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File: 382 KB, 522x535, 1512934606384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10382464 No.10382464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is an excerpt from Lauren Southern's book.

Can you believe this has sold tens of thousands?

>> No.10382479

>buying a book written by a roastie
You did this to yourself.

>> No.10382500

Woah fuck yeah I like her a lot more now im on the civic nationalist train choo choo! Next stop harassing muslim women

>> No.10382507
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>buying conservative propaganda

>> No.10382539
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You know what, I actually like this, qt conservative girls who are intuned to anime porn fuck yes yes yes this put a big smile on my face

>> No.10382551

>qt conservative girls
She had black boyfriend, she's a race traitor whose destroying the white race through degeneracy. White genocide in action

>> No.10382570

Ah well, you still have Brittany Ventti I guess

>> No.10382592

>tfw lauren will never feminize you, dressing you up in her clothes and encouraging you to suck cock

>> No.10382600

> conservative
There is no such thing in the Anglosphere anymore.

>> No.10382603

What anime characters has Lauren Southern dressed up as?

>> No.10382609
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He's actually not black plus I'm not insecure enough to give a fuck, although I do when it's the archetypical black man or a foreigner, simply because it reflects very poorly on their own character, and kind of betrays a primal predilection for going against their tribe, so to speak. But if they "act white" than I don't care, my best friend growing up was an older big nerdy black kid who physically protected me on multiple occasions

>> No.10382612

This is pretty hot desu

>> No.10382620

>The better news is that Conservatism Inch, which is to say baby boomer conservatism, is defitely dead. It has passed on. It has ceased to be.

Somebody struggled to reach their word count. She always speaks as if she's so sure of herself that every word out her mouth is some profound reflection on the world around, when in reality she comes across as a smug asshole.
She has no substance, her knowledge is an internet assembled mess with no real world wisdom to add

>> No.10382622

The roasties are winning, while the incels rage and grind their teeth.

>> No.10382629

That's also her audience desu, I like her shes got MOXY

>> No.10382633

>Maybe he should ask his son.

What does she say in the footnote to that remark?

>> No.10382640

If you're writing non-fiction that's purpose is to inform you shouldn't need MOXY. You should have a firm understanding of the issue you're discussing, especially if it's complex like geopolitics

>> No.10382646

Anyone who stirs the "tradthot" stuff up again after watching this is a shill.


>> No.10382652

>Somebody struggled to reach their word count.

She's riffing on the dead parrot sketch.

>> No.10382658 [DELETED] 

Women sicken me. Not because I dislike them personally but because they're like some kind of philosophical nightmare thought experiment about a self-aware and autonomous thinking being whose self-awareness and autonomy is simultaneously undermined and squandered as soon as it begins thinking, by inescapable mental dead-ends. It's like a slave programmed to love slavery. It's fucking hideous.

The sheer existence of male humans is like an implicit promethean argument for the existence of an encouraging benevolent God, who wants to seed the universe with dancing stars and watch them self-create and grow into perfect beings and join him in heaven. You can stare up at the statue of David with his lusty sinews and stern gaze all ready to manfully confront Being itself, and be instantly transported back to 5th century Athens, feel the purity of humanitarian self-love that the Greeks created when they first tried to understand the question "Why are we here?" And just as you almost get lost in that reflection, you hear an odious noise and look to your left and there's a repulsive disgusting woman taking selfies and demanding that people pay unearned deference to her, and in a flash, the dream of human transcendence is lost, in an instant the crushing weight of nihilism and the pointless brownian jiggling of the universe comes crashing back into your mind. If God created this, you think, looking back at David, why did he also create THIS?

Everything is so finely balanced in man, even his tragedies are so paradoxically noble that he actually invented and conceptualised tragedy itself as a form of becoming-through-suffering. And then there's woman, women, pointless consumers and self-obsessed narcissistic animals, functionally parasites, redundant and vestigial organs, like the tonsils of the species. Women are the single biggest argument against intelligent design. Only a cold uncaring sloppy messy process of gradualist evolution could create women, could take the beautiful noble soul of Man and slap it into an inferior and degenerate form that only uses it for mindless self-gratification.

Every single animal in nature is beautiful in form and function except woman. Every non-human organism is the perfect entelechy of itself, except Man, whose entelechy is an endless paradoxical striving to complete his own entelechy. In the race of life, plants and animals provide the scenery, and man runs the race itself. That all makes perfect sense. It's an elegant design. But then there's woman, the being that simply "is," like a plant, but who is yet somehow on the racetrack and refusing to run. Woman, perpetually sitting at the starting gate of life, in the dirt, bawling for men to stoop and pay attention to her as they pass by on their journey toward self-fulfillment. It's like looking at pure failure. Women are like an insect that only exists to come into existence, jerk itself off while parasitically leeching off the surrounding environment, and expire.

>> No.10382680
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why all the qt girls are conservative guys?
why they can't be national socialist? ;_;

>> No.10382691

Can't tell if this style or just shit writing.

>> No.10382695
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>Rick Wilson
Ah, the 2016 meme war, what a time...

>> No.10382698



>> No.10382701

"Woman: the most brutal of enslaved beasts. The greatest victim shuffling on Earth. And, after man, the most responsible for her problems. I would be curious to know what goes through her mind when I kiss her."

>> No.10382704

>philosophical nightmare thought experiment about a self-aware and autonomous thinking being whose self-awareness and autonomy is simultaneously undermined and squandered as soon as it begins thinking, by inescapable mental dead-ends. It's like a slave programmed to love slavery
Try and say something next time instead of wasting everyones time, or go back to /pol/ where you might impress people with these pointless self indulgent paragraphs

>> No.10382706

The self absorption of woman can only be matched by the selflessness of mother. Feminism ruined women by severing them from the best part of their nature. man creates in the realm of mind, women in the realm of matter; her creations are no less beautiful; her love for them, no less pure.

Your error is in taking the category "woman" and applying it only to thots. I could make a less flattering picture of men by describing by males.

>> No.10382714

nu males*

>> No.10382718
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>> No.10382736

Nothing she said was even right. It was just copy and pasted charisma (boring charisma that needs to be deleted out) and conclusions that were supposed to sound enlightening but were just wrong and needlessly hammered out anyway.

I could go on and say why she was wrong (for one the only difference between "young conservatism" and "old conservatism" is how much time they spend on 4chan, otherwise they all agree on the same things), but engaging intellectually with a woman is as oxymoronic as the term I used earlier to describe her tone (that being BORING CHARISMA).

>> No.10382764
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This post is beautiful.

>> No.10382826

>the only difference between "young conservatism" and "old conservatism" is how much time they spend on 4chan, otherwise they all agree on the same things

Not so. Although the differences are still being worked out, the trend towards ethnonationalism among the "alt right" goes beyond the culture-preserving, immigration-restricting paleoconservatism of a Pat Buchanan.

>> No.10382828

There's a way to be misogynist without coming across like a complete idiot, go back to /pol/ and bring this thread with you

>> No.10382838

but I enjoy being submissive
I want a girl to hurt my balls

>> No.10382841

>for one the only difference between "young conservatism" and "old conservatism" is how much time they spend on 4chan, otherwise they all agree on the same things
>otherwise they all agree on the same things
How could anyone possibly be this ignorant? This isn't even slightly true.
I'm going to assume you're American, because that's the only explanation. Perhaps it's because your two party system that it seems that way, or just lack of education.

>> No.10382845

No, you go back to leftypol and leave the lit to us.

>> No.10382864

Not him, but stop posting.

>> No.10382868

>Women are like an insect that only exists to come into existence, jerk itself off while parasitically leeching off the surrounding environment, and expire.
You could say this about all contemporary "autodidact" NEETs though

>> No.10382889

good taste

>> No.10382891

neets come from society slowly dieing into whimper
women act like that no matter whats happening

>> No.10382901

You stop first.

>> No.10382927

What if I only became NEET because I didn't like being around others, that I was in fear of them.
This makes me a woman yes?

>> No.10382941
File: 47 KB, 683x601, cd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /pol/ is mad because their Twitter sluts are being destroyed by NRx accounts

>> No.10382951

This is a case where the product isn't what people are buying as with others like Anita Sarkeesian, Jordan Peterson, Ann Coulter, Rupi Kaur. The ostensible prodcut is heavily linked with an ideology or worldview. People don't buy stuff to have stuff. They buy stuff as a preformative act, they feel their ideas become real when they spend money on them. People who buy books like Laura Southerns are people who feel that post-modernism and social justice have gone too far and who have difficulty publicly expressing that feeling because it's a social faux pas and so they spend money on a shit book that represents how they feel. They bought Lauras book so they're participating in the culture war.

>> No.10382985

That sociology class you took is really paying off! Do you have a blog?

>> No.10382991


She's p. good besides. But who has the energy to go out to dinner or to the park with a girl when there's so much one has to do on their own?

>> No.10383011
File: 2.90 MB, 200x200, 1511846091173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you believe this has sold tens of thousands?
Yes absolutely, if you hadn't noticed culture is in a rather dire state.

>> No.10383030

Lauren Southern performed her duty, which was to suck in young men and make them lean more toward nationalist politics and away from their jewish/liberal programming. But since it turned out she let a shitskin fuck her, she's likely done.

>> No.10383035

Is your mocking tone because what I said is very obvoius?

>> No.10383064

>t. oblivious

>> No.10383089

pls no bully

>> No.10383121

wtf i love northern lauren now

>> No.10383145

All fucking niggers must hang.

>> No.10383147
File: 55 KB, 490x700, Der Thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of these fucking camwhores trying to be authorities on anything. They're damaged women and half assed grifters. The non-mainstream right is plagued with the same peanut gallery of opportunists blacks get. She is our version of a dog-whistling anti-white pastor who needs you to fund his new yacht. I can only imagine these cake face e-celebs are either A. products of being beaten up and raped by a black friend. B. The most cynical opportunists around. Setting yourself up to be queen of the racist 16 year olds when you could easily do something far less maligned reminds me of Caesar saying he'd rather be first man in some bumfuck part of the world than 2nd man in Rome. That is the mentality here. Southern could be just another wino twenty something pissing herself on a Saturday night or she could be an object of total desire for 10,000s of werido guys. I guess she made her choice

>> No.10383151
File: 295 KB, 1200x1561, Joss_Whedon_by_Gage_Skidmore_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the man they call

>> No.10383178

most of pol completely agrees. people supported southern for reasons of practicality, but when the whole black bf thing came out it was too much even for pol.

>> No.10383181

No, it makes you a broken man.

>> No.10383188

What does she do different than male youtubers with a similar platform? Other than just being a woman? Right wingers need to stop alienating woman who are already tentative to join

>> No.10383193

how do you even care about some nrx thot in the first place to even be in the position to be "dissapointed" about something they did in highschool

>> No.10383223

But the guy isn't black? It actually makes a huge difference, he looks like a swarthy spaniard or half mestizo

>> No.10383229

He's a non-white.

>> No.10383238

leftypol doesn't exist. it's a figment of pol's collectively victimized imagination

>> No.10383240

K so call him that you dumbfuck. I can understand nigger and muzzi hate but to lump every race together is just stupid, especially when there are such obvious gradients

>> No.10383248

>being this new

>> No.10383252


>she uses autistic as an insult

I swear 4chan board culture leaks into the mainstream so fucking hard

>> No.10383255

Women don't do things for the same reason men do. As for males with a similar platform again they're either fucked up people i.e Millennial Woes or grifters i.e Cernovich, The Alex Jones/Infowars/eemajin mai shok guy thing, Molyneux the fucking cultist turned burger patriot etc. etc.

>> No.10383280


>likes ice skating
>has a fucking horse
>guaranteed daily fucking conversation about her dumbass horse
>it's mentioned like 5 times in these few bits about herself

Fuck that dumb hoe.

All you worthless Nigger s have shit tier taste in women

>Muh submissive conservative natural beauty who cooks and does the household :)

Go fuck your mom you fucking incel, goddamnit

t. Someone who has fucked Conservative girls that like horses

>> No.10383295

It always has, don't wanna hurl newfag but it's been noticeably happening since the beginning

>> No.10383334

Please post more pics of this GEM.
It is so RAW, it feels as if it was written in 2 hours, while she was switching between this and twitter.

>> No.10383363

>Maybe he should ask his son

I want to know what she was referring to

>> No.10383369

Yeah I'd much rather some SUPER UNIQUE AND QUIRKY girl with 17 ex-boyfriends, emotional damage and varied interests like Netflix, instagram memes and weed.

>> No.10383370

>not masturbaiting to anime
What the fuck? Do Americand really do this?

>> No.10383372

Why would you do that? Didn't they try to cling to you?

>> No.10383377

Please tell me you're kidding. The joke is not subtle at all.

>> No.10383382
File: 245 KB, 1739x859, 1512936678770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one to stir the ol' noodle. Future generations will put her down alongside the likes of Hegel and Kant.

>> No.10383397

>17 ex-boyfriends
The unfortunate part is that isn't that odd for say a 22 year old, who started dating at 15, counting one night stands; if they live the college singles life, and get laid once a month 17 is nothing... I suddenly feel very inadequate

>> No.10383403

lol that's so fucking dumb but since it's women I don't really care, kind of cute

>> No.10383415

Women are worth more than men its that simple. Wouldn't feel too bad honestly. Only way you can tip the scales is if you have a value proposition. So get shredded or get rich basically

>> No.10383428

this is the kind of book that needs to improve a lot in order to get bad.

>> No.10383429

>getting laid once a month with a different guy each time is the norm
I don't know where you're living, but it isn't empirical reality. There are probably as many women accomplishing this sort of thing as men, i.e. very few

>> No.10383434

>turn off common sense because I'm offended
Fuck off wimp go cry yourself to sleep

>> No.10383445

>the libs are the real nazis!
>hitler was an SJW!
It's funny that she complained about old boomer conservatism earlier because that shit is the shit they love, second only to fighting wars for Israel.

>> No.10383446

How does she compare with heavyweights such as Mike Cernovich, Vox Day, Milo, Ben Shapiro and Roosh V?

I am also eager to read a book written by Richard Spencer.

>> No.10383460

the same except she has a cunt

>> No.10383462


>> No.10383466

Manlet genes, fucking dropped.

>> No.10383480

>boomers don’t like trump


>> No.10383499

this shit is an insult to literally everything...the right, the left, men, women, Hitler. I'm actually shocked.

what a stupid bitch.

>> No.10383507

Where'd you get that? She's more talking about the end of boomer kosher conservativism.

>> No.10383622

>soy boy huddling up to his nig master


>> No.10383631

If she were to get laid once every three momths that would still put her above 17 partners by the end of college.

>> No.10383641

/pol/ posters are so childish and stupid I can't believe you post here

>> No.10383647

Forgot to mention I was ten in New Orleans ie feral nogs everywhere the whole point was to juxtapose the two possible aspects of a negro's character

>> No.10383655

are the pictures in the book?????????????

>> No.10383657

Look she is one of the many youths who follow the trends. Most of /pol/ was adamantly libertarian 4-5 years ago. The word statist was used as an actual insult back then.
Oh how times changed. I don't blame her for making some few quick bucks from easily manipulated teens and 20 something guys though. What I find it assuming is her malability moving from libertarianism to pro trump statitism at ease and her hyporicy (advocating for traditinolism while not getting married etc)

>> No.10383660

Again, you're assuming a different partner each time is normal, and that the average woman goes out for sex as obviously as the average man. Women on the whole not only prefer a stable relationship, but it's also true that when they go out, it's more about partying with their girlfriends than getting laid. The sluts of both sexes form a minor society unto themselves. Unfortunately it's also the case that the attractive male sluts get 90% of the women when they do go out for sex, so if you aren't a gregarious high-cheekboned athlete, your chances for success in the ONS circuit are quite poor.

>> No.10384392

Imagine how these would read if they weren't passed through in editor

>> No.10384402

I think you're right, good. Seeing men fail to fuck sluts actually makes happy in a really stupid way

>> No.10384427

Do you think she had a ghostwriter?

>> No.10384453
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 1511178572316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 hour of middle class Edinburgh gimp waffling about /pol/ shit

no ty

>> No.10384493
File: 34 KB, 496x331, pict from pit eternally too'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last gf was a chubbier lauren and similarly right wing. Is it all in our faces, /lit? You should know

>> No.10385060

>wahhh don't say mean things :(
Do I need to tell you why I know you're a weak-wristed beta?

>> No.10385073

He's half black. She even says it herself

>> No.10385083

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.10385092

>not buying four copies of "Gorilla Mindset"

>> No.10385100

Spencer wrote a paper on Adorno's stance on Wagner. He's Bertrand fucking Russell compared to these people.

>> No.10385102

I can respect that desu

>> No.10385121


>> No.10385149
File: 26 KB, 634x445, 3F5D35F800000578-0-image-m-43_1492558454802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book written by a 14yo girl
>reads like a book written by a 14yo girl
really makes you think

>> No.10385153

Milo wrote poetry in Greek and Latin can quote Wittgenstein from memory in German

>> No.10385368

wew, it's almost as if she's a young girl that doesn't know shit, almost

who's that filthy NEET?

she's not going anywhere, people getting mad at women online is just a timeless tradition, it never stopped any girl from making money online before

wew, that reads like copy/pasting comments from youtube to a book and just slightly edit it, i wonder if she wrote it in one afternoon

>Look she is one of the many youths who follow the trends. Most of /pol/ was adamantly libertarian 4-5 years ago.
yeah, just rootless NEETs attaching themselves to any identity they see, a few years ago it was liberatarianism and mining internet magic beans, i think the white identitarian shit won't last long when Trump gets elected a 2nd time and their lives keep being shit, "triggering liberals" as a source of meaning can only sustain NEETs for 4 years max i'd guess

>> No.10385646

Yeah, I heard about it, but he doesn't look very bright on his interviews.
Milo is Greek...
I've read some of his English poetry and it was Rupi tier.

>> No.10385659

Yes. Have a look at the best selling books of 2017. Americans are retarded.

>> No.10385666

How about posting the best selling books of 2017 from YOUR country?

>> No.10385701

Get this shit off the literature board, you fucking mongoloids.

Reported and saged, you fucking scum of the earth.

>> No.10385947


>> No.10386487

"You know what, on second thought, this is mean. I apologize for pissing on Andrew Wilson. Also, please don’t google Rick Wilson Son Piss. The results are even meaner."

>> No.10386512
File: 30 KB, 660x350, casting couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OY, Leave Lauren Simonsen alone she is our gal.

>> No.10386541

>one night stands
Anon, I...

>> No.10386566

I wonder if that Finnish white knight who's in every Lauren thread on /pol/ defending that roastie is here as well.

>> No.10386577

whos that?

>> No.10386586
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>"don't post threads about books written in time with a cultural trend on a literature forum."

>> No.10386723
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Would you?

>> No.10386724
File: 773 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-26-13-14-55-178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using "meme war" unironically

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