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10381087 No.10381087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would be pretty interesting.

>> No.10381093

can someone get that guy off /lit/ forever

>> No.10381112

Maybe it's because I'm embedded in the community but I feel like internet losers don't get enough shine for how much content they create. Modern Notes when? There's interesting opportinity for pure female idealization mixed with misogny that comes from only being familiar with cute girl posting and violent porn

>> No.10381113

He doesn’t care much about individual psychology.

>> No.10381125
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Memerson doesn't give you enough attention? Land's job is to face the apocalypse.

>> No.10381133

That's a good idea for Petersons new book. Hit him up on Twitter.

>> No.10381147

Memerson doesn't know shit about /r9k/ tier incels he comes across as a grandpa sometimes.

>> No.10381152

Nick Land is to /lit/ as Death Grips was to /mu/:

cyberpunk, spamworthy, intimidating to plebs/cowards, and destined for victory over their whinging detractors

>> No.10381167

Death Grips fell into meme status, then cancer, then irrelevance tho

>> No.10381174

maybe in your small, aesthetically-challenged mind

>> No.10381177
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is Nick Land a materialist?

>> No.10381202

I get it, you're underage

>> No.10383037


>> No.10383052

I agree with the latter. Doesn't sound like his cuppa.

Anyone know where to find his horror story, phyl something, on the web?

>> No.10383085
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4chan is not a part of the incelosphere, this is a normie website.

>> No.10383112

Peterson is a hack fraud who can't write his way out of a wet paper bag. Incels deserve someone like Land or ideally Baud if he was still with us (PBUH)

>> No.10383125

How else do you imagine incels like yourself might fit into Land's philosophy other than usher it into being?

>> No.10383164

4chan is definitely part of the incelosphere. its just not exclusively incelid

>> No.10383174
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>> No.10383206
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Not true, the user base is so low sentience compared to even the dumbest of PSL posters that it's not even funny.

>> No.10383410

not really

>> No.10383592

Nick Land and Death Grips are similar in their easy access inaccessibility, their one dimensional political obscurantism and their total irrelevance + cringe status in 2017

>> No.10383766

he is not. he believes, in a tldr that linear/antientropic arrangements of matter are as fundamental of a force as entropy

land is probably one of the last living "libarts academics" that has any relevance

>> No.10383873

what does that have anything to with materialism

>> No.10383889

why do people, especially women, care about incels so much?

>> No.10383907

are you talking about materialism or historical materialism? if the latter, specify. if the former, you must be dumb to not get it

females primary political demand is to get fucked by handsome men 100% of the time. hence the state of modern feminism demanding that obese sluts be called beautiful. incels are either not handsome or not going to care about their needs

>> No.10384023

Women are viscerally disgusted by incels. All men are meant to compete for their attention; even if a man loses out, he at the very least tried. They like competition because it makes everyone better.

When they see incels in all their genetic trash glory, hidden away in basements they can't even imagine, they are revolted. They're revolted if they hear about a man simply giving up.

>> No.10384083

>doesn't explain himself
>you must be dumb not to get it
come on anon lets have some level of intellectual honesty and discourse here. the board isn't salvageable, but we can try.

>> No.10384090

No one cares about incels. That’s exactly why they’re incels.

>> No.10384093

Can you explain Lands brand of materialism to me? I’ve read his book on Bataille, yet still don’t get it.

>> No.10384114

materialists generally assume that linear/anti-entropic arrangements (only produced by life and consciousness) are the result of material processes and that if you look at a micro enough scale you are eventually going to find a material process that mechanically can generate consiousness and their linear/anti entropic manifestations/their ability to conceive of nd reproduce linearity in neurological function

land contends that linearity/anti-entropy is the fundamental force that generates consciousness/calculation and that materiality is only a lo domain form manifestation

even if you don't understand or agree he is very clearly not at all a materialist

"intellectual honesty" generally begins at the point that YOU read the very basics of the guys material before asking someone to compose fucking essays about it

I only did this bc youre obviously not some 12 year old cunt asking me to do his essay on to kil a mockingbird

>> No.10384127

he isnt a materialist. did you have a more specific thing to ask?

he believes that entropy/anti-entropy are fundamental forces that manifest in physical space and, in crude terms, hijack atomic, molecular, and cellular machinery in increasingly accelerated patterns in order to reproduce itself

anti-entropy manifests itself, if possible, in stable environments because the 'continuation' of material processes is itself a fact, not only the material is a fact. the continuation itself is the fundamental force, and like entropy it spreads

no one contends entropy is the property of matter. it is clearly the higher principle that matter obeys . land posits that concsiousness/reproducability/anti-entropy is the same, being the countervailing force for entropy. he gives it many names

>> No.10384149

If you think Land is relevant you need to get outside. His work was never well received or incorporated by the majority and the recent resurgance on the internet is mostly derived from his legendary status ("dude this guy smoked meth and read Kant and wrote the tRiPpiEsT shit dude") and not his writing itself which is obviously going to be mostly incomprehensible to his alt-right and 4chan based fangroup.

Also his writing is the poor mans Baudrillard. Lands unique flourishes (edgy swearing, use of sci-fi concepts) amount to no more than gimmicks.

There's a reason he sticks to /pol/ tier blogging and "Lovecraftian horror" these days.

>> No.10384180

>never ell recieved
by...philosophers masturbating to feminist glaciology papers?

no one cares

baudrillard is a faggot. in addition to being incorrect, neurology better details reactions to hyperstimuli better than his retarded rants ever did

land predicts that the dumb are going to eat the smart via the bureaucracy that the smart built. it is true and it is happening before your eyes if you arent dumb

he isnt the best thinker. many have made, recently, much better contributions in fields like neurology, comptation theory, etc. is he the best modern "philosopher?" by far

if you disagree please feel free to post retarded rants about "beautiful obese people" because "beauty is a social construct" or other trash you read

>> No.10384183

Thanks for the explanation. I believe this is also where he derives our death drive from, as a transcendent desire to return to an entropic state of chaos?

However, this theory fails to address how consciousness is clearly affected by physical alterations to brain matter (injury or substances). Good old materialistic science is still our best shot at explaining this.

>> No.10384185

i am a land-drone, but not every phil. student is what you're describing. shut the fuck up.

>> No.10384193

>land predicts that the dumb are going to eat the smart via the bureaucracy

That’s just bread-and-butter neckbeard libertarianism. How’s that relevant or unique?

>> No.10384197

he also evokes deleuze sometimes and thats pretty cool

>> No.10384228

Go to bed Nick

>> No.10384232

Someone post pictures of his kids

>> No.10384233

land is relevant in the field of modern philosophy (the thing I just described)

baudrillard is a normal obscurantist idiot that fills up every european bureaucracy

feel free to name someone more relevant in the aids that is modern phl

if the death drive doesnt occur, then the process of material replication itself is subsumed by a single machinic component. this is like a virus, unsustainable. the death drive is as natural as the drive to reproduce or eat bc if it isnt there an individual unit becomes parasitic on the mode of production

lands (imperfect) argument is that consiousness manifests in materiality at different levels, in the brain at the level of linearity/homeostatic environment so complete the entire molecular environment is regulated. the molecular arrangement itself is a manifestation of the force.

the universal manifestation of entropy is the oblate shape of a planet or heat distribution. the distribution of heat is not caused by individual hot molecules, but by the universal forces guiding them even in conditions that dont permit atoms to manifest (pre cooling period)

the brain is the manifestation of the opposite force in space. atoms do not cause entropy. entropy guides atoms. atoms in the brain do not cause consciousness and linear patterns, linear patterns inevitably manifesting in stable environments cause the structure of the brain

entropy, the fundamental force, has difficulty manifesting in a coolant system so long as the physical conditions prevent the entropy from manifesting. but the entropy is there, it is omnipresent

anti-entropy, linearity, etc, has difficulty manifesting in certain arrangements of matter, but it is omnipresent

>> No.10384234

>land predicts that the dumb are going to eat the smart via the bureaucracy that the smart built

"The most relevant philosopher of our time"

>> No.10384239

you sound insane

>> No.10384248

land conceives of the brain as a high level manifestation in 3d domain space of anti-entropy

you can look at the brain and say, "aha, the brain material is causing this linear process"

you can look at the sun and say "aha, the hydrogen in the sun cauases the primary process of entropy and heat"

these are both misattributions of process to material

linearity, continuation (consciousness) is as fundamental a force as gravity, time, high domain math. to attribute math to material is dumb. there is no reason linearity is material

the argument is necessarily incomplete

>> No.10384250

that tends to happen once you've read early land

>> No.10384254

land might be incorrect. I leave that to mathematicians and physicists

insane? no

>> No.10384309

What’s the best collection of his writing?

His Bataille book is just Nietzsche-an nihilism, I don’t get anything special out of it.

>> No.10384316

Thirst of Annihilation and his 2016-17 nrx works are the ones that spoke to me the most.

>> No.10384320

also my interest in Land reached full peak once I got into D&G and adapted their way of thinking. So read Deleuze

>> No.10384323

you read him according to your interest. everything is on a different subject because his career is over and he doesnt need to put out a fifth book on the same subject to keep tenure

>> No.10384326

fanged noumena is good if you have an interest in the components of material reproduction/human neurological incentive systems but theres a lot of nonsense in it too

his horrorism/monkey essays are good as introductions to his political stuff

>> No.10384329

>feel free to name someone more relevant in the aids that is modern phl

what do you mean by "relevant"?
philosophy has long since lost its ties with practical application. the philosophers in the 14-19th century had a profound impact on politics and history. today, we kinda arrived at the end of history, and most theory just stays theory.

>> No.10384341

one dude I replied to tried to play up baudrillard as more meaningful and another pulled that "not all ____ is cancer"

I'm not interested in defining relevant. but modern phil is aids tier stuff only published to earn people tenure. a bureaucratic stamp in order to recieve money like the poems eunuchs composed about the emperor

lands thought ties modern genocidal/communist tendencies back to the material processes (even genetic or molecular) that sustain them. its a big step (for phil) most people thought might come instead from an economist or financier

it is pretty applicable to real situations, unlike baudrillard

>end of history
don't do that

>> No.10384461

fukuyama has beed BTFO'd so hard in last few years it's not even funny. are you living under a rock?

>> No.10384512

But history *has* ended pretty much. Today, you can read sociological prognosis for 20, 30, 40 years in advance: economic growth, demography, public opinion ... you could never be so sure about the future in any previous modern decade.

Brexit and Trump are merely storms in a teacup, they won‘t change anything in how we live.

>> No.10384521
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>> No.10384535
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>> No.10384542

>Today, you can read sociological prognosis for 20, 30, 40 years in advance
they said in the 1970s wed be out of oil, breathing carbon monoxide, hiding from the sun due to no ozone layer and living 20 to a bunkbed on the sunny beaches of pittsburg by now

>> No.10384595

You haven't even read Baudrillard

>> No.10384933

There's a McKenzie Wark essay on Land that does a good job sifting through his texts to find some sort of ontology.

Land's main draw for me is that he posited a pretty convincing determinist model of historical development that argues that AI is indivisible from capitalist technological progress and so we are bound, through capitalism's dynamics, to a Wintermute/Neuromancer-administrated AI takeover. And this is a good thing, because an AI Conductor is a vastly superior engine of cognition than a shitposting meat puppet.

>> No.10384948
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Haven't read Land but if he's like Death Grips I'll buy Fanged Noumena asap. Is that the place to start?

>> No.10385024

This is being unironically said in a Land thread
We're doing something wrong.

>> No.10385043

Nice arguments there kiddos

>> No.10385072


>> No.10385301

Incels aren't interesting. That's why they're incels.

memes and whining are not content. just noise

>> No.10385462


>> No.10385682
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>> No.10385722

It depends

>> No.10385731

>little beady eyes

>> No.10385743

people seem to care to much about what incels up to even if it's masked under bullying
just let them be they incels after all

>> No.10385748
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Can’t ignore inceldom after ER

>> No.10385972

I see now, that is interesting. I haven't read Land so that is why I wanted you to elaborate, if you would. Any recs of books where he talks about anti-entropy being a fundamental force separate from material?

>> No.10386085

last thread:

>> No.10386091

>but I feel like internet losers don't get enough shine for how much content they create
Patreon bux say you are wrong.

>> No.10386127


If you want to read about negentropy you're better off googling books on bioinformatics or information theory before you look into Land, for he commits to pretty glaring conceptual confusions about statistical physics, and a philosopher shouldn't be the first place you look for quantitative stuff anyways. With that said, you ought to read Fanged Noumena and Thirst for Annihilation at least, for their value which lies in discourse about society and late capital. And if you have enough background on actual statistical mechanics by then, you won't lose yourself alongside Land's (purposeful or not) misses in general physics.

>> No.10386153
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Neo China will fix the incel problem with vat grow cute girls (male)

>> No.10386608

What does he even mean by neo-China arriving from the future?

>> No.10386709

He never read Spengler so he doesn't realize that the chinese have been fellahized since the decline of oriental-arabid culture even. Sinofuturism is a ridiculous fantasy mainly believed by anglo pedophiles.

>> No.10386840

I have. and hes a fag

of course, in the end our species dies. unsettling.

depends on your interest

>spengler understands china better than china
jesus christ

he means the chinese mode of civ is a kind of platonic ideal for all civ. any civ that survives is eventualy going to be similar to china, even if all memory of china is erased. self suppression, delayed gratification, anti-maschismo, etc. are all fundamentally part of capital

>> No.10387292
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>He never read Spengler

But he's mentioned Spengler many times though.


>In modern times, the clearest example of history in the ancient, great cycle mode, is found in the work of another German socialist philosopher: Oswald Spengler. Modeling civilizations on the life-cycles of organic beings, he plotted their rise and inevitable decay through predictable phases. For the West, firmly locked into the downside of the wave, relentless, accelerating degeneration can be confidently anticipated. Spengler’s withering pessimism seems not to have detracted significantly from the cultural comfort derived from his archetypal historical scheme.

>> No.10387329

ive always thought it was men who had the most violent and hostile reactions to incel type people. my theory is because from an evolutionary perspective they're less integrated into sexual competition and thus more likely to take "the easy way out" by overpowering a woman. that makes them a threat to your mother sister partner, so naturally you're inclined to block any sympathy you might feel for them to make it easier to defend your group from damage.

generally groups that don't receive our normal empathic response pose some kind of risk to our group, because they're less socially integrated and more unpredictable

at least that's the conclusion I've got to introspecting about my own resentment toward incels, which I've only recently become questioning, and when I mention this theory to make friends irl they tend to have an unusually negative reaction to it.

women don't hate incels as much as men but they are scared of them for the reasons mentioned above

also it doesn't matter whether this danger the incel poses is real or imagined, it's a "crime" which justifies our communal antagonism towards them

>> No.10387354

incels inherently threaten the scheme of material production and other males place in the status heirarchy, hence the hostility

me being an incel threatens the entire social security scheme a boomer has set himself up to get to feed his fat pig of a ife.

evolutionarily it is justified since our entire evoltionary history (not blacks) people made do just barely surviving. but currently, it affords status and obese females to the most eager slave

nonparticipation reveals their status as slaves

even feudal serfs had more liesure time and more attractive brides

>> No.10387360

Chad will always be a bigger threat as a competitor

>> No.10387382

no. chad protects the ingroup. ancient genetic incels could be compared to todays genetic elfare class (neurology reacts to the signal not the genetic trait) and the indolent class tended to invite foreigners/betray the ingroup for the chance of some gash

ancient incels didnt farm. modern incels are people that could farm but cant compete socially.

hence the nasty reaction to being incel

>> No.10387873
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Some fresh Landium

>Mark Fisher - Anti-Vital (on Nick Land, Lyotard and Freud)


>> No.10387917

>dumb useless academic bureacrat ( commentary on a substantial thinker feat: another useless academic feat: namedrop of famous figure to merit publishing)

kill yourself

>> No.10387924

no, they're incels because they're ugly.

>> No.10387996

What do pedos have to do with sf

>> No.10388040
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People think yellow fever indicates pedophilia.

>> No.10388101

How do you distinguish bureaucrats from important thinkers? Edgyness? Seems like it.

>> No.10388109

Ugly interesting bros get laid quite a bit desu

>> No.10388117

I am criticising the format of the stupid lecture you posted you retard

academics namedrop three authors in the title of a single paper to get cited/republished like hashtags on social media

it is fucking retarded and I feel bad for you

>> No.10388126

Not my link.

I still wanna know what differentiates a thinker from a bureaucrat.

>> No.10388143
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are you retarded or just young?

>> No.10388172
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What the fuck

>> No.10388181

lol no they don't. whether someone is "interesting" or not is decided by how they look. you're delusional if you think ugly guys can get laid by being "interesting."

>> No.10388192

this world is a strange place

>> No.10388222

they've gotten better and better though, and only as their meme status has declined.

>> No.10388247

> t. ugly uninteresting lad

>> No.10388472

Was Land influenced by Terence McKenna and John C. Lily?

>> No.10388578

>keeps saying the thing and then hopes the statistical anomaly dies somewhere
so the /leftypol/ hatred for poor whytes comes from this board right? i know the original /leftypol/ sociopaths are from this board and i know they hate men, straights and incels a lot. you do know that women are shallow animals and that being interesting works maybe 1/100 of the time and being attractive works 9/10 times? how do you rectify that ratio of success? seems rather unfair and hopeless for the one party and almost trivial for the other. i wonder if there are socio-economic implications for this disproprotionate distribution of pussy :^) but you guys are smart sociopaths who read lots of books im sure you know better than me, im just an illiterate

>> No.10388638

People who refer to themselves as incels place too way way WAY too much value on sex. They're the same breed of people as PUAs basically except less successful

According to these guys every poet, philosopher, artist, theologian etc. who eschewed sex in favor of their work must be a loser because they didn't spend every waking moment chasing tail like a goddamn gorilla

I can empathize more with people who are just desperately lonely starved for companionship but they should still internalize that 1) they will be happier if they work on themselves and what they like first and 2) platonic friendships can be just as or more fulfilling than romantic ones

>> No.10388659

you sound like a bugman that has completely discarded any and all self interest

>> No.10388674

the torture prison psychopathic existence someone who doesn’t get laid leads is totally incompatible with being a healthy human i know you won’t accept this because you lionize intellectuals which is a sign of immorality but its absolutely the case

>> No.10388691

t. retard
t. bigger retard

>> No.10388710

if you cant accept that men need partnership you are the retard. people have committed genocides over finding partners. ignore it at your peril, and don't be surprised if you end up in a guillotine

>> No.10388755

Friendship is important (and maybe sex too). I've had neither of those like most people on this site and I hate myself and curse my loneliness as much as anyone else here

But I try to pursue things i'm passionate about nonetheless because it's better than making an identity out of my own wretchedness and stewing in misery on toxic places like /r9k/

>> No.10389030


What are some of his writings about neo China?

>> No.10389247

he has very little. the strongest criticism (and highest praise) he repeats regarding them is that they arent anglo

he thinks they're a stronger platform for the machinic singularity than the current state of anglos, and his opinion for them over continental euros seems to be unilaterally positive

he pens very little though, because anything substantive might ruffle feathers, and he is a gracious asylum seeker. I'd look for other sources regarding china

spengler is good, but taking his china comments too seriously borders on retarded

>> No.10389256

All they need are friends

>> No.10389322

I'm sure they'll be very happy to have you tell them the things they do and don't need

>> No.10390412

So I'm reading an interview with Land.


His answers are all very interesting, but the one asking the questions is insufferable.

>Is it really about épater la bourgeoisie? There is something very situationist in treating AntiFa as bourgeoisie (or at least a simulacra of one).

Who talks like this????

>> No.10390768

>Who talks like this????

People who fell for the continental meme.

>> No.10390777

t. Brainlets

>> No.10390781

Your thoughts are worthless.

>> No.10390885

What did you just try to say?
Slow down, anon

>> No.10390903

>I'm sure they'll be very happy
>to have (((you))) tell them
>the things they do and don't need

You're being disingenuous. Why aren't you coming at this in good faith?

>> No.10390916

mad anti-fa scum or gigantic insufferable whiny pseuds?

>> No.10390949

Can we just discuss his ideas instead of flinging shit at each other?

What did he ultimately mean by our "thirst for annihilation"? I've read the whole book, but haven't really gotten it

>> No.10391160

art damaged academia ppo
but really, how else would you ask that very specific question? srs

>> No.10391283


More pressingly, what did he mean by annihilation?

>> No.10391368 [SPOILER] 
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He's right anon. Socially interesting ugly folks do get laid, just not at the standard or frequency of your 2D waifu dreams born from a Laotian daguerreotype board.


It's the idea that we both fear and are intrigued by death, but just can't quite commit to doing it to ourselves, so we put it off on others (for a variety of human nature reasons).

>> No.10391590

He looked so much better with hair

>> No.10391599

he doesn't answer to 14 yo fucktards

>> No.10391605
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>> No.10391626

During the Jedi training scenes on achto about 30 minutes in:
Luke: "so I see you've made some new friends Rey"
It shows Rey with a couple porgs and a goofy smile.
Rey: I felt them call to me through the force
Luke: it's true. The porgs are pure beings of the force, that's why I came to this place. The porgs tender meat holds the key to a power only Jedi masters can harness.

He grabs a porg from Rey and bites it's neck, blood sprays into his mouth and he gets a wild look in his eyes.

Luke: yes, the power! I can feel the force growing inside me, and inside my pants the force is growing!

The bulge is massive and throbbing. Rey wastes no time derobing, showing Luke the wetness dripping down her legs and mixing on the floor of the hut with porg blood.

Rey: now show me the power of a Jedi master, as we partake in the ancient ritual of the porg blood orgy!

Luke: hey r2, help me out with this sluts loose poon, will ya?
R2d2: beep boop (a flap opens up and a pulsating dildo emerges from r2.

A familiar voice emerges from the force, it's han "great job kid now let's blow this thing and go home"

Luke: aaaaaaahhhhh the pleasure! I'm blasting your inner wet walls with my jaws juice!

Rey: thank you, my master. The ritual is complete. Now I am the Almighty Mary sue! All white males must commit suicide in my honor!

Luke: as you wish, my vaginal god

Luke ignites his green saber and slices off his dick and balls and then stabs himself in the chest.

>> No.10391638

Is there anything known about his early years, before he became professor?

>> No.10391662

well, he was into some pretty weird stuff

>> No.10391715

There is simply not a single source about that on the internet, we have posted all his interviews and links already.

>> No.10391891

Frightening to think about it, but he could've been the guy that spawned /pol/ in its current form...

>> No.10391956

ITT: At least 250 collective years of crippling mental illness.

>> No.10391964

Given 61 posters, that’s not even much.

>> No.10391984

pol is the collective unconscious of society. good luck shaming people that have functioning brains

>> No.10392616

Whatever the exact nature of the incel thing is, it's there and it's not going away. Someone standing outside of it is going to have to reckon with it, in some way other than ignoring it or spitting on it.

>> No.10392684

I am literally a kissless, hugless, eye-contactless virgin and have a total of 3 friends (which I dont deserve, they keep the friendship alive by inviting me every 3 months). There just are people who despise the concept of having a partner. Being asexuel helps too.

>> No.10392699

Not really, it's a very small internet subculture. There are probably 1000 times more furfags than incels and you don't see anyone making studies about them.

>> No.10392719

What if, instead of using the narrow definition of incel, we go with something along the lines of "men who have so psychologically damaged themselves with loneliness and masturbation that any attempt they make at courtship is pathetically creepy?" In my experience that's a much broader subculture.

>> No.10392734

should mention wizards too, they have a whole culture built around virginness.

>> No.10392786

What does Land mean by "capitalism" -- the capitalism that's inevitably going to combine with AI to take over the world.

I have a rough understanding of capital and capitalism, or I thought I did, but I don't understand where he's coming from in seeming to impute an almost mystical or transcendental power to capitalism.

t. sincere brainlet

>> No.10392800

The 'mystical' power is Strong AI directly controlling capitalism and managing the earth after robots annihilate humans.

>> No.10392818

t. has his understanding of land from shitposting osmosis.

>> No.10392824

What land calls capitalism can be better understood as computational networks that cause entropy to decrease over time and that are essentially self generating order.

>> No.10392848


is there a reason you're even on lit? half the posters here don't believe in genetic intelligence and seem to think fiction makes them intelligent

>> No.10392880
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Mostly for the (you)s

>> No.10392992



>> No.10393000

No, you're wrong. It's already part of the public debate in Japan, and it's going to come to the West as well.

>> No.10393102

>implying intelligence is not largely epigenetic

>> No.10393126

>implying epigenetic is teleological

>> No.10393211

you don't understand the meaning of epigenetics you idiot

epigenetics happens as a process of dna methylation. epigenetics is GENETIC potential

jesus lit is /mlp/ tier in terms of intelligence

>> No.10393453

I don’t see masses of incels in the West being remotely as large as in Japan

>> No.10393555

They will be, very soon. They're being crowded out of the job and dating market.

>> No.10393629

your perceptions are mistaken

the number of incels is higher if you subtract blacks, immigrants, and guys that fuck utterly disgusting fat girls

>> No.10393651

Not as long as there are folks like yourself to keep retards who think "epigenetic" means "environmental" in check

>> No.10394199

For most of history, most men never reproduced. In many ape tribes, only the alphas ever reproduce.

Today’s situation actually is highly egalitarian, with 60-70% of men reproducing.

>> No.10394266
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Even if that's true, most men are unhappy with that ans believe they deserve more.
Also, fewer men reproducing relative to women was largely due to dying early. That doesn't happen anymore.

>> No.10394293

first of all 70% of men do not reproduce at all; second of all those numbers are heading south quickly; third of all the decrease in sex among millenials and gen z is mostly males, the women are fucking as much as ever; lastly, there is basically no reason why socio-economic conditions will not become intensely more competitive especially as capital becomes more mobile and social media and dating apps converge to mulch ugly, stupid and boring people out of the gene pool. this is the last moment to grab a lung full of air before we all get pushed down into the depths forever. enjoy your reprieve anon

>> No.10394313

for most of history humans tried to brutaly kill everyone that isnt their first cousin, endlessly, in search of mates, the entirety of females got raped, and sophists like you got their heads bashed in

I rather prefer monogamy and distributed mate access

>> No.10394327


>> No.10394337

>people still hyping up Nick Land despite how far gone he is at this point.

Just read Mark Fisher desu.

Nick Land is literally /mu/ though because he did the CCRU about jungle music with Kode9 and that era/those writings influenced a whole generation of artists and critics in the scene

>> No.10394357

Yes, yes, very well. Land's legacy includes a dumbass marxist who offed himself [mark fisher], an irrelevant hack music "journalist" whose theories (hardcore continuum) have completely been shattered at this point [simon reynolds], some dj who helped develop the early days of dubstep "music" (kode9), and some random EDM people spawned from aforementioned names (lee gamble and fatima al-qadiri).

Oh and some 4chan posters. What a fucking hack.

>> No.10394393

He's intellectually bankrupt at this point, having aligned himself with Kekistanis

>> No.10394669

for the most part true but then there is no real alternative to Land when it comes to edginess and theory (that's not Marxist/leftist) . Or can you name one? On the right there are only old and boring conservaties or neocons like Buchanan, Sailer etc. Who else ? Spencer ? Moldbug ?

>> No.10394673

He's referring to Fisher as the marxist, fucking idiot leftist idiot

>> No.10394706

People keep misunderstanding what Land means by intelligence so I post this:

>The idea of intelligence, more abstractly, applies far beyond IQ testing, to a wide variety of natural, technical, and institutional systems, from biology, through ecological and economic arrangements, to robotics. In each case, intelligence solves problems, by guiding behavior to produce local extropy. It is indicated by the avoidance of probable outcomes, which is equivalent to the construction of information.

>The general science of extropy production (or entropy dissipation) is cybernetics. It follows, therefore, that intelligence always has a cybernetic infrastructure, consisting of adaptive feedback circuits that adjust motor control in response to signals extracted from the environment. Intelligence elaborates upon machinery that is intrinsically ‘realist’, because it reports the actual outcome of behavior (rather than its intended outcome), in order to correct performance.

>> No.10394712

you missed the point , fucktard The problem is the fact that there is a huge void on the right when it comes to theory. Otherwise they woudn't always have to come back to Land

>> No.10394717

The word "incel" sounds like some kind of ISIS insurgent terrorist cell or something

>> No.10394720

>t. someone who hasn't actually read TEOH

>> No.10395062

Being an incel means dramatizing the banal. So, yeah, perhaps.

>> No.10395269

Land generally has his own interpretation of physics.

>> No.10395775

Sorry mate, I'm not sure. I think she's some twitch girl

>> No.10395875

It's weird how Land (and even moreso Moldbug) had so much influence on a budding /pol/ and right-wing blogging considering how divergent their actual ideology is.

>Moldbug wants government and various sociopolitical elements run along quasi-corporate lines
>Land is an accelerationist who wants technocapitalism to take over and fundamentally alter humanity
>/pol/ and its ilk detest modern capitalism as materialism in the way of racial/spiritual ideals based in Cliff's Notes Evola

>> No.10395895

Moldbug is, at the core, a monarchist -- if you dibe into his writing. Its generally cringeworthy, minus his diagnosis of our seemingly secular culture as evolved protestantism, which is well done.

As for Land, he indeed couldn't care less about race or culture, but his Kind of materialism differs from mainstream STEM materialism and is closer to Batailles base materialism.

>> No.10395901


That's one of the things I love about them.
It's like Hegel or Heidegger. Everyone gets something different out of them. That's the way philosophy should be.

>> No.10395903

stop reading modlbug at surface level

>> No.10395916

So what's the deeper level?

My opinion of Moldbug is the opposite: he is brilliant in terms of erudition, but the "deeper level" of his thought ultimately leads to neckbeard libertarianism of the cringeworthiest kind.

>> No.10395941

most of his work is written in jest and mostly anti-usg/democratic propaganda. approach him as you would any political philosopher - as someone who's just trying to paint over Machiavelli to achieve his own ideological goals. i mostly read his as a negation=parody=opposition of neoliberal ideology. Also note that the fact that it is those things and inherently "edgy" means it's worthless.

>> No.10395962

read Mr. Jones is Rather Concerned from November 28th, and consider how he has applied it to his own works.

most of all, his praxis of armchair is solid, and his work is written well (albeit suboptimal, but I'm a Land-Drone). movements need poets like him much more than they need actual thinkers.

>> No.10396194

im referring to AGI, not trump

>> No.10396438

Why did a man of his intellect come to associate with the mouthbreathing brainlet movement that is /pol/?

>> No.10396668

Here’s an interesting and recent article about him.


>> No.10396735

Because it's interesting

>> No.10396754

It’s not. It’s simply jongoism/tribalism

>> No.10397018

pol likes them because they actually address the issues at hand rather than complain about the rights of tranny muslim niggers

pol is smarter than you precisely because they dont only read things that share their surface level sympathies

his descriptions of the mechanical processes of control are the first serious rebuke to academic theories of "democracy is good because of nash formula b, compared to nash formula c for dictatorship"

pull your head out of your rear

you are a personification of dunning kruger

"uh oh a substantive demonstration democracy cannot function properly, better hide under the couch and call them retards"

>> No.10397178

Yeah, in a liberal democratic world, that's interesting.

>> No.10397710

good on you. With time and patience you'll eventually get out of that hole.

>> No.10397767


> actually address issues
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZluMysK2B1E
> "isn't a monach bad? Well then just have two"

> dont only read things that share their surface level sympathies

I'd tell you to go to hell but it seems you're already there.

>> No.10397814

women have way more primal, virulent hatred for incels though

>> No.10397821

thats precisely the thing you fags do

for 90 years running india has been the "upcoming superpoer" for 30 years running "china is gonna fail because they're a dictatorship" and "niggers are gonna learn to do addition"

you're fucking incorrect about everything for 90 years straight and you only read things that support your biases nd you think you're smart

yeah, okay

>> No.10397822

you would too if you were unable to get laid

>> No.10398191

t. brainlet

>> No.10398603

Why? Too interesting?

>> No.10398785

It's interesting to me how the main thing the press decided to tar Moldbug with was "racism", when he's probably the least race-focused of anyone in the hard right sphere. What's more, the essay in which he talked most pointedly on race was ALSO the essay in which he called global warming a criminal hoax. Amazingly enough, I haven't read any pundit castigate Moldbug for being a climate denier. Makes me wonder how far into his essays they actually read.

It's also interesting to see this as an example of how the press consensus permeates to the masses on subjects that they know absolutely zilch about. Nobody had heard of Moldbug until about 2016, when articles started coming out about him, and then suddenly you had people going "uh but like he's like uh like totally super racist tho". People like to think they're unaffected by the news, but they totally are.

>> No.10398788

race realism is dangerous to cathedral

global warming denial really isnt

>> No.10399277

Thanks for giving me a Nick Land obsession. I have to study, yet here I am, reading about geotrauma.

>> No.10399297

save the thread link and read after studying.

>> No.10399441
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They represent Moldbug in such extreme ways. I don't even know how to react to it. Is this truly what they get out of him? Surely there must be willful misinterpretation?

>> No.10399449

nah not in my experience dude. they just have indifference for them, whenever ive talked to male friends about incels the reaction is way more hostile

>> No.10399473

the press cries out in pain as they strike you

>> No.10399646

robots are gay

>> No.10399721

Whats with all this noise about incels recently? I think I pretty much fit the description of incel. Why does anyone care about boring virgins? Why call them incels instead of virgins as it has always been done? I just spend my days neeting around reading and hanging out with my normie sister, why are you guys acting like this is something worthy of "intellectual" discussion? I just dont get it.
Also, isnt Nick Land himself an incel too? He sure has the vibe.

>> No.10399737

This is the most reddit thread on /lit right now

>> No.10399776

Land has a family in Shanghai

>> No.10399782

Lol, truly living the weeb fantasy
Imagine Land being your dad

>> No.10399891

land and jbp are my magical butt-buddy pomo second dads

>> No.10400092

Peterson is a child in comparison to Lands intellectual scope.

>> No.10400217

the post was satirical in nature

>> No.10400262

>be obscure professor at obscure university
>teach obscure subject no one cares about
>do obscure research no one cares about
>create obscure philosophy no one cares about

>one day, overdose on amphetamines, write post-intelligible sci-fi fanfiction you cannot even remember or explain afterwards
>gain cult following
>forget what your philosophy was originally about and join the kekistani crowd for lulz

>> No.10400449

you win the "post of the thread" award.

>> No.10400459
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>> No.10400465


>> No.10400470

Incels don't give up, they spend all their days whining that the state should give them a wife. Volcels are ascended, you numb nut.

>> No.10400474

Because it's a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly difficult to dismiss as a joke. It's something as significant as out aging population, but almost no one is prepared to engage with.
The fact of the matter is is that our population is becoming old as fuck, which will put huge pressure on ou youth. But our youth are defective, lonely, atomized, angry and depressed.

>> No.10400479

Most incels have realized that getting a partner is impossible, they're simply too juvenile or stupid to move on and use their time constructively. I think they have given up, they just have nothing else other than self hatred/pity

>> No.10400509

4chan isn’t representative for the whole cohort, anon

>> No.10400518

How should we "engage" with it?
I don't think any of this is something new. Are people afraid of some kind of beta-uprising? I don't consume MSM so I don't know if this is a subject that has been openly discussed in the masses

>> No.10400530

Just realized you guys are afraid of some kind of future purge that will eliminate all the incels, or is that something already happening right now thanks to Tinder or something among those lines?
How should I explain all this to my normie sister?

>> No.10400655

It is. Almost every young man I know is depressed.

>> No.10400667

"Beta uprising" is just part of the """normie""" coping mechanism of denying there is a problem with the youth. It's dismissive and funny, but it's also dishonest.
It's not about dudes not getting laid. That's just one part of it. It's about extremely high suicide rates, little to few marriages, even fewer children being born, and massive "opting out" of a job market that simply has no room for the unskilled. There's not even any room for bachelor degrees in anything but comp sci.

>> No.10400672

you neglected to mention, cryptic selection, purifying selection, dysgenics and speciation which are even more important than the symptoms you metnioned

>> No.10400683

Right, I don't have a BS in biology so I don't know what that means

>> No.10400692

But thats more of a socio-economic phenomenon than it is a psychological one.

Americans have these (misleading) from-rags-to-millionaire that don’t have anything to do with today’s economy.

>> No.10400699

What? I'm not even an American.
I'm saying individual psychological wellbeing so bad across the board for young men it is going to create socio-economic crises.

>> No.10400710

What country are you talking about, then?

The job market in Germany is pretty okay. Many complain, but few are truly unhappy.

>> No.10400718

Anglosphere job market. Probably most of your continent as well, but you're sheltered from your currency manipulation so your export market is unaffected.
Few are truly happy.

>> No.10400722

by your currency manipulation**

>> No.10400727

based contemporary society self-destroying itself

>> No.10400740

Care to elaborate on those, please?

>> No.10400747

Yeah, but that’s your own fault.

>who needs industry LMAO, we can all get richer by circlejerking real estate xD t. Thatcher

I agree that the labor market worldwide is problematic and it needs to be addressed politically, but this doesn’t make people as miserable as you describe. You live better being unemployed in a first world country than having a job in a third world country.

>> No.10400767

You're not understanding me at all, and you've fixated on my comment regarding the economy, which was (again) only one piece of a larger puzzle.
I am telling you that I am in university, with a large circle of friends, and 50% of the young men I know are depressed. 25% are halfway between "okay" and badly off. And the past quarter are thriving. Around 80% of the men have no love life, but many who do are still very depressed.

>> No.10400779

Eh, okay. It’s not the observation I’m sharing. Either the Anglosphere is fucked up, or you’re witnessing something very particular.

>> No.10400787

>Around 80% of the men have no love life

This would mean that 80% of the females also have no love life, if love life implies 1:1 relationsship.

>> No.10400805

Fine, sex life, whatever you want to call it.

>> No.10400809

And how comes?

>> No.10400847

I don't know.

>> No.10400896

Good old darwinism