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File: 275 KB, 518x398, CATPERSON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10399296 No.10399296 [Reply] [Original]

Let's end this Cat Person phenomenon once and for all.

Which character is the worst in your opinion?

Story: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/12/11/cat-person

Poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/14618999

>> No.10399299

What a dog.

>> No.10399302

I don't care.

Anyone else think she looks like a fatter version of the sort of pornstar who always ends up with way too much cum on her face? I don't find her attractive (or particularly ugly, just not my taste) yet I can't look at her without flashbacks of glued up eyes and nose.

>> No.10399313

I really liked the story.

>> No.10399319

>lets end cat person
>posts another fucking thread about cat person
just stop

>> No.10399328

Robert calling her a whore at the end puts him over the top, but that’s what makes it a disappointing story. It was a cheap way for the author to justify Margot’s behaviour, would have been more interesting if it was left ambiguous what kind of man Robert was.

>> No.10399330

They're both shit. Self absorbed cunts who don't know the other's feelings because they're too attached to their versions of each other.

>> No.10399331

can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.10399333


You should honestly quit or cut down porn to a few times a year, it's a hell of a drug and warps your worldview.

>> No.10399339

I think everyone can identify with some aspects of the chracters and i think it is interesting how both were caught in an inertia towards loneliness and despair. Did margot consent? I suppose so but not in any meaningful way. Robert is a victim as well, absolutely enslaved to desire.

>> No.10399343

It takes less than 30 minutes to read the story.

>> No.10399346

Why do they both look like they consume a lot of soy every day?

>> No.10399350

"I was a nanny for a while, and then I spent a long time in graduate school, studying African literature." -Kristen Roupenian

>> No.10399355

yeah so I read it, and now what's the fuzz about? mediocre story about a mediocre sexual encounter...

>> No.10399358

I don't really watch porn.

>> No.10399381

Robert was more pathetic but she knew this from the start, its her fault for dating a nu-male and being annoyed she's not attracted to nu-males

>> No.10399388
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>Did margot consent? I suppose so but not in any meaningful way.

>> No.10399391

They are both white, therefore horrible people.

>> No.10399392

Shut the fuck up. Stupid nigger

>> No.10399420

because "muh cultural wars"

>> No.10399424

I agree. The story was pretty decent until the ending, which sort of ruined the entire thing.

>> No.10399435

Literally the only piece of fiction my girlfriend has read this year, and she thought it was amazing. I explained to her why I thought the ending was a disappointment and she told me I just didn't understand it because I "wasn't a woman."

>> No.10399457

Considering the shock at this story being praised, I'm guessing most people didn't pick up on the constant male insecurity, possessiveness, and hyper-sexualization contra to aforementioned insecurity which is the only form of affection from Rob. Basically, betas are betas. The girl was insipid and shallow but criticized her nature, she felt passively obligated to perform for a male when he made no effort to perform unless it was dodging her person (-ality) to fuck her or to keep the conversation in constant luke-warm stasis. This epitomizes the online dating world. We build these connections and then we can only tell we love the person via empathy, as the person is fabricated in our mind and so too is empathy. However, most of these layers are somewhat unintended, and her intended attributes are defining how girls get built to fill these relationships with sexually, emotionally, and professionally ineqt guys. Or people in this thread, desu

>> No.10399472

>However, most of these layers are somewhat unintended,
Come on, her power fantasy is directly addressed

>> No.10399483

Not true, he bought her doritos without asking for sex. He dressed up nice for their date.

>> No.10399494

I see what you're getting at, but would it not be simpler to argue he did to direct his appearance to Margot? Recall the 7-11 kiss is why they fucked. Moreover, the title of the piece, "Cat Person," gives away the angle that disagrees with yours. Margot never found any cats despite the statement from Robert that there were cats, this hiddeness of identity is both typically post-modern, but a guiding identity is hidden in a house that is someone else's entirely. Would it not make sense to view this hiddenness as a sexual lust and power dynamic within Robert, that are void of emotional commitment or genuineness?

>> No.10399504

Margot's power fantasy is a stripping of her identity within Robert's gaze, not to herself. It's the pinnacle of her giving into his vision of her, a commodity -doll, a shameful lack of poeticism on the author's part here- for sex

>> No.10399512

Why would you think there were hidden cats if you werent immediately assaulted by the smell of cat piss on walking in the door?

>> No.10399517
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Mutual commodification feels empty..woah.

>> No.10399518

I actually forgot that part, desu, but that adds to my analysis more than contradicts. The bodies aren't there but only the foul smell, lol his sex

>> No.10399519

Stealthily the best comment in the thread. You need to think about who the author is and her place in the greater scheme of things to understand what the story is (a strange sort of culture wars propaganda)

>> No.10399532

The 7-11 kiss was her moaning that she had no food and him trying to be romantic by meeting her late at night (despite having a job in the morning) and buying her shit. Remember she "Presented herself" to him for a kiss while drunk and he backed off? As for Robert's cats, she was only there a night and cats often sleep outside. Plus he lived in a house so they may have been sleeping in a different room. The thing about the cat person is that she simply didn't take the time to find out whether he was a cat person, it was just a convenient thing they shared that led to their having sex and thinking they had a "connection". Robert was just a dopey lonely romantic who obsessed over the first girl who showed interest, and she was a dumbass who built up this entire persona of "Robert TM" and then, realizing he wouldn't live up to it, detached this persona to "future boyfriend" who laughs at Robert with her in the future.

>> No.10399533

The story is essentially an economics parable as it is little more than an episodic account of exchanges (the red vines, the doritos, the anxiety over id's, the movie theater, she makes a quick account of his possessions upon entering his house, he thinks pussy is what you buy with consideration) The essential imbalance is based in our economic structure.

>> No.10399546

i'm really enjoying these.

>> No.10399547

>he thinks pussy is what you buy with consideration

I don't get this angle. I mean Robert wanted sex sure, but SHE flirted with him initially, SHE tried to kiss him when drunk despite him backing off, SHE asked if she could visit his house, etc.

I mean I imagine Robert would have prepared his house in a more romantic way if he thought he was going to take her back. He had a mattress on the floor and had to download a movie when she was there, suggesting he hadn't planned for her to be there. Sure he lashes out and calls her a whore, but it's because he is lonely and feels she is treating their relationship lightly because she's fucked a bunch of guys, which she has.

>> No.10399553

Most likely not as it lacks the economic vocabulary and reading it as such would be falling in line with a stereotypical perspective we want pseudo-feminists to hold. I'm not sure if you're trolling desu

>> No.10399555

He asks to go to her place but she cannot because it is a dorm room and he acts a little testy over it probably because he autisitically made up the cats

>> No.10399558
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Why did they have sex if they aren't married?

>> No.10399562

I'm not, but as a woman I'm going to read them anyway and then shit-talk the people who wrote them for oppressing me.

>> No.10399564


>> No.10399572
File: 54 KB, 600x600, characters-stage-flat-clothes-fashion-show-psychological-realism-repulsive-quote-on-storemypic-511a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one falling for psychological cliches; i doubt you have any serious interest in feminist criticism. See pic related.

>> No.10399574

then you wouldn't have a story. these things don't happen to people with self respect.

>> No.10399579

>probably because he autisitically made up the cats

Stupid conjecture, considering how drunk they both were. And he could just lie and say they were outside. HE offers to take her home, and SHE asks where he lives and asks to visit. Holy fuck you roasties are so blind.

>> No.10399582

That's actually fascinating and I haven't seen that. Any reading reccs? Also economically is still an inadequate reading, we dont know the car he drives, his types of clothes, types of albums or art, size of house, or what he drinks

>> No.10399590

This is due to the guilt he boiled up in her, not the dorm, not the bar. I agree with your conjecture though, it's a keystone which might be better served asking why she did that than that she did it and it bespeaks her complicity with Roberts sexual ploys

>> No.10399605

i would have like to see her drink 4 beers, or 5, or maybe even six. then try to straddle him in the drivers seat on the way home causing them to swerve into oncoming traffic.

>> No.10399607

What guilt??!??!

He made a dry joke about her clothing. You can equally say that she made him feel guilty for being fat after mocking his candy consumption. In the bar they have a great time and he teases an imaginary image of her for the sake making her laugh. He doesn't neg her. He doesn't "gaslight" her. He doesn't pressure her into sex. She tries to kiss him and he backs off, he offers to drive her home and she asks to visit his house. He stands inside his house silently watching her from a distance and she makes no move to leave or reject his advances. The fact she then feels ashamed of fucking a fat dude is beside the point. It is HER FUCKING MENTAL WEAKNESS which leads to her going along with it rather than having some courage and saying "hey, you know what, I think we're rushing things". She doesn't even have the decency to explain the rude text her friend sent. She simply goes out to get drunk with her and dodges the consequences. No "sorry Robert my friends sent that, but I really am just looking for friendship right now. It's nothing you did wrong, and thanks again for our date." Can you expect Robert to be civil after receiving that kind of bizarre, selfish treatment? So he calls her a whore? Oh wow.

>> No.10399614


>> No.10399622
File: 957 KB, 500x418, 1453344950988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The way he looked at her then was like an exaggerated version of the expression she’d seen on the faces of all the guys she’d been naked with, not that there were that many—six in total, Robert made seven.

>> No.10399627

Go back to /Robert9000/ please

>> No.10399629

It may be inadequate but i am concerned with the amount of gratuity given to the psychology of characters since they of course have no psychology; they are aspects of psychology but purely functional to illustrate; i like cat person because the characters exhibit little depth they are illustrating an imbalance of power and i do think the imbalance is economic in its nature, because in the end margot only fucks robert with a sense of obligation, not wanting to be accused of "false advertising" and then she sees how she has become a commodity, Robert on the other end of this human centipede, is bereft of humanity, a consumer, and he is defined by his consumption. I recommend Beauvoir's The Second Sex very much btw.

>> No.10399639

Why are so many people quoating this passage?

Do guys think 7 sexual partners is a lot for a sexually active woman?

>> No.10399645

I honestly don't disagree, I think you're reading the story to find fault in woman, and her will is weak twice and contrary to the purpose of her character, first with the number. I'm curious, what would you blame Robert for, if at all?

>> No.10399647

at age 20? yes.
At the very least, it's enough experience to have avoided this story altogether so i don't know what her fucking deal was.

>> No.10399648

>Robert [...] is bereft of humanity, a consumer

The nigger just wanted to be left alone. He has a job, has his own home, has a house full of books and music and art, and spends his time off attending the cinema alone. She is the fucking cunt who invaded his safe space and trashed his self-esteem because she wanted sex with him after one date, which she didn't even consider a date. Robert is baited into thinking a romantic relationship may be available to him, and as soon as he opens himself up to her he is ridiculed, dismissed and treated like a piece of shit. No wonder he calls her a whore, because that's exactly what she is.

>> No.10399650

Ohhh this reading got spicy as fuck. Could the economic reading only accomodate a reality where the cats are the only thing unbuyable -other beings? How does Robert buy Margot, via his other possessions?

>> No.10399660

Im 21 and have been naked with more than 21 people, it's an ambiguous enough number we could pick a side

>> No.10399667

It's interesting how the feminist writing of shallow characters is operating two-fold, it shows our intrinsic biases and also forces us to see a reality for women. Most of us appear to be blatantly sexist

>> No.10399668

do you think that's too many?

>> No.10399669

I blame Robert for the same kind of thing I blame Travis Bickle for, i.e. having so little experience with people that he attempts to apply media depictions of behaviour (e.g. porno) to an IRL situation, leaving the person involved feeling like she is not being treated like a person. But look how fucking terrified Robert is even in his own home with this girl. She is scared he will kill her for no fucking reason, but he is fucking terrified of her because it looks like he has no friends, no relationship experience, no social life and, as she admits, terrible self-esteem. He just spergs out and tries to over-compensate for his inexperience and it ends up being a pathetic display of false bravado (e.g. can't unhook her bra). He isn't treating Margot like shit because he asks her to stick around so he can cook her food, etc. If he was a callous brutish retard he would just fuck her and then tell her to leave. But he doesn't. He apologizes for his shitty performance and makes it clear he doesn't know what he did wrong. And then of course stalking her at the bar and spamming her with foul text messages is wrong, but shit man this guy was already dead and she pissed all over him.

>> No.10399675

But...that's not true. I'm a 22 y.o. female and I've penetrative sex with 8 guys and oral sex with 14 (including most of the 8). I've kissed well over 40 guys. But am I somehow a whore, or have poor judgement, or am incapable of knowing what love is? Not at all. If anything I understand love more than a girl with no experience.

>> No.10399677

This is pretty weak bait.

>> No.10399679

I've been naked with 24 people. Yes that's too many
7? Judging by most girls I've been with that means she's fucked 5
Girls fall into two categories -as far as I can tell- sub five or above 10, it splits the middle and makes us guess how many she's fucked.

>> No.10399687

Rule 16
I can't believe /lit/ would break it

>> No.10399692

>it's enough experience to have avoided this story altogether
>But am I somehow a whore, or have poor judgement
1. in my eyes you're a whore, but that's not important.
2. i said she had experience, so i don't know what you're on about.

>> No.10399696 [DELETED] 

I'm a girl and if any of my female friends hasn't had sex with at least 10 guys (we're all 18 - 19) we should shun them immediately from our group and gossip about their being losers, prudes, and unfair. That being said, if I meet a guy who has not had sex with at least 10 women by the age of 25 I would simply laugh in his face and post his name, address, photograph and social security number across twitter and facebook so that any future potential girlfriend of his could know what kind of loser he is. There is no mercy for the inexperienced today, nor should there be. What I tell every girl I meet, whether I know them intimately or not, is "If you aren't gaping, you aren't worth mating". And it's 100 percent true, which is what's so great about sexual liberation. Because the more partners you experience sexually and / or romantically, the more mature, wise, experienced, skilled and alluring you are. The age of awkward dweebs and frigid girls is over.

>> No.10399708

Margot was not actually compensated, that is in the nature of imbalance. And I would say, neither of them had any of this in mind, but the comparison is illuminated by their pointless derive from theater to store to theater to bar. They are not thinking economically, they are not acting autonomously; commodity fetishism determines everything and it is horrific.

>> No.10399715

Bro can you take your absurd marxist theories to revleft please?

>> No.10399723
File: 37 KB, 643x387, poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what misogyny looks like.

This is what patriarchy looks like.

This is why #ImWithHer

>> No.10399729

Why is Robert entitled to anything? Oh his expectations were not fully met so he is right to abuse someone.

>> No.10399736
File: 130 KB, 750x883, 1513040145645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like 4chan, i am sorry.

>> No.10399753

He IS NOT entitled to anything. Nor does he fucking think he is.

1. M flirts with R

2. R offers to buy M food since she's hungry

3. M tells R that she has told her parents about him

4. M feels pissed that R isn't responding because he's busy at work

4. R asks M to see a movie

6. M agrees and R doesn't make a move

7. M is pissed (again) because R won't make a move

8. R invites M to a bar

9. M cries because she wasn't let in and R comforts her

10. M doesn't mind being comforted and lets R kiss her

11. M is pissed (again) because R was a shitty kisser

12. R says she is too drunk to kiss again but M insists

13. R suggests he drive M home but she climbs on him and kisses him

14. M asks to visit R's house

15. M again describes R as a potential murderer despite asking to become intimate with him

16. R kisses M, puts on a condom and provides her with foreplay despite is obvious inexperience

17. M suddenly regrets forcing things this far but goes along with sex because she's a dumb fucking cunt

18. R asks M if she is okay after sex, admits his insecurity, and offers to cook her food

19. M leaves in the middle of the night and ignores his texts for weeks

20. M finally lets her friend send a shitty text telling R not to contact her

21. M is pissed (again) when R turns up at the bar she invited him to

22. R lashes out and calls her a whore for ignoring him and M's actions are all justified.

>> No.10399784

you have autism.

I think the story shows the what happens when mediated social constructions of western female (prince charming she deserve prince charming) and male (porn not satisfying an emotional connection) collide.

She has quite the ego tho and he's kind of pathetic but it's tough when you feel a real connection with the other person and they drop you but that's life.

i didn't like her writing tho, that line about the log of his erection.

>> No.10399791


>> No.10399798


>> No.10399802

This is a better argument desu
How she fantasized about telling this imaginary person about it
Also R says "I've never been with someone with such nice tits before," which strips his caring beta persona very quickly as the narrative tells us of him giving away his façade of occultish libido/impotence

>> No.10399805

Sad to see this shit getting praised on /lit/

>> No.10399811

Why don't you like it?

>> No.10399812

I refuse to read this story, kitchen sink drama is for soaps

>> No.10399813


Best comment.

I'm now sorry for her, seems like an unsuccessful lena dunham, and that's two times as sad.

>> No.10399815

Mind you, he was drinking at the bar whenever her friends escort her out to try to not have a confrontation with him, so for all we know he could have been drunk texting her whenever he called her a whore.

>> No.10399822

Not pretentious enough and feminist

>> No.10399825

No he says "I've always wanted to [explicit] a girl with nice t**s before" which to my mind comes across as him trying to compliment her without seeming beta, i.e. by trying to be dominant and smutty and falling on his face.

>> No.10399830

its part of the continuing female effort to create a form of wrong-doing called "emotional labour", the only reason this person thinks that their diary entry should be in the NYT (and why everyone else does) is because she wants what essentially amounts to a bad date to be taken more seriously, she's a WOMAN and she was VIOLATED

>> No.10399831

Of course he was drunk, the misspelling in his several texts prove that. But it doesn't excuse it.

>> No.10399836


I kind of hate when authors do that because people say weird shit in bed because their brain chemicals are firing up it doesn't always reveal their true intentions or motivations or insecurities. But here I guess Robert does but reveal his projections and insecurities.

I think the article is general enough that you can project whatever you want on to it to validate your own world view. So the people who are the loudest here will ultimately have the final say on what "cat person means".

Also, the story also feels like the author is projecting an actual experience that she had but this time with the false but validating resolution that we all make up in our minds to satisfy our egos.

No one will read this lol.

>> No.10399845

I agree with your last point desu, felt that way too
Overall, I still think there's a point besides its permeating uncertainty

>> No.10399846

>emotional labour

Is this really a thing? My gf just used that term the other day to describe how tough she has it. I thought she made it up.

>> No.10399853

This is the most beta thing to do, complimenting based on sexual inexperience in a sphere of life that's predicated on sexual experience

>> No.10399859

dump her bro

>> No.10399867

These people are empty boring people because they don't actually do that much with their lives, they just go to work and consume entertainment. Yes I'll tip my own fedorah fanks tam.

I bet she's ran out of things to watch on Netflix and I bet he has strong opinions about what type of porn is best.

>> No.10399869


>> No.10399875


I hope everyone who ever unironically misused this word as empty criticism chokes on his vomit

>> No.10399881

>choke me daddy
It is highly unpretentious. It's written in the colloquial and avoids complex sentence structures

>> No.10399882

I'm an emotional labourer and I refuse to have my form of labour devalued or undermined. Might I remind you that I receive no monetary recompense for my labour, despite it being my official full-time form of employment. The only thing positive about it is that fact that I can work from home in my mom's house and don't have a boss. Other than that it's pretty much all negatives.

>> No.10399889

>“My life is my own,” she told me the next week, her face holding a lightness I had never seen before, even pre-divorce. “I don’t have to deal with his bullshit anymore. I don’t have to wonder what he’s feeling and what he’s avoiding feeling, I don’t have to be the one who supports him in his career, cheering him on and listening to his woes, acting as his most trusted confidant. I can do all that for myself now. I’m free!”
I'm confused. Every relationship I've had has been me running around trying to deal with their moodswings and getting zero support in return. Is that not normal?

>> No.10399893

this, entirely this

>> No.10399903
File: 51 KB, 500x351, tmp_5780-15025101210891166585863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why women are tired

Oh shit! She says that too!
>"I'm so tired"
>"I'm exhausted"
>"I do all the emotional work"

It all makes sense now.

>> No.10399905

>thot manipulates and sexually humiliates an insecure loser for idle amusement
>thot is a woman, so her emotions absolve her from any responsibility for her immoral behavior
>when insecure loser finally realizes he's been had and calls her out, thot feigns victimhood
>story is written in whiny womanish uptalk (narration sounds more like dialogue, dialogue sounds like that of a sitcom), prose equivalent of vocal fry
>emphasis placed on casual realism and mass commercial appeal rather than beauty or even entertainment
>sprinklings of trendy progressive attitudes and simpering faggot sarcasm abound
>main character/writer (can't remember their names) have since been embraced by the twitter brahmin as martyr-icons
>all-in-all, story isn't much more than a big sloppy ode to female resentment, and I deeply regret having wasted my time reading and thinking about it

>> No.10399911

Wowee I sure do wish we could have discussion like this on other pieces of literature. Has /lit/ ever done a reading club type thing where people read a book together and meet maybe once a week to discuss that weeks chapters or whatever?

>> No.10399925

They tried Infinite Jest. The problem is barrier to entry and /mods/ are asleep at the wheel. If we do it, it has to be once a month and it has to be at most 300-400 pages. That way we can all partake and it doesn't interfere with what I'm reading otherwise

>> No.10399950

It must be somewhat normal because I had the same experience
>spend the whole time walking on eggshells to appease this girl's insecurities, spending less time with some people I would've liked to spend more time with, etc etc
>at the start of uni I confess that I'm feeling homesick
>she calls me a bitch
I was being a bit of a bitch, but it wasn't nice to be told so!

>> No.10399956

He's right though, he's talking about Gianna Michaels, they have the same close-set eyes + similar nose and philtrum

>> No.10399957

Honestly, short story of the month or week might be better
We would make a 52 week calendar and post about it?

>> No.10399962


Then you're a whore too

>> No.10399977

Count me in.

>> No.10400001

That's been tried also

Another problem is commitment. Most of /lit/'s users are not going to dedicate a set amount of their free time for an entire year to an anonymous internet social club. Readers have their own interests. Organizers get discouraged when they see nobody is bothering to post in their threads, and eventually the whole thing peters out

>> No.10400028

Why not just continuous threads with canon poetry to analyze?

>> No.10400044

Am I the only one that saw this as an extended Nabokov reference? It's like a modern take on Laughter in the Dark.

>> No.10400076
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The guy is the worst because he used his own patheticness to try to get laid. Do you think it's ok to force your tongue down someone's throat? The fact that he's 30 and hasn't learned how to kiss is sad, but doesn't excuse his weird attempts to control her emotions. She never humiliated him, and any critique of her rests on ignoring the fact that it was her roommate who made the less-than-polite text, which even if it was the narrator would merely be less-than-polite.

Also, this thread is mostly dudes jealous that their short story won't go viral.It was an 7/10 story that confirmed the way sad boys (yes, like you) try to manipulate women, so it resonated with people, like how DFW's (he was a stalker btw look it up) whinings seems more pertinent to you.

You'd think people "concerned" with literature would at least be happy that a bunch of people who aren't the usual audience of fiction are reading, but no, you have to whine and project your own sense of failure on a board where your preprogrammed response to hostility from women will be confirmed.

>> No.10400095

I'd be down for short story of the month!! I would have no problem committing to that

>> No.10400112
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Unironically good bait

>> No.10400378

I'm so glad I'm a schizoid instead of a filthy sexhaver normalfag

>> No.10400381

Even if your penis is a feminine penis, you are still not a gril.

>> No.10400566

I like it when they're mean, but I love it when they're righteous.

>> No.10400758

>written by a woman
>the purpose of the text is airing of sexual frustrations
>in regards to straight men

Every time.

>> No.10400893

There’s a very thin line between greentexts and Rupi poems sometimes

>> No.10400910

You just don't read enough

>> No.10400957
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There's no way Robert isn't a huge piece of shit in this story. He gets pity sex from a girl 14 years younger then he is then after she breaks it off he goes lurking in a bar he knows she frequents to demand her sexual history and call her a whore.
>But oh a-bloo-bloo she thought some mean things about him and her intentions weren't pure fairytale romance start to finish
The reaction to this piece speaks volumes about 4chans entitlement issues with women
Yeah, it's not Roberts fault for being super awkward but when somebody says they don't want to see you anymore you should get over it and/or try to do better in the future. Not just decide they're a stupid slut that you hate now as though you could do no wrong

>> No.10400987


Loose character building and a narrator privy to more information on one side as to paint how pathologies interact in a relationship doomed to fail.
>There's no way

Stopped reading right there. But yes, Robert is a "huge piece of shit", but your undertone clearly states something else.

>> No.10401110

>when somebody says they don't want to see you anymore you should get over it and/or try to do better in the future

That's not what she did though. She broke up with him in the most immature way possible, like she was still in junior high school. That's bound to make any man angry, not just "Roberts."

>> No.10401182

It's a good story, the guy is me and reinforces my decision to stop attempting to make romantic connections, my self esteem is still shit but at least I avoid the pain of these inevitable conclusions

>> No.10401236

underrated post

>> No.10401302

nah, I think it's adequately rated.

>robert is pathetic
True, but completely missed the point of addressing his pathologised form of arrested development and how he self-medicates against it. Also, what is even more fascinating, simply because the narrator has more info on it, is Margot's narcissism and how she is obsessed at watching herself being looked at, to the point where she is incapable of liking a man unless their perception of her matches her objectification of herself in the male gaze.
>implying shit about unconscious reasons for why people here disagree with your view and attributing it to jealousy(which might be true for some) as if this contributes to the discussion of the piece
>bringing up DFW
>why aren't you happy that more people read words off a paper/screen?
as if this speaks to the quality of the piece. it could offer some insight into why people found this story worth reading, but it doesn't necessarily speak to its quality. People listen to fucking rap music more than anything else nowadays, but that doesn't mean Kendrick lamar, Drake and Lil Kodak Fizzle produce quality music

>> No.10401366

This story was shit. Why is it so hyped?

>> No.10401373

Because a woman accidently revealed what selfish piece of shits they are and women went on hysterical damage control before we even noticed it

>> No.10401384

Robert was clearly the bigger piece of shit in the story.

>> No.10401388


>> No.10401391

Holy fuck I'm reading this story it is making my body ache. I'm less than half way in these characters are awful and their dialogue and personalities holy shit it makes me want to vomit it's so pathetic.

>> No.10401395

Y-you too

>> No.10401406

You sound bothered

>> No.10401409

Fuck off bitter roastie. Robert was a pathetic nu-male but he did nothing wrong

>> No.10401426

Robert was the bigger piece of shit simply because he's a nu-male.

>> No.10401434

wow, pleasantly surprised at poll results

>> No.10401449

The amount of women who really related to this Margot character kinda disturbed me, honestly. It just makes me feel kinda sad.

>> No.10401494

Do people actually count the number of people they've kissed?

>> No.10401502

I'm Robert, I'm pathetic, have a soft round belly and am overly self conscious when speaking to attractive women, of course I'm a piece of shit so should I just kill myself?

>> No.10401530

Just finished this bullshit thanks for this feeling of utter disgust. This article could make somebody a nihilist.

>> No.10401532

Did you guys really read a meme story by a non-male just because it went viral?
That’s fucking pathetic.
KYS your selves you brainwashed cucks

>> No.10401588

>Not already being a nihilist

>> No.10401666

tfw your relationship is so fucking A1 and you represent all of Shakespeare's male characters best traits while your girlfriend simultaneously is Rosalind, Cleopatra, Ophelia, Lady Macbeth, and Katherine and when you read a story like Cat Person you're reaffirmed that hot damn you have it good because you're nothing like Robert and if she's Margot then she's Margot on the lowest level

>> No.10401669
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>> No.10401722

under rated

>> No.10401778

I used to be normal and didn't get laid at all. Now I'm a Robert and I get pity fucks. Only difference is I don't send rude messages when the thing runs its course.

>tfw my sexual life consists entirely of banging cute confused artsy girls

>> No.10401789

>#CatPerson male opinion: He knew she was uncomfortable and ignored it. He knowingly took advantage of her unwillingness to say no. He was aware of her characterisation of him and intentionally groomed her by playing into it. We aren't stupid, we're predators. Story is spot on.

>> No.10401826

>Invents non-work
>Complains that she's not compensated for her imaginary work

Dump her. Or explain to her that relationships aren't exciting love stories; they're boredoms with tinges of excitement, rarely.

Fuck this reading pisses me off. Reminds me of my ex who, while I would cleans and cook and manage the finances, would come home pissed at me for not doing something like buying her flowers or thinking of her or whatever. These women want to be constantly appreciated while doing nothing that warants said appreciation. It reminds me of that godawful Marilyn quote about "deserving me at my best", but when your best is limp wristed handjobs and your worst is throwing TVs in the wall, it's not my perjorative to stay and fix you; it's to leave.

>> No.10401862

I wish I could turn off my sex drive so I didn't have to be constantly humiliated for my pathetic attempts at finding a partner

>> No.10401876

>Do opiates everyday
>Sex drive entirely killed
>Replaced by a much deeper longing for romantic love
Woman have it worse desu

>> No.10401878

Could be much worse

>> No.10401888

>took advantage of her unwillingness to say no


>> No.10401906

How many sexual partners has your gf had?

>> No.10401928

If this is real, I feel bad for you. I really do.

>> No.10402987

Lol I'm a 21 y.o. and have had more sex/experiences in every category. Do you feel bad for me?

>> No.10403004

Wooohooo I'm such a slut look at me! I'm having so much sex I can't even remember all their names! Gosh, ain't life so great? What? I don't feel anything. Pure liberty in my heart. Libertine! Woo! Rick and Morty right? Haha damn I'm so hip.

You will be eternally unhappy trying to fill that hole that lives in your heart.

>> No.10403039

get cheated on as of late?

>> No.10403074
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>But am I somehow a whore, or have poor judgement, or am incapable of knowing what love is?

in a sense its worse than that, because speaking in these terms keeps the discussion on the level of social stigma and category sorting, i.e. somewhat arbitrary judgments

what really happens with female promiscuity is something like leakage of identity and perforation of the subtle body (penetration is physical and spiritual, and the female as the receptive partner is especially affected by the mingling of essences). if taken far enough this effects a permanent change of state directly perceptible to others. your aura crumples, flattens - something rings false, metallic, and hollow, about every gesture, every glance of overly promiscuous girls. the "thousand cock stare" meme gestures towards this but the actual effect is more comprehensively corrosive

whether this has happened to you to a substantial degree is between you and your own conscience assuming you're reasonably self aware but its something to be mindful of

>> No.10403095

I carve a notch into the haft of my blade every time.

>> No.10403130


>> No.10403160

Yeah, she does look like Gianna Michaels.

>> No.10403174
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Robert is the worst character

>> No.10403191

lol toxoplasmosis actually makes you repulsive to the opposite sex

>> No.10403197

Ernest Hemingway was a cat person
And masculine

HP Lovecraft was a cat person, wrote a poem about their superiority
And a batshit crazy racist

Robert Mercer is a cat person
And a batshit crazy lolbertarian

>> No.10403303


Howard named his cat Niggerman. Robert Mercer is almost Dr. Gno.

>> No.10403326


>> No.10403351

I couldn't finish it. Stopped right about when they got to his house. Did people here enjoy it or did they simply read it because it's 'in' at the moment?

>> No.10403362

I haven't read it past the beginning because the writing is shit but I've picked it up from reading and contributing to the threads

>> No.10403425

Isn't it more likely that these unhappy, self-hating, unstable women are more likely to be promiscuous as a kind of "self-medication" (to use the term very loosly), rather than being promiscuousness making them this way?

>> No.10403649

This story was not worth 30 min of my time.

>> No.10403788

>and now what's the fuzz about?
roasties relate to it and you know they can trend whatever the fuck they want on social networks

>> No.10403791

I read it just because it got shitposted so much
I wouldn't have gone past the first paragraph otherwise

>> No.10403796

How do we make women and men like eachother again?

>> No.10403813

>First pic
No shit Sherlock
>Second pic
Women who have less stable relationships... are less likely to have stable relationships? Wow!
>Third pic
This is actually interesting. Still, half of the womemes who had 0 extramarital partners wouldn't describe themselves as very happy, while 1/3 of those who had 21+ (which is a fuckton) extramarital partners would.
>Fourth pic
The difference is basically insignificant (a mere 5%, which also goes up and down seemingly randomly)
Also those stats are from 22 years ago.

>> No.10403863

What did he mean?

>> No.10403913


>> No.10403917

t. Fag

>> No.10403919
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You are projecting because you know yourself to be a coward.

>> No.10403981

truth. I am trying my hardest to be bold whenever possible. and if Faust has taught me anything, it's that sincere striving means God will ultimately deliver me from all evil.

>> No.10404000

Fortune favors the brave

>> No.10404111

I'm a dude you polemic cock-munch

>> No.10404119

sexual promiscuity is linked to intelligence in woman, intelligence is linked to depression

>> No.10404120

Robert did nothing wrong until he is pathetic at the end and texts her.

The woman is a typical life on easy mode roastie

>> No.10404126

im a male

>> No.10404179

Wrong. Robert was a thirsty beta male not making his intentions clear. His final lines are implied in every single action he takes. She knows it, and yet she has sex with him anyway.

>> No.10404182

Did anyone else (male) read this and and appreciate seeing what an awkward encounter from her perspective is like? I had a couple of encounters like this in my past (minus the lashing out at the end) and have matured since and thus enjoyed seeing what the other side of that is like

>> No.10404188

I never read non males

>> No.10404196

Read the letter Dear Cat-Person Girl.

The dude got it right

>Robert is your seventh sexual partner. You’re 20 years old. Margot, I don’t know what the right number is for you, but seven is too many.

>I won’t make the case that God is angry with you for not guarding your virginity until marriage. I won’t make the case that you should have sex with only the man you will eventually marry. But having sex with sketchy guys you don’t actually know after (by a generous estimation) 1.5 dates is a bad idea.

>But you so easily could have avoided it. I’m from Gen X, two generations older than you, and I can tell you that, not that long ago, seven sex partners might have been considered a fairly robust tally for a lifetime. But for a 20-year-old? I know guys from college who married the third or second or even first girl they ever slept with. Needless to say, going back to a generation before me, seven sex partners in a lifetime would have been considered a startling number.

>Much of the Internet’s response to your sorrow has been, “Why can’t guys be better at sex?” That’s missing the point. Bad sex doesn’t need to be soul-crushing. If you had really forged a meaningful connection with Robert, you could have worked out your problems in bed over time. You could have made it clear that you didn’t like being treated like a porn star. You could have taught him what you like in bed.

>Another popular Internet response has been, “It’s unfortunate that society makes it so that Margot felt she couldn’t call it off at the last minute.” But that’s missing the point too, because things had gone badly astray long before that. When you first got in Robert’s car, you wondered if he was going to rape and murder you.

>Margot, I can’t believe I need to tell you this: If you’re in a car with a guy and you’re not sure if he wants to murder you, the date has already gone bad. The underlying problem is that you don’t know this man. Except for selling him Red Vines a couple of times at the movie theater and meeting him at 7-Eleven for that snack, you’ve never even talked to him before this night. Texting is not a way to get to know someone. I understand why your generation loves texting: because you have time to formulate the perfect response. You get to present a better version of yourself than you really are in the moment. But guess what? Guys get to do that, too. Guys can make themselves look better than they really are. Texting-Robert is cool and funny. In-person Robert is so weird and awkward that you can’t be sure he doesn’t plan to slit your throat.

>You’re only a fictional character, Margot, but at the same time, you’re not. Young women are responding to your tale by saying that much the same thing happened to them. You and the young women who see them themselves in you should realize that your problem is not that so many guys are bad at dating or bad at sex (though we often are).

>> No.10404199

>not making his intentions clear

Literally how?

>> No.10404214

By following the mating dance liberal society has written and not collapsing the "are we a couple" waveform.

>> No.10404220


>Fish mouth authoress

>> No.10404230 [DELETED] 
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>Kendrick Lamar
>doesn't produce good music

>> No.10404241


>> No.10404250


>> No.10404252

Not really, it's just old-fashioned slut shaming.

>> No.10404260

Fucking Poe's Law

>> No.10404274

At this rate, it’s not possible anymore. Neither side will listen to the other. Shit is fucked.

>> No.10404282

He did plenty of wrong, friend. He fell for her in the same way Margot fell for her ideal Robert. Hence his after sex talk. He had sex with her even though he wasn't feeling like it (lost his erection a few times, the terrible porn acting). The story is a good litmus test, for anyone who identifies too much with either character is probably going to be a bad bf/gf.

>> No.10404289 [DELETED] 


yeah, i did. thought the author likely didn't intend it, the story did a reasonably good job showing how difficult it is to be a man. everyone so alienated, so rootless, that the only way you and I could grow was through failing at these types of awkward encounters

>> No.10404295

>The story is a good litmus test, for anyone who identifies too much with either character is probably going to be a bad bf/gf.

Nicely put.

>> No.10404303

I keep reading this as Cat Peterson

>> No.10404306

Right now she has 2.

>> No.10404307

Ending isn't disappointing. It's not "shilling" and it didn't "compromise" the story. The end doesn't cost the story any of it's "moral ambiguity;" culpability =/= equivalency; and ambiguity for ambiguity's sake is not the mark of a good story.

Your girlfriend is also wrong. You don't get it, but it's not because your a man. It's because you (and likely her) don't know how to read.

>> No.10404318

How about now?

>> No.10404396

kekked profusely

>> No.10404458
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>> No.10404464
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>> No.10404534

I didn’t read the story nor do i want to. They both seem pathetic. Robert is a failed man, Margot a stunted woman. Just emblems of our sick social psyche

>> No.10404755


Which is good.

>> No.10404772

Thats why it is so popular. It lays the biggest problem of todays social hookup culture bare. Sluts and numales.

>> No.10404773
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Neither character did anything wrong.

>> No.10404795
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Wait, is this story about Child Sex Slaves??? Maybe I'll give it a read after all. . .

>> No.10404920

I identify with the actually being a gentleman part that Robert does. I don't identify with the creepy shit he does like ask random girls for their number (I can't tell if someone's flirting), thinking it's okay to reduce a woman to her parts (if that's all they had to offer me, I wouldn't even touch them), or, the final nail, thinking that I am entitled to be mean to anyone who shows me affection for a day and changes their mind. I can only be kind, and hope that the universe one day returns me with compassion, so long as I am sincere. And that's the problem with Robert: He is nice without sincerity; generous with the expectation of return. He gives but expects to be paid back at a later date. That is his fatal flaw. He doesn't offer anything new or interesting to Margot, so why should she stay? Why should she make him her husband? Granted, all this could have been avoided if Margot was an upright girl, but she is from the gutters, just slightly elevated. If this were 100 years ago, she would have dirty clothes.

>> No.10404952

There is nothing wrong with slut shaming.

>> No.10404973

This unironically

>> No.10404985

People who spend a lot of time on the internet, and thus are the ones who are mainly responsible for the trends, are often mentally unstable.

Men are autistic manchildren. Women are entitled sluts.

This story is about both.

>> No.10405273

Glad you asked, since she is really good friends with Zack from her office and wanted to give him christmas present, so she told Jordan and they'll get him threesome and if I buy her the pearl necklace she likes I'll get to watch. She's just amazing at maintaining christmas mood.

>> No.10405280

Holy shit, this read like a 'mean girls'/tropey valley girl line of dialogue. I'm incapable of following it.

>> No.10405326


Jesus, I really hope that's pasta and you didn't type all that bullshit or worose, believe it.

Just like anything else, moderation and the underlying motives for casual sex are key. If a chick is banging loads of dudes to feel validated, yeah she'll be unhappy and eventually catch something.

But you telling anon she's had too many partners is total bullshit, you have no way of knowing the circumstances or her mindset. You just sound jealous and butthurt she's out there having fun with others and you're not. So, yeah - feel free to scour the internet for more statistics proving that you're happier in your moms basement alone than those of us out there fucking around and generally living life for good or bad

>> No.10405338

>>10403074 writes intelligently and >>10405326 writes like a moron. That's all you need to know

>> No.10405344

People always say this but I don't see why. I'm perfectly functioning and I watch porn every day.

>> No.10405410

>Margot, sex isn’t just a fun leisure activity. Your generation has been taught not to take it seriously. Yet sex takes you seriously. It’s obvious from your words that the night you spent with Robert has shaken you deeply. Whether you want to admit it or not, your feelings get dragged into it. Your personality. Your core.

>> No.10405446

no its not even a little bit at all, if that was the case the smartest women on Earth would be IG whores with sugarbaby in their bio and the GDI sluts who get triple penetrated at frat parties but are comm majors and live off of mom and dad. Stop lying and telling yourself falsities, its goign to make you dumber
having more than 5 sexual partners by age 22 is extremely degrading to your self esteem and leaves a lasting effect on your psyche
slut shaming is a good thing and shouldn't be used as a slur against men who don't want women creating a destabilized polygynous dating pool which endangers their ability to have offspring
its unbelievably deflating, I don't even want to defend Robert because he's obviously a faggot, but she's no better either. It makes me want to die honestly
I believe all of this, just from looking at Tinder I can instantly tell if a woman has had too much sex
this is how I judge people too
no you're not at all, otherwise you wouldn't be watching simulated sex every day
whoever wrote these is bretty fuckin spot-on

>> No.10405594

>if that was the case the smartest women on Earth would be IG whores with sugarbaby in their bio and the GDI sluts who get triple penetrated at frat parties but are comm majors and live off of mom and dad.
Basic logic is a requirement to post on this board

>> No.10405695

what was the point of this post? are you disagreeing with me or are you agreeing with me?

>> No.10405699

dont lie on the internet
dont be jealous on the internet

>> No.10405718

i guess ths is bait but anyone whos slutshaming n ths post is a raging, frustrated manchild, incapable of having relationships because of their bitterness and misoginy

>> No.10405733

8 partners at 22 is a lot

>> No.10405752


Yeah, you should kill yourself asap

>> No.10405819

That's two a year, assuming that they didn't start until 18.

In the age of Tinder, that ain't shit.

I suspect you're creating unrealistic standards so you can pretend your lack of a sex life is by your choice.

>> No.10405828


I dunno man. Who the fuck wants to marry a girl who's fucked 24 men by the time she's 30, assuming your standard of 2 a year. Fuck that. I'm open minded enough about things, but that's fucking deviant

>> No.10405900

It makes no difference.

>> No.10405905

If by intelligence you mean being molested as a child then yes, otherwise you're absolutely full of shit.

>> No.10405909

Even if what you just said meant anything, which to me does not,
even then people in this thread pretending not to be mad at her are resentful, fearful motherfuckers.

>> No.10406133
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Literary homos are taught never to blame female characters for wrong doings, ever - because sexism 'n stuff

ITT: Literary homos prove me right when they blame the male character

>> No.10406673

real simple correlation =/= causation

>> No.10406682

you're a virgin, correct?

>> No.10406717

oh i don’t really care about your beliefs at all, you’re a biological robot. I just say things and you respond. But, that’s good that you have beliefs. I don’t respect that, but i think its good
>these people are upset at her so they’re wrong
you’re gonna do big things kid

>> No.10406731


>> No.10406823

consider dumping your gf and looking for someone who you can have a serious conversation with

>> No.10406825

who the fuck wants to marry a dude who has never sucked a dick hmself lol

>> No.10406868


for the sky

>> No.10406925

I discovered i could suck my own dick at 14

I am 6’2 with an 8 in cock

Women always hit on me, my first fuck was a 17 year old emo when i was 14

Magic how it all works, innit

>> No.10408164

>has any standards whatsoever
>must be a virgin

flawless logic, huh?

But he's right in reality, and this applies for both men and women. Women aren't very fond of men who sleep around a lot, contrary to men expectations, it doesn't make them desirable at all.

For a hookup, maybe, but there is no much of a hookup culture anymore. Yes, there's tinder, there's also dating sites, yet statistics show that the hookup culture is dissappearing every year. Maybe dating sites and apps are responsible in some strange ways, like when a decade ago people spend a tons of money on fucking ringtones and now they can have them for free everyone has their phone with their generic tone.

Shitty comparison, I know, but hookup had a higher social status when there was no tinder and was harder to get laid.

>> No.10408245

They were all Roberts in their own ways

>> No.10408263

this is just shit tier prose desu

>> No.10408886

In 2012 I went to a concert which I didn't really want to go and before even getting in, I got into a fistfight with a friend.
I felt pretty bad, I was in the wrong and the guy was a really good friend, so I proceeded to take a lot of alcohol, some drugs and ended up hooking up with a girl I knew from last.fm. I wanted it to go on, she didn't, I asked her out a few times, she changed the subject, so did I. Recently I met her at another concert but now I'm dating and I think she is too, and she turns out to be a pretty nice girl but it would never have worked, she's just too different from me. It happens, life goes on, someday some girl will probably pity you enough to date you, but it was not this time.

>> No.10408915

>hookup culture is disappearing
That’s incorrect, and the numbers of people who fuck that are dwindling is among the middle and lower middle status. Average and sort of ugly people who would have had/been able to afford sex and relationships are fucking less. the decrease is mostly among men and ugly women. The middle of women and top of men and women is fucking far more than normal. try to pay attention instead of doing augury based on misleading statistics. Hookup culture is far more prominent than before
lol shut the fuck up you fucking imbecile

>> No.10408926

Ok stay mad at other people having sex

>> No.10408954
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I agree with that line of thought somewhat. In spite of a rising tide, there are still waves taking trends up and down, and currently we are heading towards a valley in general hookup culture. There are many more articles going about the troubles that come with casual dating than ones stating it's "liberating" by any means.

Besides, I know everyone is sick of marxist shit, but capital has kind of amassed this immense power to leverage its way into turning everything to markets, and hookup culture has all the same became a market (thanks to the tinders and okcupids around, just like you say); this market currently has so much more supply than demand that its commodity (people in general) has become cheap and undesirable for exchanges. Only "problem" if it's even a problem, is that millennials did not inherit much knowledge of how to establish and endure a relationship, neither can they mimic the boomers and greatests, because the wealth required for their lifestyle is simply not circulating anymore. In my humble opinion I think we're more or less screwed so far because society has cultivated habits (whilst forgetting the previously established ones rather than adapting them), that we are now collectively finding out are not healthy and do not lead to joy in the end.

>> No.10408963


>> No.10408981


I wouldn't dismiss that so quickly. Hookup culture may become prominent just like owning a house is prominent. Your own posts explain how it's possible for it to be decreasing in raw numbers while enjoying a rise in social leverage.

Thing is, when fuglies realize they should actually be buying into the stable relationship or at least some kind of relationship life, there will be a shift. Or the shift starts from top-bottom when beauties realize they weren't able to keep the "dating gap" increasing. Whatever the reason is, it is more than arguable that we are starting to see one such shift (another example of it: the countless woes of early third wave feminists finding out they are not only single, they are utterly alone).

>> No.10409012

I think all of you ignore how little some people care about stable relationships at all. I had a huge desperation about being in one when I was about 21 (not even lack of sex, I wasn't drowning in poon but still got enough) and got into one in which i'm still today, 6 years later, and while I do love my gf and enjoy our relationship, if we broke up I doubt I'd get back into that train.

>> No.10409097

I simply do not understand how any man could become intimate with a girl, and treat her as a "cute girlfriend", knowing she has had sex with other men. It baffled me how anybody could look at a girl smiling at them and acting all innocent and shy knowing they have previously acted that way with another guy, and probably allowed another guy to dominate them in bed and essentially use them up. All that innocence and genuine shyness the girl once had is now gone. And you're left with the husk of a girl who simply goes through the motions to secure you as an economically reliable spouse and potential father to her offspring. She will never gaze into your eyes and feel a genuine sense of nervous excitement at the prospect of you introducing her to a world outside of the relatively cloistered, repressed and well-mannered world to which she is accustomed. She will never blush and shake as you begin to run your hand up her leg. She will never ask you quietly if you could take it slow since it's her first time. You're just dating a used up piece of fuckmeat, pretty much. It's like occupying a territory full of bombed out buildings and ruined cities. Sure you could spend all your energy restoring the chapels and clearing the streets of rubble, but there will always be that one bullet-ridden doorway to remind you of her past, always the bombed-out craters to confront you with the fact this place was occupied long before you came along. The last time I was intimate with a girl I learned through casual conversation that she had been in a long-term relationship with a guy who mistreated her, and that once he had come on her face without asking her if she was okay with it. For the rest of the time we were together all I could picture as she talked was a big floppy moist cock in the place of her head wobbling around and pointing at me. It made me nauseous and suffice to say I cut things off soon after that after recoiling when she tried to kiss me. Oh how I long for the days when subtle flirtation could last an entire year, and a relationship was formed over an extended period full of sincere conversations, gradually more conspicuous displays of affection and finally a formal proposal to consider one another as both friends and lovers. This is no age for sensitive, cultured gentlemen like myself.

>> No.10409104

not him, but you should reassess what thinking is.

>> No.10409231

>Also those stats are from 22 years ago.
Some things don't change.

>> No.10409311

>I've penetrative sex
Typical dumb whore. Haven't you realized /lit/ is never going to discuss "fifty shades" or "the notebook"?

Why do you think your experience is so important? You come onto a board about literature and tell us that you've had your pussy pounded 400 times, that you love to slurp dicks and mash lips, that you think it's edifying or some shit. You think that's contribution? You and your private opinions are not proof of anything.

God dang am I tired of dumb whores walking into a conversation and burbling out "muh sex" as if it means something. I can just imagine you kind of standing in the center of the /lit/ parlor, drunkenly listing to starboard as your mouth hangs open and dribbles spit. Like the whole fucking room is glaring at you, but you're still flashing a dumb grin and preening your messy sex hair, waiting for us to applaud.

Fuck. off.

>> No.10409321

I used to think that as well until I stopped watching porn, then my outlook changed entirely. It was as if watching a black and white movie and then switching to HD color.

>> No.10409360

Can you elaborate? Did you also stop masturbating? Were you having regular sex otherwise?

How did your outlook change in particular? I'm trying to quit porn as well. I'm not sure if I have a full-blown addiction but I'm certain the craving is not healthy for my mind or spirit.

>> No.10409379

Boomers and Greatest created the problems that millenials have inherited. Hookup culture might be a millenial problem and phenomenon but it is not the creation or fault of millenials.

>> No.10409579

>when grandma's fucked a hundred fifty men

>> No.10409791

>I'm not sure if I have a full-blown addiction

This is really easy to find out. Commit to quitting porn 100%. If you can't do it, you're addicted. Its that simple.

>> No.10409887

True, true.

>> No.10410068

I already have. So far I've been able to do it but the cravings are intense at times, hence why I'm unsure.

>> No.10410100

Anyone Who Disagrees with Me is a Virgin: The Female's Guide to Internet Arguments

>> No.10410129


Everyone Who Isn't an Incel is an Immoral Degenerate: the Neckbeard's Book of Sour Grapes

>> No.10410178


>Howard named hiscat Niggerman.
Did Lovecraft reincarnate into the guy who wrote that 25% nigger novel ?

>> No.10410256
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did Lovecraft reincarnate into the guy who wrote that 25% nigger novel ?

No, he reincarnated into the guy who wrote that 25% nigger twitter.

>> No.10410313

>I have no arguments so I'm going to resort to mean words

Really hurted my feelings :'(

>> No.10410344


Oh I do recognize that. Some would say it goes back even further with accumulation of wealth. Accumulation of social wealth merely became widespread with millennials, because by now personal relations have the same value as any other asset (i.e economical value).

>> No.10410506

obvious pasta, but i unironically agree with all of this.

>> No.10410519

It does but most of what we see now is the commodification of our most basic human desires and impulses. The goal of capitalism is to make us all mindless consumers. Don't get me wrong, the seeds were planted long ago but the Boomers, X-ers, and Greatest brought them to harvest. Millenials have just been given the fruit.

>> No.10410534

>stalking her at the bar

She went to a bar where he happened to be at the same time.

>> No.10411132

Absolutely beautiful.

>> No.10412628

Absolutely wondrous

>> No.10413060

we need to stop talking about this shit story

so many good authors, and you all argue about this

this board is filled with fucking tumblrinas

>> No.10414295

>men are expected to read girls's minds
Fuck this stupid story. Everything that happened to her is her own fault. The worst thing Robert did was call her a name over text. The horror!

>> No.10414435

The ambiguity is key to the themes of the story, of people in relationships projecting metanarratives onto their partners and how they wind up fitting themselves into predefined roles and ultimately dissappointing each other when they fail to live up to said self-assigned roles.

When Robert is wrong from the start it illicits a tendency to read Margot’s actions as for the “greater good”, ignoring how she fucked a guy because of a made up construct she had of him in her mind.