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10352478 No.10352478 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so vastly more well-read and better educated than men nowadays? Will the 21st century be the century of the female? Are men obsolete now that their biological niche is being overtaken by capital?

>> No.10352480
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>> No.10352482

Women are generally biologically smarter by a small margin. But that has nothing to do with education or reading, hobbies vary based on people not genders.

>> No.10352489

Recent studies have confirmed that women read more than men.

>> No.10352492


Why did she put quotes around museum? Also do you have her twitter

>> No.10352496

But that is absolutely pointless. Studies also confirm that women have longer hair than men. You don't see that there is no point in reading more generally in one gender according to "recent studies"

>> No.10352497
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becus its cute

>> No.10352499

I don't consider reading YA, and getting degrees in women's studies well read or educated. Women have always seen a higher college presence than men though.

>> No.10352502

Yeah but they only read trash so it doesn't count

>> No.10352503

Desu once we figure out how to make artificial wombs for humans women will die out.

>> No.10352504

then why can't i get a gf at my college

>> No.10352507
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really hope she started with the greeks

>> No.10352509
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Cultured and a qt I'm in

>> No.10352510

>are men obsolete now

You are evil to say that, everyone is valuable simply for being alive you fool. But I know you don't mean it when you say it.

>> No.10352515

Who's this cutie?

>> No.10352516
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I'm going to say something that is probably complete bullshit, but whatever.

In the past, it was really, really easy to find a wife and marry her, if you were a man. Whether upper class or lower class, king or peasant, you stood a very, very good chance of marrying. What did this mean? It meant guaranteed pussy. It meant men didn't need to hunt and strive for pussy, they could just go home to it every day. And when the basic sexual needs of a man are automatically, unthinkingly met, he suddenly has a lot of time and energy that he doesn't need to devote to the task of getting pussy.

What does a man do with this time and energy? Some of them fritter it away, true. However, many of them spent their time learning and studying and competing and generally bettering themselves. Men strike me as horny creatures by nature, easily led by the promise of sex. But if the sex is automatic, then suddenly that's a huge thing men don't need to worry about any more, and, with so much time and energy free, more of them are able to advance.

Now, the counter-argument to this is that many truly great men of history did without pussy. Aquinas, Nietzsche, Proust, etc., all of them didn't have any need to have sex. But I think the ability to function without questing after pussy is the hallmark of the truly great, the nearly superhuman. Those men are truly amazing. But they're also very rare.

The rest of us? We need pussy. And nowadays it's no longer automatic. So, just as in the days of hunting and gathering, men need to waste huge amounts of time and energy securing sex. And this takes away from the time that could be used to read and learn and better themselves.

Like I said, this is probably bullshit.

>> No.10352518

What are you trying to say? Women read more books than men, this is empirically true. Men account for only 20 percent of the fiction market.

>> No.10352519

>don't approach them
Take your pick brother.

>> No.10352520


i think by 'museum' she meant 'the park' or something like that, implying other humans are the exhibit, or maybe nature.

>> No.10352523


based giblub.png poster

>> No.10352524

>their biological niche is being overtaken by capital
Are you trying to sound scary? What does that even mean?

>> No.10352528

Due to technology and capital the things that men excel at are becoming defunct. Men are going to become cucked by machines. Just look at the recent news about declining sperm count in the western world.

>> No.10352529

Get Landed son.

>> No.10352533

See: >>10352503
It is neither that male or female is obsolete as a sex, but that man as a race has outpaced his ability to reason with his insatiable drive to innovate. He has unknowingly swallowed his own soul, and any meaning that may have once existed will slowly float away from this earth like so many toy balloons.

>> No.10352534

Because men were traditionally expected to be breadwinners so they went into "practical" degree programs or the skilled trades. The main reason girls went to college was to find a good husband.

>> No.10352542

Aquinas had to chase out a prostitute with a firebrand for the sake of his own chastity. Nietzsche... the erotic world permeates him. Proust, a chronic masturbator of pederastic impulse. These were not sexless eunuchs. Perhaps they overcame, perhaps they sublimated their quivering passion in writing. But they were densely sexual beings - save perhaps for Aquinas.

>> No.10352547

becus evolution is telling you something

>> No.10352548
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all three desu

>> No.10352554

read some anthropology kid

>> No.10352561

What you actually said was
>men are primarily concerned with non-fiction

>> No.10352571

Men are more likely to read non-fiction, yet they still read less overall.

>> No.10352579
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I'm sure the future will be female with young educated women like her at the head.

>> No.10352581

>Women are generally biologically smarter by a small margin.
Average IQ is the same between men and women. The one major difference is that men are slightly better represented in the extremes (both the high and low end) of the bell curve, while women tend to me more situated in the middle.

>> No.10352582
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>swn be your gf

>> No.10352585

Have you been on goodreads? It's all women, and all garbage. The few people with decent taste are either men, or non-Western women.

>> No.10352589

Yes we all know women finance the YA market. Reading 1000 YA "novels" won't produce greater intellect than studying a single academic textbook for your profession of choice. The point however was to emphasize your Snapple fact hoodwink. Dean Koontz won't get you any further in life than not reading at all.

>> No.10352591

Reading brain rotting garbage does not count, next you are going to tell me women are better educated because they all have gender degrees right?

>> No.10352592

Men are more concerned with technical knowledge than they are with cultural knowledge. Most readers of literary fiction might be women, but most scientists and engineers are men. It's just a different conception of what constitutes smart. Men are more practical and results-oriented.

>> No.10352596


Fuckin cucks

>> No.10352600

I think men are failing to due videogames and masturbation more than anything else. Why bother doing anything when your male need for accomplishment can be satisfied by videogames, and your male need for sex can be satisfied by pornography?

>> No.10352603

Ah, one of the favorite hobbies of young men who read, looking down upon and belittling women's taste in art.

>> No.10352606

Imagine a basic and irrefutable observation triggering someone this hard

>> No.10352608

This is a load of fucking horseshit. In the middle ages, 25% of women in Europe never married. They were nuns or spinsters.
That fact, along with the fact most women didn't marry until around 24, is called the "European marriage pattern".

If 25% of all women are not getting married, what the fuck are 25% of the men doing?

>> No.10352611

I think you and >>10352516 are engaged in a chicken-and-egg scenario. Are men “dropping out” of society to play video games and jerk off because 20% of men get 80% of the pussy, or do 20% of the men get 80% of the pussy because femal sexual liberation allows women to ignore the majority of men, who play video games and jerk off?

>> No.10352612

He got it from an article on Jacobite. That line specifically is from the subheader used to advertise the article.

>> No.10352615

>If 25% of all women are not getting married, what the fuck are 25% of the men doing?
Dying in battle. There's a reason the middle ages were so bloody: lots of sexually frustrated men.

>> No.10352617

>majority of men
>playing video games and jerking off
You should really lay off /v/, anon. Most guys work out and are well-adjusted, productive members of society.

>> No.10352618

Yeah sure buddy the average peasant was dying in battle
Except that's fucking wrong, and you're not even the guy I was responding to because his argument was that men WEREN'T sexually frustrated- "they all had wives"

>> No.10352620

well how are you supposed to just randomly approach people then?

>> No.10352622

The issue is that there's no incentive for participating in society for most men. Either you're physically attractive and you already get all the pussy you want, so you don't bother with your career (this is what my chad brother is doing), or you're too ugly to get laid and you don't participate out of resentment. If i'm not gonna get married and have children, i'd rather just read alone in a tiny apartment until I die.

>> No.10352625

If you're autistic and ugly, approaching women is literally harassment

>> No.10352627

>walk up to person
>say hi
>introduce yourself
wow so hard

>> No.10352628

>Most guys work out and are well-adjusted, productive members of society.
That is not true. Maybe 20 percent of guys, at most, go to the gym.

>> No.10352629

All young men play video games and masturbate.

>> No.10352630

Stop being autistic and ugly.

>> No.10352632

What if you're so ugly they just ignore you or mouth "hi" while walking away?

>> No.10352634

According to Pew Research, 60% of men between 18-29 play video games “often” or “sometimes”. Narrow that down to college age (say, 18-24) and it’s probably even higher.

>> No.10352636

Lose weight or invest in plastic surgery.

>> No.10352637

Yes, by every standard women are better educated than men.

>> No.10352639

I mean I'm autistic and very ugly- I wouldn't want autistic and ugly women approaching me. I understand completely why a girl would feel offended if I approached her

>> No.10352641

Hopefully one day i'll become wealthy enough to afford plastic surgery

>> No.10352642

I really like this idea, it's an inversion of the intuitive idea of repression/sublimation driving great works...

I feel like this is true, or I at least appreciate the idea. Hard to put it into words. But thanks for sharing, anyway.

>> No.10352644

Alright Brenda. Go finish your shift at Mcdonalds while you struggle to find a real job.

>> No.10352648

That's impermissible where I live, to just go up to people and start talking to them without any justification. I need another answer.

>> No.10352650

Women are better suited for most post industrial labor, and their progress in the education system only reflects this.

>> No.10352651

Well, where do you live?

>> No.10352652

You're ignoring the presence of prostitution, which was ubiquitous in the middle ages.

>> No.10352656

Women are the ultimate subjects in the postfordian liberal managerial society of control.

>> No.10352658

Why does this sound so much like the same arguments for UBI? Complete with the “your basic needs are met so you can focus on becoming a better person” line of argument. Are we ignoring the fact that many of the greatest accomplishments of history were motivated by promise or lack of or desire for pussy?

>> No.10352660

bay area

>> No.10352662

This. The highest growing economic sectors, mostly care and service jobs, disproportionately benefit a female skill set. What to do with isolated and deracinated men is going to be a major political issue like 15-20 years from now.

>> No.10352664


how have you not killed yourself yet?

>> No.10352665

North america is about to be drowned in a tide of incel hyperviolence

>> No.10352666

You're a fucking pussy if you can't even approach a woman in America, of all places. Lol.

>> No.10352668

So was the past. Men felt and wrote about the emotions. Women read interpreted and manipulated the emotions

>> No.10352669

I am, slowly. You don't know how much I drink

>> No.10352672

>implying anything interesting is going to happen

>> No.10352673

Trips of rudeness.

>> No.10352675

Go get dinner ready. And finger yourself.

>> No.10352676

>You're a fucking pussy if you can't even approach a woman in America
>America, the birthplace of fartrape and manspreading
Makes sense

>> No.10352677

This. Modern men are too soft.

>> No.10352678

>implying anything interesting is not going to happen

>> No.10352680

Women have, on average, a slightly higher verbal IQ you mean (~2 points), but they also have a significantly lower spatial IQ (~6 points) and mathematical IQ (~4 points) so on balance men are actually smarter than women by around a third of a standard deviation. The more you know.

>> No.10352683

Something interesting could happen, but with a saturation of voyeuristic violence the interesting will have to either be the completely unexpected, or the apocalyptic. It has nothing to do with being soft. Hardness can express itself in many ways. A Basement dweller can consider themselves soft. And in a country flooded with guns you don't need to be hard.

>> No.10352685

>Average IQ is the same between men and women.
Not true.
>men are slightly better represented in the extremes (both the high and low end) of the bell curve
This is true.

>> No.10352699

>no longer automatic
the fuck are you on about nigger?
women give up pussy and their asshole the minute you throw money at them

>> No.10352702

>using IQ to measure natural intelligence

>> No.10352705

>In the past, it was really, really easy to find a wife and marry her, if you were a man.
This is so not true. In fact, it was even harder. Only 40% of the men that have ever lived have descendants living today. Comparatively, 80% of all the women that have ever lived have descendants today.

>> No.10352708

or you could just lose weight

>> No.10352714

I'm physically fit. Just short and ugly.

>> No.10352720
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women as a group are currently the most pathetic and insipid they've been in the past 200 or so years, and this prevalence is only becoming worse with each passing day thanks to social media completely superannuating the concept of developing meaningful relationships through self-cultivation and mutuality.

if they read "more" than men they're just reading YA/romance dogshit or for the sole purpose of appearing educated online. it's actually so painfully fucking clear after reading her feed for two minutes that the bitch you posted is a dumb retard with the typical quirky depressed ironic meme shitposter personality that the whole emo and scene thing from 10 years ago has evolved into. she's not reading deleuze, she's going to point her eyes at the words that he wrote and maybe memorize some vague sounding selections so she can post them on social media and casually flaunt how cultured and intelligent she is to get attention from autistic virgins while taking away nothing from the text itself.

in just about EVERY single medium be it music, painting, literature, etc. the "mainstream" body of work put out by women has taken a sharp, sharp fucking decline in the past 30-40 years. you can pick out exceptions all you want, the ones that are most frequently championed nowadays are much more vapid than those from the past. it's such an insane cultural shift that it being ignored or even welcomed makes me want to rip my eyeballs out.

i'm a pretty left leaning guy, too. i want to support women as much as my fellow humans in general but not when the entirety of modern feminism is just "let us be retards and continue to promote being retarded and don't you dare judge us for it you patriarchal piece of shit!!!!" to be fair this sort of thing is currently materializing in all groups from left wing, right wing, those that are apolitical entirely, but nowhere is it more pronounced and devastating than it is in the average modern female.

>> No.10352724

Ugliness is usually a combination of several factors; bad hairstyle, bad clothing, and bad grooming habits in general to fit your body. It's not too hard to look a bit better and it does wonders. But with the height issue you're kind of fucked.

>> No.10352731

The height issue is why i'm alone. My 6' brother looks like me and gets pussy all the time. There's not much I can do about it.

>> No.10352736

bojack horseman is pretty kino for a show with majority female writing staff

>> No.10352737

How tall are you?

>> No.10352738

Among men who are physically fit, I believe that, barring serious and blatant facial defects, a good haircut + groomed face + decent wardrobe can make any man into at least a 7/10. You don’t have to look like Ryan Gosling - women will be interested in a well-groomed, fit man who exudes confidence.

>> No.10352742

Confidence and height are my biggest drawbacks. I'm not super short, but I'm only like 5'8 so it doesn't help.

>> No.10352750

Bullshit. The vast majority of men never reproduced, neither in the animal kingdom, nor in human tribal formations.

The amount of men able to reproduce today is at a historical high due to monogamous practices and rule of law.

>> No.10352751

5'6" borderline midget. I live in a midwestern neighborhood full of old Dutch and Swedish immigrants too, so even the women are taller than I am

>> No.10352752

girls still like the 5'8" if you have the 6"

>> No.10352755

Solution: move to San Francisco where I live. There are lots of hot Chinese girls who are 5'2"

>> No.10352759

kek wisconsinite manlet

>> No.10352763

How do I get confident then senpai

>> No.10352765

>the middle ages were so bloody
Yet another liberal muh dark middle ages lie. Compared to late antiquity and the renaissance the European middle ages were relatively peaceful.

>> No.10352766
File: 8 KB, 231x218, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when 6' with the 5'' instead

>> No.10352769 [DELETED] 

Minnesota manlet. Prince is my hero for multiple reasons

>> No.10352772

Try being 5'6" with a 7.5" that no one will ever see

>> No.10352778

Minnesota manlet. Prince is my hero for multiple reasons

>> No.10352787

youre an opioid consuming metrosexual mulatto who wears high heels while playing basketball?

>> No.10352788

get fit and start sucking yourself off

>> No.10352790

In Neolithic times sure. Christianity changed all of this, which is what he's referring to.

>> No.10352791
File: 49 KB, 670x1172, 286FCCDF-75DF-4A6C-B9A2-77078A6741D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6’ with the 6.5”
>still haven’t had a chance to use it

>> No.10352792

Exactly a significant portion of well-paying work requires the worker to be relationship oriented, sociable, and strong communicators. These are traits inherent women but not to men. The growth of our economy depends on the advancement of women more than anything else, and this won't change without radical alterations to our underlying economic system.

>> No.10352795

use tinder

>> No.10352800

No, but i desperately want to be

>> No.10352808

>Christianity changed all of this,
This is fiction. In the first place, Christians picked up monogamy from the Greeks and the Romans. Also, it was, just as before, not as ironclad as romantics like to portray it, with men able to get mistresses having them while everyone else fucked whores or their sheep and goats.

>> No.10352809

I actually observed something. Women do seem to read more, especially great litterature, but they don't really seem to understand what they read at all. They seem to read something just so they can brag about it or put a checkmark somewhere in their social planner, but they don't try to understand the context, the evolution or the techniques, or even sometimes just the meaning of the text.
For exemple i talked with a woman who had read the "Meditations on First Philosophy" by Descartes, and she barely even grasped what the book was about at all, and why did it mattered, and it didn't seem like she even tried to ask herself anything about it. No critical reading at all.
Some men do this too but slightly less from what i saw at least.
What is the point of reading something if you are not going to try to take something out of it ?

>> No.10352811
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>> No.10352813

Buddy you just described /lit/ to a T

>> No.10352814

The "museum" is a bondage club where she get fucked by skinny biracial men with large uncircumcised penises.

I laugh every time I see somebody wearing one of these shirts. I saw a man wearing one once and he looked pathetic and weak. Also all the women who wear them look like harpies. Women are garbage these days.

>6' with the 6.5"

Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up.

>> No.10352817

Meh, I don’t want a hookup, I want to love and be loved. Sex would be nice but I think it would be better as an extension of an existing relationship.

>> No.10352819


Bless them, they're trying.
They just need to spend more time thinking and less time coming up with eye-rolling, so snarky responses to anyone who asks why they don't comprehend what they read.

>> No.10352822

If you can't have both right now, why not just choose a bit of casual sex?

>> No.10352826


>spend more time thinking and less time coming up with eye-rolling, so snarky responses to anyone who asks why they don't comprehend what they read.

>> No.10352828

....are you a queer?

>> No.10352831
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>I want to love and be loved.

ah bro
bro bro bro

>> No.10352835

nah he's probably just a hopeless romantic like the most of us

>> No.10352846

Yeah we're real generation of romantics aren't we. Us and our romantic ideals. What a time to be alive.

>> No.10352850
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, gender-differences-in-education-4-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are men obsolete now that their biological niche is being overtaken by capital?

>> No.10352852

Because I don’t think it would be fulfilling, and it goes against the Church’s teachings (which I believe to be true).
I find women intensely attractive, but I suppose >>10352835 is probably right
What the fuck

>> No.10352851

women wont love you

>> No.10352858

>I want to love and be loved
Men love women, women love children, children love puppies.

>> No.10352861
File: 110 KB, 1024x576, pisa-students-financial-literacy-results-from-pisa-2015-18-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10352864

Tell me about it. Old ladies (60+) are pretty chill, but as far as a mate I find it impossible to relate to young women. Kind of a problem when I’m attracted to the female figure but have only ever formed deep emotional relationships with men.

>> No.10352867
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Very relatable post anon

>> No.10352869

He probably has a high predisposition to obligate monogamy. It's highly prevalent in nerds (and sometimes pejoratively/colloquially called "first fuck syndrome" by dumb-asses). Some people are wired to want to mate for life with a single partner.

>> No.10352871
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>> No.10352872

I tried to accuse my ex-girlfriend of doing this. But then I realized that I wrote my thesis about Stevens's early poems and i still couldn't describe to you in a few sentences what he's all about. I can't even summarize my thesis. What the hell did I write about? Reading is easy, but articulation is hard.

>> No.10352876

what does that prove, exactly? They have built NOTHING. They destroyed EVERYTHING. The BRitish EMpire, the Shang dynasty, and on and on.

>> No.10352880

You mad bro?

>> No.10352881

Those "collaborative problems" are intentionally gendered to fit the female style of problem solving more.

>> No.10352883

The unrestrained and hypergamous nature of female sexuality is dysgenic, especially when disentangled from those traditional social institutions responsible for sublimating it, thereby harnessing its energies and channeling it towards socially and biologically productive ends. The rise of the so-called love match, founded upon the ashes of medieval Teutonic chivalry and the courtly love idealized by Troubadours, has been disastrous for the west. Blind passion should never be allowed to enter into considerations of a purely eugenic nature, which must involve the purification of the familial bloodline through the amalgamation of the best available racial elements. This can only be done by means of a rigorous "scientific objectivity", meaning a relativistic objectivity by which numerous individual perspectives are synthesized and subsumed into a single underlying thread producing a more intelligible picture, augmented by a process of deep spiritual examination and introspection. Those who are dominated by instinct reveal their brute animal natures through their inability to participate in any ongoing reflective life, hence the subordination of passion as an element in breeding to that of relatively dispassionate observers acting in service of patriarchy.

>> No.10352888

They are only measuring the skills of 15-year-olds, relax wtf, if the British Empire was great is not gonna make British teens to perform better

>> No.10352892

Which is also relevant since men mature more slowly than women.

>> No.10352897



Pick one.

>> No.10352900

Women can only compete in education but men will always have better jobs because men can actually do something worth paying for. w*Men can read books in a university yes but they cant do anything else. w*Men lack drive and honor to achieve things.

>> No.10352928

Depends. Do women gain access to capital as they become more well-read and better educated?

>> No.10352937

If you think the assessment suffers from methodological flaws why don't you address them faggot? you can read the Assessment and Analytical Framework here http://www.oecd.org/publications/pisa-2015-assessment-and-analytical-framework-9789264281820-en.htm and the main findings, full report by the OECD, country notes, database, etc., here http://www.oecd.org/pisa/pisa-2015-results-volume-v-9789264285521-en.htm

>> No.10352953

>Old ladies (60+)
old women today are the staceys of yesterday

>> No.10352961

There's nothing wrong with pursuing this kind of long-term strategy. Just don't idealise it and find ways to filter out bad women.
I suggest taking it slow and not be too easy, but that depends on your mate value.

>> No.10352972

Women read a lot of thrash, so instead of being something positive is something that plays against them.

Looking the academic fields, they don't anything remarkable. STEM are full of men. Most of papers come from men. Even Philosophy major (at least here in Europe) is still a men thing. Philosophers are still men.

They can try to write literature and receive some Nobel Prize, but they are shitty writers. The can try to read classics but their critics are shitty. They can try to read philosophy to look intellectual but they can't go deeper than the surface.

Big business men are still men (the richest women on earth got their money from their ex-husbands).

The greatest filmmakers are still men.

So... no. Women only proved that they are incapable of achieving anything worthwhile. I don't have anything against them, they are beautiful and satisfy my necessities, but they haven't proved anything else yet.

>> No.10352973

>In the past, it was really, really easy to find a wife and marry her, if you were a man. Whether upper class or lower class, king or peasant, you stood a very, very good chance of marrying.

No it wasn't. A peasant (or, really, a slave/serf) had pretty low chances of marrying, and if he married he might have trouble reproducing effectively. Best source on this is A Farewell to Alms. The flip side, if we're talking about the lower end of society though, is that if he *did* get married and have healthy children, that was it. That was all he needed to do, he was a success at life and would be acknowledged as such by everyone in his community to include his social superiors.

For the upper classes it's a bit more complicated. Kings and nobles with obligations to continue a bloodline got married whether they wanted to or not.

Having to live with a woman and children is definitely not an unmitigated good. In fact for a man of means it was (and is) a serious obligation with little in the way of concrete rewards.

The feminine ideal and "Perfect Wife" as portrayed even in ancient sources like The Book of Proverbs or Roman morality tales, but also in more recent Late Victorian or American Golden Age sources was rarely lived up to in full. For good reason; it was a high and hard ideal somewhat separated from the realities of life, like medieval chivalry. That being said, at least it was an ideology; nowadays the only ideals allowed are those easy to live up to.

>> No.10352974

Menopause does quite a number on Stacey then

>> No.10352997

more well-read, yea
better educated, prolly not so much since most of the books they read are sandra brown or rupi trash

>> No.10353005

Women and men have different strengths. It is good that women are getting ahead but I think it comes with a trade-off. Having young men with bad future prospects is a risk.
Men and women also pursue different goals and have different interests. From evolutionary biology this follows. There seems to be some increasing tension if you ask me.

And those highly-educated women will have to deal with a shortage of highly-educated men. I think our societies are outgrowing us and will get increasingly tense.

The whole growth model also seems to be on shaky grounds. I seriously think that we are creating new environments that a lot of humans won't be able to cope with.

>> No.10353017

The average age of Nobel Laureates is 59 years, in Literature that goes up to 65

>> No.10353018

I'm reminded by Peter Turchin's model of increased conflict due to elite overproduction.
I think it is not farstretched to consider that other factors besides elite overproduction could cause cooperation to diminish and competition to become increasingly tense.

For example between the sexes.

>> No.10353107

Of course she didn't. We removed old white men from the curriculum ages ago, grandpa :)

>> No.10353124
File: 244 KB, 577x654, HAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women forever btfo

>> No.10353143

>tfw we are returning to the Greek life on 4chan trough fetishization of young boys („traps“) and near complete absence of women.

>> No.10353145

As it should be since the Greeks were the pinnacle of civilization. If we could only combine the Greek spirit with the modern world we'd have a paradise of our own. The first step is the return of masculinity and a healthy respect for the beauty of the human body, be it male or female.

>> No.10353146

>Christians picked up monogamy from the Greeks and the Romans

TF u Sayin?

>> No.10353148
File: 151 KB, 956x1165, Ct1i70SXYAAki7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.10353149

thanks for the advice

>> No.10353171

I think men have the small advantage by the time they reach adulthood. In addition, the male distribution is wider, that I kmow

>> No.10353179

Jfc, no wonder Sweden is so cucked, it's literally run by women

>> No.10353182

it is not natural for a woman to be monogamous. Even if they wanted to be monogamous, it would not long last.

>> No.10353200

And that is why a society ruled by men is the only framework where they can function monogamously. Athens had it right, if you wanted to be a women that is "free" and out of the standardized family picture you could be a heterae. But still this is another function that was given to women by men, they are still in the framework that is laid down and enforced by men. Normal women were not allowed any sort of companionship with whores, and therefore the whores existed as a social stratum that was controlled by men, but kept apart from normal women. As of today where this distinction isn't existing and every women is basically a whore by choice.

>> No.10353201

do what you can to look better and be more confident, i hear nofap is good for people who aren't naturally confident. walk up to girls and just tell it like it is "hi, i saw you walking and i just wanted to say you look very pretty today" something like that. 99.9% chance you'll be rejected and feel embarrassed the first few times you try it but like with anything practice makes perfect, you'll slowly improve your social skills and learn to flirt and get numbers. learn how to take rejection though, because that'll happen way more often than not.

>> No.10353247

I don't think men's biological niche is being overtaked by capital. The economical and sociological niche, yes, it has been completely eroded by technological advancements that made the working beta male obsolete, but females still desire an aggressive and dominant alpha male, they still, even when educated, I'd say SPECIALLY when educated, desire to be part of an harem of some violent Chad.

The thing is, after centuries of education of the Western men to prepare him to be part of the economical machine, he has been thoroughly domesticated. Think of it as a civilizing process, paging Norbert Elias. So the only men able to take on their biological roles are non-Western, non-white. That's why women vote for left-wing parties who promote open borders with Africa and the Middle East. Mass immigration into the Western world is part of the same process as automation. Robots cuck white workers, Tyrone and Jamal cuck white boyfriends.

>> No.10353270

>...I'd say ESPECIALLY when educated, desire to be part of an harem of some violent Chad.
why would u say that, anon?

>> No.10353272

There's reading. Than there's reading deep books, which women rarely do. Than there is reading deep books and understanding them at a high level. I've yet to meet a woman that reads the great philosophers with any level of seriousness or understanding.

>> No.10353277

higher education is a soyboy environment

>> No.10353285

why is she so pretty
I want to tribute her and buy stuff from her amazon wishlist and donate to her patreon and kneel in front of her profess my love for her and smack my balls for her

shes is a goddess

>> No.10353287

superior non-slut version

>> No.10353288
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>> No.10353293

An uneducated female, living in a harsh environment, may feel biological attraction towards aggressive and dominant alpha males, but she also knows him as a bad person, as the gang leader who acts violently towards her ghetto, the robber who stole her phone, the killer who murdered her brother, as the psychopath makes her life into a hell. She may desire escape from that reality by marrying a boring beta male. Meanwhile, the educated female, sheltered from this reality, knows the alpha male only from his "positive" traits, his allure, his dominance, she is fascitated by his tattoos and drug dealing behavior. She doesn't have to live in the ghetto, she just goes there every weekend to party, to have sex with him, so she doesn't see his "bad" side.

>> No.10353301

I don't think video games are a significant waste of time, the biggest waste of time is drinking alcohol and partying, not only is alcohol neurotoxic but you also won't remember or be able to learn anything from your "social" interactions in case they aren't just trite smalltalk or screaming "woooooh!".
I am not saying it's wrong to have fun, but you can't kid yourself it's productive.

>> No.10353333

A bullet for the traitor first

>> No.10353337

I-is it weird if you go to the museum alone? Asking because I have no friends and I have done it sometimes.

>> No.10353341

those quads...damn anon you have been blessed

>> No.10353359

>get you any further in life
>he reads for utility
Please, leave this board immediately, disgusting pleb.

>> No.10353364

Why does she feel the need to share this to the world? Is she that insecure that she has to be "seen" reading somewhere ?

>> No.10353385

it's a woman, do you really have to ask?

>> No.10353390


>> No.10353392

>wow, people share shit on social media
>fucking whores

>> No.10353396

>bringing up high-school performance to argue intelligence
Yes, Melissa, you did all that homework on time and now you're truly making the world go round from your lower management of an office supplies distributor position.

>> No.10353397


>> No.10353399

If you're such an alpha why don't you do something about the state of the society you live in instead of bitching about countries you never have and never will visit and only see through a crooked meme lens?

>> No.10353403

The fuck does that even mean?

>> No.10353404

I am? Just commenting on the ridiculous Swedish graduation rate for women, it's funny how the more egalitarian the society gets the more women pine to be dominated and for traditional gender roles.

>> No.10353409

maybe they read more YA which is basically just pleasure reading

>> No.10353410

Who's the last woman you've spoken to?

>> No.10353411

The future is literally being designed by autistic males who resent women for treating them like shit and ignoring them for all their lives.

Roasties better watch out.

>> No.10353414

>the more egalitarian the society gets the more women pine to be dominated and for traditional gender roles
wut. you can still discern between your wishful thinking fantasies and real world, can't you?

>> No.10353416

your mother, last night

>> No.10353420
File: 214 KB, 400x399, fuck me sam fuck me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck you talking about?

>> No.10353425

My mom's been dead for a couple of years now. So you're fucking corpses and they're talking back too?

>> No.10353428

That you're an emasculated piece of human refuse.

>> No.10353429

Apart from the "I support all women" bit this is a pretty solid take.

>> No.10353433

So you have to be an overweight autistic self-infatuated weirdo friendless permavirgin jobless recluse with delusions of grandeur that LARPs as an ubermensch on Canadian Moose Fucking Enthusiast Forums to be alpha today? Interesting

>> No.10353434

lol incels are all mouth breathing retards
do you also think that /pol/ memed someone into the white house

>> No.10353436
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Science and technology and the people who advance it.

>> No.10353437

yeah? don't be intolerant

>> No.10353441

Sexbots and artificial wombs will become real and at that point women will have an increasingly hard time at justifying their cost.

>> No.10353444


Close your mouth when you're not talking boy, no one wants to see your gangrene-ridden gums

>> No.10353453

What on earth do you expect him to do? Fly to Sweden and stage a coup? It was just a casual observation

>> No.10353457

Shut the fuck up is what I'd expect. But that will not happen

>> No.10353458
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>female 'arguments'

Did you know that the greatest power of the 21st century, the PRC, literally puts women in prison for being openly feminist?

The white left is done.

>> No.10353464

More women attend college than men do. It's reasonable to call them more educated, but considering the nature of their education, you'd have to be a fool to suggest they are more intelligent. Especially considering the reason they attend college with much greater regularity is a proclivity to follow, men are on average much more creative which is a tremendous part of intelligence.

>> No.10353472
File: 234 KB, 500x500, 3573c43b68e6cf4ade6f651634b52fe0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well read
>better educated

>> No.10353476

It would also put you in jail for posting on 4chan you absolute mong. So what, you want to live under Commie China because "LMAO FUCK WYMYN"? You do realize you're the ultimate beta no, hiding behind a big daddy figure because some people hurt your pweshus feefees?

>> No.10353477

chads are never going to give up the gash bro. we as a species need strong genetic material in order to thrive and no woman is going to willingly donate her eggs to an ugly incel. even if they do take off, EUFI virgins are going to get bullied into suicide by the naturally conceived chads and darwin will prove yet again that he was right.

>> No.10353481

Woman just make an Instagram story every time they read a page, while most men read books without notifying the whole world.

>> No.10353484

collaborative problem solving is literally for cucks

none of the greats solved anything 'in collaboration' you think Newton or Einstein needed to hold someone's hand and gossip about their period while writing the fucking world's physical laws?

this kind of study heavily confuses causation with correlation too, the PISA? most boys don't give a shit about schooling or getting along with others because their self value isn't tied to it and they resist being ground down into a cog for a machine of collective mediocrity

>> No.10353485

the amount of delusion in this post, jesus christ. there can only be one place for you to return to:


>> No.10353486

4chan is not blocked in China, Google is, and given that CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA are Google property people posting from an IP address from China cannot post here but they are free to lurk the site as long as they want

>> No.10353488

*dibs inbinite bedoras :XDXD"

>> No.10353491

this thread is embarassing. /lit/ im disappointed

go to r9k with this shit

>> No.10353492

>cannot post here
unless you know, they buy a 4chan Pass, because then Google is not necessary to post anymore

>> No.10353493

>a misogynic brocialist
ooweeee who woulda thunk

>> No.10353494


>> No.10353498

Every board is /r9k/+something.

>> No.10353500

I'm just saying the East is the future and the East didn't go through the sixties and isn't liberal and is also at the forefront of technological development in a lot of areas precisely because they don't subscribe to Western ethics.

Feminism as a cause relies on a progressive liberal superpower (USA) bullying the rest of the world into adopting its values at gunpoint. Once that force is no longer there the narrative changes.

Darwin didn't foresee genetic engineering.

>> No.10353504

this is the board famous for bullying girls into deleting their online presence sweatie, even reddit knows we're the worst.

stop the facade

>> No.10353505

Absolute truth my dudes

>> No.10353508

Your understanding of geopolitics is barely better than your understanding of women.

>> No.10353514
File: 69 KB, 620x535, machinic delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If women were truly equal to men they wouldn't be oppressed.

If blacks were truly equal to whites they wouldn't be oppressed.

If farm animals were truly equal to humans they wouldn't be oppressed.

Natural hierarchies are actually refreshingly simple, might does not make right, might *is* right.

>> No.10353515

Almost every guy I talk to goes to the gym. Granted, some are less serious about it than others.

>> No.10353522

So me, being a chad, come to your house, punch you in the face, dip my dick in your milk and then force you to eat it with cereal while I'm bending your mom over the kitchen table. You have no problem with it?

>> No.10353523
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Another empty, snarky comment. Move on, titrig.

>> No.10353529

That's an irrelevant question. Ultimately, me having a problem with it only matters as far as I can put up resistance.

>> No.10353532

>so retarded he thinks this sort of "how wouldya feeel 'bout THAT" argument disproves anything that anon said

>> No.10353542

of course they are

>> No.10353551

>wife = pussy
>marriage = sex

I don't think you understand these things anon.

>> No.10353555
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Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Fifty Shades of Gray made it so many girls and women got into reading. There haven't been similar books for boys or men.
So yes, more women read than men. But depending on genre, this number can be difference. For non-fiction it is, in my experience.

>> No.10353624

They also play vidya and jerk off. That's part of being a well-adjusted young man anno 2017.

>> No.10353634

Universal Basic Pussy when?

>> No.10353642

When it comes to women reading more than men it's exclusively about genre fiction aka fictionshit. No self-respecting man reads fictionshit.

>> No.10353656

Men pretend like women are intellectually inferior but in my experience their potential is so often ruined by pride. At my debate/philosophy club there's a repeating scenario where some guy arrogantly provides badly formulated botched arguement that has been perfected in writing many times. When you tell him that sure, that's pretty convincing but why couldn't you quote that exact though from Foucault or Aquinas or whatever, he gets both flustered and angry. Men LOVE to reinvent the wheel and respond negatively when suggested that you can first study up and then relay novel thoughts. Like there's some shame in standing on shoulders of giants rather than ignoring them and boasting that that your ignorance makes you somehow 'original'

>> No.10353660

She was talking about her white suburban neighborhood which she knows it's days are numbered, she's a race realist

>> No.10353665
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>> No.10353685

it is already female and it sucks

>> No.10353718

women are the biggest helpers of capitalist society.
they want security and comformity and what other system gives them that than capitalism.
women are angered to work because they have been brainwash by femenist that told them women in the past contribute little to the development of society.
funnily enough deleuze would call this deterritorialization and reterritorialization

>> No.10353767
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 17498842_10102128583828380_4974031183408254537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The type of people who believe this shit are generally worthless unlovable creatures who would never have found anyone to fuck them no matter when they were born. It's pathetic little cop out argument that needs to fucking die because all it's done is made pathetic NEETs blame one more of their vast array of problems on the modern world rather than realising they're pathetic individuals who need to fix their own shit instead of whining about "modern degeneracy"

>> No.10353775

Do you even form thoughts or do you just say shit?

>> No.10353798

>getting toasty

>> No.10353803
File: 1.93 MB, 460x259, 1505345015541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of stuff like this?
>https://lolcow dot farm/ot/res/213878.html

>> No.10353816

>she's going to point her eyes at the words that he wrote and maybe memorize some vague sounding selections so she can post them on social media and casually flaunt how cultured and intelligent she is to get attention from autistic virgins while taking away nothing from the text itself.
>posting this on /lit/

>> No.10353828

The IQ spread for men is much wider than that of women. Men are on average both dumber and smarter than women, capable of greater genius and deeper stupidity.
Also women are better with words naturally, and everyone's biological niche is being replaced with social and mechanical tech

>> No.10353835

Nothing has changed dude people just went to prostitutes for sex. If you can't get pussy then just go pay for it.

>> No.10353839

You have to go back there roastie.

>> No.10353846

Yeah, I'm sure this measures real close to reality. You sound like you're a 16 year old

>> No.10353849

Your dismissal matters little, cuck.

>> No.10353863
File: 146 KB, 1200x1200, HA_HA_HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is SO funny. Thanks OP!

>> No.10353873

I find it very very sad tebehe

>> No.10353874

I believe so too. And add internet/social media there too. >>10352611 The thing is there are studies showing excessive playing of video games effects the brain causing depression, anxiety and social phobia link related: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/18/video-games-and-the-depressed-teenager/
I also think boys spend more time on internet which has negative effect on cognition too - for more check out The Shallows by Nicholas Carr.
I think that's more result of the culture/technopoly we live in.

>> No.10353875

This basically. I know a lot more smart women than men but the smartest people I know are men and the stupidest people I know are also men.

>> No.10353894

> there are studies showing excessive playing of video games effects the brain causing depression
Wrong. There are studies showing correlations between video game use and depression.

>> No.10353908

Including the one mentioned in this article
Correlation =/= causation.

And, if you think about it, It is far more plausible that socially awkward people get depressed and retreat into videogames as a way to cope than it is for playing videogames to cause depression and social phobia.

>oys spend more time on internet which has negative effect on cognition too -
This is pop-science nonsense. Please stop.

>> No.10353921

Di you even read the book? A lot of it has got to do with cognitive load and multitasking. It's not nonsense.

>> No.10353927

to me it seems women are smarter on average, but not in the ways that matter.

stupid men predominate because the work-consume-sickness trap saps men of their drive (semen, purpose, direction)

>> No.10353938

Chronic cognitive overload leads for example to lower selfcontrol. This could be one explanation why boys have worse grades.

>> No.10353945

Di you even read my post? The methodology of the studies is such that no causal link can be established. It's all correlational.

>> No.10353951

>so dumb he can't tell the difference between industriousness and intelligence

>> No.10353969

How can you look at that huge disparity between male and female graduates in Sweden and think that it's normal?

>> No.10353976

It's perfectly normal given the circumstances. Sweden is a misandrist country.

>> No.10353982


I have been able to stay with at least half a dozen girls, who I've all cheated on. I'm the one seeking pussy because monogamous sex is fucking boring. You can tell the other poster is an incel.

>> No.10353986

Oh god I know that feel.

>> No.10353988

True women just want your money, self control, and seed. Society has always favored women and children over men, though. Degeneration started once women's suffrage was combined with social welfare. Once the government is your daddy, things startgoing down

>> No.10354007

Why isn't it normal? Men are naturally much more likely to excel in physically intensive professions, in trades, in military - all those paths that don't require a bachelor's degree. Their overall set of potential suitable careers is larger, so it's not exactly a surprise that women prevail in tertiary education.

>> No.10354030

If that is the case, then why is it that in other coutriies bachelor's degrees are skewed in favour of men, while yet in othrs it is equally likely for men and women to graduate college ?

Admit it, Sweden is misandrist.

>> No.10354039
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>> No.10354047

Shit, botched link: https://crystal.cafe/b/res/2944.html
>misandry general

>> No.10354048

ha you think i will really follow that link

>> No.10354050
File: 8 KB, 236x270, 1504861277160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread really brought out all the drooling retards didn't it

>> No.10354058

You should. It will be quite enlightening.

>> No.10354065
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>> No.10354066

This is what /lit/ really is, whether you like it or not.
Depressed, frustrated nerds.

>> No.10354068
File: 619 KB, 1002x1200, 1512373789180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.10354072

Confirmed for not understanding the passage. What exactly is 4chan doing to make a better generation by instilling virtue into the youth? I don't think fetishizing traps, spreading porn, bad attitudes, bad habits, etc is helping shape the next generation into a better version of ourselves

>> No.10354075
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I like it, that's why I enjoyed the thread.
>depressed, frustrated
And pretty stupid

>> No.10354076

But those professions are dying due to automation. And women are also more likely to excel in service professions that also don't require education. The amount of eligible professions for men is lessening by the day.

>> No.10354079


And women have the need to show the world that they go to museums or books bought.
Booktubers are a example of that.

Man read but don't show to everybody.

>> No.10354084
File: 3.47 MB, 480x464, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this

>> No.10354094

Dying, being priests and monks.

>> No.10354096

>ignoring tinder's 1 hour delivery pussy special
Its the opposite most women are hyper sexual and are basically whores. We live in the age of sodom and gomorrah

>> No.10354105

So why aren't you gettin' any nerd?

>> No.10354107

I don't know, maybe women are less driven or encouraged to obtain higher education in other countries.
>Sweden is misandrist
What is that even supposed to mean? The people? The government? The educational system? You sound like a poltard, my man.

>> No.10354114

this is true

>> No.10354119

>those professions are dying due to automation
We're more likely to automate lawyers and physicians before we do plumbers and construction workers.
>amount of eligible professions for men is lessening by the day
Old professions die out, new ones appear.

>> No.10354120

Ah, the good-old female stud-virgin dichotomy.

>> No.10354128

You sound like a crypto-misandrist, roastie.

>> No.10354130

You didn't answer. Why aren't you getting any?

>> No.10354136


>> No.10354144
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1509945812927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha I was an autist all along

>> No.10354145
File: 24 KB, 441x334, schalke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suuuuuure. Is that why you're so butthurt about the whole thing?

>> No.10354151

>You didn't answer.
I am not that guy.
>Why aren't you getting any?
Because I was repeatedly raped by my cousin as a boy and now I become catatonic from sexual contact with women.

>> No.10354152

>everyone is valuable simply for being alive you fool

a thousand kekerinos xDDDDDDD

>> No.10354154

>We're more likely to automate lawyers and physicians before we do plumbers and construction workers.
The number of plumbing and construction jobs aren't anywhere near enough to sustain a large male middle class. That required a substantial industrial sector.

>Old professions die out, new ones appear.
What a useless observation. Of course that's the case, but there's no morality guiding which professions die out and which groups the new professions benefit. Who loses out when the old professions die is worth discussing.

>> No.10354157

So your own pain and anguish must be reflected on the entire world? Why?

>> No.10354158

>pure conjecture
I haven't seen that one before

>> No.10354161

What ?

>> No.10354163

Why do you care about what other people do if it doesn't affect you?

>> No.10354164

strawman an argument I didn't make. Oh boy

>> No.10354165

I hope some customer gives you AIDS.

>> No.10354166

This attitude to sex is dumb. It justifies Eliot Rogers' insecurity. Not getting laid is usually the result of things beyond your direct control

>> No.10354173


You're getting some shit but college is literally the only place I've struggled to get a girlfriend, both at undergrad and masters level. I've had no trouble before or after and I find that very weird. It's a bitter opinion to have but I just think college girls have higher standards than at any other point in time.

>> No.10354177


Although I'll say that it's piss easy to get dates with them.

>> No.10354178

oh... oh... o oOAHHAHAHAHA

how random she is XD

>> No.10354184

>better educated
not sure what you mean by that, here in my STEM the only women in our class has a dick

>> No.10354186

>has a dick

do explain anon

>> No.10354187

>he doesn't know about the feminine penis

>> No.10354193
File: 217 KB, 480x480, chink and monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an incel

>> No.10354197

>The number of plumbing and construction jobs aren't anywhere near enough to sustain a large male middle class.
How did that come up at all?
>Who loses out when the old professions die is worth discussing.
It's not in the slightest. Retards who didn't retrain or diversify their skillset and move into lateral sphere lose out. That's literally it.

You seem like a pointless sophist tard.

>> No.10354205

its a guy who dresses like a girl basically, and he or she fails at looking girly i must say

>> No.10354208

>How did that come up at all?
All you bring up as a counterexample to the death of industry is the fact that the limited trade jobs that still exist disproportionately employ men. That's how that came up.

>it's your fault for being poor
Real empathy on your part. Why post on a board dedicated to an empathetic art like literature if you hate people this much?

>> No.10354210

>Not getting laid is usually the result of things beyond your direct control
It's not. It's actually almost always the result of negligence in things you and only you have direct control over.

>> No.10354213

lole; you equals a nice person

>> No.10354216

So it's my fault that my genes made me short and have an asymmetrical face?

>> No.10354217

>calling people names on anime forum

>> No.10354219

Implying that hasn't already been done, if they could make artifical cow womb, I am 100% sure artificial human womb exists as well

>> No.10354230
File: 114 KB, 1600x765, michel & roastie selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become an accountant and sexpat. Solved.

>> No.10354232

its less likely that you'll get pussy but its not impossible. stop with the "I am a victim" mentality you sad cunt

>> No.10354240

It's reality you fucker. I'm not being morose about it, i'm dispassionately explaining what's been true for me.

>> No.10354244

>counterexample to the death of industry
There was no talk about death of industry. You said physically intensive jobs will be automated soon and I corrected you pointing towards other sectors being more vulnerable. The rest of the conversation probably took place in your head.
>w-waugh stop telling me truth the way it is
If you live today in the age of Tesla and 10 years from now you're still a truck driver it's only you who's to blame.
>empathy on your part
Empathy towards what? Lazy people being lazy?

>> No.10354247

just lower your standards and fuck a fat chick. women are whores. you are standing before an ocean and complaining about your cup having a hole

>> No.10354253

>just lower your standards
Kill yourself. It's all or nothing. (Not that guy by the way.)

>> No.10354257

No, it's your fault for playing up the victim complex about genes, when in reality it's just you being a sad autistic cunt that prevents you from getting pussy.

>> No.10354271

> it's only you who's to blame.
IQ is inborn. People can do nothing about it (yet).
The funniest thing about all this is that the proclivity to deny that you are built from a genetic blueprint is itself recorded in that blueprint.
Some things are beyond your control you mong. You're not God.

>> No.10354273

>It's all or nothing
that's bad advice for guys just looking to fornicate. Incels only exist cause they want to fuck Stacy.

>> No.10354281

>You said physically intensive jobs will be automated soon
That's literally been the case. You're the one who limited "physically intensive jobs" to trades and military. And even so, trades and military have been going through some degree of automation and offshoring.

>Empathy towards what? Lazy people being lazy?
A skill you've developed well into your 40s suddenly becoming economically useless isn't your fault. Not being up to date enough with the state of AI and technology to know which professions are vulnerable to automation isn't your fault.

>> No.10354283

>IQ is inborn. People can do nothing about it (yet).
black people get pussy

>> No.10354290

I have no standards. Fat women won't even fuck me.

>> No.10354291

>that's bad advice for guys just looking to fornicate.
>guys just looking to fornicate.
This is your assumption. What if his goal is a long-term relationship? In that case, it's far better for everyone if he becomes and incel.
Shit genes must be purged from the gene-pool.

>> No.10354302

I wasn't talking about sex you dingus, but about jobs. (Not even the guy you were talking to before.)
Truck drivers can be pretty dumb. It's not their fault. They were born that way.
Telling them it's their fault for not getting a job/respecialising after some robot took theirs is retarded. I know you can't help saying that. I am merely describing your sorry mental state.

>> No.10354304

>Shit genes must be purged from the gene-pool.
I'm that guy. When people say stuff like this they're working off the assumption that the quality of one's genes is indicated entirely by one's looks. There are tons of genes relating to intelligence, creativity, and personality that are also genetic. Someone can be ugly and still have valuable genes.

>> No.10354310

>IQ is inborn. People can do nothing about it (yet).
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize drivers are being out-automated when it's literally on every form of media for years.
>proclivity to deny that you are built from a genetic blueprint
Nobody is denying it, you retarded strawmanning faggot. The fact is very few are outlying from average far enough so that it would actually impede on their possibilities in life. Whereas we have an army of cretins like you that blame everything on muh genetics. It's fucking fascinating how you don't see the parallels with obese people doing the same. Kys.

>> No.10354312

> they're working off the assumption that the quality of one's genes is indicated entirely by one's looks.
Not so.

>> No.10354315
File: 52 KB, 720x558, thoughtcrimeresistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future is female
Don't think so. Men made civilization, we're the only ones to keep it from falling apart.

>> No.10354317

Incels value sex and revolve there whole life around it. Sex is there goal that is why they complain about it. They don't realize there problem is solved just by lowering standards. If you want to argue about the degeneracy of promiscuous sex or the viability of living a hedonistic lifestyle then I will find myself agreeing with you.

>> No.10354323

>obese people doing the same
Just because fat people are disgusting doens't make it any less true.
(And before you insinuate, I am actually skinny as fuck. 55kg, 170cm tall.)

>> No.10354326

>will be
>That has been
Not how it works. For the third time most "office" jobs are much more vulnerable to automation than physically intense labor in near future.
>Not being up to date enough
It literally is your fault. Being up to date on things that directly affect your life in a major way is your personal responsibility.

>> No.10354335

People who are capable of having sex don't understand how necessary a function it is to maintaining good mental health. Horses are gelded to avoid them becoming violent for a reason

>> No.10354336

>make it any less true
Make what true? The fact that you're most likely completely physically normal in every way, yet blame all your failures on "muh genetics"? Most definitely.

>> No.10354341

>incels are ""incapable"" of having sex

>> No.10354353

Why is it so difficult for you to accept these young men you're interacting with on 4chan are as ugly as they claim? Is it really such an absurd scenario?

>> No.10354354

humans can jerk off though.

>> No.10354363

There is no such thing as an incel.

Pay for pussy just like every other male did throughout the history of civilisation that wanted to fucked someone he wasn't married to.

>> No.10354375

>For the third time most "office" jobs are much more vulnerable to automation than physically intense labor in near future.
You're saying this after a large wave of automation and offshoring of our entire industrial sector. Sure, after so much has already been automated what's left is the white collar industries.

>It literally is your fault. Being up to date on things that directly affect your life in a major way is your personal responsibility.
Asking people to organize their lives around gaining marketable skills in the little time they have free per week makes you sound like a Dickens villain.

>> No.10354381

Yes, it's a highly statistically unlikely scenario, particularly considering the immense popularity of 4chan nowadays. For every actually unfortunate severely physically unpleasant individual there are 500 000 worthless weak-willed tards that would rather cry about genetics than put in any effort into getting the particular piece of pussy they want. A quick skin over any "r8" on /r9k/ should tell you everything. Most are completely fine, just autistic and lazy.

>> No.10354395

I disagree, I think there is a huge number of very ugly men, and there always has been. The only difference is that now they're hidden away on the internet whenever they can afford to be, so we see them in public much less than we used to.
Just because /b/ and /v/ are hyper popular doesn't mean two or three individuals posting in a specific thread on /lit/ aren't true outliers.

>> No.10354415

>You're saying this after
Jesus Christ, you cockgobbling retard, I am talking about now and nearest future. Modern tradesmen and unskilled laborers in the West are at a much much lower risk of getting automated soon than lawyers doctors or data entry workers. That's a fact and it's literally all I was saying. I sincerely don't give two fucks if you just read on industrial revolution in high-school or outsourcing in freshman econ. It's irrelevant to my statement.
>Asking people to organize their lives around gaining
Nobody is asking anything. You are responsible for yourself. Want to be welfare trash or cirrhosis-ridden hobo - it's your choice. Nobody gives a fuck and nobody is obliged to be empathetic towards someone who can't even be bothered to take care of himself.

>> No.10354430

>I disagree
That's irrelevant. Statistics are statistics and most people are within one deviation of average.
>doesn't mean two or three individuals posting in a specific thread on /lit/ aren't true outliers
It doesn't, but the style often betrays them.

>> No.10354450

lol I follow this girl on FB
she is a huge meme and her life is a mess (she ran away from home with some junkie iirc). and she's like 17?

>> No.10354451

"you're responsible for yourself" is predicated on the notions that any skill can be picked up; that experience doesn't matter to potential employers (you can't just study programming in your spare time for financial security then expect to get hired as a programmer once your current job is automated); that automation can't be sudden and unexpected; that people who work full time jobs have the energy to pick up more skills in the few hours they have to themselves; that new industries want to hire old people who the economy already left behind. Life isn't as simple as you think it is.

>> No.10354506

Alright, show me the statistics.

>> No.10354507

>"you're responsible for yourself" is predicated
It's predicated on objective reality. You and you alone are responsible for yourself and your life.
>boo-hoo I will have to do something to retrain
>boo-hoo I won't be hired as CTO right after driving trucks for 20 years
Nobody cares for your entitled moaning. The fact is that we live in times when educating yourself and acquiring additional skills is unprecedentedly easy, welfare systems are rather strong even in economically weaker first world states and people enjoy more social protection than ever.
>Life isn't as simple as you think it is.
It's precisely this simple.

>> No.10354525

>Not getting laid is usually the result of things beyond your direct control
Congrats on making the most pathetic statement in the thread.

>> No.10354532

People aren't islands you fucking retard. We're social beings who depend on our community and those around us. Radical self-ownership might be a useful motivational concept, but it's not a reflection of reality.

>The fact is that we live in times when educating yourself and acquiring additional skills is unprecedentedly easy
Skills aren't the only prerequisite when it comes to being hired.

>> No.10354555


>> No.10354593

hi Chad

>> No.10354613

>hur-dur unrelated hogwash
We're not discussing the human nature, we're talking strictly about professional reorientation. It's easy these days.
>Skills aren't the only prerequisite when it comes to being hired.
Depends, on the sphere, depends on the position. In the end it's always possible to find something suitable for everyone provided that one isn't a neetard desperately trying to larp as a victim of cruel fate and circumstance.

>> No.10354687

> it's a highly statistically unlikely scenario, particularly considering the immense popularity of 4chan nowadays
How to spot someone who is mathematically illiterate in one line. 4chan getting more popular makes it more likely that X type of people would be here, because there is a bigger pool to draw from.

Also, there are millions of ugly men on this planet.

>> No.10354693

Once you understand that IQ is genetic, then the notion that anyone can succeed in an economic system that only cares about capital and production seems ridiculous.

>> No.10354706

You are fucking cancer. Promptly kill yourself. Your advice is helping literally ( L I T E R A L L Y ) no one. Your view presupposed that everything you will ever be can be learned if you simply spend enough effort. THIS IS COMPLETELY UNTRUE YOU UNEDUCATED IMBECILE.

>> No.10354728

>If blacks were truly equal to whites they wouldn't be oppressed.
In the future there won't be white people though, they are not reproducing while other groups are. So by your definition this is because whites are not equal to the African and Asian population that will displace them?

>> No.10354740


>> No.10354773

they have it easier, they don't have to ejaculate

>> No.10354938

In my country (which isn't the USA), intelligent, middle class, or upper class people, have 0, 1 or 2 kids, while the poor ones who largely live from subsidies (or crime) often have 4, 5, 6, 7+

Reproductive success isn't about any kind of superiority anymore in the modern society. Even in the first worlds, Chads succeed at having sex much more than at actually having children. Biologically it's pointless.

I think the Church was right in condemning contraception, not because it's immoral, but because you can't avoid the bad consequences of dissociating sex from reproduction.

>> No.10354978

You're assuming trends continuing as they are at present and leaving out the defining factor of technology. It's hard to say what the future will bring and it's getting increasingly difficult. Also, don't make the mistake of equating mere numbers with power. There are a lot more Bantu than Ashkenazim in the world.

That said, if at some point whites would end up a subservient race, I would have no problem saying that at that moment in time they aren't equal to their 'oppressors'. Again, might is right.

The future master race will likely be machinic though, or at least engineered to some degree.