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10355698 No.10355698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most important historical works on the jewish question:

>Cicero -- Pro Flacco
>Tacitus -- 5th book of Histories
>Luther -- On the Jews and their Lies
>RF Burton -- The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam
>Ford -- The International Jew
>MacDonald -- Culture of Critique series

Your additions?

>> No.10355705


>> No.10355731
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Anti-semitism really puts me to sleep.

You guys couldn't take out the jews if you tried, and it wouldn't fix anything anyways

>> No.10356021

Josephus was a jew, not a reliable resource on jews generally.

>> No.10356274

Have you read him?

>> No.10356280

We're resurging thanks to Lord Kek's army.

>> No.10356358

Wagner - Das Judenthum in der Musik
Solzhenitsyn - Two Hundred Years Together

>> No.10356367
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>> No.10356529

Yes. Josephus was in many ways a typical jew: completely untrustworthy and prone to slander people who spoke poorly about jews.

>> No.10356542

De fide catholica contra Iudaeos - St. Isidore

>> No.10356626

Wagner was probably half-Jewish (dad left home when Rick was baby, mom had really good Jewish "friend") and he had a Jewish guy conduct the premier of Parsifal

>> No.10356668

what about fiction?

>> No.10356726

The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Levi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity by J.M. Cuddihy

>> No.10356730

>Marx--Jewish Question

>> No.10356738

>Karl Marx - On the Jewish Question
>Voltaire - 50% of anything he wrote

>> No.10356755

>tfw never kidnap Hungarian and Polish children and suck their blood

>> No.10356764

I feel like these are likely to confuse people who are new to the jewish question since they are written by jews essentially obstructing an honest interpretation of it. What they say makes sense, but only if you already have an understanding of how jews think, i.e., how they deceive others and themselves, oftentimes without seemingly being aware of it.

>> No.10356769

Good one.

>> No.10356772

The Jew the Gypsy and El Islam was good, but is Burton's Human Sacrifice among the Sephardine ever going to be released? It seems to be in the London Metropolitan Archives, but I don't think anyone can access it.

>> No.10356774

Cuddihy wasn't Jewish.

>> No.10356775

Primo Levi's trilogy

>> No.10356782

>Thomas Sowell's White Liberals and Black Rednecks
it will be funny to see the reaction you jew haters have to this book

>> No.10356791

/pol/fags are literally worst than blm faggots.

>> No.10356797
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This is just a normal correction after the severe suppression for decades of virtually anything remotely critical of Jews in public discourse.

While the Jews can and do harshly and in lush detail criticize the sins and shortcomings of gentiles, Christians and Catholics.

That double standard must end and will end. And the more it's suppressed, the more it's going to explode. A destruction of the Temple, Masada type explosion.

What happens to a gentile deferred?
Does he dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does he stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe he just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does he explode?

>> No.10356799
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>Solzhenitsyn - two hundred years together.

His entire argument is that Slavs and Jews have become stronger and better for coming in contact with each other. have you even read the book?

>> No.10356803

The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van De Haag
THE FATAL EMBRACE: Jews and the State by Benjamin Ginsberg (warning, he's a jew, but still worth a read)

>> No.10356807

Huh. Where did you hear this? Seems strange that something like that would exist without ever having seen the light of day.

>> No.10356815

aren't the jews just a more querulous and funny looking version of protestants?

>> No.10356821

Are you non-jewish? If so, jews hate you with an intensity you can't even comprehend. Those of us talking about the jewish question are merely aware of this, while you, quite obviously, are not.

>> No.10356822
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Whats differnce between these and
"Most important historical works on the white question" threads on tumblr?

>> No.10356824

Everything written by Ernst Nolte, Mircea Eliade, Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, and Werner Sombart on the Jews is worth reading.

>> No.10356828

quit projecting low iq man child.

>> No.10356845

The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine

He has a point, I became an anti-Semite after hearing the way Jews talk about non-Jews.

>> No.10356848
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Not him, but I read Devlin's translation and Solzhenitsyn is too diplomatic for his own good, but correctly puts the blame where it belongs.

>> No.10356849

yes I am non-jewish and am from NJ so unlike you I actually come into contact with hundreds of them all the time. They are perfectly fine people who work hard to secure a comfortable life and are usually quite well read and appreciate the fine arts in much higher proportions than the catholic whites who make up the rest of the denomination.

>> No.10356853

sounds like you are too sensitive for jewish banter and are too slow witted to come back after them. Although Hasids are literal scum

>> No.10356862

You have naive goyim syndrome, where a European is blinded by their historical high-trust evolutionary environment and doesn't realize jews evolved to exploit that without them realizing until it's too late.

>> No.10356866

>the catholic whites who make up the rest of the denomination

>> No.10356867
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There were only 300 Jews in the Bolshevik movement pre revolution out of 5-6 million Jews in Russia. Great argument tho. And the Bolsheviks were the moderate movement of that time.

Which Jews? I'm pretty sure Jews aren't sitting on internet forums making fun of Europeans 24/7 like you do to them. You find one Jewish person who says one bad thing then you over exaggerate and try and blame all Jews for your problems. Clearly a low IQ mob mentality you're promoting that is reminiscent of African tribal disputes. Also quit acting like you're some sort of victim.

>> No.10356868

>Although Hasids are literal scum
You fucking anti-Semite. My son's mohel works at the ADL, I'll be linking him to this post.

>> No.10356871

my ex gf was slav and im a jew and she was kind of just an anti-semite and her parents were too so idk

>> No.10356873
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Bolshevism was judaism.

>> No.10356882

Whether he was really half-Jewish or not (no source I've seen to confirm), he clearly expressed views at odds with Jewish culture even though he got along well enough with certain Jews.

>> No.10356887


havent seen any 'mob mentality' promoted here sir


i can't imagine an investigation into jews would be well-rounded without some foray into the talmud corpus, any suggestions on how to approach it?

>> No.10356892

any particular reason you're naked?

>> No.10356896
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This graph is quite retarded. Your sources don't show any sort of documentation and Hermann Greife writes liek a lowbar shitposter on /pol/ . Do you really get your information and world views from stormfags? Really?

>> No.10356904

I think i finally realized why Nietzsche hated anti Semites.

>> No.10356908

Jews I've read and Jews I've talked to in real life. If you wanna become even more anti-semitic, then you should listen to Jewish opinions on anti-semitism lol. Also, I am a victim, I'm a victim of Jewish subversion and malfeasance into my homeland, though hopefully I won't be one much longer.

>> No.10356911

I wanna hold you down and make you feel safe baby.

>> No.10356920
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Pretty sure I haven't heard any Jewish person talk about Antisemitism or the holocaust in real life since in over 20 years. The only people who talk about it are stormfags on the internet. I'm quite sure you never met a Jew in your life other on youtube. Infact i'd bet a great deal of money on that fact.

>> No.10356927

That's not an argument, Shlomo, and your ethnic defender game has minimal effect here.

>> No.10356932

Not him, but you clearly aren't paying much attention to what's going on in the world. I'd work on that so to whiff less often in the future.

>> No.10356936

You can make up whatever you want, it's what people like you usually do. It doesn't remove the fact of Jewish/Aryan enmity and more broadly the historiographical enmity that exists between Jews and literally everybody else, on grounds of their peculiar theological/political/historical orientation

>> No.10356944

very jewish reponse

also I dindu nuffin to deserve dis

>> No.10356946


>I havent heard any Jewish person talk about the holocaust

This is how I know you're lying.

>> No.10356958

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Perfect quote by the protestant pastor martin niemoller

just look at how these people try and dehumanize anyone who doesn't agree with their political views. Now he's calling me a Jew for questioning his questionable sources.

>> No.10356963

you don't know any real jews. Only televised representations.

>> No.10356964

Modern protestants and catholics are crypto-kikes, they need a new reformation to get rid of Jewish influence

>> No.10356969

This has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing, it has to do with knowing. There is a gap in your knowledge, but instead of attempting to fill it in you are lashing out and regurgitating your conditioning like Pavlov's dog.

>> No.10356979

Even in elementary school I remember my Jew classmates talking about the holocaust and one of their Jew parents coming into our class to talk about it. Stop trying to cover up for Jewish ethnic narcissism, nobody believes it any more.

>> No.10356985

Knowing what? That graph is clearly fake and isn't supported by any facts. Show me soviet documentation showing those statistics and i'll believe it. The only thing I got from the sources where some senile old guy spouting nonsense and an SS nazi soldier who was spamming propaganda against Jews . I'm sure he won't be biased at all Right?


On September 11, 1938 he became a member of the Schutzstaffel ( SS ) (number 997868) holding the rank of Untersturmführer.

>> No.10356992

>Even in elementary

If your last memory of someone talking about the Holocaust was in fucking elementary school then you just proved his point you retard. The only people who still talk about it daily are /pol/fags .

>> No.10357000
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I don't like Christianity.
I don't like Islam.
I don't like Judaism.

I don't like Dogmatic apocalyptic religious ideologies clogging up the political dialogue with their never ending list of unfalsifiable assertions which must be proven wrong before they'll consider your ideas.

That being said I'm not going to go out of my way and peddle hook-nosed merchant characters and pretending like anti-semites are somehow "severely oppressed," akin to, say, Yemenis, Palestinians, or Rohingya right now.

>> No.10357003

That wasnt the last, that was the FIRST time idiot. If you've been around Jews for any length of time then you're going to hear about the holocaust or anti-semitism.

>> No.10357010

You didn't make all that much of an argument, though. Posting some touchy-feely quote, that's been spread all around, doesn't add much either.

>not human
Not exactly helping to spread your philosemitism here.

>> No.10357012

Sure and that's why that specific memory was worth sharing and not any of the more recent ones that happen to you every day..... quit lying out of your ass.

>> No.10357016

The sources are at the bottom and have in no way by anyone I'm aware of been debunked. Moreover, your half-assed attempt to discredit it is beyond weak. No one is more biased, deceptive, and propagandistic in their ways than jews. Germans by comparison or alone are upstanding and come from a high-trust culture that values honesty. The SS was one of the most elite groups of men to ever exist.

>> No.10357031

>have in no way by anyone I'm aware of been debunked

There are no sources. Just an ss officer posting random pics of people in fields and saying that they're Jews. The only people who are dumb enough to believe these "sources" are weak minded fools.

>> No.10357043
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>Germans by comparison or alone are upstanding and come from a high-trust culture that values honesty.

>> No.10357050

The fuck are you even on? I was just using that as an example of how early it starts. It's like you think that people aren't capable of hiding their personal and political views in real life. I have many Jewish acquaintances and they have no clue that I would like to evict their entire tribe from my land.

>> No.10357053
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>> No.10357077
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>I unironically hate Germans

>> No.10357082

The source you're referring to is a book you haven't read. You are an intellectually dishonest person, which I must assume contributes to your lack of knowledge on the thread topic you've waded into and your childish responses attempting to make others believe you are more informed than you really are. I recommend making an honest evaluation of yourself so you can eventually remedy this character flaw.

>> No.10357084

Wew didn't mean to memetext

>> No.10357091

Here it is for everyone to see


as i said. It reads liek a lowbar /pol/ shitposter propagandist. Clearly biased with a agenda.

>> No.10357092

In the intro to the book, which was only published after Burton's death, the Publisher says that he removed the most antisemitic portion of his work. It also interestingly notes that Burton did not want to publish it earlier for fear of losing his pension. The book on blood libel is mentioned by someone else like this:
>While almost every word that was ever written, is available to read on the internet, the works of Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) are not deemed suitable for public perusal.
>Placed under lock and key by the Board of Deputies one hundred years ago, the case of a priest, Padre Tomaso, murdered in a ritualistic killing by Eastern Jews in Damascus in 1840, is considered offensive and rascist.
>Lord Janner, says it revives a cruel Mediaeval lie and Dr.Geoff Alderman says it is voyeuristic and lurid and should be made available only to selected historians, under controlled viewing.

>> No.10357095

Bystanders make note of the jews who infect every thread related to their kinsmen and the blatant, seething hatred of whites they display openly. Then realize that giving these sick people power is the reason for our societies' current troubles, troubles that will only be overcome by the removal of these sick jews.

>> No.10357100

>German, not Jewish
Nice bait, T*rk. Although, if Merkel contributes to a death toll it will be down to shitty immigration.

>> No.10357107

You are not proving anything incorrect, and are only showcasing your own inability to make reasoned arguments.

>> No.10357120

I'm proving the statistics are incorrect because there are no statistics from any reliable source just some German SS officer propagandist shit posting nonsense. Show me soviet documentation and i'll believe you.

>> No.10357129
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Germans are cold people who never smile or laugh and can not into banter like aussies or leafs.

Just look at this asshole here lol

>> No.10357130

You have not read or found the information you're referring to in that book. Until you do that you need to shut up and stop wasting people's time here.

>> No.10357159
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Oh no you don't.

>> No.10357161


What are you even trying to say? Are you malfunctioning? Have your wires short circuited? Show me real documentation where 92 percent of gulag Guards were Jewish that doesn't come from an SS propagandists. Until that you should stop spreading false graphs in order to spread your propaganda then claim that you're an honest human being. I'm really curious , really! show me soviet documentation stating the percentage of Jews in each sector of the communist government. The Soviets kept documentation of everything small thing so it shouldn't be too hard right? They didn't burn all their documents like the nazis tried to do so this should be a sinch for you .

>> No.10357167

>/pol/ doesn't read that much about jews

>> No.10357188
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Heh, maybe if you spent less time on reddit and more time saving the white race you would realize that I've had these documents since the very beginning. Read them and weep schlomo, /pol/ is right again. Praise kek. ====/)

>> No.10357191

Do you have any idea how argumentation works? Calling someone a "nazi" is not sufficient evidence to debunk a claim. You have failed miserably itt and are an amateur intellectual in the worst sense, to put it mildly.

>> No.10357231
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It's sufficient evidence to be skeptical of the claim considering the context and association with which he is apart of. He doesn't list any sources for his claim and his numbers aren't referenced to any studies or statistics made by the Government.

You should learn to analyze and criticize everything you are presented with before believing in it little child. Also learn what confirmation bias is and stop doing it.

>> No.10357241
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>> No.10357253
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>> No.10357255

No one for a second believes you have in this short period of time reviewed the evidence in that book. All you've done here is prove you are a much more dishonest person than the person you failed in your attempt to discredit.

>> No.10357296

You have to admit that ethnic minorities were over represented in the communist elite.

Lenin: mix of everything
Trotsky: Jewish
Stalin: Georgian
Kamenev: Jewish
Zinoviev: Jewish
Sokolnikov: Jewish

That's where the "Judeo-Bolshevik" stereotype comes from.