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/lit/ - Literature

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1037413 No.1037413 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think the cashiers think of you when you go up to them and buy your hipster garbage?

>Oh look, another sheep buying Vonnegut!
>He thinks he can handle Ulysses!
>The complete works of Dostoevsky? That's the fifth one today!

>> No.1037414

Normally I don't like you but I lol'd at the last line.

>> No.1037418

The funny thing is I used to love Kurt Vonnegut's stuff, but then when artsy fags started showing off Slaughterhouse-five, i was like gtfo.

>> No.1037420

look where i live all the hipsters read bukowski i hate that they read him
but that doesn´t mean that his work is any less good
the applies to vonnegut joyce and dostoievsky

fuck the hipsters read the good stuff and if you can embarras them when they start talking about an author you like
Most of them dont even read the book or know shit about them

>> No.1037424

The girl at the cash said "that's a really big book" somewhat suggestively when I bought Moby Dick. True story.

>> No.1037425

i meant this applies to vonnegut joyce and dostoievsky

>> No.1037427

At the time I first read Slaughterhouse-Five I had no idea what hipster was and loved it. It made me sad to realize how shameful this is perceived to be in the eyes of the public.

>> No.1037428

I worked in a bookstore over the summer and I never really cared what people bought. Except for one girl who bought both Dracula and the newest Twilight book. That was a little odd.

>> No.1037432

This is why I always buy a Twilight or similar together with my Dostoevsky, that way she'll think 'Aw, that's so sweet, he really likes Dostoevsky but he's worried he'll come across as a hipster. Daw.'

>> No.1037434

No clue why you guys buy.
There's something called a fucking library. Plus, most of us are collegefags.

>> No.1037437

She probably thought she should read the OG vamp novel as long as she's reading Twilight, but had no idea it's nothing like the glittery manfest she knows.

>> No.1037438

/lit/ is like the annoying kid who only likes bands you've never heard of.

>> No.1037440

>No clues why you guys buy
Because I'm not fucking dirt poor. Books cost around fifteen dollars.

>> No.1037441

Or she'll think that you're so pathetic that you can't enjoy what you want because you're worried about strangers judging you, you worthless cunt.

>> No.1037442

you're like a newfag who doesn't know how to say hipster, or perhaps don't want to because you are one haha

>> No.1037445


Books aren't THAT expensive,

>> No.1037447

no point in buying fiction or literature stuff.

>> No.1037455

My book store fucking sucks they've only ever had 1 book i went looking for. So i order everything off amazon and will never be judged by a stupid cashier.

>> No.1037458


>> No.1037461

you complete waste of life, who cares what the cashier thinks of you

>> No.1037462
File: 61 KB, 512x722, Castle of Otranto, Vathek, Idiot, And another thing, Blowing up Russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fifteen dollars? Damn. And I thought 8-9 GBP was steep for a paperback. I get my books from Amazon for 2-5 pounds.

>> No.1037464

Sounds like somebody's jeans are too tight.

>> No.1037468

I don't its just a bonus.

>> No.1037481

9 pounds = 14 dollars

>> No.1037483

I have at least a couple of works of every 'classic' author that I want to read by now, and I don't see the wisdom of buying any more until I've seen if I like them. So now all my book purposes are pulp and genre stuff and I look like a nerd.

>> No.1037486

>Uh oh, people that I don't like enjoy some of the same things I like!
>Better stop enjoying them.

>> No.1037490

This. My college library has tons of books and it's a community college. They also have comfy chairs, private desks, good lighting, and air conditioning. I spend hours there.

>> No.1037491 [DELETED] 

Some of the people there are actually pretty hardline- but tolerant.
Like the christians will be traditional baptists who don't believe in sex or cohabiting before marriage, will go to hell if you don't accept Jeseus etc.

>> No.1037492
File: 44 KB, 401x508, squeedword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that has anything to do with my post

>> No.1037493

>boy, stagolee sure is a faggot. yep.

>> No.1037502

I'm getting the new kindle.
Fuck what cashiers think.

>> No.1037505
File: 14 KB, 263x192, TyBrax13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I joke, it's only the minority? of these boards that are like that I think. I download most of my books online but if I were to go in-store I'd probably be more embarrassed of looking nerdish (simply reading books) than a "hipster" where I'm from.

>> No.1037507

EVERY fucking time I buy some books, the cashier asks me "So what class is this for?" and I always say "Well I'm just reading them for fun," and the cashier ALWAYS ALWAYS gives me this look of disbelief and disgust.

I've stolen books before just because I didn't feel like conversing with the cashier. Schizoid personality ftw.

>> No.1037512

hey, make another thread about getting rid of your trip, I'm sure everyone will care this time.

>> No.1037514

"Gee, that's a LOT of Twilight books!"

>> No.1037515

Can't you Fags just rent them put from a local library or something?

>> No.1037517

>I steal books to not supposedly talk to cashiers so that means I have a personality disorder! Did I mention I self-diagnosed myself?

>> No.1037520

Then just say it's for English or whatever suits the case...

Or give them a deathly stare.

>> No.1037521


>> No.1037526

>I was diagnosed with a personality disorder by a psychologist and the symptoms manifest in my life!


>> No.1037536


>> No.1037541
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should. Having a physical collection is pretty old-fashioned & vain imo.


Jesus Christ Stag. Was your boyfriend too brutal on your asshole last night & now you're taking it all out on us???

>> No.1037542

>I make up things on an anonymous imageboard so people will think I'm cool!

>> No.1037552

>Why would I make up having a schizoid type personality?
>Why do you think that's cool?

>> No.1037557

Go back to /mu/

>> No.1037560

Going to uni this September. Do you have to stay within the building whilst reading or something? Or you just prefer it?

>> No.1037565

In most university libraries, you can check out books for a pretty extensive period of time - at least, most books that aren't rare / for reference purposes. But libraries are usually pretty comfortable places to read / study.

>> No.1037571

i Like having a physical collection

>> No.1037572

You probably look like a creep sitting there for hours though.

>> No.1037578


schizophrenia and multiple personality aren't the same

>> No.1037580

I work in waterstones, and yes we do often think things like that. Sometimes people seem to pick out the most pretentious stack of books. Though I try to think they're really doing it for the enjoyment of reading them. Because that's probably true.

>> No.1037581

He goes to a library and reads.
>probably looks like a creep


>> No.1037588

You know that old guy that hangs around the corner shop with the young girl 'till closing time?

Yeah, creep.

>> No.1037592

Believe it or not, that's what people fucking do in a library. College libraries are especially packed with the same people for days on end.

>> No.1037594

Thank you for explaining that to me?

>> No.1037599

Some days I just prefer it. Like I said, it's an environment that's very conducive to reading and I can go grab food in the same building whenever I get hungry.

>> No.1037601

>What do you think the cashiers think of you when you go up to them and buy your hipster garbage?

I don't think about this. Because I'm not insecure enough to worry about the thoughts of cashiers.

If I worried about that shit, then I'd be Stagolee.

>> No.1037619

Once when I went to buy a Ludwig Wittgenstein book I also picked up a calvin & hobbes collection just to prove I was normal.

>> No.1037623

I personally am overjoyed whenever I see someone handing me a bunch of real lit instead a few magazines and a true crime novel or a shit tone of MM romance books.

>> No.1037629

Prehaps so, but it doesn't really matter in the big picture. Virtually everything a person can do can be interpreted as resistence/submission to some kind of authority, but thats not the issue at hand. if you enjoy the book, if you learn and feel something because of it, you have made a good decision.

Leave it at that

>> No.1037689

i usually buy a porn mag so that the people in the bus and on the train don't think i am a horrid show-off. twilight is gay