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/lit/ - Literature

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10364285 No.10364285 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you plebs not discussing this:


>> No.10364297

Because nobody other than the wives of dentists read literary magazines any more Anon.

>> No.10364322

These perverted jews are dropping like flies. Some have been saying all along that these jews are mentally sick people with a desert mindset who not like whites regardless of whether they pretend to be. You get it yet, white people? Is it starting to sink in? These jews belong to a twisted tribe and they have to be removed from polite white society.

>> No.10364330

Weird how these perverts seem to disproportionately belong to a particular group of people

>> No.10364339

Wasn't feminism a jewish plot tho?

Just go back to /pol/ you retard

>> No.10364361
File: 83 KB, 461x594, Lorin+Stein+Norman+Mailer+Center+Hosts+Dinner+fz2vD7IKpIXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>spends tenure popping pills and fucking thots from New School
>covers depravity by spending 50% of the mag "championing emerging women writers"
>almost all of htese "emerging women writers" turn out to be no talent NYU/Columbia thots who spread pussi for publication
>errybody in NY literati knows, nobody says shit
>eventually two of these lit-thots get angry when nobody else gives a shit about their writing, realize Stein tricked them into bending over his desk for $500 and a forgotten byline: "WAAAAH! WAAAAH! HE EXPLOITED ME!"
>NY literati: "Eeew, this was a long time coming, omg everybody knew, omg, #metoo"

as if the world needed more reasons to hate everything about the absolute state of contemporary lit


>> No.10364367

D&C social division is a part of jewish nature, now get your ass back to r*ddit before the open speech here overwhelms you, faggot.

>> No.10364370

>He acknowledged dating and expressing interest in women with whom he professional connections, including interns and writers for the magazine, conduct that he acknowledged was “an abuse of my position.”

Why do those female interns and writers not get any blame for scamming other unwilling women and men out of positions that could well be theirs if they didn't decide to prostitute themselves?

Anyone who accepted unethical conditions to obtain a position also holds a degree of guilt against the public. We should condemn both parties.

>> No.10364384

>He acknowledged dating and expressing interest in women with whom he professional connections, including interns and writers for the magazine, conduct that he acknowledged was “an abuse of my position.” He told the board that he had occasionally engaged in sexual behavior in the office after hours, but said that in all instances, the sexual contact was consensual and had happened when he was single. Mr. Stein was married in 2015.

Wow, he had consensual sex with people he worked with. What a fucking monster.

This is literally just bitter women whose writing careers haven't taken off vindictively using the little power they have to destroy a successful man.

>> No.10364394

You don't condemn both parties because they are coming forward. Of course they do have part of the blame, but they are like informants.

If you shame them you are only going to protect these guys who don't care about literature but use it to fuck young girls or boys.

Instead if you call them heroes, they come out and then people in power are going to think twice before hiring hacks because they can get their dick sucked.

Put your pride aside and cherish this. No guy could get an internship at the Paris Review because it was the dating pool for this dickwad. Things are going to change now.

>> No.10364395


>spends tenure popping pills and fucking thots from New School

A friend of mine in graduate school (not New School, but close) said that Stein had his staff pack the intern pool with hot white girls, a lot of whom he asked to stay late, or come out with him to bars. It definitely was a known thing. Went on for almost a decade. At the same time, most of the fiction in the magazine involved the base drug use and hardcore sex. Ofc, most of it was by young woman being edgy. Major shift from Gourevitch years, when there were actually cool, funny stories worth reading.

>> No.10364401

It's in your interest to frown that behavior unless you want to be forced some day to have sex with your boss to keep your job.

>> No.10364409


here's what makes me angry: think of how many decent writers got rejected in favor of stories from thots who took it in the ass for publication

it makes me wonder if this is the real reason why there's so much fucking awful writing by women

how many are literally trading pussy for bylines?

>> No.10364413

For real. Every time at the Brooklyn Book Festival I would just stick by the Paris Review table because that's where all the hot girl interns always were so I could hit on them.

>> No.10364415

Good thing only the pseudiest of the pseuds took people like this seriously anyway

>> No.10364419

He was anonymously put into a secret google doc where media women were able to list any "problematic" man they wanted to without any evidence whatsoever. It's in my interest as a man who fucks to not live in a culture where ever unverified claim of sexual harassment is taken seriously.

>> No.10364421

Perfect summation. Jews getting a taste of their comeuppence

>> No.10364426

Like the whole publishing industry. Really Lit in the US is shit because it's pseuds and frauds. Wonder why no one ever fucking talks about Dalkey

>> No.10364438

I subscribe the Paris Review. Like half of every issue is made up of intersectional writers who aren't chosen based on the criterion of talent. Getting published because you fucked your boss is as valid as getting published for belonging to the special identity du jour

>> No.10364445


Dalkey, New Directions, Open Letter, Wakefield Press, and few other independent presses are the only reason not to boycott the entire US publishing industry

>> No.10364449

I read that document, and as a Brooklyn writer I know that all of those accusations were both true and accurate.

Also if you have to fuck by dating at work you are a loser lol

>> No.10364457

Wakefield is amazing. There is a lot of good work being done and I'm happy this fuckers are getting sunk

>> No.10364463

>Also if you have to fuck by dating at work you are a loser lol
That's fucking bullshit. What percentage of contemporary relationships start at work?

>> No.10364465

Stop blaming women for doing what is natural, climbing the status ladder and giving their pussy to high status men, and blame the jews who have nepotistically obtained these positions of status and used them to pretend to be semitic culture moguls in a culture that isn't their own, and insulate their tribal power by promoting women with no talent. White men have to take their institutions back from these kikes who have no understanding of how to use power for good, or behave responsibly in a white nation.

>> No.10364468

Something like 40% of people will have a relationship from work, 20% of marriages begin there and are generally longer lasting than other circumstances apart from meeting through friends

>> No.10364482

What percentage of people are losers?

>> No.10364484

Anecdotes are fun, but don't confuse it with evidence.

>Also if you have to fuck by dating at work you are a loser lol
Replacing dating someone you already know and have spent time with working together with one night stands might seem like the thing to do when you're a 26 year old horny hipster Brooklynite, but it's not conducive to healthy relationships when you're over 35.

>> No.10364485

I consider all normies (non-virgins) to be losers so go figure

>> No.10364486
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>Tripfag defends a kike

Surprise surprise

>> No.10364490

Just because you don't have a real job doesn't mean that people who do need to live like you do.

>> No.10364491


>Like half of every issue is made up of intersectional writers who aren't chosen based on the criterion of talent.

i agree

clearly, one reason stein & co published these so-called "intersectional writers" was to keep the heat off. it's like the old soviet union: if you tow the ideological line in public, you can wallow in whatever private corruption you wabnt

>> No.10364495

>is a frogposter


>> No.10364497
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Sh-shut up

>> No.10364498


>> No.10364504

To keep the heat off? Jews like stein are the main people feeding this bullshit into our culture.

>> No.10364513


I'd agree that American literature can trace its fall to the decline of the WASP elite

>> No.10364524


it's a circle of corruption, a means of control: public face and private depravity

>> No.10364531


Jeff magnum died for your sins, good to see you are still around my man

>> No.10364539

word is roxanne gay will be his replacement

was it worth it /lit/ ?

>> No.10364542

The problem lies with the jews who replaced them by declaring racism to be the redefined original sin of the new liberal religion. That elite never went away, though, it just stepped aside to stay out of the jewish crosshairs once they were given carte blanche after their WWI victim scam. That might even be who is orchestrating this takedown of these kikes right now, since a lot of this stuff was known but not covered by the jewish media under previous iterations of power.

>> No.10364543
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fuk 4 pub bb

>> No.10364546

Yes, Jews at least know how to run a business.
With her it'll turn to shit even more and people will stop reading it. A success story for the ages.

>> No.10364552
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>my """abuser"""

>> No.10364559

>I liked it rough, but have since reframed it as "abuse" since he left me
This is what that means, right?

>> No.10364570

>He convinced me to have sex with him, what the hell!

This is all it takes lately

>> No.10364573

It's important to remember that jews are semites from the middle east. They are not civilized European people. It should therefore not be surprising that when they obtain power they abuse it like this.

>> No.10364576


Is this why the personalized rejection I got from them asked me to include my bra size in the next cover letter?

>> No.10364581

They're actually Khazars from Central-Asia.

>> No.10364582
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Threadly reminder, folks.

>> No.10364590


this makes me hard as steel

can't wait to watch it burn to the ground

if this is true, i give them five years bf the entire pr endowment is gone

>> No.10364600

>Anecdotes are fun, but don't confuse it with evidence.

Oh trust me there was fucking plenty of evidence.

>Replacing dating someone you already know and have spent time with working together with one night stands might seem like the thing to do when you're a 26 year old horny hipster Brooklynite, but it's not conducive to healthy relationships when you're over 35.

Ah yes those healthy relationships that develop when you are working together. Extra healthy when you are her boss and she doesn't know if saying no to your offer to have "a work dinner" will have repercussions on her career. Galaxy level healthy when you go around calling her a bitch in the office kitchen for telling you that she has a boyfriend already.

I'm ready to bet my money that everyone thinks you are a creep at work.

>> No.10364610
File: 465 KB, 925x696, Screenshot_2017-08-13-20-58-37-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm ready to bet my money that everyone thinks you are a creep at work.
"Who, me?!?!"

>> No.10364615

I thought that was the point of the literary lifestyle

American lit was shit even before. They were basically a bunch of plebs who wrote bad reviews of Moby Dick because they thought it was too difficult, and wanted him to go back to his travel novels.

They made Poe starve because they were mad at him for having standards and writing honest reviews.

They even disregarded The Recognitions for being too hard.

Elite WASP culture was a culture of philistines and american culture as a whole is heavily anti-intellectual.

The only respite we had was with the G.I. bill when a huge number of ambitious young man came back from france and England with bags full of modernist literature and had the social support to actually make money with their words and move forward.

Everything else was shit before and after.

>> No.10364617


kikes getting btfo

I fucking love it

>> No.10364619

Get a fucking job you bum. Your conception of work-place romances as only being between a powerful man and a subordinate woman betray the fact that you don't know what an actual office environment is like. If you gave up your trust fund and your delusions of being a writer and actually got a real office job, then you'd understand how most workplace relationships begin organically.

>> No.10364621


It's interesting to note how the masthead changed once Stein took over the magazine. Gourevitch was also Jewish, but he had a good number of WASPs just below him, including Christopher Cox, Meghan O'Rourke, and David Wallace-Wells.

The magazine was undoubtedly better then.

When Stein took over, he purged the editorial staff. Those he brought in: Rudick, Stein, Foley-Mendelssohn, Hiltner, Jacoby, Strick.

>> No.10364629
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>Rudick, Stein, Foley-Mendelssohn, Hiltner, Jacoby, Strick.

Can just picture all their nasty faces

>> No.10364630

Absolutely valid, that isn't how you deploy this fallacy checking.
>"I wonder how the pizza is here"
>"Oh I live here, there are plenty of great pizza places around here."
>"Purely anecdotal, that means nothing"
>"This town is completely drug infested"
>"What makes you say that?"
>"My cousin knows a guy that sells weed"

>> No.10364632

What a disgusting race of people, culturally and visually. Expulsion order #360 and beyond can't come soon enough.

>> No.10364633

Glad this fag is out. How about that PRH children's editor who just got canned for trying to fugg? I'm sure the Paris Review audience could use some more mature writing since Plimpton stopped editing.

>> No.10364634
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> Elite WASP culture was a culture of philistines and american culture as a whole is heavily anti-intellectual.

mmk :^)

>> No.10364638

>a know of a few instances where it happened in the one city I happen to live in, therefore the entire list is valid

>> No.10364645

Emerson? Really? The guy who went to Harvard to say people "you don't need an education you can find everything you need to know in yourself" is your proof that American culture hasn't always been deeply anti-intellectualistic?

At leas point at Ezra Pound and T.S.Eliot (who both emigrated lol)

>> No.10364646
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was grandpa ezzy right, /lit/? was he right all along?

>> No.10364648

>As someone working in my field I am aware of the problems within my field

>> No.10364650

I don't know what you are about but James Baldwin is an incredible writer and I'll fight anyone saying otherwise.

>> No.10364654

>a can prove a global trend based on individual data points in the one city I happen to live in

>> No.10364655

When is Chad Harbach out at N+1?

>> No.10364658
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He didn't even know the half of it. Our boy H.P. knew what was up

>> No.10364664
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>Emerson? Really? The guy who went to Harvard to say people "you don't need an education you can find everything you need to know in yourself" is your proof that American culture hasn't always been deeply anti-intellectualistic?

Fight me irl :^)

>> No.10364671
File: 11 KB, 286x289, HermanMelville_NewBioImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-academia = anti-intellectual

>> No.10364677


I wish you'd kept writing for another five lines. This had the potential to be a lovely copypasta.

>> No.10364680

Trascendentalism is crass protestantism for philosophy. "Who needs to read lol, you just need to think"

And in fact no one cares about Emerson outside of the US, like shit tier level philosopher if there is one.

I'm boxer so any time.

>> No.10364693
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>You need to pay 10s of thousands of dollars to recieve a piece of paper so as you can read books on your own

The Jews really did a number on you

>> No.10364696

baldwin was before stein my fag

>> No.10364699


"What do you do, anon?"

"I box and post angry things about Emerson on a Guatemalan shadow puppet forum, d-dont fawn too hard"

>> No.10364731

Spot on and everyone wonders why contemporary lit is in the state it is. Then again...
>ywn bend a smokin' hot coed desperate to be published and prove herself to daddy over your desk
Why live?

>> No.10364739

That's an argument against college tuition, not of the value of living in a community dedicated to studying philosophy or literature.

>> No.10364742

>not of the value of living in a community dedicated to studying philosophy or literature.

You're incredibly naive if you think any college on Earth resembles this description

>> No.10364750

I've studied in britain, france, germany, italy besides the US.

That's a pretty accurate description.

In new york alone there is numerous groups of grad student from columbia nyu new school that meet every night to read the classics and discuss them.

>> No.10364751

the Irish aren't even white you soy

>> No.10364760

Does anyone really wonder why jews in the past were never allowed to have power and whenever they did obtain any were immediately removed from it? I mean, jesus, haven't like 75% of these perversion/rape/molestation removals been jews? Who are what 2% of the population?

>> No.10364763


>That's an argument against college tuition, not of the value of living in a community dedicated to studying philosophy or literature.

Put down the gloves, friend. You can't afford any more hits to the head.

>> No.10364766

Sorry bud but you wasted a ton of money and time on what you could have got out of any second rate internet forum. People meeting up to LARP as intelligensia and regurgitate trite Jew friendly right-think is not what I consider reading

>> No.10364767

The whole WASP decay is pretty dumb idea. WASP has shit ton of money, but their children are completely squandering the possibilities because american anglos never valued art. The puritan in the culture makes it consider a second rate occupation since it's not useful and doesn't do money.

>> No.10364768


lol i knew someone was going to mention this

>> No.10364772

It is true, they are sick in the mind due to inbreeding. It doesn't just have physical consequences but it makes their brains neurotic and damaged.

>> No.10364773
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The truth we always knew is coming out

>> No.10364775

>WASP has shit ton of money, but their children are completely squandering the possibilities because american anglos never valued art. The puritan in the culture makes it consider a second rate occupation since it's not useful and doesn't do money.

You do realize that this is precisely the same argument made by the group that replaced WASPs, correct? It's so false, so easily defeated by countless examples of cultural advancement during the 19th and early 20th century, that I'm beginning to think that you might be a member of the group that sought their fall.

>> No.10364783
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Indeed. Their cult of a culture doesn't help either.

>> No.10364784

Dunno dude, you seem to me pretty bitter by having missed out on educational opportunities and now you are trying to convince yourself that conversing on /lit/ is the same as following lectures by someone who dedicated their life to studying Kant.

If you want to believe that suite yourself, but to anyone else it's obvious that it's nothing but wounded resentment.

>> No.10364789

Sounds like he had literally the best job ever. I would let them cut my foreskin off if I got to plow hot young chicks and then do mental gymnastics to defend publishing their tripe.

>> No.10364792

Build your strawman elsewhere, I actually have a degree from one of the top philosophy departments in Europe. I learned more on the bus listening to lecture than I ever did taking a step on campus and my classmates were none too impressive even in comparison to your average reddit poster

>> No.10364794

*who dedicated their life to CLAIMING they've been studying Kant.

>> No.10364802

How the fuck is it false? They are rich. They just spend all their money and time making start-ups and becoming wall street traders.

Who is stopping them from starting a press? A magazine. I mean if there were great WASP writers what is stopping the New Criterion or the Time Literary Supplement from talking about them? Why is Roger Scruton not talking about them? Or James Woods?

Why can John Gray be published but not them?

The answer is because they are not doing it, they have no interest in culture because WASP culture is interested only in money

>> No.10364824

I doubt anyone who has studied philosophy in europe could have such an ahistorical take on philosophy. If you had said the US sure, I would believe you. But if you get a degree from a european institution without a keen sensibility about the role of history in the philosophical discourse you were skipping class.

Why do you think that no one reads and they only brag about reading?

>> No.10364833

Oh great, start with the Greeks. Cheers academia

>> No.10364840

> Who is stopping them from starting a press?
They started nearly all of them, moron. The issue is they were taken over by kikes who use them as their personal harems from which to publish culturally destructive trash.

>> No.10364886

god, what a fat prick, and bald to boot

>> No.10364921

How is it consensual when this guy is a literal gatekeeper? The dude obviously used his power as leverage to get pussy. These women slept with him because they thought it would be an exchange. And chode-brain that he is, decided not to correct them. If you think there's nothing ethically wrong with that then maybe get your shit checked.

>> No.10364931

He runs a literary journal he's not fucking Emperor Caligula. There was an exchange which literally makes every one of those girls whores but they'll cry rape because they don't want to admit it. Same thing happened with Weinstein

>> No.10364932

it's "toe the line" you dumbass

>> No.10364938

You are still not telling me why the WASP elite is not producing great books. They have the money, they have the people, they have the access: so what's up?

>> No.10364941

Take the jew apologist shit elsewhere m8.

>> No.10364943

was his wife's (who he met while she was working for him) last name also stein or did she change it when they got married

>> No.10364946

Getting published in the Paris Review is literally enough to get your manuscript on any agent's table you want.
And any agent means any publisher.

>> No.10364947

I'm not Jew apologizing I'm whore shaming. He's a degenerate ratfaced pimp and they're whores. Both need to be gassed

>> No.10364951

Dude no offense but we're not really talking about office environments. This entire thread is about 1 very powerful boss-man and a lot of young female staffers.

>> No.10364952

look at every picture of this dude, he has freaky dead rapist eyes like charles manson

>> No.10364954

These are all suppositions. We don't know whether a quid pro quo was implied, or that he that just fucked the women he happened to be around. And even so, a woman using her body to get published, then turning around and charging the guy with harassment after she's already benefited from her relationship with him is itself ethically questionable.

>> No.10364956

So what? If they can say no, they can say no
Fucking whores always have a sob story

>> No.10364960

the "championing" women thing is just a line made up, that site that tracks how many women get published said only 35% of the paris review bylines were by women and you can look at the masthead for yourself

>> No.10364967

They don't have that kind of control or institutional power anymore. Their institutions and cultural influence was taken over in the postwar era by jews who stacked them with other jews and attacked the WASP elite as racists and nazis if they complained or spoke openly about, so they mostly bowed out. This cultural coup has been ongoing for several decades and has taken place in every major arena, from Hollywood to the media to publishing to politics and so on.

>> No.10364979
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>No guy could get an internship at the Paris Review because it was the dating pool for this dickwad.

I vividly remember reading this article on the paris review a while back and being really creeped out for some reason. It really was obvious something was up with their hiring practices.


picture is the interns

>> No.10364984

Has anyone actually been reading the accounts of these jews who have been getting put through the grinder? Not many "he aggressively tried to rape me's" and a lot of "he cornered me then asked if he could jack off in front of me's".

>> No.10364986

what a hero. must've been the dream /lit/ life

>> No.10364992

What a kike who needs to be swiftly exported to Israel.

>> No.10364994

That's a lie, plenty of conservatives get published every day.

Hilton Kramer, John Gray, Scruton, that's without going into the big big business of conservative publishing. Why aren't conservative WASPS not investing in WASP novelists and poets?

You want desperately to think that there is a conspiracy. But the reason why there are no WASPS in literature is because it makes no money. There is so many of them when it comes to sell shitty self-help books and terrible political commentary.

Again what is stopping them from poetry and novels, besides their being philistines.

>> No.10364995

It's not even that. Now it's "he asked me out on a date" and "he rubbed by back for too long when we hugged"

>> No.10364996

it definitely sounds like he was trading favors, but look at what actually got published- only a few are by younger women, a few from established women writers, and then over half are still by men

not that paris review hasn't been the most prevalent sign of the rot of modern lit though

>> No.10365000

>whore shaming
>a woman using her body to get published is ethically questionable
I don't think these are problems in the same league as Stein and his fucked up woman vetting practices. It's pretty clear from other anons in this thread that he filtered insecure, aspiring young females to his office so he could prey on their hopes and dreams while getting in their pants. Saying "But the women are equally culpable" is putting your head in the sand.

>> No.10365008

You're right and I'll let them cry rape in the press if it weeds the rats out

>> No.10365011

Lol, jew, please. Your kosher conservativism is no less judaized. And there's no conspiracy, there's just reality. Stop spreading these jewish lies on here, nobody buys it anymore.

>> No.10365013

roxane couldn't maintain interest in running her toast spin off for more than a year, she's not going to take over anything
a funny thing about her is that before she found her niche as every dull white girl's favorite internet essayist she was involved w/ the very unwoke alt lit internet scene

>> No.10365025

Fucking rekt

>> No.10365028

the new york mag/vulture book editor lost his job a few years ago for sexual harassment (101-literally saying to girls sleep with me and I'll help your career), wonder when they'll replace him especially because all of his writing sucks

>> No.10365034

So people who are heavily concerned with the canon and art for art's sake are now kosher conservatism?

You are a philistine who has no interest in art or culture. Your "muh western culture" is just a ficus leaf behind to hide your racism.

Ps. I'm catholic

>> No.10365039

>art for art's sake

Literally pure Judaism. Art is for the sake of the Holy Spirit

>> No.10365043

Happening already but for plagiarism:


alt-lit crew is not woke but they were at least all leftists in the chapo trap house way.

>> No.10365046


friend, it's painfully obvious that you're of the tribe. why not come clean? why not simply accept your name?

there is and never was a "conspiracy," a cabal of puppet masters behind closed doors. the WASPs were overthrown by a nepotistic culture that obliged themselves to the ruling elite, made themselves valuable, then quietly edged them out. it's an old story. sadly for them, it seems to be following a similar narrative they experienced in earlier nations. it never ends well. shame.

>> No.10365048

>I'm catholic
So you worship a kike. No surprise then that you are defending the jews who forced your ancestors to worship them many centuries ago. Pathetic.

>> No.10365058

I'll let John Ruskin and Walter Pater know you hopeless philistine.

>> No.10365068


> Ps. I'm catholic

ah, well. now we know why our clubs were restricted

>> No.10365074

yeah, but also half of them were rapists- my fav being the one dude who decided to congress that he had raped girls and then expected everyone to feel sorry for him and pat him on the back for being so brave
point is people can't even remember back to 2009

>> No.10365079

Do not insult my lord and savior you little bitch

>> No.10365081

Excuses excuses excuses, just pull yourself up from your bootstraps or admit the truth that wasp culture is a barbaric philistine culture incapable of producing anything of value anymore because it worships only industry and money.

>> No.10365084

6/10 will get some of the amateurs

>> No.10365091
File: 6 KB, 554x131, plage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, this guy from that article

>> No.10365093

Yeah I was thinking about that the other day. And I came to the conclusion that the arts really reward a type of people that of the shameless taker. These people, towelin included, were all shameless self-promoters, who would invite themselves to parties and just expect everything to be owed to them. Never stopping to repeat mine and me and fooling people into believing it.

>> No.10365095

I admit my imagination may be getting the best of me here, but considering the number of kikes getting nailed for their sick behavior, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of old WASP revenge taking place behind the scenes. None of this stuff is really new, it was just being covered up by the jewish establishment prior to Trump and this political shift. We're seeing a lot of second-tier jewish gatekeepers being taken out pretty systematically it seems. But it may just be a coehencidence. Who knows...

>> No.10365103
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>i have nothing to say but this guy rubs me the wrong way so i will imply his post is b8 to signal my deep jadedness and nuance
>pic strongly related

>> No.10365109


He's an Gaelic-Kraut mobster from Jew York

>> No.10365123

There's no sense in whites being divided on these jew-created lines anymore, it's existential now. You want to LARP as a jew-catholic or a jew-protestant or a jew-commie? Who cares? It doesn't matter anymore. This battle is whites vs jews. If you're white and still stuck on one of these petty jew ideologies instead of pro-whiteism, you're a traitor. Whites better be whites first and acknowledge that we have one enemy here.

>> No.10365130

not the sephardic ones

>> No.10365140

can you stop yourself?
>>>/pol/ is thatway, it's a containment board for ppl like you
>inb4 any reply
i'm a white anglo-saxon ascended who didn't vote and reads 5000 pages per day

>> No.10365146

This is half true. The corruption of its aspirations that you speak of started with the grandfathers of today's WASP twenty-somethings.

You omit a crucial aspect thought. The doctrinal corruption of the Episcopalian Church and Anglican Communion as a whole. It welcomes Bishops who declare themselves 'Christian Atheists' or agnostic with regards to metaphysics and the nature of god and their language isn't particularly religious, philosophical, or sophisticated in any way. You have a recent Archbishop of Canterbury who in 2008 declared that Sharia Law is not an unreasonable future for the expansion of British Law.

What I'm getting at isn't a mere 'liberalisation' of WASPs. Although conservative in the past, they've always been well balanced and erred on the side of caution (most made openly supported a Democrat legislature and Republican executive just to make them keep an eye on one another). They've become less religious, not merely by the standard of their own doctrinal orthodoxy, but in speech and aspirations. They've lost the value of sanctity. Yes, this translates to aspirations shifting to industry and money, but also, a cultural confusion. Look at their kids. At best, they're either overly, yet poorly educated Brooklyn hipsters writing for Jezebel, or risk analysts for Wall Street.

>> No.10365154


no, it's pure self-destruction. this is ingrained in their culture. generally speaking, they tend to perceive life through a critical lens. this works to their benefit when seeking power, as it's most often used to chip away at the established order within which they exist. yet after they usurp that order, it seems impossible for them to drop the tools of their conquest. soon the tools are taken up by the degenerated culture they've won, and the tools are used against them.

it seems we see this at work today.

>> No.10365160

No one here is going to be impressed by your Harry Potter reading habits when your head is this far in the clouds on current events. There's a jewish problem, that's just the way it is and pol has nothing to do with it. If you are white you should start trying to catch up to the rest of us.

>> No.10365173

Ive been reading you for hundreds of posts and you haven't even mentioned a single author. Are you sure you even like to read books?

>> No.10365191

Huh? Stick to the wizards and griffindors and that stuff until you're out of high school, I understand that's what interests you at this point in your life. One day you're going to have to grow up though and learn about topics that pertain to the real world and are uncomfortable, like the jewish problem.

>> No.10365202
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>"do you even read books?"
>"it doesnt matter because you read HARRY POTTER"
is this how autism speaks?

>> No.10365207

If I told you that I liked Proust you would roll your eyes and scream "There you go, being brainwashed by the jews!"

>> No.10365214

projecting this hard, honestly you should just leave the board because it's clear HP is the only book in your head

>> No.10365220

You tried to brag about your Harry Potter super reading powers and were made fun of, and this is a thread about jewish perverts. If you don't have anything to add about that move on please.

>> No.10365225

>obvious newfag doesn't understand the memes of the board he's invading
again, click on this red link to G O B A C K

>> No.10365228

Thats legitimately true though

>> No.10365233

You realize we can all recognize you at this point, right? You're Jewish Question Guy. You've become a meme for us, like the guy who tried to get his manuscript into an agency by posing as a pizza delivery guy. I hope for your sake you're playing a role and portraying a character, because you've become a figure of fun and nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.10365270
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>tfw never will be famous enough to have skanks make empty accusations

>> No.10365275

How can I go back there when I've never even posted there?

Should I be shaking in my boots about a jewish weeb like yourself saying he recognizes me? Please.

>> No.10365382


>> No.10365407

I don't know. I want to believe there is something else here, but jews are indeed not fit to rule. They've never held onto power long because they were not bred to be upstanding or leaders generally, but paranoid, ultra clannish, savage murderers who can blend in with a host and steal and pillage from the inside. Those are not qualities that beget good leadership, so we get the oft repeated historical routine where the host eventually realizes what they're doing and kicks them out. As someone who has been aware of the jewish problem for years now, I didn't think it would come crashing down on them this soon, but things have really escalated fast.

>> No.10365445

This isn't even the beginning, they've just been comfortable and unchallenged for so long they've gotten sloppy.
The Jews will lick their wounds and double down on their cunning tricks. When people turn on them they will turn with all the fire and vengeance the horrors of Earth can muster

>> No.10365465

>wives of dentists

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.10365470

A married dentist fucked his mom I guess.

>> No.10365481

Not sure of your reasoning here but this seems unlikely. Jews have only recently in the postwar period acquired power in the west. Even when they took over Russia last century they were purged within a couple decades. They're con artists, not rulers. The only way I see them holding on in the long-term is if they are able to censor the Internet or make a fast move to use their imported diversity pets to kill whites off en masse, but I don't see the latter happening anytime soon since they're already starting to get major pushback after jumping the gun. Either way, it's going to be a very different world when the boomers pass.

>> No.10365575

juicy thread until it derailed 30 posts ago

>> No.10365661

>the chapo trap house
into the local sanitation site it goes

>> No.10365739

big if true


>> No.10365750

Our (((fellow))) whites.

>> No.10365787

I'll publish your story anon ;)

>> No.10365808

>desert mindset
Spiritual desert is what you should be getting at.

>> No.10365815

My father works at Nintendo

>> No.10365816

My dentist s office only has years old high brow fashion and classic auto mags

>> No.10365865

oh my god lol where did you find this clip

almost as good as the one with the black hebrew israelites

>> No.10366001

Jesus christ man

>> No.10366028

blame the pollsters

>> No.10366091


>> No.10366111

But didn't you know, Schizophrenia is the natural state of being and the closest thing to enlightenment!

t.The Deleuze thread

>> No.10366141
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So how often do you think women sleep with editors at other magazines, in exchange for publication?

>> No.10366153

8/10 of the ones that are above 6/10 or 16/30

>> No.10366269

God willing my man. I just fear they're too powerful to just fade away without a true war coming to pass

>> No.10366346

That’s why we genuinely need feminism and men away from powerful positions, the male predatory drive to get their dicks wet ruins culture and authority

>> No.10366608

probably not very often, its more a thing of interns being preyed on and they don't get anything but a line on their resume and an invite to some lame lit parties

>> No.10366947
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Jews rape and demand the empowerment of women.

Jews divide and conquer.

Jews are everywhere I disagree with.

Jews Jews Jews.

It's almost like you've implanted a narrative into your head with very little personal or critical or contradictory thought allowed in, because any contradiction is from Jews. It's almost like you're buying into an isolating mindset which feeds off this isolation, the more remote you become, the more things disagree with you, the more things are Jewish, the more remote you become.

Is any of your speculation based off of genetic research, or a survey-style literary/historical review?

Can you cite sources that aren't .jpegs or capitalizations on ignorance and anger? Why are you so angry?

What does an ideal society look like to you? What did you eat this morning? Do you personally know any Jews? What is your ideal race?

>> No.10367303

What? No. We need women out of the workplace and back where they belong.

>> No.10367343

is the paris review still funded by the CIA or nah

>> No.10367350

t. Mahmoud

>> No.10367351

That shit ended with the cold war. Its all about Mass Media now

>> No.10367375

it's an op to make american literature as boring and disconnected and unappealing from the average person as possible
that's one of the reasons the lit scene is 80% wealthy dilettantes top to bottom

>> No.10367416

>taking the bait this hard

>> No.10367422

Everything you're saying is absolutely true AND Jews are an existential threat to Western Civilization
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not really out to get you

>> No.10367471

People who don't yet understand the jewish problem will explain away this guy's behavior as irresponsible and him having done a disservice to literature, but those of us who have been studying jews for years understand that this is an imperative and a common theme of jewish behavior. They don't implode our cultural institutions out of incompetence, they do it purposely.

Jewish culture has instilled among its flock a deep hatred of non-jews, so when they gain control of institutions of the cattle they view as their enemy they have no interest in using it as a way to better society of uphold the cultural values of that society, but to abuse goyim women and turn it into a freak show that contributes to the social decay they actively try to bring about.

And this is why western society is in decay across the board: in almost all institutions of influence there are these jews behaving in this way and essentially engaging in subterfuge and sabotage. This is but one example of the many those of us warning about jews have been telling other whites about to draw attention to the fact that jews have an intense hatred of us and are the main source behind the downfall we are currently undergoing. It's why they have to be taken out and removed.

>> No.10367598

The average person is an idiot tho, their idea of good lit is ready player one.

>> No.10367622

yeah, but back 50 years ago there were a ton of serious writers and poets who were household names, the way the lit community has worked for the last few decades has alienated the average person into thinking they wouldn't even have a chance to understand "highbrow" work or enjoy reading while promoting the same type of person who writes the same dull shit

>> No.10367687

50 years ago a liberal education was part of the formation of the upper classes and a way of expressing status. So the middle classes would labor to be able to converse with their bosses and advance their careers.

Now the upper classes are ignorant and contemptuous of literature. They study accounting and they do mbas. When you go to an interview you have better chances to get the job if you can comment on the latest pop-sci book and ted talk not if you read Balzac. Because your average entrepreneur thinks that literature is a waste of time.

There is a good book that just came out, Paraliteray - the making of bad readers in postwar America, by Emre, that studies how readership switched from the classic to best sellers and genre literature.

>> No.10367698

for those of you who didn't bothered to read the nyt article, he wasn't just hitting on interns and writers he should have maintained a professional relationship with, there's also a woman that was in a group having dinner with him and he slid his hand up her skirt and "touched her underwear" and she quickly got up and moved away from him
if he's pulling shit like that in public in a group imagine what he's been doing to women when no one's around

>> No.10367705

sounds good, going to check it out

>> No.10367708

>And this is why western society is in decay across the board: in almost all institutions of influence there are these jews behaving in this way and essentially engaging in subterfuge and sabotage.

yeah and the Soviet Union failed because of saboteurs and counter-revolutionary elements right

you have to understand that culpability is shared by both supply and demand. it isn't solely the fault of evil scheming jewnose.jpgs that white kids are growing up going to rap concerts and watching porn - that stuff is popular because that's what most people want.
people are not just passive receptacles of whatever's being produced by those on high - they are not "cattle" much though that kind of misanthropic metaphor might comfort an alienated autist. our cultural and media institutions are in constant panic mode trying to guess where the public taste is going. those who are not responsive enough do not survive.

e.g. the main reason that >95% of the new media companies that have popped up in the past few years are so left-wing is bc that's what the focus groups told the investors who formed these companies that young people are like

>> No.10367734

Exactly. The public is also in constant panic mode in their consumption. You need to co dune what everyone else consumes or you get cut out from social situations (losing networking opportunities). But you also need to be left field enough to be interesting. You need to research and be ahead of the curve on what is going to be popular tomorrow to be cool (I.e have social capital). But also you want to find in entertainment the satisfaction that your life doesn’t currently offer you.

Truth and beauty are the last of the concerns for both consumers and producers today because they don’t sell. And everyone instead is preoccupied with producing images and brands that sell.

>> No.10367747

> that stuff is popular because that's what most people want
Simply not true, that is a manufactured demand, not some inherent force that just magically appears.

You blame the phantom menace of capitalism idiots are living in fantasy land, thinking that there is some unstoppable force with its own interests outside of the human ones that control it. It makes no sense and is absurd. You are not thinking rationally.

>> No.10367773

Not that anon, but it is true. How would you explain the crisis of mtv from taste maker to what it is now

>> No.10367792

It's not true and it doesn't make any sense anyway. The argument is that even though there is this hostile alien tribe running our institutions promoting degeneracy to children and plebs, these jews are not the problem and it's ultimately not their fault because the people want that degeneracy. That is a cheap and unfalsifiable conclusion used to not only exonerate the jewish culprits but to portray them as normal and even noble instead being at very root of the problem. Jews are the problem.

>> No.10367807

Look it’s not hard to understand why people like boobs, and don’t like to take effort to study the classics and think about complex problems. You don’t need the Jews. People want to fuck eat and play. They don’t care and never did care about anything else. The problem is that there is also a rat race for status and resources where the highbrow has to waste time on the lowbrow sell enough to feed their families.

>> No.10367874

Plenty of people are repulsed by the commoditization and open display of those things, hedonism has been historically looked down on, and you're speaking as a person who is living at the jewish Weimarian end of its forced normalcy, culturally and legally, over 50+ years of sex being promoted to kids by jews. The issue is why you are pretending it is some inevitable force of nature produced by some abstract entity with its supposed own interests instead of placing the blame on the foreign group with known bad intentions responsible for making it pervasive.

>> No.10367973

Commodification is the key word there. What they despise is the use of sex to advance in the rat race for resources and status.

They are scared they are not being competitive (eg. young girls being chosen over better writers), they are scared they are going to be have to sell themselves, they are scared they are going to lose their loved ones to richer people.

The problem is the transformation of every human activity in a desperate search for profit. Everything stops having value, and the only question is “how much money is going to make me?”

>> No.10367988
File: 11 KB, 447x378, 158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all these recent allegations and witch hunts have only made you want to be a good old boy
>tfw you realize this dynamic is perennial human nature and will never change and women coquettishly participate in it as much as men do
>tfw one day you will be a 95 year old searle making bawdy jokes to interns and only getting slapped on the wrist for it 23 years later

>> No.10368030

That is the type of society jews wish and have tried to bring about. But that's abnormal to the European ethos, based on morality and fairness, which is why we express natural distaste and anger when we find out it is occurring within our institutions and society. The bridge that must be crossed here though is accepting that its pervasiveness is due to there being a tribe of hostile aliens in our elite positions who have no respect for our cultural norms or values.

>> No.10368074

Lol no I’m pretty sure that this is the society the bourgeoisie and conservatives brought about and now they are trying to pin the blame on others

>> No.10368083

Already crafting your scapegoat narrative for the upcoming expulsion?

>> No.10368102

>you realize this dynamic is perennial human nature and will never change and women coquettishly participate in it as much as men do
this desu

>> No.10368112

Is this a ploy to see pics of my uncircumcised dick?

>> No.10368146

Paris Review doesn't even deal in highbrow lit anymore. They pander to the worst kind of safe, Franzen-esque cosmopolitan middlebrow MFAcore

>> No.10368227

yeah, Lorin Stein was literally Franzen's editor for at least one of his last books
the whole magazine since he's been in charge has been safe or what pathetic nerds thing of as "pushing the envelope"- writing about "weird" sex in a clinical way and trying to bring back mad men era by literally cosplaying it with the outfits, smoking indoors, and pushing drunkenness as the standard way to be worldly

>> No.10368251

>I'm totally oblivious to the current cognoscenti-wide Baldwin dicksuck
Welcome to the 2010s lads, time to get with it

>> No.10368304

There isn’t even a lot of weird sex. It’s about middle class realism and family drama. Every time you talk about modern lit as some sort of sodoma it shows how out of touch you are. Most of literature is now made of nerds who read ya or realism. They are not cool, they don’t do drugs, they are the good middle class kids who never went to parties and never did drugs.

I mean most of my friends in New York are fashion people, musicians and strippers because most writers are incredibly lame, narcs, scolds, and ugly.

>> No.10369087


>> No.10369388
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Quiet now.

>> No.10369612

another fun detail coming out about the internships at the paris review is that it was a requirement that the interns be ivy league grads and that the whole thing was unpaid
and the only ivy league people wasn't even a secret or unspoken rule
"1 time Lorin Stein came to the Summer Publishing Institute at NYU in 2014 n i was so excited i showed up early n sat in the front row n asked what it took to be an intern there n he said an ivy league education for a full-time UNPAID internship"

>> No.10369630

"let's note that Paris Review only started paying their interns very recently. When I briefly interned there in 2011, the internship was full time 5 days a week, unpaid, no kind of stipend for anything whatsoever. "

and this is a problem with almost all lit mags and organizations, really disgusting how nakedly elitist the standard is

>> No.10370165

>and this is a problem with almost all lit mags and organizations, really disgusting how nakedly elitist the standard is

gotta be a trust fund baby to work for free

>> No.10370904

Just in here to brag that once I got a handwritten note from Lorin saying “not bad submit again”

>> No.10370940

>the whole poor state of literature is due to a few powerful jews trying to get laid
This is terrible. How come there arent any writers in their thirties calling these retarded pseuds out like Gaddis did once upon a time?

>> No.10371069


they're all terrified of being blacklisted from the lit-industrial complex

speak out and watch how quickly patronage from the university system dries up. no lecturing gigs, no promise of a sweet, sweet MFA professorship

we're living in the neoliberal mirror of the late soviet union. contemporary lit polices itself. it's set up to support an ideological line. deviate and you get sent to the blacklist gulag.

we haven't yet seen our solzhenitsyn. predict one will come soon, though.

>> No.10371409

unless it's a poet, it seems like there's basically only one person who the first woman mentioned in the article could be

>> No.10371417

List of prominent white & Jewish fired for sexual assault so far:


Jewish Men (~1.5% of the US population)

Harvey Weinstein
Michael Oreskes
Brett Ratner
Bob Weinstein
James Toback
Mark Halperin
Andrew Kramer
Elie Wiesel
Leon Wieseltier
Jeremy Piven
Bryan Singer
Jeffrey Tambor
Murray Miller
Louis C.K.
Richard Dreyfuss
Dustin Hoffman
Andrew Kreisberg
Steven Seagal
Jann Wenner
Matt Zimmerman
Al Franken
Stephen Bittel
Alex Gilady
Matt Lauer
Glenn Thrush
Israel Horovitz
Matthew Weiner
Adam Venit
Mark Schwahn
Lorin Stein


White Males (~31% of the US population)

Kevin Spacey
Ben Affleck
Roy Price
Andy Signore
Matt Mondanile
Lockhart Steele
Twiggy Ramirez
Tyler Grasham
Claudio Paolo Palmieri
Chris Savino
Robert Scoble
Hamilton Fish
Andy Dick
George H.W. Bush
John Besh
Hadrian Belove
Gary Goddard
Andy Henry
Robert Knepper
Tom Sizemore
Stephen Blackwell
Giuseppe Castellano
Knight Landesman
Kirt Webster
Roy Moore
Jeff Hoover
John Lasseter
Justin Huff


>> No.10371573


>> No.10371597

The state of literature is that there is no money in it. The last of it was running out and people were hoping in the early 2000s to still be able to live off writing, maybe with the help of new york fame or the internet. It didn't work. And now no one reads.

What is the last literary book that was widely read? The corrections. After that the normies stopped reading literary fiction and turned to fantasy and sci-fi and ya.

>> No.10371600

Louis CK is Hungarian Mexican and Irish

>> No.10371659

> we're living in the neoliberal mirror of the late soviet union

And guess who set up and was in control of that system as well?


Institutions and models of social organization are reflections of the people in charge. Jews are a totalitarian tribe from the middle east who enact totalitarian systems where you either believe or you're the enemy, evil or immoral: Christianity, communism, and now neoliberalism. These were jewish systems with the same fundamental principles that have been forced on us by jews, and where the jew at the center cannot be questioned.

>> No.10371661

Louis CK is a jew.

>> No.10371664


But you're right its grasping to call him a Jew when he's even estranged with his father

>> No.10371676

This is why we're here and don't have jobs. Employers don't want competition in their workplaces

>> No.10371679

it's a little less dire than that but yeah, most books that sell are genre/YA with a few writers able to maintain relevancy and almost none able to make a living off of just writing, as everyone knows

from the last 7 years going by the top 20 books on goodreads:
2010: room
no lit from 2011 wow
2012: gone girl, the martian, man called ove, where'd you go bernadette
2013: the goldfinch, life after life, americanah
2014: all the light we can not see, station 11, the invention of writing, everything I never told you
2015: go set a watchman, a little life, the nightingale, the invention of wings
2016: the underground railroad, the girls, the nest, commonwealth, all the wonderful things
2017: little fires everywhere, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Lincoln in the bardo,

going by this, the only thing maintaining non-thriller/romance/ya/sci fi literature is bookclubs and things have gotten a little better in the last few years

>> No.10371721

Jewishness is genetic. He's a jew.

>> No.10371966

How long until /pol/ embraces counter-semitism?

Seriously guys, what's it going to take?

>> No.10373128

White men need to get their pogram on.

>> No.10373714

What do you mean? Does it not?

>> No.10373783

Being against that behavior is correct, yes, the problem is in being against only one of the parts.
Criticize the guy as someone without integrity, but criticize the sluts that slept with him too. They weren't coerced or drugged or anything like that.

>> No.10374634

Women shouldn't be allowed in the workplace to begin with, and shit like this will continue to happen until they stop trying to act like men and return to their normal and historic duties as women.

>> No.10375075

I'd give them a couple years. Obviously if they were to actually read, they'd probably be aware of the problem sooner, but I digress. We do not live in a perfect world.

>> No.10375882

Counter semitism is an obligation.

>> No.10375964

Here someone who desires to be cucked. Working all day, not fucking at night cause too tired, leaving the wives unguarded for leisurely rich and teenage boys to take.

>> No.10377186

Bump. So who's next?

>> No.10378139

Oh my

>> No.10378168

imagine when conservatives realize that their fantasy 'Jews' are actually just the structure of good old conservatism...I mean this guy is pretty close, he's even learned the word nepotism. I imagine a major mental breakdown

>> No.10378187

Imagine when you realize that the fantasy "Jews" aren't real but most of the substance of virulent anti-semitism is still correct because Jews are the biggest systematic nepotists and chauvinists on the planet.

>> No.10378211
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>wives of dentists

>> No.10378266

I want it but I'd be afraid it'd suddenly snap on my dick

>> No.10378881
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>> No.10378936

men love to make women feel good, nothing wrong with this. OFC, men who cannot pull this off are jealous

>> No.10378954

The story here isn't about "men" generally, but the "jews" serving undeservedly as our institutional gatekeepers.

>> No.10378995

>conflating conservatism with anti-semitism

There have been more than a few anti-semites on the left.