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10406942 No.10406942 [Reply] [Original]

So who was right?
Should will be living back in the stone age or accelerate until we summon an IA God from the future?

>> No.10407019

They always did feel the same, they just saw it from a different point of view.

>> No.10407052

This would make for a great episode of Epic Rap Battles of History

>> No.10407062

i didnt realize how ugly nick land is until now

>> No.10407097

Freedom can be synthesized.

>> No.10407100

The criticisms of Uncle Ted are spot on, there is no solution that he can offer us though. Land's predictions are probably true, but I don't think anything he describes is desirable

>> No.10407132

everything nick land describes is desirable, disregard those above me

>> No.10407186

Checked. Land suggests we should give up our humanity and let AI win, while Ted proposes we should fight back against the technocrats and destroy the entire system.

>> No.10407452


Different interpretations of Nietszche's last man, etc.

>> No.10407594

t. Roko's basilisk

>> No.10407724

land doesnt advocate submission. he says our choice is to die by niggers, or, even if the nigger all get killed, e'll get killed by neo bolsheviks (idiots have a thermodnamic incentive to kill intelligent people) or get killed by machines

he does not make the choice gladly

>> No.10407734

begone you hierophant we will not he food for your AI mommygf

>> No.10407744

Schizotypy vs autism.
I side with autism on this one, self-propagating systems make the most sense. Land is more fun however.

>> No.10407849

This sounds like a rip off Chrono Trigger

>> No.10407874

romance trash

>> No.10407875

What's the difference, really?

>> No.10407880

the one will allow us AI jesus which will consume us, the other means setting the whole world on fire and reducing the population to sub 1,000,000 hue-mans

>> No.10407917

only a feminine mind would prioritize a person's appearance over what they communicate.

>> No.10407925 [DELETED] 


>land doesnt advocate submission

Accelerationism was always about cucking. It is an extension of Baudrillard’s fatal strategy of a subject giving in to the object. Accelerationism goes further by cucking to capital and its teleology. When it comes down to it, most accelerationist soyboys are admitting that their one SD IQs, their Phd theses, their “edgy” Marxist politics are all for naught. They cannot stop the libidinally virile capitalism because it is the bull of politics. That swinging big dick that will satisfy humans better than your few hundred years of impotent and sexually incompetent small dick political projects. Humans desire capitalism. They don’t desire the four-inch communal insect vanguardist politics of the progressive feminist beta rapist-male. The accelerationists’ project, then, is an act of becoming-cuck through a rhizomic unnatural alliance in prepping the capitalist bull. This is known as unconditional cucking (U/KEK).

>> No.10407929


>land doesnt advocate submission

Accelerationism was always about cucking. It is an extension of Baudrillard’s fatal strategy of a subject giving in to the object. Accelerationism goes further by cucking to capital and its teleology. When it comes down to it, most accelerationist soyboys are admitting that their one SD IQs, their Phd theses, their “edgy” Marxist politics are all for naught. They cannot stop the libidinally virile capitalism because it is the bull of politics. That swinging big dick that will satisfy humans better than your few hundred years of impotent and sexually incompetent small dick political projects. Humans desire capitalism. They don’t desire the four-inch communal insect vanguardist politics of the progressive feminist beta rapist-male. The accelerationists’ project, then, is an act of becoming-cuck through a rhizomic unnatural alliance in prepping the capitalist bull. This is known as unconditional cucking (U/C.U.C.K).

>> No.10407953

>That swinging big dick that will satisfy humans better than your few hundred years of impotent and sexually incompetent small dick political projects
Right accelerationism predicts uncontrolled capitalism leading to total human annihilation. The only people satisfied will be the silicon valley cult of AI.

This all seems "cucky" to you, because you retain your existence bias. In the advent of a super intelligence several orders of magnitude more important than the combined human species, I don't see any reason to stick around. Our species role as architects of our AI progeny will be fulfilled. No reason to delay the inevitable at that point.

>> No.10407964

capital is the only force that can fight political systems. capital kills the niggers, then consumes the host.

unfortunately, our nigger problem isnt gong to kill itself. necessitating capital

>> No.10407974

fuck nick land that guy was an idiot all he does is react to everything by saying something that sounds like something youd never see then filling in the words with an online thesaurus

>> No.10408044

>fuck capitalism n shieeeeettttttt

>> No.10408076

Go to bed, Nick.

>> No.10408284

t. Brainlet

>> No.10408304

this but unironically

>> No.10408318

This. They have a similar diagnosis but Land doesn't require a cure and Kaczynski wants to but doesn't have one.

>> No.10408342


It goes to show how sterile reactionary thinking is. Even though he's a retard, Nick makes Ted sound like a troglodyte. His perspective is so much wider that the arguments themselves don't even matter. It's like comparing Scriabin to "Psychedelic" Rock.

>> No.10408350
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>browses 4chan every day
>owns a cell phone
>owns a kindle
>owns a record player
>has electricity in their home
>uses online banking and ATMs

>> No.10408351

>Even though he's a retard, Nick

He's one of the most intelligent humans alive

>> No.10408366



>> No.10409402
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This is as silly as people who say you can't be a Marxist if you own any of capitalism's products. Or that you can't be against mass immigration if you've ever ordered Chinese food

>> No.10409415

I will always side with Weird Al

>> No.10410858

why does nick land look like someone tried to fart in his mouth

>> No.10410874

Yeah but he has fried significant portions of his brain

>> No.10410878

>Your point is stupid because it's hypocritical!
I also agree that people should be more charitable to the status quo, and that their hatred of it is self-righteous and more than a little self-exculpatory, but the "hey you're a hypocrite!" argument is so weak. Pointing out the discrepancy between the objective state of affairs and what people say about it is every teenager's first method of attack against her parents. Come up with something better.

>> No.10410937

Both sound like idiots. AI will never surpass humans, because it's not possible to create something more complex than yourself, since you can't understand anything more complex than yourself. Being against technology is for the weak and the old, and destruction of it is not a solution at all, it would just be a minor setback because life gravitates towards increasingly complex systems by nature and destroying some tech isn't going to change that in the future.

>> No.10410958

>people should be more charitable towards something that has total dominion over this Earth and has no threats to its existence any longer
>a system hell bent on vaporizing the entirety of Western culture and also the soul of the whole species
no lol, we’re gonna destroy it and everyone who defends it

>> No.10411002

>I also agree that people should be more charitable to the status quo
Yeah but this 4chan we're talking about. These are people who spend eternities blabbling and whining on internet echo chambers and then are surprised when things don't go their way.
They're like pavlovian dogs who react to pain by hitting themselves in the head and then complain that their head hurts and that fists should be banned.

>> No.10411003

>a system hell bent on vaporizing the entirety of Western culture and also the soul of the whole species
This system was employed by those in power in order to more effectively harness the skills of everyone below the very top of the pyramid, a small group of individuals neither you or I are a part of. It is not hell bent on vaporizing anything; it is currently the system that is getting us closer to space travel than any other on earth.

>> No.10411020

what about post-human intelligent agents like companies or markets

>> No.10411028

What about them?

>> No.10411080

No. You are forced to live in a capitalist system, so that doesn't apply. Mass immigration and controlled immigration are different, so that doesn't apply either (although being against immigration and constantly eating Chinese, which means financing immigration, would be quite the hypocrisy). 4chan is different. No one is forcing you to come here. No one is forcing you to save a dumbass Simpson reaction pic in your dumbass reaction pic folder. No one is forcing you to waste your time on the what is probably the shittiest board of a website created by manchildren for manchildren. No external forces at play here, only you. It's not like there are positive reasons to come hereeither, if you're someone who hates technology: anything that can be learned here can be better learned somewhere else. There literally 0 reasons for someone who hates technology to come here, yet you (not as in "you" you) come here only to tell us how you fugggging hate technology, maaaaaaaaaaaan? The fact that you (this time I'm referring to the real you) can't see the obvious and hilarious incoherence on the level of a priest preaching chastity and fucking STD ridden whores after the sermon tells me that you're completely braindead and should vigorously hit yourself in the head with a technological object of your choice.

>> No.10411152

I'd pay money to see these two have a debate in Ted's prison cell.

>> No.10411260

I don't personally subscribe to the philosophy that a moral priest should be an immediate embodiment of their moral lectures. It should be enough first to acknowledge a mode of higher personal being, and second to transform your current self into your abstract future self, but this second expression requires far more time to achieve than what you delegate to it in your immediate judgment. Do not condemn a man for having the awareness for self-improvement, especially considering that no man can conceivably be perfect and therefore if he does not envision an even more refined self that he can aspire to, then he is behaving in a mode where he believes himself to already be perfect, thus no further work is required. Therefore a self-improving man will always have a higher moral doctrine to express in the verbal before he can demonstrate it in the physical, as something must first be identified before it can be realized.

>> No.10411268

humans have created them and they're more complex and intelligent than humans

>> No.10411273


>> No.10411294

You're confusing having a goal with moralising others. Coming on 4chan and saying that you fugggging hate technology is like saying to strangers that you hate cheese with a sense of smug superiority while you chew a piece of leerdammer.

>> No.10411298

Also one thing is not doing the thing you preach, another is doing the exact opposite.

>> No.10411349

One big difference, there is no key to Nick's prison cell. Or at least he doesn't believe there's one, which amounts to the same thing.

Nick would be a good character in a Hellraiser movie, specifically a remake of Hellraiser 2. The story would have to be tweaked a bit to fit the genial Nick Land into the chilly aristocrat Dr. Chennard's part, but the final payoff would be worth it, with "Hell" being the AI/capitalist apocalypse.

>> No.10411354

forgot link


>> No.10411395

wut. You know I'm talking about Ted's literal prison cell, right?

>> No.10411441

AI can surpass humans currently, just not in a remotely comparable size. The current AIs are also very bad at some things, so I suppose you could argue that AI has not surpassed humans in a general sense, yet neither are humans technically superior to AI anymore.

>> No.10411530

amphetamines don't fry your brain. the most neurotoxic aspect of them is the potential for insomnia. not sleeping for weeks at a time will mess your brain up more than the amphetamines themselves.

>> No.10411763

>it's not possible to create something more complex than yourself

>since you can't understand anything more complex than yourself.
Understanding isn't required. Do you understand how your phone works? Maybe some high-level superficial aspect, but no wholly, and certainly not everything occurring (in real-time) on all levels of abstraction from the physical electronic components and upwards. Does a code monkey understand a huge project, consisting of a billion lines of code, with a thousand other code monkeys alongside him?

Of course, you probably meant something else. But that's also wrong, you can create a system that allows of continuously increasing complexity, or even the ability to self-evolve (the system changing any aspect of the system), though that's not even required.

>> No.10411784

>they're more complex and intelligent than humans
No they aren't. The capacity to store and process a lot of information quickly doesn't mean they have intelligence that rivals ours. Intelligence is so much more than that; and we fully grasp how these systems function, what they are capable of, and what their limits are.

>AI can surpass humans currently
Again, you're confusing information processing with intelligence. Intelligence is more than detecting trends and processing big data, this is absolutely silly to assert and it feels silly to have to correct you guys on this.

>Does a code monkey understand a huge project, consisting of a billion lines of code, with a thousand other code monkeys alongside him?
Probably not, but the project manager should understand it better than them, and if not him eventually whoever comes to criticize it and develop something better. You undermine exactly how well we can grasp systems.

>> No.10411828

Weird Al Yankovic was right

>> No.10411832

jfc at actually believing this you naive fuck

>> No.10412064

So is Ted though. The guy is a genius

>> No.10413858


>> No.10414022

Wow so arrogant lol

>> No.10414246


>> No.10414249

oh boy!

>> No.10414277

>it's not possible to create something more complex than yourself
>life gravitates towards increasingly complex systems
Just look at this gem

>> No.10414283

Land is a fag who propped his anus wide open when he realized technology will fuck us all. Ted lived in the wilderness until he realized bulldozers would come eventually, so he resorted to bombing shit, leading to the most expensive human chase in the world. They're both right. Except Ted was actually dangerous.

>> No.10414299

>wanting to live in a world without toilet paper

>> No.10414323


>because it's not possible to create something more complex than yourself

lol prove that

>> No.10414331

these idiots think compleity/entropy in systems cant be strictly defined. they're some of the dumbest people imaginable that have ever had a philosophical movement.

they're on the same level as al ghasali saying that god commands cloth to burn. they're fucking idiots that destroy entire civs and they need to be hanged

>> No.10414392

>project manager should understand it better than them
he only knows what the end should look like, not how the layers underneath operate.

>> No.10414480

As perceptive a point as that is, it's still fallacious. Try confronting the argument next time rater than trying to throw shade on the interlocutor.

>> No.10414501
File: 259 KB, 1000x1170, 1503354599561.jpg?ve=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Teddy is a fucking chad.

>> No.10414533

why is he in a bullet proof vest? were they expecting the cia to kill him before he could talk or something? seems weird

>> No.10414564

i dunno man im juyst wondering w2c that baller ass tie on the nigga left

>> No.10414578

y not?

y does the usda have submachine guns and the irs has armor piercing automatic rifles

>> No.10414579

oh fuck i didn't even notice that bro that shit is super futuristic looks like some versace shit

>> No.10414600

that's a little illuminati wink, posturing while striking down the gnostic resistance

>> No.10414612

It's against angry family members of his victims, probably

>> No.10414613

>ted still in prison
>land in the hospital

are there any edge dads still kicking?

>> No.10414624

as if the wife of some ceo is going shoot somebody, she's probably too busy blowing all the deceased's cash in the bahamas

>> No.10414642
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>destroy technology
>muslims won't destroy the only advantage they got
>wait 50-70 years
>global caliphate
>in the carnage no one cares about that NEET who killed only 3 and injured 23

>> No.10414645

Ted is the ONLY honest intellectual, of all time. Yes, of all time. Humans fucked up 8000 years ago when we moved from hunting-gathering to agriculture. Everything went downhill from there. There is simply no arguing against these facts, which is why no intellectual ever talks about it. Ted acknowledges this and instead of rambling like a cowardly philosopher for 50 more years, acting like his philosophy will somehow alter human physiology, he took it upon himself to bring the very needed changes. No one has ever come close to this level of insanity.

>> No.10414664

Civilization was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

>> No.10414676


too high brow for ERB's 30million per vid audience tho

>> No.10414743

Maybe it's just that my brain has turned to rot from watching so much media, but this image looks like a scene from a film or television show. They all have really compelling faces and clothes. Each police officer could easily be a minor character in a 90s police thriller. Ted is ridiculously handsome and exudes power and charisma even in handcuffs. Sun-tie man is probably interested in the occult and finds himself drawn to Ted's thought despite his ethics and faith in government institutions like the FBI.

>> No.10416689

>pretends that it's possible (and desirable) to dismantle industrial civilization deliberately

Rather than reform our culture to make technology serve the needs of human beings, lets throw it all in the dumpster and return to savagery. Reform is /too hard/ because it would require trusting and communicating with other human beings.

Ted's criticism is bang on, but his revolutionary ideas result in part from him projecting his tragic social handicaps.

>> No.10416709

Knowing the relationships are more important than knowing every single little detail about a thing in order to understand it. Besides, there's nothing complex about software, a project manager could easily understand how it works under the hood.

>> No.10416712

>the most complex artifacts humans have ever created aren't complex
This is a Ted thread, so okay, I guess.

>> No.10416720

Imagine a massive movie or video game, no single one person working on it knows all there is to it.

>> No.10416726

You guys are seriously retarded if you think not one person out there understands how software works from the ground up.

>> No.10416729

Define software.

>> No.10416737

Everything from the hardware layer to the resulting user interface and functionality. I don't boast to be such a person that fully understands it, mind.

>> No.10416773

I think if you looked a little harder, you'd realize that for all but the very simplest kinds of software (assembly programs running on obsolete microcontrollers), the software in combination with the toolchain and libraries required to make the software run are too complex for one person to understand. The individual applications can take thousands of years worth of individual human effort to construct, to say nothing of the underlying tooling: operating systems, compilers, and processor microcode.

>> No.10416788

you assume bc you cant do it that no one can

classic dunning kruger

you are the dumb one

>> No.10416807

If you can name all of that, then it's not too complex to understand. Besides, like I said, you don't need to be aware of every little detail. We wouldn't understand anything then, because every little phenomenon we perceive stretches infinitely out in terms of what factors are at play in creating that event, beyond what we perceive in the moment. To understand a thing and understanding how that works is itself very complex.

The greatest philosophical minds can grasp ridiculously complex ideas. Their existence is proof that it's possible to grasp something like software from the ground up, which is a much simpler thing to understand in a way.

>> No.10416815
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>> No.10416850

The Trump administration will bring about the Kaczinsky dream. Think about it: what's the best way to reverse the industrial revolution? It can only be technology itself, what can disillusion people forever and destroy what's already there. Climate change: sea rising, temperature rising, that's going to kill billions and destroy the coasts, but the Earth always recovers. And the Internet, the most beloved technology, you'd need to make people hate it--oh, look it's the FCC.

>> No.10416865

Comparing philosophy to computer engineering is like comparing finger painting to civil engineering.

>> No.10417674

Is philosophy civil engineering or is philosophy finger painting?

>> No.10417748

between stupid people and artificial beings of pure intelligence, I'd more glady surrender the future to the latter

>> No.10417967

underrated post