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/lit/ - Literature

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10346503 No.10346503 [Reply] [Original]

CONFESS /lit/!

What are the books that you planned to read in 2017 but didn't /lit/?

>> No.10346515

I planned to read Critique of Pure Reason but I'm still only halfway through but I really know the shit I have read so I guess its alright

>> No.10346517

>inb4 mods shoa the thread again for carli

you may oppress us. you may kill us, if you will. But capitulate - we shall never!

>> No.10346518
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Who plans to read something and then doesn't ?

>> No.10346535

I've gotten almost all of the cambridge editions of immanuel kant
absolutely based
if you have their COPR you need "Theoretical Philosophy After 1781"
its all the supplementary works dealing with the critique (including the prolegomena, several rebuttals of critics who brushed off the work, and letters of his explaining the purpose of the book to friends)

>> No.10346545

That's a helpful suggestion. I do have their edition of the Critique and Their Companion to the Critique currently

>> No.10346600

I gave up on The Book of Disquiet before I even got halfway through.
Meant to read Oblomov. Maybe I’ll get to it before the end of the month. Maybe not.

>> No.10346650

Ice - Anna Kavan
Couldn't find it at bookstores and i don't believe in amazon

>> No.10346667

I was supposed to read Jane Eyre, Ullyses and Middlemarch, hoping I still have time to get through Jane Eyre though. I planned to read one big novel a month, but I started to fall off the wagon around July. Maybe Ill finally start Ullyses early next year.

>> No.10346792

>I gave up on The Book of Disquiet before I even got halfway through.

>> No.10346797

not him but some of the english translations are shit

>> No.10346798

have you tried abebooks?

It's nearly all secondhand sellers, mostly charity shops

>> No.10346802

The Wealth of Nations

>> No.10346810
File: 305 KB, 900x318, the_Canterbury_Tales3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to work my way through the Canterbury tales in Middle English but I never got around to it. Maybe next year. Still pretty happy I read about 50-60 books this year. HBU op

>> No.10346826

Ulysses. Managed to finish Proust's novel, but it burnt me out for serious lit for a while.

>> No.10346842

Remember when I drove all the way from Toronto to Houston and to her ballet class and waited outside with my trunkful of books but when her and her two brothers arrived I was too scared to say anything. Then I drove off and you guys convinced me to go back and wait until she left and once again I was too scared to say anything so I followed their car home and waited until night to drive back and I dumped all my books on her front doorstep and in the morning she made a video about how nice it was then hours later her mom made her take down her channel i hate you guys and stop blaming me! It was you messaging her mom that ruined it

>> No.10346865

Someone post a link to hervideos if they still exist out there. Mods pls no bully.

>> No.10346870
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>> No.10346873

Forgotten Soldier.
I bought it and was on my list but ended up being busy with work and for some reason decided to put it on the back burner.
I'll read it after I finish Cacausian Wars.

>> No.10346875

Iliad. The Romanovs. That might be it. I bought far more books than I could expect to read in the year, but I didn't plan to read them so soon either. I actually had a motivation to read the aforementioned that went unrecognized.

>> No.10346884

i've heard good things about the latest edition published by new directions >>10346792
was this the one you read?

>> No.10346919

I have them thanks to a generous Anon who posted them earlier. I'll link you to MediaFire in a couple minutes.

>> No.10346927


Either/Or: A Fragment of Life
A Theory of Justice
Spinoza: Complete Works
The Open Society and Its Enemies
The Book of Five Rings
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Dream of the Red Chamber
Logical Investigations, Vol. 1 and 2 (Husserl)
The Problems of Philosophy (Russell, Bertrand)
The Tale of Genji
A History of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 1: The Period of the Philosophers (from the Beginnings to Circa 100 B. C.)
A History of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 2: The Period of Classical Learning (From the Second Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D.)
Philosophical Investigations( Wittgenstein)
The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
Beyond Good and Evil
The Second Sex
Cicero: Selected Works
On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo
Anarchy, State, and Utopia
Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Property Is Theft!: A Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Reader
Undoing Yourself with Energized Meditation and Other Devices
The Crime Studio
The Origin of the Family Private Property and the State
Das Kapital
The Conquest of Bread
Ron Carlson Writes a Story
Phenomenology of Spirit
The Book of Disquiet
The Wretched of the Earth
The Baron In The Trees
Invisible Cities
Pedro Paramo
No Longer Human
Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison
Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason
The Man Who Was Thursday
Rock Crystal
The Alexiad of Anna Comnena

And many others, but those are just books I bought but wasn't able to read.

>> No.10347060

ur crazy

>> No.10347067

>pedro paramo
my nigga

>> No.10347095
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really wanted to read pic related but i just didn't have the time with the amount of readings i had for uni
i took on more bite-sized books though, had some real gud reads

>> No.10347102

prolly fake but lmao if not

>> No.10347107

Amazon exists whether you believe in it or not

>> No.10347114

I forgive you for:

A Theory of Justice
Spinoza: Complete Works
Dream of the Red Chamber
Logical Investigations
The Tale of Genji
Philosophical Investigations
Summa Theologica
Das Kapital
Phenomenology of Spirit
Madness and Civilization

I own all of them and most of them were tedious but I eventually pushed through
(I used to literally read A Theory of Justice before bed to put me to sleep)
Spinoza's Complete Works and Summa Theologica are so fantastic I can't recommend them enough, but you definitely have to be in the right mood to even bother with them

>> No.10347121

>Harold A. Innis
>Harryold A.Innis
>Harry Old Anus

Too teir pseudonym

>> No.10347128


Here ya go for whoever is interested

>> No.10347342

ty v much anon

>> No.10347363


>> No.10347367

bitch has a small haed

>> No.10347409

and a wide nose

>> No.10347414

>expected to read complete spinoza, the summa, and das kapital among dozens of other texts

Did you just blindly set your goals or what? The summa alone is probably over a year’s worth if you’re really working at it.

As for me I thought I could read Aristotle cover to cover in like 2 months which would be ~40 pages a day. Didn’t realize secondary sources would be like 80% of my reading volume. I’m 10 months in and am only halfway through.

Did manage to finally finish the greek tragedians, though (after ~2 years of inconsistent reading).

>> No.10347434

Luckily, Spinoza didn't write all that much. What with him dying at 40 and his writings being liable to see him executed and all. Philosophy is slow reading, honestly if you can I'd recommend some intro philosophy courses (survey courses or 'history of''s work great). The foothold those give you makes reading dense philosophical texts about 10x faster and more enjoyable.

>> No.10347445 [DELETED] 

Someone photoshop this pic of Carli and make her shoulders smaller

>> No.10347472 [DELETED] 

u have a srs mommy fetish lol

>> No.10347491


>> No.10347536

The fags in this thread are posting unflattering pictures of her for some reason.

>> No.10347549
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so beautiful in every regard, it's like I'm watching an angel. I feel more for this /lit/ meme than any girl I've met or known of, what a joke. Is it a modern phenomena to be able to know and admire a girl without her ever knowing about you? How long before some former internet loner writes a book for this feel

>> No.10347552

>he's so beautiful in every regard
sans taste

>> No.10347620

Compared to?

>> No.10347661 [DELETED] 
File: 3.74 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10347664

Honestly most woman are garbage these days though.

>> No.10347667 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, 1489521762788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that I am wiling to marry her, cherish her and be faithful to her

>> No.10347680

I was going to do the same. Now I have two copies of that book, and haven't opened either. Planned on reading Descartes and Hume before doing it. Read a little bit of the former in January.

>> No.10347699
File: 191 KB, 399x445, stupid redidt book nerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is iCarli a crucial part of board culture?

>> No.10347740

Wait, did a mod remove my post with Goethe and Schiller? Lol.

>> No.10347973

Are these all of her videos ever made?

>> No.10348003
File: 560 KB, 465x637, Carli Claire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke my nofap streak to my sweet princess Carli. I'm sorry baby it won't happen again, I will remain chaste for you.

>> No.10348006


>> No.10348010

Well I bought like 24 books last month and I've only read half of them so I might not finish them all but I didn't intend to read every one specifically but maybe some I did individually.

>> No.10348086

Are you me? Thats two victims of this Lilith-demon

>> No.10348094

>Watching Christmas Eve video.

This must be what normal family life is supposed to be like.

>> No.10348097

Stop being a degenerate.

>> No.10348104

She's much to pure for sexual fantasy, her beauty and charm transcend that kind of base seunsuality

>> No.10348108

We're trying.
Day 1 nofap

>> No.10348116
File: 792 KB, 1111x741, WITH MY OWN MONEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course!

>> No.10348131

Romance of the three kingdoms’ first volume
Snow Country by Kawabata
Thus spake Zarathustra
Anime: A history by Jonathan Clementz
The world as will and representation

And a bunch more.
That doesn’t mean I haven’t read anything, it’s just that I got sidrtracked by other books on the way.

>> No.10348145

When I watch the videos there's a part of me that realizes she's attractive, but mostly I'm just drawn to the enthusiasm she has for the books themselves, which I once had but that is gone now. When I watch the videos I feel like I'm going back ten years when I still lived with my family. It makes me happy.

>> No.10348181
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After living with sluts, I still believe in a woman being pure.

>> No.10348203

what happened to her channel

>> No.10348238

We happened.

>> No.10348350
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>> No.10348355

planning what to read is for plebs who want to make brain gains

>> No.10348411

>tfw never get a modestly dressed gf

>> No.10348421
File: 1.17 MB, 1630x7012, Sleep tight carli claire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10348562

CoPR, The Bible and Summa Theologie (shortened to about 1600 pages). I'm halfway through the latter two but it's taking ages.

>> No.10348596

why are anons so evil...

>> No.10348607

Hafez Shirazi once fell in love with a woman he never met, I forgot her name. As legend goes, she led him indirectly to 'enlightenment' due to his pursuing her.

I wouldn't call it modern, because in the East it's a common them, unrequited love

>> No.10348635

so there were threads abouthere..: but ahe deleted her channel from this? doesnt seem as bad as katie

>> No.10348958
File: 374 KB, 1391x1064, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about this because I'm fairly new to the board but found this on Google, I'm guessing this might've had something to do with it

>> No.10348976

Cervantes wrote about that four hundred years ago

>> No.10349049


>> No.10349095

The Master and Margarita. Couldn't get into it

>> No.10349114

>Is it a modern phenomena to be able to know and admire a girl without her ever knowing about you?
dante did this shit

>> No.10349118

Weird, it's super-easy. On the other hand I dropped Anna Karenina.

>> No.10349141


Life and Fate by Grossman. Oh well, maybe next year.

>> No.10349143

Holy shit, /lit/ is the most /r9k/ board after /r9k/

>> No.10349156

The Republic because it was boring as shit.

>> No.10349165

It wasn't difficult, it just didn't grab me

>> No.10349303

I haven't finished a book in 2 years. I cannot find the concentration to read. This is seeping into other areas of my life. I can no longer concentrate on videogames, it takes me a weeks planning to play for 15 minutes, i dont watch movies. Finishing school work is tedious. I have no energy, i am depressed and have been depressed for over 10 more than years probably more, i wanna find meaning in life. I wish i had a women to love, but all my youth i was told having a girlfriend is a worthless endeavor (it was church, pro tip dont get too deep into church during your youth they say weird stuff sometime, or do. Idk do what you want) so i always have an itching thought in the back of my head about how i shouldn't have a girlfriend even though i want one. My parents support me in having a gf but i have zero social skills for it. I spend my days shitposting and procrastinating.

So i haven't read anything this year.

>> No.10349306

Coffee and Adderall

>> No.10350058

That sounds really unhealthy Anon. I know it's cliche, but do you exercise? Lifting or running or whatever can really boost your confidence and mood. Good luck. Getting a girlfriend really helped me grow out of my teenage moodiness. Try to lower your standards and look for a temporary companion. Having a romantic relationship can be very therapeutic and improve your self esteem.

>> No.10350090

The Romanovs was so good. It can be dry but goddamn is it fascinating. Took me 3 months to plow through it.

Against the Day is currently collecting dust, and I made it halfway through Crypotonomicon before calling it quits

>> No.10350107
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>> No.10350197

Underrated post

>> No.10350533

>Having a romantic relationship can be very therapeutic and improve your self esteem.
True, but then not true.

>> No.10350543

I am still reading don Quixote. The second part feels a bit dull.

>> No.10350549

dialetheists fuck off
>inb4 I will but also won't

>> No.10350559

I will. Sorry.

>> No.10350615

Wait. The last part of that shows her discussing IJ. Is that a signal that she's into /lit/ like tay's into /b/?

>> No.10350972

Almost all of them

>> No.10351081

Honest question. Are you retarded? Does your brain function beyond breathing?

Last year I read almost 40 books, mostly nonfiction, after not reading for a long time. This year I read almost nothing. 2018 I'll try to hit 40 again and stay on the wagon.

>> No.10351096

>Paradise Lost
>Pride and Prejudice

>> No.10351120

War and Peace and The Republic... still considering tackling them on christmas time.

>> No.10351183

I got halfway through Moby Dick and lost motivation, I think I'll get a copy with annotations and start again next year. Is the Norton Critical Edition the best option?

>> No.10351544
File: 57 KB, 718x400, carlidfw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shop lol

>> No.10351553

/fit/ is by far the most r9k board.
If you aren't gigachad you have NO chance with women, boyo.

>> No.10351559
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>> No.10351561

does /lit/ have the purest waifus?
poor thing just begs to be deflowered

>> No.10351566
File: 64 KB, 767x400, carlidfw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. She is mine to deflower, I claimed her first.

>> No.10351678

Not gonna happen. I forsook my family, took up ballet and converted to Catholicism just to be with her. As soon as I move to Texas it's a done deal. I have a plan to slowly ingratiate myself with her and her family.

>> No.10351833

The 1611 edition of the King James Bible. I had made a New Years Resolution to read the entire KJV but stopped reading several times over the year. I read from Gen. - 2 Kings and then I started to skip around a bit. I read Psalms, Judith, Mark, 1-2 Corinthians, Ephesians, and Colossians, but not in that order.

Eventually this year I decided to confess my sins and return to the Roman Catholic Church after a 10 year absence. I now plan on reading the New American Bible. The language of the NAB leaves a lot to be desired, but I love the reading guide and footnotes. I also read the Divine Office on Universalis nearly every day. I miss the KJV, but after much prayer and discernment I realized that I needed to come home to Mother Rome.

>> No.10351865

I was gonna read Bottoms Dream til I realized what an obvious waste of time it would be even if I liked it

>> No.10352132

>tfw she says crans instead of crayons

>> No.10352164

That only makes her more perfect desu

>> No.10352213

>you will never be a white, upper middle class American family
fucking kill me already

>> No.10352220

Thanks anon, i do been thinking about working out. My brother has also been pushing me for it, says the same thing, that it will be healthy for me.

>> No.10352243

>upper middle class
Are they? One of her videos is titled big family small budget.

>> No.10352253

They're just regular middle class I think.

>> No.10352394
File: 56 KB, 434x530, 1492011259346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're in the screencap

>> No.10352423

Yeah, I think they make decent money but also have like 10 fucking kids

>> No.10352812

no liberals love to think they are telling the truth when they make shows about family christmas reunions turning to shit

>> No.10352833

7 kids.

It reminds me of how in 1984 Winston starts talking about what relationships between men and women have become, and that he feels deep down that there's something that's missing that they're being lied to about; a healthier way of live that's more naturally that's been obliterated. That's how I feel about liberals and what they've done to the family.

>> No.10352862


Did you like CoPR?
Is it because you're a CoPRophile?

>> No.10353004

I took a break in the middle of The Book of the Long Sun to read some of Keats' poetry. The end of Endymion seemed like a good stopping point, but now that I've started reading Endymion it's a fucking slog and terrible in spite of one or two good passages. Literally just line upon line of bullshit about fucking nothing.

>> No.10353010


Who would draw that?

>> No.10353022

I thought there were only 5

>> No.10353605

Nah they were 3

>> No.10354541

No there were at least 5 there was a picture of 5. That is not to say she is the oldest anyway who knows if there are more.

>> No.10354550
File: 12 KB, 200x227, 8124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally just line upon line of bullshit about fucking nothing
>"These paintings blow just a bunch of gay nature bullshit"
What's it feel like to not have any aesthetic appreciation?

>> No.10354562

There’s 7. I think some might be off at college or whatever. You can find articles about the family online.

>> No.10355620

Tristram Shandy

>> No.10356006

Damn, their family has good genes...

>> No.10356235

Look at her broad fucking shoulders holy shit. She looks like a male character in the Justice league animated series.

>> No.10356269

Fite me irl

>> No.10356470

Shut your whore mouth. She's beautiful it's just an unflattering photo.

>> No.10356563

look at how broad her fucking shoulders are

>> No.10356889
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>> No.10356909

I didn't get as far into Man Without Qualities as I should have.

>> No.10357762

damn, didn't catch that.

she looks like a football player. i know it was too good to be true.

>> No.10357765
File: 83 KB, 750x923, 1510893596301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of the orther posts in this thread DESU
and also water margin

>> No.10358765

Planned to """start""" with the Greeks, so I bought Iliad but didn't read it.

>> No.10358911

None. I struggled through boredom to finish the brothers Karamazov, the politics, great expectations, Nicholas Nickleby, a hero of our time, this year for the pseud cred. As soon as I finish war and peace, which is ok, I will stop doing this