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/lit/ - Literature

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10382971 No.10382971 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single action more pseud than hating "genre fiction"?

>> No.10382984

Liking entry-level existentialism

>> No.10382995
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>> No.10383000

excusing its lazier habits

>> No.10383017
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>friend says he’s into literature and likes to read a lot
>ask what are his favorites books
>song of ice and fire and sci fi shit

>> No.10383034

For me, it is worse to say "oh, never use THIS word, or say things like that!" It's pathetic, acting like you can say in every instance something can never be done in a compelling and beautiful way.

>> No.10383045

>I'm writing a sequel to the Diary of Anne Frank where she fell in love with an SS officer and they eloped together to Argentina
I swear I must have heard this exact pitch at least five times. At least one had the decency to make it Antarctica instead of Argentina and throw in some crazy Nazi flying saucer hollow Earth Hyperborean fallen angel shit.

>> No.10383063

The ole claim everyone elsr is a pseud move.

Reading Rowling and Martin is a waste of the little time we have on earth. You'll get no sympathy here.

>> No.10383066

>You'll get no sympathy here.
Of course not because /lit/ is full of pseuds

>> No.10383082

Ive never met a single person worthy of respect who read genre fiction. Intellectually or otherwise

>> No.10383083

Jesus I have read the whole A Song of Ice and Fire and just waiting for the sixth book. Don't take /lit/ too serious, it's full of pseuds and people who keep meming IJ.

>> No.10383088

IJ-disdain is for pseuds. But the rest of your post is right.

>> No.10383090

Well, there's not reading poetry.

>> No.10383094

no because its garbage that wants to be epic like the Iliad or The Odyssey or the Arthurian Legends or the Norse Sagas or the Vedic poetry but it can't be because those were organic outgrowths of prexisting cultures. These are sad faggots who sit around trying to invent things that don't exist that they know do not exist. Mythology is not compatible with fiction and fiction will always be a pathetic shade of actual divine inspiration, no matter how retarded the mythos is. That's why people prefer literature that's as real as possible while still allowing for their imaginations to be stretched

>> No.10383095

I'd be embarrassed to be you

>> No.10383096

Lel. Rowling and Martin are so widely read that you’re the real pseud if you avoid them. It’s the patrician route to read their work, relate it to the Greeks and talk about that with your Norman friends

>> No.10383104

there are swaths of genre books that aren't fantasy you dillweed.

>> No.10383109

What can I do? I was younger when I read this shit, nowadays I wouldn't have read though. Now I'm hooked by the story and waiting for the sixth book. No waiting like a bitch.

>> No.10383110

No you're just pleb, or at the very least you consume pleb books designed to appeal thematically to a common audience

>> No.10383119

Genre fiction is a spook, the definition is completely arbitrary and there's a select few writers who seem to get a pass for no real reason (PKD for example)

>> No.10383120
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>> No.10383127
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shiggy diggy

>> No.10383129

>At least one had the decency to make it Antarctica instead of Argentina and throw in some crazy Nazi flying saucer hollow Earth Hyperborean fallen angel shit.
Would probably read this tbqhwy

Sounds like it could be a neo-nazi version of Cyclonopedia
>inb4 claiming Negarestani is already a neo-nazi

>> No.10383130

such as? vampire books? steampunk books? sci-fi books? its all the same fucking thing
is this what reading genre fiction does for your mind?

>> No.10383137

you might actually be retarded, dillweed

>> No.10383139

>he doesn't read detective books
Never gonna make it

>> No.10383141
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>> No.10383142

What a characteristically trite thought from ol’ schoppy

>> No.10383152

It's not the same thing you fucking cunt. Open your mind. Le Guin, William Gibson, Gene Wolf, Ted Chiang are genre fiction writers that worth reading. Sci-fi is no longer about laser guns and aliens stuff, now it deals alot more about social, philosophical themes. Try to do a research before talking shit here.

>> No.10383158

don't get angry just because you forgot about the mystery and thriller genres, which are probably the most popular right now

>> No.10383182

Dystopian to

>> No.10383195

but the OP and you are trying to surreptitiously defend things like Martin and Rowling and Tolkien and you know that’s exactly what you’re doing. Gibson and Dick are great i agree, i was being a fag to bait you out idiot.

>> No.10383207

Oh sorry my lovely idiot. I thought you were generalizating the whole genre. I didn't see your bait. I'll pay more attention on the next time.

>> No.10383245

>but the OP and you are trying to surreptitiously defend things like Martin and Rowling and Tolkien
No I'm not you faggot, I'm mocking those who judge the entirety of "genre fiction" based on those writers and refuse to read any unless it's officially endorsed by /lit/

>> No.10383277

not an idiot even in a relative sense
not a faggot even in a relative sense and i don’t believe you :^)

>> No.10383287

and what about in a realistic sense?

>> No.10385200

Yes. Using the "genre fiction" distinction.

>> No.10385322

Bashing translations of non-poetry

>> No.10386082

this desu

>> No.10386109

>hating people for not being part of the 1% of the population that reads anything deeper than genre fiction
The people you look down upon are the only reason our hobby is financially sustainable.

Plus genre fiction is entry level. I bet practically every person on this board found their love of reading starting with genre fiction.

>> No.10386119

>bashing translations while not being fluent in the original language

>> No.10386149

I don't read off-canon, pleb