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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 227 KB, 1176x1200, Danny Cooksey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10346990 No.10346990 [Reply] [Original]

What's his end game?

>> No.10347011

damn he was fucking ugly. no wonder he necked himself

>> No.10347029

BEE says it was to become more famous

>> No.10347031


He looks like a cancer patient who's kinda into hip-hop but also wants to go to the gym.

>> No.10347035

BEE is the biggest faggot to ever exist

>> No.10347036

that he was ugly to be famous?

>> No.10347040
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Never EVER forget pic related

>> No.10347041

if dfw was "fucking ugly" I should probably neck myself

twice as hard as he did

>> No.10347045

this should be in the sticky

i hope you dont peacock with the zany sneakers, a headband and a thesaurus

>> No.10347046

You probably have even less discernible talent

>> No.10347053

just wait for my novel nigga

>i hope you dont peacock with the zany sneakers, a headband and a thesaurus
I do.

is that bad?

>> No.10347058

he literally just wanted to be the best writer of our generation and the definitive voice of the postmodern moment in literature but it's obvious that he fell short.Too short, clearly

>> No.10347071

Post your best line %^)

>I reach out to humanity through my sneakers

>> No.10347078

He came after the good pomo like Barthes

He was trying to move it forward into "Sincerity" while being truly sincere, but keeping the scare quotes—he was a moron

>> No.10347087

Just bad genes

>> No.10347208

I took a shit and it looks like there's corn in it but I haven't eaten corn in months

>> No.10347214

>Post your best line %^)
"Call me a doctor, Ishmael!"

>> No.10347217

Fuck me harder, Ishmael!

>> No.10347239

to eliminate his map for keeps

>> No.10347246

Prolapse my anus, Ishmael!

>> No.10347250
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And but so it is this, I think, that makes corn-poop-jokes' wit inaccessible to people whom our culture has trained to see jokes as entertainment and entertainment as reassurance) It's not that people don't "get" corn-poop-joke humor but that we've taught them to see humor as something you get—the same way we've taught them that a self is something you just have. No wonder they cannot appreciate the really central corn-poop-joke—that the horrific struggle to establish a human self results in a self whose humanity is inseparable from pooping. That our endless and impossible journey toward home is in fact our place to poop. It's hard to put into words up at the blackboard, believe me. You can tell them that maybe it's good they don't "get" corn-poop-jokes.

>> No.10347276

Ol Davey sure could say a whole lot of something while also saying a whole lot of nuffin

>> No.10347287 [SPOILER] 
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Too bad the glow-in-the-dark police got to him.

>> No.10347294
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>> No.10347335
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Hang himself.

>> No.10347338
File: 93 KB, 1387x702, CB11F4FA-6660-457E-92E6-8277D7F35FEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres the anon with the pussy-hunt-bandana story? theres your endgame. same as all of us.

>> No.10347345
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>> No.10347347

come on now, that Kafka lecture(?) was pretty good

>> No.10347351
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And but so a screaming comes across the porch, from the stairhead, Tommy bearing a bowl of lather on which a pinecone and a toy rocket lay crossed—he sits on the steps surrounded by heads and bodies of characters never to be created, Wallace having quit and thrown himself upon his belt, ha-ha o my, Tommy thinx, don't throw rocks at the thrown, ha-ha.

>> No.10347354

...why? Kafka is wacky... who doesn't realize this?

>> No.10347362

He does a pretty clean strawman attack actually:

Fake group of dumb but not really dumb kiddos don't "get" Kafka


>> No.10347366

The sanctity of possibility is nothing but a gratuitous indictment of God upon an unrelenting people who refuse supplication.

>> No.10347375

so not only are you getting hung up on a point in the lecture that has no bearing on the ultimate idea behind the lecture, but you misunderstood the example. Did you actually listen to it? Or has it been awhile for you? I'll allow the latter

>> No.10347388

The Kafka is funny essay...?

>> No.10347439

he's highlighting the difference between Kafka's humor which takes us into the "human struggle" and American humor which is an escape from that. He doesn't set up a group of dumb kids who don't get Kafka. The group you're referring to was used just to show that American kids spend all week doing menial homework and unwind by drinking and blah blah blah.

>> No.10348034
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>> No.10348707

Well hang me from a patio!

(I hadn't read it in a few years)

>> No.10348720
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>> No.10348747
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>> No.10348752

>all natural teeth
Was he lying in signifying rappers when he said he had a gold tooth in the back?

>> No.10348763
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>> No.10348853

>celebrity, media interest
This kills the walrus
Having a gold tooth could just mean he had a cavity filled rather than a fake

>> No.10348857

So he lied

>> No.10348870
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>> No.10348873


Kafka isn't wacky. The predominant reading of Kafka goes somewhere in the direction of "nightmarish" and "confusing" or even "surreal".

That is really obvious

>> No.10348885

You read The Trial and thought that? How?

>> No.10348900

not him, but the Trial is to some degree nightmare-of-reality, not "nightmarish" in a Stephen King sense, so Anon is onto something.

"Confusing", I don't know, not really a lit theory term.

"surreal", definitely, scholars agree on Kafka being a modernist type of light surrealism.

>> No.10348923

Call me, Ishmael ;)

>> No.10348925

are you an idiot?

>> No.10348940

you should read the essay rather than speculate. The two people you're replying to misunderstood his point so badly as to make one wonder if they read the essay in chemically instantiated disorientation.

>> No.10349077

I'm serious brah, help

>> No.10349749


>> No.10349791
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You found corn in your Kafka? I'm not calling Kafka shit, but to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Kafka. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of German literature & literary theory most of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Kafka's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his plots—his personal philosophy draws heavily from German law and the Torah, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny—they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Kafka truly ARE idiots—of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kafka's existencial mouse getting "gobbled" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons and I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kafka's genius lays folded on their bookshelves. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Kafka tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only—And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.10349844

Nah he says it's a solid gold tooth.

>> No.10349931

This board is pathetic. Whenever he's mentioned ALL you morons say is "Infinite Jest" and "sincerity".


>> No.10350042

Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-your6 pathetic

6 footnote loving douchery

>> No.10350053


He's dead.

>> No.10350216

i feel that anyone who has actually read his essays will be hardpressed to call him a moron.

idk man. most thoughtful people know better than to put all their sense of self worth in how they look.

>> No.10350237

Wanted to be the king of irony, the postmodern Kierkegaard, but then realized that irony is a dead end and poisonous and leads to fatalism so he offed himself.

>> No.10350677
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Or anyone who went to a better school than fucking UMass Amherst. The cringiest fucking place in the world.

His essays are his worst output by a longshot.

>> No.10350958

It's a nice book, what's your problem with it?

>> No.10350975

you seem pretty upset
have things been going okay for you?
we're here to help

>> No.10350983

He went to Amherst College, not Umass Amherst.

>> No.10351857

That matters so very little

>> No.10351987

Nah, UMass Amherst has a history of having decent philosophy/logic/English faculty. Amherst College never has and probably never will. Maybe if he had gone to UMass he would have written something not trite, entirely depression fueled, or blatantly false.

>> No.10352026

I would call The Trial inspired by dream logic but not nightmarish

>> No.10352043
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Goofy, if you will

>> No.10352071

Just a bit! I even gave a sensible chuckle when reading the bit with the paintings

>> No.10352265
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Partial to pic related
Favorite vid of him, sincerely. My on-court attitude improved so much from it.

100 pages into Pale King; His endgame was to overcome modern televised entertainment by instilling cinematic aspects and framing into a more engaging medium.

>> No.10352273

I don't really trust your opinions about either if you don't know that they're different schools.