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/lit/ - Literature

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10357454 No.10357454 [Reply] [Original]

Is Romania's most famous literary work For My Legionaries?
They're a latin country, I expected more from them.

>> No.10357461

No you brainlet fucking tard


Go read a book you stupid braincuck achievelet soyboy

>> No.10357468

>poor reading comprehension
>calls other people brainlets

>> No.10357500

who is the one with the poor reading comprehension here when you didnt properly read his post

>> No.10357502

Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10357624

Quiet. Lit is a pol colony now.

>> No.10358300

Is there any sort of Romanian epic?

What are the works recommended at school for instance?

>> No.10358303

> hurr, capitanul si legiunea!

Sper sa ajungi violat de poponari bugchaseri.

>> No.10358413


>> No.10358430


>> No.10358491

Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

>> No.10358540

this guy is cute, right?

>> No.10358556

Hello fellow redditor, lets clean up this racist mess!
Wubbalubbdubb, picklerick!

>> No.10358575

Nice try pleb

>> No.10359139
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>> No.10359143

>Romanian literature

>> No.10359150

Personally I think Eliade or Cioran have the most sold copies in foreign languages. Is there anyway to check this.

>> No.10359177
File: 51 KB, 849x496, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy this?

>> No.10359188

We're proud to be racist here, cuck. There is a racial hiarachy, and I'm on top, inferior feminist

>> No.10359194

Well, Eliade and Cioran also wrote directly in Baguette so that's not surprising. They got a lot more popularity that way. It's kind of unfair to compare meme Baguette tier philosophers with national authors.

>> No.10359208

>reading cioran
I'm Romanian and I can tell you the guy is an absolute faggot. Eliade at least is a reputable scholar and fits in well with the current Peterson and /pol/ religious memery.

>> No.10359342

Tourretes tier post

>> No.10359445

I have never heard of those
I have heard of For My Legionaries
Fame of a book is measured by how many people have heard of it

>> No.10359475

>puts along cioran an eliade some shit traitor (Pacepa) and fucking romanian Gorky (Sadoveanu)
What about Ionesco you illiterate fuck?

>> No.10359491

>23 posts
>no Blecher

>> No.10359533


>> No.10359557

Why what's so bad about Codreanu?

>> No.10359563

Actually depends if you count Eugene Ionesco as Romanian.

>> No.10360984
File: 315 KB, 1400x1006, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very /fa/

>> No.10360995
File: 88 KB, 540x377, corneliu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very /fa/

>> No.10361004

Have you ever read this?
How hard this is for someon with little knowledge of romanian lit and history?
Also, is it really good?

This begs for a context

>> No.10361012

Cioran is very well known and you only know about For My Legionaries because it is shilled online (not saying it's bad btw).

>> No.10361034

>This begs for a context
skeletal remains mysteriously appear around Orthodox Christians for aesthetic purposes

>> No.10361092
File: 39 KB, 858x536, romania-silhouette_2445041a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orthodox Christianity is top /fa/

>> No.10361135
File: 1.27 MB, 1700x1074, HowToDestroyAPeople-Codreanu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right

>> No.10361556

>I have never heard of those
Because you're a retarded /pol/ack.

>> No.10361559

Ionescu was Romanian but he wrote practically nothing in Romanian, so I'd say no. You need to write in Romanian (if not everything, then at least a part of your works) to qualify.

>> No.10361569

To be fair, most of those writers are not very popular at all and a lot of their works haven't even been translated into English.
I've only ever heard of the first two and I have only only heard of Eliade because I have an interest in alternative Religions (never read him btw).

>> No.10361573

>His daily mission on the firmament is interrupted by the lustful calls of Princess Cătălina, who asks for him to "glide down" and become her mate. He is persuaded by her to relinquish his immortality, which would require approval from a third protagonist, the Demiurge. The Morning Star seeks the Demiurge at the edge of the Universe, but only receives a revelation of mankind's irrelevancy. In his brief absence, the Princess is seduced by a fellow mortal. As he returns to his place in the sky, Hyperion understands that the Demiurge was right.
>guy gets cucked
>sublimates it into an epic
This is great.

>> No.10361636

you are one dense fuck

>> No.10361752

There's no culture on this board.

>> No.10362282

>Have you ever read this?
>How hard this is for someon with little knowledge of romanian lit and history?
>Also, is it really good?

Yes, for school.
Not hard at all.
Probably, if you're into stuff like this. I only shitpost in /sffg/.

>> No.10362623
