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10355814 No.10355814 [Reply] [Original]

it's been making the rounds on a few forums.

"Rain pelted the window, dotting its outer coating in bulbous vacuoles that stretch light into peculiar contortions, pencils of spheres refracting the orthogonal tapestries of concrete into projections alien, those that transfer the mind to foreign realities mitigated by light beyond the latticed glass that Hayuri glares at from her desk. Logging in extra hours, she sat after the hustle of feet battered the carpets, the oscillating office lights showing their dire need for a change, replacement, to rectify the Tokyo dirge with light. Dusk brought its violet exploding across the horizon, pelting the dark clouds with the last spectacles until a night of feverish comforts, padded chairs, blue glows to the face, furtive, shame-inducing consumption of carnal sights through screens all gives to a day renewed to the fast frequency of this now benign feeling of time folding on itself, connecting like plasmic sinew, together, entrapping her in some astral caul, where ambivalence is cultivated like tobacco, and days just seem an unabated sequence of day/night, white/black, pill capsules sticking to dry morning lips and the hum of the Mita Line's train the only maternal comfort."

>> No.10355831

Whoa, those are some good adjectives! Must be Pynchon for sure

>> No.10355838


*rolls eyes*

That shits so fucking stoupid

This is dumb drivel. You guys are idiots.

>> No.10355842

wew, hard to believe he's gotten even worse

>> No.10355860

Where'd this adjective meme come from?

>> No.10355864

ples dont tell me his last book is gonna be about chinks

>> No.10355881

it's the tokyo insurance story or something

>> No.10355888

You didn't like the ninja parts in Vineland.

>> No.10355900

supposed to be a ?

>> No.10356083

>It’s shit
What a surprise
Why does he keep trying to write novels when he could spend all that time shitposting here?
Full on Ruggles dadaist experience

>> No.10356097

> ?

Do you mean a " ' ? ' "

>> No.10356106


Vineland is his most underrated book by a comfortable margin. I have no idea what Bloom's going on about with that one.

>> No.10356171

don't bully tom

>> No.10356205

Didn't someone say something about Pynchon's last novel being about Japs a couple of years ago? I swear it was in one of those Pynchon threads in which everyone thought ol' Tommy was posting.

>> No.10356218
File: 118 KB, 270x411, Profile Pynch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited!!!

>> No.10356252


I thought it was going to be another 8 x 4 title to finish up the trilogy that includes Inherent Vice and Bleeding Edge

>> No.10356257

>making a round on a few forums
you just lifted this from a critique thread on July 17th, 2017

>> No.10356324

proof or fake

>> No.10356335

maybe pynchie is shy and asking what others for their opinion. :3

>> No.10356372


>> No.10356401

Does pynchon go on /lit/?

>> No.10356456


I bet he also visits r/trees

>> No.10357758

>We heard he was doing something about Lewis and Clark? Mason and Dixon? A Japanese science-fiction novel?
From Rushdie's review of Vineland.
>8 x 4 title
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10357915

8letter word + 4letter word, like:

>My_Diary Desu

>> No.10358256

Most awful attempt at Pynchon ever. Feel bad because this is just another morsel of failure piled up on top of an already insurmountable peak of awful that is your life.

>> No.10358426

>I swear it was in one of those Pynchon threads in which everyone thought ol' Tommy was posting.
My hero posts here? I wonder if he ever replied to one of my threads?

>> No.10358438

Theres no way he comes to this shit hole. This is like /mu's rumor that Trent Reznor sometimes comes to the board.

>> No.10358541

I agree, but the fuck are thanatoids

>> No.10359008

a bunch of nolifers

>> No.10359170

Existential hippies at the fringe of society.

>> No.10359241

If this is what Pynchon is like then I definitely don't see the popularity.

>> No.10359299

Bad Pynchon imitation.

>> No.10359309
File: 207 KB, 1316x226, 1349634007789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10359848

Shitposting > Writing novels

>> No.10360612

False dichotomy.

>> No.10360769

when he was 18

>> No.10362224
File: 538 KB, 1300x731, The Doper's Dream 2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy I'm ready give it to me

>> No.10362733

Have you described night-time as "a dark night"?