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/lit/ - Literature

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10351672 No.10351672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Anon! This book you gave me is rated PG-13, maybe R!"

>> No.10351768

Must be a mistake, it was supposed to be NC-17

>> No.10351769

guarantee floor is carpeted off-whtite

>> No.10352027
File: 478 KB, 572x533, IMG_5668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching video her mom made about buying groceries.
>Says she spends $200 a week to feed a family of 9.
>Meanwhile I basically consume $200 of booze and food each week.

>> No.10352465

Do you think she cried at the end of Les Miserables? Or at least got embarrassed by the "sex" scene, purely because Hugo writes it an idealistic and romanticized way as opposed to being gratuitous?

>> No.10352552

Good thing books are not the same thing as movies, especially in regards to how often "fuck" is used.

>> No.10352841

In the past more girls used to be like this. Now they're all turbowhores.

>> No.10352848

What's her name ?

>> No.10352898

in the past you died of tuberculosis and chad was fuckin wenches in the air conditioned palace

>> No.10352903

It’s still like that in third World countries

>> No.10352934


Just as likely Chad starved to death, or was never born at all, granted that he's a human being and not an autistic projection of anxieties designed to give you a reason never to try because Chad will just do better than you.

>> No.10352935

>in the past you died of tuberculosis
Yes but now what's the point of not dying of tuberculosis?

Also, are there seriously only like half a dozen videos of her? That's really only as far as she got before you faggots had to go and ruin everything?

>> No.10352936


i'd guarantee off-white on her carpet if you know what i mean

>> No.10352942


There are two ways this can go.

1. she deletes her account.
2. she gets a kick out of it but won't admit that to herself so she pretends she has an audience besides us, a bit like /r9k/'s Hebrew goblin.

>> No.10352947

I thought her mom made her delete her account or whatever?

>> No.10352952

Pretty sure the Chad was just a noble or something. Sounds like you are projecting with your analysis of projection.

>> No.10352976


>Pretty sure the Chad was just a noble or something.

Yeah, I got that, but that was never going to be any other way, was it?
If its about being noble or being a peasant or whatever, you have as much chance as anyone else does being born an aristocrat, figuratively speaking.

>> No.10353987
File: 1.31 MB, 500x281, aggsmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.10354043

dude she deleted her account ages ago

/lit/ acts like it's the civil board, but once a certain innocent female is involved, from the darkness leaps the hordes to deflower her.

just look at katie

>> No.10354089

Katie does webcam porn now. Gaping holes, doesn't even pretend she likes it.

>> No.10354109

Sounds like they all starve.

>> No.10354132

>Katie does webcam porn
[citation needed]

>> No.10354206


>> No.10354234

If you shop at the 99, you'll get 200 food items for 200.
It's how I survived as a poor college student.
It's how I'll survive when I graduate this December.

>> No.10354255

Buying staples in bulk + planning meals ahead could easily feed 9 people for $800 a month.

>> No.10354266
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>2. she gets a kick out of it but won't admit that to herself so she pretends she has an audience besides us, a bit like /r9k/'s Hebrew goblin.
That's what I hate most about /r9k/, they act like all women are manipulative whores but then hold up the biggest examples of such to aspire to.

>> No.10354279


>> No.10354328

Forgot the link. Seen it once, it was too usual, too well-known. She's been totally broken by *real world*, as fedoras say. Like, adults have to shut up and do adult things, fuck this all. Like, there is nothing interesting in my pants, but here it is for you fuckers, I can even smile for you.

>> No.10354344

I can give you my throbbing manhood, it is rated F-, Out of Service, 90% Sale!!!.

>> No.10354374

Do you guys think she is pure? I bet she could be a nun.

>> No.10354552

That would be such a waste though. I’m sure she’d make a great mother.

>> No.10355011

god i miss the days when her mom was uploading videos of their entire family. seeing a family with one mom taking care of nine kids in today's world was very strange & sad

>> No.10355081

I will never forgive /lit/ for what you have done too these innocent girls.

>> No.10355103

Where are her videos ?
I wasnt here when all of you autists brought down her channel.

>> No.10355156


>> No.10355159

Are you memeing?
Sounds way too similar to what happened to Jessie Slaughter and I don't want to think /lit/ has sunk to the level of old /b/

>> No.10355173

He's fucking memeing she's a dance teacher in Houston.

>> No.10355208

Jesus Christ....

>> No.10355233


>> No.10355260

stop posting that whore

>> No.10355269
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For a slow board threads about e-whoring are surely staying up long.

>> No.10355271

She's perfect huh

>> No.10355281

she didn't e-whore, she chose to delete her channel instead
this is why she's perfect, perfect doesn't post videos on yt for attention

>> No.10355292

She didn't choose to delete her channel her mother made her when /lit/ started sending foot fetish messages to the mother.

>> No.10355294

that's pure conjecture

>> No.10355297

Well memed Palahniuk

>> No.10355301

It's not because she deleted her channel 1 hour after uploading another video, it's clear that she did not just decide to do it after uploading a video.

>> No.10355349

hate to break it to you but adultery has been common and going on since forever

>> No.10355605


>> No.10355627

You people are insane.

>> No.10355799
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>> No.10355869

The only thing strange and sad about it is that (((they’ve))) saturated our society with so much anti-family dialogue that people think having a lot of children and a loving family is ‘weird.’

>> No.10355887

I just like the sound of her voice and her cleanliness.

>> No.10356045

there is nothing pure, all wamen are whores

>> No.10356064

I'd try and watch, but im not downloading those.

>> No.10356065

Rice beans and a whole chicken will feed a family of 9 for under $10

>> No.10356089

I'm watching these downloaded videos. How old is Carli? She seems like she's about seventeen or so.

>> No.10356095

no way she's 17, to me she looks at least 20

>> No.10356098

Claire's gone because of /lit/ and now we're stuck with fat whores and sluts like Savannah.

>> No.10356116

just search for "booktube" or something similar and filter by upload date
I'm sure you'll find plenty of waifus to obsess over

>> No.10356124

She works full time as a dance teacher she’s at least 18 in those videos.

>> No.10356136
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>> No.10356148

all those have more than 1k views, of course they're most likely going to be crap
apply yourself

>> No.10356188

They are all like this


All of them are the same

>> No.10356191
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>> No.10356198

is there a list of /lit/ approved booktubers

>> No.10356202

Katie pre /lit/ encounter and Carli

>> No.10356214

Katie was a massive fucking pleb and Carli just likes typical victorian lit
Im saying an actual decent booktuber

>> No.10356219

There is a black girl that gets posted as a meme some times but she is quite insiteful. I just like to watch pretty girls.

>> No.10356221


Tell me more.

>> No.10356231

No it’s against rules to dox

>> No.10356233

I didn't have any luck either, some next door girls, some twinks, some kids
but I did find what I believe to be a daughter of the bogdanoffs


>> No.10356234



>> No.10356239

>Carli just likes typical victorian lit
That's huge for a beautiful girl
>an actual decent booktuber
They've gotta be cute and not plebs, that leaves about two including Carli

>> No.10356245
File: 708 KB, 1682x2560, Undset - KL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jan? Per? Bjorn? Ole? Kjell? Arne? Svein? Lars? Odd? Tor? Geir?

step your bitch ass up and read some of your own fucking literature
preferably in norsk but english if you're a pleb

>> No.10356247

Jesus christ

>> No.10356271


America needs mandatory nutrition.

>> No.10356287

It's not the SAME!

>> No.10356289

Article from Spring 2015 has her listed as 16, so she’d be 18-19 now.

Obsess over what, fat roasties?

>> No.10356299

Jesus, I take back whatever I’ve said about life being hard for men. Being a fat ugly chick has gotta take the cake for life on shitmode

>> No.10356305

>Obsess over what, fat roasties?

How did you think Carli was found? Do you think she posted her account on /lit/ or something?
Considering the fact that nobody bothers to look through those obscure vids with a hundred views each, it's very likely that better waifus are out there

>> No.10356306

What happened to the chick who made that Heidegger video and all you Melanie's starting calling her a pseud

>> No.10356307


She will definitely take that cake.

>> No.10356318
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>> No.10356326

Some poor /litfag probably gave himself PTSD sifting through all the videos just to find her. There’s gotta be some better way.

That said, we need to figure out how to get more Carli. We have some of the most capable retard minds on this board I’m sure we could find some trace of her somewhere online.

>> No.10356419
File: 60 KB, 540x405, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how young are you freaks willing to go?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=UUpvBH-FHklKvLRD4OXUAMBQ&v=zSbLoKEmc3U Maybe set her on the right path young, sculpt her into the next J.A

Even younger; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hfrwx7f2yJ8

A little older, but still young

Finally there's this one, she's legal (I think)

Play nice anons.

>> No.10356424

I'm not American but sounds like you get the most unhealthy food you can buy that way.

>> No.10356436

Anon, the only one of those reading anything remotely near our interests is the one reading Frankenstein.
You don't understand why we love these girls. They read 19th Century novels like when hysteria was still a thing and class orders kept women as cloistered as a hikki neet animu freak but as educated as /lit/

What you want to do is post a, stop me from naming my daughter Lesbia thread, the babby's first latin troll thread, not discuss things like Katie or Carli who are clearly above your head. OR you can go hang out with Onti. You and Onti could be friends who don't read together.

>> No.10356442

Why does /lit/ scare these literary girls away? Why do they set out to destroy the thing they love the most, and that is so rare to find?
You are your own worst enemy, Anon.

>> No.10356450

anon didn't know that we were having katie over. he would have disposed of his pissbottles from last year previously if he had. we mustn't blame him; we are all victims of fate.

>> No.10356452

this guy

>> No.10356458

First two are much two young, and none are lit

>> No.10356471

>Jump cuts
Dropped. Can't people stand a few seconds of silence?

>> No.10356476

My dickcheese is likely more knowledgeable on literature than this twat.

>> No.10356507

No no these won't do

>> No.10356530

>Harry Potter
wtf is wrong with you dude? even if you're a pedo, get a loli gf with better taste. ffs natascha kampusch was hidden in a basement by an austrian freak since she was ten years old and she still had the good sense to read nietzsche during her eight year confinement. learn what /lit/ is, you utter redditfag of a sick pedo cunt. harry fucking potter. jesus.

>> No.10356539

>It has some...scandalous parts.

>> No.10356611
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this though

>> No.10356662
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I have no interest, I simply offered them as a gift. And I am fully aware what /lit/ is, it is essentially if you took the hive mind cultish mentality of /pol/, replaced their circle jerking of alt-right thinking with dated philosophers, big purple words and a strong dose of pretentious cancer. Both boards are, essentially, NEET basement "gamers" who think they have all the answers, one watches peterson, the other reads him etc. The cognitive dissonance towards the world is appearent however, as their is a lack of real world experience alongside never putting in an honest days works in favor of indulging in luxuries, junk and instant gratification alongside Internet addiction has made them(you) a spectacle to behold. Entertaining indeed.

>> No.10356663

booksnshit and the_bookchemist are the only booktubers worth a shit

>> No.10356679

You faggots all act like you should get a girl like Carli, but in the end girls like this are who we really deserve:

>> No.10356688
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>The third section is called 'the breaking', which could also be titled 'I dated a fuckboy in college.'


Also, coincidentally, named Claire. Also qt3.14


>> No.10356698

>blahblah harry potter reader nonsense
leave and die

>> No.10356711

Someone upload her videos to YouTube and lest see what hapend.

>> No.10356713

>you should get a girl like Carli
we know we are unworthy, sinful, unkind, but we hope that we might pray to prostrate ourselves before her mercy and through her love know Christ. i bet that girl hasn't even read Dosto.
>hates what we hate
>that ew face
>gets dubdubs for anon
checked and cooking

>> No.10356787

"/lit/erary" giants:0 / Me:1 and I haven't even read HP, you clearly have no defense against my words, as i predicted you would. Congrats, you outed yourself for the troglodyte pissant you inevitably are, proving my point.

I'll take this as my victory, and with that good day and good bye.

>> No.10356793
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (67).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna say it.
I'm in love with Carli. Never have I felt this way about a girl before, it's not sexual at all, and more than admiration for her beauty and interests, her voice and mannerisms give me butterflies. During the day I think about her my mind wanders, it puts a bittersweet smile on my face; and at night I lay and wonder what she is doing, what her life will be like. The pain of knowing she'll never know what I see in her is almost unbearable.

>> No.10356801

yeah i hope your harry potter meetup ends with you meeting up with the front of a bus, we'll get on with reading the belle epoque.

>> No.10356813


>> No.10356816

>being this much of an ugly girl
kek sugar take your daddy doesn't love pockmarked porkers issues out of the thread with the beautiful ballet trained well read lady, or you're going to need to find someone who feels obligated to pretend to be sad about your suicide attempt. again

>> No.10356928
File: 11 KB, 392x284, nicesim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>around 500 views per video
>actually pretty high quality
>not a pleb
>slightly qt
i want

>> No.10356951

>trying to pretend you only thought everyone else would like a nine year old who reads HP
That guy's right, it's only you that's into preteens reading HP. You're the only one who thought that was sexy. FBI MODS etc.

>> No.10356980

She is, probably, having violent sex with Chad.

>> No.10357042
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>Keep digging your grave, plebs
I said I was leaving, you already lost stop trying(failing) to make a cohesive point, it is out of your intellectual capability.

>> No.10357080

>I was leaving
please continue doing so until you have accomplished it, and quickly if you could. we don't want to jack off to children reading harry potter with you, freak.

>> No.10357094

The point is you're a pedo and have shit taste. It's nearly redundant. You shouldn't have a hard time understanding that your desires for kids are not normal.

>> No.10357108

>not a single good criticism of this board among all the flaws obvious to anyone who's lurked for a few years
try harder

>> No.10357118

it's almost like he's a pedo who is trying to distract from the fact he tried to get a personal army after a grade school kid.

>> No.10357228

He's probably new, but no one addressed anything he said desu

>It's almost like your projecting and using adhomium on that anon.
I don't agree 100% with him but he did have a point on the state of our board.

>> No.10357298

There’s no way she would have sex outside of marriage, Anon. She’s from a catholic homeschool family of 9.

>Probably a roastie
>Used profanity
>Probably has extra-marital sex
How could we ever have respect for her when she doesn’t respect herself?

>> No.10357337

That's why she's so special, because that's a ridiculous notion to apply to her, she was shocked by the other Boleyn girl lmao

>> No.10357350

>ywn be at her first college party where she gets passed around by the entire football team

>> No.10357353

yes there heavy editing with this one


>> No.10357358

>she loves JFK

>> No.10357368
File: 18 KB, 236x354, Real motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kind of speculation falls off her pure character like water on teflon. Nonetheless you broaching such a notion is an insult to her, and by extension myself, I will not hesitate to use force. You have been warned

>> No.10357376


>> No.10357379

carli claire did not go to college, so that a big plus nowadays

>> No.10357390

>He's probably new, but no one addressed anything he said desu
he literally posted preteens inviting anons to hit on or otherwise pester them. it's not projection to say the guy who thinks that's normal is a pedo. he's a pedo. with the added bonus of thinking /lit/ likes HP, so a deranged pedo. which one of the deranged pedo's points were you hoping we'd refute? we turned down jacking it to a nine year old with him and he didn't like that refutation, but what else do you expect of a pedo?

>> No.10357394

Our new queen

>> No.10357402
File: 385 KB, 599x510, 1510808412160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure you've ehard of this book and know who she is
What different literary spheres we frequent
She's actually quite cute though--
>The case for reparations essay should be required reading
Never mind, what fucking drivel, completely brainwashed. Why do women buy into literally anything said by someone brown

>> No.10357416

Because they’re retarded, Anon. Also because women have never had to be the ones to repel invasions by foreigners and historically the women who survived successful invasions were the ones who fucked the invaders after they defeated the native men. That’s why women don’t give a shit about keeping refugees out or miscegenation.

>> No.10357417

In Heaven, we all get a Carli for our own

>> No.10357434

too bad none of us are ending up there

>> No.10357937

In a way, the 'purest' of us fall the furthest into depravity.

>> No.10358322

Honestly, she really is perfect to me. She will never know how many people admire her.

>> No.10358333

all the fucking jumpcuts. this bitch clearly needs an hour to compose each sentence

>> No.10358339

she doesn't come close to Carli.

>> No.10358349
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>> No.10358357

That caption and pic combo has made me hard every time Ive seen it for the past few days.

>> No.10358364

Being obsessed over what a cute girl thinks because she is cute and a girl is a pretty pathetic thing to do.

>> No.10358372

Nope there have always been turbowhores and there are turbowhores who read and innocent girls who don't read

>> No.10358377

Around 22, she teaches dance full-time apparently

>> No.10358391

think if you picked ann frank for read a "historical fiction" book they would get mad

>> No.10358418
File: 41 KB, 617x416, happy-lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i LIKE this word

>> No.10358445
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does she play rugby?

>> No.10358511

Spotted the cynical millennial

>> No.10358750

Most women are garbage these days, prove me wrong.

>Mostly don’t really know how to do things like cook or sew.
>Have no hobbies and spend all day looking at social media on their phones.
>Have indiscriminate sex with lots of guys then get mad if you call them out on it and they believe it should be no big deal in deciding whether to be in a relationship with them. “The past is past lol.”
>Echo banalities about “feminism” even if they don’t believe it really.
>They encourage other women to not take their husband’s last name upon marriage, which shows both a lack of respect for him and for the cohesiveness of their future family and their childrens’ identity.
>And yet they wonder why no men want to get married.
>A lot of women have tattoos now, which is a grostesque travesty of a masculine artform.
>A lot of them bitch and moan about the right to have their own offspring vacuumed out of them.
>Most of them have completely bought into the diversity myth/cult.

I could go on and on desu.

>> No.10358826

kill yourself,go back reddit Faggot

>> No.10358880


She's vulgur, she ain't pure

>> No.10358896

kys pls

go on bruh

>> No.10358914
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>> No.10358924

I wonder how does it feel to be a retarded american.

>> No.10358928

Anyone got a link to the video of the autistic sounding Finnish girl who talks about some philosophy book?

>> No.10358970

>He's been tricked into committed to some roastie.

Whatever woman you end up with is prly gonna fuck some other dude behind your back.

Oh look at all these great argumentative points proving me wrong.

>> No.10359160

Good job she never went to college then.

>> No.10359256

Did you finally invent the time machine, man? Why do you keep it to yourself?

>> No.10359261

>everyone who says stupid shit is an American

>> No.10359402

/baz/ is our guy

>> No.10359405
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>He has no standards for the women he associates with

>> No.10359416

Fuck I started laughing immediately after "I'm just gonna say it"

>> No.10359477

All other boards harrass harlot roasties, but you shitterd for some reason love to destroy tenderness, innocence, pureness

>> No.10359497

yeah pretty much

>> No.10359504

That's clearly an american incel line of thinking. It's so characteristic and cliche it's almost painful.
I do, actually. I just don't see how an /r9k/tard who posts long rants about muh wemen on an anime imageboard is in position to judge others.

>> No.10359528


I want to SCRUM in Carli!!!

>> No.10359532

I'd love to see her read the scum manifesto.

>> No.10359582

>such an american line of thinking
the "prove me wrong" challenge at the end of the first riff always gives it away

>> No.10359788

I can do this about men too.

>Most don't know how to cook/drive/supplement themselves relying on food delivery
>Echo banal sentiments about trivial sports teams and comic books
>A lot of men have tattoos that clearly have no relation to tribe or hunting parties from which they come from
>Encourage other men to live in a thinner venear masculinity based on what they consume and not how they act
>A lot of them bitch and moan about how there jizz should be seen as a gift for whenever they are nice too a girl.

See I can cherry pick you ya fucking nerd

>> No.10359796
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but they're both right

>> No.10359800

Difference is men still perform their traditional natural roles, females have completely dropped that and they want to have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.10359804

In the shallowest sentiment

So there's literally no such thing as a housewife anymore huh? Economy and job prospects are strictly for men

>> No.10359816

lmao there are more females in university and that is increasing every year compared to males. Women get the easier less risky jobs then have the gall to talk about a wage gap. Women also have all the power in the divorce courts, honestly shariah law can't come soon enough for you roasties.

>> No.10359832

And there we have it. Not an actual argument but rather bitter ramblings of some NEET. Hearts and minds ladies and gents hearts and minds

>> No.10359844

Posted in response to your similar garbage. Who is working for your mind? Go back to Tumblr where you can get more attention.

>> No.10359850

le past was bad meme

>> No.10359861
File: 59 KB, 354x766, KwaByWiSWZfMB2b0V7cjcLjwmr8cZHTkmZIJUVDnkOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spelling delete correctly

delet this

>> No.10359906

>So there's literally no such thing as a housewife anymore huh? Economy and job prospects are strictly for men

Women decided to get "careers" which then shifted the supply of labor, which then caused relative increases in goods and real estate, so now most families have to have two incomes instead of one, and women get to be wage slaves also instead of raising children, which is what they're naturally meant to do anyways. Michel Houellebecq was right when he said that women were retards for thinking "freedom" was releasing themselves from economic reliance and social subservience to their husbands just to suffer the same fate under their corporate bosses. I haven't seen any data that indicates women are any happier today than they were 50 years ago despite the fact that they now have more discretionary income anyways.

>That's clearly an american incel line of thinking.

I was in a fraternity in college so I got to see roastie logic first hand pretty much all the time. I even fucked a bunch of them, but I would never consider them anything but garbage human beings whose only asset is going to depreciate very quickly. Eventually I settled down with a girl who wasn't a sorority chick, and who came from a stable traditional family and has an ivy league education. There aren't that many of those to go around anymore though, so most of my complaining has to do with my feeling sorry for the piles of garbage women other decent men have to sort through to find anything worthwhile these days.

Men are several times more likely to commit suicide. Men are several times more likely to suffer from substance abuse. Men are less likely to go to college or law school. Men on average die earlier than women. Men are more likely to be homeless. Men are more likely to die in workplace accidents. But remember it's women who are having a rough time out there.

>> No.10360076
File: 2.21 MB, 625x445, disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder - everyone who posts in this thread is providing attention for sociopaths who enjoy harassing readers until they stop being creative. If a dozen le meem stalkers is performing for a crowd of sycophants, everyone in that crowd is complicit in the stalking.

/lit/ should aspire to more than /b/-tier waifuism. Stop posting in booktuber threads.

>> No.10360108
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1509795069104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10360194



>> No.10360348

Found a new waifu, boys


>> No.10360437

Bulk packs my man.

>> No.10360459

When is one of these girls going to do a Turner Diaries review?

>> No.10360474
File: 30 KB, 480x360, cutelady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women can't understand the Gre-

>> No.10360521

Jesus. When is this racism and diversity shit gonna hit critical mass already.

True story from several days ago:
>Go to grad department on the weekend for study group.
>Get there.
>It's "Diversity Day." Everyone's wearing matching shirts that say the name of the school, the department, then "Diversity."
>Wonder to myself how it's funny that everyone wearing identical diversity shirts.
>Leave department.
>There's a film crew on campus and a bunch of trailers for the actors.
>Noticed on my way in that most of the people by the trailers were black.
>Walk by one trailer with the door open, see something that looks like a call sheet maybe.
>Says "Dear White People" on it.
>Walk home.

>> No.10360548

Can we bully her?

>> No.10360553


>> No.10360565

>Go to straight to her goodreads without watching the video
>Five stars to Harry Potter

>> No.10360604

Not everyone is perfect. She has more than one video about epic poetry and the greeks. Herodoto is prob her fav.

>> No.10360610

she has potential
you can help her:

>> No.10360618

Do you guys think if I became a famous author I could get booktuber pucci?

>> No.10360658

looks like the joker and a jew had a baby, you guys really don't think looks matter at all..

>> No.10360669

Anon TB stopped being a problem in the 40's

>> No.10360683
File: 132 KB, 1919x1080, p027nvv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online trolling

>> No.10360715

go for it

>> No.10360722

Soooooooo did she post feet?

>> No.10360726

>some twinks
post their faces, now

>> No.10360741

So to get back on topic.

Has anyone found any trace of Carli since her mom told her she couldn't post online anymore? Has she resumed posting on YT under a different name, or a different site maybe? Does she have a goodreads account? There are so many unanswered questions.

>> No.10360747

She's probably dancing away in an underground monastery in the Utah