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/lit/ - Literature

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10390472 No.10390472 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10390480


>> No.10390591

I enjoyed it.

>> No.10390948

>Tyler licks his lips and turns my hand palm-down on his thigh, on the gummy flannel lap of his bathrobe.
>"You can mix the glycerin with nitric acid to make nitroglycerin, " Tyler says.
>I breathe with my mouth open and say, nitroglycerin.
>Tyler licks his lips wet and shining and kisses the back of my hand.
>"You can mix the nitroglycerin with sodium nitrate and sawdust to make dynamite," Tyler says.
>The kiss shines wet on the back of my hand.
>Dynamite, I say, and sit back on my heels.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10392444

missed the good part :/

>> No.10392461

I've been away for the past week, what the fuck is this Robert thing

>> No.10392480

We don't talk about it.

>> No.10392579



>> No.10392867

I know this is just bait, but Fight Club was an enjoyable satire on modern society. Too bad it's popular, am I right?

>> No.10392891

Robert is a character in a bad short story published by a garbage rag that’s popular with Yuppies on the east coast. He is a pseudo incel 30 something bugman who falls for a narcissistic woman who initially shows interest in him over text, they meet up, he’s a “bad kisser” and awkward, she doesn’t like him but because she’s a sociopathic whore she fucks him out of formality or something, he thinks they have a connection she doesn’t. Basically he texts her a bunch, she ghosts on him as women are know for doing and then he has a spergout and tells her she’s a whore (which she was). /lit/ is filled with asexuals, homosexuals and sociopathic normalfags who have nothing in common with the rest of the chan culture and so they sided witht he woman or pretended it wasn’t an obvious example of female solipsism. they also think they have a secret club with secret memes but there’s no depth here at all. they tried doing the same shit on /leftypol/ with the same exact stance towards lower status males and they got BTFO’d endlessly by 8/pol/ and random anarchists. Now they’re banning discussion of the story because /pol/ and /r9k/ lept on it and random anons btfo’d the sociopaths on this board super hard over and over, a tripfag named CUNT made a bunch of them look like massive brainlets and in general they’re not capable of deep thinking when blacks, women or gays are involved because they rely socio-politically on weakness and femininity to survive as a caste historically. That’s what it is, this is a book you should read, its dog whistling anti-civilization and primitivism and the need to destroy financial institutes tho they will tell you its just satire because being functionally liberal lifestylists they are totally comfortable in nihilistic post-God necropolis and feel nothing for their fellow man’s suffering besides performatively disliking racism and capitalism but supporting racism against asians, whytes, jews and subtle liberal racism against blacks and being totally for social democracy and democratic socialism which are just welfare capitalism and state capitalism respectively. If i had to use a word for this board it would be Traitors, but Damned or Lifelets or Soulcels would work as well

>> No.10393316
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>> No.10393393
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>> No.10393401

t. Robert

>> No.10393588

Quality post

>> No.10393710
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>> No.10393725
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>> No.10393735
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>> No.10393808

geez bob

>> No.10393868
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i don't get it he was clearly a fucking autist how did she not see that.

>> No.10393881
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Robert, I'm afraid going to need to ask you to go to bed

>> No.10393894
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>> No.10393946

Thank you robert.

>> No.10394104

I love that everyone here has read that shit story.

If you wanna be reminded that you’re celibacy is sad: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/12/11/cat-person

>> No.10394200


>> No.10394232

Cliff liked it. So I guess it's fine by me.