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/lit/ - Literature

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10401035 No.10401035 [Reply] [Original]

Who, in your opinion, is one of the best poets of all time? Obviously there is no objective best writer, but this is an opinion question.

>> No.10401051

rupi kaur

>> No.10401055


>> No.10401060
File: 186 KB, 615x960, ob_f4fe7d_a-rimbaud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arthur Rimbaud, 17 years old hermeticist, neoplatonist, alchemist

>> No.10401061

Ok thanks for the meme post

>> No.10401067

romanticism the height of poetry.. and Wordsworth was the best

>> No.10401070

poetry is a meme artform

>> No.10401074

your life is a meme artform

>> No.10401095

my diary desu

>> No.10401128

I remember when this guy was almost a meme on here. Seems /lit/ has left him behind.

>> No.10401134

Rilke, ezly

>> No.10401604

Objectively, T.S. Eliot.

>> No.10401647


>> No.10401882


>> No.10401898


Dante, Homer, Shakespeare, Milton, etc.

>> No.10401900
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Blake saw god

>> No.10401914

I really wish I could say Homer but it's just not fair to. So instead I'll say Shelley and Tennyson are two of the best

>> No.10402462
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Andrei Tarkovsky

>> No.10402597

Whan wille this meme ende?

>> No.10402603

t. pearl poet

>> No.10402617

>No pope

Why even live?

>> No.10402638

seems like he was a degenerate and none of the things you mentioned. I think people also like him cause he was handsome

>> No.10402767

>being this catholic

>> No.10403061

Do Shakespeare’s plays count as poetry?

I was reading Measure for Measure earlier this week, which isn’t a play I was familiar with until I took a Shakespeare class this semester on his late plays (also read The Winter’s Tale, Cymbeline, King Lear, Pericles, and The Tempest) and was blown away by this monologue from the Duke/Friar to Claudio. In a lesser known play it’s just brilliant.

“Be absolute for death; either death or life
Shall thereby be the sweeter. Reason thus with life:
If I do lose thee, I do lose a thing
That none but fools would keep: a breath thou art,
Servile to all the skyey influences,
That dost this habitation, where thou keep'st,
Hourly afflict: merely, thou art death's fool;
For him thou labour'st by thy flight to shun
And yet runn'st toward him still. Thou art not noble;
For all the accommodations that thou bear'st
Are nursed by baseness. Thou'rt by no means valiant;
For thou dost fear the soft and tender fork
Of a poor worm. Thy best of rest is sleep,
And that thou oft provokest; yet grossly fear'st
Thy death, which is no more. Thou art not thyself;
For thou exist'st on many a thousand grains
That issue out of dust. “

>> No.10403140
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Ezra Pound
Kenneth Patchen
Frank O'Hara
Joe Bolton
Ted Hughes
Scott Cairns
Evie Christie

>> No.10403147

t. wrong side of History
(I like Frank O' Hara though)

>> No.10403214

>one of the best poets of all time?

one of includes any poet. Ed Sanders, who wrote "fuck god in the ass" is one of the best poets of all time. Elsie Ann Shannon, who wrote "Holy Penguin" is one of the best poets of all time.

consider your wording next time. alternatively, ask a poet.

>> No.10403219
File: 73 KB, 240x323, rimbaud_dat_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot slave trader, gun runner and high functioning autists.

>> No.10403240

>Do Shakespeare’s plays count as poetry?
Yes... I'm fucking bummed he was to much of a twat to write a long narrative poem

>> No.10403243


Best of course is Shakespeare

>> No.10403251

Wallace Stevens without a doubt.

>> No.10403361

My favorite is Frank O'Hara. He showed the full potential of what post-modern poetry can be

>> No.10403386

Keats was the best romantic, though Blake was the better poet. Eliot and Crane are perfect modern poets, with Pound hanging in the in the rafters for if you really want to dive down a rabbit hole. Special mention to Frank Stanford.

>> No.10404592


>> No.10404602

L e o p a r d i

>> No.10404650

Blake and Milton, Byron and Shelley, Han-Shan and Hakuin

>> No.10404672
File: 39 KB, 364x616, IDUCASSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "lautréamont", "maldoror", "isidor", "ducasse"
>no results

Come on /lit/