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/lit/ - Literature

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10400636 No.10400636 [Reply] [Original]

>"I read the bible in a month."

>> No.10401011
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>sorting your books by color

>> No.10401948

How did you do that?

>> No.10402150

You do it by skimming it for a surface level understanding at best so you can assume a false sense of superiority over others.

>> No.10402197

Less than 50 pages a day is all it takes.

>> No.10402216


I just had a conversation with someone who said something like that lol

>> No.10402425

All it takes to have a surface level understanding, stop being a fucking pleb.

>> No.10402447

50 pages in the Bible is a fuckton. I read about 10-15 chapters per sitting and spend an hour and a half on that.

>> No.10402461

Good, I'm an Atheist and probably have less respect for the text than most, but even I realize you don't just read the book like a fucking novel, it has a plethora of theologic, historic, geographic, cultural, etc references that would be completely missed if you just speed read through it just to say you've read it.

>> No.10402464

>I'm an Atheist and probably have less respect for the text than most
>not reading one of the most influential pieces of literature in all human history
>CuZ iM aN AtHeiSsssSSss


>> No.10402476

speaking of plebs...

>> No.10402490
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I never said I'm not reading it, and it is only influential in the western hemisphere, wipe the drool off your chin basement dweller.


>> No.10402499
File: 354 KB, 907x502, tucznik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are completely blown out homo you probably don't even fucking read.

>lives in the West
>doesn't know anything about the West
>bBueCAusE i'm An AthheEeisss

>> No.10402515

>I'm an Atheist
>capital-A Atheist
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on anon's soul.

>> No.10402520
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I will destroy your anus with extreme diliegence.

the bible *tip*

>> No.10402661

>it is only influential in the western hemisphere

>> No.10402668

Very stupid thread

>> No.10403339

>less respect for the text than most
Why do you think being an atheist gives you a pass to disregard the Bible, my friend?

>> No.10403354

A month is perfectly fine for a first reading. Your first reading of most any book should be fairly superficial to acquaint yourself with its structure and themes to better prepare yourself to read it more deeply. Trying to do a deep reading on your first pass is just doing yourself a disservice.

>> No.10403363
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>trying to read Vulgata in latin
>5 weeks later, still on Genesis
>have no idea what I've read anyway

>> No.10404059

>I'm an Atheist

>> No.10404079

t. christfaggot

i tip my bible to you sir

>> No.10404109

u hav penis n u like peninbutt BTFO

>> No.10404236

The Bible isn't a novel. You can't process 50 pages of Leviticus in a day.

>> No.10404243

TradCatholics are the most stupid people in the world (after KJV-onlyists)

>> No.10404286

Science only-fags, people who oppose fiction, multiculturalists, egalitarians, globalists, anti-historyfags, ISIS, people who believe in the words of the fourth political power...
And you go for people who wish to protect something? We live in a time when things change rapidly, both intentionally (social structures are built and destroyed with intent) and organically. You choose to go against the allergic reaction...

>> No.10404312

ISIS want to protect things too. They're just as convinced they're doing the right thing as you are, if not more so. At least they put their nail-bombs where their mouths are.

>> No.10404342

Something I always questioned

If the Bible is meant for all and is the word of God, why can so few understand it?

If I'm too stupid to read and analyze the Bible,
am I too stupid to believe in God (the Christian one anyway)

>> No.10404351
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>> No.10404356

>ISIS want to protect things too
What would those be? Property rights? As far as I know, they have been out to get their version of patriarchy; ancient buildings and relics.

>> No.10405196


>> No.10405206

>go Roy Moore

>> No.10405400

Bro kiddie fiddling isn't that bad as long as you do it before you run for office.
Better a pedophile than a libtard.
Red team #1

>> No.10405841
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You don't need to go full lectio divina to have a decent understanding, even if we up the page count to 1500 to account for footnotes and the like, and TRIPLE the page count on top of that to account for studying the text seriously, that's 4500 pages which rounds out to 150 pages a day. Sick of the number of light reader plebs on this board who gawk at reading more than a chapter a day.

>> No.10405874

My dick is bigger than yours, lets measure.