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10352419 No.10352419 [Reply] [Original]

>"my name is the BETRAYER OF HOPE and I am bad"
>"look how much black I wear!"
>"and you the DRAGON"
>"and AS YOU KNOW"
>proceeds to loredump everywhere
>insane guy spergs out and explodes into a mountain
>"our battle will continue until the END OF TIME"
>[cackles autistically]


>> No.10352424


>> No.10352446

I hate to break it to you, anon, but the Prologue actually has some of the better prose in the series.

>> No.10352475

What did you expect of genre shit? It not any better than some shitty light novel.

>> No.10352488

Prolouge was unironically the best part of the book. After having read the word "Trolloc" about 140 times, I set the book down and walked away. Probably made it to chapter 4.

>> No.10352569

I expected more

>> No.10352584

It was original back when it came out in 1984, back then people were only writing high/epic fantasy stuff.

See also the Black Company, the whole "we're the bad guys" thing is a bit trite now thanks to everybody imitating it.

>> No.10352866

Children of Hurin?
It has an epic prologue though.

>> No.10353687

Literally half of Wheel is pointless exposition

>> No.10353973

Eye of the World was released in 1990. And even then it was pretty generic.

Someone on /lit/ referred to the series as 'boring and nonsensical,' and I think that's a good description.

>> No.10353984

read the first ~200 pages of this when i was a teenager and had to drop it for being so dull

>> No.10354817

A friend of mine actually said to not be intimidated or bored by the obvious good vs. evil shit in the first book, because the other books just get better and better but I can’t see how they would

>> No.10354855
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>> No.10354867

That guy is salty as fuck over her success.