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10382331 No.10382331 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most paranoid piece of literature you've ever read?

>> No.10382336

Grendel, if there's something worse, I don;t want to read it.

>> No.10382365

Your post OP

>> No.10382367

the bible
there is a guy who is watching 24/7

>> No.10382371

Honestly, my diary.

>> No.10382378

Theres a guy who camps outside the European court of Human rights in strausbourg, stands in front of the building every day in protest handing out leaflets about his case. The more you read it the crazier it got, he believes the government have been experimenting on him since he was a child, tortured him, slit his throat, based Hollywood movies on his life

>> No.10382404
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Here he is, he submitted a 280 page application to the court, in response they mandated all applications have to be under 20 pages, he says he could have written a 1000 but wanted to keep it brief

>> No.10382416

you are dumb

>> No.10382442

Honestly, Gravity's Rainbow because its paranoia regards a system that includes systems which manipulate and oppress even those who believe they know to what end they manipulate and for what force they oppress others in the name of. The system in that book transcends the material world and acknowledges a system which we desperately want to control but will never be able to.

>> No.10382518

Yeah the Pynch has mastered paranoia... especially in Lot 49 where the band(The Paranoids) was a bunch of hippy potheads

Hell Lot 49 itself is a just a massive conspiratorial mess

Another author is Phillip K Dick: any of the works will do, yet A Scanner Darkly and VALIS stand out to me as crowning achievements of Dickian paranoia

>> No.10382547


>> No.10382597

Nick Land's Fanged Noumena

>> No.10382748

Krasznahorkai's work is paranoid

>> No.10382780

A Scanner Darkly

>> No.10383430


>> No.10383502

You know, I really love these people and sympathize with them and truly wish that they find peace and happiness, but they must be absolute hell to live with.

>> No.10383506

Knut Hamsun's Hunger has a pretty paranoid, claustrophobic atmosphere.
This man looks so intensely French.

>> No.10383549

Traveller by John 12 Hawkes

>> No.10384694
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>> No.10384778

and then there is the jewish sky monster

>> No.10384793

the bell jar

>> No.10384806

You, Too, Are Guilty and The Ruined Map by Kobo Abe.

>> No.10384903

Ubik makes you second-guess everything relentlessly. It's the prose equivalent of drinking too much coffee in a heavily lit room.

>> No.10385164

This. There's also the nuclear paranoia theme, which is the part millennials don't get.

>> No.10385995

Cosmos by Witold Gombrowicz

>> No.10387160

House of Leaves

>> No.10387224
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the worst part is it's all true

>> No.10387263

the song "Somebody Told Me"

>> No.10387286

It's probably just too subtle

>> No.10387353

Good Old Neon by DFW

>> No.10387375

Came here to post this. A portion of the dialogue is literally 'what do they know?' It works very well, but I like that it drops the noided feel and ends implying that Arctor is gonna wake up.

>> No.10387406

Hunger by Knut Hamsun

>> No.10387433
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The Bible. It was a book about an irascible and mercurial supreme deity tormenting people in various ways, eventually passive aggressively offering up the simulacra of a human sacrifice that was himself in human form (whom he immediately resurrected anyway making it a hollow gesture) and then throwing 90% of humanity into a place of eternal torment most of which were unaware this sacrifice had even happened. Truly 10/10 cosmic horror.

>> No.10387599
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>> No.10387650


They are watching this thread.

>> No.10387657
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Lol he has a funny hat and is wrong

>> No.10388258

fuck that was such a good book. The paranoia and madness of a starving artist just bumming around his city. It was so visceral. The part where he was just sitting on a park bench staring at his shoes really stuck with me for some reason

>> No.10388583

Libra by Don DeLillo

>> No.10388588

The trouble with being born by Cioran was pretty uncomfy to read. Some senteces were like shots to my soul.

>> No.10388598

actually I found it relieving like it totally emancipated my superfluous nature.

>> No.10388626

I suppose some day you have to overcome that void and continue life despite that heartbreaking statements.

>> No.10388694
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>which is the part millennials don't get
Oh, we're beginning to.

>> No.10388707

only single 12pm wine drinking soccer moms believe anything n.korea related