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/lit/ - Literature

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10366833 No.10366833 [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/ here we are.
Its finally happened.
My three bookcases are full.
I'm going to have to get a fourth bookcase after finishing my current read.

>> No.10366842

Just stack them on top of each other or something. You could fit so many more books on those shelves.

>> No.10366851

there are clearly massive gaps on those shelves
come on anon let's see some dedication here

>> No.10366861


God I'm so happy to be from Italy when I see this. English books look so ugly.

>> No.10366866

LMAO they are not fucking full there is plenty of space, stack them on top horizontally you massive pleb.

>> No.10366873

To be fair the top middle shelf is going to collapse.

>> No.10366913
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There are minor gaps where books can't fit
The gap in the middle of the second bottom shelf of the first bookcase will be filled when my current book is finished
It is Landslide by Jane Mayer and Doyle McManus, it will go between Crimes of Patriots and Manufacturing Consent
The only remaining room will be in the bottom shelf of the second bookcase, which is for nonfiction media/arts

>> No.10366930

>comic section in top left
>at least 8 shelves of just genre fiction
absolute fucking pleb

>> No.10366946

You could easily condense it down to one shelf if you got rid of all the crap

>> No.10366955

Where should the comics go?
Its not genre fiction
Like what?

>> No.10366972

Rec comics anon, just got myself into it recently. Already Watchmen, The Sandman and Saga of the Swamp Thing

>> No.10366983
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Is the entire bottom shelf of the third book case taken up with Gene Wolfe books?

>> No.10366986

Put the black one in the middle for a better aesthetic.

>> No.10367024

I remember you from /pol/!

>> No.10367060
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And I was reading him long before he became a /lit/ meme

>> No.10367067

Why don't you sell it? Why do you need books they are for people to read not for keep it safe from the rest of the humanity, you fagget

>> No.10367071


>> No.10367074

is that a khajiit

>> No.10367080
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I can't really recommend much.

I can't follow the regular monthly series cause they're hard to understand what with stories stretched out over too many issues for the inevitable tpb collection.
You can't just pick up an issue and enjoy it.
And also the cost and time would be too much.

I just find something I like and then look for more of the author.
If you liked those two you got look up more Alan Moore and other similar graphic novels.

>> No.10367085
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Is there a problem with Fagles?

>> No.10367087
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No, I don't know why I have so many books about Orson Welles.

>> No.10367089

teeny bopper desperately trying to form the illusion of a personality via a contrary view of a classical translation

>> No.10367092
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Dinotopia is blocking King Solomons Mines and She
They're my books

>> No.10367096

if you knew anything about translation you'd know Fagles was a shitty meme people pick up in their closest franchise bookstore
>this much fucking genre fiction
I'm honestly going to throw up
your bookshelf has more literary value than the books sitting on it

>> No.10367098

>only two McCarthy books: The Road and Blood Meridian
>probably only bought them because they get discussed on /lit/ so often
>doesn't even own the Border Trilogy which contains arguably his best book ever, The Crossing

>> No.10367106

Carter Beats the Devil looks fun.

>> No.10367111
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You're right, I don't speak Ancient Latin

>> No.10367136
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And yet there's no DFW
What's wrong with science fiction or hard boiled?
Its true that I'm not very good at knowing what modern contemporary fiction is good and worthwhile, while its pretty simple to find out what """genre""" fiction is high quality and literary
Same for why there is 19th century literature in there

>> No.10367137

Ok. Two things. Why is the second Three Musketeers book separated from the original by The Count of Monte Cristo? And why have you only read the first two Three Musketeer books and not all of them????

>> No.10367140
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>> No.10367146

>gentre fiction
>high quality and literary
is this a fucking joke
genre fiction is and always will be juvenile wish fulfillment trash. Lord of the Rings, Dhalgren, 20,000 leagues, Ubik, it doesn't matter. It's garbage.
You need to grow up and start reading all the untouched real books on your shelves (most of which are in the most horrendous cash grab translations ever made)

>> No.10367150
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Anthologies are stacked after the comic collections/graphic novels
They're both stacked in chronological order rather than alphabetical
They're arranged chronologically
I don't have Ten Years After because that's a three volume work
And Twenty Years After proved a bit trying

>> No.10367155
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They're all read

>> No.10367165

oh really? where do Aeneas and Dido sleep together?
reply in less than five minutes

>> No.10367166

Those yellow Gateway omnibuses are nicely printed and good value. I have the Theodore Sturgeon, Robert Silverberg. and Sprague De Camp ones.

>> No.10367167

>he doesn't know who M. John Harrison or Robert Holdstock and numerous other authors represented there are

>> No.10367180

Your mums cave
The capture is taking forever for me to work
Numerous green ticks are being rejected

>> No.10367184

Carthage :^)

>> No.10367186

>just "a cave"

>> No.10367187
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>so many paperbacks

>> No.10367192

>le hardback only
>le only black penguin
>le only white oxford
>le only NYBR
Books are meant to be read not ogled for "muh aesthetic covers". You probably read your books in public hoping someone will notice how cool the cover design of your book is. Only if they ever asked you anything whatsoever about the book in your hands all you would be able to say is if you like it or don't like it. In fact you would probably say it's ok. You wouldn't even be able to justify your opinion. You wouldn't even be able to point out major themes present in the book. Fucking hell dude.

>> No.10367194

4/10 I can appreciate the effort put in

>> No.10367195

>posts his terrible book collection
>gets upset when we tear it shreds

>> No.10367199
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>when your posts get mistaken for OPs :^)

>> No.10367206

tfw doesn't arrange books with the largest at the bottom to avoid tipping and potential injury

>> No.10367207
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>OP so butthurt he has to deny his own posts

>> No.10367219
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>when you keep getting mistaken for OP

>> No.10367223

I have two bookcases full but my wife adores Murakami so we have every fucking one of his books and it ruins my patrician larp

>> No.10367224

Was it not in a cave? You did not specify the region
Perhaps instead of trolling you could suggest something since you have such a problem?
>confirming they're all read is upset
>no one has answered what's wrong with science fiction or hard boiled, and this is upset
>your mum is upset
What did he mean by this?
And I didn't rant about appreciating books
The bookcase isn't that big

>> No.10367289 [DELETED] 

>I don't speak Ancient Latin
It's Greek you complete fucking moron

>> No.10367298 [DELETED] 

thanks for the email

>> No.10367301

Fagles Latin translation is even worse than his Homer. Which is saying a lot.

>> No.10367304


>> No.10367305 [DELETED] 


>> No.10367315 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10367323
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>> No.10367325

Hi Joseph William Hunter

>> No.10367329

I said I'm sorry I don't speak Ancient Latin gosh alright!

>> No.10367331 [DELETED] 

time to email the university of tennessee about a student who frequents 4chan, a known hate site labelled by the southern poverty law centre as a "breeding ground for white supremacists"

>> No.10367345

>hello university here is evidence of your student posting on a hate site about the quality of paperbacks
If it was a problem wouldn't they have banned it?
I find a lot of public wifis are banning 4chan these days

>> No.10367359
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>complaints: many
>suggestions: 0

What did they mean by this?

>> No.10367377

Litizen is a robot. I knew it

>> No.10367392

much much too far gone
99% of his books are trash

>> No.10367504

In the bin

>> No.10367674
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Beat me to it.

>> No.10367684

>3 shelves of massmarket paperbacks
Why do you keep this shit? Donate it to a library or sell it.

>> No.10368314

Dawg, you go to utk too? Or did you just type my email in Microsoft Outlook

>> No.10368786

The university has a search website for the emails.

>> No.10368794

>not having a dedicated penguin section in 2017

>> No.10368809

Wow. You people read pure shit.
Why post in a literature board?

>> No.10369036

You seem like a cunt

>> No.10369050

Very cunty comment, very very cunty

>> No.10369056

You do realise it’s not the cover that makes the books it’s whats between them.

>> No.10370043

What's better:
>Store-bought fake-wood shelves
>Stacked bricks with woodplanks

>> No.10370500

>tfw I have 9 full bookshelves and I've only read about 11 books in my whole life.
>tfw I'm not even kidding either
>tfw I only read about 20 pages of a book before getting bored and buying more, delusionally thinking, "This time. This time I'm really going to read it."

>> No.10370506

Checked, my brother.

>> No.10370510

Hey idiot, that's not a reason to pick a shitty translation, you sound like someone who doesn't even research translations for 2000 year old epic poetry

>> No.10370511

You seem like a faglefag

>> No.10370540

>multiversity if you want something super postmodern
>jack kirby's fourth world saga
basically anything by grant morrison, alan moore and jack kirby.

>> No.10370566

How did you like Saga of the Swamp Thing?
I loved Watchmen and have been trying to track down the Swamp Thing for a few weeks now.

>> No.10370830
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>all that wasted space

*laughs in ebook*

>> No.10370978

Zodiac by Robert Graysmith is fucking good.

>> No.10371095

My books dont run out of battery power and cant be bricked and dont come with DRM
They're all read
I can do 250 pages in a day
I read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell in a week

>> No.10371157

Not him but Moore's swamp thing is my favorite thing in the horror genre. Read the whole thing if you can.