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File: 16 KB, 196x320, TheProtocolsCvrsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10406122 No.10406122 [Reply] [Original]

I've finished reading this for the first time today, quite the sinister little book. After more than 100 years since it's publication what is /lit/ verdict on it? Hoax or a scary prediction of the future?

>> No.10406129


>> No.10406166

Both? Explain your reasoning?

>> No.10406174

While its a fabrication the spirit of its message is totally correct

>> No.10406182



>While its a fabrication the spirit of its message is totally correct

oh yeah. "nobody likes a smartass!" - Bordini, "the last remake of beau geste"

>> No.10406212

But how would you explain the Jewish overrepresentation in the USA political and economic elite? Don't know about Europe though.

>> No.10406224

There's never been any definitive proof that it was a hoax. Jews have been squealing for decades that it is but as anyone whose grown up with the internet should know that is just what jews do regardless of the verity of the allegation against them.

>> No.10406226

I only mean its a fabrication in that Jews didn't actually write it, although its totally representative of what they're up to

>> No.10406232

I think it's a fabrication only because Jews are too clever to put this shit down in writing. There's no need to when they all know what the deal is

>> No.10406233 [DELETED] 

it is, quite obviously, a hoax
t. szlomo rozenberg

>> No.10406251

The fact that whole sections of it are lifted from the satirical Machiavelli and Montesquieu dialogue shows that it's a forgery.

>it's not real but it's still real
Nazi logic, everyone

>> No.10406257

The message is real the author is not. Hope that's not too complex for your mulatto Leftist brain

>> No.10406263

Maybe they didn't think it would be released? That is I think the general consensus among those who believe it could be legit.

I've never seen evidence of that. But you're a kike trying to disrupt any talk of your tribe, I know that much.

>> No.10406265

Jews are ideally situated for success in America because of their culture. They are perfectly optimized to get ahead in capitalism. It's not a big conspiracy. It's more analogous to natural selection as opposed to intelligent design -- local examples of ethnic nepotism notwithstanding.

>> No.10406267

>if you have to be a leftist to despise nazism
Nice try amerimutt.

>> No.10406284

>But how would you explain the Jewish overrepresentation in the USA political and economic elite?

Their higher IQ for one.
>tfw when you realize all your poltard arguments about exterminating niggers could similarly be used by Jews against whites.

>> No.10406286

>Being Jew aware means you're a Nazi

This used to be common opinion for millenia for a reason

>> No.10406295

There's far more Whites with genius level IQ than Jews with a competitive level. Like by several exponents

>> No.10406301

As long as you include their penchant for lying and cheating the goyim as a part of that culture, sure. But jewish nepotism is hardly "localized"; it has infected every white-created institution in the west, most of which are now jewish ethnic rackets.

>> No.10406305

There's more chinks than whites and they have a higher average IQ.

>> No.10406308

And I'm sure there's many nigs who have a much higher IQ than you.
Genocide rhetoric isn't about cherry picking the elite in a group, it's about demographic averages.
You probably have a folder full of literal 9.5/10 white girls with "save the white race" written on them and that's what you think you're saving, lol.

>> No.10406311

It's limited to verbal IQ though. And this: >>10406295

There is a lot more to the equation than IQ, of course.

>> No.10406316

>Genocide rhetoric

You mean like the anti-white, white is a social construct, pro-replacement immigration rhetoric jews dish out on a daily basis?

>> No.10406319
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Higher average but far lower standard deviation. Hence why they make good technicians but rarely ever perform at a high level

>> No.10406321

They're just using the /pol/ playbook. If an argument is right then it's right, whosoever argues it.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.

>> No.10406323

Would dismiss it as a hoax if Jews didn't sperg out so much about it. These people behavior is strange really. You talk with someone how the sinking of the Titanic made way to the creation of the Federation reserve and they scream anti-semitism and I'm like, what?

>> No.10406324

>And I'm sure there's many nigs who have a much higher IQ than you

Stastically improbable. After a certain threshold the graph dictates ridiculous uncertainty. Like one in a trillion

>> No.10406329

>self defense is morally equivalent to murder

>> No.10406338

Jews have been doing that for decades, long before there was ever a pol, because jews are the kings of genocide. Nearly every holiday of theirs celebrates the genocide of non-jews, which is ever the more reason for whites to remove them.

>> No.10406343

That particular book might be a hoax, but anyone who seriously studies the Jewish question would arrive at similar conclusions

>> No.10406347
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>> No.10406361

Not really,its already point it out in this thread that it was a hoax,directly and literaly copy-paste tier hoax.
I am not particulary fond with jews, and any race for that matter

>> No.10406377

>I am not particulary fond with jews, and any race for that matter
*tips fedora*

>> No.10406380

Then post proof. As far as I've seen there's never been anything definitive on showing it to be a hoax, there have only been a lot of jews claiming it is, and jews are well-known liars.

>> No.10406398

whatever you believe is true, is true. you don’t need to know anything or prove anything. if its compelling and you have audience just push it until
you have the stength to crus people who oppose you. if you believe jews run all the banks and are “overrepresented” in politics and that “overrepresented” doesn’t mean overachieving but means nepotism or jewish mind tricks. then its true, and you should just run with it.

I see no reason to care about the truth. after all its all simulacra and if this is your sim you want to live out, why not? why not, just claim whatever. as iq and g trend downwards in whyte populations and people become desperate because of automation, err, jewish technomancy just continue saying this stuff until you can leverage it for status and wealth. seriously, just believe whatever you want and if its plausible to you, and you can trust your gut can’t you, just run with it.

Good luck anon, God speed

>> No.10406447
File: 99 KB, 340x501, 1543_On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies_by_Martin_Luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10406485

The interesting parts were plagiarized, read Joly's 'Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu' instead

>> No.10406490

Okay PostModern Man Of Language Deconstruction For The Advancement Of A Particular Narrative (ontologically, philosophically, morally alien to humanity itself)

>> No.10406493

What I mean is that I love all races, happy?

I mean do you want anothter source, perhaps a alt right ehit obvious biased opinion tiwardd semitism I am afraidf I can't do that

>> No.10406499

>too retarded to spell
>links to Wikipedia
Some of us have intellectual standards, buddy.

>> No.10406501


That is far better, yes. Praise Jesus

>> No.10406504

hey man its not my fault that Anglos, Jews and Germanics created a hyperreality to trap the world population inside of for all time. Im not even discouraging you all. Go ahead, advance whatever you want. I hold no strong views on any of this stuff. The way I see it, if you can push a narrative by all means. Might is right amirite??

>> No.10406512

I gain nothing from unfalsifiable conspiracies so I don't care about it.

>> No.10406521

Offtopic but I'm absolutely amazed by how brainwashed people can be. You could show them definitive proof and they'd still say it's not true. My country is a former communist country and you have communist apologists who refuse to face reality. Their mother or daughter could be raped by a communist in front of them and they'd still proclaim the party line. It's scary.

>> No.10406525

no dude its true, don’t you see!? people keep saying it is, so it is. didn’t you see the picture and the posts in this thread and on /pol/ its true! you’re just not seeing the truth, open your eyes its true!

>> No.10406530

>people keep saying it is, so it is.
No, people are asking you to prove it isn't, shlomo.

>> No.10406537

>I gain nothing from unfalsifiable conspiracies

What is intuitive explanative power.
I love how some people are such good goys they refuse to even consider the mere POSSIBLE implications of the Jewish question being correct

>> No.10406558

>What is intuitive explanative power
A string of nonsensical words.

>> No.10406569

Bulgaria? Romania?

The Protocols is a falsified work, but the only thing that really sticks out in my head as a largely unsolved question is that why were the jews so frequently distrusted by everyone over 2000 years? Their lack of nation? I think there was some undercurrent of truth to all of the frivolous jewish conspiracy. I think it's mostly due to their tribalism.

>> No.10406576

The only thing that tempts me toward the JQ or related conspiracy theories is the historical reality that Jews have been despised, persecuted, and exiled in every society that has hosted them. It's like the saying "if you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoes"

>> No.10406577
File: 42 KB, 580x350, 1501908012887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's simply a conspiracy and that's that!
>If you dare to simply consider the possibility you're insane.

The broadminded individual considers all possibilities.

>> No.10406580

>A string of nonsensical words

No it isn't you fucking retard. If you knew someone liked you, despite it being non-falsifiable would it not be easier to understand their behavior better than if you had no idea?
Use your brain you fucking dullard

>> No.10406583

Nice synchronicity bruh

>> No.10406591

>prove that the unsubstantiated claim that’s almost certainly not true is false
>hah the burden of proof is on you!
you’ve got me mein kamaraden, i cannot prove that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is not true, i also can’t prove that Das Kapital is not true or that the Nikayas aren’t true or the Vedas or the Torah. I accept all of these as gospel.

Thank you for this lesson in logic today. I didn’t know that you could make a claim, scream about it a lot and then go “heh prove its not true ‘insert whatever slur’ or else it must be! if you can’t prove its not true then it is!” i think you’ve handily defeated the performative but ultimately PERNICIOUS SOPHISTRY i was using to obfuscate the not at all Tsarist secret police fabrication that is THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION it needn’t matter that its probably the most cartoonish thing every put to paper that purports itself to be true

>> No.10406600

>Use your brain
I am by questioning information that is given to me as self-evidently true because "you should intuitively know it." My intuition tells me otherwise. If you could share an example of convincing solid reasoning from the book then I'm willing to change my mind.

>> No.10406612

One chatted with a Romanian girl whose parents were party members who fled the overthrow. She was convinced that Ceaucescu wasn't so bad and did a lot of good for the people. How do you even argue with people like that?

>> No.10406615

>you should intuitively know it

Changing the goal posts, I never suggested that. Your ridiculous lapse of logic was suggesting there is no utility in accepting a certain interpretation because it may be unfalsifiable which is batshit retarded

>> No.10406624

When it comes to people's lives, there is no justifiable utility in accepting such an interpretation.

>> No.10406627

>i cannot prove that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is not true

No shit, so shut up.

>> No.10406638

Absolute nonsense. Would you ever claim there is no utility to an African American being aware of racism? What is the difference here?

You are deluding yourself for the sake of comfortable horse-blinders from harsh reality

>> No.10406652

>makes a thread that’s obviously an attempt to assert that a text most scholars accept is fake, is real
>even other whyte supremacists say its probably false
>i even grant you that i don’t care either way, and you can believe whatever you want
>you get upset and then demand that i prove that a text that’s almost certainly a fabrication from the Tsarist secret police or Russian nationalist agitators is actually false
>There is no way to definitively prove a text constructed by a group of anonymous nationalits/secret police is a fabrication because if it was it was almost certainly made clandestinely and everyone who made it would face serious backlash if it was found out to be false
>the book itself reads like a cartoonish charicature of how a hated group thinks, to the point where most people start laughing while reading it
>the book almost reads like a description of how capitalists view workers but whatever
>whole tracts from the book are copied almost verbatim from other authors texts
>there are strong theories about which people probably forged it but again this was 100 years ago in Tsarist russia an agrarian state that experienced serious tumult and again it was created clandestinely as black propaganda so there’s little chance of finding a red handed suspect
>even your own people, the /pol/lacks don’t talk about it because it looks like its a forgery and reads like propaganda to most people
>by the exact same logic you are holding me to i can claim the torah and vedas and nikayas are real and true
>i could also claim the Trump dossier is real and the accusations about epstein are true, with no evidence because it seems true to me
>i could also say that Das Kapital is true and that the communist version of events during the Reichstag fire are true using the same type of “””logic”””
>oh look you can’t definitively PROVE that the obvious fabrication is a fabrication
>so shut up so me and my friends can do exactly what you said we’d do, scream and congregate attracting a large enough mass of evil minded, guillable or stupid people to get wealth or status or influence out of it
i yield to you good sir, you are far too powerful a wit and your RHETORIC is absolutely legendary, a cunning like i’ve never before crossed paths with. I hope some day i’ll learn to /pol/ logic and copy other people’s ideas as well as you, my dear whyte supremcist, fascist, racial imperialist, genocidal, racist friend

>> No.10406659

Okay, well share an example of something from the book that you think is valuable, if it means that much to you.

>> No.10406674

Yeah, Ceausescu was loved so much that he was the only commie leader that was shot to death on TV. My father said it perfectly, "The people who loved Ceausescu are the people who profited from his regime."

>> No.10406678

I'm speaking of the Jewish question in general. One example that is of use is for white males interested in their own careers to focus their efforts on companies with white leadership and if they want to be published do so with white presses as the cards are stacked against you in the nepotistic rat nests of Jewish organizations

>> No.10406711

>Hoax or a scary prediction of the future?

How can you ask this question having read the book itself? It claims to be the minutes of a high level meeting of Jews of which no evidence exists outside of this one document which just happned to be discovered by an Ultra Nationalist group in Russia (who could find no other documents) during the middle of the anti Jewish riots and persecutions which killed thousands.

Thats the just the background let alone the style and content of the text.

>> No.10406724

That's not proof.

>anti Jewish
That means pro-normal, especially in the context of Soviet Russia where jews made up most of the ruling class and used their power to murder millions of Russians.

>> No.10406727

What's wrong with nepotism?

>> No.10406728

Think of it as a Post-Modern performance

>> No.10406733

Fucking everything when its directly against you

>> No.10406752

/pol/ utterly btfo once again

>> No.10406769

If you're replying to /pol/, /pol/ has already won

>> No.10406777
File: 189 KB, 1242x1581, why wouldnt he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even in the middle ages they were shoehorned into finance for their unique position as people who didn't have to obey catholic anti-usury laws

Their multi-ethnicity resulted in them picking up useful phenotypes and alleles from all over the world

Their historical oppression has kept them on their toes and only reinforced their "nepotism" (what cultural or ethnic group isn't nepotistic?)

even now, anti-semitic 4chan culture is something that Jews not only see, but recognize as a threat. Why would they respond by behaving the way the anti-semites want them to? The conspiracies of Jewish control have 3 notable effects on Jews:

1) Make them repulsed by anti semitism
2) Make them want to prove the theories wrong by enforcing bonds with other cultures
3) Say "fuck it" and become even more nepotistic and insular, y'know, the "wear it like a badge of pride" theory of dealing with your enemy's slanders

This is only natural and is how every cultural group responds to such allegations. Why wouldn't you protect your tribe? And at the same time, why must we make stupid sweeping generalizations? Attack individuals! If you find a certain person nepotistic, greedy, conspiratorial, what-have-you, say so. No need to apply it to everyone they've ever associated with. That's how morons think. It's amazing how some people are rugged individualists until it comes to blame, then they become collectivists.

>> No.10406781

>That's not proof
When assessing historical issues like this you cant have a proof in the same sense you can in mathematics or chemistry. All you can have the accumulation of evidence for and against that point.

Given the information I showed you do you think that this document is legitimately the record of a meeting produced by a group of individuals known as the Learned Elders of Zion?

>That means pro-normal, especially in the context of Soviet Russia where jews made up most of the ruling class and used their power to murder millions of Russians.

You know that this document and the programs happened in 1903 right? 15 years before the rise of communism and whilst the State of Russia was in complete control of the Tzar.

>> No.10406790

What you're missing is that none of that disputes the fact they are an existential threat to Western Civilization and must be exterminated.
You're right though there's no conspiracy, they act the way they do simply because its their rodent brained nature

>> No.10406796

I mean, everyone is subject to it at some point. Every strong culture becomes it too. Doesn't really explain how it's wrong.

>> No.10406817

In this context I was speaking specifically to an Anon on how the knowledge of Jewish activity would be personally value to an *individual*.

Regardless if you're such a disingenuous cretin you actually need the issue with nepotism spelt out for you its a despicable undermining of all possibility of meritocracy which is contrary to the interest of all of society who benefits when the best person is selected for a given role. Be it productively or creatively.
Thank the high heavens Shakespeare got to write for the public before the position would be given to Schlomo Weinstein's half-witted nephew

>> No.10406822
File: 93 KB, 793x796, 1513030289259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay goys
we concede
all jooz are a problem
what do you do

how do you enforce a worldwide genocide of an amorphous diasporous multinational multiethnic elite nepotistic leviathan network with no consistently identifiable characteristics, especially when most sensible people would renounce your for advocating such a thing, let alone trying to carry it out in an era with cell phone cams, etc.

you're fucking stupid
jews are here to stay
what's disappearing is:

>> No.10406829

Same way we gassed six million of them last time. One train load at a time.

>> No.10406834

It was debunked by one guy who was also a Jew.

>> No.10406844


especially when most sensible people would renounce your for advocating such a thing, let alone trying to carry it out in an era with cell phone cams, etc.

The whole nation roundly despised charlottesville

imagine if nazis actually started trying to do real shit

American Fascism is roundly, ironically anti-nazi

(but pro imperialism and genocide, esp. of muslims, asians)

>> No.10406849

Isn't nationalism a form of nepotism? You seem to hold contradictory stances on this.

>> No.10406852

>muh holohoax

>> No.10406859
File: 1.46 MB, 900x675, Trump is Feudalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's everyone's rodent brained nature

>> No.10406864

What most people comment on after reading the Protocols is how nearly everything in it turned out to be true. In the absence of any proof whatsoever to show it to be false, it is far more reasonable for one to fall on the side of it being true.

>> No.10406871

Our civilization, cultures and race. I mean if you have no problem in the merger of Africa and Europe and think such union can carry the torch of progress...

>> No.10406873

>jews are here to stay

In your entire sick history, that has never been the case and will not be in the future either. Jews are a human plague and are never allowed to stay in one place for long.

>> No.10406876

>especially when most sensible people would renounce your for advocating such a thing, let alone trying to carry it out in an era with cell phone cams, etc.

Yeah and people would have said the exact same thing about Germans before the rise of Nazism.
Turns out sensibility isn't quite what you'd like it to be.

When people wake up again muh phone cameras won't do you any good, people will watch and laugh.

>> No.10406886

>Isn't nationalism a form of nepotism?

No because ideally a nation should be a self contained unit. Within that unit people are ideally rewarded justly to their achievements. This is not the case with Jews where they rather exploit interior networks to leach off the productivity of a greater people.

>> No.10406887
File: 230 KB, 410x301, elite public image rehab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never has salt mining antisemites been easier

>your entire sick history

He actually thinks I'm a jew

>> No.10406890

>He actually thinks I'm a jew

Better safe than sorry

>> No.10406896

Evola was right to say the vast majority of anti-semites are too superficial to actually pose a thread to the Jews.

>> No.10406897

A bloodline / family is also a self contained unit, in which people are given the opportunity to do right by their lineage. You're not making a strong enough case against nepotism.

>> No.10406898
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It's almost like you didn't read the adjectives used. My whole point is your sick pipe dream can't be enforced, not that you don't want it. Your response is full of passion, but lacks intellectual substance. Characteristic of most reactionary thought, desu. Right wingers always claim stoicism with a screech.

>> No.10406904

>You're not making a strong enough case against nepotism.

According to who, your Jew court? Get fucked
Nepotism is not to be favored even when involving families, as important the unit is for personal development, trust and meaning you'll find no one on /pol/ defending the disgusting self promotion of the Clinton's and Bushes

>> No.10406905

>it's all their fault!
>we have to do an-
You can do all you want after you go back to europe. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?

>> No.10406908
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>According to who, your Jew court? Get fucked

>> No.10406914
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Whites keep doing to everyone (native americans, blacks, indians, asians) exactly what they accuse jews of doing

meanwhile jews advocate multiculturalism and are friendly, xenophilic and integrative

no wonder they are winning, kek


>> No.10406921

Amerindians have demonstrated a higher development rate compared to europeans. In other words, Amerindians have demonstrated better civilization potential compared to europeans. Time to deal with the facts.

>> No.10406923

>My whole point is your sick pipe dream can't be enforced

Its brewing, its in the works. You do realize how implausible it used to be to have a conversation on this matter in middle class society twenty years ago before the internet became mainstream. Now how often do you find yourself engaging with these thoughts, weekly? Daily?
Regular people are seeing the limitations of figures like Trump and their frustration will continue to boil. Thanks to websites like this the narratives of counter-semitism will continue to be normalized and in turn people like Bannon will be able to feel more comfortable hinting and discussing the problem of the Jew.
Resentment will grow and what you take today to be a fringe pathos found only on /pol/ will become increasingly the common man.

All that will be needed then is a leader to rise as he will

>> No.10406927

You're complaining that Jews run a tight ship. I thought part of the "Jewish problem" was globalism, i.e. the open borders, which let Jews in in the first place? Something doesn't add up here.

>> No.10406931

Irrelevant to the matter at hand

>> No.10406935

>What most people comment on after reading the Protocols is how nearly everything in it turned out to be true.

Are you in this category? Have you noticed how if you replaced the word Goyim with Proletariat or Pleb and it would have the exact same power as proof of a capitalist conspiracy?

Which parts of it do you think turned out not to be true?

>is far more reasonable for one to fall on the side of it being true.

Does it? Think of this scenario I, an anon of 4chan show you a book about how Hilary Clinton was corrupt, greedy and in the pockets of big finance and does anything to further her influence. I then claim that this book is actually the secret diary of Bill Clinton I found on the New York Subway.

To further complicate it, parts of this diary are verbatim quotes from previous books about her.

Do you believe me? After all by your reasoning is it not the most reasonable explanation - as you hold that if part of the claims are true then all claims must be.

>> No.10406962

It has been enforced 359 times before.

>> No.10406972

Jews are the most vengeful and hate-filled race on the planet. Cease with these lies.

Erm... no.

>> No.10406978

>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian-antelian to neolithic: 15000 years(30000BC-15000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 6000 years (15000BC-9000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze: 4000 years (9000BC-5000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 5200 years (9000BC-3800BC)

>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 4000 years (15000BC-11000BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to the start of crop development: 7000 years (15000BC-8000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 5000 years (8000BC-3000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze independently: 2000 years (3000BC-1000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 4000 years (3000BC-1000 AD)
Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. In other words, Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans. Get over it.

>> No.10406989

You're over thinking / putting too much of a semitic twist on it. In the absence of verifiable proof showing it is false, and since the contents have turned out to be true, it is more reasonable to come out on the side of it being true instead of assuming it is false because the group of proven liars it is exposing claim it to be such.

>> No.10406993

Amerindians have never done anything notable. Spread your fiction elsewhere.

>> No.10406995

>denying historical facts
Anything else?
Amerindian higher development rate is demonstrated by history. Try again.

>> No.10407003

This is believed by literally no one, not even Amerindians or yourself. Stop wasting people's time, kikeberg.

>> No.10407009

>archeological facts believed
As I mentioned before, Amerindian higher development rate is a historical fact. Deal with it.

>> No.10407018
File: 109 KB, 487x432, laughing_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet there are still jews

>> No.10407031
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks mainstream america is going to genocide jews soon

My god are you locked in a bubble

fucking talk to people dude

>> No.10407035

Jews misunderstand hierarchy. Hint: it has to do with them calling themselves the chosen people and having a history of eradicating others.

>> No.10407042

Lessons were more easily forgotten in eras prior so jews were more easily able to bribe their way back in after a few generations had passed. Different times now though. This one will be permanent. Hopefully involving an Israel quarantine then a regional fumigation to get rid of this problem for good.

>> No.10407043

With the rise of the political violence, homeless people and establishment corruption, the allegory to Weimar isn't that far off.

>> No.10407046


>> No.10407047

And forcing others to worship them, i.e., Christianity and the holohoax.

>> No.10407048

People probably literally said the exact same thing to Hitler

>> No.10407049
File: 274 KB, 538x883, EnforcersOfIdeology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every group of people on earth that have ever held any kind of power do this

>> No.10407056
File: 265 KB, 1144x888, paper the frog gets handmandled by wewjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so deluded.
You're talking about the scene from the Godfather where Michael executes all the other Dons while getting his son baptised,
only with millions of people worldwide who have no identifiable characteristic other than a tenuous link to the Jewish identity, which is partly ethnic, partly religious, partly nationalistic, and incredibly amorphous, xenophilic and integrative.

It is absolutely retarded to think the international community would unilaterally and unreluctantly allow such a thing to continue unchecked to completion.

You represent a hodgepodge fringe ideology that has only become louder in recent times, not more common.

>> No.10407059

Christianity isn't about worshiping the jews; on the contrary, this is a modern heresy.

The problem is that all that jewish religion is, is about getting that power and abusing it like that. Whereas the Brits, the Turks, the Arabs, the Romans etc. had a culture. We are essentially being ruled over by slaves, removing freedom from the world.

>> No.10407061

>the UN will save us!


>> No.10407064
File: 433 KB, 498x408, trump israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the antisemites in this thread
>uhghghhg holohoax
> uguhghgh must kill all jooz will happen soon

>> No.10407065

>he thinks I'm a jew
>he thinks I'm talking about the UN, and not 90% of everyday people who think genocide is wrong, from leftcoms all the way up to mainstream republicans

>> No.10407069

but wait, when a whyte businessman hires his 90 IQ frat son out of college and doesn't hire Wei Lin or Ari Goldberg or Enrique Gonzales who are all better qualified or Jimmy Polackzinski who has a 130 IQ its ok? So its ok that the Rockefellers were nepotistic, but not the Rothschild's? its ok that Fritz Thyssen was a pedophile and the German media, run by Germans covered it up and so did the Tsar because he was part of the German Illuminati elite in that country? Its ok when the Quandt family takes over BMW and invests in diamond mines in South Africa run by Jews but also their family was responsible for perpetrating the holocaust? Its ok for Dutch-Anglo bankers to fleece other European states? Its ok for Barclays and Deutsche Bank, both Germanic-Anglo banks, owned by Germanic and Anglo banking families, to launder drug money for the cartels? its ok for Klaus Barbie to help train cocaine running Contras (ex-SS nigger). Its ok for Right Wing Japanese businessmen to have ties to the Yakuza and launder money for methamphetamine rings and child trafficking rings and to run giant rape-torture-sacrifice rings in the Pacific? Its ok for South African billionaires to have human hunting games on their ranches? its ok for German billionaires to have torture dungeons? its ok for the Battencourt family (french) to sell poisonous pharmeceuticals to whyte europeans at exorbitant prices? its ok for the Spanish and Italian banking elite to fund fascist terrorist networks and the cartels and mafia in the New World? all those things are ok because they're whyte but when Jews do bad things its pure evil? Isn't your whole ideology predicated on one, immutably evil enemy being against all of you? Wouldn't it destroy the very fabric of Germanic National Socialism if Jews were no worse than other races? wouldn't you be reduced to some kind of techno-totalitarianism which wouldn't be attractive without all the racial nonsense? Wouldn't you lose members to movements like anarchism or libertarianism if Jews weren't the only bad people or even in charge?


>> No.10407070

Two question from my last post which would really help clear things up:

1. what parts of the Protocols do you think are false
2. would you believe that diary of Bill Clinton is legitimate?

>You're over thinking / putting too much of a semitic twist on it.

Im merely showing examples of how your reasoning breaks down when applied generally to demonstrate that your reasoning is inadequate in this area.

>In the absence of verifiable proof showing it is false, and since the contents have turned out to be true,

My examples helped show that not only is the proof you provided inadequate (in the sense that they are vauge to the point of being equally true for other groups) but that it created an extremely low standard - and one I am sure you would not use outside of this specific circumstance.

>assuming it is false because the group of proven liars it is exposing claim it to be such.
Where in my post did I say it was fake because Jews said it was fake? What I did was show that the documents makes claims which have not been demonstrated or corroberated by external evidence - furthermore that they have surrounding evidence that does indeed place the g

Establishing them as being the minutes of that specific group is of foundational importance and the deciding factor in determining whether its the revelation of a plot or just an antisemitic fabrication produced to justify and fuel the events of 1903-5

>> No.10407074

You're getting expelled again, kike. You've been expelled from everywhere you've ever been because you're a mentally insane people, yet too stupid to take responsibility or actually think about reforming your own behavior. Now is no different. The goyim know and will continue to know.

>> No.10407075

People are intellectually feeble are their opinions subject to change with the epoque. I speak to you as a Jew as you speak the dogma of Jews and will be treated accordingly as one when the day comes such you be a person of any minor significance.

As absurd as it all is (which it of course is) the alternative is depersonalization, nihilism and living death. If we are to grasp the aesthetic as meaningful we must do so vigorously and to the end and this demands the eradication of the Jews

>> No.10407076

>Christianity isn't about worshiping the jews
I am aware that there are still many Christians who think that, but it is.

>> No.10407077

its about accepting the divinity of the Lord God over all Earthly powers including the Jewish priesthood and destroying all Earthly realms of authority including: bankers, politicians, teachers, the Pope, Islam, Judaism, the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, all Lutherans, all Buddhists, all Kings, all presidencies, all Dictatorships, all of the rich, all sources of worldly authority and power or anything that is not God itself and the Lord Christ


>> No.10407078

It isn't though, its appropriate the very spiritual significance of the Jews themselves.
How can it be a worshipping of Jews when it radically contradicts their very central claim to be particular under God, to render them sinners in their own faith

>> No.10407079

Amerimutt detected.

>> No.10407080
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>is about getting that power and abusing it like that.

> Whereas the Brits, the Turks, the Arabs, the Romans etc. had a culture
>Judaism isn't a culture because I hate it
essentially is what you're saying

>We are essentially being ruled over by slaves, removing freedom from the world.
I'm always suspicious of the use of the word "freedom" in rhetorical argumentation. There are multiple types of mutually exclusive freedoms. There is freedom to. For instance. Freedom to kill people you don't like.
There is freedom from. For instance, freedom from genocide.
There is freedom of. For instance, freedom of expression.
Which freedom are you worried about having taken from you? You're concerned about a historical movement away from liberty and towards security. That is the ultimate tradeoff. Everything is a tradeoff. You're sad you don't live in a world where your supremacist ideology is taken kindly to like it used to be. This is why your'e a reactionary. The freedoms you want back are the freedoms to subjugate people you view as inferior. But because you can't do that you project that "the jews" are all collectively doing this to you and must be exterminated. You are sad.

>> No.10407085


>> No.10407086

>he defends jews
>he must be a jew

every time
I'm apparently trans, black, jew, gay, lesbian, bisexual, christian, jewish, muslim, atheist, all because I defend people... like... a jewish lawyer!

*cackles and flies away on jewstick*

>> No.10407091

Jews were able to amass as much nepotistic power as they have because they hoodwinked arguably one generation, the boomers, people like Trump, with their holohoax narrative. That will not last and their scam is springing more leaks than they can cover up these days. It may not happen soon, but it will happen. It always happens.

>> No.10407094

Then it is time for us to start winning, no? Allowing them to have the power of "absolutely no criticism allowed" is just furthering their irrational desire for power.

>> No.10407099


Jews have a reason though, that's what separates them.
When a Christian acts selfishly against others he is acting contrary to all he holds sacred and right.
To a Jew it is the very fulfillment of his sacred duty to be a self concerned rat

>> No.10407103

What do you think explains the difference?

>> No.10407105

There is criticism and there is blind, irrational hatred.

>> No.10407106

If you use Christianity as a way to promote jew awareness and pro-white ideas, it's not a big deal to me, but ultimately your religion is a jewish ideology that was imposed upon your people and should be discouraged among whites. Jewish universalism has caused enough problems for whites.

>> No.10407108

According to Jews there isn't, I wonder why

>> No.10407115
File: 225 KB, 620x350, The Best Book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he proves me right every time
holy shit
just say it
"I have an irrational hatred and want to kill all jews on planet earth even though I have no realistic path towards that goal other than other nazibros willing to pat my back on 4klan.horde"

>> No.10407116

>being this American

>> No.10407122

I don't like the life of a Janissary, I don't like the Roach. I don't like the life of a wageslave, I don't like the Kike. It isn't irrational.

>> No.10407125

>I don't believe it, nobody believes it so it's a lie
you think like a child

>> No.10407131

Let's consider that you are correct in your beliefs.

The resulting power vacuum after the jews are gone will be replaced probably by the new chinese overlords. Welcome to hell kid.

>> No.10407133
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>Jews have a reason though, that's what separates them.
Every single group has a reason:
To enforce their political wills
Every group has a motive:
the paranoia that others will do it first if they don't
You aren't convincing me that jews are different. You're just convincing me that you're no better than the people you hate.
>When a Christian acts selfishly against others he is acting contrary to all he holds sacred and right.
He is acting contrary to the virtue signaling he normally uses to consolidate power.
In times of peace and plenty the christian uses the new testament
in times of strife and war the christian invokes the old testament, revelation, fire and brimstone evangelism. Are you going to tell me the catholic church was acting contrary to all it held sacred and right when it, for instance, burned heretics at the stake, many of whom were nonviolent, in order to consolidate its political power?

You're a weak minded tribalist
I would be too if I had 1 tribe

>> No.10407134


I don't think the person you replied too is intelligent enough to even attempt to reply to your post desu

>> No.10407136

I really don't even see the reason for this Jew witchhunt. Western society isn't in decline, and malevolence isn't fixed to a single race outside of the subhuman one.

>> No.10407139

>You're a weak minded tribalist
I concur.

>> No.10407144

>The resulting power vacuum after the jews are gone will be replaced probably by the new chinese overlords.
I don't think that's going to be the case here. China isn't a huge naval power, so they can't enforce their rule with boots on the ground. Unless they go through lands like Afghanistan, India or Siberia.
>Welcome to hell kid.
Even if it was the case, Africa and Chinatowns show how it is going to go.

>> No.10407148

The people telling you about the jewish problem were once as naive as you are. We know you don't understand it, hence why we keep telling you to start educating yourself about it.

>> No.10407150

I suggest then, that Jews take their modus operandi from small nations around the world.

>> No.10407155

You ignore all contradictory arguments to your position. Yet you tell other people to "educate yourself". Irony.

>> No.10407156

t. author of the Protocols

>> No.10407157

But the sciences, technology fields, art fields, and medicine continue to make progress, and these are all the high points of culture. If there was a decline, they would not be making progress. So there's absolutely nothing to understand.

>> No.10407158

>contradictory arguments to your position
What would that be? The abusive manager telling us that it won't get any better if we replace him?

>> No.10407164

At what age did you get you neo-nazi epiphany, anon?

>> No.10407167

Perhaps, but unlikely unless the jewish menace has fully sunk its teeth into China and convince it to do so before whites are able to regain control of America. If China is able to keep the jews at bay they can likely be negotiated with and aren't very civic minded people to begin with. I do worry about whites making moves to remove jews from power and jews trying to use China against us, but these are all hypotheticals at this point.

>> No.10407170

I'm quite certain that there was advancement in some fields even during the decline of the Roman empire. The decline was measured in what they forgot and how it dismantled the whole structure. At least in the Western portion, which wasn't as Christian (unified). Aqueducts and their heating systems were forgotten, among many other engineering and architectural techniques. However, things like organization and weapons technology has never stagnated since the antiquity.

>> No.10407171

It's not even ambiguous.

Big boys use real words when engaging in discourse, not fake ones.

>> No.10407173
File: 54 KB, 600x592, pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the holocaust didn't happen
>we must kill all jews before they enslave us

>> No.10407175

Have you even read this thread?

>> No.10407176

Then what word would you use to describe the ideological stance you advance? When did it become so important to you?

>> No.10407179

Neo-nazis are illiterate. The irony being, that if they had a different skin color, they would be indistinguishable from niggers. They just like the symbols and violence.

Do not lump people with neo nazis.

>> No.10407180

So explain to me right now how Jews are or will potentially ruin everything if nothing is ruined at the moment.

>> No.10407183

big boyism

>> No.10407184

>can't be pro-white without completely killing another race of humans

at the least the jews don't actively promote literal genocide even against you retarded nazis

>> No.10407188

There's no ideology, there's merely an understanding of how societies are and have always been organized, and how jews attack that to obtain power over those societies, which are not their own.

>> No.10407190

I don't want to be mean but this jewposter shares a lot of views with neo-nazis. I wonder why he thinks he's so different.

>> No.10407191
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>better safe than sorry
he actually thinks anonymous discourse with people who don't think like him threatens his safety

>> No.10407192

Yes, and that's all I've gotten.
>The power vacuum will be your undoing!
>Every group ever has done this, so don't bother changing the system!
The problem is that I've been programmed since childhood to be a rebel. You know, back then they had less power so they wanted us to go against the mainstream culture - which is now dead. What remains to be destroyed is the Jewish rule.

Saturn eats its children, not at all unlike all revolutions.

>> No.10407194

Real talk, this is obviously a /pol/ thread. Why don't you discuss your irrational hated of people for completely arbitrary reasons over there?

This "book" is a hoax nor does it have artistic value if you're sane.

>> No.10407197

Do you know anything about jews? Their entire revolves around the genocide of others. Why are you defending a people you don't know the first thing about?

>> No.10407198
File: 28 KB, 400x393, 1510968483214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a nazi
>there's no ideology

>except that we must kill jews because they threaten our existence
>88 dubs
kek a doodle doo

>> No.10407199

so tribalism

>> No.10407201

Genetic superiority obviously.

>> No.10407202

Read E. Michael Jones' book: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

>> No.10407205

>reads Kevin MacDonald and nothing else.

>> No.10407207

Yes, this thread should be moved to /pol/ for lack of literary content.

>> No.10407208

Are the revolutions Saturn or his children in this metaphor?

>> No.10407209
File: 36 KB, 520x347, Confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't know anything about jews
>they are this goblin strawman caricature, I swear
>not whatever you read on wikijewdia

>> No.10407213

Tribalism is not an ideology, it's a organizational unit used for defense against other tribes who attack your own for territory and resources. Jews do that from within through crypsis, which is why many whites have trouble identifying the problem.

>> No.10407214

Why? Did you write it?

>> No.10407216
File: 27 KB, 317x474, 41E3KHQXFKL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok then. How about this one?

>> No.10407218

>Tribalism is not an ideology
you're the problem

>> No.10407220

>The problem is that I've been programmed since childhood to be a rebel

>I'm a rebel
>my existence threatened by the jew
>growing up in the mean suburbs
>posting on 4chan

magicLARP used splash
wasn't effective

>> No.10407223

>But the sciences, technology fields, art fields, and medicine continue to make progress,

Progress into the abyss

>> No.10407225

Ineffective jewish diversion tactic.

>> No.10407228

Not an argument

>> No.10407230

why do you use a word that you don't even comprehend?

>> No.10407233

Stop being a bitter cunt

>> No.10407237

>So explain to me right now how Jews are or will potentially ruin everything if nothing is ruined at the moment.
Humans will be made ahistorical. Completely detached from anything that could unify them. All identities will be artificial or reactionary. No religion is allowed -unless castrated-, and pavlovization and mere biology will be the only remnants of motivation. All virtues will be killed, Common Core education will be made universal, logic will be killed.
Humans will be ape cattle, controlled since birth. Europe will be balkanized, Amerimutts will lose their houses. Children will be sacrificed to Moloch, and every industry will sacrifice what it can to produce more FIAT currency, debt will eventually make a Greece out of every nation.

Jewish monopoly on power can also show itself like it did in the early Soviet Union.

Anti-anything comes from Pro-anything. Jewish tribalism breeds anti-jewish tribalism. You're a fool if you think otherwise.

>> No.10407238

Why do you think you're not a neo-nazi?

>> No.10407243

Why do you think "neo notsee" is a real word when notsee isn't even a real word and when the people you've been told are notsees never even called themselves that word? It's almost as if ... you've been lied to by jews. The thought!

>> No.10407249
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>According to who, your Jew court?

>> No.10407250
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>he defends jews
>must be jewish
>jewish tactic identified
>everything i don't like is jewish

you're worse than the people who think trump is hitler

>> No.10407252
File: 74 KB, 616x720, 1493006795975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never convince this board to become anti-Semites. Your time here is a waste. Here's why: because intellectual communities (not that /lit/ is intellectual, but they at least try to familiarize themselves with real intellectuals) are founded on humility, because there is no proper search for truth without it. That means when problems arise, intellectuals don't seek to blame others for them; they look internally to find the root cause, study it, analyze it, and then find productive solutions with minimal casualties (because the intellectual, due to being humble, and full of positive energy, has a deep admiration for life, and does not like to punish too severely too quickly). The bleats of anti-Semites and yourself sound endlessly like pushing the blame on to others, and that aggravates intellectuals. It sounds like whining. More importantly, it sounds like intellectual defeat; the strong have no need to rile up strangers with cries of doom in order to form a posse to target and gang up on another group, they simply defeat their antagonists without words. Your entire existence is offensive to us. Go back to your stupid fucking /b/ 2.0 board where the unthinking herd-like masses can be seen clearer than anywhere on this site, because you belong there and we all know it.

>> No.10407254

hey anon, i've spent a lot of time on stormfront, salo forum, the phora and 8/pol/ and the funny thing is, well you guys always talk, very sincerely about annihilating all non-whites, including the hispanics, blacks, Asiatics, slavs and even the "islamified" southern europeans. You also all talk about eugenics, and I can't wrap my head around this one thing, so help me out here. You all talk about creating ubermensch, when you're done talking about global genocide. And I can't help but think that this is kind of weird and contradictory from this other argument I see on there a lot which says that whytes being asked to assimilate into global culture are being genocided.

You see here's the thing, most Germans and Anglos and Dutch and Frenchman aren't blonde or blue eyed, or good looking or very intelligent. So they'd all have to be culled or sterilized. So aren't you guys not only in favor of annihilating most humans on Earth but also of completely purging your own gene pools and replacing yourselves with test tube offspring who don't look like you? I'm just curious because, correct me if i'm wrong or getting ahead of myself here, I would think that if the ARYAN peoples knew that they were going to have to kill all those people and also that they would be replaced like that, and that you basically see them too as sub-humans, well wouldn't they want to revolt against you?

Another thing bothers me, you guys do this thing I like to call bait-and-switch and its where you bait the public with one thing and then when you get what you want you do the opposite, and I saw this with Hjalmar Schact and Hitler's monetary policies: he said he'd print debt free currency, but the Reichsbank actually printed Reichsmarks at interest, they were debt backed currency notes and furthermore he and other Germanic bankers were doing regular business with Anglo and Jewish bankers and exchanging gold and bonds with them constantly. Another thing to do with this notion of mine, well you see I noticed that Germanic industry was basically deregulated and allowed to do whatever it wanted to workers, but you guys founded yourselves as National SOCIALISTS and the Strasserists and Syndicalists had a sizable presence, in fact your group copied socialist rhetoric to gain a large number of German workers party members. And the thing is, you killed all those people, and then lied and flipped on them, and then threw them to the furnaces of Germanic industry. Also those people who ran most of Germany's banks, industry and real estate (the landlords, the ebil Jewish landlord myth) were almost exclusively whyte germanic ARYANS and they never stopped being pieces of shit towards the German public. Also, and this is another thing which bothers me so much, the frontline soldiers were all lied to about who they were fighting. They told them the Slavs were subhuman, but a large number of Germans have slavic blood and a large number of slavs have Germanic blood, but you guy

>> No.10407255

>Progress into the abyss
What a faggot.

>> No.10407258

From what you write, it's fair to say you share everything with them.
You can't even write the word properly because it's impossible for you to stray from the constant gaslighting and false pretenses. You're weak.

>> No.10407260

No one cares about reading you wax on about your opposition research, rabbi.

>> No.10407263

Don't use logic and facts on these "people" its wasted on them.

>> No.10407266
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, future american flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>National Socialism wasn't a Fascist ideology that identified Jews as a problem which needed to be exterminated

We get it dude "Nazi" started off as a pejorative used by their political opponents.

Doesn't mean it wasn't warn as a badge by later white supremacists.

This reminds me of how neo nazis in germany fly the american confederate flag since having a nazi flag is illegal, even though Americans in the South insist the confederate flag is about states rights and has nothing to do with tribalist white supremacy or racism.

Just... where do you even begin with people who openly embrace a genocidal ideology, but refuse to acknowledge that that's what they're doing?

I get it.
You think Jews do it too, so it's ok.

Well as soon as a jew shows up and calls for your extermination, I'll fight him with equal vigor, ok?

>> No.10407267


Wew, they call in a few vets in the Tel Aviv HQs? Look at these jews itt now bragging about opposition research and using TRS lingo.

>> No.10407269

Responses like these make me want to support genocide more than anything said in defense of antisemitism.

>> No.10407272

>Then it is time for us to start winning, no?

You? Nah you're a loser that dedicate your life to hatred and shit-posting. The Jews are the winners because they have their priorities straight. See the guy below

Equates domination in the world with "rat" like behavior. If every aryan man thought like him than I'm convienced the Jews would literally enslave everyone in 20 years tops.

>> No.10407273

Don't just spin on buzzwords endlessly, consider the rest of the sentence.

>> No.10407275

(cont.) you guys killed around 6-7 million Slavs in your campaign to take over the East, and another thing too, you guys went out of your way to brutalize, rape and slaughter children, women and old people along with priests and nuns, there's actually pictures of this happening online you can find, actually there's probably thousands of photographs of Wermacht and Waffen SS slaughtering Slavs. But there's more that irks me, I have read extensively about all the welath you guys stole from the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Netherlands etc, its something like many billions of dollars in 1940's cash. And there's more, a large number of your leaders were pedophiles or homosexuals. And there's more too, you guys made an agreement with the USSR to split Poland which is just really odd if you were serious about destroying bolshevism. Also about the Germanic economy, I've looked at the GDP and rate of investment and growth in National Socialist Germany and it just seems weird that as Hitler implored industry to throw all its weight behind armament the economy grew, but by 1942 when the war effort stalled, the economy stalled, yet German infrastructure and labor was fine, and most of the losses hadn't been sustained yet on the eastern front. So i'm really curious why that is.

I have more curiousities I've found about your movement, there was this group of super well connected weird guys, the Thule society, and only after Hitler and Hesse got into some form of power by creating their own party, did Hitler try to distance himself from Deitrich Eckart and Haushoffer and Guido Von Liste's ideas and whatnot. I just think that's kind of weird, when a group is super close, then one of them gets power, takes all their ideas then gets rid of their group, then attacks similar groups who believe similar things that might allow them to deconstruct your beliefs, like the Masons and then exterminates them. I have more problems though with Fascism. Mussolini thought the Aryan shit was retarded, and only seems to have used it as propaganda but didn't really hold to it, nor did most Italians. And your leader Hitler, Mosely too, they both had brown hair and brown eyes, Mosely was kind of weird looking and Hitler was short and had bowel problems, was kind of a sperg etc. Also another thing, your propaganda minister Goebells, he's kind of a notorious pedophile, cretin, goblin monster, and he and Himmler both admitted over and over that the holocaust was real and were really stoked on the progress they were making. I just can't square that with the holohoax narrative that allows you guys to recruit new members so easily. then there's the problems with alpha soup agencies who happen to have loved fascism and American billionaires like Henry Luce, Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, Disney, Ford etc who all gave money and support to the National Socialists and then sort of plugged back into the Liberal-Conservative Capitalist society after the war

>> No.10407276

Don't you already support genocide?

>> No.10407278

That you believe the world will always be the way you think it is shows what a clown you are. What you call "antisemitism" is as natural as the sky is blue and has been since the jews were run out of Egypt, and likely long before. It's you who is the dunce for not grasping that, and thinking you'll fool anyone with your faux intellectual act.

>> No.10407279

Weird that you'd shut down as soon as I start stating empirical facts that any anon could research, is opposition research supposed to be bad or something?

>> No.10407280

Enough, Moshe.

>> No.10407282

>wanting to eliminate jews is nature
are you high?

>> No.10407284

The Jews succeed and do so without mercy. They do this because they are Chosen. The creator of the universe has destined them to rule over all other races; who were created solely to exist as cattle. As a result the Jews were given superior intelligence. In order to make it support G-d gave the Goyim many advantages such as superior numbers, but their defeat is fated.

Nothing can be done about this.

>> No.10407286
File: 116 KB, 800x583, through unity strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly I am so fucking sick of these Aryans whining. Their extinction cannot come soon enough.

>> No.10407287

(cont.) also what's really strange to me, is that a large number of american intel and military honchos were again massive fascists and supported your movement and then took you guys in but also worked with right wing zionists. And again the thing about the coincidences with Schact and others, its just striking to me that all these billionaires who support opposed movements are all friends behind the scenes and don't seem to really care about politics the way you do. But more importantly I was sort of wondering, why are you guys so obsessed with Israel and the Middle East? Hitler was kind of eyeing Jerusalem like it had some kind of non-religious significance and that was weird. But also you guys often espouse theories that you were the real Israelites and that the Bible is talking about your people and all that, if its a Jewish cult why would you do that? Also why all the esotericism if you guys are physicalist vitalists? Then there's the whole mess with Nietzsche who seemed to really hate the forerunners to your little cult. I just can't figure out WHY ON EARTH THAT IS? Finally, and I'm almost done here, if so many of you the men at Nuremberg were innocent why did they all kill themselves like cowards? Anyways I have a lot more, but you guys have great discussions, very smart, well educated and I see that many of you are wealthy, much wealthier than the common white person or Jew. So I know you're smart. Anyways good talking anon. Hope you have a blessed day

>> No.10407288

obvious larp post

>> No.10407290

What a convincing and well thought-out argument!

>> No.10407294

oh i'm done now don't worry, I just needed to allay all my worries. I see that calling me rabbi and moshe and shlomo and shekelberg and whateverstein is all you have to say in return. I also see that you guys really don't have anything to combat my words with except insults that make you look schizphrenic. Anyways thanks for shitting up this board and this website and twitter and ruining the conspiracy movement and lying to hundreds of thousands, heck, let's be generous, you guys are great at propaganda, maybe a few million people.

>> No.10407295

Important post here.

This is unironically what jews have been told is true for centuries.

You'll get a good glimpse into their collective mental sickness considering what imbibing such a backwards, cultish ethos might do to a people after having that message beat into their brain for so long. Judaism is a cult.

>> No.10407301

>Anti-anything comes from Pro-anything
this can't be serious

>> No.10407303

>a religion is a cult

>> No.10407307

I haven't been reading your posts because you did things like say "you guys" when referring to your stormfront research. I'm also not very interested in what appeared to be quite obviously jewish-style opposition research. I already know all those talking points.

>> No.10407309
File: 25 KB, 214x317, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you call "antisemitism" is as natural as the sky is blue
I understand that. It's like having to defecate after eating — society eats, grows, and then shits out all types of resentful people, like anti-Semites.

>faux intellectual act

>Only the most intellectual of men have any right to beauty, to the beautiful; only in them can goodness escape being weakness. Pulchrum est paucorum hominum: goodness is a privilege. Nothing could be more unbecoming to them than uncouth manners or a pessimistic look, or an eye that sees ugliness—or indignation against the general aspect of things. Indigna
tion is the privilege of the Chandala; so is pessimism. “The world is perfect”—so prompts the instinct of the intellectual, the instinct of the man who says yes to life. “Imperfection, whatever is inferior to us, distance, the pathos of distance, even the Chandala themselves are parts of this perfection.” The most intelligent men, like the strongest, find their happiness where others would find only disaster: in the labyrinth, in being hard with themselves and with others, in effort; their delight is in self-mastery; in them asceticism becomes second nature, a necessity, an instinct. They regard a difficult task as a privilege; it is to them a recreation to play with burdens that would crush all others.... Knowledge—a form of asceticism.—They are the most honourable kind of men: but that does not prevent them being the most cheerful and most amiable. They rule, not because they want to, but because they are; they are not at liberty to play second.

Oh, look what he says about the Jews here, harking back to your comment about being programmed to be a rebel:

>Psychologically, the Jews are a people gifted with the very strongest vitality, so much so that when they found themselves facing impossible conditions of life they chose voluntarily, and with a profound talent for self-preservation, the side of all those instincts which make for décadence—not as if mastered by them, but as if detecting in them a power by which “the world” could be defied. The Jews are the very opposite of décadents: they have simply been forced into appearing in that guise, and with a degree of skill approaching the non plus ultra of histrionic genius they have managed to put themselves at the head of all décadent movements (—for example, the Christianity of Paul—), and so make of them something stronger than any party frankly saying Yes to

Guess you were the Jew all along!

>> No.10407311

I think everybody has it figured out by now that you only read what suits you.

>> No.10407317

oh ok, I haven't really been caring too much. I mean you're lying through your teeth and you believe something psychotic that's predicated on spitting on the graves of 17-23 million people. So, I could give a damn. But, thanks for telling me Hans

>> No.10407321

>harking back to your comment about being programmed to be a rebel:

You mean the comment I didn't make? Get your shit straight and respond to what's being said directly if you want to be taken seriously.

Putting on a faux intellectual facade and dropping selected Nietzsche quotes to make people believe jews are good may sway a few pea-brained teens around these parts but you are a peasant compared to me so these tricks won't work, be you a kike or some shabbos slave defending them.

>> No.10407326


Rebuttal of "proven forgery"/hoax claim:

>> No.10407327

>You mean the comment I didn't make?
Oldest trick in the book. You should own up to your delusions.

>> No.10407328

Conduct better, and more concise, discourse in the future and you'll be embarrassed and run out of threads less frequently.

>> No.10407333

>Jeffry Shearer Rense is an American radio talk-show host calling himself "an American treasure".

>> No.10407334

At this point if you aren't aware of Jewish power and Jewish self-promotion at the expense of others, you are simply not an intelligent person.

Jews have literally established an ethnonationalist apartheid state currently engaged in the ethnic cleansing of undesirables. Jews are overrepresented by a factor of about 1200% to parity in the Ivy league. Every major cultural and government institution in the Western world is infested with Jews who promote Jews who promote Jews. These same Jews then send thousands to die defending them.

There's ignorance and then there's stupidity. If you seriously believe that 25% of Yale's student body is Jewish by dint of the mighty 2%'s superior intelligence and industry, then you're probably a bit of a waterhead.

Maybe the Jews are right to fuck us over. If people are just going to sit there smiling like retards while they and their families are insulted, raped, ripped off, manipulated, and murdered because they're afraid of some whiny kike wagging his finger, then maybe it's just better for the planet if they don't stick around.

>> No.10407336

That wasn't my comment, buddy. I remember seeing other people using the word "rebel" but that discussion did not involve me.

>> No.10407337

How was I, or anybody else, run out? You're full of shit and will say anything.

>> No.10407339
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Listen brother, I understand your concerns. I am well aware of the seedy underhanded shit that goes on in society. I am well aware of how abstract systems like logic and money are abused by people in order to get the upper hand. That said, I have to shit down your chimney, because the path you teach is just as corrupt. You speak just like the Jews you complain about, you whine, you point fingers, and your shit's all retarded. You aren't helping anything. You're a dramatist whose hysteria is designed to fuel mass revolt, which is not a desirable way to achieve anything to anyone who is not a seedy little bitch. It just leads to more problems — and the problem isn't fundamentally a Jewish one, it's a herd mentality one, which the Jews may be the pioneers and master artisans of, but which anyone can join the stinking ranks of, such as what you have apparently done with yourself. Grow up some and go get a fucking job or something.

>> No.10407343

>the Jews are right to fuck us over
you're pathetic

>> No.10407344

Dab that anus with some Vaseline and move on, little one. If you put half the time into learning about the jewish problem as you did writing screeds about your 2009 stormfront observations you'd be further ahead than you are today.

>> No.10407347

>the problem isn't fundamentally a Jewish one
Of course it is, and always has been going back millennia. That you, wannabe wise internet mysterio, doesn't get it is also not surprising to me.

>> No.10407349

Make me, bitch.

>> No.10407353

>Maybe the Jews are right to fuck us over.

The most intelligent thing I've seen a goy say!

>> No.10407354

*Turns up gas in >>10407349 comment box*

>> No.10407355

your false flags can be spotted from a mile away

>> No.10407359

Just like a neo-nazi would.

>> No.10407360

How do you have a counterforce without a force?

>> No.10407361

America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Time to go back to europe, subhuman.

>> No.10407362

If it was, then you wouldn't be a part of it, now would you? Or are you a self-loathing Jew in disguise?

>> No.10407365

lol, this guy is a real nutjob

>> No.10407366
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>mfw people can no longer deny the jewish power
>they are advancing in the stages of grief; this thread is full of bargaining

>> No.10407368

Somalia doesn't need its criminals back. Dump the Amerimutts and kikes into the ocean.

>> No.10407369

That's not what you wrote.
Also "science"!

>> No.10407374

work on your reading comprehension, m8

>> No.10407377

Apes and great apes copy things by sight. If they see successful jewish tribalism, they will copy it. Hence why the jews are so keen on not being seen as a powerful nation. They want total and utter monopoly on power, or they act as if they did.

It's interesting to me that Genesis has it that all humans know both good and evil. Seems very dehumanizing to jews, as they only seem to know evil.

>> No.10407380

So just sink the whole country into the ocean?

>> No.10407383

Barroso (a brazilian writer) said that the Protocols first showed up in France way before any conflicts with the white army. He also translated the french version to portuguese. At best the official version that the protocols were written by white army propagandists is not 100% accurate
Lots of "scholars'' argue the first edition appeared in russian language but it was actually translated from french

>> No.10407384

Yeah, it has done enough damage all over the globe.

>> No.10407385
File: 74 KB, 848x187, Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 12.16.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lawsuit over the authenticity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which took place in Berne during the years 1934 and 1935, gave to Jewish and pro-Jewish publicists alike, the much wished-for opportunity to blazon forth into the world that in Berne, a judge after objective consideration, had pronounced judgement to the effect that the Protocols were a forgery.

>It is in this sense that the Jew Alexander Stein writes in his work „Adolf Hitler, Schuler der Weisen von Zion” (Adolf Hitler, a Pupil of the Elders of Zion), Graphia Verlag, Carlsbad, 1936, and the Jew Ivan Heilblut in ,,Die fiffentlichen Verleumder, die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion und ihre Verwendung in der heutigen Politik" (The Public Slanderers. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and their Use in Present-Day Politics), Europa Verlag, Zurich, 1937; similarly Irene Harland, the pro-Jewish propagandist, in her book „Sein Kampf, Antwort an Hitler" (His Struggle, a Reply to Hitler), Vienna, 1936, and the Freemason Count R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi — married to a Jewess — in ..JudenhaB von houto (Jew Hale in the Present Day), PanEuropr. Verlag, Vienna-Zurich, 1935.

>All the above, with apparent intent, pass over the fact that already in 1935, a short time after the proceedings in Berne, a book appeared from - the pen of Dr. Stephan Vusz, entitled „Das Berner Fehlurteil fiber die Protocolle der Weisen von Zion" (The Faulty Judgement in the Berne Protocols Case), Publishers the U. Bodung - Verlag, Erfurt, in which, from the documents submitted to the court, and the minutes of the proceedings, the author furnishes exhaustive proof of the fact that what took place in Berne was a mockery of justice.

>The Jewish World Conspiracy - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion before the Court in Berne by Karl Bergmeister (1938)


>> No.10407388

I don't know what you're talking about. The problem lies with the jewish people and their nature, it is not a general problem. Work on gaining a better understanding of the nuances of that before weighing in next time, brother.

>> No.10407390

Your thought processes are laughable, especially when the arguments are stripped down like this.

>> No.10407391

>I don't know what you're talking about.
You converted to Judaism without realizing it. Congrats.

>> No.10407392

Interesting. Source?

>> No.10407395

>Work on gaining a better understanding of the nuances of that before weighing in next time, brother.
you're such an ass

>> No.10407396

People are so dumb they think attacking the protocols they are protecting the jews
The protocols aim to destroy jews and everyone
It's not ''jews vs goy'' which is why western people fail to realize the importance of the document

>> No.10407399

Source on which part? the translation itself or G. Barroso introduction?

>> No.10407400


Now there's a name anyone who wants to understand the JQ should know ... and why are there twelve stars on the EU flag again???

>> No.10407402

A genocide won't alleviate your misery, anon.

>> No.10407405

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

— Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi
full book: http://balder.org/judea/Richard-Coudenhove-Kalergi-Practical-Idealism-Vienna-1925.php

>> No.10407407

Maybe a general link would do since most people think it originated in Russia.

>> No.10407411

I know. Though it will reduce the amount of ugliness before my eyes.

>> No.10407417

Who also, it must be said, believed this future mud race should be ruled over by none other than *gasp* jews.

Kalergi is an essential key to understanding the jewish problem, he essentially gave them the ideas they are working toward now.

>12 stars on EU flag?
What are the 12 tribes of Israel to rule over Europe for six million, Alex.

>> No.10407418

And so it will for their eyes as well.

>> No.10407419

I'll look for another source because Barroso introduction can only be found in portuguese in his first edition. The internet transcripts don't contain this information. The book published in 1936 is rare and libraries in Brazil only allow the book for consultation they don't allow copies.

There is a british author who wrote about the protocols being written before the 20th century as well and appearing in France years before 1901 I'll look for this book online to see if I remember which page he talked about the possibilities of first appearance before the 20th century

>> No.10407423

Y'all need some jewish wisdom.

>> No.10407426

The future will look something like Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, and then eventually the drones will be eradicated and replaced with clones of the most successful individuals. It will literally be a pantheon of individuals and no one else.

>> No.10407428

>The protocols aim to destroy jews and everyone
sounds about right

>> No.10407430

It's a hoax, pure and simple. Just something concocted by anti-Semites. An interesting fabrication, to be certain, but not true.

>inb4 "muh shills"

>> No.10407431

That's pretty unique insight I don't think I've heard before. Could go a long way in showing what those of us who talk about the jewish problem already suspect.

>> No.10407433

What do you suspect, exactly?

>> No.10407443

t. someone who has no idea bout the massively reported cheating culture there is china

>> No.10407444

read David Icke

>> No.10407449
File: 149 KB, 798x348, pg 433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found something

What did he mean by ''for the zionist congress''? Someone leaked the book or exposed the ideas after attending the congress?

>> No.10407450

That the document in question is either real or stems from a real source.

Or this.

>> No.10407456

Of course a document has a source. But lizards from space, really?

>> No.10407457

>The words of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our Masonic watchword, namely, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," will, when we come into our kingdom, be changed by us into words no longer of a watchword, but only an expression of idealism, namely, into "The right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood." That is how we shall put it,—and so we shall catch the bull by the horns . . . DE FACTO we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own, although DE JURE there still remain a good many of them. Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against us it is only PROFORMA at our discretion and by our direction, for THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM IS INDISPENSABLE TO US FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF OUR LESSER BRETHREN. I will not enter into further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us.

Protocol 9. It's happening we all know it but we will never know the real source behind it

>> No.10407463

Probably. There are transcripts of these various jewish congresses that record the jews in attendance literally plotting to take over the media and various things like that. I usually go against the "muh conspiracy" line out of principle, but there is actually tons of stuff like that out there showing jews doing exactly that: conspiratorially plotting to amass power for their group.

>> No.10407467
File: 79 KB, 682x354, Cg6vFY2XEAAcwaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A very interesting article that explains why the EU elite are so desperate to replace the native populations of Europe. Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian aristocrat of mixed birth, who seems to have developed an intense hatred of everything Native European. He made detailed plans for a future Europe, where there would be no Native Europeans, but a general fog of mixed race beings who would be easy for the elite to control and manipulate.

See also:

Count R. N. Courdenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the modern European Union. It was him who suggested Beethovens hymn as the EU’s national anthem, and was very active in connection with the design of the EU logo which contains 12 stars which symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel. The logo was finalized by the Jew Paul M.G. Lévi.

>> No.10407472

Probably not, but these are psychotic people and there's a lot of weird shit like the Saturn worship stuff, so we should leave open for Icke that 1% chance that there's some there there.

>> No.10407474

People say the french sounding words in the first russian publication in 1905 was to deceive people that the book originated in french.. (like the theory someone bought this book while travelling to france and brought to germany and russia).
Others claim the book in its entirely never appeared in other language before the russian publication
If we investigate the 1897 theory it's safe to assume this work was written in french and was translate to russian between 1900 and 1901

The best argument to the authenticity of the protocols are Abbe Barruel books which were written after the french revolution and Proofs of a Conspiracy, by John Robison [1798] appeared one year after Barruel's first volume
Robison used only english sources while Barruel trusted in french. They were both saying the same thing - the jews and secret socities destroying christianity.

The best thing jews and freemasons have to say about Barruel is that he was a reactionary but they don't claim his work is a fabrication or a lie. They can't do it because the Mémoires used sources that are praised by jews, libertarians and freemasons.

They think being against the world revolution is a crime. I don't think we will ever find the real edition of Protocols but it's crazy to think the book was published by the white army or Tsar propagandist.

>> No.10407477

Hitler had blue eyes.

>> No.10407478

Yep. And there is to this day a Kalergi prize, which Merkel received very recently.

Jews aren't creative people and don't plan their schemes out necessarily, they take ideas from other people, reformat them, pursue them, then flaunt their victories in front of us.

>> No.10407486

This is perhaps more important than the Protocols

While the protocols are a modern plan Robison book is the best source other than Barruel regarding the origins of the movement and Robison published copies of the original documents he got from freemasons

A freemasonic library contains lots of information regarding their activities. Sometimes they publish some excerpts but not many people buy freemasonic magazines and read their publications. They don't hide everything they simply publish very slowly and their publications (online and books) are not that easy to get if you are not familiar with their websites and publishers

>> No.10407489

Interesting. There is so much information exposing how jews think and work and influence people to gain power. It's impossible to deny at this point, it's just a matter of being willing to look into and realize that there is really no doubt here. But ultimately I do blame the European elite just as much for letting these sick fucks stick around.

>> No.10407495

you’re completely full of shit and you know it. no one in this thread who is arguing for the authenticity of that document cares about Jews, there’s already been like a half dozen posters admitting they want to massacre the whole jewish population. please stop lying. of course the document represents the general idea of how the elite want to rule. but its just projection onto Jews, its purposeful deflection away from the nature of power and domination hierarchy. Stop pretending you’re reasonable. No one needs that document to understand this and the only people who want it to be real, are genocidal whyte supremacists who want to annihilate all non-aryans with extreme prejudice. Your a bunch of serpent tongued faggots and you know you’re being deceitful. The document is absolutely a forgery and the Kalergi plan involved a ton of Liberal and conservative whyte nobles and bourgeoisie. Its just more utopianism fron the left part of the elite, nothing to do with a Jewish plan to rule the world. No one race thinks it can dominate the others. Whytes are the only group that’s had the gumption to claim as much and they stopped saying it in 1945 after being stomped into submission by Slavs and Amerimutts

>> No.10407497

the european elite was heavily compromised with everything rotten and evil
The bank of england, french revolution, imperial wars, irish genocide and many other destructive movements happened entirely for messianic views of the european elite (sometimes with jewish money but not all)

>> No.10407506

>but its just projection onto Jews, its purposeful deflection away from the nature of power and domination hierarchy
that's why I said before the goal is to kill everyone, including jews.
>The document is absolutely a forgery and the Kalergi plan involved a ton of Liberal and conservative whyte nobles and bourgeoisie.
The document has its values because it explain the frankfurt school, subversion, hollywood, etc. You are right about the liberal and bourgeois white elite
You replied to the wrong poster because I never said there was a jewish plan to dominate the world (even though we can't deny jewish bankers fund these movements for the most part)

>> No.10407526

I doubt it's 100% true, but at the same time it coincides well with a lot of what world "jewry" does. My guess is that it's based on some nutjob Orthdox supremacist along with some anti-marxist anti-darwin ideas from the guy who "found" it. It's definitely good for understanding motives behind the global elite, but the idea of a secret group of jews controlling the world is a bit silly. Most of that phenomena is surely unconscious.

>> No.10407529

lol stormwizards called into the thread to go “ohhh look what ze German writer in 1935 had to say” “oh look what ze racial supremacist whyte brazilian had to say, pretty fascinating huh?” “oh im on your side brüder, u see we don’t even think ze jews actually are in charge haha, but ze document is real yah” fuck yourself. you don’t give a shit about anyone but your movement. you’ll say absolutely anything to justify getting one of the 3 big myths: kalergi plan is jews; holocaust wasn’t real; jews really did pen the protocols or its akshually an accurate description masonry (which means jews, its a dog whistle). you posture over and over
>oh i’ve seen zis opposition-research before little goy
>oh no you are just doing jewish tactics, i am immune to the empirical facts you state, here are aspersions which contradict your facts
>oh ve are your friends, look we aren’t even underestimating ze jews
fuck off you faggot, if you cared at all about your people you and everyone on /pol/ would be working to annihilate the banks, the military-industrial complex, the corporocracy, the state and every other evil power. Of course jews involved in evil, no one who is in the know thinks otherwise. its just not (((them)) for the last fucking time its an easy ruse for other elites to push blame onto. /pol/ doesn’t care about skull&bones, i’ve had hardcore whyte supremacist vets tell me its nothing, thule society is nothing, german black lodges are nothing, germanic black magic death cults from the enlightenment and rennaisance are nothing (or of course, jews). You ignore EVERYTHING i write, every single time i have you pinned down you slither away and wag your fanny at me like a fucking infantile fuckwit. Arguing with all of you is maddening. You don’t care about anything but power. You use rhetoric like a sledge hammer and sophistry like water, you just don’t care about the truth. Its all about YOU and your interests. I could give a fuck about Jews or Blacks or any other muh oppressed group. I want the pedos to hang, i want the criminals to hang, i want the generals and evil politicians to hang. Do you mein kameraden? nope. you’d exonerate every single blue eyed old boy i you could gas the kikes and you know it. you’d destroy millions, billions with a smirk on your face. Would your family or peers like you if they knew this? nope, they’d ostracize you instantly. Basically the biggest projecting cunts in human history, worse than kikes, worse than nogs, worse than women, gays and christians, atheists, liberals and every other faggot interest group.

>> No.10407531

>The fact that whole sections of it are lifted from the satirical Machiavelli and Montesquieu dialogue shows that it's a forgery.
How do you know the Jews didn't just copy from that? Even then the plagiarism is very small. It's like a page or two talking about economics; it wouldn't really be a big deal to just lift that from the book, especially if that's where the author got the idea.

>Nazi logic, everyone
You're oversimplifying because you're more interested in winning the debate than actually discussing the material. Quite the scoundrel you are.

>> No.10407535

He's absolutely right, you heeb nutcase whose post I couldn't read more than two sentences of without absorbing some of your inbred kike schizophrenia through my phone.

>> No.10407545

You have schizophrenia because yet again you accuse me of being anti-jew and a neocon when I didn't say anything about any particular ideology
I think cultural movements are just as important as ''military-industrial complex''. The left in the western world is responsible for the class-struggle that always lead to aggression between nations
Protocols is an important document regardless of your memes
You really have mental issues and you are unable to talk about books or politics so stop doing this and go to something better with your time

Your comment is either pasta or full schizophrenia

>> No.10407568

Why do you care? Any plans laid out in there have long come to fruition or been scrapped as unsuitable. The Jew have long since moved on from attempts to dominate financially; that goal has already been achieved. From the 50s onward there was a major push to focus on cultural achievements and criticism. The final steps in that are approaching and there is much debate in the Jewish world about where the next step out to be. The more conservatives want to focus on surveillance but a small minority think docility is already at acceptable levels and we should move straight to genetic control, which many people see as the last step.

>> No.10407570

no he’s just a propagandist
yeah im not denying genocides or advocating for a meme ideology that would’ve crashed the world economy or cause the utter destruction of europe if it had succeeded
>the left
>cultural movements
>protocols matters even tho others including Marx have gone over this shit without coming off like, wait for it, schizos and talking like cartoon characters
nah you’re both projecting your latent mental illness onto me. im lucid as can be and know exactly what you did in this thread because i’ve seen your little web of retards do this on every major social media site in existence
>oh here comes the REASONABLE nondenominational scholar who agrees, the jews aren’t the only problem
>is totally comfortable in conversation with the whyte supremacists
>starts talking about liberals, leftists, freemasons and the cultural marxism err cultural degeneracy
lol at you, i’ve studied this shit for years. you guys use psyop tactics to fuck with stupid liberals and conservatives who “don’t know what to believe, wow that sounds interesting” i’ve seen you guys have conversations with yourselves, literally pretending to help each other figure out that you were right all along.

Btw where is the united europe? i don’t see it, what about the fascists and the right wing and conservatives, surely they have a role to play too? no? oh wait, no mention of them. because, you don’t care about that. its just liberals, left, freemasons (jews, dog-whistle) and then when you have everyone settled, “hey, so i’ve heard some funny things about blood libel and the holocaust...i’m an anti-zionist, not an anti-semite”

but, its fine because you know, i know. we all know, that fascism and communism are dead ideologies. techno-capitalism is in charge, was always in charge and will annihilate all of us. we can all hug in hell together amirite mein brüders??

>> No.10407579

>Btw where is the united europe? i don’t see it, what about the fascists and the right wing and conservatives, surely they have a role to play too? no? oh wait, no mention of them. because, you don’t care about that
sure, fascists, right-wing and all kinds of people like me have power and control european academia, media, schools and culture
Sorry for not seeing myself as part of the problem

>> No.10407591

>The final steps in that are approaching
Actually that part is currently collapsing around them. No one believes the jewish media anymore and the programming monopoly that once allowed them to control the youth has been usurped by the internet. Jews can only keep their scam going for so long. They roped in the boomers but it will end with them. Same thing happened in Russia. This is a cycle, one that is thankfully imploding on itself and hopefully coming to an end. We gotta make sure we run the kikes out of town though.

>> No.10407592

the right wing still exists inside the military-intelligence complex, the financial-defense complex, the pharmakos complex, chem-agro complex and so on. the right wing functionally has power in russia and a pseudo totalitarian crypto-fascist government in China. It had juntas in Brazil, Greece, Argentina, portugal, spain, Singapore and so on. There were all the way up the 80’s and 90’s right wing fascist networks of bankers and politicians in Spain and Italy, the Netherlands and Germany. the right wing and more importantly the right, conservatives included still exists and is as strong as ever. Where are all the communist billionaires an autarchs? nowhere lol. the Left is a boogeyman there is nothing left of marxism. Gultural Marxism as you see it is just neoliberalism and its not even accepted in russia or china. You’re just posturing again, that’s the right’s whole thing, big man, big pants, hands in the loops, furrowed brow, frowning germanic mouth. Lol you’re just trying to bluff like you all know a bunch of secrets, but you’re totally blind to what your own people do behind your back. Schact used to have lunch with Jewish bankers.

>> No.10407600

Yes, you are a schizo and jews are liars.

>fascism and communism are dead ideologies

They were only ever proxies for European nationalism and jewish internationalism, respectively, which are the same forces competing now, and the same forces that will continue to compete until jews are removed from white lands.

>> No.10407613

>white lands

The West is made up for a diverse set of many races. It's not 'white land'

>> No.10407620

That's a Lazarusian jewish myth. The west, and everything that was built upon the lands that comprise it, was created by whites, which is to whom it belongs.

>> No.10407625

>But how would you explain the Jewish overrepresentation in the USA political and economic elite?
They are smart people. Even their low brow comedies, like Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, express an intellectual inclination that other shows don't.

This is on the right track, though I wouldn't say they are optimized for "capitalism" alone. More specifically, they are optimized for the techno-democratic capitalist civilization we now live in. This shift was inevitable as we ventured further into mathematics and the sciences, and these disciplines became more complex, and societies became more connected by faster travel and communication technologies. Our society is very mathematical; most jobs are office / computer jobs now. Jews thrive in abstraction.

>> No.10407628

Your science comes from Jews, your peanut butter from blacks, your hentai from the Asians, and half your population is Arab or Mexican.

>> No.10407636

Chutzpah the post.

Your peanut butter thing is a myth, and jews contributed nothing to science until they left the shtetl and even then they corrupted it more than they contributed positively to it. Again, pure chutzpah from a jew, whose people have had an overwhelmingly net negative effect on white countries.

>> No.10407644

You know I'm right. If you truly believe what you preach about the Jews, then you agree that abstraction more or less starts with them. You see it as the inversion of whites' values, of course, which is fine. But it is still abstraction, and abstraction is the foundation of higher math and science. Ultimately, you can attribute the development of higher math and science (which leads to the development of new technologies) to Jewish people or anyone "Jew-like."

>jews contributed nothing to science
This is patently false. Einstein, Bohr, Neumann, Szilard...

>> No.10407655

Christians don't count. They are part of our in-group.

>> No.10407659

His mother was Jewish. Nice of you to have acknowledged the rest of my post.

>> No.10407665

You aren't right, you're delusional jew, and jews are terrible at abstract thinking which is why they score so low on spatial intelligence tests. What they are good at is occupying and subverting science departments and making everything that goes through them "good for the jews."

>> No.10407669

>jews are terrible at abstract thinking

Yeah that's why they suck at abstract stuff. Like writing fiction.....oh and making movies....and philosopher....and relativity theory....oh shit I guess they are pretty good at it!

>> No.10407672

I was a different anon. I don't necessarily disagree, these qualities are typical with aspergers, which is very common among Jews. Kinda odd for them to be either sleazy smoothtalkers or fully operational assburgers, but life is life.

>> No.10407680

Jews tremendously underperform at writing anything but ground level comedies and commercial schlock. For all their control and work they can only claim two or three figures in the entire canon and cinema is no different.

>> No.10407687

Jews are inarguably terrible at those things, yes, which is why their output in those fields is so shitty. Those are white things, of course semites are bad at them.

>> No.10407694

Jews very clearly aren't terrible at abstract thinking, or they wouldn't be thriving in modern civilization which is heavily founded on abstraction. Hell, for your theories on them "pulling the strings" behind-the-scenes via control of the banks and imitation and deception to even work, they need to be pretty good at abstraction then.

>> No.10407707

They have proven to be poor at it through relevant testing and the results of their actions. You're mistaking an ability to take over things white people create through ethnic scheming with meritocratic-based success. The destructive results many of these things now under jewish influence have wrought further proves that they are terrible at producing positive results. You have to keep in mind that jews have never run anything in the course of their history. They've destroyed a lot of shit, but they've never run anything effectively. These are gypsies, nomadic conmen.

>> No.10407709

This is an incredibly stupid way of looking at things. For example sub saharan Africa entered the Iron Age almost a thousand years before Amerindians even entered the Bronze Age but I don't think anyone would claim they were more civilizationally developed than the Aztecs. I think what you're going for here is that Amerindians were on the cusp of building Rome if only they had more time but that's using the fallacy of continuous human progress. Africa spent 1500 years in the Iron Age with virtually nothing to show for it. By your logic entering the Iron Age should have quickly given them written language and agriculture, something Europeans and Amerindians had before entering the Iron Age. It didn't. This is not how human progress works and these points you chose do not directly relate to the development level of a civilization.

>> No.10407719

What are you even getting at? That the white race is so fucking pathetic it was conquered by a bunch of people who aren't even that clever? That just makes the white people even stupider to have been driven to the edge of the cliff.

It would be like saying that a child out smarted you.

>> No.10407728

>jews have never run anything in the course of their history
I thought they were running the banks and creating the current chaos that is initiation the decline of Western society? You mean they don't have any of that power now? Is there not really a problem with them then?

>> No.10407732

Jews are good at swindling people, whites are culturally naive; jews have found success via a boomer cultural swindle exploiting that naivete, but whites are quickly catching on. Not that complicated, try to keep up.

>> No.10407833

lol you guys spent all night lying and inserting haphazard aspects of the protocols mythology into your arguments, then you spent time pretending you aren’t genocidal maniacs, now you’re trying to argue jews are dumb and uncreative (Schwarzchild, Bohr Oppenheimer, Teller, Von Neumann, Einstein, Bethe, Szilard, Feynman, Weiner you fag) and you also just admitted Aryans are emotionally, psychologically feeble. Also Jews religion became Christianity, which they founded with their racial cousins the Greeks and so you guys fell for that too. Then, there’s finance and banking, i don’t think “falling” for capitalism is naivety, just stupidity, so Ricardo fucked your shit up too dumb nigger. Basically Jews are in every way intellectually more nimble than your race and all you have to show for any of your whining is a bunch of LARP’ing for a dead ideology

>> No.10407850

so the chinks figured out a way to "cheat" iq tests?

>> No.10407859

>genocidal maniacs
That describes jews, never read the OT? Also, jews only score high on verbal intelligence tests. You write like an autistic retard btw.

>> No.10407884

>you’re dumb
no anon
>jews are only good at language
no anon
>the time when the jews killed the other caanites was so awful bawww
lol at you, the proud son of genocidal Germanics (i hope, unless you’re bot germanic, then lol at you)

>> No.10407911

So the Aryans are a bunch of fucking idiots that have been falling for the tricks of people that don't have even have good abstract thinking. And they didn't just fall for it once or twice but over and over? Your race is the punchline to a Groucho Marx act!

>> No.10407920

If you are an antinatalist, this shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.10407924

This is what happens if you ignore masons and secret societies (mafias with hipster undertones); examples of local and intelligent corruption. I'd like to know the number of jewish factions at each others' throats.

>> No.10407931

Hasn't every white industrialist and politician been in those things? Wasn't fucking Washinton a Mason....was he a Jew?

>> No.10407965

Sophistry is basically white judaism.

>> No.10408054

>Some people have the audacity to call this conspiracy theory.

>> No.10408874

you should know

>> No.10409100

that's retarded, clearly not all conspiracies are true, remember Y2K

>> No.10409177

ITT >Having an open mind is to never discount the possibility of space lizards.