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10391826 No.10391826 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so fucking fat

>> No.10391830

probably a liberal or a feminist

>> No.10391858
File: 107 KB, 735x595, yudkowsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10391873

>I unironically enhoyed HPMoR when it first came out when I was in high school
end me

>> No.10391874

>the absolute state of fat people

America, pls

>> No.10391884
File: 378 KB, 1603x864, fat jew yudkowsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10391890

>Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, often abbreviated HPMOR, is a Harry Potter fan fiction by Eliezer Yudkowsky.[1] It adapts the story of Harry Potter by attempting to explain wizardry through the scientific method.[2] It was published as a serial from 28 February 2010[3] through to 14 March 2015.[4]
why is this a thing

>> No.10391895

applied mathematicians should all be rounded up and noosed

>> No.10391914

A level of fedora that reddit in 2011 could only dream of achieving.

>> No.10391921

Go read the first chapter.

>> No.10391929

Is that Robert?

>> No.10391931

It's Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky.

>> No.10391937

yes unironically

>> No.10391941

no it's Dr. Gregory Sadler

>> No.10391973

>le utility functions
Why are utilitarians so autistic?

>> No.10391982
File: 439 KB, 1511x1451, yudkowsky_okcupid_profile_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10392027

how can one man be such an autist

>> No.10392126


Kek, it's almost exactly what I imagined he'd look like when I read it

>> No.10392128

This guy is fucking hilarious; he's like the physical embodiment of the fedora ideal. Sam harris doesn't even know close to yudo's level of enlightenment

>> No.10392620

>he's like the physical embodiment of the fedora ideal
how do I overtake him

>> No.10393112

Because utilitarianism a anti-natural viewpoint which appeals to the autist's craving for abstract order and loathing of organic complexity.
How do you measure the worth and richness of a life's experience? Simple, you just rate someone on how happy they are on a one-dimensional scale! We'll call it a "utility function" because that's extra-sciencey.
How do you compare different people's experiences? Simple! Everyone's equal and so everyone's experiences are equal! It's very progressive and rational! And morality's as simple as that!

>> No.10393144

>be yudkowsky
>mah priors
>mah bayes
>throws it all out for the average of the crowd

>> No.10393177

I actually began writing on how one o the scenes in Harry Potter would've completely viable, so long as the reader believes in the supernatural.
Notice magic, but spooky supernatural things.

Sometimes it's fun to think about the what-ifs.

>> No.10394178


>> No.10394235

this but inornically

>> No.10394256

>This man is one of the brightest in the world according to half a dozen ivy league and Oxbridge tenured college professors.

We are doomed.

>> No.10394686


>> No.10394708
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Um, sorry to burst your bubble

>> No.10394715
File: 47 KB, 400x300, fat thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw metabolically disprivileged

>> No.10394719
File: 387 KB, 900x466, 1513170168932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a 56% desu.

>> No.10395022

This is why I can no longer take academia seriously. The circlejerk is absolutely insane.