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/lit/ - Literature

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10370310 No.10370310 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think?

>> No.10370320

Old fashioned red and blue 3D glasses looked a lot cooler than they gay ass sunglasses we have now.

>> No.10370394

Debord is /ourguy/

>> No.10370469

anyone else?

>> No.10370471

Read Debord's Comments on the Society of the Spectacle when you're done

>> No.10370472

i read his comments book before reading society of the spectacle

>> No.10370475

picked it up at the store. Haven't read it yet.
It has a catchy name and a good cover, lit seems to like it when its mentioned. Seems to have a novelty format that I will either love or hate.

How can you understand commentary on something you haven't read.
Understanding things in retrospect is a waste of time.

>> No.10370485

once you actually read society of the spectacle and read the comments you will understand why i started with the comments

>> No.10371042

love it

>> No.10371056

Fuck debord, I remember becoming unable to fucking enjoy kpop after reading this shit
All I could see is soulless music and slave "artists"

>> No.10371060

Wtf I hate spectacle now!

>> No.10371067

I regret reading it, just pick up McLuhan and Baudrillard instead.

>> No.10371070

Basically a marxist describing what /pol/ calls cultural marxism

>> No.10371074


>> No.10371093

kpop is trash

>> No.10371151

It took you a fucking book to realise that kpop is trash? What's your iq? Less than 90, right?

>> No.10371210
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Kpop is for fapping and nothing else.

>> No.10371223

>he had to have someone else make his opinion of shitty pop music for him

>> No.10371228
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>watching kpop for women and not androgynous men

>> No.10371229
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This desu

>> No.10371257

wow, /lit/ has some real shit taste
You guys are not welcomed on /mu/

>> No.10371260

His commentary on it are better

>> No.10371263

hwo come

>> No.10371269

I'm really interested in this book, what, if any, previous knowledge of philosophy or other fields are necessary before I read it?

>> No.10371272

None, its not even philosophy just entry level cultural criticism

>> No.10371274

just read up on May 1968 and Situationism
Adorno's The Culture Industry is essential too

>> No.10371275

heidegger, mcluhan?

>> No.10371276

Not really, just have a basic understanding of marxism (Marx's commodity fetishism section to be precise)

>> No.10371278
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>Marx's commodity fetishism section

Ah yes, the famous commodity fetishism "section" of Marx

>> No.10371279

Marxist discovers Marx was a social conservative: the book.

>> No.10371299

>Capital vol.1, chapter 1; section 4 - The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof
It's only 20 pages or so anon

>> No.10371334
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>i need someone to tell me kpop is shit

>> No.10371348

Adorno made me hate jazz.

>> No.10371385

damn thats so deep...

>> No.10371402


>> No.10371446

It is quite literary covered in the last section of the first chapter of the first part of Volume 1 of Das Kapital though.

>> No.10371610

i watched the first twenty minutes of the documentary and thought it was good but i was also falling asleep, might read the book sometime

>> No.10371649

I found the book easier than the movie.


>> No.10371655

Vaneigem is more life affirming than Debord, which rub some people better than endless repetitions of Hegel or Feuerbach but with two different words and preceded / followed by similar stuff.

not me though I fucking love Debord

>> No.10372113
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Yea okay like that is some high bar

>> No.10372124

life affirming is such a huge buzzword, i automatically think of someone as a 4chan autist internet kid when they use that word

>> No.10372125
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You should be grateful, gookshit is awful

>> No.10372131

legit I love that "Like Like" song

>> No.10373350

why do people enjoy that shit anyway

>> No.10373745
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Detour them bitches anons. The capital turned to an image/meme.

>> No.10373770


come back after you learn what your slurs mean
a long, long time after

>> No.10375049

>watching kpop for the "music"
Even roasties don't do this

>> No.10375249

fine for teen years

but philosophically lazy

quite irrelevant, just listen to angry music or something

>> No.10375293

Adorno made me hate Adorno.

>> No.10375374


Adorno and Nietzsche are part of a lonely group of philosophers whose writing and its formal qualities matches its content.

>> No.10375418

One of the greatest book ever written about cultural liberalism. Baudrillard’s work on simulacras and hyperreality is also remarkable.

>> No.10375424


It will make you understand the meme era

>> No.10375436

It was written by a university student in the time of an economic boom, so it necessarily neglects the producer under capitalism. It is spot on regarding the consumer though.

>> No.10375443

Made me delete my instagram desu

>> No.10375585

do u even know what a roastie is?

>> No.10375591

Heidegger to read Debord, wtf?
Just know a bit of Marx breh.

>> No.10375598

It's a pretty famous section and pretty much the only place he discusses it (the surviving remnants of young humanist Marx in the later work). brainlet