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10351893 No.10351893 [Reply] [Original]

What's his endgame?

>> No.10351896

your anus

>> No.10351918
File: 496 KB, 900x900, C1C19669-2586-4CF5-A1A2-522343D15178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He secretly just wants to get ass blased by Sadler

>> No.10351926

this guy is getting shilled a lot lately

>> No.10351942

His endgame is a few large, new homes paid for with the money he sucks off of lost nerds.

>> No.10351951

He's just a teacher. He has no agenda like these other shills,although this might be a huge turn off to some who are used to being lead to political conclusions. His videos are just about philosophy, plain and simple. Been watching Sadler for years. He's a good dude.

>> No.10351963
File: 87 KB, 311x371, Screenshot 2017-12-03 at 10.44.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just a teacher. Not looking for money!

>> No.10351969

Not only does he not understand either of Gödel's incompleteness theorems, but he thinks faith can function as an axiom? Is he just trying to see how much bs his followers will follow at this point?

>> No.10351970

He'll take your money, but he's not pushing any narrative or running interference. He's sharing his knowledge. Play one of his videos and judge for yourself. You don't have to pay him.

>> No.10351976

Peterson is old and busted, the bitter virgins of the internet need a new father figure to rally around.

>> No.10351986

how is Peterson busted? seems like he's only gotten negative feedback suddenly because he isn't a white supremacist

>> No.10351989

wow he just discovered 18th Cent. Phil

>> No.10351992

>implying /pol/acks will watch his Hegel videos in good faith

Don't they literally believe that Hegel is some dark evil wizard who created the New World Order?

>> No.10351994

It's hard to read books and fashion some sense of truth that gives you life purpose and meaning and initiative, especially when you grew up without a father (or the father you do have is a dumbbell) , so, yeah, this is not unusual.

>> No.10351996

He's busted because he's old. His fifteen minutes are up and he's getting long in the tooth, at least by the standards of the high-speed burn of the internet. The very same repressed young men who lifted him up have now gotten bored with him, and so they are searching around for some other dissident male figure to stand in for the fathers who were never around, because their mothers either had sex out of wedlock or got divorced.

>> No.10351999

What does he mean by God?

>> No.10352000

He gets negative feedback because he's a pop psychologist and a grifter that has no fucking idea what he's talking about when it comes to political philosophy, ethics, cultural criticism, literary theory, Marxian economics and so on and so on, yet refuses to stay in his lane. Even his grasp on Christian theology is tenuous at best.

>> No.10352003

That'd be Marx, who took all the higher values from Hegel's work.
In their minds Hegel = Prussia (even though it is Kant) and Marx = USSR.

>> No.10352006

that sounds like a bullshit reason though, the audience isn't as smart as him and wouldn't leave for that. you just wanted to write an insulting comment

>> No.10352007

Making a lot of money by selling a 12 step program to 19 year old masturbation addicts

>> No.10352009

am i a brainlet or is he just spouting nonsensical shit? how is faith in god an axiom?

>> No.10352015
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, friedrich-hegel-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I mean to be fair Hegel is on record as being an occultist. This is easily-obtainable knowledge, it's just it tends to slip through the cracks of most studies of Hegel for whatever reason.

>> No.10352018

>"philosophers" posting shit on twitter

>> No.10352020

He has a history of mischaracterizing Gödel and logic since his very first book. This is nothing new. He just doesn't know what he's saying.

>> No.10352022

I've seen lots of claims of his ignorance, but only accusations. In a post-truth world, mere accusations can be easily scrubbed off. Hence the elite pushed for the end of truth in the first place.
However, this creates a situation where charismatic and lucrative things win. Winning matters, and the elite is a bunch of losers. Populism is a winning strategy.

Leftists (and their handlers) created it with their double standards and lies.

>> No.10352030

Girls get paid to play vidya games on youtube. Basketball americans get paid to put a ball into a raised hoop. Men and women get paid to play pretend superhero in front of a camera.

Welcome to capitalism where people decide what has value and what they are willing to work for. The other system is a lot shittier and murderous.

>> No.10352033
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We could always go backwards.

>> No.10352036
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>The only alternative to Capitalism is Communism

>> No.10352045

Dude's a transparent grifter who has a really poor understanding of philosophy

>> No.10352048

You're leaving out the part where the information he feeds you depends on his getting paid. If you love nothing more than listening to that Kermit voice, hey, I've got no problem with that. But when you knowingly take in snake oil and try to pass it off as truth, that's no good boyo.

Also, nice critique of capitalism senpai.

>> No.10352052

my point is that that's a very new narrative

>> No.10352060

The fact that you lack the background to recognize that he is a pseud doesn't mean that he isn't. The proof that he is full of shit is in every introductory book on more or less every subject he talks about.

>> No.10352078

people are getting skeptical.
a change is a change.

>> No.10352086

>In a post-truth world
what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.10352087
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 21766456_10214522692241468_2378261127511690215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be a concerted effort to convert Petersonians into Rick Roderick fanboys

>dead (therefore easily romanticized)
>meme-worthy appearance
>thick Texas accent
>actually knows what he is talking about
>speaks in a manner that a 3rd grader could understand
>his lectures on Socrates, Epicurus, Kierkegaard, Hegel and Nietzsche have more "self-help" potential than all of Peterson's """work""" combined
>all of his work is available online for free, no grift involved

>> No.10352090
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>post-truth world
>Hence the elite pushed for the end of truth in the first place.
>Winning matters, and the elite is a bunch of losers.
>Populism is a winning strategy.
>Leftists (and their handlers) created it with their double standards and lies.

>> No.10352100
File: 190 KB, 1154x753, sadler_likes_the_memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10352108

That explains nothing. No new content has been released to suggest that, he's had a patreon for over a year, nothing has changed. You can't attribute it to anything internal, so the narrative must've changed from external source

>> No.10352110

decent indication he and that embarrassing redditor who posts about hegel are pseuds

>> No.10352111

Roderick teaches philosophy though. Anons want a daddy figure that makes them victims and gives them a bad guy that made the world so shitty and life unfair.

>> No.10352114
File: 89 KB, 1150x526, sadler_cliff_memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10352122

Should I know?

>> No.10352124

Cliff idolizes Sadler and Peterson. He did interviews with both of them.

>> No.10352125

You aren't any better than the guy you hate if you keep presupposing daddy issues and saying condescending things about people you don't know

>> No.10352133

Perhaps your meeting with intellectual barbarians will in turn help you understand why foreigners and especially those of lower cultures are unnecessary burden. Perhaps it won't, but in any case, neither of us can stop either of the events.

>> No.10352145
File: 58 KB, 746x488, sigmundfreudangry-746x488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a filthy Jungian

>> No.10352146

I just looked at that guy's twitter. Embarrassing is the right word. Imagine being stuck in the nauseating trap of having crafted an online identity like that (one fused with your RL one), forced interaction and contrived commentary. Articles, quips, 'memes'. Twitter is hell. It reduces you to having the kind of stupid, trite, prejudiced mode of communication you'd only share with families, friends and acquaintances. Getting famous off Twitter is basically like getting famous for the most vulgar, obnoxious and unremarkable aspects of your existence.
>hey i'm reading x
>hey i dislike what this politican said
>hey i find this picture funny lol look at it
If you have any authors you admire and they have Twitter, don't look at it. That's not where the stuff you respect them for goes or comes from.

Nothing in your post and in my reaction to it has anything to do with "foreigners and foreigners of lower cultures," retard. How do you take yourself seriously when you type things like "the elite is a bunch of losers"?

>> No.10352153

>Nothing in your post and in my reaction to it has anything to do with "foreigners and foreigners of lower cultures," retard.
The borders between words are an arbitrary human societal construction, and presumably patriarchy as well. Bigot.
>How do you take yourself seriously
>when you type things like "the elite is a bunch of losers"?
They are! How else would they fumble Syria, Brexit, Trump so bad?

>> No.10352158

>saying condescending things about people you don't know
the defense of a loser. you should have just typed "no bully daddy." it would have been fewer keystrokes.

>> No.10352162

>a white supremacist
No one asked him to be.

>> No.10352167
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>> No.10352170

you talk about daddy issues too much. maybe someone has a classic case of 'projecting'? ;)

>> No.10352182

Stop. It's embarrassing that you're using the stock epic 2014 response to feminists here when it's completely irrelevant. You're unable to comprehend a conversation outside of your infantile redpill/bluepill paradigm, so you assume objection to dumb shit you say is political opposition, and you think that everyone works from the same ideological assumption that "elite post-truth" and "mass third world immigration" are intrinsically, inseparably related - and are in fact the dominant relations of these concepts - and thus that you do not need to explain yourself to your audience at all.

>> No.10352189
File: 555 KB, 2775x3686, wh75hilyrtgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism has killed substantially more people than communist governments could have ever imagined

>> No.10352194

Peterson puts out multi hour lecture on a regular basis vs Clint's 20-30 min video once a month.

>> No.10352195

Nobody knew about him until redditors started falling in love with him 3 months ago and spreading their shit here

>> No.10352197

>It's embarrassing
Good that you feel bad.
>2014 response to feminists here when it's completely irrelevant.
What? CY-1 isn't accepted? Should have known! Oh man, oh me.
> You're unable to comprehend a conversation outside of your infantile redpill/bluepill paradigm
Niggers are unable to comprehend anything. Problem?
>so you assume objection to dumb shit you say is political opposition
My body, my choice.
>and you think that everyone works from the same ideological assumption that "elite post-truth" and "mass third world immigration" are intrinsically, inseparably related
Separation is bigotry! Long live divorce!
> and thus that you do not need to explain yourself to your audience at all.
Need is a problematic category.

>> No.10352199

If you had some real defense of Peterson I'd argue with you. But I'm not taking this wherever you're taking it. My original complaint is he is a fraud. I don't like frauds. I don't like people who follow frauds or defend them.

>> No.10352200

You should also point out that this is using the same metrics that the Black Book of Communism uses to determine deaths caused by ideologies.

>> No.10352202

I never defended Peterson. You are inept

>> No.10352207

Dude, shut the fuck up. Do you know how much hell you're gonna catch for that? Or they might just ignore your post. But that's not cool, man. Please delete and go. We don't talk about that here. Capitalism is perfect and it always will be. We live in it, but we don't have to notice it. Communism is the threat. Let's talk about that, huh? Lemme see the commie death toll again. Those capitalism deaths were probably all brown people, so who really cares?

>> No.10352208

I'm a 'right-winger'. Dumb freaks these days.
>waaah he called me dum he must be tranny abortionist

>> No.10352211

What is your boggle then?

>> No.10352216

That you presupposed what people... and condescending.... and repeating your daddy issue thesis... etc etc etc

>> No.10352218

>If I use the flag I put on his hand, he will think I'm in the same team!
I'm sorry, I don't deal with losers.

>> No.10352231


>> No.10352238

You got offended in the manner that I insulted Peterson, not with the fact that I insulted him itself?

Fuck you can have that boy. I don't even care. Wish I could buy you a drink for the confusion desu.

>> No.10352255

He thinks he's saying the right thing, but he's deeply confused and using words incorrectly.

Keep in mind he's a professor of psychology. Psychology often attracts quacks. Peterson's not much of an exception.

What he's trying to say there is that the assumption that there is a reason to things ("God") presupposes all claims. He's intermingled "God" and "reason" or logos.

>> No.10352261

>He's intermingled "God" and "reason" or logos.
Same thing.

>> No.10352266

Not to everyone, which is why a lot of people get lost trying to follow him.

>> No.10352280

>Not to everyone
The tweet wasn't for everyone, either.

>> No.10352285

Sadler is the discount Ollie.

>> No.10352291

>twitter is not for everyone
If anything twitter is the most plebeian platform there is

>> No.10352366


>> No.10352399

You shut your mouth right now

>> No.10352400

after removal of various logically equivalent statements implied by "faith in god", it's conceivable you could create some consistent system from "god exists"

To be fair tho, Godel didn't show that logical systems require axioms -- that one goes back before Aristotle (the idea that all statements are justified by other statements has been independently discovered by about 2/3rds of the population before high school however).

Godel didn't even show that no system can verify it's own consistent -- there are numerous systems that are equivalent to restricted arithmetic that can verify their own consistency, even excluding presburger arithmetic / completed semantic tableux.

>> No.10352407

Is this bald Jordan Peterson?

>> No.10352449

he is pretty interesting


>> No.10352457

He is. He just kind of sounds like JP.

>> No.10352460

Seduce impressionable manchildren who can't read

>> No.10352471

sick infographic brah

>> No.10352501

>introduce western medicine to asia and africa
>population skyrockets
>plague and famine result

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.10352545

Stop with your moralism and humanism faggot.

>> No.10352563

>philosophy undergrad
>PhD in Philosophy, focus in Aristotelian thought, knows various forms of Greek, knows French, probably knows German, probably understands Hegel better than anyone on this board; but he's discount version of above person

This made me angrier than it should have

>> No.10352574
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>> No.10352613

Hes right. Without a God there is no definitive proof that is attainable, because everyone is coming from an angle. No one can objectively see and explain reality. If you believe i God, only Thou could attain proof

>> No.10352654
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 1510682828093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then don't bring up 'poor world contries starved their citizens under communism' as evidence their economic system is flawed

>> No.10352679

Famine isn't caused by population growth so much as the unstable transformation of local economies. While having more children definitely means families must acquire more food, in a subsistence edibility more children leads to higher productivity and better yields.

The real killer is when local economies begin transforming into national economies. Rather than produce a variety of crops to feed your village or family, African and Asian farmers in the 19th and 20th centuries became incorporated into national or even international economic systems.

While this process in the long term diversifies diets and ensures food security by allowing people to easily acquire foodstuffs from faraway places, these new trade networks can easily falter, interrupting the food acquisition process and causing hunger. Civil war is the main reason for this kind of interruption in Africa, regularly interrupting young national trade networks and depriving marginal communities of necessary food.

>> No.10353046

Let's settle this once and for all.

I'm going to go do some dishes right now. When I get back I expect an explanation of how "faith in God" is required to prove I actually cleaned the moldy beans out of the pot.

>> No.10353568

But hes completely right. The concept being discussed is warped by the fallibility of language. The barrier to understanding his statement is on the part of the interpreter

>> No.10353651
File: 35 KB, 640x480, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever his endgame was, it's over now. all hail the new king

>> No.10354945

This. Rabelais wiped his ass with Sorbonnists and their "Faith is the proof of things we don't see" in the 16th century ffs. Why haven't we moved on from this

>> No.10355035

That's nothing. You still have people talking about 'proof for God' that relies on Aristotelian physics.

>> No.10355041

>at this point
the tweet is from 2013

>> No.10355141

Wait, how is capitalism responsible for shit countries? It's not like Africa would have magically changed under any other system. Any developed capitalist country however would quickly get into shitter and mass executions with communism.

>> No.10355170

European capitalist countries have been systematically exploiting the third world for hundreds of years

>> No.10355270

psh, grow up. so have non-European, non-capitalist countries.

>> No.10355898
File: 33 KB, 864x393, ss-2017-12-05-00-43-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The very same repressed young men who lifted him up have now gotten bored with him, and so they are searching around for some other dissident male figure
factually incorrect. sad!

>> No.10356593

>can't syllogize without propositions
Sounds ok to me.

>> No.10356743

Using the word "Leftist" confirmed what a fucking moron you are. Anyway the guy youreplied to is completely right. He's a pop jungian who doesn't really know that much about theology (mainly). Everything is muhhh zymbolizmmmm