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/lit/ - Literature

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10388799 No.10388799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the anime of literature?

>> No.10388809

miss bernard said

HILARIOUS 2 - 4 minute segments about a book club and a girl who likes book culture but does not like reading

they also cover a wide eclectic number of books (including some of lit's favorites)

you can watch it for free online

>> No.10388829


>> No.10388833

Light Novels

>> No.10389466


>> No.10390093


>> No.10390096

this but unironically

>> No.10390101

Young Adult.

>> No.10390179
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What is the literature of anime?

>> No.10390182


>> No.10390189

you literally posted it m8

>> No.10390256

What is the literature of literature?

>> No.10390264

the bible

>> No.10390382

this was actually rather funny anon, thanks for the rec

>> No.10390396

Depends what genre of anime you're talking about.
Could list a bunch of examples

>> No.10390401

in search of lost time
Lord of the rings
Infinite jest
Never let me
Ancient history a paraphase
The nix
The instructions

>> No.10390430


The Tatami Galaxy

>> No.10390438
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Manga, duh.

>> No.10390459

Uhhhh that's lewd

>> No.10390558

What is it?

>> No.10390568

Most epic poetry and myth is anime as fuck.

>> No.10390654
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>> No.10390681
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This anim is ebin

>> No.10390691
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>> No.10390796

Turn A Gundam

>> No.10390801


>> No.10390809

You wouldn't like it. It's an incoherent mecha series.

>> No.10390820

how do you watch this stuff without feeling guilty that you’re a pedophile and indulging in pedophilic tendencies? moe is obviously pedo shit, its blatantly obvious, and the anime studios that make it are linked to drug money laundering for Yakuza who also run pedo human trafficking rings. Jap business men are some of the biggest “elite” pedos on Earth and their culture is pedo as fuck. So, how do you anons justify this without kys’s like you should? Its wacky to me at least, that you all watch pedo bait anime

>> No.10390844

It's better than fucking real children.

>> No.10390883

The Count of Monte Cristo

>how do you watch this stuff without feeling guilty
Easy, you just don't.

>> No.10390890

How could any man watch/read this shit? It's so embarrassing, your fathers must be so disappointed and perplexed at where they went wrong to raise a man-child.

>> No.10390892

yes and torture is better than murder and rayp is better than both lol, imagine being this evil
yeah that’s the operative thing to do if you aren’t an evil subhuman animal

>> No.10390930

You don't watch everything indiscriminately, just like you don't read every book just because it's a book.
Moe,loli etc =/= All anime
2/10 bait, because I responded.

>> No.10390940

>being an adult
Nice spook bro

>> No.10390946
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>not watching incoherent mecha series

>> No.10390954

pride and prejudice

>> No.10390961

because what i consume doesn't determine what i am, it's how i react to it. all the stuff you brought up about yakuza and so on has nothing to do with me and my enjoyment of it. but seeing as we're on lit, i suppose you're quite satisified with yourself being able to think you're better than others in any other way possible, even for banal reasons such as what people enjoy.

>> No.10390964
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How much more of a brainlet can you be?

>> No.10390978

>implying "New Century Evangelion" directed by Anno Hideaki isn't a coherent masterpiece of late 20th century animation
>implying the robots are important
>implying the robots make it mecha when they are not important

>> No.10391086

>show has mecha
>somehow it's not a mecha show

>> No.10391097


Imagine explaining to your great-grandfather that you enjoy this.

>> No.10391109

they are not mecha retard, they are biological.

>> No.10391125

but all anime has pedo themes even Americanized crap like Berserk And Bebop has pedo themes and the other stuff has female-doll, rayp, domination-submission waifu degeneracy. there is no wholesome anime its all pedo or incel bait. explain yourself more thoroughly anon as ecchi, moe and harem shit makes up 90% of all the programs and then shonen stunted permanent adolescence shonen is the rest.
>the signs i associate with has nothing to do with the social-neurological fluxing model that is me
wrong, try again darling
>its how i react to it
no you don’t matter at all, the contents of your reaction don’t matter. only the fact that you’re consuming pedophile mind control programming and harem cuckboy slaveboy fantasies matters. Again explain yourself to me
>the funding of moe by pedo ring organized crime which is connected to right wing japanese bankers and politicians has nothing to do with me a-moral consumer of pedo media
id say that people who patronize brothels where children are offered or people who vote for pedophile politicians are almost as immoral as the perpetrators themselves. Would you like to argue about this or cry and stamp your feet some more? you can stop watching it, you know what the symbols in your PROGRAMMING are suggesting. Just don’t watch it, your conscience will deal with your previous immorality and you can move on to being a more sovereign human. is that so hard for you?

>> No.10391138
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The SAO of literature

>> No.10391143

They're organic mecha. They aren't robots, but they look like mecha and take on the same role.

>> No.10391150

Snow Crash

>> No.10391158

I'd respect your derision for anime if it were directed at all shallow sexuality and misdirected pleasure-seeking. Instead you chose "muh pedophilia" as your reason like a dopey hysterical female.

>> No.10391179

>both steaming pieces of shit for retards

>> No.10391185

"Seinen" I think is the name of the "Adult male targeted" genre. Besides, you are judging an entire nation's animation output of a hundred years based on modern trends established in the last 10 or so years for a previously unprecedented kind of demographic that reached a previously unprecedented size.
It's incel bait? Yes it is! Made for the young men who never lived and will never live a moment in their lives.
Trying to defend all of anime would be impossible and foolish, since the Japanese market of consumers plays a role too big in what is made into anime and what is not. And those consumers are the otaku sitting on their wooden floors, looking at a visual "novel" between two episodes of some harem anime.

All in all, you have to look into the past, or look into specific genres to find something "pure". I could still give you the "different culture" argument, which would explain a lot of what you deem pedophilia in Japanese culture, but neither you, nor would I be satisfied with that. (As >>10391158 said, the rabid sexualisation should be more to your concern, since that is more prevalent than the lolicon character type you claim to see in every anime)

>> No.10391253
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> tfw I've just finished this manga
My pain still lingers

>> No.10391340

what do you mean? i'm halfway through and don't punpun and sachi nanjou live together happily, forever, writing and illustrating manga? you can't mean that aiko comes back to fuck it all up again, right? haha i doubt that could happen!

>> No.10391351

the pedo stuff gets people the angriest and makes them the most ashamed. the sexualization is obviously wrong and psychotic and is an excuse to put porn in animation and i don’t feel the need to waste time pointing out the obvious
Japane should be glassed

>> No.10391356

>wrong, try again darling
what astounding rhetoric; it's almost as if for many years people have absorbed media that they do not agree with but can still appreciate for other aspects
>no you don’t matter at all, the contents of your reaction don’t matter. only the fact that you’re consuming pedophile mind control programming and harem cuckboy slaveboy fantasies matters. Again explain yourself to me
disregarding word choice here, how does reaction not factor into this? if i find this cute (and because you do not seem to understand what this means, let me clarify: cute in the way a carefree and happy child would be to an adjusted human being) then would that not show the signs of a mentally stable, "normally operating social-neurological fluxing model" that you hold up to so much esteem? I agree that showing a sexual attraction to this is indeed immoral and, to me, a sign of mental issues, but the fact you bring up sexuality regarding an image that has no sexual connotations in its framing is really alarming.
>that entire last paragraph
are you referring to the blatantly sexualized depiction of children in anime that is quite clearly orientated towards a fetishistic audience, or anime in general? do take note that a majority of anime made and broadcast to the majority of japan is made and designed for children (such as sazae-san, chibi-maruko chan, one piece, crayon shin-chan, detective conan and various other things), so your argument would then assume children and teenagers of japan, as well as children and teenagers worldwide who engage the medium without any sexual intentions, are also conditioned to pedophilia as well, and are just as immoral as the people who make them, going on the assumption the industry is ? hilarious. i assume this means people who watch movies are equally as bad as the industry that produces them.

this is most probably bait, given how much lack of evidence you show as well as regards to cultural understanding, knowledge of the industry (the biggest problem it's actually facing isn't ethical so much as its inhumane treatment of those work within it) and the language you employ.

>> No.10391361

SAO is technically /lit/ though. It was a web novel.

>> No.10391397

what is the bible of literature

>> No.10391402

what is the bible of anime

>> No.10391460


>Show has X, therefore is X genre

Not at all. Presence of part of a genre does not limit it to that genre. that's like calling Cowboy Bebop a romance anime just because Spike has feelings for Julia.
The setting and context of a story are not the point, just the medium of making the point.

>> No.10391518

A show that prominently features mecha is a mecha show.
That is the only real definition of the genre.
People want to say "Evangelion is not a mecha show" because they have preconceptions about the genre and think Eva is beyond them, even though it prominently features (organic) mecha and and was heavily inspired by other mecha shows like Gundam and Ideon.

>> No.10391564


Come to think of it, you might be kind of right.
Is "mecha" really even a genre?

I think people think of mecha as "the action genre done with big robots", and that's really all they can do, because "robots" is not a genre.

So I guess NGE is a mecha anime, but only because mecha is so loose as a genre that it's more universally applicable than it should be.

Unless we change "features" to "is about", because NGE definitely features the Evas, but isn't about them at all, that's just a face it has because it draws more people in.

>> No.10391647

mecha is just "anime with big robots in it", the main subgenres for it are Super Robo and Real Robo, though it's more a spectrum, as Gurren Lagann would fall on the hard side of Super Robo (powered by human spirit, punches holes through reality), Evangelion would be more in the middle, as the mecha's functions are somewhat "realistic" for the most part (usage of energy, limited range, has mechanical limitations) but go outside the realm of possibility due to spoiler elements.

>> No.10391652

lol massive faggots having a giant argument about corporate fascist propaganda

>> No.10391743


I'm less interested in the idea of classifying NGE as I am in deciding what makes a genre a genre, and if "mecha" counts as one.

>> No.10391760

genre is a spook

>> No.10391869

>I should base what media I consume on what some old farts approve of
Lmao nobody gives a fuck about great-grandpa

>> No.10391904

>the sexualization is obviously wrong
>free adult people openly expressing their desires is wrong
Kys rightcucks

>> No.10391913

what is the anime of the Bible?

>> No.10391926

>something being a "spook" makes it unworthy of discussion

>> No.10392016

>about a book club and a girl who likes book culture but does not like reading

Legit god-tier premise.

>> No.10392075


What does spook even mean in this context?

>> No.10392105


>> No.10392119

What is the Bible of the Bible?

>> No.10392136
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Is this the most /lit/ episode of anime ever? Tightly woven short story format, references to Kawabata's Snow Country and Ice by Anna Kavan, AND yuri undertones

>> No.10392343


>> No.10392637


>> No.10392671

lucky star
its a biting critieque on the society of which they grow up in and the modern experience on a whole desu

>> No.10392681

forgot to spell check darn

>> No.10392688
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>le pedos hurr muh thought crimes MUH MORALS hurr durr durr b-but think of the drawings!!
The state of this thread

>> No.10392715

trolled hard

>> No.10393502
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kanbanyashi is unironically my waifu for laifu

>> No.10393580

>t. angry infantile closet creep
yeah its totally healthy and normal to watch shows where little girls and boys are the main characters as an adult and to keep pictures of them on your computer and to fangirl/boy over them and to say “cute” over and over when you’re an adult male. lol its fine man, nothing weird at all.

you guys seem like cool cats haha, good stuff. nothing to see here

hey did you guys see the new hentai, err i mean the new all little girls err i mean the harem show with the adolescent boy and the underaged girl errr i mean did you see the one where the boy is drawn to look like a girl errr i mean hey remember in black lagoon when the little kids gender swap and kiss each other err i mean hey remember when anno was a pedophile errr i mean hey remember that the State promotes anime and Shinzo Abe and his party are linked to the Black Dragon society wnd Yakuza who are hugely resonsible for the asian child sex trade the biggest of its kind in the world? hahahaha good stuff, and yeah of course what you consume never comes back to you. you buy products from evil people but hey! you're not evil and its legal right?

>> No.10393583

hey look here’s one of them right here. haha he meant like little sister lol right right?

>> No.10393592

this is true

>> No.10393789

>being this triggered that you write all this shit that I didn't even read
Don't you have a job or something?

>> No.10393839

how does it feel to be an emotionally stunted brainlet?

>> No.10394538

>you’re an adult male
/lit/ is for women

>> No.10394558

Please do not insult the mecha genre by calling that garbage mecha. Calling it a mecha is almost as wrong as calling it a Christian anime.

>> No.10394567

acts of the apostles desu

>> No.10394646

Maybe if you're a brainlet. Aldnoah/Zero is probably more your speed.

>> No.10394665

I don't understand why people that hate anime browse 4chan.

>> No.10394694
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Why would I have guilt over being a pedo? I didn't rape anyone or anything

>> No.10394707

>you buy products from evil people but hey! you're not evil and its legal right?
Who on earth buys anime?

>> No.10395637

t.nanjou's bitter ex-husband.

>> No.10395794

Because it's 2017 A.D. and the current dankest hobby is to browse the internet, find things to be offended at, and make sure to let everybody know about your worthless, disposable opinion.

>> No.10395925

the people who like punpun are the same people who straightened their hair and listened to my chemical romance in middle school. woe-is-me bullshit.

>> No.10395935
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This, normalfags think it's twisted predation to like cute little girls stop projecting your perversion onto those with purer romantic aspiration

>> No.10396614
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>> No.10396617

Because 4chan has become a lot bigger than anime. Where have you been since 2014?

>> No.10396620

REEEEE dostoyevsky is GOAT and nothing you say can make me stop loving him!

>> No.10396792

stay triggered;^)

>> No.10396802
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Mawaru Penguindrum