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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 850x400, a-woman-must-have-money-and-a-room-of-her-own-if-she-is-to-write-fiction-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10389288 No.10389288 [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree?

>> No.10389419


She sucked

>> No.10389425

Of course she did, where else would she get that money?

>> No.10389428

No, clearly a woman could write fiction without those things. It's not like writing fiction is difficult.
>A dragon flew into my mouth and died.
Damn that was hard. NOT!

>> No.10389431

That's anyone really. I mean who doesn't want or need that?

>> No.10389440


>> No.10389458
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You could always go to prison.
She is right though and I can't disagree with her in good conscience.

>> No.10389471

Men don't need it, that's why she only included women in the quote. Women are handicapped, so they need all the external help they can get.

>> No.10389500

Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, Mary Wollstonecraft all fucking garbage pseuds propped up by beta faggots

>> No.10389517

men don't need a place to write and money to by writing supplies? don't be a dummy, my man.

>> No.10389586

Go back.

>> No.10389591

What about the preponderance of poor male authors throughout history? Cervantes was a fucking galley slave.

>> No.10389603

Where does she think men get their rooms and money? Out of thin air?

>> No.10389682

You calling Leo Strauss beta faggot?

>> No.10389714

unironically this
its stupid how many retarded posters are on this board who think women can write

>> No.10389716
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women shouldnt write fiction

>> No.10389739

Virginia Woolf is unironically better than the majority of male writers and one of the best authors to write in English

>> No.10389782

Yes, she got her money from idiots. Good job at spelling it out, anon.

>> No.10390218
File: 105 KB, 960x960, 24993273_10213334111378747_8176561281164363943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If there's pressure on you to publish, you'll push out mediocre work at a fast pace so you can pay the rent (see: King, Rowling). This is why most literary giants either had other jobs which supported their writing (Joyce, Kafka, Salinger) or had enough money in the bank and/or patronage not to worry about finances (Shakespeare, Byron, Shelley). Even Melville and Fitzgerald, who originally wrote to pay the bills, only produced their magnum opuses after they'd married into wealth. Historically, the canon favors authors who weren't "career" authors (i.e. didn't financially sink or swim based on the volume of their output).

The "room of one's own" point is a little more subtle, but it basically means you need a workspace where you won't be interrupted while you hone your craft. Most women in Woolf's day lacked this, and, as more and more women have started living alone and having careers, more and more women have become serious contenders for canonization.

So, yes, she's right.

>> No.10390239

19th century art is the century of dandys spending daddy's money

>> No.10390565

yes, which is why i believe women should have neither money nor rooms of their own

>> No.10391773

nope women are good at 3 things: fucking and birthing, cleaning and nurturing, performing and inspiring

they shouldn’t be allowed to write things down or congregate in same sex groups

>> No.10391782


No, but I'll fix it: "A woman must not try to write."

>> No.10391786

>more and more women have become serious contenders for canonization.
Not really.

>> No.10391800

......that's 6 things

>> No.10391805

but thats six things

>> No.10391816


The only female on the canon is Austen. The rest are trash. And even Austen is one of the worst on the canon.

No female writer in the last century deserves a spot on the canon and it's just getting worse.

>> No.10391817
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Someone here have a problem with women.

>> No.10391855

>women attempting maths and logic
you are simply inferior as women. Go pine for Chad, real men are talking here

>> No.10392001
File: 27 KB, 650x366, 1511803794611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All produced influential & critically-acclaimed writing in the past ~100 years.

>Who are the Brontes?
>Who is George Elliot?
>Who is Emily Dickinson?
>Who is Mary Shelley?
>Who is Willa Cather?

>> No.10392007

They're very good. Not great.

>> No.10392011

they're all shit compared to the white man

>> No.10392030


They're on the pseud-canon, sure. lol

>> No.10392038

Me and my friends call it the roastwhore canon for idiots lmao

>> No.10392052

>Two working hands
>Pen with ink
>Paper with some blank space


>> No.10392053


Agreed. It's from the same people who think Hemingway, Salinger, Fitzgerald, etc. are canon just because they read them in some high school English class. On the pseud and roastwhore canon.

>> No.10392057


Woolf is unironically superior to Joyce.

>> No.10392065

>Emily Dickinson
>fucking garbage

Pick uno m8

>> No.10392071
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