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10397406 No.10397406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fall in love with a intelligent literary girl at uni
>we have a fling for a short while
>she breaks things off
>fucks the shit out of my friend who she met at a retreat and knew for 1 day
>still in love with her, she ignores me like the groveling fool I am

Recommended reading so I don’t kill my self?

>> No.10397412

Losers go to /r9k/.
Does your friend read books? Then tell him and your ex that they are welcome here

>> No.10397414

>recommended reading
>literary girl

You'll can find all of these and more on my blog

>> No.10397416

The Idiot

>> No.10397424
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>> No.10397430

just get over it and realize this is the new normal and you're also in college so there is social pressure to be promiscuous for status points. No reason to get upset, just accept it and move on. HAHAHA

>> No.10397440
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Reminds me of the time in college when my one true litfu fucked the Chad roommate I had the previous year. It hurts but this is a good learning experience and you’ll be okay.

>> No.10397447


>> No.10397466

Valid reasons to commit suicide:
Affliction with an incurable disease that causes eventual loss of all mental faculties

Killing yourself over no gf is one of the pseudiest things a person can do

>> No.10397474

God that's hot. Develop a cuck fetish, it's what I did

>> No.10397479
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You sound like a pathetic faggot.

>> No.10397623
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men were born to work and women to make babies. nowadays women use their bodies to get ahead in the world. men use money to get sex. love, friendship, and innocense are seen as signs of weakness because everyones trying to use each other for money or sex. stop trying to be someone else and just accept that you are there for you and no one else. the first thing recommendation that comes to mind is something edvard munch journal writing which i havent even read all of. sorry i couldnt be of more help. good luck

>> No.10397632

>killing yourself over losing your other half and possibly being fucked because you're not genetically compatible/will not find the correct lock for your key contextually-circumstantially-genetically-socially-temporally (time window for fertility and healthy offspring is very limited) is being a pseud
I think you're mistaken anon, try to analyze it a little harder.
what did he do wrong? He got a girl, he thought it was real, she blew him off and then fucked his friend. He's not even calling her a whore and he's just being melodramatic because he wants to be comforted by people who has solidarity with. Try to be nice.

>> No.10397637

>dating college girls

>> No.10397641


>> No.10397666

Hey everybody, look. This anon's not an asshole.

>> No.10397667


>> No.10397681

I tentatively suggest Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. It's a very sad book, but also very hopeful. I think it will make you want to not kill yourself.

>> No.10397685

How physical was this 'fling?'

>> No.10397691

>falling in love with matter
It's useless

>> No.10397693

>Killing yourself over no gf is one of the pseudiest things a person can do
Killing yourself over simple loneliness is pseudy but killing yourself because of drama involving a woman is /lit/ as fuck.

>> No.10397706

greek/oriental spirituality is not the answer

>> No.10397711

>resorts to middle class truisms, physical metaphors, and moral-naturalistic assumptions as though these constitute anything but the emotion-based argument of a mediocre thinker
>tells me to "analyze harder"

Are you lost? This isn't facebook.

For instance, no person is or could be your objective other half. No matter how in love you were, it is always possible to find someone to be more in love with. "Soul mates" are a middle class fairy tale that only serves to valorize the legal institution of monogamy.

>> No.10397717

you sound autistic

>> No.10397721

The trick is to not care, then she will care

>> No.10397723

Just think of how many male virgin suicides and resentment of women is caused by the inexperience of reading their interest. Interesting.

>> No.10397743

I agree that killing yourself over loneliness is pseudy. But where are your priorities if you kill yourself over a woman? You clearly believe that you can't find a "better" person to love. You have made her into such an ideal that you can't live without the hypostatization onto which to project ideality. You're making a religious sacrifice of your own life.

It's definitely a dramatic gesture, but it's not a very rational one. Killing yourself because your mind is deteriorating and you won't even be able to wipe your own ass, on the other hand, seems to me rational, since to be unable to think is to be essentially lifeless anyway.

>> No.10397753

>Are you lost? This isn't facebook.
>no person is or could be your objective other half
Are you a physicalist, bio-determinist or something? I'm speaking figuratively here anon. She is figuratively your other half, the ideal women for you that is.
>No matter how in love you were, it is always possible to find someone to be more in love with
No, the limited number of humans on Earth and the existence of genetic compatibility and the temporal nature of bonding, fertility windows and courtship would not allow for that physically.
> "Soul mates" are a middle class fairy tale that only serves to valorize the legal institution of monogamy
Oh dear, I see what you issue is. The wives can't be held in common if I love my girlfriend or wife or life partner as she deserves, with all my heart. And Nomenklatura can't have their way with the most fertile women if its socially looked down upon for them to be promiscuous. And I can't be cajoled into action by the coven of communist social taskmasters with promises or threats of pussy/withholding pussy if there is a woman who is loyal to me and not the community, race or State. Well that would be an issue I guess if I accepted the presupposition that the idea of romance was middle class, its not, as attested by thousands of years of monogamy and loving, faithful relations between the opposite sexes. You're going to have to convince me your presuppositions are correct before I can discourse with you further. I think we're probably not going to be able to communicate otherwise.

Why is Romantic love with monogamous implications a distinctly middle class creation if it predates the existence of the bourgeoisie by some 10,000 years and is documented in HG tribes and other primitive communities, whose way of life hasn't changed in the slightest in about as long as there've been homo sapiens?
>legal institution
hm, I would think that marriage is more a communal rite or a social institute that's more basic, prior to a legalistic society than you're implying. Do you mean legalistic as in the laws of social norms or do you mean like marriage contracts with warehouse itinerary information on them that catalogue you like cattle? The latter is a vulgar bastardization of the nature of Love and I really don't care for it at all. But, you'll need to tell me what you mean as I'm just making assumptions here.

Also Facebook is a great place to meet your soul mate anon :^)

>> No.10397754

>>fucks the shit out of my friend who she met at a retreat and knew for 1 day

at retreat? like a meditation retreat?

>> No.10397788

Find someone else and she'll give you attention

>> No.10397802

Yes, she is your ideal woman. This is exactly my point. Her perfection is a figment of your imagination.

As to the second point, I said possible, not probable.

I'm not even a communist, and I'm talking about what purpose the concept serves now, not how it was developed historically or what it used to serve. At the moment, it's mostly perpetuated sincerely by the middle class and the proletariat, which even Engels (who loved proles but hated institutional monogamy) recognized. The idea of soul mates is actually a delusion and has no empirical basis. Genetic compatibility is not axiomatic.

Yes, I mean legal monogamy in the sense of marriage contracts. I'm glad we at least agree that that is perverse. Also, don't think I'm trying to take a general moral stand against monogamy, or killing yourself over the lack of such a relationship. Being with one woman is nice because you can develop a great friendship in tandem with the lust. I just think it would be absolutely silly to kill yourself over losing this woman. But do it if you like, I'm not worse off for your poor decision.

>> No.10397824

>Yes, she is your ideal woman.
>Her perfection is a figment of your imagination
My perfect can be a real thing, and an ideal can also be actualized as a person. Have you never had an ideal night or an ideal fuck or an ideal meal? I have.
>At the moment, it's mostly perpetuated sincerely by the middle class and the proletariat, which even Engels (who loved proles but hated institutional monogamy) recognized. The idea of soul mates is actually a delusion and has no empirical basis. Genetic compatibility is not axiomatic.
I think you're restating what you said multiple times because you don't want to actually prove what you're saying. Genetic compatibility is a scientific fact, I really didn't want to make this an HBD debate but its just a fact that certain people shouldn't breed together, for instance a person with genetics that leave them at a predisposition for alcholism should not marry and breed with a person who has a predisposition towards addictive behavior. And a mentally feeble person shouldn't breed with another mentally feeble person, much less an intelligent person. They're genetically incompatible. From there it stands to reason that more subtle, or at least less problematic, traits might be wedded together for positive outcomes or vice versa it might be a tragedy that certain couples do not have offspring and stay together to raise them. Haven't you ever seen two people who were just made for each other and look good together?
> I just think it would be absolutely silly to kill yourself over losing this woman. But do it if you like, I'm not worse off for your poor decision.
I was more irked by the idea of his despondency being somehow invalid than anything. I think suicide is a really regrettable decision and can't say I feel much sympathy for people who willingly leave this Earth without fighting to the last breath. Good to see you aren't pathologically opposed to monogamy, you'd regret that some day I think.

>> No.10397948

You can't actualize an ideal, by definition. If it's actualized, it's particular, and so no longer a limit of possible circumstances. If an approximation of your best conceivable meal is achieved empirically, no matter how good it is, you will be able to some minor fault to nitpick in its comparison to the ideal. If I idealize sex, then a sex act will inevitably disappoint me, or spur me on toward one that falls more in line with the ideal. The best of all possible empirical situations can't exist without an ideal, necessarily unempirical, with which to compare it.

Oh, that's what you meant by genetic compatibility. But you're assuming all monogamous relationships have to end in rearing a child. Why shouldn't two reformed alcoholics love each other if they don't intend to inflict that predisposition on a child? That compatibility also has nothing to do with the compatibility between the two persons themselves, which is totally determined by one's feeling toward another.

Do you think a lobotomized person, if they could see and understand the state of themselves from a rational perspective, would want to live? I mean to end my life before the creeping lobotomy of madness or dementia overtakes me

>> No.10397981

nice bog post


>> No.10398090

lol fag

>> No.10399181
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It’s about how a sickly, pathetic child became the rough rider himself.

>> No.10399222

i like this place a lot
you guys have a way with words that make me feel good.

>> No.10399239
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/leftypol/fag leave.

>> No.10399245

>falling in love

>> No.10399251

My twisted world

>> No.10399254 [DELETED] 

>be a poorfag
>fall for a rich girl
>tell myself it won't happen
>neg myself until I end up not talking to her
>she's now dating a literal jew working in finance

Ah love is so wondrous, so unqiue, so divorced from the material predictability of this degenerate realm.

>> No.10399261

>reddit spacing
Are leftypol shills even trying to look like they belong?

>> No.10399447
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>middle class

Just stop talking to her; block her on all social media etc. Though luck m8