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10337689 No.10337689 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlets Ruin Fun Edition no speed reading low IQ allowed
>last book read
>tell us what it was about
>try to shill it if good




NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.10337733

First for Shallan’s sweaty unwashed safehand

>> No.10337786

Reminder that 200 pages before bed is trivial.

>> No.10337788
File: 959 KB, 1884x1473, Spacecolony4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any SF books that go in-depth on what it's like inside a spin colony?

>> No.10337793

>last (SFF) book read
Time Enough for Love.
>tell us what it was about
Mostly incest and breeding.
>try to shill it if good
Nah, not worth it.

>> No.10337806

>>last book read
Short story, but Canon Alberic's Scrap-book by M.R. James.
>>tell us what it was about
An English scholar visits a haunted church in rural France.
>>try to shill it if good
It had a decent atmosphere but the stakes never really felt high. The setting felt authentic though.

>> No.10337815

Last thread some anon recommended me Aurora by kI'm Stanley Robinson. I'm thought the half of the book and I can say is pretty cool.

>> No.10337823

>Still reading Dune
>It's so fleshed out it might be hard to summarize in a single sentence, but we all know what it is, right? Sci-Fi that's like medieval society in space and there's like a prophecy about a kid growing up to be Lawrence of Arrakis.
>Unless you do nothing but read, it'll be a slow read, but it's also a very good read. It definitely likes to take it's time, but the world building and exposition are weaved into the plot so seamlessly it's hard to be really bugged by it.

>> No.10337829

Oh, and by taking it's time, I mean they only reach the planet nicknamed Dune on pg 80 on my copy.

>> No.10337831

>Time Enough for Love.
>Mostly incest and breeding.
Thanks added to my pile.
Giggty Giggity

>> No.10337926
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>>last book read
Book of Strange new things by Faber
>>tell us what it was about
Christian missionary on alien planet
>>try to shill it if good
It was not good.

Worst thing is it reminded me of a short story I can't place the name of, can anyone help?

It had these short ?mostly teeth? super smart aliens that were christians. There was a dude on their planet but then they get attacked by the cannibalistic ?newly hatched? young of the aliens. One of the aliens laments that it is so easy for humans to be good, his people have to struggle against their cannibalistic violent instincts.

sound familiar?

>> No.10337927

>last (SFF) book read
Words of Radiance
>tell us what it was about
getting ready for getting your shit fucked up and getting to know yourself in the process. With magic, fighting and lots of lorebuilding.
>try to shill it if good
Oh it has some amazing parts but also some questionable ones and of course it's long as shit. I'm an audiobook pleb, and graphic audio filth at that and the experience went amazing for me but I'm not sure I wouldn't have skipped a ton if it was the primary thing that I was doing.

Does anybody else feels like some stuff was retconned to shit from the first to second book? Or more like some answers to ambiguous questions didn't fully fit the questions themselves. I can't name specifics right now but i distinctly remember some instances of just that. Also characters feel like they move on with their lives to quickly from stuff. While it's understandable because there is a lot going on they still seem to move on to their neutral disposition with ease. Like the prince guy was totally unphased by his relative's death or how dalanar would deal and care about 10 things simultaneously, from one of his soldiers making outrageous claims to the world ending to being betrayed to planning a full fledged attack and not get overwhelmed.

>> No.10337929
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Is the Shaido sub plot finally getting resolved once and for all the turning point for the boring section of WoT? Cause it feels like it

>> No.10337957


>> No.10338048

Is wheel of time's portrayal of women as bad as i've heard it is? I keep wanting to pick it up, but the things I hear about the way relationships are handled just sounds so bad I'm not sure if I could get into it.

>> No.10338051

The Prefect (book will be renamed into Aurora Rising once the sequel hits early next year) has the main character visit several spin habitats, different kinds of them.

The book suggested by >>10337815 is more of a generation ship colonization voyage story than a spin colony one.
The second half was the part that I didn't like. The statement the author made and the way he used the plot points to illustrate it was something that I really disagreed with. Left me with a bad aftertaste after finishing the book. I didn't like it and prefer my generation ship stories by Alastair Reynolds, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.10338084
File: 139 KB, 250x327, Brandon Sanderson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.10338120

I wouldn't say there's no more boring stuff after that, it depends on how much you like Egwene chapters though.

Depends on what you mean by bad. One thing I will say is the women in WoT tend to have a lot more agency than men on average due to the circumstances of the world's magic system, so as a result the women in WoT can seem very overbearing in their manner and in asserting their personal ambitions. Also a lot of them are just super arrogant and cunty, but that tends to vary by culture. The cultures in WoT are very distinct from one another, but there's more than a few where women wield a disproportionate amount of influence over men due to various reasons, and they are not really any more generous with their power than men have been historically.

So, personally, I don't really see anything that bad about women in WoT, I think Jordan did a fair enough job in making them seem like real people and not idealized waifus, in that the majority of them are scum.

>> No.10338135 [DELETED] 

It's complicated.
It feels like every relationship has a bit of a struggle to see who will come out on "top" in more than one sense.

For the portrayal of women the worst example are the Aes Sedai, but they're held up as a shining example of "female authority gone wrong" so to say.
Also the time the story happens is one where women are more "privileged" than men, though not too drastically and that varies from place to place according to Aes Sedai influence.

>> No.10338204

>[MUH SCHOLARSHIP intensifies]

>> No.10338212

It's complicated.
It feels like every relationship has a bit of a struggle to see who will come out on "top" in more than one sense.
At one point you have one of the main character's mother in law insisting that he needs to dominate her daughter or she won't be happy.
All over other women say things like having to "house break" a man and not always as a joke.
You have two people in love where the man forces the woman to be his personal maid, and she in turn keeps trying to knock him down a peg, a queen who loves a bodyguard who treats her disrespectfully in private, it's full of shit like that.
So yeah relationships are a power struggle, Foucault would be proud.

For the portrayal of women the worst example are the Aes Sedai, but though early on everyone respects and idolizes them they end up being an example of "female authority gone wrong", especially compared with what they were during the last age.
Also the time the story happens is one where women are more "privileged" than men, though not too drastically and that varies from place to place according to Aes Sedai influence.

>> No.10338250

Trying to write a jaded character, who's not an asshole, but simply fatalistic. WIll people be able to tell the difference?

>> No.10338268

Does this look like fucking writing tips 101 to you?

>> No.10338269

not unless you portray him as deeply moral despite his pessimism, or you give him a horrifically tragic backstory

>> No.10338320

>deeply moral despite his pessimism
This is what I planned on writing him. A moral person who's past experience made him fatalistic.

>> No.10338332

webnovels are novels too

>> No.10338433

Easily, if you write well.

>> No.10338457

Thoughts on L Ron Hubbard?
Has he written something worthwhile outside of brainwashing space operas?

>> No.10338512

Could someone explain to me what a "safehand" is exactly?

>> No.10338536

In Alethi society a woman's left hand is considered private, so they cover it up whenever they go in public, Lighteyed(Noble) woman have long sleeves on that side that button up, while Darkeyed(commoners) wear gloves

it's basically like cultures were they consider body parts like the hair or ankles or shit we consider weird to be taboo in public

>> No.10338653

>tfw Jasnah will never give you a tugjob with her safehand
Why live, brothers?

>> No.10338676

Maybe the one called the sparrow?

>> No.10338693

>The statement the author made and the way he used the plot points to illustrate it was something that I really disagreed with.
Yeah, it seems interesting and I've liked exactly one other KSR book, and I wouldn't think I'd be the kind of person to shy away from a book because of the message, but I guess I am.

>> No.10338701

Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.10338764
File: 88 KB, 360x582, A-Scanner-Darkly-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last book read
A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick
>tell us what it was about
An undercover narcotics officer's brain and splits in two due to drug use. The two halves of his brain become independent; one half acts as Fred, the narc; the other as Bob Arctor, the drug addict.

>try to shill it if good
It ain't. Why do people like this book so much?

>> No.10338817
File: 434 KB, 1638x2441, OB_SHALLAN-MANDRA_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me a fun book to read. I particularly like futurism and crazy technologies, especially if it involves large distance space traveling.

>> No.10338820

Ringworld or Forever War y'all. Which do I read next?

>> No.10338837

A Fire Upon the Deep

>> No.10338847

Count to a Trillion, at least if you'd like your protagonist to inject himself with a transhumanism drug before a journey to an alien artifact around an antimatter star, go nuts, and come to his senses when they've returned to Earth to find himself in an opulent bedroom lined with tapestries showing the other crew members conquering the world.

This is all in the first few chapters too.

>> No.10338849
File: 859 KB, 2475x1616, OB_MAP-THAYLEN-CITY_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually literally started that last night and am a bit frustrated because I genuinely don't understand some stuff, like physiology of whoever lives on the planet the MC(?) crashed on, and their various cultures.

>> No.10338855

Ringworld, get some positivity in you before you get blackpilled with Haldeman.

>> No.10338884

They are sentient wolfpacks that coordinate cognition through ultrasound emitters/receptors on their faces. This happens automatically when they're close enough.

Flenser is wolf Hitler.

>> No.10338903

each individual is a small pack of snake-necked dogs. then those tree people lol. i liked it enough to finish it, but didn't live up to expectations.

>> No.10338916

Can you give me a link or something about it? Wiki shows nothing for that title.

>coordinate cognition
That's actually very interesting. Probably not enough to make me actually read it although I do really like that concept of different rules in different sections of space.

>> No.10338924
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recommend me some comfy scifi adventure lit. dont want any pleb shit either

>> No.10338929

It's by le catholic fedora man but the religious themes aren't as strong in this one.

>> No.10338934

Worthing Saga.

>> No.10339032

Why is sci-fi so riddled with shitty message fiction and forced diversity? Every single author they talk about is some sort of minority and/or left wing activist.


>A year ago, Amitav Ghosh usefully stirred things up with his rebuke to “realist” modes of writing. Where, he asked, is all the fiction about climate change? Well, it turns out that the answer is science fiction. Genre writing has been exploring the possible futures of climate change for many years, and 2017’s three best novels engage in powerful and varied ways with precisely that subject.

>> No.10339048

are science fiction and fantasy books that are under "young adult" generally a red flag for you guys?

I was at barnes and noble with a friend yesterday and was looking at some random shit and i noticed some books that looked kinda interesting but they were under young adult. can they be good just for a quick read? or should i just not bother?

>> No.10339072

It gets even better.
>card-carrying knob-polisher of twenty years reviews a novella
>fantasy world where kids are genderless and choose one when they grow up
>he mentions that it might be jarring to have "they" used as a singular pronoun all the time
>he no longer has a career
>he no longer has a hugo nom
>he is an enemy of all trans people and non-nazis everywhere
Underground SF is where it's at now.

>> No.10339076

They CAN be just as good or better. Pick up a random YA book and it won't be.

>> No.10339084

thanks senpai

>> No.10339088

Sabriel is YA and it's head and shoulders above most "normal" fantasy. Use your own judgment just like any other book.

>> No.10339104

I keep seeing The Shadow of The Tortuerer brought up everywhere. What's good about it? Same goes for The Blade Itself and The Red Knight.

>> No.10339117

Book of the Long Sun

>> No.10339296

Oathbringer was really bad.

>> No.10339340

The Expanse series.

>> No.10339428

>The Shadow of The Tortuerer
It's an very well written book with incredible depth and truly fantastic setting. It get's better every time you read it.

>The Blade Itself
It's shit. Literally an information dump.

>The Red Knight
Duno, have not read.

>> No.10339442

This anon doesn't know what he's talking about. Give Joe a try

>> No.10339483

New non-YA books when?

>> No.10339485

How fast per page? At 1 page per minute, that's still 200 minutes, which is 3 hours 20 minutes. That isn't trivial at all.

>> No.10339492

Different anon here. I gave Joe a try. Twice.
I simply don't like it. It's trash and not the sort of trash I can enjoy. It's not my sort of EDGY.

>> No.10339542

Sounds exactly like Kaladin....and also Batman.

>> No.10339551

I read The Hungry Tide by Ghosh. It's pretty cool because the story takes place in this really unique ecosystem in India and Bangladesh where the tide sweeps into this huge delta, covering and uncovering entire islands, recreating the geography every single day. Plus there's lots of Marine Biology.

>> No.10339663

Branson Sanderder.

>> No.10339694

This makes me mad.

>> No.10339700

I just read NEUROMANCER and I don't like how many niggers there were in it

>> No.10339710
File: 527 KB, 1680x2576, fE7C7Gn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what'cha doin rabbi

>> No.10339713

>maelcum does a double front flip, the muscular brown ropes of his back twisting sweatily
>ey case mon I toke da ganja mon sacred plant ya no

>> No.10339723

space rastas mon

>> No.10339787

niggers dont go to space.

>> No.10339862

TRK is also bad. It's just an uninspired grimdark Martin clone.

>> No.10339867

It's not the 80s anime edge, it's the 12 year old boy writing his fan fiction edge indeed.

>> No.10340114

So what do I do now that I have a 12k words short story
What the hell do you even do with that

>> No.10340123

>it's in first person
Not bad enough to drop a book but it constantly harms it. Is there anything more annoying?

>> No.10340131

I disagree with this.

>> No.10340136

He disagrees with this. See? So much better. We should just get rid of all second and first person pronouns.

>> No.10340145

I remember a publisher saying that first person books were the ones which were less likely to pass.

>> No.10340214

Frankly, the first person narrator needs to be by far the most interesting character to make it work.

>> No.10340261


He's a massive fucking liberal
Never read anything by him

>> No.10340442

I was thinking around 2 hours.

>> No.10340497

Mat in WoT was fatalistic, and not at all an asshole. The difference is that is the former doesn't treat other people like shit

>> No.10340526

Mat was the best in the WoT

>> No.10340586

Planning on starting Gardens of the Moon, first thing in the Malazan universe I'll read. What should I expect, will I really not understand half of the things happening?

>> No.10340617

It's a Pen and Paper RPG in book form and absolutely nothing is explained about pretty much anything. Quality varies wildly depending on the plto line you're following.

>> No.10340620

It's a book you enjoy more if you read a lot into the wacky shit occuring in Dick's life at the time, it's kind of an intro into the VALIS trilogy then his Exegesis

>> No.10340626

It reminded of Children of Time, in that the sort of medieval-alien chapters were tres naughty then the human chapters were A R S E

>> No.10340630

The Mortal Instruments books are so good.

>> No.10340656

I had the feeling it was somewhat autobiographical while reading it. In the author's note at the end he writes that everything in the book was based around events in his life.
I guess I expected a trippy, cozy book like Ubik or VALIS. I'm just disappointed because the cool ideas he had got thrown on the backburner in favor of a portrait of the drug culture he experienced.

>> No.10340697

>Does anybody else feels like some stuff was retconned to shit from the first to second book?
No, not really. If an example comes to mind please write it.

>> No.10340729
File: 86 KB, 756x574, 1496799388762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your idea will never get published

>> No.10340757
File: 940 KB, 1684x2560, 91x4fchgt2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your ideas are bad

>> No.10340759

Has anybody read Hellblazer or The Invisibles? They're comics, not novels, but they're kind of weird, postmodern horror/modern fantasy with a literary bent. Can you recommend any books like this?

China Melville's "Kraken" comes close but is one of his weaker works. The Magicians almost qualifies up until the part of the first book where it becomes portal fantasy.

>> No.10340780

I'd say Illuminatus! has some similarities with The Invisibles, I imagine it was part of the inspiration for it. Hellblazer is completely unlike it though, as is Kraken so your entire post seems nonsensical. What does gore porn have to do with psychedelia to do with urban fantasy?

>> No.10340792

Are you saying Hellblazer is just gore porn? Because you're missing a lot of what it is if so. I did say Hellblazer, not Hellraiser, to be clear.

Anyway, they're all urban fantasy with significant horror elements and sympathetic portrayals of very damaged people who manage nonetheless to have moments of real heroism.

>> No.10340797
File: 575 KB, 1613x2479, OB_MAP-ALETHKAR_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of retcon, Kaladin killing Szeth at the end of WoR was retconned.

>> No.10340806

Jasnah is so goddamn hot.

Oh yeah, wasn't it that originally Szeth commited suicide by not even bothering to parry or something?

>> No.10340809
File: 187 KB, 326x318, oh hahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes my mistake, I misread blazer as raiser.
I think you're on the right track with Mieville for similar things, but you're right that Kraken was a failed experiment. Have you read The City & The City? You could also try some of Ian Rankin's Inspector Rebus novels; as far as I know there's no fantasy involved but the same sort of gritty detective stuff as Hellblazer, he even wrote a one-off strip for it at one point. Jeff Noon's A Man of Shadows fits the description you just gave to a T while being far more cohesive a work than Kraken but to be honest I was pretty unmoved by it. Try Vurt. Yes, I think you'll like Vurt.

>> No.10340812

>Oh yeah, wasn't it that originally Szeth commited suicide by not even bothering to parry or something?

Yes, once Szeth realizes the radiants are back and he was right all along he doesn't even bother blocking Kaladin's attacks, choosing to die as atonement. I can't believe Sanderson changed it, it's a way better ending.

>> No.10340816

Of course it won't, who publishes ideas instead of finished works?

>> No.10340913

Thanks! I'm really into this kind of vibe, and I think I want to write something in the same vein but I want to know what's already been done with it first.

>> No.10340935

I think if I was planning to write something like that, I'd not try to get too bogged down in what has been done already, but read a load of things like the Rankin to learn the grittiness with the plot, then try and find my own way to make the "magic" part. Get inspired by something really left-field instead of just picking your favourite tropes.

>> No.10340946

I don't plan to just try and follow a formula. I appreciate your advice. Thank you.

>> No.10340951

Good luck.

>> No.10340955


>> No.10340967

>last book read
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
>tell us what it was about
An autist walks around a swamp where weird things are happening
>try to shill it if good
Yeah, it's pretty good. Lots of questions.

I'm about half way through Authority now and the bureaucracy is starting to get on my nerves. It's getting kafka-esque.

>> No.10341012

>safe hand in a glove not in a sleeve

>> No.10341027

She's a slut who likes to wear close fitting clothes that reveal without showing.

>> No.10341128

Dunno what was his reasoning, especially considering what happens in Oathbringer.

I swear to god if Szeth is shoved aside for MORE FUCKING SHALLAN the fourth book will be ruined.

>> No.10341176

Is this as good as people hype it up to be?

I'm about to buy it.

>> No.10341178
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Ups forgot pic.

>> No.10341182
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>> No.10341189

if anything here lives up to its hype it's that book

>> No.10341191

That's what pisses me the fuck off. We could have had a decent book if it wasn't for that whore. Even Edgehancer was good.

>> No.10341207

>anything with lift

>> No.10341215

Isnt the Stormlight Archives setting pretty boring? It surprises me, it's definitely unusual and imaginative, but despite that it just can't help but feel dull. Maybe it's because there seems to be very little mystery to it. If I compare it to WoT, which is generic to a fault, at the surface at least, WoT had so many more unanswered questions and things to theorize about, even about the little things. What does SA have? Sure the other realms/humanity's origin is obviously the big thing. But excepting that, the story is more like a character drama at this point that real epic fantasy. Which I've always thought is about exploring new settings. Well, Branderson seems to have gotten that over with fast.

>> No.10341218

It's still better than Shallan.

>> No.10341235
File: 29 KB, 309x475, 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it's alright, it is way overrated though so temper your expectations. I'm in the middle of reading through everything Gene Wolfe and I thought the Soldier series was better.

>> No.10341311

i love that cover
>it is way overrated
how many layers of rereads are you on tho

>> No.10341354

Szeth > Kaladin > Bridge Four > Dalinar > Wit > Jasnah > Lift > Adolin > Renarin > Taravagian > Vendi > Merchant girl >>>>>>>>>>>>> Shallan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shallan roleplaying

I don't think I forgot anyone.

>> No.10341358

>based Taravangian that low
>Lift above Adolin
>Dalinar below anyone

>> No.10341372
File: 29 KB, 1266x326, kindle ebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's stopping it?

>> No.10341375

>keikaku so powerful a sect was based around it is undone by Odium walking in and reading the plan

>> No.10341377

He was literally a drooling retard when that happened though, not his fault, and his logic about executing those farmers is 1000% correct

>> No.10341381

gimme your best alien invasion literature plz. i just started reading the second war of the world book and im hooked! love alien invasion stories

>> No.10341385

I don't see how his intelligence would allow him to stop Odium from reading about the Diagram if he wants to. Even then, Odium specifically chose one of his dumb days.

>> No.10341403

Commonwealth saga

>> No.10341421

Independence Day Novelization

>> No.10341424
File: 41 KB, 397x600, Dresden Files 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got the preview chapter of Jim Butcher's Peace Talks? Can't find it anywhere...

>> No.10341437



>> No.10341485

Nah, he only published one chapter so far, it was sent to the card game kickstarter backers.

>> No.10341488

Does Sylphrena known as Syl covers her safe hand ?

>> No.10341563

I don't think it's specifically mentioned much, oddly enough, but she is specified as wearing a havah from time to time and those are cut to cover it.

>> No.10341664

She's learning Kaladin's tastes.

>> No.10342365

Give me a comfy fantasy book to read.
I've read most of the popular ones here so don't fucking recommend me botns or pon (though they are both ultra comfy).

>> No.10342393

Face in the Frost, I guarantee it. Or anything by Diana Wynne Jones.

>> No.10342413

One of the best parts of the last book was when they went to Shadesmar . I enjoyed the change of setting and i would have liked to see more of that world. Unfortunately Sanderson seemed to want to get that part of the book over with quickly. We spent more time watching shallan feed the poor than we did seeing the spren homeland.

>> No.10342592

>Unless you do nothing but read, it'll be a slow read
I did not experience this at all. Children of Dune, now that's a slow one. But the thing with Dune is that it may be large and fleshed out, but none of it is wasted. A novel is slow if it goes on meaningless tangents, develops abortive side stories, and writes for the sake of having a long book. Dune does none of that. In fact, it's directness and focus lend it more speed than you'd expect. It's not "fast", but it's so masterfully written that the text, although expansive, feels downright nimble.

>> No.10342636
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>> No.10342685

Already published, friendo. Project harder.

>> No.10342690

shill it nigga

>> No.10342714

Lots of set up for the next book.

>> No.10342730

man, didn't have him for the FUCK DRUMPF type
what went so wrong?

>> No.10342757
File: 541 KB, 1638x2440, OB_EPHEMERA-GLYPHS_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For realsies though, somebody rec me a fun sci-fi. I particularly like futurism and cool technological concepts, especially gigantic scales--primarily ridiculously long distances traveled through space and/or megastructures.

>> No.10342833

Most of his cyberpunk had sinister corporations as the villains, it's not exactly surprising he'd be against President Dealz.

>> No.10342836

Vacuum Diagrams, doesn't get much bigger scale than the Xeelee Ring

>> No.10342858

Forever War is better unless you you're completely gay for the Big Dumb Object subgenre.

>> No.10342863

Fire Upon the Deep is very good, and the prequel (Deepness in the Sky) is actually even better. Children of the Sky is terrible though.

>> No.10342866

The Demon Princes

>> No.10342871

This was some weird shit but I think I liked it.

>> No.10342872
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The sequels to this have actually been getting consistently better, so if you're on the fence about continuing the series after Count to a Trillion you should keep going.

>> No.10342882
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Any of you read this? Someone told me he was like Mieville but better

>> No.10342894
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Already read most the sequence, started with that. Have you read some of the later Xeelee: Subtitle stories? Those Xeelee-imprisoned generations of Earth-locked human civilizations and societies are fucking strange.

>> No.10342910

I'm not that big of a fan of 4 and 5 in the series, honestly. Just too much going on offscreen. The duel in the rotating habitat where they're walking through the seasons was awesome though.

>> No.10342912

What a lofty goal

>> No.10342955

>too much going on offscreen

The scale and scope of the series poses a lot of difficulty. The Eschaton series has lots of great things but ultimately the setting means there's too much going on for everything to get detailed treatment. There's paragraphs in there that could be expanded into novels. Wright keeps the story pretty tightly focused on Montrose in order to avoid things getting out of hand, I think.

In Book 4 there was a point where the series could have gone the route of the characters uploading/augmenting themselves to greater and greater levels, and the author clearly made a deliberate decision not to do that. Wright does have a history of intentionally not making "point of view" characters the weirdest things in the story (e.g. The Golden Age). My guess is that this both makes the characters the reader spends the most time with more relatable and preserves some mystery about weird shit like making a copy of yourself except a hive mind made out of Jupiter.

>> No.10342970

>Wright keeps the story pretty tightly focused on Montrose
That's just it, in Architect we cut to this Rosicrucian spacer dude who goes on a hike with Del Azarchel in disguise and in Vindication we cut to this... Torment? Was that the planet? Some dude from the new spacer guild who goes on a hike with Montrose in disguise. So we're looking through the viewpoint of some (relative) mundanes and losing the thread, and since Rania isn't back yet it just feels like this frustrating holding pattern all along. Nothing's really being accomplished. Things that we weren't around for when they started get worked out, that's great for humanity, but everything I got invested for in Hermetic/Judge is ancient history now and it might as well be Last and First Men.

>> No.10343225

It would basically mean he's the best one currently writing, yeah

>> No.10343357

Newfag here. I'd like to read a fantasy book, but one that's standalone. Something I can just dive into and not have to invest myself in a series of books afterwards.

>> No.10343363

Is lopen's honor spren retarded?

>> No.10343370
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Squires don't form a Nahel bond, dum-dum.

>> No.10343387

he had a spren following him around and said the third ideal just like teft. how is that not bonded?

>> No.10343394


>> No.10343417

Fionavar Tapestry

>> No.10343421

I was the dum-dum all along, psych!

>> No.10343447

Face in the Frost

>> No.10343511
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What is this like? It looks pretty fucking edgy

>> No.10343533

Tigana, or any of Kay's other stand-alone works.

>> No.10343564

Second for this, it's a nice light self-contained read.

>> No.10343571

>half the fucking cast shows up in Oathbringer

>> No.10343595

Blood Song was pretty good. The sequels were a bit of a letdown.

>> No.10343602

Three characters do, but it's completely unrelated to the story of Warbreaker.

If you want to read Stormlight you should get around to reading Warbreaker too, but it's not at all the other way around. If you really like Warbreaker, and you want a little bit more of the characters, and you want to read an epic, then you can read Stormlight, sure.

>> No.10343603

It's self contained because you don't need to read anything else to understand it.

>> No.10343612

I'm embarrassed to go full anime but shouldn't there be something to make Kalladin stand out? He did for a long time because he was the first but now he is just one of the bunch

>> No.10343616

Yes, he should have his Sylplate by now but he wimped out on the Ideal.

>> No.10343680

He's bonded the only spren who was alive before the recreance, and is considered kind of a god among spren. He's also going to get armor in the next book, and probably get to level 5 in the one after that.

>> No.10343688

>getting the ultimate super power up in book 5 of 10

Not a chance he gets it before book 8.

>> No.10343729

>implying it's even the final Super Saiyan
>implying Kaladin won't die in book 5

>> No.10343749

>implying we won't get Ultra Instinct Super Syl Honor Kaladin Super Syl

>> No.10343771

>Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Syl

>> No.10343952

Syl isn't "kind of a god" to sprens, she's just an odd case because she was asleep for ages.

If anything it's the Stormfather who acts the closest to a king for spren, and even he doesn't have any real authority since he had to offer a reward to get Syl back and he can't do anything if some sprens want to bond with filthies humans.

>> No.10343963

>tfw Jasnah's spren talks about how you don't go to war with Cryptics "like you do with honorspren"
>tfw we'll get to see superspren kaiju battles in Shadesmar

>> No.10343988

i wonder if you in effect become a herald when you reach level 5

>> No.10344127
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he is a pedophile, who formed a bond whit a underage spren that did not understand what she was doing

>> No.10344144

any you guys where i can get Raven's shadow ebook

>> No.10344305

>give em both fingers
Sanderson went all out with this book. Tor and all probably told him he wasn't writing YA shit with stormlight, or maybe GURM and Rothfuss rubbing off on him. We know he reads dirty as fuck books and recommends them to people.

>> No.10344316

Heralds are immortal right?

>> No.10344321

>don't trust cryptics
>"hmmm yes, we are very popular"

>> No.10344330

Either read the sticky or use the fucking internet you scum. You on the internet and don't know to use it?

>> No.10344374

anyone got a book on a medieval guy traveling to the present-day and experiences culture shock? doesnt have to be medieval just anyone in the past

>> No.10344395

I think there's a balance between advancing the main plot (Montrose preserves the free existence of men against Del Azarchel while until Rania returns) and showing off all the crazy shit going on. Without the latter, you've probably got a trilogy: Rania leaves at the end of the first book, a second act where Montrose and Azarchel struggle against each other across the ages, and a final book where everything gets tied up.

The first book is Count to a Trillion, the second book is basically Hermetic/Judge of Ages, and the last book will be Count to Infinity with 4 and 5 wedged in there as "filler" like you implied. Personally I liked seeing how bizarre "humanity" had become in 4 and 5. But, one can plausibly argue that they're aimless world-building I suppose.

>> No.10344397

The High Crusade by Poul Anderson doesn't quite match your criteria but might work.

>> No.10344614

they don't age yeah, I think the warbreaker magic system had something where once you reached a high enough level you stopped aging, the roshar system might have something similar.

>> No.10344695
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The entire reason Vasher is on Roshar is because Stormlight is easier to obtain than Breath.

>> No.10344872

sanderson a hack

>> No.10344888

I don't think Sanderson understands that the cryptics aren't shallan's sword and his family, but the emotion spren that prey on your feelings. Those are truly fucked up images.
I wonder how many parents burnt this book and called it the devil's work. With such imagery inside?

>> No.10344917

so, when you die for balefire is it the final death?
since even the sightblinder cant revive rahvin

>> No.10344925

No, Jordan said you can still be reincarnated, but it takes a long time, possibly a full cycle of the wheel.

>> No.10344942

Poor guy, he just wanted to play with his bitches in peace

>> No.10344946

no dude
he messed with THE DRAGON
>i will show him what it means to rouse the dragon
my heart go doki doki

>> No.10344947

okay if Jordan said it then it must be true

>> No.10344951

Andor is a country of ungrateful assholes anyway, the only real help he finds there is from foreigners.

>> No.10345062

When will wheel of time be rewritten with all the shit taken out?

>> No.10345083

You may not have heard, but the author died

>> No.10345088

your thoughts about Warhammer and Warhammer 40k, Horus Heresy series to be specific?

>> No.10345097

>what is night land

>> No.10345099


>> No.10345128

Complete garbage with the exception of Dan Abnett who wrote fun pulp adventures.

>> No.10345149

>finished A Wrinkle in Time recently thanks to /t/
>kinda abrupt ending, but pretty good for a children's book, though the stuff about heaven, angels, and God kinda felt out of place for some reason
>remember there's a movie coming out of it, see the trailers
>"Well, I don't remember the book showing Meg's dad presenting his idea for tessering, but it might be cool..."
>Oprah, fully shown even, instead of a translucent light being
>all day action in scenes that I don't even remember
>Meg acting so sure of herself instead of being sorta shy and insecure during the journey
>her even knowing about her dad's project, when her mother didn't tell her
>the centaur angel instead looks like an overly-sized leaf fairy

I couldn't give a shit about the /pol/ argument, but consider me upset. What the fuck, Disney.

Anyway, what should my next book be, Flowers for Algernon, or Foundation and Earth?

>> No.10345158

Rendezvous with Rama. Be prepared for a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.10345234

why tho?

>> No.10345244

How right you are ... big disappointment. But it must be said that this is exactly how such a contact would most likely go in real life. Such a habitat could sustain life for maybe a few hundred or thousand years but it would keep on drifting through space for millions more, so statistically it is vastly more likely you would encounter it during its "dead" time.

>> No.10345248
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Any books with xenophilic miscegenation a la the man-bugwoman relationship in Perdido Street Station?

>> No.10345251

How come I have never seen Lois McMaster-Bujolds "Vorkosigan" series mentioned here on sfffg? IMHO one of the best science fiction sagas out there.

>> No.10345253

>popular children's book with Christian overtones
>perverted by (((Disney)))
Yeah, that's really weird.

>> No.10345259
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Basically agree with what >>10345128 said about Abnett, Gaunt's Ghosts and Eisenhorn are both fun reads.

>> No.10345262

Why is she being fed a banana with the peel on?

>> No.10345266

is there a 40k book with romance?

>> No.10345275

Asimov next. "Flowers for Algernon" improves with reader age better than his work so there's no hurry.

She usually gets mentioned as a counter-example when someone gets the urge to troll with the "all female authors suck" meme.

>> No.10345460

>lord of chaos
>fucking 40 pages(80?) of prologue

>> No.10345514

The main problem was that it was resolving conflicts that hadn't been set up. Hermetic/Judge had the problem "who are the Blue Men and why are they robbing tombs," and everything that happened deepened the question or solved something. Architect and Vindication had things like that, Big Montrose's fleet and Fake Rania, but those were pretty much footnotes.

It needed to be a 20-paperback series is all I'm saying. Wright's atavistic style is in full force here, and is ill-suited for modern SF publishing.

>> No.10345538

Flowers is kind of more down-to-Earth personal & philosophical scifi, which it sounds like you might enjoy.

Foundation and Earth is classic bonkers space opera romp, and tremendous fun

Both are good, read them both and find out what kind of stuff to read in the future, my advice.

>> No.10345562

I see it recommended a lot elsewhere, /lit/'s tastes tend to run more towards pulp so it's not entirely surprising it comes up less often here.

Haven't read it myself yet because of how large it is but I'm planning to start next year.

>> No.10345635 [DELETED] 
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>Start a book club with some friends
>Nudged towards submitting books we have never read before
>Decide to put necromancer in for the 3rd months random pick as I have wanted to read it for ages
>it wins
>Only one other person actually finished it, everyone else gave up
God damn it

>> No.10345637

>Start a book club with some friends
>Nudged towards submitting books we have never read before
>Decide to put neuromancer in for the 3rd months random pick as I have wanted to read it for ages
>it wins
>Only one other person actually finished it, everyone else gave up
God damn it

Nobody saw that mistake

>> No.10345687

When will people like you learn that you can't force others to read books you like? They won't enjoy it, it just becomes a chore to them. Just accept they have different interests and find other people who share your interests. It's literally never been easier in human history to find people who share your interests.

>> No.10345691
File: 361 KB, 313x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ, never have I been introduced to so many new fucking concepts.

Other than the sequels, is there anything similar out there? Something so outlandish as this?

>> No.10345715

I am always so envious when other people get to read my favourites for the first time while I can never do so again. You'll enjoy it anon, Miles Vorkosigan is a character one never forgets again. And the worldbuilding is pretty great.

>> No.10345731
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>he thinks 40 pages is long

>> No.10345732

Too Like the Lightning reminded me of Hannu's writing in some way but it's not quite the barrage of concepts. Actually, I read Feersum Endjinn after Quantum Thief and was struck by how similar they are, I think QT owes a lot to it.

>> No.10345735

John C. Wright, The Golden Age.
>mfw transhuman industrialists discuss how the Sun will have its helium cycle overseen so it can keep burning for a trillion years

>> No.10345741

Is there a PDF for all the drawings in Oathbringer? I'm an audiobookfag.

>> No.10345744


Only one person liked the first book but we all still finished it and discussed it's merits and it's problems, as was the whole idea.

>> No.10346012

Aarrrggggghhh-bay has a ebook pack.

>> No.10346534

I don't see the point in roping people into reading something they don't enjoy. Much better if people just do what they like to do.

>> No.10346788
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>getting his shit slapped so hard by odium he sat in the corner crying like a little girl, twice
>crying and sulking like a five year old when his step sibling the nightwatcher touches his stuff

how can the stormfather ever recover from such a faggy like performance in this book?

>> No.10346862

some of it will be very confusing. warrens = magic, also physical realms that wizards can channel power from. tiste andii = black elves, t'lan imass = mummified neanderthals. malazan empire was founded by 2 guys who were then assassinated by the current empress. pretty loose definition of gods (basically any worship of anything can make a god), and still lots of over powered entities wandering around the world who may not be explicit gods who bask in followers' worship.

i will say GotM is the hardest to get into, but i've also reread it probably 5-6 times and love the entire series, so ymmv

>> No.10346866


>> No.10346882

the goblin emperor. quick, easy, stand-alone, enjoyable

>> No.10346883





>> No.10346885

I'm not that same anon, but can anyone recommend me more books like Vurt and The City & The City? I need genuinely speculative fiction that makes me think, "what if the world WAS like this, and what can we learn by pretending it is for a bit?" The more literary it is and the weirder it is, the better.

>> No.10346887

I hold the secret to dubs.

>> No.10346925
File: 154 KB, 400x557, amazing_stories_192708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished HG Wells' The War Of The Worlds. It still holds up well - the aliens are unfathomable and methodical exterminators, colossi next to the ant-like people who are hopeless. There is plenty of action and thoughtful speculative passages about alien warfare, human survival, and the course of alien/human civilisation; Wells' evolutionary speculations and predictions, I always enjoy. For an 1898 book there are a lot of prescient elements here: heat rays, poison gas, civilian bombardment, looting and disorder, refugee columns, all before ww1 - not to mention the Martians' mechwarrior-like aspect. Another pleasure of reading Wells is to pick out elements that have been plundered by later SF - there's certainly a touch of Skynet about the Martians.

Of the 3 Wells books I read I'd put this below The Time Machine and above The Island Of Dr Moreau, but some of the strongest writing I've encountered from him is in here. One criticism - it feels a little too bogged down with exacting passages of London locations and street names. Overall very enjoyable.

>> No.10346928

Malazan Book of the Fallen is not an easy or light read. The first few books have very little helpful exposition, you just have to pick up stuff as you go and remember key terms and names for when they get mentioned again. Also the sheer scale of the series is massive. It takes several books for character arcs and plot lines to cohere, simply because there is so much going on.

in the past I've compared reading this series akin to assembling a large jigsaw puzzle, rather than reading a novel, and it's a jigsaw puzzle where you have no clue what the final picture is supposed to look like, meaning you have to scrutinize the pieces very closely to figure out how things fit together and it takes a lot of time for the larger picture to become clear. You're not going to understand this series after one book, or two books, or even three books. I didn't connect enough dots to see the true big picture until book 8. And even then book 9 and 10 threw some serious curve balls.

>> No.10346969 [DELETED] 

I ended up going with Manifold: Time and Slans

They are hosted on Brandon's site.

>> No.10346976
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Whatever happened with the Shield Anvils? I only read the first four books but my favorite character was Itkovian. The concept of Icarium was neat too and Rake was okay but he was very neutral-seeming.

>> No.10346982

Do you not get the concept of the whole cosmere?

>> No.10346986

I hope jasnah will get her cunny reamed in book 4. Why does Sanderson have to be such a prune. I want women crying out as hard pieces of flesh are constantly stabbed into open crevices in their body.

>> No.10347021

>resolving conflicts that hadn't been set up
That's a good point. And a lot of what we do see feels rather rushed. But it's a choice between what we've got and a stripped-down trilogy or a 20-paperback series with multiple points of view. Wright was never going to attempt the latter, and if he had he wouldn't have been able to finish it under his Tor contract. There's little else trying to do what Eschaton does; Xeelee is the biggest comparison (also some interesting parallels to the Three Body Problem). I'm glad it exists even if it's flawed.

My biggest gripe with Eschaton is actually how little Montrose develops given how much time the reader spends with him.

>> No.10347072

>book club
I feel like you're not fully grasping this concept.
>it feels a little too bogged down with exacting passages of London locations and street names.
I'd guess he was using the attraction of the 'big city' to his advantage. Same with how so much has been written using NYC as a setting or how everything Japanese is set in Tokyo. Easy cool points to help win over the rubes reading your pulp.

>> No.10347122

any good books about people being permanently stuck in another time/world and having to live with it? if it wasn't turned into some shitty movie rome sweet rome would have been exactly what im looking for

>> No.10347131

...like livewire voodoo in the Japanese night

>> No.10347133

Oh boy do the japanese have what you're looking for. Unless you want to read something actually good.

>> No.10347141

I've read GATE, it was the biggest example of lost potential I have ever seen. I know there was that one manga about a WW2 battleship but I am hesitant because naval stuff isn't really my thing and I really wanna read a novel or series

as for the other generic mc gets stuck in fantasy world manga/animu yeah I've seen a few and the only one that I think was unironically good was konosuba

>> No.10347163

Just look up isekai

>> No.10347168

but im looking for western stuff, and not necessarily alternate world things either. It doesn't have to go full anime or anything

>> No.10347244

I wish he'd had some time to act like a god before he got Worfed.

>> No.10347265

>Wright was never going to attempt the latter
He's attempting it right now with Moth & Cobweb.

>he wouldn't have been able to finish it under his Tor contract.
Fair point.

>There's little else trying to do what Eschaton does
watch me

>My biggest gripe with Eschaton is actually how little Montrose develops given how much time the reader spends with him.
I think that's intentional on Wright's part; he's trying to have Montrose be this atavistic pulp character who's more or less static while the conflicts change around him. Then again Montrose consciously tries to be that too. He does show signs of getting worn out, though.

Azarchel's shown so much more development in the measly paragraphs we've been given, he's much more of a modern SF character. Where does Rania fall between these? If she showed up at any point after the first book maybe we'd know.

>> No.10347270


>> No.10347273

I haven't read them but I think that's what the Thomas Covenant books are about.

>> No.10347282

>It's shit. Literally an information dump.
On what? What is even explained about that hilariously vague magic system and world

>> No.10347285

That's a pretty superficial way to look at it. Just because trump was a businessman means little to nothing because he's so capricious and violently egotistical that he refuses to be ordered about by any corporation whatsoever. He's burned bridges with everyone in politics. Its the quiet, deceptive ones who just shut up and take the money that actually empower these so called sinister corporations by selling out our government.

>> No.10347336

>That's a pretty superficial way to look at it.
Gibson epitomizes superficial.

>> No.10347443

reminder that urithiru is a fabrail spaceship that the humans used to land on Roshar

>> No.10347490

reminder that Urithiru is a fabrial spaceship South Scadrians used to land on Roshar, Parsh are evolved Scadrians, and humans arrived much later through a mass exodus through Shadesmar.

>> No.10347669

Any suggestion for books like the expanse, or like bobiverse, or expeditionary force?

Those are 3 very different series but anything like any 1 of them?

>> No.10347706


Eeeh it's kind of it's own pulp/semi-hard SF adventure thing. You might like Joel Shepherd's Spiral Wars series, which is about the crew of a space battleship fleeing a human conspiracy and then stumbling across a even bigger conspiracy, it's military SF mainly in the sense that it's an adventure series where everybody is also in the military.


A narrative Let's Play of a 4X game.

>Expeditionary Force

From the description for the first book, try Ian Douglas' stuff and Marko Kloos.

>> No.10347741

The main thing about expedtionary force is that 3 4ths through the first book the mc finds a eldar ai and they jack a series of starships the humans barely understand and the onky thing keeping them flyingnis the ai, the ai is also a gigantic asshole, i find the concept of a group of humans working with a single incredibly advanced being to do stuff, its kind of like the expanse book where ghost miller helps holden beat the dead spot.
But instead of hyper serious its more snarky assholes and near misses.
Also bobiverse was good. I ejnoy books heavy on the technical jargon, and i like hard sf aswell, but thanks.

>> No.10347917

Oh well in that case you'll probably like the Spiral Wars even more. The "Even Bigger Conspiracy" is that the ancient Berserker AIs that once ruled the galaxy weren't totally destroyed, and they team up with a Berserker Queen from the faction that didn't want to kill all sapient organic life.

As to bobiverse I really didn't like it because it basically felt like somebody narrating a 4X and going "and now I'm going to do this" "great idea, me!", I mean I'm sure you could do a fine story about playing Civilization or Master of Orion but geeze, at least have some different viewpoint characters. And as much as I like First Contact stories, the stuff with the aliens was just boring.

>> No.10347950

>tfw have an idea for mimic living in a dungeon that gains sentience through a failed devil summoning that occured nearby and his subsequent travels
>shits already been done
>it's been done quite well


>> No.10347976

There's actually quite a few series but their names escape me atm, russia had a boner for !not stalins industrialising !not europe as well.

>> No.10347992
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>> No.10348141

Morningwood was good

>> No.10348312
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i should've listened to that one anon in here
this is awful

>> No.10348320

>mfw got tricked into reading another web serial that wasn't finished

Marathoned every body loves big chests over three days inbetween work, loved every minute of it.

>> No.10348365

Darwath by Barbara Hambly. The living with it part is heavily stressed. Gandalf takes two Calicucks to a freshly doomed world and the three of them have to deal with it. Romance and tragedy ensue.
The world is actually a lot more interesting than it initially appears. The books are very dark but not bleak or humorless.

>> No.10348386
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>Moth & Cobweb
Which is ironic because Moth & Cobweb (which for anyone lurking this is Actually Pretty Good) is a much more tightly focused story than Eschaton despite its length. I'm glad Wright scaled back, it's working out pretty well.

Good luck with your Eschaton-killer, I guess. But as I'm sure you're aware Eschaton is deeper than it appears; e.g. that chart Wright made about how each level of post-human intellect simultaneously corresponds to an observed level of organization of matter, an order of the Celestial Host, a classic SF universe, and a refutation of the ethos behind that universe was seriously a genius idea and it isn't much more than background information in the actual books.

>Montrose is an atavistic pulp character
Sure, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I wasn't really a fan of John Carter either but Barsoom was pretty cool. Also we already know what Rania is because of who the author is; pic related.

>> No.10348389

What's the urban equivalent to more rural-focused Gothic literature like Ambrose Bierce, William Faulkner, Cormac McCarthy, Toni Morrison, Tennessee Williams, etc.?

Is it dark, trippy literary SFF thrillers like the works of Jeff Noon, Michael Marshall Smith, JG Ballard, and Mary Doria Russell?

>> No.10348392

>that chart Wright made
That is the most maddening part. The best parts of Vindication were the masked extraterrestrial giving a tour of the map of the colonized cosmos and Del Azarchel dropping his popcorn in disgust, neither of which made it into the book. You know what did make it in? Robert's Rules of Order.

Authors trying to catch up with Wright, with what he's doing, face a formidable knowledge base and a lot of deep thought, which fortunately for them doesn't make it to the surface in favor of giggling foxgirls.

>> No.10348447

Anon, can you tell me if this book has NTR in it? I wasn't a big fan of the amount of NTR with those vampire books.

>> No.10348526

I never see anyone talking Neal Asher in these threads. Ya'll are sick of SJW bullshit and generally tiresome real world politics being shoved in things? You want interesting, hard sci fi with aliens, intrigue, AI, and lots of disparate plot threads coming together?

Start with Gridlinked.

>> No.10348528
File: 414 KB, 963x717, 2017-12-03-064414_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree that this is the adaptation that Frank would have wanted?

>> No.10348535


>> No.10348542

Speed read it.

>> No.10348544

>Chani is about to be killed by her sietch for squandering water with her massive rack, but Paul challenges and defeats her would-be executioner, earning the respect of the Fremen and using the proceeds to pay for Chani's bewbs.
>tau orgy.webm

Might actually write this up.

>> No.10348572

Hi Neven Iliev. I might pick up your shilling to see where it leads me.

>> No.10348573

I think the colonization overview was rightfully relegated to a (rather entertaining) appendix, but yeah that scene took up way too much space. Both Wright and Montrose are lawyers, of course, and Wright likes to include lawyering in his books, but it just dragged on too long.

>> No.10348594

Go into the archives and search Neal Asher and be amazed at the number of times it's found.

>> No.10348626

I heard it's hard to read for brainlets who can't into math and physics like me.

>> No.10348666


I never see him mentioned in this thread, I dunno.

>> No.10348674

So, Satan, when you say he's not SJWy, do you just mean he doesn't talk politics, or that his books are political but match your own views so you don't mind or don't notice as much?

>> No.10348686

King Rat by China Miéville

>> No.10348688

Just install Gentoo and everything will be fine.

>> No.10348807

What is that

>> No.10348821

dune porn game where you fuck around.

>> No.10348823

He probably means there's no sister hood moment involving lesbians eye rolling or racial minorities getting offended.

Or shit like in spider man homecoming, when black mj won't visit the monument with her classmates because slaves built it.
Yet will wear nike and use an iphone, despite slaves building those.

>> No.10348846


Probably a bit of both if I'm being honest. I mean the sort of thrust of his thing is that AI took over and there wasn't shit we could do about it, but, they were essentially benevolent if not always honest so we just sorta learned to live with it.

Then there's conflict with aliens. The prador are evil but they're literally space crab monsters who eat people and eachother. There isn't much of a political message with the prador really besides "fuck crab people"

But if it is there and I'm not noticing it I can't really say, nawmean? I mean my personal politics are semi right leaning libertarian. Center libertarian really. And he's got a sort of benevolent AI dictatorship thing going on.


I mean I do think there are lesbians and shit but it's all just done in a "yeah they're lesbians" and doesn't make a big deal out of it. I don't remember it being preachy. And I usually notice. I genuinely can't read Ayn Rand and I mostly agree with her. I should force myself to one day but....ugh.

>> No.10348876

There's a button to the right of that post that says "google". Click on it.

>> No.10348882

Yeah, but they're Asian slaves so they don't count. White people and Asian people find solidarity in a mutual, reciprocated hatred of Blacks, so said Blacks quietly ignore the hypocrisy.

>> No.10348901

My favorite sci-fi novella I've read in the past couple years was Binti, which is about a dark-skinned teenage girl trying to make her way in the world; her family is very traditional and doesn't want her to go off to space college, but she wants to, and at the same time, society in general treats her culture like shit, so she's trying to figure out who she is even as she sneaks away to go to space college on a scholarship and then alien jellyfish creatures with massive stingers murder literally everyone else on board the ship and she ends up as their ambassador trying to get them back something that was stolen in order for there to be a chance at peace between humans and the strange aliens.

I do think politics, even things related to real-world politics, can be interesting. It's just that too many people forget to also actually make it interesting AS science fiction. If I wanted to read about racism or wahtever WITHOUT the lens of reality-warping aliens or a slow-acting chronic illness that makes people start whistling show tunes incessantly or whateverthefuck strange shit, I would just read non-fiction.

>> No.10348905

Does the brown loli have sex with the alien monster?

>> No.10348939

Why do all fantasy book covers look like shit?

>> No.10348944

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.10348946

Message fic can be entertaining. It can be great literature. Ursula K. Le Guin is an extremely talented author and The Dispossessed is one of my very favorite books.

It built up its message as something you could love even with its flaws, and then wove that into the character arcs, so deftly that a throwaway thought in the first chapter about getting his daughter a souvenir turns into a closing line that encapsulates the theme of the book. It is a well-made novel.

It wouldn't have been if Anarres had been some prosperous utopia that only had problems because Urrasti were jealous. It wouldn't have been if Shevek had been a nosy know-it-all out to show those propertarians how to be free. It wouldn't have been if the Urrasti mathematicians were shown as blithering simpletons, unable to understand anything while blinded by greed.

Some stories are well-crafted but have no political message. Some stories are poorly made but are promoted by partisans as didactic tools, inflating their value far past what their poor authors deserve. A rare few are good workmanship and political at the same time. Le Guin elevated the political to the sublime. If you want me to read about your politics, I'm going to want you to love your politics like she did.

>> No.10348954

Not in book one but there's a sequel I haven't read yet.

She is finally adjusting to life on the ship and flirting with a boy her own age, feeling those butterflies in her stomach for possibly the first time when suddenly he's impaled by a horrifying alien though.

>> No.10348971
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 61T3q6GfIzL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked those books you wrote also i enjoyed this one:

Into the Abyss: Demons of Astlan Series

everything just escalates and escalates it is so bad that it is good

>> No.10348984

I never thought of that. That would be neat.

Listeners (parshmen) are native to Rosharan and Southern Scadrians wouldn't be space-faring at this point in the chronology.

>> No.10348991

>Listeners (parshmen) are native to Rosharan
Where are the shell primates then?

>> No.10348996

>Southern Scadrians wouldn't be space-faring at this point in the chronology.
At this point, no, but we're talking thousands of years prior and pre-Lord Ruler Scadrial was pretty advanced.

>> No.10349010


>> No.10349011

reminder that Ashyn is a red herring and honorspren cities in Shadesmar are the Tranquiline Halls.

>> No.10349066

I suppose not. Mind explaining?

>> No.10349092
File: 231 KB, 220x239, kuzco_cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Vurt
>The Beetle is a real bastard, but then...
>How many people have you had that are willing to lose something, just so that you can carry on for a little while?
Pic related.

>> No.10349160

What's the timegap between Warbreaker and Oathbring? Vasher clearly has been around for decades.

>> No.10349203

posting for that one anon who liked super sales on super heroes. even if the chances that guy is here in this thread are slim.
super sales 2 is out:

audiobook soon also again read by jeff hays. im personally gonna hold off until the audiobook is out.

>> No.10349233

A really good book is Masks. It's a short story anthology of super hero stuff. >>10349203 reminded me of it.

>> No.10349243

havent read masks. im currently listen to the audiobooks of d-list supervillain until the super sales audiobook is out. ill have a look into masks but i dont really like short stories. i like full length stories, preferably over several books.

>> No.10349285


I think both have their place. Short stories are usually more pointed. There's an idea or theme or single character that wants exploring, and it takes you through that. They're a great way for a writer to explore intellectually without a huge investment. Super hero stuff is great for this because there's so many little ideas around how super heroes are, or what they represent or how their powers would influence the world.

Long stuff over the course of multiple books is more "event" driven generally. More about development and change rather than the exploration of an idea. Of course there are plenty of exceptions.

>> No.10349291

i agree. the issue i have mainly with short stories is that they are, well, short. over too soon. i like enjoying things for a time. that being said i dont like it when books are way too long. thats why i never got into 40k the universe is simply too big for my taste.
i think 3-10 books is fine any more than that and i get the feeling that most of it is just padding or the author is milking a popular franchise. i mean thats the feeling i get from the dresden files.

>> No.10349393

Started reading Vurt last night. According to my Kindle I'm two thirds of the way through it. You weren't kidding. This might be my new favorite SF book.

>> No.10349598

I tried to warn you anon

it depresses me sometimes how many awful fantasy books I've forced myself through

>> No.10349723
File: 56 KB, 537x540, Cosmere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-Lord Ruler Scadrial was pretty advanced
[citation needed]

>> No.10349907

Growing bored of fantasy/sci-fi stuff. Maybe it's time I join the normies and start reading non-genre stuff instead. Oh boy, can't wait to read about 18th century russian nobles falling in love with each other and or succumbing in war

>> No.10349948

sometimes you have to deal with the bad things to appreciate the good things in life

>> No.10349989

>shilling a book i pirated because it wasnt worth 1 credit which i could use on a 40 dollar book

>> No.10350002

Kinda want to read Sanderson's new book but I can't remember a fucking thing from the first two in the series and from what I remember they'd be unbearable to reread

>> No.10350016

Honestly you might as well skip reading it and go through the cliff notes when the 4th book is released

>> No.10350019

>i agree with ayn rand
Ayn rand is a retard of the highest caliber, me for mine is a great way to another world war.
Its also a sign youre an asshole with no empathy.

>> No.10350022

Might actually just wait for the 5th so I totally forget and then do a reread

Kinda going off Sanderson after reading Reckoners and Rithmantist and I was never his biggest fan anyway

>> No.10350029

Yea but the escalation is the expanse is done well.

>> No.10350148

There is any book alike to wot series?

>> No.10350263

How is Moth & Cobweb? It's low on my priories of stuff to read by Wright, since it seems like a YA series.

>> No.10350295 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 1214x786, 1512336016159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is andrea best girl?

>> No.10350311

Do try: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell


>> No.10350323



>> No.10350333

Can someone recommend me some really comfy books on space travel? Maybe some generation ship stuff? I just want to get comfy reading about space.
Also, I was thinking about some mysterious space stuff. Like xenoarcheology about long dead space race or something like that.

>> No.10350353

metal boxes is kinda that. its decent. its kind of a mix between 40k meets starship troopers.
its not really focused that much on space travel though but it happens a bunch. its also mostly a feelgood story. nothing really bad ever actually happens apart from a few people dying.

>> No.10350978

>Why do people like this book so much?

Because the ending isn't completely out of line with the rest of the book.