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/lit/ - Literature

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10356960 No.10356960 [Reply] [Original]

What is a "Reddit" book?

>> No.10356965

A Book that is spiritually reddit

>> No.10356970

Ur diary.

>> No.10356983

define the 'souls' of redit and 4chan,

>> No.10356987


>> No.10356991

Tuesdays with Morrie

>> No.10356996

reddit = Liberal soyboys who spend their days tipping fedoras at each other, declaring their enlightenment before gorging into their Jewish produced capeshit films

4chan = A Spartan like conglomerate of striffing modern underground men, pitting each others wits and mental fortitude all towards a common goal of truth and freedom in a hyper-real dialectical battleground against a world ripped from all its sacred foundations

>> No.10357002

You're confusing Sparta with Attica, or possibly Macedon.

>> No.10357011

Ready Player One. I think that's the only time it's every been obvious to me that a book was written specifically for Reddit.

>> No.10357052

Normie stuff, and anything that appeals to mouthbreathing commodity fetishists.

>> No.10357078

Reddit = Anything that isn't Harry Potter

>> No.10357104

The Martian

>> No.10357125

Fuck off.
RPO is a book for nerds and it's a well written story told with the aid of nostalgia.
It's not reddit just because it's not for you.

>> No.10357143

Unironically Infinite Jest, made me realize old /lit/ wasn't as good as it seems

>> No.10357149

Terry Prachet novels

Brandon Sanderson novels

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

How to Not Give a F*ck by Mark Manson

>> No.10357157

Yeah it's gotta be this. You can read it in a single day, the dialogue is awful, and it focuses on a quirky engineer who solves his problems with humor and science.

>> No.10357171
File: 12 KB, 1449x114, plebbit ethos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is reddit

>> No.10357172

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Harry Potter
The God Delusion
Fight Club

>> No.10357177

the case for christ by lee strobel

>> No.10357307

So cliche and naive. You obviously havent been here long

>> No.10357315

Also, Terrence McKenna's Food of the Gods, HG Wells' novels, Kurt Vonnegut--though I like him too even though hes nowhere near as good as the greats.

>> No.10357336

Stuff like Harry Potter and Ulysses.

>> No.10357344
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God I fucking hate /pol/, you faggots are not 4chan, or reddit really, you're those fucking idiots who comment on youtube

>> No.10357351

Don't be a gril, gril

>> No.10357364
File: 291 KB, 1024x836, home sweet home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soul of reddit
Numerous hiveminds of people that agree with each other and if they don't they act polite turning the place into a boring placid shithole, where every sub is equally beige but in different tones

REEEEEEcucksoyboyniggerslmaofuggg:D:DibgirlfriendfuckingroastiesbigguyfuckingniggerswhydoSJWshitlerlmao ad infinitum. Pic related

>> No.10357370
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>> No.10357373
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McKenna is more /x/ or shroomery than anything

>> No.10357380

Game of Thrones
Germs, Guns and Steel
Bukowski poems
The Sun Also Rises
When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops?

>> No.10357385

Bukowski poetry

Bukowski prose

Living like Bukowski and thus never having to actually read him

>> No.10357403

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.10357439

>Fight Club
>First two rules of the internet based off of Fight Club

I'm getting too old to keep up with this place.

>> No.10357464

Vonnegut, especially Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.10357474
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You'll enjoy life more and allow yourself to participate in more positive experiences if you don't let the fan bases of potential interests deter you

>> No.10357533
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Holy shit my sides

>> No.10357613

Breakfast of Champions

>> No.10357663

>a well written story told with the aid of nostalgia
It's absolute fucking garbage that pisses on the legacy of everything it touches by using it exclusively as reference points. I'm normally not the "your taste is shit" type, but in this specific case, you're objectively wrong.
The fact that the narrator likes things you liked when you were a kid doesn't mean it's a good book.
The fact that you fall for such blatant pandering so hard does mean you are a dumbass.

>> No.10357665

You probably confused it with "Player One" by Coupland, which is a completely different (and better) book.

>> No.10357704

Holy shit I think I'm actually /lit/

>> No.10357707

Don't worry anon, I noticed your irony

>> No.10357721

Fuck, that gif looks like a car crash in slo-mo.