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10352602 No.10352602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I met god she's black
Is this board ironically lefty? Poe's law and all that. What does the left even stand for nowadays? It seems every major corporation has a rainbow flag or gay pride budget at the cost of the workers, and every Target has an extra bathroom for 0.01% of the population. Is it true when people call the modern left the Lumpen prole for the borderless global capitalists? I live in a sea of memes and I want to hear from the sincere leftists, in words that you'd use when addressing these proletariat you claim to stand for.

>> No.10352633

Which book is this?

>> No.10352645

Left =/= neoliberal Democrat

>> No.10352649

Sincere leftist here. I will do my best to explain where my beliefs come from and why I think them. I think it's important for both sides to attempt to understand each other. Sorry if this is long but I hope it helps you. I was born and live in a red state. I come from a poor family that is mostly democratic, but I have some very far right evangelicals in my family as well. I am a gay white male that passes for straight most of the time.

I identify as a democrat because I believe that the republican party's policies hurt people and the environment. Wealth rarely trickles down from corporations the way people say it does. I don't understand why on earth these people want to say, go into remote areas of the Alaskan wilderness, one of the only places we have preserved that much of, and start tearing it up for oil. Climate change is complete fact, and the republican party only denies it because they are being bought out by oil companies. They were pro-climate change legislation in the 90s and 2000s but once the companies stepped in the republicans turned against it, and suddenly "we still don't know" about climate change when literally the entire rest of the world does. Even conservatives in the UK and Ireland know it's real. It feels like a complete denial of reality to me. Half the time I think the only reason the republicans win all of these red votes around here is because they run with religion in mind. In the deep south a lot of them want to teach creationism in schools and remove protections for LGBT people, which affects me.

Don't get me wrong, I have much to say about the left. The nonbinary gender movement is completely ridiculous, managing to somehow infuriate so many people with such self-serving noise while also meaning absolutely nothing and having no reasoning or logic to it at all. Bernie's brand of neo-socialism is probably not going to work out for the United States. College won't be free until a lot changes, and even then, I think we seriously need to question whether it SHOULD be free with the way so many students are failing to perform and ending up getting useless degrees.

I don't want open borders. I want strict immigration policy, and a leader that is tough. However, Donald Trump is not tough. Donald Trump can barely speak in coherent sentences. He gets up from signing tables and wanders away, confused and having to be led back by aides. He uses cheap, baseless promises and nicknames/insults to advance politically. He has obstructed justice as plain as day, but I know that the republicans won't hold him to account because they rely on a Trump-supporting base for reelection. I am COMPLETELY fine with a far right leader. I will disagree with their policies and vote for their opponent when they are up for reelection. But Donald Trump isn't just a right wing politician, he's a fucking lunatic. Many of his business ventures are failures, and he takes no responsibility in governing. This is most of what I have to say.

>> No.10352653
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>> No.10352661


>> No.10352667
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>The left is gay rights
>The expansion of current LGBT support isn't just capitalists appeal to a wider market, guided by the need to continually increase consumption or have your business perish to those with less morality than yours

What does 'left' mean to you OP?

>> No.10352684

Most sincere modern leftists look like right wingers. A fuckload of sincere leftists, the people who actually care and for whom it isn't just a social club and source of Twitter hashtags, were very happy when Trump won even though they don't "like" Trump, because at least Trump was a giant finger in the ass of the oligarchy and a monkey wrench in neoliberal plans.

Those sincere leftists split on what they consider the right way to mobilize the rubes, and especially on whether socialism in one country or old school internationalism are the best ways to go about things. But they at least hate the Twitter "leftists," the rich brats who have assimilated it as another ideology for rich faggots to jerk themselves off over, who are all just neoliberal rich Outer Party cocksuckers.

Basically, the sincere left is currently grappling with the problem of drawing lines in the sand when it comes to the dignity of the human condition, which the right wing is traditionally good at because it's reactionary and willing to defend traditional, moral, religious forms of humanism. And the sincere right, not the reactionary neo-conservative economic cult that is called "the right," has long been grappling with the fact that no one wants to hear about traditional values and bourgeous elites would turn everyone into trannies if it meant a 4.56% increase in profit margins over 4 years.

There is a scary amount of rapprochement between the two groups that is probably (let's be honest) going to amount to neo-Gramscian fascism or national socialism, nationalised socialism, authoritarian "socialist humanism," things of that nature. The smarter sincere leftists who also happen to be of the internationalist camp know very well that some form of populist fascism, probably with socialist or worker's party overtones, is the "default" option at this point. That's what's happening next. A lot of them are scrambling to figure out how internationalism can be viable in these conditions, but a lot of them are also losing their faith in internationalism through that very scramble, because it brings them face to face with how powerful a tool deracination and cultural miscegenation is for creating a class-consciousnessless lumpenproletariat, yet another reason for rapprochement with the right (which is ready and waiting with "organic," that is to say fascist, responses to this very problem).

Tldr: Most politically interesting people right now are bizarre mixtures of ultra-right and ultra-left. The most likely fusion of these is some variant of national socialism, probably hyperdefensive and hypertrophied in response to coming crises like the civil war with Islam brewing in Europe.

>> No.10352696

Interesting post. You seem to be able to see precursors of this in Eastern Europe's revolt against Western Europe over refugees and migrants.

>> No.10352704

And who are these nebulous 'sincere leftists' especially those who are internationalist?

>> No.10353041

I like this post so much that I turned my phone on because my laptop wont let me post through personal hotspot.
And, it has given me things to look up that I hadn’t heard before, which means that even if this is intentional bait, it has unintentionally operated as a post to increase the amount of information, which is a bonus, de facto.
De jure, most shouldn’t even be allowed to interpret things beyond the authors intent, but I don’t even like the frogs.

>> No.10353059


I've been through all the rigmarole, but honestly, the left creates these things, the capitalists pick them up and sell them back to you, the left disavows as bourgeois or liberal or something and then sheds its skin, leaving a load of people who thought they were socialists ten minutes ago in a position where they are being called liberals - the solution is to go even further left!
Its like every time leftists realise that something they have been pushing is actually pretty bad, they selectively forget it was ever 'theirs' in the first place, or everyone left of Lenin is all of a sudden a Blairite.

>> No.10353299

It's a bit of a 'we can make a better society, within reason' and then once the society is better* the cycle continues
not really a bad thing desu, and there's always an antithesis to for when it tries to knock out too many pillars at once

>> No.10353666
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Interesting and erudite but missing the critical ingredient of ethnonationalism and ethno protectorate for me but not for thee that comes with the Jews (inb4 pol), like >>10352704 said I don't think you can sincerely review the situation without breaking your social conditioning around evaluating jewish spirituality, ethics, interests, influence and roots within Western politics.
. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "sincere modern leftists look like right wingers", if we take right wingers = ethnonationalists. Truly I have encountered more honest and class conscious people who simply want to protect the borders and autonomy of the native proletariat on the Alt Right than I've met so called "socialists" who want open borders, refuse to acknowledge racial in group preferences unless they are attacking the native Europeans, and people who place the minority class as more important than the working class (see gay pride, gays are far more wealthy and own more capital than the regular proletariat).

A very good example is the Dalai Lama, and I hope he gets brought up more in political discussions - discounting the strange economic situation of having a completely unproductive monastic class, the Lama is a socialist, and even cited some Marxist economic theory, yet he is the most famous ethno nationalist after Hitler. I think the big zeitgeist shift the "left" (aka not the starbucks socialists you mention) needs to make is the shift towards renouncing the hipocrisy and double standards - it either needs to declare a complete acceptance of open borders, which would make colonialism and plundering of other countries fine, or it needs to accept that the native population of Europe has as much right to autonomy as the native population of Tibet has a right to ethnic preservation and autonomy.

>> No.10353671

>blumpf is an idiot IMPEECH: the post
He's not an idiot, he managed to accidentally get his daughters involved with Our Greatest Ally

>> No.10353677

>>The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation.
ur not a fuckin leftist bro

>> No.10353688

He is a /pol/tard man
They've been brainwashed into thinking left = some sort of fabricated jewish tumblr satanists. Quite beyond hope.


>> No.10353697

>knocking out pillars isn't a bad thing
It's even worse when you see what they want to replace it with, or that they just want chaos ("chaos is a ladder" - CIA, The Dark Knight Rises)

>> No.10353700

I just became an anarchist because I was tired of people bitching about income tax and minimum wage and other garbage like that. If I just say I hate the government and I don’t care about morals then no one will bitch to me about their stupid ideologies
> yeah yeah people are going to call me edgy

>> No.10353729

To make a literary analogy
>he thinks he would be Mad Max or Epic Style Fallout Vault Wanderer
You'd be dead, mate, and you'd die in a horrible way
The only good guys in the wasteland were Immortan Joe (feeds the poor, protects his women for a price, actually manufacturing things, actually growing things, actually unifying warlords and tribes, actually defending his people, actually having sons) and both sides from Mad Max 2 - a reaver culture with Humungous and the guys dressed in white

>> No.10353780

You think I’m not training?
I’m lifting weights, practicing /k/omando shit( found a kgb training manual) and obviously I’m trying to stomach canned food while learning to hunt and farm.
I’m not looking to rule I’ll just live alone with my books, weight, and guns.