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10375674 No.10375674 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth reading his manifesto?

>> No.10375686

I can't imagine it would be. What do you think you might get from it?

>> No.10375698

Yes if you enjoy a good cringe
No for anyone else

>> No.10375704

His body building posts are hilarious. I feel terrible for laughing at them but it's so fucked up it becomes funny.

>> No.10375705


It's honestly somewhat hilarious at times. I've only read excerpts, but there was one point where he bought a lottery ticket and had convinced himself that he was chosen by the universe to win. When he lost, he spent several paragraphs detailing the blinding rage he flew into.

I think it could be interesting as a case study of extreme narcissism as well - it's so over the top that it reads like satire a lot of the time.

>> No.10375832

it's a great laugh m8

>> No.10375850

Not particularly, I read it just because I had nothing better to do on long bus rides and the majority of it is just boring accounts on his daily life, at least the first half. His sperg outs while funny at first are quite repetitive. If it was edited and written better it could have been the incel version of American Psycho though.

>> No.10375852


good read but gets very repetitive, stopped 3/4 thru

>> No.10376215

Could be a story idea there for you Anon.

>> No.10377987

>His sperg outs while funny at first are quite repetitive.
sounds like it already is the incel version of American Psycho.

>> No.10377997

It is, he thinks he is Bateman pretty much when he walks on the red carpet for the Hunger Games premiere.

>> No.10378001

yes absolutely, its extremely sad

>> No.10378032

I initially read it thinking it was satire. It's fucking hilarious- bit repetitive towards the end though as other anons have said.
We both liked Land Before Time as a kid which scares me.

>> No.10378042

Reak the Unabomber's, mr supreme gentleman was just too weak to live.

>> No.10378346

It's what happens when you get thrown everything your way except a family who gives a shit about you.

>> No.10378367

Ducky ;_;

>> No.10378372

Reading these now:

>The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.
kek. He couldn't brag about his 5.43" dick being above avg after this.

>> No.10378389

I think he meant 4" bru

>> No.10378391

This is very unsettling.

>> No.10378395
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>> No.10378438

lol that's even better, bet the coroner had a good laugh

>> No.10378444

Does anyone know where I can find a hard copy? it seems unavailable on amazon

>> No.10378715

If you havn't spent much time reading incel forums, /pol/ and other caldrons of impotent rage then you'd do better to read those first. However, if you really want to take the deep-dive into the subtleties of that psychology then it's worth it.

What I found fascinating and simultaneously terrifying was that he chronicles his infancy and early childhood with about as much detail and agency as the days leading up to his death. There is literally no seperation between his 2-3 year old self and his 18 year old self. He is literally a man-child. The entire 'coming of age" story mechanic is entirely absent - instead, the only thing you get to watch change is the slow intensification of his hatred.

I found it extremely tragic that someone could so entirely forgo personal growth for just festering in one's own unresolved issues.

>> No.10378728

there are very intense parts were he dries the shit out of his resentment. his sincerity is so hard it sounds a joke but his the truth of every ugly person

>> No.10378754

I'm glad I don't have a sister. I used to listen to my older brother plow whores but that's different, if it was the other way around it would probably infuriate me. I have a friend whose sister is a whore and he's the angriest person I've ever met

>> No.10378759

It's only interesting in concept, ala the unbridled characteristics of narcissism (one can't help but think of Bret Easton Ellis). However, there is null importance in the content. The only potential positive to the work, would be any forthcoming analysis of it.

>> No.10378764

My sister is one of those types that only has sex in committed relationships.

She's had 9 boyfriends in 4 months.

It's the worst, dude. Douchebags just spilling into your house fucking the girl you grew up with and eating all of your food.

>> No.10378784

It's worth it to laugh at and understand why he was so fucked up but it has no literary merit and he even cites GoT as an influence.

>> No.10378797
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>tfw no whore siblings

>> No.10378799
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>mfw i have newborn baby sister
oh well, at least ill have my own place by the time she starts doing *that*

>> No.10378847

I love his accounts of splashing coffee and orange juice on couples and then running away.

Also he had counselor appointed "friends." He was literally appointed friends and he was so ashamed of that.

>> No.10378876

My little sister is gonna be 15 soon and it drives me mad what the media and "empowering" feminism is pushing, makes me despise women. Who would have thought caring for your sister would make you a misogynist

>> No.10378893

its a quick read, its hilarious, its not fake, and its eminently relatable if you are between 21 and 27

>> No.10378897

Reminds me of my wife

>> No.10379136

If you're here now than you are going to be living at home forever.

>> No.10379598

You guys are really so upset and resentful that your sisters like sex?
So then, of course you must not like sex and would certainly turn it down if you had the opportunity, right?

>> No.10379624

of course, until I'm married

>> No.10379823

>What I found fascinating and simultaneously terrifying was that he chronicles his infancy and early childhood with about as much detail and agency as the days leading up to his death.
It is part of the whole persecution complex: these people remember EVERYTHING, no matter how trivial, which can explain Why Life Hates Them. Even if something good were to come their way, say having a father in Hollywood, a BMW, a life of luxuries, etc., they would simply be unable to see it for what it was. Like Mr. Rodger, they would instead think, "Why don't women like me when I have a Hollywood father and this BMW?"

My brother has this mentality and, consequently, I can see through the transparent defense mechanisms of the average /pol/tard fairly easily.

The solution is to step outside your comfort zone, gain IRL experience, learn to move on from the past (e.g. high school bullies, a girl not paying attention to you), and take inventory of what is positive in your life. Unfortunately, most of these guys do the opposite and live vicariously online, become socially atrophied, and basically sabotage any chance of positive change. Throw in delusions of grandeur, conspiracy theories, and a rampant superiority complex, and you have the recipe for one extremely miserable individual. Not to mention you can now rage and dwell with other like-minded people from the comfort of your own home.

>> No.10379827

>mfw i have newborn baby sister
What are you, 8 years old?

>> No.10379894

I had two brothers and no sisters growing up. Only problem is that I still can't talk to women very well. I may as well be throwing clumps of spaghetti at women I'm attracted to :(

>> No.10379914

>So then, of course you must not like sex and would certainly turn it down if you had the opportunity, right?

Yes. Surprised? Some people are just moral, unlike you.

>> No.10379917

We may have the same younger brother.

>> No.10379923

iirc Eliot isn't really annoyed that his sister "likes sex", he's just angry that she gets to have it and he doesn't.

>> No.10379928

I read with intense interest and could deeply relate to a lot of what he went through. Although 'went through' is kind of a loaded term, implies that he was traumatized which obviously he wasn't; the kid led a cushy, privileged life. But nevertheless there's a special kind of misery that comes with being an upper class impotent male and I think his manifesto is a perfect embodiment. It's got everything: existential despair over not getting cute chicks, abandonment issues, internet addiction, attachment to porn, chronic masturbation, ressentiment, etc. And since he was educated fairly well he knew how to write in the classic western teleological style--it all leads up to his final heroic triumph. Very entertaining, very revealing stuff. But i'm of the opinion that his culture was just as much to blame as he was.

>> No.10379949

You're a complete retard.

> i'm of the opinion that his culture was just as much to blame as he was.
Yeah, blame the culture for a one in a million freak who goes on a shooting spree out of his extreme narcissism.
>implies that he was traumatized which obviously he wasn't
Traumatized is not the right word, but obviously he had psychological issues which made even little things "traumatizing" for him.

>> No.10379966

Calls the guy a retard
Proceeds to agree with what he said


>> No.10379974

Where did I even agree? Are you completely immune to sarcasm and lack reading comprehension?

No, wait, don't answer that. I don't want to waste my time arguing over such trite. Read my post again if you're still confused, but I will not respond to any replies.

>> No.10379975
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>> No.10379977

Weird to me that you grant him trauma while calling him an extreme narcissist. Narcissists invent traumas to feed into their image of themselves. Also that was more of a comment on the phrase 'what X went through' than anything else. Just a curious sidebar.

Anyway i don't really have the stomach for 'complete retard' and 'one in a million freak' but i guess that's what i get for expecting any quality here aside from dank memes.

>> No.10379985

o fuk

>> No.10379994

Elliot was actually the greatest dude ever and I hope he inspires more people to do as he did

>> No.10379999

I listened to the audio book and thoroughly enjoyed it. He gets really unrelatable and wacky with the lottery tickets at the end which shows his state of mind growing unstable. I liked finding similarities with him. If it were fiction or he never did shoot anybody then it would be shit but knowing what he did makes it feel alive. I'm a big fan of his except for the shooting.

>> No.10380012

>if he never did shoot anybody then it would be shit but knowing what he did makes it feel alive.
>I'm a big fan of his except for the shooting.

nice schizophrenia you got there

>> No.10380087

Nice digits, and I agree. I could only imagine how long he spent writing with the end already planned.

>> No.10380116
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tfw he could have saved him.

>> No.10380119

Good posts

>> No.10380127

no. not if you're over 14

>> No.10380149

How can you say that when your punctuation suggests that you're not older than 15?

>> No.10380169

Unironically this. Rodger took himself/his peen too seriously. Coupled with not reading he was in for a bad time

>> No.10380193

He was a fucking freak, they always take themselves too seriously.

>> No.10380266


>> No.10380286

I feel a lot like him (except for lust for murder). What's wrong with taking life seriously? Doubt you can name specific times where he thinks 'wrong'.

>> No.10380303

Rodger idealized women/romantic “love” to an extreme degree...it prevented him from contextualizing his predicament appropriately.
Undoubtedly he was right that getting his dick sucked would improve his life.

>> No.10380344
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>tfw step-sister I hardly know
She goes through boyfriends every two weeks and doesn't even see the fault in it. And it's not like she's treating them as outright fuckbuddies, either; I see her cuddling and doing artsy shit with them. Even my mother laughs about it to her face. I swear, she's going to be the type to land in some abusive relationship when she grows fat and out of options. I'll never understand people like this.

>> No.10380355
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I have, on multiple occasions.
I felt like an asshole, though.

>> No.10380390

It's funny to laugh at him I guess.

>> No.10380442

solid post. hadn't thought about the twisted bildungsroman aspect of it.

>> No.10380483

Gotta get this off my chest on the topic of sisters having sex. My girlfriend has a somewhat (~10 years) younger sister and hot damn does this sister have giant breasts. I mean my gf has pretty good ones, too, but her sister and even her mother have even bigger ones.
But this sister of hers now is a pretty gloomy teenager and all, who talks about being asexual and hates everyone I guess. When I was her age, I felt pretty similar, except for the asexuality. Maybe she’s not in any way asexual, just tumblr-brainwashed, who knows. Anyways, I’d have liked meeting a girl like her back then. These damn tits, I’m telling you.

>> No.10380559

>What's wrong with taking life seriously?
The thing is, he didn't take life seriously. If he had, he wouldn't have killed people because he was tortured over his insecurities. You have a small dick and are a 22 year old virgin, big fucking deal. If he took life seriously, he would have worked on himself instead of becoming pathologically superficial.

If you feel similar to him, you should disconnect and spend more time interacting with people IRL, gaining experiences, etc. If you feel so painfully alone and crave a partner, do you think living vicariously online and losing whatever meagre social skills you have will result in finding love? You have to meet people halfway, offer something, and be physically visible in the first place.

If you feel like him, you are clearly in a rut and are most likely too lazy and unambitious to try and get out of it. In previous generations, you'd at least have to work, go to the store, etc. Now you can become an even bigger hermit loser while satisfying some urges through ersatz socialization. It's a positive feedback loop that only results in you being even more miserable and less likely to succeed as time goes on.

The internet is the worst thing for many young men. It offers too much distraction: instead of becoming bored or desperate enough to actually do something IRL, you can just waste away the years telling yourself things will change.

>> No.10380658

In the words of the immortal Nard, a man is only as faithful as his options. You have no options so you transmogrify your deficiencies into virtues, e.g.: "I'm waiting until I am married". What kind of man says this, let alone a pseudo-Christian with a pron addiction and unhealthy online habits?

>> No.10380693

I'm not that guy but I'm a born again Christian. When I was younger I was a big fornicator. Going to clubs and banging chicks at every chance. During that phase you feel good but there's always a hint of emptyness with the pursuit of flesh. I eventually stopped and read into Christ and I realized why.

>1 John 2:15-17 (KJV)

>15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

>16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

>17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

I have since been at peace with myself and no longer seek out sin.

>> No.10380727

>there’s not fake theory of mind coming of age
that’s because that stuff isn’t real at all anon, not everyone goes through fake trials and some people biologically will not
>he remembers everything
its called being sensitive and they don’t actually remember everything they usually had really bad experiences growing up you can’t relate to. I was slammed on my head repeatedly by much older kids in elementary school and some kid kicked me so hard in the ankle i still have injuries in that exact spot from it. He never was disciplined even once, he became a star athlete and works at his dad’s firm and makes 6 figures now, he never went to college and wad a C student in hs. has a hot gf and lots of friends, doesn’t even remember giving me concussions as a kid. Some people have venom embedded deep in their bones, crystallized waiting to be released by a catalyst like social rejection. The people whose blood is poison, whose minds are torture dungeond are not like you anon. You are not like them and cannot relate, Nietzsche was right, most of the population are animals and shouldn’t be taught to read and shouod be muzzled like dogs

>> No.10380743

>that’s because that stuff isn’t real at all anon, not everyone goes through fake trials and some people biologically will not

The poster never claimed everyone went through this, and in fact he specifically said man-children don't.
What's I find incoherent is that you claim this "isn't real". Are you a solipsist, are only things that happen to you personally real?

>> No.10380791

rites of passage are social constructs and are totally unnecessary to develop secondary sexual characteristics or a fully formed adult brain. sollipsism is fun yes. and “man-children” are distinct from neotenous incel spergs you hateful cunt. a manchild can have gone through rites of passage and can have a job and be married, there are legions of these types. an incel sperg is a tragic figure, a divine martyr with no cause and no heaven waiting for them. They’re the most beautiful people alive, and they’ll all die early and no one will mourn them. I think about them every single day and want to cry

>> No.10380842

I was treated like shit as a kid too. I know what it's like to be beaten up, have your bike tires slashed, dread going to school, wish you could disappear when walking through halls, make excuses to your parents why you don't do anything on weekends, etc. That was a good portion of my life. And just because I was a different person. Kids pick up on that and are highly opportunistic and aggressive, it's an evolutionary thing.

Big deal. You've learned that the good are not always rewarded and the bad often don't get what's coming to them. Instead of moving on with your life and being happy, you've chosen to let those kids control you long after they've gone away. He probably rarely thinks of you, yet every day you are chained to his memory.

Being a miserable fuck and building a shrine to the memory of schoolyard injuries and slights is of no consequence to anyone else but you. Your reaction to a bad childhood is quite common among hyper-sensitive, narcissistic people with persecution complexes.

My past is like yours, the only difference is that I didn't let my childhood dictate the rest of my life. These memories are largely academic to me now, because I've moved on to bigger and better things. I can tell by your post that these wounds have festered and have only gotten worse. At this point, it's up to you. Man up and get over the trauma or let it define your life. At least it gives you a handy excuse for not being successful.

>> No.10380852

>man up
>he isn’t troubled by his crimes but im troubled bu the injuries i sustaine that scarred me
>nervous damage from stress isn’t real
>the strong can maim and run away with good justification
>you must be like him, he was stronger
>i was just like you
>im just like you trust me

>> No.10380872

Yes you are the only person who was harassed and bullied as a kid. You were traumatized and epigenetic changes prevent you from being happy. No one can possibly understand you and there is no way you could try to turn your life around.

The sad thing is, you are probably 25+ but you have the emotional intelligence of 15-year-old. Get over it, it's pathetic.

>> No.10380881

Damn, the way you characterize it makes it sound like if the main concept of an anti-bildungsroman where the protagonist ages but doesn't develop and becomes insanely frustrated would make a good novel if taken up by a good author.

(also glad to see actual analysis and discussion on /lit/ too desu)

>> No.10380886

womameme detected

>> No.10380889

>rites of passage are social constructs and are totally unnecessary to develop secondary sexual characteristics or a fully formed adult brain

Do you have any examples of individuals who don't overcome conflict who are fully developed as human beings?

Your misuse of "social construct" is noted.

>> No.10380903

>the strong can maim and run away with good justification
Besides social constructs and fiction, why would you ever expect a justification? Are you so disconnected from nature that you genuinely believe people who are mean will get their comeuppance because of karma?

>> No.10380963

Chads and Staceys get everything handed to them and praised for working hard. Ugly males have to work for everything and still get insulted. I can understand that and the people claiming otherwise in this topic don't fool me

>> No.10380965

Does that smug sense of superiority actually help you in your life? Have any real important achievements you can share? Such petty animals always looking for reasons why they're better than their peers.

>> No.10380968

lmao tripfag

>> No.10380978
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You attach values to superficial things that can be taken away from you, that's your problem. A chad can become a undesirable if his face gets messed up in a fire or an acid attack and the same goes for a stacy. Perhaps you should attach values to things that cannot be taken away from you so easily, such as development of character and wisdom.

>> No.10380988

Stronger genotypes are typically more successful; mates recognize this based on phenotypic signals (e.g.: optimal secondary sexual characters) and thus the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This is the basis of evolution and the mechanism which has resulted in your existence.

Thankfully, we are a species which lives in complex societies, and reproductive success can be improved via fitness proxies besides physical characters. For example, wealth, an enviable career, a charismatic personality, creativity, etc.

You can either fight nature and be at odds with yourself until you die, likely alone, or you can embrace it. And there is nothing wrong with working hard and getting the prize by a more circuitous route.

>> No.10381022
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Not the guy you are responding to, but I disagree with this at a fundamental level. Why should an incel embrace nature? Nature is an ugly process and telling an incel to embrace nature is equivalent to asking an abused person to accept his abuser who has put him in such a predicament. Perhaps an incel should dedicate his life to the synthetic gods since technology and the progress of capitalism means the death of nature. To stick to nature and the whole process of evolution by producing synthetic beings that outclass biology, or any children of nature.

>> No.10381044

Embracing being an "incel" and essentially being unsuccessful by virtually all metrics is a pathetic choice. But yes, if you take this path you should definitely just keep living at home with your parents and keep connected at all times. There really is nothing out there in the real world for these people, so it's either suicide or try to squeeze whatever distraction you can out of the void.

It will be interesting when the parents of these people begin to die off and they have an inheritance to spend on manchild diversions. Not to mention they will be completely irresponsible with their newfound wealth and the resulting short-lived lifestyle will be amusing to document.

>> No.10381055

i don’t care about evolution im a sovereign being ill do what i want, I’ll rape nature to death if i have to

>> No.10381061
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Exactly. Fuck nature.

>> No.10381074

that guy is a giant pseud, he’s not nice either. he’s better than the irony faggots but he just uses idealism memes and mixes them with sci-fi art from the mid 20th century and then gives it a right wing bent. Its not interesting, his best work is long-form and are almost always reviews of other people’s writing or films. I like Kantbot but he is a pseud and he’s a mean spirited person who associates with pieces of shit and he backed up a pedo sociopath for about 2 years at least and it was blatantly obvious that the person was a pedophile and there were jokes about it constantly and he ignored it. The rosicrucian personal meme is funny and i like how he denies logic exists and that the self you create is eternal and that you can’t undo misdeeds or cover them up, all that esoteric kantian shit. But it won’t change that he’s intellectually bankrupt. I don’t care if he and the others see this.

>> No.10381079

>being moral isn't the ultimate achievement
alright, satan

>> No.10381090

>im a sovereign
Yet you are chained to your computer and unable to maintain eye contact with women, let alone talk to them. Nature has already beaten you friend; your genes are a recipe for failure and you lost precisely at the moment of your own conception. Millions of years of evolution, your ancestors voices still echoing across time and space, and one sperm and one ovum meeting despite immeasurable variables trying to keep them apart. All to produce a loser permavirg who spends his gift of existence online.

Find a 2D waifu, embrace VR, and eat in excess. Live my friend, LIVE!

>> No.10381099

I do have a girlfriend, so the option is there.

>> No.10381108

Nature can't beat you if you are not even playing it's game. Capitalism will soon enough kill nature when the age of synthetic beings come in to play. The laws of evolution will no longer apply to these higher beings and they will rightly do away with our miserable existence; thus, ending nature's "crowning" achievement.

>> No.10381115

You’re already in the game bitch. Just because you take your eye off the ball doesn’t mean you can’t get dunked on and kicked in the teeth

>> No.10381121

Maybe I will get "dunked" on but I can rest assured that the death of my abuser is coming.

>> No.10381140

Does being moral include actually helping anyone and advancing humanity, or just telling people you're better than them because you don't (can't) have sex?
So glad we have a ton of moral, upstanding people here to judge and ridicule us and tell us we're dirty sinners and less than them.

>> No.10381173

Make him wash his hair, grow a decent stubble or shave, get him a nice haircut, and he’s not bad at all.

It’s not nature, it’s apathy towards your looks. It’s laziness and cowardice.

>> No.10381181

I'd say that it's worth reading. There are a couple parts that I found downright hilarious.

The first is when he was addicted to World of Warcraft, spending 12+ hours a day in Azeroth. And in WoW, he would try to explain his views on women and society, this new ideology that he was formulating. The mental image of Elliot and James as their WoW characters, having a back and forth conversation like in the South Park episode, except this time it's about concentration camps where women will be starved to death, had me burst out laughing.

The second, even funnier part, comes right before he's shipped off to Morocco. I won't spoil it, but if you're going to read anything from My Twisted World, read that.

>> No.10381182

Exactly. You can close your eyes and deny the light, but that doesn't mean jack shit.

We all die. The difference is, your abuser lived 20 lives for your paltry one. He forgot about you and you repeat his name every single day. Maybe he sometimes remembers you and feels a little shame/regret or even laughs about it, but the point is you are essentially a single punctuation in his life. Not even a footnote. Yet your life is branded and bound by him.

Even if you were to seek and find revenge, he has already irrevocably won. His last moments could be hell, yet he has known pleasure and experiences which you would never know even if granted an additional hundred years of youth.

The greatest injustice to you is that you are consumed by someone who wrought an indelible scar on your very soul, yet he probably would need coaxing to remember your name. It's beautiful.

>> No.10381190

>They didn’t even have the latest video games.

Mega KEK

>> No.10381196

You misunderstand me , my abuser is not a person, my abuser is Nature itself.

>> No.10381209

That is a completely normal looking person.

>> No.10381211

>implying that all of man's achievements cannot be ultimately appointed to nature

>> No.10381220


I never implied he was ugly. He is some retard on /int/ who keeps posting his face along with a paragraph explaining his Iberian phenotype. So will carry out his will and post his image every so often on random threads.

>> No.10381225

>i like finding similarities with someone who killed people because he couldn't get laid

>> No.10381242

I wasn't as social as you but I felt the same emptiness whenever I masturbated to porn. It felt exciting while doing it, but for a long time afterwards I just felt empty. Not dirty or sinful or anything, just kind of hollow and spiritually fatigued for a while.

I've all but given up porn now and things are much, much brighter and better. Sex is no longer constantly on my mind. I'm able to see validation in things other than sex.

>> No.10381243


>> No.10381261

Everyone feels the, "cum, feel bad and close 32 tabs, cancel 19 downloads" thing after masturbating. Same thing with after sex.

You can consider it as a spiritual crisis and Jesus frowning upon your interest in DP and bukkake, or just realize it is a common hormone-mediated phenomenon (post-coital tristesse).

Masturbation is fine in moderation, just don't get addicted to hardcore porn.

>> No.10381269

Its poorly written, but if you're a young person in the west, you'll probably relate to his character. Would like to see someone make a play out of it/10

>> No.10381282

oooh that'd actually make a really good tragedy

>> No.10381320

>/pol/ and other caldrons of impotent rage

Still mad about Trump, then?

>> No.10381344

I'm actually working on this, but it takes place in high school (while parodying traditional coming of age stories) and has a twist ending where somebody shoots up the school on the same day he was planning to and he winds up being hailed as a hero for killing the other shooter.

>> No.10381347

>yet you ate chained to pc
im on mobile because i shit on your faggot image board ettiquette and like to pace
>unable to maintain eye contact with women
not even close, i make appropriate eye contact all the time with women, far more often than most normal men do. its one of the reasons im not a virgin
>let alone talk to them
a cute thicc whyte working class grill wished me goodnight with a heart, and we’re meeting up next weekend after finals to celebrate her birthday
>nature has already beaten you
my iq is one standard deviation above the ceiling of the normal range for humans, i can bench more and run faster than most adult whyte males and can jump significantly higher than most people on earth
>your genes are a recipe for failure
then why did i get 45 tinder matches in my first week and why do i have 15 girls numbers in just a week and a half’s time anon? why do i dominate every classroom i set foot in? why am i always the smartest person in the room?
>you lost at conception
im taller, stronger, smarter and more attractive and athletic than my parents so no im the definition of evolutionary progress
>loser permavirgin
ive laid actual beauties, a phenotype that’s rare these days from the Mediterranean, she had double D’s and the soul of a Seraphim. im not a virgin at all
evil degeneracy, automatic grounds for sterilization
>eat in excess
food is clay to build my physique i don’t eat more than i need to in order to put on lean muscle i abhor fatness and fat people and think of them as less than human
>Live my friend
Die faggot

>> No.10381348

The real cringe is that you think /pol/ helped trump win the election.

>> No.10381361


>> No.10381362

>i make appropriate eye contact all the time with women, far more often than most normal men do.
>can jump significantly higher than most people on earth
>then why did i get 45 tinder matches in my first week
>why am i always the smartest person in the room?
Holy fuck I cringed kek

>> No.10381363

/pol/ did help in tandem with breitbart and fox news, actual feds have been on /pol/ for years and private intelligence agency operatives hired by clandestine financial entities tied to the right wing military-defense-intel-tech deep state based out of places like DoD and Highlands Forum, John Birch society, Paleocon think tanks, Le Cercle, ex Pilgrim’s and other Right wing shadow bankers like Stephen schwartzman and Steve Feinberg (heavily invested in illegal wars in Africa). Must be fun being a dumb /pol/yp and not having any opsec faggot

>> No.10381365

I've never had the problem of women ignoring me; I've had the problem of women (and men too occasionally) use me while manipulating me to believing we were friends. You're right to guess that I'm a lonely virgin in college, and you're wrong to assume I'm not lashing out at people in an Elliot Rodger or Walter White kind of way. It's actually so severe that it's gotten to the point where my "friends" and family are becoming terrified of me because they literally do not recognize me as who they thought I used to be.

It started when some cunt on the internet (some small community forum I was once a part of) said some means things to me so I waited for the perfect moment to sabotage them. They were just a leech on the system and they ran out of benefit money, so instead of getting a job they put up a charity asking for donations. I sabotaged it by telling everyone it was fake. She ended up homeless not too long after.

Then later on (moving on to people I interacted with face to face) I began to cut off people who I knew were just using me for money, attention, homework help, and other stupid shit. I didn't ruin their lives, but it was a step in the same direction. It ended up being four different women I had known for years that I cut off in a dramatic kind of way. Then I met another friend who after about a year of knowing them I reported to the police and had him and his close friend arrested. That was because I (rightfully) suspected he was using me to buy him alcohol (when I told him I ran out of money, he conveniently stopped inviting me to parties).

And finally, and most recently, I flunked some girl out of college because she manipulated me into helping her cheat in the class (on multiple assignments though out the semester). I didn't want to help her cheat, and she knew it but didn't care, so at the very end of the semester I emailed the professor telling him I believe she cheated off me (I lied and said that she stole my work, even though she actually just manipulated me into saying yes). She was a close "friend" so the other people in the group (the same group of "friends" including the guy I got arrested) have either turned on me or are too terrified to make me an enemy.

I'm actually not a psychopath--at all--I'm just tired to getting shit on by all the people in my life. I could go on about all the other things I've done to the people close to me, but I've already mentioned the big ones.

>> No.10381369

It has the merit of clarity, which is no small merit under the circumstances.

Further, it has scenes both horrible and comic, like the business of him listening to his sister have sex. Such scenes are often found in good literature. I'm not saying this is good literature, but I think saying it has no literary merit is incorrect.

>> No.10381371

man how good does Samuel feel knowing his sexual conquest is written by the oddessy of a virgin supreme gentleman

>> No.10381372

Where can I listen to it?

>> No.10381373

wow great comeback, i guess that post making all those wrong, embarassing, sociopathic, robopathic, hateful assumptions was right then.

>> No.10381376

They legitimately did, /pol/ could reach people on twitter and the likes in ways no 38 year old Breitbart writer ever could.

>> No.10381384

Here's a fourteen-part playlist. Trying to listen to the whole thing in one go is impractical.

>> No.10381386

>What's wrong with taking life seriously?
taking it too seriously

you will attract the joker archetype

>> No.10381396
File: 669 KB, 2240x2215, Laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mumkey Jones audiobook

>> No.10381399

>being on 4chan
>not already surrounded by the joker archetype

>> No.10381433

>The sad thing is, you are probably 25+ but you have the emotional intelligence of 15-year-old. Get over it, it's pathetic.

Does that smug sense of superiority actually help you in your life?

>> No.10381439

Don't friends give each other help and attention?

>> No.10381444

Where the fuck did Nietzsche say that.

>> No.10381454

im not 25 years old and holding a grudge against evil people who harmed you as a child is the only moral thing to do. these people are cowardly animals, don’t even bother with them

>> No.10381458


It's called narcissism. Here's a useful tip to remember. When people talk to you they are really baring their soul whilst talking to themselves. The issues he labelled you with are likely still heavily affecting him as clear from his post.

>> No.10381477

>just don't get addicted to hardcore porn

Don't kid yourself. Anyone who
>"cum, feel bad and close 32 tabs, cancel 19 downloads" thing after masturbating

already is.

>> No.10381498
File: 15 KB, 225x224, 7DD1B384-09DA-4A31-BAF7-EFCB5043D28C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post

>> No.10381510

>you should disconnect and spend more time interacting with people IRL, gaining experiences, etc.
Having exactly zero friends I have no clue what t do. Since I dont have any experiences to talk with people about I feel like it would be impossible to make friends even if I knew where to meet them.

>> No.10381514
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>You have a small dick and are a 22 year old virgin
Why does this feel like getting stabbed

>> No.10381519

Where does his manifesto rank among the likes of Breivik's and Kaczinskys?

>> No.10381523

No contest, it's a good meme

>> No.10381534

>It is no easy task to understand unfamiliar blood; I hate the reading
He who knows the reader, does nothing more for the reader. Another
century of readers - and spirit itself will stink.
Every one being allowed to learn to read, ruins in the long run not only
writing but also thinking. (TZ, 1.7)
He also discusses this in Anti-Education and in his notes and essays.

>> No.10381535

I didn't go over every little detail, but (specifically referring to the four women I cut out) they would always have me buy them things, invite me over and then never listen to what I had to say (literally nearly all the conversions when I was talking they would completely interrupt without any kind of apology, shame, or justified reason, and it was just obvious they completely didn't care about what I had to say). They were disgustingly, openly selfish. When it was the end of the semester right before the math finals (which were always held at the same time whether you were calc 1 or diff eq) and begged me to teach her all of calculus when I had my own shit to worry about. And you can guess that I actually abandoned my own studying for theirs, and they of course didn't care or appreciate what I was doing.

But you know what, here's the best story I have--the most legitimate unquestionable person who deserved way worse than simply being 'cut out' of my life. One of the four was perhaps the largest cunt I had ever met online or in person (not large as in fat, but large as in wholesomely selfish, manipulative, irritating, and dangerous. She loved to drive fast and recklessly to seem cool and unhinged, and unfortunately she was driving a few friends and me to the mall. The three of us in the back were all shouting at her to slow down. I even texting one my friends saying that I'm probably going to die. Literally one or two minutes after I sent that text, she runs a red light and nearly kills us and some poor woman turning at the intersection. A few days later she asks me for math help (of course), so I drop what I'm doing and go to the library to meet her, and at some point the topic of the near-accident got brought up. She blatantly says to me, verbatim, "you know that was your fault for shouting at me right." I wish I was lying but this actually happened. She literally blamed us for nearly killing people in her car because we were begging her to slow down.

So no, I have bad luck meeting people like this. It's not that I'm this terrible person trying to get revenge on people who barely deserve it.

>> No.10381570

>you know it was your fault
I wonder what goes on in the mind of a person like that. Do they really not understand the concept of culpability or do they just not realize how people respond to bullshit blaming like that?
I mean, it's not effective manipulation. It just burns bridges. I really am curious exactly what thing it is people like this don't understand.

>> No.10381623

>he isn’t troubled by his crimes
Don't be so sure of that. I've done terrible things as a teen and they still haunt me to this day.

>> No.10381632
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absolutely top notch narration

>> No.10381635

he absolutely did not care even a tiny bit about what he did, he was the same way in HS and assaulted other people and was renowned brawling violent faggot well into his early 20's until money made him settle down. These people are psychopaths with pretty faces, fat bank accounts and tall frames. The worst humans i've ever met were star athletes. Every single meme about them is true, and hating them is a sign of being moral

>> No.10381640

Explore hobbies. Get into gardening, mushroom collecting, a musical instrument, hiking, working out, running, painting, wood working, whatever. Get a dog, they are a great way to meet people either at dog parks or just walking in your neighborhood.

By virtue of these activities, you will meet people. You will also spend less time dwelling on negative things online and gain a skill or interest that will facilitate connecting with others, other than sperging about politics to those who don't care.

Don't go into these things with the mindset of meeting friends, this will be an inevitable side effect. You will slowly become more comfortable and apt at socializing and things will incrementally get better. The thing is, you must limit your time online. This place is NOT helping you and you are not cultivating any social skills or accomplishments that can be listed on your CV or garner recognition or any metric of success/happiness.

This place, and social media/online in general, is a trap for young men. /pol/ rants about being red-pilled and Jews: if I were a puppet-master trying to enslave or destroy the white race, what better way than connecting them to a virtual world of ephemeral bickering that results in depression, anti-social tendencies, and a childless existence?

>> No.10381650

no my dad remarried to much younger woman

>> No.10381656

> he remembers everything
The first few pages are of things that happened to him as a baby. It's nigh impossible that he has first hand recollections of these things. Rather, they were likely told to him as stories and he chose to incorporate them as key components of his own, self-narrated story. Also, the earliest stories he narrates are mostly positive ones - going on a luxury vacation iirc - that sets up the privilege that he born into and the subsequent deservingness of all the things that later denied to him by an unjust and brutal society.

It's not so much that this recollection is a product of some traumatic, indigestable memory (like PTSD), but that he is incapable of digesting, and subsequently growing, at all. His self-understanding remains unchanged throughout the entirety of his life. The condition of a child is very different from the condition of an adult - if at the very least that the child is given nutrition whereas an adult must seek it out on their own. Elliot lives his entire life in this infantile mode where things happen /to him/ rather than /because of/ him. The logic for dealing with unpleasant situations becomes entirely lost and alien. Any sort of discomfort or unmet desire is externalized as the result of an unjust external world.

His mysogyny make perfect sense in that it is the maternal function that enables childhood as such. Babies receive nutrition from a mother's breast. This is the basic logic of entitlement: I am a baby and hence I am entitled to milk. Mother, a woman, is the provider of the things that I deserve, hence, if I don't get what I deserve then it is my mother's, woman's, fault. As most people age, agency over the individual shifts from the mother over to the individual themselves. In Elliot's case, this never happens - he still locates agency within women. Hence, women are the cause of his suffering.

>> 10380791
Hence, incels see themselves as babies and expect to be treated as such. They want to appropriate for themselves the cultural reception given to babies: helpless, beautiful, sensitive, pure and innocent. The fact that they are denied that reception is a tacit admission to the brutality of our culture. To them, it's the same as if you were to expect a 6 month old to feed themselves, go to work, and pay taxes. The imperative to grow up, man up, get over it, is just an imposition to participate in this brutal culture. The hatred of women (in particular) is that women are the actors that more or less specialize in giving that reception - and hence are the most to-blame for their treatment.

>> No.10381662

This simply is not true. I have a very good imagination and sense of empathy, not to mention I have gotten to know diverse people over the years and have had a lot of interesting experiences. All this combines into the ability to identify with others and consider them outside of my own personal views and experiences.

This is /lit/ of all places. You should understand a little about imagination and that not everything boils down to projection. And of course when people accuse others of projecting on 4chan, they really mean, "I know you are but what am I".

>> No.10381677

I think I read up to the part when he was 13. It was boring, basically a sperg talking about his life and the nice things he got to experience when he was younger (California connections, like going to the Star Wars Episode I premiere), and it broke him to find that he wasn't one of the "cool kids" in school.

>> No.10381745


Overall, I don't see anything that special in Elliot himself - rather - I see him more as a product of the grotesque overabundance. His tragedy was that he managed to defer his own maturity to the point where it was easier to kill other people than it was to take the first step on the journey towards adulthood. This is a massive failure that cannot be explained without recourse to the environment that allowed the problem to get as bad as it did. His parents sounded disinterested in him, placating him with a nice car, his therapist couldn't help him, even after seeing the videos he posted. He was given infinite time and space to develop self-righteous conviction in his anger via an echo chamber of like-minded people. If Elliot were born a decade or so prior, I would imagine that the lack of an internet would have forced him to spent time with people who would have given him the opportunity to see the world differently.

Elliot was an example of an emotional and developmental problem that was allowed to snowball out of control. Unfortunately, I don't see much in the way of things that will make this less likely.

...expect maybe people like Elliot becoming trans. The whole incel thing has a hugely frustrated relationship to superceeding the maternal figure and breaking into adulthood. Yet, the way they see themselves as pathetic heroes is just a spin on the feminine desire to protect the helpless (which in this case, is themselves). Perhaps if they /became/ women they could internalize that operation, forgive themselves for their own powerlessness and grow into mature beings capable of compassion for others. Maybe Elliot was just suffering from gender dysphoria.

inb4 Trump is the result of gender dysphoria.

>> No.10381758
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Keep it up anon

>> No.10381761

thats pretty hot and very /lit of him

>> No.10381763

incels have low testosterone just like trans. the real horseshoe theory

>> No.10381785

>..expect maybe people like Elliot becoming trans. The whole incel thing has a hugely frustrated relationship to superceeding the maternal figure and breaking into adulthood. Yet, the way they see themselves as pathetic heroes is just a spin on the feminine desire to protect the helpless (which in this case, is themselves). Perhaps if they /became/ women they could internalize that operation, forgive themselves for their own powerlessness and grow into mature beings capable of compassion for others. Maybe Elliot was just suffering from gender dysphoria.
literally a psychopathic wannabe psychiatrist sorcerer, I knew it. I knew it would only take a few more posts for you to show your hand. you piece of shit, you awful inhumane beast. Cut off their genitals because they identify too strongly with the feminine? I'd like to see you thrown to the gators you pathetic fuck

>> No.10381807

Yes, I suppose Elliott giving into mental illness and then ultimately blowing """"her"""" brains out would have saved innocent people from getting shot

>> No.10381808

I can't believe the incel phenomenon hasn't been portrayed in pop culture yet.

>> No.10381857


>> No.10381972

I'm not that cynical. People deal with their shit in different ways. I know some people for whom going through the transition was a big help, even if they didn't go all the way with it.

It's only going to get easier and easier to end up like Elliot. Making this sort of thing, even if just a temporary experiment, more acceptable has the potential to make it less likely. Hell, just lessening the burden of living up to the Hollywood alpha-male stereotype would probably help at least a little.

It's OK for people to be sensitive - we just havn't really found a way for men to express that. Instead, that shit gets bottled up and then fetishized to incel levels.

What makes you think that i would ever force this on someone? It was more a suggestion that the whole LGBTQetc. project might have lessened the pressure for Elliot to act a certain way, and might have also allowed Elliot to explore his issues is a constructive rather than destructive way.

>> No.10382078

Convincing people to follow their delusions and try to be something that they aren't and will never be is not constructive. Even if you don't think convincing something to pump their brain full of foreign chemicals and mutilate their genitals is completely ethical, Elliott would never get a chance to be pregnant with a child (among other things) or have a menstruation cycle.

>> No.10382094

am on chans...idgaf about punctuation fgt. nice ad hominem, butt-master

>> No.10382358

I think its one of those things modern pop culture just wants to gloss over. Also, Boomers still control pop culture and have no knowledge of the subject.

>> No.10382389

>What makes you think that i would ever force this on someone?
psychiatric minded people have no empathy and are essentially task masters and engineers, they have literally not the slightest compunction about forcing people to do drastic alterations to their physiology, I know this from experience and having needles stuck in me and not being told what the drug was until I was having tremors and psychotic episodes I never had before being dosed with it. They're awful, you're awful people. The worst, worse than even the military I think.
>It was more a suggestion that the whole LGBTQetc. project
lmfao because its a cultural engineering project from Athens right?
>might have lessened the pressure for Elliot to act a certain way
yes, sullying his worth as a man. scarring him mentally with sodomy and submission to big chad cock and emasculating him and castrating him """might""" have alleviated his existential angst for a brief period (probably 1-3 years like most transsexuals)
>might have also allowed Elliot to explore his issues is a constructive rather than destructive way
how is destroying your anatomy constructive in any way? how is an identity solely based around where you take dick better than him being a human who is lonely who also wants a girlfriend and also wants sex. You realize Elliot wanted a beautiful girlfriend he wasn't some nigger who wanted hos or some white trash faggot who wanted lots of women. he wanted affection and a companion of the opposite sex who would be proud to be with him and who would look at him as a human and who he could humanize and empathize with. He wanted probably the most pure desire a man can have besides wanting healthy, happy children and to create something for the world and himself. There's really nothing pathetic about him at all, you again have no empathy. You're psychiatric minded, you psychoanalyzed him like a patient. He came to you, in your eyes, even if it be deceased, as a sick person in need of medicine and procedures. I don't see him that way, I see him as a lost soul who burned to death in this evil furnace.

>> No.10382396

No it is very poorly written at a childish level.

Normies wouldn't get anything out of it, so if you aren't from old r9k then you won't actually understand why his brain is so defective.

I read a good portion of it but didn't bother finishing it, his worldview is such an extreme case. I might pick it up again if I were to read the Unibomber manifesto and other societal defects that have written down their ideas.

>> No.10382471

Although not part of "the incel phenomenon," Norman Bates was an incel avant la lettre, I suppose.

>> No.10382641
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>Nurturing deep-seated hatred towards people who have wronged you in the past is morally good

>> No.10382765

>Esoteric shit
Could you point me to some further reading/sources related to this. My background is in analytic philosophy and linguistics, and while I've read Kant, Schelling (although hardly understood his manner of writing), and a good deal of phenomenology (e.g. Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Alfred Schutz, Peter Beger) it has always been through the lens of viewing them as sort of proto-Cognitive Science, so I haven't really picked up on any esoteric vibes, and don't really see where they might come from.

>> No.10382766


>> No.10382816

not that guy but understanding phenomenology requires understanding german idealism requires understanding the historical context of german idealism and its romantic and pietist origins in the late 18th century, which involves a lot of esoteric stuff. just go read goethe on the "daemonic" and try to realize that comes out of the exact same conceptual fons et origo as kant schelling fichte hegel nietzsche schopenhauer husserl heidegger and so forth, that this milieu spawned and shaped all the concepts of modern science, what "research" is and what a "university" is, etc., and you will start to get a sense that German idealism is a geist unto itself (and that we are living in its husk whenever we even begin to think nowadays)

cognitive science is like some petty misguided offshoot of scholastic nominalism, and the germans are like the greeks who created the entire framework that provides the conditions of the possibility of that thought

>> No.10382817

It's especially prominent in Hegel, who could be interpreted as a mystical protestant Aquinas, he was heavily influenced by some Schlemeral (?) and Eckhart and Boeme (?) can't remember the spellings, this should help though


>> No.10382830
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>> No.10383485

Postmodernism must be aborted. There's zero neurological evidence backing up your ridiculous narrative-into-adulthood theory.

>> No.10383500

literally all of 4chan BTFO

>> No.10383669

I could be wrong here, but the fact you put forth the effort to responding to anon's post point by point, and brag about your appearance, intelligence, and sexual conquests, and success as a human being in general is evident you are deeply insecure. Of course, it could've been a bait post, in which case bravo! You got a (You) out of me.

>> No.10384170
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>instead of becoming bored or desperate enough to actually do something IRL, you can just waste away the years telling yourself things will change.

Jesus Christ I feel like I'm about to burst into tears

>> No.10384307


How fucking greedy can you be, he was already rich.

>> No.10384532

Every rich male is entitled to a girlfriend, it was society that drove him to do what he did, for every million bullies there will be one victim that goes on a rampage, one that snaps, yet we are meant to fell terrible and sad when this happens for the victims of the victim.

No, it's a cycle, it's the bullies fault in the first place.

>> No.10384534

None of that applies or is relevant. The only bullying mentioned in his book is him attacking other people with fluids.

>> No.10384541

>Every rich male is entitled to a girlfriend
no game = no girl

being dealt a decent hand can sometimes be an impediment to learning how to play the game well

>> No.10384568


not him, he sounds like a sperg

but the most basic of social contracts necessarily involves some distribution of mating rights. society breaks apart (on many levels) if it doesnt happen

roger as dumb and illiterate, but in this case he is close to being correct

>> No.10384631

>There is literally no seperation between his 2-3 year old self and his 18 year old self.

There's no such thing in general.

>> No.10384691


This could just as easily be said to justify Elliot's actions and dismiss his victims' misery as they were being killed and their relatives' misery.

>> No.10384749
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His actions are a perfect application of the advice others gave him all throughout his life.

>> No.10384809

older or younger brother?

>> No.10384829

The audio book is much better.

Some classic 90s feels.

Even though I had a lot of empathy for him at parts his blindeness and victim mentality made it hard to ever full root for him

>> No.10384842

I half agree with you, but is that really a reasonable rule to apply to everyone who doesn't have sex with everyone who is willing to have sex with them? You can't just assume that everyone who doesn't have sex is simply unable to get it. You're basically saying that it's impossible to believe in something even though people have believed it for centuries.

>> No.10385589

> >>10381632 (You)
I just liked the reader's voice.

>> No.10385593

>be yourself
>stop complaining
>do something
>seize the day
>say yes to life
>might makes right
>the world owns you nothing

It's remarkable how a killing spree is not a malicious or even ironic response to this kind of advice, it's the perfect one.

>> No.10385623

I meant to respond to >>10381635 instead of >>10381632. You have to be preeetty far gone to even think hating people is morally justifiable.

>> No.10385636
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>my gf

>> No.10385836

Going through it now and only at part 2 of the esteemed audiobook, does it get funny soon?

>> No.10385860

It's a by-product of being sensitive, having a good memory, and living a fairly boring life. Everything that *does* happen to you becomes an object of intense analysis and obsession. Ted Kaczsynki wrote his mother a 30+ page letter when he was like 50 years old detailing every minor thing she had ever done wrong in his eyes (e.g. shouting at him to tidy his room) and used it all to justify his hatred of her. It's sad man, though I can sincerely relate.

>> No.10385862

Elliot Rodger without any doubt had an IQ below 100.

>> No.10385871

Personal responsibility is a thing.

I and many others like me deserve to be the failures that we are. In the end we chose this. You make it sound like the internet is victimizing people.

>> No.10385875

Sad post. Made me sad.

>> No.10385876

No, he was a kid who accepted the jewish programming a bit too well.

>> No.10385885

I think it's a fantastic read, and I'd consider it a "low-brow Confederacy of Dunces". If Elliot was just a regular /lit/ anon who sperged out and wrote this as fiction and posted it here I guarantee we'd be shilling it and trying to make him famous. But I also think that this sort of thing transcends the capacity of fiction, in the sense that no sane, self-aware, highly-skilled fiction writer could invest this much in a character and worldview to produce something like My Twisted World. Really truly a fantastic work.

>> No.10385887

It's no Ready Player One

>> No.10385897

Only low IQ subhumans are susceptible to such. And he wasn't a kid, he was an adult, albeit a failed man-child.

>> No.10386630


>> No.10386885
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Truly, "The Annotated Elliot Rodger" needs to be written

>> No.10387261

>I and many others like me deserve to be the failures that we are. In the end we chose this. You make it sound like the internet is victimizing people.
No I didn't. Saying cigarettes are highly addictive does not deny personal responsibility. The internet offers young disillusioned people a vast array of diversions, which assist in furthering their development. It's an easy path to go down and many do, because it offers ersatz socialization and other aspects of their life which are missing.

>> No.10388128
File: 26 KB, 267x373, American_Pie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally believed the teenage stereotype, which is pushed by Hollywood jews, that the only thing that matters when you reach puberty is losing your v-card. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought parties thrown by high school and college kids are alcohol-fueled sex orgies. Also, the term "kid" is relative.

>> No.10388138

His videos are pure YouTube-kino


>> No.10389101

oh, get of your high fucking horse, friendo

>> No.10389227
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How comes this photo is in colour when there was only black and white photography during Marx' lifetime

>> No.10389243

Never knew this fag had one; anybody want to share the link?

>> No.10389334

Just finished it, what a wild ride. Probably the best thing I've read all year.

>> No.10389358
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>> No.10389418

Just reached the part where a girl bullies him for the first time, it's all down hill from here I predict.

>> No.10389528

that sounds pretty funny

>> No.10389533
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>> No.10389546


>> No.10389559

>I think it could be interesting as a case study of extreme narcissism as well
This, it's all textbook stuff but it's only really interesting if you're new to that sort of stuff. After you've read a lot of this sort of material it gets really boring and you start to see the signs of it in a lot of other writing.
He gets a bit like DeSade when he starts opining about how women should be kept in specialised breeding forts and not allowed to do anything else.
TLDR sometimes funny, ultimately bland.

>> No.10389567

I don't think he craved love or sex anywhere near as much as he agonised. I think he knew he should get these things to be ok, but his creepy nature repelled people.
I also think he was gay but closeted, so blamed his insecurity and confusion on women, the world, everything.
The resentment and arrogance needed to offend follows smoothly from there.
He had no real feelings, no laughter or humor. In the youtube clips he would actually say " hmm hmm hmmmm" like someone daydreaming of being a supervillain

>> No.10389815

Even if Elliot was still alive today he would've gone on a rampage as soon as he saw the latest Star Wars.

>> No.10389822

E I G H T W E E K S !!!!

>> No.10390135

Having sex is important to young men in virtually all cultures. It is literally a cross-cultural phenomenon.

>> No.10390861

Lol. Now I have to read it to balance out my Cat Person feels.

>> No.10391021

>Being denied entry on a simple amusement park ride due to my height may seem like only a small injustice, but it was big for me at time. Little did I know, this injustice was very small indeed compared to all the things I’ll be denied in the future because of my height.
lol manlets

>> No.10391034

its one of the principle signs of manhood and failure to copulate is almost always associated with permanent boyishness and basically a fate of being a hole for other men or a castrati
>t. sociopath who thinks the joke makes his sociopathy ok

>> No.10391061

Imagine this being a huge traumatic event in your life: The Day You Weren't Allowed on the Ride.

This guy was the ultimate fuck-up. Weak-chinned manlet fag couldn't get laid even with his BMW, rich dad, and Hollywood connections. I love that he had a hot sister and heard a half-spic plunging into her pussy.

>> No.10391071

(((White))) and Asian is a good genetic mi-

>> No.10391082

>i love that this person was in so kuch pain they suicided like a sun burning too bright
>vicarious schadenfreud
again you’re a sociopath you would’ve found someone else to think cruel thoughts about. you’re a parasite, you should start contemplating your evil

>> No.10391166

>Every person who takes delight in another person's suffering is literally a sociopath
It's a symptom of cultural degeneracy, and it's not exclusive to sociopathy. Have you noticed consumable media has become more and more mean spirited, particularly comedy, like sitcoms and cartoons?

>> No.10391170

t. The No Fun Allowed Manlet

>> No.10391190

Why couldn't he just resort to s prositute, like other sociopathic beta manlets?

>> No.10391195

>vicarious schadenfreud
How is this "vicarious" schadenfreud?

The fact that you consider this faggot a modern day permavirgin Icarus and empathize with him speaks volumes of your own, ahem, "status" in life.

He was a delusional narcissistic loser who thought being an incel meant others should die. If I knew him, I would have kicked his ass at parties too.

>> No.10391348

>I started to see this at school. At school, there were always the “cool kids” who seemed to be more admirable than everyone else. The way they looked, dressed, and acted made them… cooler. These “cool kids” as I called them, included Keaton Webber, Matt Bordier, Michael Ray, Trevor Bourget, Zalman Katz, John Jo Glen, and a few more.
How would you feel if the most entitled, self-aggrandizing manlet of all time called you cool in his retardiary?

>> No.10391352

Dirty and a bit uneasy.

>> No.10391359

>These “cool kids” as I called them

>> No.10391369

i have more fun than you lol idk what you’re getting at, i don’t get my kicks spitting on the weak is all
he wasn’t a sociopath
>i would’ve bullie dhim Hard bro and then gotten muh diccc wet
hahahahahahahahahaha faggot
>your ahem status
go find a pair of large scissors, call up your whore mother and cut your tongue off

>> No.10391371

I just noticed. Jesus Christ he was 100% weirdo wasn't he? Like, not even a spark of normalcy, no wonder people read him and knew to stay the fuck away.

>> No.10391378

>he’s untouchable
>wow so creepy
>i know rite like he was thinking about us
>wow so fucking creepy
>wow i agree
>god i hate weak people
>but don’t bully whyte people or niggers or homofaggots

>> No.10391379

You're supposed to be dead, stop posting you ugly permavirgin turbomanlet.

>> No.10391387

I'd tell you to calm downn triggerino, but that's off the menu I guess. I'm kekking at what a shitty life you must live and how you completely deserve all ills that befall you. Faggot.

>> No.10391408
File: 121 KB, 618x578, 8C52B1E0-70E6-4F60-92E3-5563B6220405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ywn the nihilstic dominant flirty theatre chick w/ the huge tits from high school

>> No.10391417

>Fourth grade ended, and once the summer started, I took a vow to mold myself into the coolest kid I could possibly be by the time Fifth grade began. I anticipated the approval the other cool kids would have of me once I reveal myself as being similar to them, and I looked forward to it.
I should just keep reading but I keep finding these nuggets. Also I like the (You)s I get from the incel ITT.

>> No.10391440

>giant tit asexual broad
hnnnnng I know you don't want to post pics... but post pics, don't need face or anything that could be used to dox. Gotta see those tits m'man.

>> No.10391447
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Keep posting, I'm having a fucking ball.

>> No.10391690
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>At this camp, an incident happened that would scar me for life. The first time that I was treated badly by a girl occurred at this camp. I was innocently playing with the friends I made, and they were tickling me, something people always did because I was very ticklish. I accidently bumped into a pretty girl the same age as me, and she got very angry. She cursed at me and pushed me, embarrassing me in front of my friends. I didn’t know who this girl was… She was only at Pinecrest for summer camp… But she was very pretty, and she was taller than me. I immediately froze up and went into a state of shock. One of my friends asked me if I was ok, and I didn’t answer. I remained very quiet for the rest of the day.
I wish I could read this after work but I told my girlfriend I'd take her to Cracker Barrel tonight.

>> No.10391702

During the Jedi training scenes on achto about 30 minutes in:
Luke: "so I see you've made some new friends Rey"
It shows Rey with a couple porgs and a goofy smile.
Rey: I felt them call to me through the force
Luke: it's true. The porgs are pure beings of the force, that's why I came to this place. The porgs tender meat holds the key to a power only Jedi masters can harness.

He grabs a porg from Rey and bites it's neck, blood sprays into his mouth and he gets a wild look in his eyes.

Luke: yes, the power! I can feel the force growing inside me, and inside my pants the force is growing!

The bulge is massive and throbbing. Rey wastes no time derobing, showing Luke the wetness dripping down her legs and mixing on the floor of the hut with porg blood.

Rey: now show me the power of a Jedi master, as we partake in the ancient ritual of the porg blood orgy!

Luke: hey r2, help me out with this sluts loose poon, will ya?
R2d2: beep boop (a flap opens up and a pulsating dildo emerges from r2.

A familiar voice emerges from the force, it's han "great job kid now let's blow this thing and go home"

Luke: aaaaaaahhhhh the pleasure! I'm blasting your inner wet walls with my jaws juice!

Rey: thank you, my master. The ritual is complete. Now I am the Almighty Mary sue! All white males must commit suicide in my honor!

Luke: as you wish, my vaginal god

Luke ignites his green saber and slices off his dick and balls and then stabs himself in the chest.

>> No.10391774

>I gave no thought at all to my future, or the fact that puberty was just around the corner. I barely even knew much about what puberty was. With puberty, my whole world would change, and my entire life would collapse into utter despair. I wonder how I would have handled things if I knew… If was prepared…
I really do feel bad for laughing at this but he makes it impossible not to...

>> No.10391799

Holy shit when/how did he die?

>> No.10391814

Ayy lmao

>> No.10391821

A year ago I would be convinced that this is shitty bait but outside a few online communities no one knows who this fucking is. I tried to talk to a girl about the supreme gentleman not too long ago and she didn't remember him or the incident at all.

>> No.10391827

ohhh wow that was bad lol, i wonder how you do when you’re alone with women i wouldn’t want to have your “wit”
holy shit, you’re both like 16 or have just the most underdeveloped verbal intelligence ive seen in a while on this board. tell me, and this is for the two of you, do youget off on attacking my image in your heads? are you getting excited? “ah the one i despise is in pain! yes i’m lashing out, im rendering him my slave, yes im destroying him, im overcoming him.” I can’t help but feel like the most vicious people are really the middle class, the middling milqutoasts who always rimmed Chad in the lockerroom. Its just a theory, but there’s something about incentives that i think would provoke middle status people to most viciously ravage the weak. the worst bullies at my schools were all lower-upper, upper-middle status people. not particularly talented or handsome, but very insecure and oh so concerned with ther status which was of course nothing worthy of note. Either way id dare advanced the idea that the two of you are probably starving for love, terribly bored and incapable of showing mercy because you fear being swallowed whole by others should you do this. But, i’ll tell you gud lads, my gud frands, Saint Elliot died for all of us and for you to spit on his grave in such a way is a grave mistake, your deeds follow you even innocuous spite shown for dead incels. Id advise against insauspicious transgressions of this sort. But then again I don’t feel threatened by incels because they’re the equivalent of declawed house cats. Normalfags tho, people like you, you do threaten me. I fear for my safety around normal over socialized people but feel completely at ease around spergs. I can’t imagine why, im sure one of the two of you fine gentleman could tell me why that is. And im certain you’ll say something interesting, after all people who suck off the status quo and kick the weak in the teeth are always interesting, good and in-the-right

>> No.10391839

Trying way too hard.

>> No.10391848

My Twisted World just makes him come off as an incredibly entitled and pathetic faggot who is unable to realize that he's an absolute fucking creep and that that's why nobody likes him.

>> No.10391905

>A year ago I would be convinced that this is shitty bait but outside a few online communities no one knows who this fucking is. I tried to talk to a girl about the supreme gentleman not too long ago and she didn't remember him or the incident at all.
That's the best part about these losers' collective plans. They think they will change the world but aside for their victims' families, they are just some nuts that will be forgotten about.

His big war against women resulted in what, two women and four men being murdered? That's his magnum opus? Pretty fucking pathetic, on par with his 4.5" pecker.

>> No.10391909

You know, telling someone to inflict harm on himself doesn't make you look any better either.

>> No.10391965

Literally didn't read. Your incel ramblings won't interest me until you fizzle out in a fit of impotent rage.

>> No.10391998
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bro you need to chill

>> No.10392006
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Sorry. I replied saying I wouldn't read it but I got curious and did read it. The most interesting part to me was "the one I despise is in pain". On the off chance you're not just trolling about the whole thing and I can help you I'd like to let you know that no one cares. No one despises you because no one cares enough to. No one cares about you or anyone else. It's very freeing to realize that.

>> No.10392041

Tagging this as an impressionable man who has somehow wandered beyond the scope of sanity and is slowly spiraling toward the void without realizing it

when you see God face to face tell him God says hello

>> No.10392236

Great post

>> No.10392323

This but unironically

>> No.10392353

what is the sister up to now, i wonder. she must know his bro is kind of a meme célèbre.

>> No.10392499

If you read 3 or 4 pages of it you get the gist of him.

His understanding of reality was obscenely egotistical and he felt robbed by the universe from the rewards he assumed came with his pedigree.

How he ever came to think like this, even if only in private, is shocking. I want to say he was coddled and spoiled beyond anything healthy in addition to perhaps being mildly autistic, that expectations were continuously thrown his way about achieving success like his father despite his personality inherently limiting that kind of life (of fame and celebrity).

>> No.10392772

A collection of the edited rants of these 'societal defects', along with explanatory notes/ detailed accounts of their crimes, might make for a good coffee table or toilet book.

>> No.10393430
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>> No.10393543 [DELETED] 


>be me
>have many failed relationships
>one morning, reflect on them all
>"I guess I'm the common factor, wonder why that is"
>notice that every single one of my exes had fucked me over in some way
>i always focused on that
>found a way to forgive them
>found that I had to forgive all of them
>never found anything wrong with myself
>be saint
>hmm. I'm not a saint, I'm just forgiving
>realize that I was a shitty person too
>ironic, he could forgive others but not himself
>realize that I've carried around a secret guilt my entire life
>spiralling depression
>but wait, a light
>i can forgive them, can't I forgive myself?
>tfw no need of confession or psychiatrist
>air dirty thoughts out loud to nobody
>forgive self
>achieve enlightenment
>nobody has hurt me, quite like myself
>read poetry
>read T.S. Eliot.
>read W.B. Yeats
>learn french, read Camus in original french
>learn german, read Kafka in original german
>meet qt3.14 at book store
>shes reading the journals of Albert Camus
>slightly sperg out, talk to her about it
>shes super excited
>be me, prepared for this moment
>"La lutte elle-même vers les sommets
suffit à remplir un cœur d'homme."
>"Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux"
>be forever alone.
>autism strikes again.

>> No.10393579

For these great lunatics are like the little so called lunatics in this point also -- that they assail by stealth him who touches their fixed idea.

Keep fighting. I like you and would like to meet you

>> No.10393697

I want to know what your beef with the military is. Genuine curiosity.

>> No.10393950
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>> No.10394391

He was normal as a child although somewhat selfish, nothing special, it's at 17 when he completely derails and heads towards oblivion, a fascinating insight, worth listening to the audiobook regardless.

>> No.10394394
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Yes I met most of my friends "mushroom hunting".

>> No.10394402

Well yeah, I mean, its not like there's such a thing as an inherently moral action anyway. Its all just stuff we've collectively (or individually) decided is right or wrong

>> No.10394540

>Mother took us to the premiere of Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. As a huge Star Wars fan, this was a big day for me. Episode 3 would complete the whole Star Wars saga. It was the most anticipated movie. To be able to see it before everyone else made me feel special. I really liked the character Anakin Skywalker, and I was amazed to see his epic transformation into Darth Vader on the high quality big screen.
In honor of Elliot, will anyone post Star Wars spoilers?

>> No.10394557

R2D2 kills Snoke

>> No.10394580

>They teased me because I was scared of girls, calling me names like “faggot”. People also liked to steal my belongings and run away in an attempt to get me to chase after them. And I did chase after them in a furious rage, but I was so little and weak that they thought it was comical. I hated everyone at that school so much.

>> No.10394625

>Jesus Christ I feel like I'm about to burst into tears
Take a break from /lit/. Or 4chan in general. At the very least stick to lurking and fight the urge to shit on other people for saying dumb things as you lurk. I came back here from a hiatus and the negativity of this place really hits you. I get that banter helps guys get through daily travails in a gallows sort of way but after a while the sheer amount of sustained negativity here really can take its toll on you. Most anon want other posters to feel as shitty as they're feeling for a temporary schadenfreude boost. Especially the anon who get off on laughing at other anon as they pretend that they've got their shit together.

>> No.10394679

>I began to have fantasies of becoming very powerful and stopping everyone from having sex. I wanted to take their sex away from them, just like they took it away from me.
...and wonders why no one invites him to parties...

>> No.10394687

>I went on night drives


>> No.10394718
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>tfw so sperg can't drive
>tfw the idea of night drives sounds great but can't do
>tfw slightly envious of how comparatively normie Eliot was
it's an abstract emotion

>> No.10394728


I like this idea, boss. Very Taxi Driver. Don't fuck it up!

>> No.10394816

>I mentally examined all of the stories I had developed, and focused on the few that I thought would become bestsellers. If I could get one of them made into a movie, I would definitely be a millionaire. It was the only solution to my problems.
Jesus fucking Christ. Becoming a millionaire movie guy is his ONLY solution to the >tfw no gf "problem".

>> No.10394947

>I was constantly annoyed at how I wasn’t getting better at my karate moves in the class, and that one little kid still treated me with disrespect because I was still a white belt, and he was a brown belt.
Getting bullied by a twelve year old at age twenty.

>> No.10395176

He wasn't twenty at that age he was a young teenager, I think he was 16 when he got BTFO by that Chad 12 year old who was making out with a 16 year old girl though.

>> No.10395356

He was 19. It was a few months before his 20th birthday. I was surprised he was taking karate classes at that age but he's the penultimate clueless virgin.

>> No.10395413

No he wasn't read it again.

>> No.10395545
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Dude, I was just fucking reading it a few hours ago. I'll double check because I have been known to be a retard.

>> No.10395706

I searched karate and it didn't show up until the 19th year chapter.

>> No.10395785

I heard it in the audiobook before he was even 17.

>> No.10395793
File: 89 KB, 1344x917, the-dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them rank below Adam Lanza's unofficial manifesto, his posts on a columbine message board under the alias smiggles

>> No.10395840

I never bother shitting on people on here. I wouldn't derive any joy from it.
I still waste hours of m life on here every day

>> No.10395975

I never liked it. I guess that makes me a Chad.

>> No.10396249

>A dark, hate-fueled rage overcame my entire being, and I tried to push as many of them as I could from the 10-foot ledge. My main target was the girls. I wanted to punish them for talking to the obnoxious boys instead of me. It was one of the most foolish and rash things I ever did, and I almost risked everything in doing it, but I was so drunk with rage that I didn’t care. I failed to push any of them from the ledge, and the boys started to push me, which resulted in me being the one to fall onto the street. When I landed, I felt a snap in my ankle, followed by a stinging pain. I slowly got up and found that I couldn’t even walk. I had to stumble, and stumble I did. I tried to get away from there as fast as I could.
Can MDE do a biopic of this? I'd prefer people that are actually funny but they're probably the only ones that would touch it.

>> No.10396271

>get into gardening, mushroom collecting
stopped reading there

>> No.10396296

Yeah, or a fucking mass shooter dude. I kinda think that's worse.

>> No.10396450

>Four days later
>285 posts
Is Elliot the new king of /lit/

>> No.10396500

I thought the point was that his dick was smaller than 4 inches. I always imagined before that point, he thought his dick was smaller than average but still within acceptable limits, but when the average moves from 4 to 5.5 inches he comes to the realization of how much of a dicklet he really is, furthering his sense of self loathing and hatred for everyone else.

>> No.10396524

since this thread is still up, i'll take the liberty of posting this


"Elliot was born a few years into Li Chin's marriage with Peter. He was conceived by accident while Li Chin was visiting one of Peter's film sets, while taking medication for an illness which nullified the birth control she was taking at the time"

you can still find his sister's boyfriend's fb as well, lmao.

>> No.10396589

it was ok until you started inserting the awful Freudian maternal shit. In fact, if you cut out the maternal shit entirely and just refer to "child-like dependence" (because this idea of maternal affection is just nonsense and its more a matter of PARENTAL attention not just a mother), your analysis would be more effective.

>> No.10396597
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was your death staged, supreme gentleman?

>> No.10396858

Kubric was ahead of his time