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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 474 KB, 1067x1600, 2015-08-24 03.40.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10378322 No.10378322 [Reply] [Original]

>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
>did you start with the greeks?
>must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy, like if someones well versed in greek lit they can only be so retarded?
>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
>must one be well read to be wise?
>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?

>> No.10378354

>>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
no and in rare moments
>>did you start with the greeks?
no, but I've read them
>>must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy, like if someones well versed in greek lit they can only be so retarded?
no and yes
>>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
depends on what you mean by valuable, there's certainly not money in it
>>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
not really
>>must one be well read to be wise?
>>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?
I think they'd be better off in no thread at all

>> No.10378422

>>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
Yes, but only in rare spurts.
>>did you start with the greeks?
>>must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy, like if someones well versed in greek lit they can only be so retarded?
You don't have to literally start with the Greeks, but if you've taken it upon yourself to actually study literature as a hobby, then you have to be familiar with the Greeks
>>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
Yes. It's the only medium that's close to a one-to-one representation of someone's thoughts. The value in that is self-evident
>>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
Yes. That's what being an intellectual is.
>>must one be well read to be wise?
No, not necessarily.
>>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?

>> No.10378426

Who's that OP and can I see her naked?

>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
Yes but it's rare. It's worth it to linger around as long as you don't spend 30+ minutes here a day or 2+hours on a weekend. You'll come across the occasional post that reaffirms there ARE people here that read. In fact, this board helped propel me into literature 2 years ago
>did you start with the greeks?
I remember a handful of books I read before plunging into the greeks: Infinite Jest (yep, one of the first), Grapes of Wrath, Watership Down, East of Eden, and a couple more before going through the Greeks. Since then I revisit Plato and Homer and not the Tragedians as much as I should.
>must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy, like if someones well versed in greek lit they can only be so retarded?
You'll have to work on the second half of this sentence but I think I see what you're saying. You should read the Greeks.
>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
The more you read the more you'll see that it has its ups and downs. There's a reason Nietzsche praises those professors who are hypothetically kicked out who choose to tend the field. Plato and moreso Socrates were against reading. Montaigne and Schopenhauer vouch more for experience and thinking for yourself, but they read a ton. Do both. Take these lines from Corin the farmer in As You Like it when Touchstone tests his "wit": "Sir, I am a true labourer. I earn that I eat, get that I wear; owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness; glad of other men's good, content with my harm; and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck."
>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
See my previous post. The term "intellectual" especially as a noun is despicable. If anyone actually likes to be called an intellectual, they deserved to be chastised and then promptly burned in a pit
>must one be well read to be wise?
These questions are starting to sound very similar and the answer to this one is no
>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?
You're cute, anon. I like you. The answer is no. Have fun on your journey and if anyone here fucks with you just remember that it's only making your skin tougher. Happy reading, bro. (but seriously, is that girl naked somewhere online)

>> No.10378431

tessa fowler. thank you for not simply posting


like a fucking retard.

>> No.10378447
File: 1.05 MB, 2399x1600, 2824811_Cosmid.net Amanda Love - Amandas Pool Cover Up - 117x - [2399x1600]_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Amanda Love you gargantuan buffoons. I can't believe /lit/ (allegedly the smartest board on 4chan) can't identify a nude model or even use reverse image search.

>> No.10378723

I can't comment on the intellectual value here; I don't come here often enough to make a fair judgement about that.

You don't have to start with the Greeks (although the Greek/Roman myths -- as well as the Celtic, Germanic, Norse, Indian, and Hebraic -- will help you understand later lit).

Being well-read means that you'll vicariously experience things that you may or may not experience in your life. A vicarious experience is probably not as good as an actual experience (although I'd much rather read about someone with cancer than have it). But a vicarious experience is better than ignorance.

"Intellectual" is a fuzzy term. You may need to be well-read to be one, but if you don't wear it lightly, you're just a dick who knows a lot of trivia.

Being wise is another matter. Wisdom incorporates more than just a vicarious experience. I can read all I want about, say, knife safety, and think I know all about it, but until I cut myself through some error or inattentiveness I won't really know the wisdom in all that reading about knife safety.

>> No.10378742

>no, coffee shops obviously
>probably the later, also a fun meme
>yeah, exposure to a lot of different kinds of art and work will exercise different parts of the mind
>so much is tied to writing or best discussed in writing, so it really is necessary
>probably not

>> No.10379276

>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
If there is then it isn't easy to cultivate. Not many here can think for themselves. You're better off trying real life but if you're too lazy then the discord group of a streamer called Destiny is a place where you can exchange more ideas with people in an hour than you would spending months here.
>did you start with the greeks?
>must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy, like if someones well versed in greek lit they can only be so retarded?
I don't know
>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
It depends what you read but reading can affect your entire worldview and by extension life.
>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
>must one be well read to be wise?
>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?
If they were separate then you'd get better answers

>> No.10379289

>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
Like a lot of hobby boards on 4chan there is, but you have to dig through shit
>did you start with the greeks?
>must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy, like if someones well versed in greek lit they can only be so retarded?
If you want to read actual literature you will eventually need to read Greek works. Also they are enjoyable.
>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
You'll need to define valuable.
>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
I know plenty of doctors who don't know much /lit/ but can save a life
>must one be well read to be wise?
No but it could help
>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?

>> No.10379334

>>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
No. I haven't actively used this board in years. All the tripfriends are probably entirely gone as well. I was one in another life.

>>did you start with the greeks?
Of course not.

>Must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy
It's a meme.

>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
No. It's mostly signalling.

>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
No. Much more likely to become a pseudo-intellectuall.

>must one be well read to be wise?
No, Arthur Schopenhauer said: “Reading is merely a surrogate for thinking for yourself; it means letting someone else direct your thoughts. Many books, moreover, serve merely to show how many ways there are of being wrong, and how far astray you yourself would go if you followed their guidance. You should read only when your own thoughts dry up, which will of course happen frequently enough even to the best heads; but to banish your own thoughts so as to take up a book is a sin against the holy ghost; it is like deserting untrammeled nature to look at a herbarium or engravings of landscapes.”

>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?
To think each question is worthy of its own thread only makes your extreme narcissism and lack of self-awareness more evident.

Also, your pic is terrible.

>> No.10379348

Fuck off to reddit you'd fit right in

>> No.10379356 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 600x600, 58b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these complete fucking pseuds who didn't start with Greeks also have pleb opinions hmmmm

>> No.10379359
File: 47 KB, 500x529, 1366604072074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>is there intellectual value here? if not then where?
That completely depends on your intellectual level. If you have never read a single book for pleasure then this place might as well be the library of Alexandria. If you begin to seriously study philosophy then this place can dry out quick, especially if you dont study something like existentialism. As far as literature from the perspective of an avid reader, hit or miss probably for anyone

If not here then university

>>did you start with the greeks?
Yes I started with Plato

>>must everyone start with the greeks or is that just a way to filter out idiocy, like if someones well versed in greek lit they can only be so retarded?
Being well versed in Greek philosophy is a very smart way to go about things. It is far easier, and I think interesting. As far as literature it isnt absolutely necessary at the beginning, but who doesnt want to read the myths of the Greeks? People probably think the Song of Troy will read like Shakespeare and never want to bother with it, but they would probably love it

>>is being well read a valuable virtue? why or why not?
For philosophy yes, for wisdom.

>>must one be well read to be an intellectual?
For everyone besides the genius and the lucky

>>must one be well read to be wise?
For everyone besides the genius and the lucky

>>would these questions be better off in separate threads from one and other?
I dont know, this seems fine