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/lit/ - Literature

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1037811 No.1037811 [Reply] [Original]


Last book read:
Currently reading:
Favourite book:
Type of people you're interested in:

And try not to go off-topic ;)

>> No.1037814


>> No.1037816

Age: 54
Sex: Male
Location: The belly of a pit viper
Last book read: The appetite of the deadly pit viper by Sir Michael Colon
Currently reading: The bowel movements of the deadly pit viper by Sir Michael Colon
Favourite book: Why pit vipers suck by Paulie Lee
Type of person: Would go for a Ray Mears like person

>> No.1037820

Age: 16
Sex: Male
Location: Chicago
Last book read: The Fountainhead
Currently reading: Art of War
Favorite book: Catcher in the Rye
Type of people you're interested in: Legit, non-pretentious people with ambition

>> No.1037822


>> No.1037832

>Type of people you're interested in: Legit, non-pretentious people with ambition
lol'd hard

ooooh young one

>> No.1037858

I'll do this just because fagolee saged

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Location: Seattleish
Last book read: Just finished "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by: David Sedaris, "Under the Dome" by Stephen King, and "Boomsday" by: Christopher Buckley this week
Currently Reading: "Infinite Jest" (219 pages in and loving it) by: DFW. I'll probably start "Naked Lunch" soon.
Favorite Book: Gravity's Rainbow by: Thomas Pynchon
Type of People you're Interested in: Women. More specifically, the kind that read. But I have a gf already, so I'm not looking at all. Just trying to troll stagolee

>> No.1037863

You could also just head South and pick girl up at Powell's.

>> No.1037869

This doesn't need to be a hookup thread. Just ignore the last question and tell your fellow /lit/erates about the reading you do.


>> No.1037873 [DELETED] 

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Location: Seattleish
Last book read: I skimmed through Paradise Lost with a summary/analysis from Sparknotes
Currently Reading: Sparknotes' summary for Huckleberry Finn, and then I will probably read the actual novel next
Favorite Book: I liked 1984 and Les Misérables
Type of People you're Interested in: Women, basically anything but the type you can see in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM0rvIU1Lis

>> No.1037878 [DELETED] 

Age: 2
Sex: Male
Location: Paris
Last book read: I skimmed through Paradise Lost with a summary/analysis from Sparknotes
Currently Reading: Sparknotes' summary for Huckleberry Finn, and then I will probably read the actual novel
Favorite Book: I liked 1984 and Les Misérables
Type of People you're Interested in: Any kind of woman who does not look like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM0rvIU1Lis

>> No.1037880

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Location: Paris
Last book read: I skimmed through Paradise Lost with a summary/analysis from Sparknotes
Currently Reading: Sparknotes' summary for Huckleberry Finn, and then I will probably read the actual novel
Favorite Book: I liked 1984 and Les Misérables
Type of People you're Interested in: Any kind of woman who does not look like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM0rvIU1Lis

>> No.1037882

Age: 20-something
Sex: Male
Location: Somewhere near Germany, I think.
Last book read: A book of specs on the A4 rocket
Currently reading: Nothing.
Favourite book: I dunno.
Type of people you're interested in: German women, little dead girls, masochists, and maybe a pig.

>> No.1037886

Location:NC, USA
Last book read: Did Somebody say Totalitarianism?(zizkek)
Currently reading: The Monstrosity of Christ
Favourite book: Story of the Eye/Les Chants De Maldoror
Type of people you're interested in: People who likes books and watersports (not talking about marco polo)

>> No.1037888
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Age: [Young]
Sex: [Static]
Location: [UK]
Last book read:The Trial (2nd read), or The History of Sexuality by Foucault
Currently reading: The Golden Bowl
Favourite book: Ada/Ador, or The Trial
Type of people you're interested in: Genuine, intelligent & kind people. Quiet/not big-mouthed & introspective is a plus. Must also be pretty logical people regarding morals/taboos. If male must be thin & sexually ambiguous. Must be open to interests other than literature & not get butthurt easily over controversial opinions (this is absolutely ESSENTIAL if you are a /lit/ regular). Lastly, must be fond of nice things like cats, cuddling & saying nice things.

>> No.1037896

>implying there are females on /lit/

>> No.1037897

Age: 21
Sex: Transgender
Location: Texas
Last book read: Neuromancer
Currently reading: Gravity's Rainbow
Favourite book: Infinite Jest
Type of people you're interested in: Hip kids, cool people

>> No.1037900

Stagolee was right about something!

seriously what's the point of this shit

>> No.1037903

I wouldn't mind talkin to people.

Age: 19
Sex: m
Location: usa
Last book read: faust part 1
Currently reading: story of philosophy and last tycoon
Favourite book: either moby dick or anna karenina
Type of people you're interested in: book people, writers etc

>> No.1037908

Where in USA?

>> No.1037909
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>> No.1037910
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>>seriously what's the point of this shit
>mfw your stupidity

>> No.1037914


>> No.1037915

M'eh. Still kinda want.

>> No.1037916

>Sex: Transgender
What is this hipster bullshit? What did the doctor/midwife identify you as when you were born (male or female)?

>> No.1037917

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: England
Last book read: Tried reading Doctor Zhivago but was taking too long so put it away, so I guess some short stories my Kafka
Currently reading: To have and have not by Hemingway
Favourite book: Catch-22 or Brave New World
Type of people you're interested in: Not a shut-in but not a complete extrovert. Pretty normal people to be honest. Not racist or homophobic is a must but don't mind over controversial opinions or anything. But I like to be surprised.
About me: Short, very skinny, brown hair, blue eyes, like filmmaking, writing, exploring, politics, comedy, science, going out to events. Own a few cats and a dog, at university. Like to do a lot of volunteer and charity work and currently attempting to pick up an instrument and a language.

>> No.1037918

This is also my face when no other females or britfags post here.

>> No.1037920

Nobody like California faggot.

East coast what up

>> No.1037923

It doesn't matter what the doctor said because how I feel inside and what I look like on the outside are totally different.

>> No.1037929
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>feeding trolls

Please don't open this can of worms for all our sakes.

>> No.1037931

It doesn't matter, you can't change what you are

So what are you?

>> No.1037951


>> No.1037957

Girl or boy?

>> No.1037958

i hate both of you

>> No.1037962

Age: 17
Sex: female
Location: Ontario, Canada
Last book read: The Drugtakers
Currently reading: nothing
Favourite book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Type of people you're interested in: artists and shut-ins

>> No.1037979
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>> No.1037982
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>Artists & shut-ins

>> No.1037990


Ageist asshole.

>> No.1037994

When you first came from /mu/ I thought you were trying to be a smug hipster, community-college faggot. Now I'm really not sure what image you're attempting to convey, really?

>> No.1038006
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Maybe once you stop thinking in images you'll understand, friend.

I am myself, unaffected by sub-cultures & stereotypes.

>> No.1038015

What's wrong with community college?

>> No.1038017

I guess I was right the first time then.

>> No.1038018

>I am myself, unaffected by sub-cultures & stereotypes.

i dunno if you're trolling or not but that what everyone says and it is extremely rare that that is the case. actually, in my experience it has been never the case with the younger crowd.

>> No.1038030
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No. I'm neither a smug hipster, nor do I go to community college. You're no Sherlock Holmes, that's for sure.

Nothing obviously, but you're talking to a faggot who knows nothing but ridiculous ideas like "images".

>> No.1038036

Hipster fags usually do their degrees there.

>> No.1038041

have these threads ever resulted in successful hook-ups?

>> No.1038042

Being at community college now I'd have to disagree with you. There're a good number, but probably not more than the average. Art schools and small liberal arts schools have a much higher percentage of hip.

>> No.1038044

Sometimes I'll jerk off while posting to these threads. That sort of works.

>> No.1038050

God, community college is just like high school except with random middle aged people I wish I didn't do so many drugs at the SU.

>> No.1038053

For kicks.

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Netherlands
Last book read: Factotum - Charles Bukowski
Currently reading: Not much, might buy another book in a month or so.
Favourite book: A tie between Dorian Gray/Fight Club/Factotum
Type of people you're interested in: Intelligent, coherent, conscientious and slightly shy women.

>> No.1038054

Pretty much sums up the experience right there.

>> No.1038060
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Is there really only one or two britfags & no females?

>> No.1038066

Yes, get over it.

>> No.1038081

Why did I first read that as 'Sex: Female'?


>> No.1038082

I feel like the only one in both respects.

>> No.1038127

If your really female I fly plane to get to you.

>> No.1038139

I'm a britfag, not a female though.

>> No.1038146
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No, I'm not paying & I'd feel too guilty if you did.

What country?

>> No.1038171

Sucks don't it?

You can't always get what you want.

>> No.1038181


>> No.1038184

You sound like a really fun person, too bad, you know... ocean.

>> No.1038190

Wellington, NZ
Last read: All My Sins Remembered by Joe Haldeman
Now reading: For Whom The Bell Tolls by Hemingway (Farewell To Arms up next)
Favourite: The Book Of The New Sun by Gene Wolfe
Interested in quiet smokers

>> No.1038200

That's a shame.

>> No.1038225

Age: 20
Sex: Female
Location: Texas
Last book read: Northern Lights
Currently reading: The Temple of the Golden Pavillion, A Canticle for Leibowitz, The Subtle Knife
Favourite book: Hitchhiker's Guide, A Clockwork Orange, The War of the Worlds
Type of people you're interested in: Either sex, those with glasses and who love to read and play video games. Also, those who are a little bit more social than me, since I'm kind of shy at first.

I'm kind of sad that my currently reading/last read hasn't changed since the last one of these. I need to read faster.

>> No.1038235

What do you look like?

>> No.1038240

The Girl Who Could Fly (meh)
The Restaurant At The End of the Universe (again, this time in the original English instead of a shitty translation)
The fictional type

>> No.1038244
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East coast anons jump up and shout? KEYSTONE STATE MOTHERFUCKERS!

>> No.1038246

Age: 20
Location: London Ontario
Last book read: east of eden by steinbeck
Currently reading: ulysses by joyce
Favourite book: jpod by coupland
Type of people you're interested in: everyone

>> No.1038253
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Do you live nearby?

>> No.1038256

The Alchemist
Usually the one I'm reading
Someone who likes to read, is tolerant of others, likes to discuss academics, and someone I can use as an anchor.

>> No.1038258

No (eurofag).

If this is you and you are not a man dressed as a woman, you're cute. I'd pay you a drink.

>> No.1038262
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Where you at, broseph?

>> No.1038265

Aw, thanks. I don't think I'll be traveling out of the country anytime soon though, unfortunately.

>> No.1038269

Currently Reading: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Haruki Murakami
Favorite Book: Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
People: cool people, you know?

>> No.1038271


Northwestern halfway between Erie and Pittsburgh... I'm not the person who posted the PA state sign.

>> No.1038289

Let me see. I'm a guy in Chicago, I'm 20, I read everything - I last finished some Alan Dean Foster science fiction book, currently working on a bunch of things. Favorite books are Gravity's Rainbow, Brideshead Revisited, The Stars My Destination. Type of people I'm interested in? Nothing in particular - people who are cool, I guess (or if you're a girl *gazes off dreamily into the distance*)

>> No.1038292

Yeah, that was me.

South-central here. Fuuuuuu. But I am going over to the Warhol museum and Fallingwater next week.

>> No.1038306


During the school year, I'm an hour south of Pittsburgh (still in PA).
anyway you can add me on AIM if you want tamesisnamesisds

>> No.1038373

Ah, I go to Selinsgrove for college, so I'm still pretty far. And I don't go on aim at all anymore.

>> No.1038375

I live in Russia.

>> No.1038383


I'm teaching myself russian. Care to chat sometime?

>> No.1038398

I meant in my dreams...


>> No.1038424

Watership Down
Gravity's Rainbow
People who like talking about everything that comes to mind.

>> No.1038441

Age: 25
Sex: male
Location: North Carolina
Last book read: Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez
Currently reading: Ada or Ardor
Favourite book: Zorba the Greek
Type of people you're interested in: anyone who can competently carry on a conversation; non-Christian preferred (or if you happen to be one of the few Christians here in Chapel Hill who doesn't believe (secretly -- a lot of them won't admit to this, even though they do tend to believe it) that the earth is <10,000 years old, that's fine too)

>> No.1038458

jesus does no one else live in Indy? fuck this town

>> No.1038465

Any Glasgowfags on /lit/?

>> No.1038469

sex: male
Location: Brownsville, Texas
Last book read: Crime and Punishment
Currently reading: A Clockwork Orange
Favorite Book: Catch-22
type of people you're interested: Nice, cultured, funny, intelligent people.

>> No.1038470

I think you're cool.

>> No.1038480

Aren't you the guy that spams here all the time? You from Glasgow?

>> No.1038481

Only one Canadian? Wut

>> No.1038515


There are two sexes: male and female. One's sex is defined by the genitals; if one has a penis, one's sex is defined as male; a vagina, female. Genders are roles which (I'm not trying to sound like an angry liberalfag, but I am a liberalfag) society expects people to conform to based upon their sex.

Personally, I accept that gender roles exist but I don't accept that they are or should be inherently linked with biological sexes; however, I just want you to know that "Transgendered" is not a sex.

>> No.1038563

The godforsaken suburbs of Detroit
House of Leaves
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Excellent Good Book
Foucault's Pendulum
I like people who don't take life as seriously as I do. Also boobs.

>> No.1038576

Age:16 (u mad)
Location:New York
Last book read:One day in the life of ivan denisovich
Currently reading:Nausea by Sarte
Favourite book:Fahrenheit 451
Type of people you're interested in: everyone except randroids

>> No.1038616

Chill out, I was trolling.

>> No.1038668
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Sex: female
Location: Maryland
Last book read: The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson
Currently reading: Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco (or at least I will be as soon as amazon decides to deliver it...)
Favourite book: Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter
Type of people you're interested in: Smart, feminine ladies

>> No.1038680
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Lesbian detected.

>> No.1038684


Uhhh... obviously, she stated it plainly.

>> No.1038687

No shit, captain obvious.

>> No.1038696

It's a fucking sausage fest in here. These hookup threads suck.

>> No.1038875

There are a few girls here at least.

>> No.1038885

Plenty of chicks:

>> No.1038910

Age: 20
Sex: M
Location: New York City
Last book read: The Iliad
Currently reading: The Odyssey, Paradise Lost
Favorite book: Dark Tower series
Type of people you're interested in: I dunno, try me.

>> No.1038922

Age: 20
Sex: Female
Location: MO
Last book read: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Currently reading: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
Favourite book: The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Type of people you're interested in: passionate, free-spirited, 4-20 friendly, level-headed

>> No.1038935

Age: 27
Sex: m
Location: pennsylvania/717
Last book read: the return of the great brain
Currently reading: julian comstock, a story of 22nd century america
Favourite book: dune messiah and/or god emperor of dune
Type of people you're interested in: folks who like to read; females.

>> No.1038936

Age: 24
Sex: Female
Location: Home
Last book read: The Lovely Bones
Currently reading: Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
Favourite book: Jane Eyre (lol girly books)
Type of people you're interested in: your mother, i heard she's hot

>> No.1038949

dear john
the notebook!!!<3
boys ;)<3

>> No.1038951

Eh what the hell

aim: cheesebox303

>> No.1038959

age: 23
sex: yes please
location: near u
currently reading: political theory stuff
favorite book: if you are egalitarian then why are you so rich
type of people interested in: curious, fun and keeping it real people.

>> No.1038961

Age: 21
Sex: M
Location: IN
Last book read: Infinite Jest
Currently reading: War and Peace
Favourite book: God Emperor of Dune/Infinite Jest
Type of people you're interested in: those who use their brains

>> No.1038973


what political theory you been reading / what are you into

>> No.1038975
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Hey there. Let's meet up!

>> No.1038981



please 2 b explaining why infinite jest deserves ranking with GEoD. thanks. (am googling now)

>> No.1038983

right now roberto unger's politics, economists and societies by marion fourcade, some zizek for fun.

interested in, philosophy of economics, different moral contexts in the social science disciplines (ie how philosophers, political scientists, economists and law approach social problems and constitute political agency)

also metaethics, philosophy of mind and philosophy of action

>> No.1038986

That's backwards logic there hombre. The better question is why is a Dune sequel on the same line as Infinite Jest?

>> No.1038987

Age: 18
Sex: F
Location: Atlanta
Last book read: Count of Monte Cristo
Currently reading: The Island of Dr. Moreau
Favourite book: The Road
Type of people you're interested in: No bullshit; chill; respects space

>> No.1038996

>No bullshit; chill; respects space

Are you looking for a roommate or something?

>> No.1039001


>> No.1039020

having read GEoD but not Infinite Jest, it seemed an appropriate question to ask.

I'll request it from my library and give it a read (all of these ebooks are raeping my eyes) but would you mind elucidating on its awesomeness?

>> No.1039081

Age: 19
Sex: M
Location: Austin, Texas
Last book read: Religion and Politics by Wald
Currently reading: none
Favourite book: A Clockwork Orange
Type of people you're interested in: Those who do not easily fall into archetypes and stereotypes. Having similar interests by default helps.

>> No.1039149

It's kind of a difficult question to answer really. From my own personal experience, I found GEoD to be compelling commentary on human nature, governmental structure, history, religion, culture, genetics, drugs, prophecy, fate, and pretty much anything and everthing else. I have read it three times now, currently working on my fourth, and am always surprised at the subtext of what Leto is basically saying throughout the novel, and the ways it's shifted my paradigm of my world view. That's the super short version....

I read Infinite Jest this summer and immediately had to start re-reading it, I was so enthralled. I think I was drawn in mostly by the detail and depth he put into every aspect of the story, but most importantly in how he was able to slowly reveal monumentally important minutia subtly and over the course of the entire novel such that your understanding of each character was radically shifted each time you entered their world. On top of that, I loved his being able to put you literally inside each of these characters' heads etc etc.

I think the only reason I throw them together in retrospect is mostly because of the way Herbert and Wallace are able to pack so much depth and meaning into their writing without coming out and just telling you what they think, they leave clues and use allegory extensively to as they say in the Matrix "I can only show you the door, you're the one who has to walk through it" (or something like that). Depth, subtlety, imagination, believable fantasy, breadth of relevance, ability to make me think and rethink issues over and over.

>> No.1039164

>I read Infinite Jest this summer and immediately had to start re-reading it

Everybody else too. It's the best joke of any book ever written.

>> No.1039188

that was an erudite reply. thanks for the time you spent on it, and i'll be reading it as soon as im done with Julian Comstock/the library gets it in. if the author can write with multi layered depth like herbert did in some of his best works, i definitely need to spend some time on his body of work.

oh, and to anyone who cares, im tossing one of my AIMs out thar:


going to bed after a smoke or two, but knowing /lit/ this thread will still be around.

btw, does anyone remember what the 1kk GET was?

>> No.1039189

I admit that on a first read-through of any book, I tend to give it less than the necessary attention, I'm mostly interested in the overarching story. This allows me to determine if I think it's worth rereading to glean anything else I missed while having the shape of the whole idea in my mind and giving me a deeper insight into those details' roles in the story. I've been forced to read too many shallow and boring books throughout my public education, and being only a few years out of it and fairly inexperienced, it's probably an ineffective system, but it has it benefits as well.

I'm also plagued by trying to always find any deeper meaning on my first read-through and torture myself-it's making my first attempt @ War and Peace pretty painful since all of the courting and social behavior, while richly detailed, is leaving no clues as to how it's relevant to the plot.

>> No.1039193

the 1m get was just the tripfag who posts pictures of the guy from Iron Giant being a faggot about cyberpunk.

>> No.1039207

I added you on aim, hopefully we get a chance to talk a bit about GEoD or IJ or whatever.

>> No.1039231

last: Handmaid's Tale
current: Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
favourite: Wicked
interested in: green skinned witches

>> No.1039240

id be much obliged if you'd IM me now so i can add you to the 4chan category..

>> No.1039257

I live in Atlanta but then I saw were it said your favorite book was the road. So now im turned off

>> No.1039267

Age: 18
Sex: Female
Location: California
Last book read: Ripley Under Water
Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in french, La longue route, The Hobbit
Favorite book: Blue Latitudes
Type of people you're interested in: Interesting people, that love to learn and read textbooks. :3

>> No.1039270

New Jersey
Tao Te Ching
A Critique of Pure Reason
House of Leaves
Non-annoying nerds

>> No.1039284

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last book read: Zeno's Conscience by Italo Svevo
Currently reading: Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass by Bruno Schulz, Today I Wrote Nothing by Daniil Kharms, Los Detectives Salvajes by Roberto Bolano, and «53 jours» by Georges Perec
Favorite Book: The Magnetic Fields by Andre Breton and Philippe Soupault (fuck yeah surrealism)
Type of people you're interested in: Writers and readers to talk with in or around Phoenix. Alternatively, weird and haunted people.

>> No.1039295


Girl with Jane Eyre as favorite + your mom joke?

pics please, you sound sassy

>> No.1039309

I love to read textbooks here's me.

>> No.1039315

Ew, you liked Frankenstein? Though I endeavour to bear your countenance, the sight of it fills me with an ardour stronger than hatred :(

>> No.1039320

Guess what I'm also a big fat homo who lives in Maryland and likes Jeanette Winterson.
Too bad I have a penis :)

>> No.1039323

Age: not important
Sex: man
Location: Texas I think
Last book read: into the wild by Jack Krakauer
Currently reading: founding brothers the revolutionary generation
Favourite book: not sure
Type of people you're interested in: people who are not douche bags

>> No.1039338


I just started reading it. I don't know if i like it

>> No.1039342

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Location: Hudson Valley, New York
Last book read: Starship Troopers
Currently reading: The World According to Garp
Favourite book: Ehhh... can't pick favorites.
Type of people you're interested in: Talkative and outgoing is a plus since I'm not very extroverted. I have a lot of interests besides books, including stereotypical things like sports and drinking at parties, so if you have wide interests, that's a plus. But please no horse-lovers or ballet dancers. I already dated girls like that and have zero interest anymore

>> No.1039344

Do you know what part of Texas you're in?

>> No.1039353

Edinburgh-ish here

>> No.1039357

Age: 19
Sex: m
Location: australia
Last book read: catch 22 - joseph heller
Currently reading: the gun seller - hugh laurie
Favourite book: lord of the rings
Type of people you're interested in: mad cunts

>> No.1039365

It was so finicky and mincing for me to read. That sort of overblown prose is so tiresome.

>> No.1039376
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>Must be black, but reads books.

Fuck you troll!

>> No.1039394
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male in the A here. but I'm twice your age. and I haven't read any of your books. just posting because, hey, what're the odds of finding a /lit/ femanon in my city on a hookup thread, right?

>> No.1039412
File: 5 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't really a hookup thread, is it?

Also, look at my captcha. What the fuck, moot?

What the fuck?

I'm actually tempted to dial it and meet my destiny.

>> No.1039422



what a destiny.

>> No.1039423

This is the phone number for the National Crime Prevention Council in Washington D.C.

>> No.1039427

I knew I'd take a bite out of crime.

>> No.1039429
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 81003726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt say its a hookup and fuck thread, but its definitely a "share your likes and tastes with others in the hopes that you might make a new friend" thread.

and yes, you should meet your destiny.

>> No.1040459
File: 1.48 MB, 322x239, 1268807046249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you /lit/

i go to bed and come back almost 10 hours later and your threads still havent gone past page 10.

>> No.1040464

/lit/ is a slow board

>> No.1040466

You are an asshole for posting that. My dog is sitting right next to me. What if she would of seen that you faggot?

>> No.1040469

What is it exactly?

>> No.1040478

A dog jumping out of the car that's following that brown dog and then hitting the road at like 45 or 50mph and barrel rolling pretty much.

>> No.1040485
File: 1.98 MB, 281x187, 1268802898102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she would HAVE had many lulz. trollololol. make sure your young child isnt watching this one, especially if its scared of fowl.
just watch the gif.
and this one too.
i dont post nsfw stuff on blue boards.

>> No.1040502

Age: 26
Sex: Male
Location: Philadelphia
Last book read: Charles Burns - Black Hole
Currently reading: Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policeman's Union
Favorite Book: Haruki Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Type of people you're interested in: Ladies

>> No.1040534 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 220x184, 220px-Gurney-1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 63
Sex: Male
Location: Washington
Last book read: Paul of Dune
Currently reading: Star Wars: Heirs of the Force by Kevin J Anderson
Favourite book: Dune: The Butlerian Jihad
Type of people you're interested in: People who have interests similar to my own and who look like Kevin J Anderson.

>> No.1040538
File: 9 KB, 200x227, 200px-Brian_Herbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 63
Sex: Male
Location: Washington
Last book read: Paul of Dune
Currently reading: Star Wars: Heirs of the Force by Kevin J Anderson
Favourite book: Dune: The Butlerian Jihad
Type of people you're interested in: People who have interests similar to my own and who look like Kevin J Anderson.

>> No.1040548

Age: 19
Sex: M
Location: Usa
Last book read: Steppenwolf by Hesse
Currently reading: Nothing
Favourite book: Dunno
Type of people you're interested in: Females

>> No.1040559

White Noise by Don Delillo
The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner

VALIS, Catch-22 and the Brothers Karamazov were pretty much perfect

Normal people

>> No.1040576
File: 34 KB, 355x500, keanureeveswhoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 20
Sex: M
Location: USA
Last book read: Ubik
Currently reading: The Stand
Favourite book: Jesus's Son or Infinite Jest
Type of people you're interested in: N/A

>> No.1040587

Age: 26
Sex: Male
Location: Kentucky
Last book read: Armor
Currently reading: Kushiel's Dart
Favorite book: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
Type of people you're interested in: Nerdy guys into fantasy/sci-fi

>> No.1040589

The Shining
War & Peace
American Gods
People who don't annoy me.

>> No.1040645

Age: eighteen
Sex: male
Location: new york city
Last book read: the waves by virginia woolf
Currently reading: the handmaid's tale by margaret atwood
Favourite book: infinite jest or gravity's rainbow tough choice
Type of people you're interested in: gay men

>> No.1040720

Age: 27
Sex: M
Location: Richmond, VA
Last book read: The Dancing Girl of Izu- Kawabata
Currently reading: Random shit by J. Tanizaki
Favourite book: Don Quixote
Type of people you're interested in: People who at least try to be less superficial.

>> No.1040753

I'm >>1040538
Where you at?

>> No.1040836


Age: 21
Sex: Female
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Last book read: The Sexual Life of Catherine M., Things Fall Apart, American Psycho (finished them up in the same day).
Currently reading: Hattrack River by Orson Scott Card and Bluebeard's Egg by Margaret Atwood.
Favourite book: I don't have one, but I always say Ender's Game.
Type of people you're interested in: People who read, duh.

My AIM is afemfem

>> No.1040838

Jut FYI once you're done with that, you won't be able to stop reading her stuff. Try Oryx and Crake next.

>> No.1040839

epic trollage

>> No.1040844

wow, you are all over 4chan...

i saw you two nights running in the PAfags get in here on /b/

>> No.1040860

I lurk everywhere when I have the time. :) Today is a homework/fuck around day.

>> No.1040862

right on... ive gotta mow the grass right nao, but i'll be back in /lit/ and /b/ and /adv/ and /v/ later on tonight.

i also wonder how long this thread will be going... maybe we can max it out on replies...

>> No.1040863

And I generally only post late at night after I'm done doing real life shit. :)

>> No.1040913

Hey, I added you but you haven't shown up as online yet?

>> No.1041033

i dunno... i am online at the moment.. all of my aim accounts.

try just sending me an IM straight up

>> No.1041048

Age: 24
Sex: m
Location: Oslo
Last book read: On the Heights of Despair (meh)
Currently reading: Notes from the Underground ( better now at the end)
Favourite book: The Karamazov Brothers, The Trial,...
Type of people you're interested in: anyway, seriously, just visiting /lit/ is enough if you're older than 21

>> No.1041051

Age: 14
Sex: M
Location: The Valley Baby
Last book read: Brave New World
Currently reading: The Fountain
Favourite book: 1984
Type of people you're interested in: People who think, unfortunately they are almost extinct.

>> No.1041058
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>> No.1041062
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>> No.1041063

Age: 23
Sex Female.
Location: Norway.
Last book read: Pillars of the earth. Ken follett.
Currently reading: Notes from the underground.
Favorite book: Can`t really tell.
Type of people your interested in: Intelligent, kind, querky guy, who smiles alot.

>> No.1041069
File: 1.32 MB, 300x191, 1281795693673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1041074

Sweetie, you`re 14 years old. Give it some time.

>> No.1041075

I think I'm running into a problem with the client I'm using, let me dl the actual aim client rq

>> No.1041077
File: 81 KB, 569x412, slapyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>age: 14


>> No.1041081
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i counted 41 males to 11 females (linked above)

meh, not tooooo terrible. *sigh*

>> No.1041094

That's because women are stupid.

Age: 21
Sex: male
Location: ireland
Last book read: kafka on the shore
Currently reading: the old man and the sea
Favourite book: dunno, middlesex, maybe
Type of people you're interested in: people with drugs

>> No.1041101

And this is why you will die alone.

>> No.1041107

and this is why anon wont care
>Type of people you're interested in: people with drugs

>> No.1041109
File: 27 KB, 470x346, 1271444702540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 27
Sex: M
Location: California
Last book read: Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
Currently reading: American Psycho
Favourite book: The Hobbit
Type of people you're interested in: Twinkboys that read (like pic - Rimbaud)

>> No.1041111

>implying rimbaud was a twink
he ran guns in africa for fucks sake. he walked, WALKED, to belgium. He disordered his senses. Twinks are little bitches who only care about their looks and listen to lady fucking gaga. Rimbaud was a man.

>> No.1041113

>>1038269 - Hey there, Where in Cali?
>>1037903 - Wind Up is a let down, don't bother.

>> No.1041117


>> No.1041119

Bitch, please. Not all twinks are vain, some are well read and can hold conversation. Rimbaud has the look, but not the actions of a twink, so .. I agree with that.

>> No.1041120
File: 80 KB, 900x600, 1270546454423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is up with this spam showing up recently?

>> No.1041121
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>> No.1041125

nah, a ''twink'' is vain by definition. a person with the look of a twink but not the actions, is just an emotionally mature young man. god fuck that ''twink'' shit. i'm bi, but i access gay culture at will, and to be honest the age limit for ''twink'' keeps going down and have you heard of ''twunk''? twunks mean you're 20 or older. this shit is borderline pederasty. Anyway, show me a twink who reads and i'll eat my hat.

>> No.1041131

Yes, You`re right. If only all people had the ability to think like fourteenyearolds.

>> No.1041136

You just mad because my intellect is far greater than yours when you were 14.

>> No.1041141

You`re adorable, now go to bed.

>> No.1041142
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>> No.1041146

You may complain that there aren't many females in this thread, but barely any of them were even replied to.


>> No.1041149

wasnt complaining... just taking notice.

also, none of the femanons were remotely near me.

>> No.1041153

I have a twink friend who reads. He even went to school for criminal justice. He's incredibly vain and annoying, but he's pretty smart -- even if he doesn't list that as a desirable attribute for himself.

>> No.1041162

>went to school for criminal justice
grrrreaaat another fag cop. and yeah, that's pretty much it. if a twink is smart, he will hide this fact like his life depends on it. ''lol y do ppl still read'? fuck that shit.

>> No.1041173


Not a fag cop. Nice conclusion to jump to!

>> No.1041202
File: 1.46 MB, 285x242, mansontroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just how do you know tha....


>> No.1041224

where are you from? Oslo?

>> No.1041262
File: 22 KB, 470x308, north203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Saint-Petersburg
Last book read: 1984
Currently reading: Hamlet
Favourite book: Crime and Punishment
Type of people you're interested in: smart and funny

>> No.1041277

Age: 21
Sex: M
Location: London
Last book read: Concrete Island
Currently reading: The Beach
Favourite book: Not sure, maybe IT
Type of people you're interested in: decent, intelligent, open-minded people who can hold a conversation. And murderers and rapists.

>> No.1041289

Hei igjen, jeg bor i Tromsø.

>> No.1041302

What a shame! I don't speak Norwegian though, I hope start lessons next week!
Any recommendation regarding Norwegian Writers? :-)

>> No.1041317

Where are you from originally then?

It very much depends on your taste in books. I personally really enjoy some of the works of Jostein Gaarder. The ringmasters daughter for example.

>> No.1041351

from Spain, but seems to be that I'd stay in Oslo for a while.
LOL, I didn't about him, OK, he's the author or Sophie's World, I would try to find The Ringmaster's Daughter!
Takke anon!

>> No.1041405

Age: 22
Sex: M
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Last book read: Mao II by DeLillo
Currently reading: The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen, Selected Poems of Kenneth Koch, and Collobert Orbital by Johan Jonson
Favourite book: Lolita by Nabokov and Where Shall I Wander by John Ashbery
Type of people you're interested in: Intelligent people, seekers, people with interests and hobbies they take seriously, an artistic streak is nice, can carry a conversation, into poetry is definitely a plus.

>> No.1041438

Age: 23
Sex: f
Location: DFW texas
Last book read: The Prince and the Pauper - Mark Twain
Currently reading: Ulysses - James Joyce
Favourite book: An Arrow's Flight - Mark Merliss
Type of people you're interested in: Manly types.

>> No.1041464

Ah, cool! Another Philly person!

>> No.1041465

Dammit, I'm >>1038225

I live pretty close to you, but I'm not really manly.

>> No.1041468

Why do you people care what someone's favorite book is if you're just hooking up? If she can suck your dick shouldn't that be sufficient?

Also sage. Go meet other hipsters on myspace, faggots.

>> No.1041473


yep. philadelphia in 'the house'.

>> No.1041475

How about Boston?

>> No.1041483

Age: 21
Sex: M
Location: BC Canada
Last book read: Slaughterhouse 5
Currently reading: Satanic Verses
Favourite book: 100 Years of Solitude
Type of people you're interested in: what?

>> No.1041493

I thought the hookup part was a joke, personally.

>> No.1041495


book sex is the best sex

>> No.1041512

Northern Ireland
London Bridges by James Patterson
nothing right now
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
Would like to meet anyone who isn't a complete retard.

>> No.1041547

Age: 19
Sex: Male :D
Location: Ireland :/
Last book read: Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
Currently reading: The Pit and The Pendulum by E.A.P
Favourite book: Stephen King's It
Type of people you're interested in: People who don't mind sharing a joint or two every now and then, so stoners...

>> No.1041557

Naked Lunch is so good.

>> No.1041602

Age: 27
Sex: Male
Location: UK, NW England
Last book read: Joseph Conrad - Nostromo
Currently reading: William Morris - News from Nowhere
Favourite book: Blaise Cendrars - Dan Yack
Type of people you're interested in: Boyish girls with mad eyes

>> No.1041630
File: 95 KB, 960x960, DSC02028b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Location: SP, Brazil
Last book read: A Calvin and Hobbes compilation, sue me.
Currently reading: A Brief History of Time
Favourite book: Pick a Discworld novel.
Type of people you're interested in: I'm asexual and there's little (if not nil) possibility of entering a romantic relationship but I'm so bored and not in the mood to answer people in Authonomy that I decided to post.

Picture related.

>> No.1041668

I can't look at your face and condemn murder at the same time.

>> No.1041670

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Scotland
Last book read: Black Mischief - Evelyn Waugh
Currently reading: The Fall of the Roman Republic - Plutarch
Favourite book: 2666, The Brothers Karamazov, The Magic Mountain
Type of people you're interested in: Anyone interesting that can maintain a conversation. I don't mind.

>> No.1041672

Of course you can, I'm asking you to. Pretty please?

>> No.1041679


>> No.1041685


>> No.1041695
File: 24 KB, 500x345, Bene+Gesserit+band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Location: Venezuela
Last book read: Albert Camus - The Plague, Arno Schmidt - Leviathan/Black Mirrors
Currently reading: Stephen King - The Gunslinger
Favourite book: Hard to say, I have too many. Dune is one of my favorite series, at least.
Type of people you're interested in: Interesting people who I can chat with for long periods of time, interested in politics, music, books (of course). It's hard for me to point out the things that attract me from a person in particular, it's mostly in their personality.

>> No.1041703

You're that same girl from Edinburgh that always posts here right? Please don't tell me you like Eragon? (don't mind the Holmes-ness!)

Where in Scotland

>> No.1041797

>>1039231 >>1037962
where in Canada?
also, Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: Ottawa
Last book read: Collected Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges
Currently reading: The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Favourite book: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Type of people you're interested in: interesting people? im not sure what more to say. party type people, stoners, intellectuals, generally nice and easy going people. hell i doubt this will work any way

>> No.1041815

- 18 M Canada (Montreal)
- A Rebours by Huysmans
- Three or four different books
- I don't have an absolute favourite one
- Intelligent, cultured, funny, weird, crazy shut-ins.

>> No.1041829

Age: 17
Sex: female
Location: england
Last book read: how i paid for college
Currently reading: crime and punishment
Favourite book: strange meeting

>> No.1041882

Age: 19
Sex: male
Location: Wellington, NZ
Last book read: Sombrero Fallout - Richard Brautigan
Currently reading: Cosmicomics - Italo Calvino
Favourite book: off top of my head: Froth on the Daydream - Boris Vian
Type of people you're interested in: dreamers, underachivers, pothead girls

>> No.1041886



>> No.1041956

There's only one person in this thread near me and he's gay. This is disappointing. Would approaching someone in a library be strange?

>> No.1042035
File: 14 KB, 263x192, TyBrax13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what you're both reading...

>> No.1042064

near liverpool

>> No.1042072




>> No.1042082

Age: 20
Sex: male
Location: Venezuela
Last book read: Why I am not a Christian by Bertrand Russell
Currently reading: Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Favourite book: -
Type of people you're interested in: mostly faggots

>> No.1042115

Location: Cali
Last book read: The Human Stain
Currently reading: The Peloponnesian War
Favourite book: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Type of people you're interested in: Friendly People

>> No.1042133

Why is androgyny so hip with the kids now days? Is it because of all the dickless skinny man children and feminism?

>> No.1042140


... Where the hell did that come from?

>> No.1042154
File: 31 KB, 406x466, Albert Einstein (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does not know what the difference is between singular and plural

>> No.1042155

reading this thread and how it reminds me of my recent experiences with the youth around my campus.

>> No.1042180

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like, here comes Dick, he's wearing a skirt. Here comes Jane, she's sporting a chain. Same hair, revolution. Same build, evolution. Tomorrow, who's going to fuss?

Not like it was even 25 years ago. God damn Internet, which is entirely to blame for this.

>> No.1042190

You're beautiful like a girl. I would date you regardless of whether or not we had sex. Hell, I'm a lesbo, so that would probably work out pretty well. You're just so damn gorgeous...

>> No.1042205

Because androgyny is lovely

>> No.1042209

Androgyny is for queers.

>> No.1042223


yeah if you're a raging hipster, enjoy being an illuminati lapdog

>> No.1042226
File: 51 KB, 576x415, derptastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (fantastic book)
Portnoy's Complaint (will begin when tired of internets)
Many, many favorite books. I'll say Death on the Installment Plan for the moment.
Interested in: someone who would fuck me hurrr.

>> No.1042228


>> No.1042232


it's true, they love young boys and they're the main ones brainwashing the youth using fashion/mass media as propaganda.

>> No.1042237

sage for concupiscence

>> No.1042314
File: 17 KB, 300x296, adam-lambert-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sssseriously guissse, ssstop it :P

>> No.1042761

Not sure if serious, but where at in Texas are you?

>> No.1043594

Same, what age?

>> No.1043657

bump for lack thereof

>> No.1043665

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, by Haruki Murakami
Son of a Witch by... whatever the Wicked guy's name is
To Kill a Mockingbird/A Clockwork Orange
Soft-spoken, well-grounded, tolerant of a playful type.


>> No.1043676

>implying girls pee-pee