illiterate cunt bitch OP.

>> No.10409517 [DELETED] 
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Reported for swearing. Ironic rudeposting is still rude.

>> No.10409545

Because it's trash in everything that it sets out to do. It's not good fiction, but it's not good philosophy either. Rand is sloppy in her arguments, condescending in her world view, and dismissive of all critiques. Then every "libertarian" who reads it thinks its god's gift to earth, and won't even consider the fact that it's flawed to the point of being almost irredeemable. Any criticism is then felt, not on the merit of her argument, but on the whole world view in general.

The worst part is that there is a wealth of libertarian-esque literature that does a whole lot better of a job than she in basically every way in arguing for their point of view, but most people are too convinced by fucking ramblings to even notice them.

>> No.10409553

>The worst part is that there is a wealth of libertarian-esque literature that does a whole lot better of a job than she in basically every way in arguing for their point of view, but most people are too convinced by fucking ramblings to even notice them.


>> No.10409596

robert nozick anarchy state and utopia immediately comes to mind. It's the philosophical cornerstone to the philosophical literature of individual liberty, freedom, and the absence of state government.

Hell, Nozick even published an entire article entitled "on the randian argument" which addresses the problems that Rand presents in here argument. Jan Narveson does the same in "Ayn Rand as Moral & Political Philosopher " which can be googled if you're curious.

Other examples that I won't go into detail include:

Why Not Capitalism? by Jason Brennan

The Problem of Political Authority Michael Huemer

Is Wealth Redistribution a Rights Violation? Michael Huemer

Markets without Limits by Jason Brennan & Peter Jaworski

Unequivocal Justice by Christopher Freiman

Sweatshops, Choice, And Exploitation by Matt Zwolinsk

The problem with most of these, is they critique previous philosophy and then use that as a foundation for when they assert their argument. So if you don't know say Jon Rawl's theory of justice, much of this might seem pedantic.

>> No.10409605


>> No.10409888

You forgot to mention Rand and Marx.

>> No.10409915

They fear it. They fear Ayn Rand because her work opens people up to rational questions about the leftist states quo. That is why you get scum like John Oliver making segments for brainlets laughing about how Ayn Rand is even read in the current year. Mocking anybody who would consider her ideas is a good way of trapping the mentally feeble via social pressure.

>> No.10409921

Because it's fucking shit.

>> No.10409937
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>Hero is unironically a buff, genius, alpha male billionaire
>Protagonist is unironically a sexy, genius, independent (yet somehow still totally dedicated to a man), rich woman.
>"Why does everyone hate this book"

>> No.10409948


>> No.10409976

The Fountainhead is a much better example of her work. Its a neater narrative with more believable characters and points to mull over.

>> No.10410258

I hope so; I can only say I read Atlas Shrugged, and it tarnished her pretty bad in my mind. It's not even her attempt either, it's the un-ironic smugness that she presented her argument that's really aggravating. She makes it seem like her conclusions are the only ones derived from reason, and thus any counter argument is a critique not on her argument, but on reason itself.

>> No.10410260


Turns out that people hate shit books, who knew?

>> No.10410316
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>> No.10410317


>> No.10410326

The prose is ham-fisted in the extreme, and the characters are one-dimensional mouthpieces for the author's half-baked philosophy.

If American capitalists hadn't seized on it as their new bible, it would be consigned to the dustbin of history.

>> No.10410337

Yeah I've heard of a lot of people having that problem with her. I think that kind of attitude is prominent in a lot of people who are in anti-emotional contrarian fields of thought. Her ideas are definitely a lot easier to consume in the Fountainhead, they are interesting ones to be considered and thought over but definitely shouldn't be seen as a new religion to subscribe to. A purely objectivist world would be one with a lot of devastating problems but its definitely a voice to be considered with some valid contributions.

>> No.10410401

what is an argument?

>> No.10410606


I liked the story... could have been cut back a bit.

Although her idea of utopia is a communist one. Bankers and engineers that are also part time pig farmers.

>> No.10410846

Because everyone is wrong and she proves it.

>> No.10410882

Not an argument

You're wrong, she's wrong

>> No.10411419
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>i am so very smart, look at me, wake up sheeple!
>free markets fix everything
>i love to suck ceo cock and let my boss fuck my wife
it's time for you to go back to a certain place, I'm sure you know where it is

>> No.10411497

People don't understand that Atlas Shrugged is a romance novel written by a histrionic sexual predator with an addiction to amphetamines. She created an ideology specifically designed to appeal to young, overconfident men so that she could s gather them around her and talk them into sleeping with her. The male characters are portraits of the kinds of men that she fantasized about sexually humiliating and/or getting fucked by. Only the purest and strongest god-man escapes a fate of permanent celibate cuckoldry, muttering quiet devotions to her insane egomania.

Seen in this light, Atlas Shrugged revealed one of the greatest works of pornography ever created.

>> No.10411545


Someone here needs to do a Freudian analysis of Rand

>> No.10411560

Because she tried setting up a shitty philosophy based on emotional repression and men she wanted to fuck. Any other philosophy is wrong because she says so

>> No.10411916
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It would be nice if the protagonists in Atlas Shrugged actually existed. CEOs that knew their employees personally and realized that they have a vested interest in their welfare,pitching in themselves in times of crisis. Proud to provide the products and services they produce,and are rewarded with the high regard from customer and servant alike,who see profit as the means to improve and expand them.

But we don't.

Instead,we have an elitist class of executive who understands numbers in their abstract state,not the human workforce those statistics represent. They happily destroy lives to feed their greed,cut quality and service of their production to the bleeding edge for greed,and swarm like locusts on companies,devouring every cent they can out of them before abandoning them to collapsing bankrupt husks.

And the evil government trying to reign them in? In her mirror worldview they menace the noble entrepreneurs with needless regulations. In our world,the government IS big business,and is easily swayed by a taste of graft.

Ayn Rand was a naive dreamer. And this book the banner held aloft by a largely hypocritical sniggering ruling class.

>> No.10411939
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all of those are socialists

the mises -> rothbard -> hoppe line of libertarians are the only true libertarians

>> No.10411942
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>> No.10412595

They're mad that its one of the most influential books in the elites of United States.

>> No.10412834

I know this is bait, but come on dude. I just can't stand when people say this. Saying it's trash literally is an argument. They're all arguments. Granted, they aren't particularly productive ones, or detailed ones. But your reply is just the most leddit tier bullshit, and the really ironic thing is that you think your reply pointing out their argument or lack thereof has any more argumentative merit than theirs. Sorry to burst your bubble, but according to your definition, your reply isn't an "argument" either.

>> No.10413099

Why does the only correct ideology have so few ideologues to proclaim it?

>> No.10413216

Because they're parasites. /thread.

>> No.10413233

you can’t /thread your own post you fucking newfag

>> No.10413236



>> No.10413240

t. rent-seeking collectivist. /thread.

>> No.10413241


Also this

>> No.10413242

The first thing you need to understand is that The Argument is everything.
The Argument is civilization; The Argument is peace; The Argument is love;
The Argument is truth and beauty; The Argument is, in fact, life itself.

>> No.10413291
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Over-written/"cinematic" writing

I don't need to know the guy went across the room to open the window, or what the sky looked like. Yes, some good authors have done this, but sparingly- and even then it was utterly forgettable, and easily spliced out. They're called the greats because they're great, not because every line is perfect. And Rand was a complete slut for this style of writing. Character blocking and vocal intonation and physical description and irrelevant detail after irrelevant detail. It's amateurish.

>> No.10413816

saying /thread on your own post is a common joke
I don't agree with the guy who said it (ancap retard) but maybe your the new one if you can't recognize that he's kidding

>> No.10413874

Who's this cutie