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10385099 No.10385099 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for, lads?

>> No.10385134

Literally Sherlock Holmes in sackcloth.

>> No.10385144

the book is great, but it always grated me that the sherlock shit at the beginning with the horse didn't really seem believable to me

have fun OP, i of the opinion that Eco doesn't know how to finish a book, but still you can enjoy all the details along the way, i probably should re-read it soon

>> No.10385145

Start with Foucault's Pendulum. When you throw it down in frustration, you can truly call yourself a pleb.

>> No.10385169

I picked it up because I want to improve my italian, mostly. Hopefully It won't be too hard to understand. Being similar to Sherlock Holmes, I assume it will be somewhat light to read.

>> No.10385170

>When you throw it down in frustration
why would you do that? i mean it gets boring, but not really frustrating

>> No.10385174

>I assume it will be somewhat light to read.
probably not, i haven't read it in a while, and haven't read the original, but Eco likes to wander around to show how well read he is, so don't expect just an straightforward story, more like thousands of references to tangentially related shit that happened in history or were mentioned in other books

>> No.10385175


>> No.10385183

One of my favorites

>> No.10385190
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>mfw Eco throws in a 4-page list of dates and places and people's names

>> No.10385218

>I assume it will be somewhat light to read.
Not really. It uses popular detective fiction as a framework, but it's highly immersive and esoteric. You'd better love the ecclesiastical history of the Middle Ages ...

Reading it in Italian sounds fantastic though. I only wish I was able.

>> No.10385225

If you like sucking Eco's dick with the off chance of some insightful precum gracing your lips, read his fiction.

If you appreciate his ideas, read his essays.

If you like his ideas, but still need to know how well read and cultured he is, read his non-fiction.

>> No.10385260

The ending is perfect, what are you talking about?

Oh, crap, I'd recommend you to pick something else. The writing is complicated even if you're reading it in your native language. It's got paragraph-long sentences, detailed and technical descriptions of architecture and art and lengthy theological discussions.

Looks like Eco's erudition intimidates you.

>> No.10385272

Well.. good thing I've got nothing to do in the next month. Will be a nice challenge, I guess.

>I only wish I was able
It's never too late, anon.

My italian is already quite good, I just need to improve my vocabulary.

>> No.10385287

>My italian is already quite good
Well in that case, have fun. I was afraid your level of knowledge is much lower.

>> No.10385649

this is what i did. i didn't really throw it down in frustration so much as put it to one side for when i'm a bit more knowledgeable about the jewish kaballah. because the book goes heavy on that stuff.

>> No.10385662

you can learn the surface of the kabbalah in 30 minutes, and i don't remember Eco going into anything deeper there, just the most boring parts of esotericism, which are random, convoluted conspiracy theories

>> No.10385672

Tried reading it, and even though I'm a born and raised Roman Catholic, I had to stop every time I didn't understand something and ended up researching Medieval Theology through the lens of Aristotelian ethics for the next several hours.

I'm too pleb for it, but others great book

>> No.10385749
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how to prepare a piece of sheepskin for illustration and copy among other things