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/lit/ - Literature

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10381967 No.10381967 [Reply] [Original]

I might have invented a new way to format books which I think would be much more efficient and a better way of reading in general it would remove one the barriers separating you from the words. Books haven't really changed with technology, even with E-readers it's the same old black words on a white page.

Course the problem is, no publisher will accept my eccentric idea, I would be forced to self publish. Is there any value in doing that, really?

>> No.10381979
File: 305 KB, 1200x1200, 1512758070492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more.

>> No.10381996

>telling you the idea

you could steal it or even worse, tell me it's a bad idea, and I have calculated the probability of that outcome being 100% if I reveal my idea. With odds like that, it would be unwise.

>> No.10382049

All right, then. Good luck, senpai.

>> No.10382123

>Is there any value in doing that, really?
How are we supposed to know if we don't know what the idea is in the first place?
Come on, post it, so that we may laugh at least. You'll add pictures, colour the text in various colours?

>> No.10382161
File: 68 KB, 1556x852, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, well only because you guessed it anyway. This is a very rough draft of my idea it needs some more work because I just took something else I was working on and altered it as an example, rather than building it from the ground up using a colour scheme.

>> No.10382206

Great shitpost

>> No.10382218

haven't things like homestuck or more recently 17776 used this to great effect?

>> No.10382224

I can see that working great with black and white e-ink.

>> No.10382247

Nice, I guessed it. Actually not a terrible idea, but Faulkner already did it, and your writing is abysmal.
You could also use it much more artfully, not just as a replacement for quotation marks.

>> No.10382248

This is exactly the 100% I was referring to. What is the point of speaking to people who are guaranteed to hate everything?

You have no vision for one, you only find problems, which is fine, but you stop there. When you find a problem you have to find a solution. You don't just say:

>Oh fuck my lightbulb doesn't work I guess that's it for illumination back to torches for me

You're supposed to say:

>hmm, black and white ereaders would be an issue, what can I do about it?

>> No.10382257

Well I just had to cobble it together in ten minutes mister, like I said. But it would look something like this.

>> No.10382277

As I said, if you do it more artfully and meaningfully it can be ok. As it is, it functions like a dramatic text inserted in a novel.

>> No.10382292

It might end up costing me more time than I'd save by doing away with punctuation but that could be okay, because I could do things like make the dialogue redder and redder for certain characters as they get angrier.

>> No.10382346

It's not a bad idea, but that's such a bland and unoriginal idea to get so defensive over.

That's certainly not something you could copyright.

>> No.10382354

lol good job

>> No.10382366

Well that sounds stupid. There's an established way of reading and we'll need a good fucking reason to change it. You can just describe how a character is angrier, or make his way of speaking show the anger. Red text is only a gimmick in this case.

>> No.10382372

>I'm afraid of change

>> No.10382374


Are you Data from TNG?

>> No.10382410

I'm not afraid of it, I only won't accept it when it adds nothing to the experience. And I explained why it doesn't.

>> No.10382419

You are an both an intellectual boor and a bore.

>> No.10382428

Lol, good luck with your great invention then

>> No.10382432

I can't tell if you're the same person coming back over and over with the same troll script or if you're all different people with the same sort of narcissistic delusions. If it's the former then well done.

>> No.10382449

Ya, I’ve seen this a few times. The way they get around the black and white issue is using different fonts rather than colors. Different fonts is also better because the stylings of the fonts can correspond with the qualities of a character, while colors are a bit too monotone to take advantage of this benefit.

>> No.10382476

ok well get fucked faggot, fuck you and your avarice. I hope as soon as your idea makes money, some chink or kike steals it and reboots it as their own and you get swept out of the market you faggot

>> No.10382478
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>writing things in different colours is narcissism

>> No.10382487

you can't keep a good man down

>> No.10382529

I like it anon

>> No.10382535

Are you the guy who did that thread just like this months and months ago where you had a conclusive proof that Hell couldn't exist or something like that? If you are that same guy, then most of us have your number

>> No.10382553
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>is my thread about streamlining dialogue like some guy who claimed hell couldn't exist?

I think your brainthinking ability needs someone to look at it because it's bad.

>> No.10382665

Let your writing speak for itself and don't rely on gimmicks.

>> No.10382720

is it really a gimmick though

>> No.10383862


this is just using different formatting to ascribe meaning to certain words, in this case to portray that certain dialog is spoken by a specific character. your idea isn't new, but it is worse than the variations of it that already exist.

you have readers possibly forgetting which color someone is supposed to be and needing to refer back to the legend (for example, if that character hasn't spoken in several chapters). and there may be times when you don't want it to be immediately and blatantly obvious who is speaking a certain phrase (not all written dialog is formatted like [Mr. X said, "blah blah blah"]) which means you have to fall back to using words to describe when an unknown character is speaking, and now your formatting is even MORE convoluted and jarring because some of them are color-coded and some of them aren't.

sorry op i just don't think it's a good idea.

>> No.10383903

someone should write a story written like a wikipedia biography, with links on names that you click on and read more about the things that interest you. this way, everyone "reads" your story different, depending on what people found most interesting

>> No.10384086

Why make thread then retart

>> No.10384191

To add to this post by another anon, no publisher would publisher in different colors. Plus OP your writing is shit, you couldn't make it as self-published.

>> No.10384955

Op, i have the same idea. I know you.