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/lit/ - Literature

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10375346 No.10375346 [Reply] [Original]

>only read philosophy, hard sci-fi and religious texts
>only drink water and lemon juice
>only eat bread, fruits, and vegetables
>don't consume illicit drugs
>walk seven miles each day (same route)
>haven't verbalized since January 1st
>only communicate via anonymous online forums, pseudonyms and written notes (to cashiers etc)
>no longer responsive to attempts at inter-personal verbal communication
>only wear black
>avoid onanism and thoughts that may encourage it
>avoid looking at women online and in public
>transcended duty to family, society and species
>no longer identify with a consistent Self
>hacked my subjective value system and no longer feel external pressure to conform
>transcended feelings of shame and guilt
>avoid salaried employment
>avoid pursuit of fame, social validity and sexual conquest
>spent most of my conscious hours staring silently across the barren field out back
>awakened to the fact that solipsism is the basis for existential perfection

Have I made it /lit/? Is this it? I feel like I've completed the GTA-esque game of life and now I'm just drifting around San Andreas with nothing further to accomplish.

Any books on this issue?

>> No.10375352

now, my son, it is time for the deep trip

>> No.10375390

where are we going

>> No.10375394

into the jungle

>> No.10375395

unironically, time to get smashed drunk, pop some molly and fuck a thot senpai

>> No.10375400

i don't understand what half of those words in that sentence mean

>> No.10375401
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What's important isn't where you're coming from or going to, but that you can't be at both places at once.

>> No.10375404

time to stop communicating online as well

>> No.10375417
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You're only numbing yourself down, y'know. All you're doing is taking more and more steps back.

>> No.10375428
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time to stop

>> No.10375445
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You first.

>> No.10375460
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>> No.10375507

interesting post. unironically describes me to some degree, without the compulsive behaviours you mention (walking same route every day etc.)

check out Spiritual Enlightenment - the Damnedest Thing, if you don't mind unpretentious, philosophically unrigorous but honest commentary (reminds me of UG in some sense)

>> No.10375525

>Only wear black
Was that part really necessary?

>> No.10375530

I like that

>> No.10375531
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>> No.10375535

he's preparing himself to be a soldier in the forthcoming inter-dimensional war

>> No.10375541

You lack a concentration practice apart from reading.

Start chopping some wood or keep a damn bonsai.

>> No.10375575


>> No.10375635

hot ziggety!

>> No.10375649

The most enlightened invidivual

Notice how his umbrella is a metaphorical ballsack, but one designed for pure utilitarian reason (not getting wet). It is a symbol he has eschewed the sexual drive and only cares about the most basic of bodily needs.

>> No.10375655

literary lifestyle achieved

>> No.10375658

>>>awakened to the fact that solipsism is the basis for existential perfection
still being a rationalist, wew

>> No.10375712

reminds me of childhood

>> No.10375716

>Not achieving over-man status
>Not becoming a Christ, Socrates, Napoleon historical figure embedded into finite time.
>Dying on the same level as a partying Stacy.

>> No.10375734

If this is true, and your philosophy is sound, isn't all of this asceticism a waste of time?

>> No.10375757

are u schoppy's ubermensch?

>> No.10375776
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>avoid pursuit of fame, social validity and sexual conquest
>Have I made it /lit/?

>> No.10375894

>only wear black
>avoid looking at women online and in public
>avoid pursuit of fame, social validity, and sexual conquest
I think you're just being a faggot

>> No.10376638

>Any books on this issue?
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
The Mind Illuminated
Prometheus Rising

you've mastered so called surface reality, or so you think you have, so look inward. jump in the rabbit hole and go all the way. you should be able to go farther than any of us, if you're for real

>> No.10376896

Why does he look so sinister.

>> No.10376958

>not masturbating or expressing your sexual desires in a healthy, reasonable way
>not approaching women even in a friendly way
>not having well-adjusted social/interpersonal relationships
>not even speaking
>failing in your duties to family, society, and yourself
>only wearing black
>avoiding social validity, sexual conquest, and pursuit of fame
What daemon of madness in that head of yours urged you to imprison yourself thus?

>> No.10377112

A certain petulance is the appropriate attitude to take towards the world. Normal, adult human thinking rejects this petulance as unattractive. Normal, adult human thinking is wrong for doing so.

This is closely bound up with the delusion of the productive adult: "I have kids and I work a job/tend my fields and I am able to consider life from various angles, I am a full participant in society, (and consequently, materialistically, the right chemicals are dumping into my head since I'm fulfilling my animal urges in a complexly gratifying way) therefore society is basically good and I'm basically right to be participating in it."

>> No.10377410


some questions:

1-In what country do you live?

2-How do you get money to buy the things you need (like the things you eat)?

3-Are your parents concearned with you?

>> No.10377427

>awakened to the fact that solipsism is the basis for existential perfection
how so?

>> No.10377438

He brought a poker with him.

>> No.10377439

If this is true you 'should' get into psychedelics and opiates

>> No.10379309

You forgot to create meaningless complexity, and are therefore a meh-tier human. It's not too late though, go and create something to counteract nothing. That's basically what humanity boils down to. Good luck.

>> No.10379314



>> No.10379341

I aspire to have as little impact on the external world as possible.

>> No.10379357

>only drink water
>probably not even distilled
>being this Epicurean

>> No.10379429

If you had "made it" you wouldnt go bragging about it on /lit/.
Nothing about your lifestyle seems genuine.

>> No.10379437


You don't even know what űbermensch means you retard

>> No.10379443

Any books on this issue?

>> No.10379447

Society of the spectacle

>> No.10379479

Don't insult me, if you wanna talk about the Spectacle then you could at least recommend Innis or Kittler.

>> No.10379599

As long as there is something to learn, there is still much more to accomplish in life. Every time you learn something you never knew it is rewarding, something which you find truly interesting. If you don't have anything that interests you then you're not inquisitive enough, and you need to look harder.

>> No.10379607

Why do people come up with these inane bizarre life philosophies? Do you really think anyone cares, did you even put any critical thought into what you just said, or is it just a bromide you're subconsciously repeating?

>> No.10379609

how do you pay for yourself?

>> No.10379623

It's a conclusion I reached throughout the experience of my life. I realize that your brain's happiness is simply a chemical reaction, and when you realize the arbitrary nature of thought in that your synapses can re-wire themselves to feel happy at any moment, you realize that you must always be searching for something new. As someone who has always been an avid explorer of knowledge, I found that the philosophy was in keeping with what I always found natural. Instead of searching for emotional highs, like I used to do when I was a kid when I would listen to pieces of classical music to give me overwhelming emotional highs, and then ultimately be left feeling unresolved, I became aware of the balance and the feedback loop of thought that I was trapped in.

For me, I have discovered that the memories, as well as the possibilities of experience, lie in the books and music which I have accumulated. I look at the books I’ve already read, and I reflect fondly on the thoughts they contain, and in that moment I am content. I think about the possibilities of new fond memories, contained in books I have not read, and I feel as though I could be satisfied for an eternity, discovering knowledge, and letting the satisfaction of my formerly accumulated knowledge grow one in the same with my satisfaction.

This feeling of reminiscence and hope, is sometimes skewed by the prospects of the future, which promise bad memories, and boredom and sadness. There is a struggle to overcome these alternative, opposite memories and hopes, which run parallel to the alternative and drive in the opposite direction. What does the feeling drive towards? Does it drive further away? Inside the brain, there doesn’t seem to be any concept of time, because sadness of recollection of the past can switch in an instant to the happiness of the future or the recollection of fond memories. There is an interminable now, which is between the past and the future, which contains all the sadness of the recollection, and the fondness, and the opposing optimisms and pessimism of future foresight.

>> No.10379632

Jfc, I read two sentences of that and quit. I think if there's one thing to learn from this thread it's that all advice from others is useless and you should just listen to yourself.

>> No.10379828


Do a martial art, OP. Or Yoga. Or the Wim Hof method. Or go out into the woods or something.

>> No.10379837
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>> No.10379880


You're what they call a phony OP

You live a fake life but you'll die a real death

>> No.10379912

>emotions arent real but muh knawledge
Life isn't a spectator sport.

>> No.10380479

>still have to urge to post about it on 4chan

>> No.10380528

If you reject the common activities of others (who, in your system, are just automatons since you are, after all, the only 'true' being) then why do you still eat, sleep, walk around, open your eyes and look at the world, and so forth? What privileges one activity over another? Why do you even care what other people do? As another anon said, your asceticism is likely just a waste of time if you are doing it just for the sake of itself. If you are such a clever, classless, and free man then you shouldn't be imprisoned in this esoteric box you've built for yourself. If you're a true believer in your One-ness and Only-ness, there's no point in even expressing it. And certainly no point in arbitrarily wearing black, again, unless you're doing that because of independent preference.

>> No.10382066

Life is never whatever you say it is.

>> No.10382087


>> No.10382306

He's basically saying that upon reaching an internal state of self-satisfaction and existential contentment, the ego must embark, so to speak, on a journey to transcend being-for-itself and gain direct access to the thing-in-itself by means of a transcendental deduction, not of the categories of experience that provide the foundation for ego's ability to "experience" in general, but rather of the nature of mutually transcendental ontological constitution of the external thing-in-itself. Basically, while OP has more-or-less successfully confronted angst as a condition of being-in-the-world, he has at the same time distanced himself from the worldliness of the world as a primordial actuality that provides the basis for an experience in general, albeit on the opposite side from the categories of the ontological divide which allows for the constitution of the phenomenological object of consciousness. Hedonism has become the only way out

>> No.10382314

OP is literally Riding the Tiger.

>> No.10382319

>"avoid onanism and thoughts that may encourage it"
>entire post is mental onanism
You can't make this shit up

>> No.10382335

i do not believe at all that you haven’t verbalized for almost a year. Granted i speak probably once a day, about two sentences and am silent as the grave 90% of my life but still i don’t believe you. You sound miserable and psychotic to be honest, schizotypal personality disorder, depersonalization, disassociated sense of self. You’re going to have a psychotic break soon. Im sorry i tried doing this shit it doesn’t work. We’re biological systems, not ghosts living in meat suits. There can be a body without organs but its not achieved like this at all. You have to wade into the fray of blood and carnage, make a home in the space between spaces, in the low places where all their nonsense rolls down. Don’t retreat into the void, you’re becoming myopic and your eyes are black holes now. This is what killed Nietzsche, this is what kills a lot of Buddhists and Atheists, do not fall into void worship anon. Extremely dangerous and there many killers sitting on death row who’ve done exactly that. the day you stop feeling sympathy is the day you aren’t human and I can’t help you if we’re not the same species. Good luck nigger

>> No.10382379

Yet another bizarre delusional comment in this thread with tons of random generalizations and projection. What is it about giving advice and commenting on other people's lifestyles that turns people into such blithering morons?

>> No.10383340

>he hasn't entirely regressed back into a primal ape state, losing his consciousness altogether

you still have a ways to go OP

>> No.10383368

OP, now you must recognize your own sins and become humble before God and neighbor, this is the true path to enlightenment