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/lit/ - Literature

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10404210 No.10404210 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell did Pynchon get this trash published? Nepotism?

>> No.10404217


I turn up my nose at any mention of this novel

>> No.10404227

Because Pynchon is a genuinely good author with actual writing prowess. You can't get published because you probably write like shit.

>> No.10404239

>famous writer is jewish
>(((they))) cant keep getting away with it!
>famous writer is catholic
>Was it nepotism!?
>famous writer is youtuber
>I want to sniff her feet
>famous writer is Anonymous
>Lulu link $46

>> No.10404258

I just didn't respond well to this book. I read like 10 pages and it was so full of banana slips and sugar-drunk riffs that I stopped reading through sheer exhaustion. I really like that pasta about Pynchon dragging a gong on-stage.

>> No.10404275
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Which pasta? I actually really like how Pinecone writes, it's just so goofy and wacky, not taking itself overly seriously, yet at the same time entangling me into some convoluted plot that for reasons unknown is still easy to follow

>> No.10404276

Proably my least favourite Pynchon, but I still liked some bits of it.

>> No.10404483

He got it published because it's an absolutely fabulous novel, if not his best then certainly right up there with GR and M&D. This b8 again....

>> No.10404491

Is it just me or has there been a lot of anti pinecone posting recently?

>> No.10404550


>> No.10404605
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>>famous writer is youtuber
>>I want to sniff her feet
i don't think thats quite how it works

>> No.10404609

I disliked this book. I disliked IV too. I dislike GR too. No idea why I gave him so many chances. PoMo novels are trashy excuses for people without anything to say.

>> No.10404618

While I was tired of The Whole Sick Crew by the end, I found the Southwest Africa chapter harrowing and the Malta chapter grimly compelling.

>> No.10404629

i never thought such dismissiveness could be this endearing

>> No.10404631
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I agree t. >>10404609.

I also happen to live in Malta.
They were good stuff and I actually really lked/loved them.

>> No.10405472

Gave GR a try maybe a month ago. All was well until the part where Slothrop swims through the toilet installations, I can't for the life of me understand what the fuck is happening after that, or even what point of view it's written in.
Should I pick it up again? I like the little snippets of various characters reminiscing about something but Pynchon keeps switching it up every page for fucks sake

>> No.10405484

Are you people kidding? I think this is one of Pynchon's finest works.

>> No.10405485

Yeah GR goes all over the place. Sometimes had a hard telling if it switched characters or if it just went into some stream of consciousness ramble.

>> No.10405506

Old /lit/ is dead. Nu-/lit/ hates all postmodernists.

>> No.10405525

>mfw Inherent Vice was a prequel

>> No.10405655


It's /pol/ as expected. They listen to a forty five minute podcast with some crackpot who doesn't understand anything like Jordan Peterson and they just follow along like sheeple

If Jordan Peterson told them to wear their dirty jeans on their arms and t-shirts on their legs and walk around in public they would do it.

>> No.10405665

Peterson stopped being relevant like 3 months ago lol. Pynchon is just the type of writer who's ripe for ridicule, deal with it

>> No.10405677

>Peterson stopped being relevant like 3 months ago

And yet there are daily posts on here about him or that smuck schizo who wrote his own Wikipedia page. Sad!

>> No.10405694

he's also a negro-loving leftist degenerate so the pol population is naturally against him, and on the other hand, the inherent vice movie coincided with a huge pynchon wave for a year or so on here so you're seeing two extreme opposites.

>> No.10405714

The thing about Pynchon is (a) I don’t enjoy his books; and (b) his acolytes can’t articular why he’s “great.”

I’m not ruling his greatness out, but I definitely think he’s overhyped. V. was borderline unreadable and felt like I stumbled upon some stoner’s notebook, IV was terribly written, and GR is interestingly erratic though barely coherent.

Maybe folks would stop anti pine cone posting if somkne here could, for the love of all that is holy, provide some critical exegesis and justify their praise.

>> No.10405768

>V. was borderline unreadable
now you're just being silly

and i don't think there's been any shortage of articulation why people love pynchon. he marries the horror the mystery and the humor of the universe. he explores history as politics underpinned by the supernatural and carried out by the simplest of humans. he digresses often and lectures on interesting subjects. he brings slapstick comedy and bunuellian surrealism to literary fiction - his filmic influence, complete with camera direction in prose, cannot be understated.

>GR is interestingly erratic though barely coherent.
and how is that? it's a picaresque, it's episodic, but it has its major players and arcs, there's only really a few chapters that go off the rails.

it sounds more to me like you haven't given pynchon a proper chance, because your criticisms are silly and fall false to anyone who has read and admired his work.

>> No.10405817

Fuck that's where I am right now

>> No.10405836

he switches it every 3-4 pages, come on, you can do this with some help from PynchonWiki or other such sources

>> No.10406917

How new are you?

>> No.10406926

I read the first fifty or so pages but just got kinda bored of it and tossed it aside to be honest. I oughta give it another go soon but it didn't really make me interested.

>> No.10407314

>Gave GR a try maybe a month ago. All was well until the part where Slothrop swims through the toilet installations, I can't for the life of me understand what the fuck is happening after that, or even what point of view it's written in.
>Should I pick it up again? I like the little snippets of various characters reminiscing about something but Pynchon keeps switching it up every page for fucks sake
Welcome to reading Pynchon