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File: 874 KB, 998x798, existentialists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10359680 No.10359680 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the best existentialist?

>> No.10359690

Existentialism is a weak philosophy overall and also outdated.

It is based upon the notion of a man as a radically free tabula rasa, when, in fact, each human is thoroughly shaped by psychological, genetic, cultural, economic factors.

>> No.10359692

None. As our Lord and Savior Valerie Solanas said, it's just another problem that comes with having a dick, another thing that makes men inferior beings. Women don't have to worry about the meaning of life because they know the meaning of life is to love.

>> No.10359695

Well considering everyone just copied Kierk

>> No.10359697

>It is based upon the notion of a man as a radically free tabula rasa, when, in fact, each human is thoroughly shaped by psychological, genetic, cultural, economic factors.
this sounds exactly like what Nietzsche spent his life arguing

>> No.10359704

Samuel Beckett. Without being labeled an existentialist, he described pinpointed the existential condition in the best way conceivable through his plays, poetry and extremely quotable prose.

>> No.10359713

this is what heidegger says

>> No.10359720

>neutral evil
nice, spot-on

>> No.10359761

Nietzsche is the greatest existfag becauseis the one who explains the meaning of life more than the other.

>> No.10359774

>t. weak beta male

>> No.10359786

Kierkegaard of course

>> No.10359815

Best: Kierk
Worst: Nietzsche

>> No.10359823

How is Heidegger evil?

>> No.10359827

kierk was a cristian thinker, nogame with nietzsche.

>> No.10359831

black diary

>> No.10359837

>fucked over his jewish fuckbuddy
>fucked over his jewish mentor
>destroyed over 1,000 years of western thought

>> No.10359842

Is that so? I was under a different impression. See >>10358932

>true neutral
Swap Heidegger and Satan

>> No.10359856

>fucked over his jewish fuckbuddy
>fucked over his jewish mentor
So he was a lawful good, according to this. A true paladin, slaying that demon pussy and demons themselves.
>destroyed over 1,000 years of western thought
Now, I already knew where his chaotic part came from.

>> No.10359859

it is based on the notion that a man still can freely choose DESPITE being "shaped by psychological, genetic, cultural, economic factors"

das rite

>> No.10359870


>> No.10359876


>> No.10359887 [DELETED] 

Why is Nabokov Chaotic Evil? I've read most of his novels. And I don't understand why he would be Chaotic Evil. What is Chaotic Evil?

>> No.10359902
File: 21 KB, 254x199, EECE1E1F-D5FF-433D-87F8-7C955FEDEE6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off this board, it’s very clear why nazis are wrong

>> No.10359907

tell my why, if it is so clear.

>> No.10359911

I agree with Carl Schmitt, it is Kierkegaard.

>> No.10359912

> hitler was a brainlet
> he killed innocent people and let much of Europe in ruin
> he invaded Poland for no good reason

>> No.10359918



>> No.10359921

no, the problem is the delusion that they can transcend it, while claiming no transcendence as well...basically authenticity is a big meme

>> No.10359922

maybe compared to your own august intellect.

> he killed innocent people
neither good nor bad.
>let much of Europe in ruin
see above.
> he invaded Poland for no good reason
see above

>> No.10359924

I just finished Fear and Trembling and really want more Kierkegaard now. What should I read next? Sickness Unto Death seems to be the most notable, but is it the best?

>> No.10359933

>it’s very clear why nazis are wrong
No, it's not.
The Nazis killed people en masse just like every other ideological position in the 20th century (and in every other century by the way).
You are allowing the modern societal shibboleth of "the Nazis as absolute and objective evil" to form your view of morality. You need to step outside of yourself and look at the events of history as an unbiased observer.

>> No.10359935

go back to /pol/

>> No.10359939

you can't even reply to the right post, and tell me how killing innocents methodically in camps and attacking a country that was not challenging you not bad? also mien kampf is literally a prison rant, but retards like you think its a manifesto

>> No.10359940
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I'm a Socialist, you Liberal shitstain.

>> No.10359949


Read Two Ages. His most prophetic text.

>> No.10359953
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>acts of evil are justified if others do them too

>> No.10359959 [SPOILER] 
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Lawful has its own problems. The order fetishism may strain normal ways of life of its joy simply by being too harsh. However, this is hardly Heidegger's problem or flaw, but it is one of protestants (before secularization) and that of Germany, Prussia...
Jews, however, are evil. There is no doubt about that. Example: they see fun.

>> No.10359961

just because other people committed atrocities doesn't mean that everyone is excused, nazis are just the one who did it in such an organized manner

>> No.10359975


To expound a bit on this, >>10359949 Kierkegaard pretty much predicted the current state of modernity. His diagnosis of the present age in Two Ages is uncanny in its precision today, despite being written about the 1840's. Much of Two Ages was more or less plagiarized by Heidegger, at some points you could make the case that Heidegger (in Being and Time) actually took entire sentences of Kierkegaard's and swapped a couple of words for synonyms.

>> No.10359977

Yes. Self-defense, for example, is violence justified by the violence of others. Of course, with Nazis this point means that they can't be relatively more evil than the others, simply because they killed people systematically.

Here's a short example of Jewish capitalism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM0uvgHKZe8
Trotsky is an example of Jewish communism, and modern Israel is example of Jewish nazism.

>> No.10359982

What is "Evil"? If everyone is doing "evil" things, is it really evil? Or, are you just using the word "Evil" as a pejorative to indicate and justify violence against a socially agreed upon "Other".

>> No.10359987

I guess we could always start this dialog with me murdering you, and then try to sort it out from there.

>> No.10359989

Not if I pre-emptively murder you!

>> No.10359990
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L Ron Hubbard

>> No.10359996

>Le I'm so above le masses maaaan
Fuck off you posturing pseud.

>> No.10359997

you thinking jews are evil is the same as blacks thinking whites are evil
you both think somehow these people are magically in control and you ignore the act that the people who belong to the same group never receive any special treatment from anyone
you're entire argument is just "jews are evil dude" but the blacks can say" whites are evil" and have the same fucking reasoning

>> No.10360035

>you thinking jews are evil is the same as blacks thinking whites are evil
Did I say that blacks are wrong? (Most slave traders were actually jewish, as Christians thought of the practice as immoral).
>you both think somehow these people are magically in control
No. Bobby Kotick is not magically in control, he is in control of Activision-Blizzard. His desire is to remove fun from making video games and to maximize profits. Two very jewish things. He said it himself. Trotsky wasn't magically in power either, and neither is Madeleine Albright magically rewarded.
>and you ignore the [f]act that the people who belong to the same group never receive any special treatment from anyone
Now you're just lying to yourself. Just go to /pol/ and ask for redpill on jewish nepotism. Yet you are too scared to find out yourself.

>> No.10360043

The masses are egalitarian. Stop trying to pull everything down to their level.

>> No.10360048

But every ideological position, that has had hegemony over a governmental system or large area of land, has willfully committed atrocities.
So-in that scenario-because I challenged your subjective conception of "Evil", you would justify violence against me.
How is advocating for an unbiased amoral view of history elitist?

>> No.10360067

You assumed that the other poster thinks that the Nazis are evil not because he arrived at that conclusion himself but because he got brainwashed by the current cultural zeitgeist. It's a pretty retarded thing to do and it makes you look like a posturing pseud.
>inb4 evil don't real
Fuck off.

>> No.10360070

because one faggot want to ruin fun for your call of duty doesn't mean it is a trait in all jews.
tell me, do you think jews get random deposits of cash in the bank for being Jewish? Or maybe they somehow receive insider info? Or get away for white collar crime?
because none of that shit actually happens
>and you should already know most of /pol/ sources are extremely bad
even if somehow jews became demons from hell, him attacking poland even though Britain told him not to was a dick move

>> No.10360073

Unironically go back to /pol/
Genocide is not an act of self defense

If you had to make a list of evil acts it's fair to say genocide would be on that list

>> No.10360085

Morality is just that set of the majority's norms which are imposed on the whole of a society by force at a given time.
But, Please, prove that objective evil exists and that the Nazis were the most evil force in human history because they committed one of the smaller genocides in human history.

You only hold that view because of a common narrative that happened to be popular during the early part of your life.

>> No.10360090

Also, You're arguing against more than one person in your post.

>> No.10360091

>tip tip tip
Read some philosophy, retard.

>> No.10360092

>You assumed that the other poster thinks that the Nazis are evil not because he arrived at that conclusion himself
Yes, and?
>It's a pretty retarded thing to do and it makes you look like a posturing pseud.
Shaming is useless. Go back to r/literature.

>because one faggot want to ruin fun for your call of duty doesn't mean it is a trait in all jews.
It is, for obvious reasons, a stereotype of jews. Hollywood is nothing but this act on functional models. "Efficiency in art." - what bollocks.

>Genocide is not an act of self defense
Stop being so damn emotional and reread my post.
Shut down holocaust.exe, your brainwashing program.

>> No.10360099

Genocide is also something that every single ideological system, that has had hegemony over a government or any large area of land, has willfully committed.

>> No.10360102

you cannot sit there and tell me that organized genocide is not an evil thing to do? any philosopher will tell you killing a person is bad, let alone millions of them. you would have to be a sociopath to think genocide is okay in any sense.
nazi are the most evil because it was all planned out. the Rwandan genocide was also evil but was spontaneous, ill-organized, and suppressed.

>> No.10360105

Still waiting for that argument about how "objective evil exists and that the Nazis were the most evil force in human history because they committed one of the smaller genocides in human history."

>> No.10360106

can /pol/ please fuck off?

thanks in advance

>> No.10360109

Sure, and the definition of apple is only useful because it's one we collectively agree on as a society. By the common definition of evil, Nazi's are unjustifiable. You're free to argue otherwise, but if you aren't interested in real communication, you're only being obtuse.

>> No.10360112

>you cannot sit there and tell me that organized genocide is not an evil thing to do?
You do the exact same thing by ignoring the other systems in order to uphold a "evil enemy" spook. All humans are evil, all systems are evil. National socialism has no qualities that make it worse than the other models, morality-wise.

>> No.10360117

>National socialism has no qualities that make it worse than the other models, morality-wise.
No, morality-wise it has many qualities that make it worse. You're the one arguing that morals don't real, remember?

>> No.10360120
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No, you're welcome.

>> No.10360121

I remember when people had the decency to lurk a few months before posting

please reread >>10359953
How does the fact others do the same justify an immoral act? Are you retarded or just a nazi sympathiser?

>> No.10360131

and every single ideology has been called out for it
the crusades, the native american removal, the Armenian genocide, all of them have been shown in a negative light

>> No.10360132

>No, morality-wise it has many qualities that make it worse.
Like? Last time I checked, it didn't include a materialist world view that forces chemical alteration of people for them to bother with living, nor did it starve its citizens or move them around in the millions for sociological studying.
>You're the one arguing that morals don't real, remember?
No, that'd be the other guy.

>> No.10360136

Another thread ruined by /pol/ that couldn't resist talking about jews
hope mods delete this shitty thread soon

>> No.10360139

>nor did it starve its citizens or move them around in the millions for sociological studying.

>> No.10360141

>How does the fact others do the same justify an immoral act? Are you retarded or just a nazi sympathiser?
Is there specifically wrong with something the nazis do? Since they are already dead, punishing them is something in the interest of the remaining evils.

>> No.10360144


>> No.10360145

I'm on it

t. OP

>> No.10360146

It is rejecting the mindless autopilot that is caused by those.

Kierkegaard. Only answer.

>> No.10360151
File: 259 KB, 1372x986, judea_declares_war_on_germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't. In the best/worst case scenario, they did it to Jews (who were at war with them).

>> No.10360152

>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.

>> No.10360157

>Yes, and?
>Go back to r/literature.
I literally didn't even know this existed, but thanks for letting us know where you come from.
That's entire field called metaethics that can answer your sophomoric questions.

>> No.10360158

could have been a good thread
wasn't your fault
I'm at fault for accidentally feeding some (You)s

>> No.10360167

>Another thread ruined by /pol/ that couldn't resist talking about jews
Nobody said anything about the Jews.
People are arguing about what is and is not evil and if evil even exists.
Not /pol/ vs /leftypol/ but rather moral conception of reality vs amoral conception of reality.

>> No.10360168

oh my god
>Is there specifically wrong with something the nazis do?
yes read the fucking thread you troglodyte
>Since they are already dead, punishing them is something in the interest of the remaining evils.
we're educating people on their actions and explaining why it's fucking bad because we don't want another nazi regime and fascist government, which is based of militarism

>> No.10360170

And Gypsies, Poles, Slavs, gays, and literally just anybody with a disability.

>> No.10360171

...in relation to the topic of killing jews

go away

>> No.10360181

we're stuck with these retards huh?

>> No.10360182

I am, by the virtue of not being them. Masses demanded equality, they cut off their king's head. Why? To be equal.
Ever since psychology and mass media got married, the latter point is true.
>I literally didn't even know this existed, but thanks for letting us know where you come from.
Ebin flustered. I've only ever seen references to it here on /lit/, it is a common sight, ye newfag.

>> No.10360193

Let me rephrase that, because you can't think from all your emotional trauma.
"Why is a genocide made by the nazis worse than a genocide made by anybody else? "
>we're educating people on their actions and explaining why it's fucking bad
Why, then?

>> No.10360195

If it is so easy to answer, why don't you explain to me how the Nazis killing 6 million Jews is morally worse than (for example) western colonial governments killing 10s of millions of native inhabitants in Africa?
Because you can't and your conception of the Nazis as the greatest evil is entirely emotional.

>> No.10360200
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>It is based upon the notion of a man as a radically free tabula rasa
are you stupid? the self is a relation's relating itself to itself, and one of those poles is the finite or the necessary — i.e. the shit with which you are saddled. grounding human identity in a blank slate leads to mania if you're lucky, according to Kierk. even if you don't believe in God, you are still limited by externalities and contingency.

read The Sickness Unto Death and get back to me.

>> No.10360206

In relation to the topic of genocide in general

>> No.10360214

...in relation to the holocaust

baka fuck off to your containment board

>> No.10360219
File: 1.13 MB, 960x765, 1510789183297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am, by the virtue of not being them. Masses demanded equality, they cut off their king's head.
Ah, I see! You were a buttblasted monarchist all along! Now, please bend over and let me chop your head off.

[note: this post is humourous, don't reply seriously]

>> No.10360220

It's not. We villainize them, as well.

>> No.10360225

and in relation to genocides committed by colonial governments in Africa and the atrocities of the USSR, just to name two of the other genocides brought up in this thread already.

>> No.10360227

>the self is a relation's relating itself to itself, and one of those poles is the finite or the necessary
You're not wrong, but your reading comprehension needs some improvement to say the least.

>> No.10360230
File: 37 KB, 360x480, moral nihilist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are moral nihilists so cringe-worthy?

>> No.10360231

We already said it, because it was planned and organized. they made murder as simple as microwaving your food.all genocide is wrong, but they had methodically planned for the extermination of jews, disabled, gay, etc

>> No.10360233

...in comparison to the holocaust

>> No.10360237

No, Western Society does not villainize Leopold II to the same degree that it villianizes Hitler.
That is a retarded statement.

>> No.10360244

Either/Or is his most accessible introduction, but you already read Fear and Trembling, so... The Sickness Unto Death contains the core of his thought and is a very moving work. If you decide to read it, ignore the stuff you don't understand and push on (he's probably making fun of Hegel).

If you want to see K as a prophet, >>10359949 is right in saying Two Ages. It is worth reading Either/Or when you can get around to it; parts of it still haunt me today — "Are you not aware that there comes a midnight hour when everyone must unmask?..."

>> No.10360251

. . . Because the holocaust is also a genocide, you dumb fuck.
You're missing the point of the entire conversation.

>> No.10360253

If you mean we don't spend as much time villainizing him, sure, but I would dare you to find anyone who knows Leopold II and thinks he's better than Hitler.

>> No.10360257
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>Ah, I see! You were a buttblasted monarchist all along! Now, please bend over and let me chop your head off.
But then I will be equal with all the other martyrs!
>[note: this post is humourous, don't reply seriously]
That's a good trait to have. Keep it. I haven't been humorous for the past 14 years...

>> No.10360261

Isn't that line straight ripped from Revelations?

>> No.10360262

>You're missing the point of the entire conversation.
No, the entire point of the conversation is that you're a retarded polfaggot

>> No.10360265

by "pole," i meant "my Polish self."


>> No.10360269

>because it was planned and organized.
I see, we have found our member of the masses here. Hide your heads everybody!

>> No.10360281

I'm not well-versed enough to recognize it as such. Even if so, I'm referring to the few paragraphs which follow that line.

>> No.10360284

>I get banned for days for dissing books and philosophers that some mod likes
>/pol/ can come and shit up as many threads as they please

>> No.10360287

I do get what you mean. For whatever reason the line that I can't shake loose from Fear and Trembling is, "But whose soul is so confused as to weep for Abraham?"

>> No.10360294

>>I get banned for days for dissing books and philosophers that some mod likes
>/pol/ can come and shit up as many threads as they please
I guess this has derailed quite a bit. However, I still think that Heidegger isn't evil, although he is chaotic.

>> No.10360298
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you wanted an answer, you got one. sorry if you can't argue against it

>> No.10360303

So, you agree that the reason that Nazis are considered to be the most immoral force in Human history is because of an illogical and emotional societal narrative about history, correct?

>> No.10360305

No, they're just tied for first.

>> No.10360306

Where do you rank the Arab slave trade in Africa, with supposed 100 million casualties? Slave trade isn't accidental.

>> No.10360308

what history isn't framed socially? what society exists that isn't composed in part of emotional responses to things? you muh logic youtube high school shitposters really just don't understand a thing about history, do you?

>> No.10360309

Me, you'll all find out eventually.

>> No.10360316

>they're just tied for first.
With every other major ideological system?

>> No.10360321

With USA (ruining the whole continent of South America, and then some in Africa and ME) and USSR or China?

>> No.10360322

You are the kind of person who thinks his ideas to solve the worlds problems are brand new and would easily be successful, if everyone just listened to you. The amount of naivete and ignorance in this comment will have my children, and my childrens children laughing for decades

>> No.10360324

Do you actually lump centuries worth of actions under the banner of a single group?

>> No.10360326
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yeah but it also wasn't planned murder
also slavery is wrong but we're talking about genocide and how it makes nazis evil
hope you learned something buddy

>> No.10360330

Even with all of the CIA terrorism, I'm not sure the US reaches the levels of the others. Outside of that, sure.

>> No.10360332

>yeah but it also wasn't planned murder
They cut off the genitals of the men in whole, balls and cocks. 90-95% mortality rate.

>> No.10360333

>what history isn't framed socially
History is a factual record of events. When you use a narrative to "Socially Frame" it for a political goal, you are perverting history.

>> No.10360338

>History is a factual record of events.

>> No.10360339

they wanted to castrate the slaves
Hitler wanted to execute the jews
there are easier methods of killing anon. also slaves are not genocide

>> No.10360340

Honestly, without belief in God there is no objective good or evil, and even with God, there is no way to know--if and what--that good and evil is, so...unfortunetly, this guys right. It really comes down to creating value, in which case, "might makes right." We only think nazis are evil because they lost

>> No.10360341

Well, then, I can't see how Nazi Germany can compete. They only killed 6 million jews at best (the numbers of the inmates killed per camp has been lowered, but you get jailed for doubting the 6 million...). USA killed 2 million in Iraq alone, flipped governments in God knows how many nations and destabilized entire societies.

>> No.10360344
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Don't forget Ol' Leopold

>> No.10360347

I take being killed by tickling or cyanide poisoning rather than potentially dying to full fledged castration or the subsequent slavery.

>> No.10360349

belief in god doesn't do anything about good/evil unless you attribute to god the explicit normative dispositions encountered in religious texts

>> No.10360354

Oh, and the correct answer is obviously Nietzsche. I like Kierkegaard in spirit, but you really cant be taken seriously as a philosopher while being religious. You could still believe in God, but not religious. Doesteyevsky has the best prose. I need to read Heidegger

>> No.10360355

you still have to choose which events and which figures in those events are important. show me one world war ii book that tells the broad narrative of the war and attends to every single battle, the actions of, to make it easy, every CO in the war on all sides, etc. you can't. even the most leather-bound read-with-dad-sweater pop history books that stick to "just the facts" have to, by necessity, exclude some events, which is its own kind of distortion. if you actually had any understanding of historical theory (and no, this doesn't start with muh cultural marxist postmodernism or reactions to the Nazis, who were so CLEARLY swell guys) you would understand that this is the basic problem of interpreting history. fuck, even rote legal documents that historians consult like wills and censuses are subject to source criticism.

>> No.10360358

We could get into the obvious moral issues with setting up camps where you murder innocent civilians, and how that's generally considered worse than one state taking actions against another, but I'm genuinely bored of arguing about this again, so you'll have to find someone else.

>> No.10360361

>slaves are not genocide
If you (like the Arabs) castrate them en masse in the hopes of destroying their ethnicity in the region that you live, it is actually genocide.

>> No.10360365
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>> No.10360366

>belief in god doesn't do anything about good/evil
It does. It makes morality holy, a matter of serious consideration rather than an arbitrary one. It's not like shower temperature, with merely desirable and competing outcomes and feelings, but something categorically higher.
>unless you attribute to god the explicit normative dispositions encountered in religious texts
Those texts say that humans -by definition- know the moral code. That is our first flaw, after all.

>> No.10360372

>innocent civilians
Evil enemies.* Remember, the common understanding of things is the correct way to go.

>> No.10360376
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Ya I know thats why I wrote
>and even with God, there is no way to know--if and what--that good and evil is,

I already implied your distinction, get gooder

>> No.10360380

i don't see how god existing necessitates it being a moral source unless you arbitrarily make that one of its attributes

>> No.10360394

>i don't see how god existing necessitates it being a moral source unless you arbitrarily make that one of its attributes
It does depend on god in question, yes. I was under the impression we were considering Christian doctrine and Western understanding, given the capital letter. We know of plenty morally indifferent gods and theologies. Karma is a truism, though should not be mixed with morality per se. Unless you are an Easterling.

>> No.10360397

Just because there is God does not mean morality exists. God could care less about how we act. You have to subscribe to one of the major religions for that holiness to exist, which really begs the question: which one is right?

>> No.10360402

>Just because there is God does not mean morality exists. God could care less about how we act.
If there is a creator God, the existence of morality would imply a moral characteristic for that God - after all, we know of nothing that contradicts its source completely.

>> No.10360403

what christian writer derives moral oughts from the prior fact of the existence of god in a way that doesn't boil down to arbitrarily citing a text written by some dude with power

>> No.10360408

>Sola Scriptura!

>> No.10360409

>Karma is a truism, though should not be mixed with morality per se.
how is karma not entirely framed in reference to morality?

>> No.10360424

A God existing does not necessitate morality. It can, but there also exists the possibility of a God in conjunction with no absolute morality. You wrote a real word salad, so discerning how you are justifying that assertion is difficult. Sounds like you meant to write an is=an ought, which, honey we all know is pseudamentary

>> No.10360430

>how is karma not entirely framed in reference to morality?
Karma is about a balance, morality is about justice. Karma has it that you can steal in balance, so that you may not be found out or get punished - but you didn't affect things at large, so it is balanced. The flipside is that if a society allows thieves to fester, others will starve, balancing out the situation. Not exactly moral, but balanced, understandable. Whereas justice is against the whole notion of stealing.

>> No.10360435

existentialism is a pseud's philosophy and /lit/ is full of those
t. pseud

>> No.10360443

The letter of the law kills, spirit gives life.

>> No.10360445

my understanding of karma is that it is framed with reference to good or bad. Thievery is a bad action, so you accrue negative merit, which could manifest as an unfortunate outcome in this life or the next. Therefore good action, which accrues positive merit, is favored. It is rooted in morality, it is not about balance so much as it is about avoiding negative merit and striving for positive merit.

>> No.10360450

Oh, forsure. The past 200 years of philosophy are meaningless, or better yet, alltogether misleading. Please endulge my fragile little western mind why this is so senpaitachi?

>> No.10360454

I completely forgot about the reincarnation aspect. My bad, that's the justice/morality aspect of it; it will eventually hit you back.

>> No.10360467
File: 18 KB, 362x346, 1512362337400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chaotic Evil

>> No.10360471

where would you put him

>> No.10360476

Wtf did you make this chart randomly ?

>no Gabriel Marcel
>no Jaspers
>no Chestov
>no Unamuno

>> No.10360489

It's tough since he doesn't really fit into any of them. I feel like he's put in evil just because of the Nazi meme and his philosophy is largely about finding order in chaos. I'd probably put him in true neutral.

>> No.10360509

>Wtf did you make this chart randomly ?

I wanted to categorize the big guys in existentialism so w/ever

It's a meme pic

Honestly though Heidegger is probably my favorite of the bunch

>> No.10360536

That is a great one. My personal favorite of that book is from the first interpretation of events in the Exordium: "Stupid boy, do you think I am your father? I am an idolater. Do you think it is God's command? No, it is my desire." Makes me feel like someone left the freezer open while they went to chop onions.

>> No.10360580

Not only that but claiming Camus is an existentialist as well.

>> No.10360611

Define existentialism in a way that excludes Camus. I'll wait...

I felt the most dubious about including Schopenhauer, but he is pretty closely linked to existentialism so w/ever

>> No.10360643

Jews invented video games you retard.


>> No.10360704

Comparing a metaphysical concept like evil to a tactile object like an apple is really fucking dishonest and it borders on sophistry desu.

>> No.10360709

Using the fuzzy borders of defining evil to claim it has no foundation at all actually is sophistry

>> No.10360742

Not my point. My point is that an apple is something that you can measure and say objectively is an apple. The word that you use for it doesn't really matter. Whether could call it an apple, a yabloka, a potatoe, or a kafubleitydoob, the object is still an apple.
You can't say that about evil.You can't measure out a cup of evil or display the chemical composition of evil. Evil as a word is pure emotion, opinion, and perception.
Evil and an Apple are so different in what they are that your linguistic argument really doesn't work.

>> No.10360901

Unpictured: Fritz Perls

>> No.10360911

the only reason women don't worry about the meaning of life is that they are natural solipsists

>> No.10361107

What exactly did you get out of Two Ages? I thought it was immensely boring with little prophetic value

>> No.10361264

You cant say it about an apple either. Everyone sees apples differently, as do other animals. It is by no means the same experience for everyone

>> No.10361315

>You cant say it about an apple either
Yes you can. Apples have an objective and measurable composition and form
>Everyone sees apples differently,
No, they don't. They can have opinions of apples but you can't say that an apple is not an apple.
>It is by no means the same experience for everyone
You don't experience an apple. An apple simply is because an apple is an tactile object, like I said before. I know that you're trying to express something along the lines of "playing with definitions can't work since language is a social-construct" but, you're wrong because the Metaphysical and the Physical are two different realms of being.

>> No.10361325

Every single piece of qualia is individual and unique.

>> No.10361360

>fucking qualia
And you said the other guy wasn't interested in having a productive discussion. Shame on you.

>> No.10361362

Qualia are the same level of discussion as moral nihilism. That's my point.

>> No.10361372

Except for the fact that the definition of an apple doesn't change from society to society, person to person, time period to time period, etc (unlike the definition of evil).

>> No.10361377
File: 109 KB, 1280x653, U-G-KRISHNAMURTI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10361379

Evil changes relatively little. Masses have always accepted just about anything other than the loss of food, comfort and security.

>> No.10361408

they lost

>> No.10361426

Finally an honest man

>> No.10361436

Silence idiot.

>> No.10361458

>radically free tabula rasa
Radically free, but not unshaped by facticity. As posited by Beauvoir, it is when we progress out of childhood that we must realize the world as not shaped by readymade values.

>> No.10361489

Wow... so this is the power... of female philosophy... damn...

>> No.10361498

>I still think that Heidegger isn't evil, although he is chaotic.
Bro, he's evil. He sold out his Mentor and friends.

>> No.10361869


>> No.10361912

Underrated post

>> No.10361919

St. Paul.

>> No.10361921


I'm 16 and this is mindblowing?