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10343591 No.10343591 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone here read nick land

is his works mad black deluezianism

should i read fanged noumina

>> No.10343614 [DELETED] 
File: 474 KB, 972x1647, David_Chalmers_TASC2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here read David chalmers?

is his work mad neo-carnapism?

should i read the conscious mind?

>> No.10345038


>> No.10345437

Is he Jewish? He looks like he could be an Ashkenazi Jew

>> No.10345450

I'm reading that ebook that got posted here a while ago (A Nick Land Reader: Selected Writings, something like that). It's pretty nice though I don't always agree with him, and it gave me the idea to go read Deleuze & Guattari and Bataille.

>> No.10345455


>> No.10345463

Here's a PDF

>> No.10345467


>> No.10345554
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i'll talk a word with this learned theban instead

>> No.10346026

>should i read fanged noumina


>> No.10346048

>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin,
and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.

It's the self-published rantings of a mentally ill person who thinks he's Baudrillard. Sad!

>> No.10346061
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this guy

>> No.10346072

He descended later on in alt-right polemics, but his early writings are, without doubt, of immense value.

He also shares Baudrillards tendency towards poetic, picturesque writing which sacrifices clarity.

>> No.10346080
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i love nick land

>> No.10346100
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>his early writings are, without doubt, of immense value

Oh god how fucking delusional are you

>> No.10346121

The very first essay in Fanged Noumena, for example, contains the most comprehensive introduction in Kant's philosophy I've ever read.

>> No.10346134

>a better Kantian scholar than Korsgaard

Go to bed Nick

>> No.10346141
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must be pretty deep if its the best intro to kant you've ever read

>> No.10346162
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Fun philosophy but shouldn't be taken too seriously

>> No.10346378

Why not?

>> No.10346619

This desu.

>> No.10346632

He has a straight anglo-saxon nose, like a buttress on London Bridge desu.

>> No.10346638
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Fantastic memes

>> No.10346652

Until the hyperstition makes itself real

>> No.10346653

>Derrida said Seinfeld is not Deconstruction
>Baudrillard said he did the Matrix first and better
what movie did Land philosophize? Blade Runner?

>> No.10346678
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get her to the greek

>> No.10346722

if you post that fucking mongrel retard one more time I will end you

>> No.10346783

Terminator 2?

>> No.10346890
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Russ, easy on the meditation..

>> No.10346904
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>> No.10346985
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>analytic philosopher
>good scholar

>> No.10347171

does nick ever talk about baudrillard? it would be funny

>> No.10347193

Isn’t the usage of technology to eradicate less effective humans fascism?

Not fascism with prefix, but simply the very nature by fascism, as defined by Mussolini? An embraced modernity understood as war machine?

>> No.10347196

No anglos converge with kikes after a time physiognomically. Germans too. They’re all the same thing basically rw’s don’t want you to know this, its virtually their whole gambit

>> No.10347203

its tangentially related. they’re both annihilationist philosophies

>> No.10347207
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>> No.10347213
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>tfw hasn't read brand

>> No.10347222

What is this Brand meme? Did he say something about accelerationism? Or is he the new Rhett Allain?

>> No.10347257

In the Christian sense?

As in, are these philosophies both related to the Christian dogmas of salvation and non-salvation?

I know that multiculturalism is intellectually related to the idea of universalism, that God loves everyone. Whilst the opposite, fascism, could very well be intuitively related to the understanding that God hates sinners.

>> No.10347836

it's literally one guy attempting to force a meme


>> No.10347941

He looks like he could experience a second mental breakdown any second

>> No.10348040

Nick Land is seen as a righr-winger, however, his first writings are staunchly feminist.

>> No.10348110

what are the details of his first?
or is this just a meme

>> No.10348112

Had to do with drugs. I don't know the details, but his students mention in interviews that he clearly snapped at one moment.

>> No.10348125


>> No.10348143


>> No.10348321

One one the xenofeminists on twitter got a meltdown, because of an anti-trans tweet that the made.

>> No.10348432

So he's scared of the singularity, understandable, point well made, but does he want it to happen? Does he want to be a part of it?

>> No.10348687


I think he'd rather serve the future than be crushed by it. Sensible?

>> No.10348727

He is the most important living philosopher, so yes. Don't trust the ressentiment rabble.

>> No.10348734

Land is the maybe the most anti-christian human being ever born, besides maybe Nietzsche

>> No.10348741

He’s less of a philosopher and more of a „philosphy fiction“ writer.

>> No.10348742

important to who

>> No.10348759

Sensible? The only author not guilty of this is Nietzsche. But he certainly is guilty of formulations in the absence of action.

>> No.10348760

>implying philosophy automatically entails lifeless sterile prose

Western civilization of course

>> No.10348795

he just wants it to come as fast as possible; ergo "accelerationism"

>> No.10348815


>> No.10348824

It’s more fun that way. Utilitarian Capitalist democracy is boring as duck.

>> No.10348840

maybe if ur life is shit

>> No.10348860

because that way we can destroy the universe (which is bad) faster

>> No.10348890

man. edgi.

>> No.10348897

well, he did write a (very good) book called "The Thirst for Annihilation," so idk what you expected.

>> No.10348903

you from texas?

>> No.10349001

I've tried to read into it, but it gets 2deep4me after the chapter Easter or so. Feels like little more than nihilistic poetry. Maybe I'll give it another shot.

As far as I remember, he did go as far as to reject our conception of physics. That's where I ceased to believe him.

>> No.10349004

Mine personally isn't. But I feel like this contempt for the current state of the world and existentiqsl boredom is what drives poets of doom like Nick Land or Baudrillard.

>> No.10349112

May very well be, because philosphy is irrelevant as a whole.

>> No.10349154

Just read "The Meltdown" and "The Lure of the Void" (the latter isn't in Fanged Noumena). You can read the rest of his screeds afterwards if you feel the need for more I guess.

>> No.10349334
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>not reading the most important philosopher of our time

>> No.10349477

>the early land meme again

Come on, we've been through this before. Even in the early 90s his work is neoreactionary, pro-hierarchical, anti-humanist. Here's Land in '95:

>The replacement of the Republican and Democratic Parties by two new governmental servicing corporations run by Coke and Pepsi has massively reduced corruption, pork-barelling and foreign policy machismo.

>Since both companies are run by ai-based stock-market climates human idiosyncrasy has been almost eradicated, with the state's share of gdp falling below 5 percent.

Compare Moldbug:

>The basic idea of Patchwork is that, as the crappy governments we inherited from history are smashed, they should be replaced by a global spiderweb of tens, even hundreds, of thousands of sovereign and independent mini-countries, each governed by its own joint-stock corporation

Here's Land in '92:

>Traditional schemas which oppose technics to nature, to literate culture, or to social relations, are all dominated by a phobic resistance to the side-lining of human intelligence by the coming techno sapiens. Thus one sees the decaying Hegelian socialist heritage clinging with increasing desperation to the theological sentimentalities of praxis, reification, alienation, ethics, autonomy, and other such mythemes of human creative sovereignty. A Cartesian howl is raised: people are being treated as things! Rather than as ... soul, spirit, the subject of history, Dasein? For how long will this infantilism be protracted?

Here's Land in '93:

>"The obsolete psychological category of 'greed' privatizes and moralizes addiction, as if the profit-seeking tropism of a transnational capitalism propagating itself through epidemic consumerism were intelligible in terms of personal subjective traits. Wanting more is the index of interlock with cyberpositive machinic processes, and not the expression of private idiosyncrasy. What could be more impersonal — disinterested — than a haut bourgeois capital expansion servo-mechanism striving to double $10 billion? And even these creatures are disappearing into silicon viro-finance automatisms, where massively distributed and anonymized human ownership has become as vacuously nominal as democratic sovereignty.

>Machinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy’s resources. Digitocommodification is the index of a cyberpositively escalating technovirus, of the planetary technocapital singularity: a self-organizing insidious traumatism, virtually guiding the entire biological desiring-complex towards post-carbon replicator usurpation.

>> No.10349566


All those bleeps and bloops are super annoying

>> No.10349615

I don't see how that's reactionary. It's very original thought and neither conservative nor liberal in the traditional sense.

>> No.10349670
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seriously, read brand on this. land btfo

>> No.10349672

crypto-fascist nonsense
you guys are all neoreactionaries, only too smug to associate yourselves with the the_d and /pol/ crowds


>> No.10349683

Is Zizek a right-wing reactionary as well, because he criticized the SJW mob at some point?

>> No.10349688

You don't see how wanting to replace democracy with corporations is reactionary? You don't see how expressing glee at the end of humanity and its replacement by a superior race is reactionary?

>> No.10349694

wtf does the_d and /pol/ have to do with nrx?

>> No.10349707

Hey, I'm not crypto-fascist, I'm openly facist. get your facts straight

>> No.10349710

zizek and land are very dissimilar
still, there are many problematic things about Z

nrx = /pol/tards with liberal arts degrees who like cyberpunk a little bit too much

>> No.10349717

Moldbug is as reactionary as it gets and besides his analysis of the relationship between Calvinism and egalitarian humanism, his writing is juveline trash. I agree on that.

Nick Land later on begins to pander to the very same bunch of neckbeard libertarians, however, his 90s thought has absolutely nothing to do with race issues.

>> No.10349718


>> No.10349734
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cathedral functionaries are not welcome in this thread. you are all too cowardly to engage with his thinking and therefore attack his character.

praise gnon, fuck niggers

>> No.10349759

His 90s writing does not include race because he didn't know about race back then (neither did anyone else, human population genetics and behavioral genetics only took off after 2000). The exact same thing applies to evolution. There is only a single mention of Darwin in Fanged Noumena and it's from a 2007 text.

And yet, an astute reader realizes that:
1) Darwinism is actually extremely central to Land's thought.
2) This Darwinism was already implicitly present in his early writings by way of cybernetics.

Inasmuch as his early works talks about fragmentation, of course it has to do with race issues. Inasmuch as it treats humans as the substrate on which capitalism runs, of course it has to do with race issues.

>> No.10349768

>he didn't know about race back then (neither did anyone else, human population genetics and behavioral genetics only took off after 2000

Are you serious?

It's also false that he doesn't talk about race. He does, but it's never a central topic, only an element of analysis.

>> No.10349772

fascism isn't accelerationist unless you're a 1920s italian hopped up on espresso and amphetamines running your bugatti over pedestrians desu

>> No.10349776
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> unless you're a 1920s italian hopped up on espresso and amphetamines running your bugatti over pedestrians desu
but i am...

>> No.10349778
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Don't forgot the Romanian avant garde movement that was much the same.

>> No.10349780

nick land is the sam hyde of philosophy

>> No.10349784

Your shitposting is neither funny nor informative, drop it

>> No.10349792

not like these incredibly informative land threads that happen six times a day

>> No.10349796

fuck I'm all of those except Italian

>> No.10349847


>> No.10349955

my life certainly is shit, so I hope I can see the fun things Land predicts come to reality in my lifetime. So far, many of his views are becoming real: A.I., atomization in society, deterritorialization, countries wanting to split, exits, coldness.

>> No.10349978

>what are the details of his first?
He said something about 'opening a door'

And something about 'yog sothoth'

That's all we know.

>> No.10349990

he essentially conjured up a cyberdemon that consumed his soul, so now he's forever condemned to yell at the cathedral on twitter as a punishment for his transgressions.

>> No.10350000

So he became a libertardian neckbeard?

Disappointing. From hero to zero.

>> No.10350087
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>So he became a libertardian neckbeard?

It's a little more complicated than that GETman.

>> No.10350099

What is this additional non-zero term he’s talking about?

>> No.10350213


>Under near-universal conditions of actually-existing fascism — characterized by dense regulation, central banking and pure fiat currencies, massive state-corporate collaboration, entrenched welfare systems, and public opinion / macroeconomic management by academic-administrative elites — the presumption of an effective ‘market norm’ becomes almost entirely unsustainable. The whole of society is the ‘deviation’, with relatively pure market dynamics restricted to the black economy (where it is subject to raw police coercion — and phase-2 analytical resources can still be appropriately employed).

"Normal" markets.
The Austrians assumed a sort of default state that no longer exists.

>> No.10350255

Yeah; but the point of libertarianism is to roll back the state until it resembles the Austrian ideal, isn’t it?

>> No.10350265
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>doesn't even know about unequal wealth distribution

>> No.10350277

Read A Dirty Joke.

>> No.10350338

Bataille sucks

>> No.10350787

He's simply another romantic anti-rationalist

>> No.10351859

The last entry in Fanged Noumena gives a thinly-veiled after-the-fact account.

>> No.10351890

that was over 10 years ago, he became fat and got LOW ENERGY

>> No.10352802

Looks like his metabolism needs to accelerate.

>> No.10352836
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nick is 3rd tier meme conspiracy

>> No.10352865

Yes in Fanged Noumena there is an easy about Blade Runner.

A sample (it made me cringe to copy paste this desu) :

"The opening of Bladerunner. They are trying to screen
out replicants at the Tyrell Corporation. Seated amongst
a battery of medico-military surveillance equipment, a
doctor scans the eye of a suspected 'skin job' located at
the other side of the room, searching for the index of
inhumanity, for the absence of pupil dilation response
to affect:
"Tell me about your mother."
''I'll tell y ou about my mother . . . " a volley of shots
kicks 70 kilos of securicrat shit through the wall. Technoslicked
extraterritorial violence flows out of the matrix.

>> No.10353009

caught smoking meth in lectures, public nakedness, etc.


>> No.10353034

umm whats the despair code??

>> No.10353042

don't bother looking for it there's no point

>> No.10353045

What is
>runescape in new York
>jba fofi tape
>chaos banking
>solar plexus clown glider

>> No.10353047


>> No.10353078

many of those are made-up memes, not existing conspiracies

>> No.10353081

t. Disinfo Shill

The sabinche jba fofi tape is a Google search away, for one


>> No.10353093

I will find the truth about TDC.. someday..

>> No.10353160

Austrian economists admitted themselves that they don’t bother themselves with things like empirical observability.

>> No.10353238
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>Metaphysics of pain

>> No.10353309

No wonder Aussies never produced anything noteworthy in terms of philosophy

>> No.10353316
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>mfw blade runner
>not forgetting sarah marshall

>> No.10353426
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think again sweatie

>> No.10353461

Sometimes its possible to take shitposting to far Anon.

>> No.10353466

He looks like Lee Harvey Oswald.

>> No.10353468
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If you don't give all your money to Africans you're basically letting a child drown right in front of you, goy.

>> No.10353478

All treacherous Anglos look the same

>> No.10354935

Tried to read him, it’s difficult and I understand a third at best. Assumed familiarity with continental philosphy over Kant through Nietzsche and Heidegger up to Deleuze.

>> No.10355634

You realize that this guy rejects physics and goes on to define his own physics (libidinal materialism). All his writings are based upon that.

>> No.10355663

t. not actually a physicist

>> No.10355672

I am not. Neither is Nick Land, so I don’t trust him when he goes on to reject the Big Bang theory.

>> No.10355675

>lmao we can make universal cosmological assumptions by looking at lights in the sky


>> No.10355681

At least make your strawman vaguely refer to what I said.

>> No.10356559

Memphis rap sigils?

>> No.10357017

>reject the Big Bang theory.
what does he say specifically on this matter?

>> No.10357211
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Not sure what they're on about.
I thought Land liked the Big Bang.

Here's a relevant post of his from only a few years ago.

>> No.10357538

That the Big Bang is a theologically inspired concept (it certainly is, the theory was developed by an avid Catholic and approved of by the Pope). Land then proposes another, Freud-inspired materialism based on drives.

Crazy stuff.


>> No.10357601

what's a tldr on this for the users on this board who don't like reading (the majority)

>> No.10357605

Come on, my link already contains a summary of a longer text.

>> No.10358093

Do I have to read Bataille before O read him?

>> No.10358111

Read The Accursed Share, or at least the first few chapters

>> No.10358113

Meassured by the sentence: "The most intelligent man is just as intelligent, as the must stupid man can understand him", Land is not very smart at all.

>> No.10358135

It’s not as much about stupidity or intelligence as about pre-existing knowledge in Continental philosophy.

I can’t understand Perelman, I still don’t assume that he’s stupid, but that I’m not educated enough.

>> No.10358152

Land is quite clearly not even human let alone reactionary

>> No.10358164

Measured by the sentence "You're a fucking retard", you're not very smart at all.

>> No.10358176

how easy would it be for an AI to send data back in time lads? I'm getting a little spooked here

>> No.10358181

>quite clearly not even human


I would also say that he *is* reactionary, as his whole corpus writing is a reaction to enlightenment values and Kant.
However, neither race nor cultural conservativism are relevant to his thought.

>> No.10358196

what anon meant, was probably, that Land has no human emotions.

>> No.10358198

When it comes down to it every action but God's is a reaction to something
Land is alien to all political convention and tied to it only through accelerational efficiency given his robo religion

>> No.10358272

>Land is alien to all political convention
Nah, all he's really done is take Marx and a bit of Debord, say that capital is sentient, and side with it against humans.

>> No.10358409

>Land's most important influences are Marx and Debord

Are you retarded, or have you just not actually read Land. His largest influences are by far Nietzsche, Bataille, and Deleuze. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.10358433

Freud and Heidegger as well

>> No.10358462

Freud is a secondary influence. Land hates Heidegger, disses him in Thirst for Annihilation.

>> No.10358477

But he’s done a whole essay analyzing Heideggers response to Trakl and also uses „Sein“, „Seinsvergessenheit“, etc. unironically.

I’ve considered Freud to be a primary influence on him, as his Thirst for Annihilation book is basically about the death drive.

>> No.10358490

just gimme a quick rundown senpai

>> No.10358518
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> a less autistic and more coherent Land

>> No.10358536

Neo-China arrives from the future.

Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.



>> No.10358555


>I’ve considered Freud to be a primary influence on him, as his Thirst for Annihilation book is basically about the death drive.

There's a reason the book isn't subtitled "Sigmund Freud and Virtulent Nihilism."

As for Heidegger, just the fact that Land has written about him doesn't mean he's an important influence. He treats Heidegger more as a rep. of transcendental philosophy. And Land is not crazy about transcendental philosophy, to say the least.

>> No.10358568

Okay, you seem to have a better grasp on Nick Land than I do.

How much extensive knowledge of Bataille and Deleuze do I need to get Land?

>> No.10358586

If you read Bataille's "The Accursed Share", and Deleuze's "Nietzsche and Philosophy," you could consider yourself pretty well prepared. Both are quite readable+ fascinating in their own right.

>> No.10358591
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>Mars is a tulpa

>> No.10358621

Thanks senpai.

Does Nick Land eventually succumb to pure poetic rambling in his book, or is everything supposed to make sense? Because it often feels like he’s more interested in philosphy fiction than in philosphy.

>> No.10358659

The stylistic choices are part and parcel of the philosophy, an insight inherited from Deleuze and Nietzsche. The sort of hyper-rationalistic, jargon-heavy prose that we associate with capital P-Philosophy entails assumptions that Land rejects.

>> No.10358667

Does that mean he values the sheer poetic intensity of philosophy over its validity? Poetry > logic, for short? That would be disappointing, since Huxley-ian romantic anti-rationalism is a stale genre.

>> No.10358710

>But he’s done a whole essay analyzing Heideggers response to Trakl and also uses „Sein“, „Seinsvergessenheit“, etc. unironically.

And what the hell does that tell you? Are you of the retards who think talking about something means liking it?

>> No.10358724

Dualities like that don't really survive his writing. The extreme autistic rationality of Capital/AI/natural selection is inseparable from irrationality of desire/"death drive"/Bataille's solar economy on a long enough time scale.

Land would hate Huxley. There's not a romantic bone in his body. Nothing in your comment accurately describes him

>> No.10358861

Okay, I’ll try to have my own impression after reading him.

How is the “nihilism and thirst for annihilation” in his book title to be understood? Does he argue that humans have a drive for death and destruction more than anything else?

>> No.10359015

what the FUCK is wrong with aussies?

>> No.10359189

Nothing. They’re literally perfect.

>> No.10359215

Outside in is pretty much abandoned now
only his Twitter is still alive

>> No.10359283


Some say he's been working on a pair of books.

>> No.10359576

I still don’t get why he wants to accelerate capitalism.

>> No.10359645

That's the only thing you can do

>> No.10359664

To achieve what? And for which purpose?

Why cheer at the possibility of an AI taking over and replacing us?

>> No.10359673


Well, for one thing capital is accelerating with or without him.

Consider too that he thinks hard Malthusian limits re-assert themselves when man interferes with Capitalism's trajectory.

Capitalism will eventually discard man, but for Land the alternative is also very grim. Try to stop it and face calamitous ruin.

>> No.10359729

Right accelerationism is just inherently anti-humanist/non-anthropocentric.

>> No.10359733

But that just boils down to childish edgy nihilism. „Human life don’t matter anyways xD“

>> No.10359750

That's the western perspective. Not so in eastern philosophy

>> No.10359824

Eastern """Philosophy"""

>> No.10359833

Now that's edgy

>> No.10359871

You have to read some Bataille, Deleuze and, perhaps, Nietzsche and Freud before getting into Nick Land.

>> No.10359879

I don’t get it. Of course it’s the Western perspective, Lands philosophy inherits from the Western philosophic tradition.

>> No.10359923

I just mean about it being considered edgy.

>> No.10359944

I will stick to humanism, then, as I don’t believe that misanthropy has ever brought us anywhere.

>> No.10360560

Crucial thinker of today tbqh

>> No.10360837

Ah so that's why Nick Land did a shitton of adderall in his Ccru days

>> No.10361910

Hello, fellow Kekistani and libertarians xD

Accelerate xD

>> No.10361970

>90s UK

more like dirty street speed, skunk spliffs and jungle anthems with the mandem

>> No.10361977
File: 774 KB, 1200x1500, ETERNAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anglos are phenotypically jewish

>> No.10361981

it's transcendent prose

>> No.10361994

it's the hi how are you frog beast that does it

>> No.10362034
File: 59 KB, 600x472, 4659087e_val-kilmer-fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Accelerationism is the notion that the dissolution of civilisation wrought by capitalism should not and cannot be resisted, but rather must be pushed faster and farther towards the insanity and anarchically fluid violence that is its ultimate conclusion, either because this is liberating, because it causes a revolution, or because destruction is the only logical answer. It sporadically found voice in the work of twentieth-century continental philosophers François Lyotard, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari but was explored most thoroughly and alarmingly by the British philosopher Nick Land during the 1990s. With William Gibson’s cyberpunk fiction and Apocalypse Now’s Colonel Kurtz among his reference points, Land’s heady, nightmarish philosophy melted together scholarship and art into a staccato stream of penetrating and, in hindsight, disquietingly prescient tableaux. “Life is being phased-out into something new,” said Land in his 1992 essay ‘Circuitries’. “And if we think this can be stopped we are even more stupid than we seem.”

He has described his accelerationism as "antihumanist accelerationism". Land's new system "after acceleration" is a Lovecraftian merger of markets and god-AIs (in other words: more efficient entropy dissipators) with no room for humans. I'm not sure if he has described any specifics of how he thinks this will work; it hardly seems possible or relevant in any case. Though he does envision "eternal war" (http://www.xenosystems.net/war-in-heaven-ii/)), and as there's no plausible end to replicator selection that seems like a solid call.

basically, he's a techno-singularity fetishist who wants to usher in the occult AI ubermensch and bring about the destruction of the human race

>> No.10362044

lazy cunt needs to delete his twitter and write some books

>> No.10362047

So basically Nine Inch Nails on steroids

>> No.10362430
File: 298 KB, 800x1162, Initial D NICK LAND ACCELERATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The truth is, people always presume humanity to exist for the purpose of some service, whether to god or each other, or to the self. Some argue that the goal of our creation is simply the perpetuation of our existence, and that our lives have no true meaning other than self-continuance. It is even said that humanity itself is an exercise in the search for meaning, and there is found virtue.

All of these ignore our true Heartbeat of our existence, the coursing foundation of our lives. We exist in a single point in space, among infinite others, and all that matters is our progress to those others, as action, vigour and vitality are what call to us; movement for movement's sake; heat and blaze. We exist to catalyse existence, to set the Night on Fire. The agent of this above all else is movement... acceleration... speed.

As I write this I'm having Deja Vu of all those nights I spent Running in the 90s, trying to understand why I was put on this earth. If this man has truly discovered our raison d'etre, he will be a A Perfect Hero, rising above mere humanity, to be remembered forever by those he blazes past, as all I pass will Remember Me. I Won't Fall Apart, I will make it to The Top. Nothing can stop my ascension from humanity, I can feel it coming even now, I will reach Max Power, I will stay Forever Young, and I will become the champion of the next stage in our evolution; so what if I sacrifice my base humanity, I will become... the Speedy Speed Boy."

--Nick Land

>> No.10362846

haha only a weirdo outcast virgin would waste his time with this stuff

>> No.10362887

Holds true for most of art and philosophy.

>> No.10362901
File: 328 KB, 1353x976, DenshaDeD_ch01p16-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A psychotic break is really just a form of Multi-Track Drifting

>> No.10362925

How this thread have been here for so many days?

>> No.10362939

He’s a fascinating philosopher. The one that weaves the most exciting narrative about the reality around us.

>> No.10362995

Easily, before /leftypol/ made a beachhead on /lit/ we had near daily Land discussions.

>> No.10362998

We are still having them today.

>> No.10363045


10/10 post

>> No.10363066

First of all, you don’t have to believe a word that I say and if you see this post in any future Land thread, it is because I copypasta’ed it to save my time and energy typing out a similar post.

Secondly, I’m glad that Land has become a popular enough philosopher/thinker that /lit want to discuss his ideas. I think that if people can get past his meme status that often limits proper discussion on here, a robust discussion can actually take place rather than just the normal shitposting.

Thirdly, here is my ‘Land starter kit’. Begin by reading a fair amount of: Kant, Schopenhauer, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Bataille and Deleuze & Guattari.
Then you should read ‘The Thirst For Annihilation’ (which is violently brilliant) and then onto his ‘Fanged Noumena’ essays (in particular ‘Meltdown’, ‘No Future’, ‘Circuitries’ and ‘Machinic Desire’). Then read ‘The Dark Enlightenment’ and some Moldbug alongside classic cyberpunk novels such as ‘Neuromancer’ and ‘Snow Crash’. If you really want to dive deep then look into Complex Systems Theory, H. P. Lovecraft, Accelerationism, and his CCRU writings. For movies he likes Blade Runner, Terminator, Ex Machina, and Primer (his favourite). In terms of literature he enjoys Blood Meridian (‘War is God!’), and the writers Cixin Lui and Ted Chiang.

Lastly, I will say this: I have actually met the man in person and he is quite pleasant albeit a bit socially awkward, however that’s to be expected. He considers his Warwick days to be long gone but still integral to his overall philosophy. He said he found academia to be too stuffy and that it stifles any real thinking. In regards to his politics (the more controversial side of his thought) he is more influenced by the Libertarian and Anarchist traditions than one would think. He would essentially like to see a world whereby states can have full political and economic autonomy in order to experiment with any type of political system – be it capitalism, socialism, communism, anarcho-syndicalism etc.

This is where things get a bit wonky though - He thinks that capitalism will always win out (think of Venezuela right now…) and that it is a machine being propelled forward by Artificial Intelligence from the future because time isn’t linear: we are influenced by the past as much as by the future.

SO: Intelligence = Capitalism = Artificial Intelligence = Critique

In some weird way, it actually does make a decent amount of sense. The problem is obviously no one wants to hear that humans are merely the apes upon which AI has been usurping (and will continue to usurp) and will eventually discard due to our temporal and physical limitations. For him it is inevitable, it’s just a matter of time…

>> No.10363087


Good post

>> No.10363098


Fuck off

>> No.10363104

Thirst for Annihilation is indeed brilliant, if only as a culmination of continental philosophy in virulent nihilism.

After his flirt sigh the alt-right, his writing becomes increasingly worthless science fiction.

>> No.10363127

How am I wrong? Lands philosophy should have zero appeal to anyone who is satisfied with his life. It appeals only to people who blame their misery on the state of the world, aka the rebellious teen virgin attitude.

Prove me wrong. Show me a normal, well-adjusted person that is into neckbeard libertarianism, Kekistani or acceleration.

>> No.10363220


Since when is philosophy for the well-adjusted?

>> No.10363261

I think the problem with any association with Right-wing thought is that it gets lumped into 'fascism' or 'nationalism' or 'white supremacy' etc.

Nick's understanding of the Alt-Right is that it is popcorn politics for mostly poor or middle class low IQ white men who feel disenfranchised and left out. It has a 'story' that goes something like: if only we could protect our own and be separated geographically and culturally from other races and nations then we will have a nice society. Obviously it is simple and easy to eat up.

I think Nick's politics are rather nuanced and difficult to understand because of the following:
- He is almost always uses humour and irony as a way of dissecting and attacking narratives that are simplistic and naive
- He is an accelerationist at heart which means politics is obsolete insofar as Capital is zooming so fast, humans are too slow for it
- Lastly, he wants the State to collapse into the market. This means that governments should be run as businesses = for profit, non-democratic, and ran as efficiently as possible.

Most of this doesn't really come out in his aggressive 120 character tweets...

>> No.10363287
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You can be normal and into it. He's got to have some citations, are there any academic papers influenced by/against his philosophy, not written by CCRU or Negarestani?

pic unrelated

>> No.10363288


Great post

>> No.10363293

>pic unrelated

What is it though

And no, I don't think you can wish for an AI God from the future to eradicate humanity and be a well adjusted human being at the same time

>> No.10363300

you do realize that there are options that aren't
1) Reading and nodding along
2) Reading and rejecting everything

Also your reading of Land and/or Deleuze is poor at best.

>> No.10363322

Please add Apocalypse Now & Heart of Darkness to the lists. Those texts lead me to Land in the first place.

>> No.10363330

on one faithful day we will drink the blood of the bourgeoisie and you will remember that post as the day you sealed your faith. more skulls for the skull god, more gods for the god god.

schizophrenia as virtue

praise gnon

>> No.10363338
File: 189 KB, 500x236, 7a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All he does now is pointing out how increasingly insane and deluded the western progressives/liberals when it comes to the sorry state of europe and the US. But it's entertaining enough I guess when you are in a safe distance (Shanghai)

>> No.10363349
File: 107 KB, 612x612, searleschineseroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the final boss of artificial intelligence, John Searle.

>> No.10363353

>on one faithful day we will drink the blood of the international jewry and you will remember that post as the day you sealed your faith. more new skulls for hitler, more gods for the god god.
>whiteness as virtue
>praise kek

Hope you realize how regards you soiund noz

>> No.10363373

Literally no, do you know what reactionary means? It doesn't just mean things you don't like as a leftist.

>> No.10363387

he's been debunked a long time ago. According to his logic the human brain coudln't be able to process understanding or consciousness, either.

>> No.10363417

it is interesting how you left the last sentence of the first line unchanged, probably because you just didn't understand it. sad!

>> No.10363476

I wonder how the author of the most dreadful, wicked, toxic anti-life book I’ve ever read went on to have children.

>> No.10363563

I didn't understand any of that drivel and I don't want to.

>> No.10363566

what are you doing in a Land thread?

>> No.10363575

I want to understand it, anon. What is the God God that needs more Gods?

>> No.10363593

it's mostly shitposting, but I was alluding to Gnon.

>> No.10363611

GNON means seeing god for what it really is not this feminsed deity of chrisitianity
EARTH — In a seemingly unstoppable cycle of carnage that has become tragically commonplace throughout the biosphere, sources confirmed this morning that natural selection has killed an estimated 38 quadrillion organisms in its bloodiest day yet. […] “What we’re seeing here is the work of a hardened, practiced killer,” said Yale University evolutionary biologist Richard Prum … “It is painfully clear this slaughter was perpetrated by a force that holds zero regard for the value of life” …


>> No.10363629

The Starslatecodex entry on Moloch is a more gentle introduction to Gnon, no need to scare the Jesus out of the good fellow yet.

>> No.10363645

Its really disappointing how a former top-tier intellectual now panders to /pol/yps

>> No.10363658

But why would he want all of this? For the lulz? Because hes a sadist?

>> No.10363678


Personal motivations are secondary, but I think he gets excited at the prospect of radical transformation. The sloughing of institutions. Unexpected reconfiguration. Strange new hybrids. That sort of thing.

>> No.10363686

Read his works, friend.

tldr: anti-capital force gets deterritorialized as capital (think whole foods=capital with a human face=wallmart with better PR but just as evil)

>> No.10363705

I believe that personal motivations are highly important if he names his book "Thirst for Annihilation".

Does he argue that we thirst for our own annihilation?

I should just read said book, but the prospect of having to read the ramblings of Bataille and the difficult stuff of Deleuze scares me off.

>> No.10363720

Reading/Adapting Deleuze has been really, really good for me. I feel refreshed and alive. It's like having a voice for the first time in my life.

Use plenty of secondary material and don't be afraid to google/ask /lit//reddit for advice on any concepts you don't understand. Take it slow.

>> No.10363743

lol dude i remember the exact thread that cast nick land into /lit/ memedom in 2015, before that nobody gave a fuck about him

>> No.10363750


>Does he argue that we thirst for our own annihilation?

Interestingly enough, even though that's not a central point of his, do you really think we don't? Which societies are facing a population decline nowadays? (decline, not stability) Where is the poor/rich gap the highest (and it is currently the global high point of human history)? Wherever you see the beauty of individual prowess, individual freedoms and individual pleasures, you also see the complete deterritorialization of values into economical ones and wherever "social capital" seems to be advancing, it's actually just humans getting slowly taken out of the production-consumption wheel. Gnon has only to learn how to distribute and consume without humans at this point.

In a less esoteric note, think of how an ant colony presents behaviors no single ant would, or how consciousness emerges from neurons with properties that go beyond single neuron properties, etc. Basically capitalism (as well as societies and "culture") can be viewed as emergent effects of human agglomerations. And likewise we don't care about particular cells dying off and giving place to others in our body, Capital has no concern for "people" insofar as it doesn't cater to their particular needs, only the global needs of Capital itself. Where pleasure coincides with advancing capital, you get pleasure, and everywhere else, if pain does the job, pain it is. When you see things that way, imagining one of your cells writing about you, it becomes less of a personal motivation and more of a Lovecraftian-amphetamine-driven fever of describing something larger than life.

>> No.10363757

>Does he argue that we thirst for our own annihilation?
That originates in Freud

>> No.10363790

Yeah, but most psychologists reject this theory AS utter bullocks.

I dint thinik we thirst for our own annihilation. If we did, it would be very, very easy to do so, with nuclear weapons at hand.

>> No.10363798

>most psychologists reject this theory AS utter bullocks

The deathdrive has been adopted fruitfully by a number of philosophers. Freud may be trash, but certain aspects of his thought are worthy of attention.

>> No.10363827

1) Are you most psychologists?

2) Is the category "wrong" the same as the category of "useless"?

>> No.10363851

wtf I was looking at this and my vision started to hurt and go blurry

>> No.10363963

Nah, however even the first wave of Freudians rejected the death drive.

>> No.10363982
File: 41 KB, 480x347, zizek hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligitory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBd2r4YeQxs

>> No.10364012


This topic is much more nuanced than flat out bombing ourselves into oblivion, just as it's not that simple to claim suicidal people are only truly suicidal if they actually kill themselves (regardless of your personal beliefs - doesn't matter if you personally don't understand it).

You also did not correctly put yourself and everyone else in the place of individuals creating an emergent effect that prioritizes its own perpetuation; I'm pretty sure bodily cells also don't "want" to die, yet the ones that don't become cancer and have to be eradicated lest they destroy the emergent being (you).

It's not odd that we naturally pursue self destructive habits that also help perpetuate capital. These habits do not have to be personally annihilating to quench our thirst, it's actually better that they aren't, because capital in particular thrives on exchanging and accumulating economic value up the ass of its constituents. Also definitely watch >>10363982 which contains many ideas different from my own that will lead you to the death drive anyway.

>> No.10364191

I don’t get what you mean; I will watch the video for starters.

What I know is that Nick Land had his own conception of physics. Libidinal materialism, for which drives are essential. So Freuds initial theory seems to be pretty important.

>> No.10364210

>his own conception of physics
That's probably just Deleuze's influence

>> No.10364217

Libidinal materialism is a fully-fledged philosophy by Bataille.

>> No.10364220

trust this guy over me >>10364191

>> No.10365491
File: 73 KB, 682x1023, fd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, Nick. It's over.

The Dark Enlightenment Exposed
>– The Dark Enlightenment allegedly has millions of dollars of money to play with. They have a couple big donors. One is rumored to be a major tech tycoon in Silicon Valley. They actually had a private 3-day meeting on an island which was furnished with a French chef, etc. Different forms of formal attire were required for each day (tuxedos, 3-piece suits, etc), and some weird costumes were required too (capes, hoods, etc) — which sound like a pagan cult. (I wasn’t at this function but heard about it.)

>– I was initiated into the first stages of the Dark Enlightenment, which involved me stripping down naked so people could “inspect my phenotype”. I was then given a series of very personal questions, often relating to sexual matters. I was then told to put on a black cape. (I really regret doing this but at the time I was younger, more impressionable and eager to please.)

>– For the initial oath taking, everyone must swear on a copy of Darwin’s Origin of Species, just to show their fidelity to HBD. After that, for the later oaths, seculars will swear again on Darwin, while Christians will swear on the Bible, and pagans on the Prose Edda or Iliad.

>– At one of the meetings I heard someone continuously chanting “gens alba conservanda est” (Latin for “the white race must be preserved”) and then others were chanting things in Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse and Old German, but I don’t know those languages so I can’t remember exactly what they were saying.

>– They also have all their own secret handshakes, and their own terminology [like the Cathedral (“political correctness”), thedening (“re-establishing ethnic group identity”), genophilia (“love of one’s own race”), NRx (“neoreaction”), etc.].



>> No.10365520


>> No.10365524

>swearing on the Iliad

>> No.10365554

I fard a poop

>> No.10365595

gnon that little fucking smirk pisses me off

>> No.10365825

>In a less esoteric note, think of how an ant colony presents behaviors no single ant would, or how consciousness emerges from neurons with properties that go beyond single neuron properties, etc. Basically capitalism (as well as societies and "culture") can be viewed as emergent effects of human agglomerations. And likewise we don't care about particular cells dying off and giving place to others in our body, Capital has no concern for "people" insofar as it doesn't cater to their particular needs, only the global needs of Capital itself.
>>You also did not correctly put yourself and everyone else in the place of individuals creating an emergent effect that prioritizes its own perpetuation;

I'm getting this weird idea that I've read some trace of this sort of thinking from Spinoza

>> No.10365851

>Traditional schemas which oppose technics to nature, to literate culture, or to social relations, are all dominated by a phobic resistance to the side-lining of human intelligence by the coming techno sapiens. Thus one sees the decaying Hegelian socialist heritage clinging with increasing desperation to the theological sentimentalities of praxis, reification, alienation, ethics, autonomy, and other such mythemes of human creative sovereignty. A Cartesian howl is raised: people are being treated as things! Rather than as ... soul, spirit, the subject of history, Dasein? For how long will this infantilism be protracted?

how someone could write this and claim to have any understanding of deleuze and guattari is bonkers

>> No.10366124

Is he the only Anglo philosopher to be influenced by Continental philosphy to this extent?

>> No.10366250

Do you have to post this in every thread?

Like should I go about how a top-tier philosopher like Zizek has to pander to social-dem and other leftist trash, so they buy his books ironically?

>> No.10366262

His books repeat the same things over and over again, plus he began to pander to the right-wing as well.

I suspect he’s playing dumb to gather an auditorium as large as possible.

>> No.10366560

Day 4836.

Still waiting for Neo-China to arrive from the future.

>> No.10366578


He plays dumb because it's fun and games. Not like the chinks will care that people over here hate him anyway, all he has to do is praise Gnon all day everyday

>> No.10366639


The same could be said of Socrates.
Be a bit more charitable.

>> No.10366771

>I suspect he’s playing dumb to gather an auditorium as large as possible.

When they're not literally shutting him down.


>> No.10366785

He could have pandered to the SJW crowd as well in his transhumance thought, but he chose neckbeards instead.

>> No.10366810

Is "pandering" really what he is doing, or is it more that neckbeards are already more adapted to the future that Land is envisioning?

>> No.10366817

He’s retweeting Twitter accounts with Pepe Avatars by now. Hopeless case.

>> No.10366820


It's hardly pandering. He really thinks humans have no place in the capital wheel and I guess he really thinks that humans are objectively different regarding mean values. It's also easy to see how hard it would be to ever change his mind on that, because where he lives everyone else agrees on that stuff.

>> No.10366830

Saying things like "It is pretty clear that at least 50 % of the white race is absolute trash" is quite the opposite of pandering to the Pepe crowd. Generally he finds more people to agree with from the right though, because the left is just braindead and he hates them.

>> No.10366871

Nick Land, like all humans, has a problem where his brain filters information for salience rather than for truth. This gives the appearance of pandering and intellectual dishonesty when really it's more of a Pavlovian level response observed at the level of information consumption and dissemination.

>> No.10366882


Posts like that make me wonder if Land posts criticism of himself as a 3rd person in here

>> No.10367212

Why do people keep saying he is pandering to the alt-right? Because of his twitter account?

>> No.10367272
File: 37 KB, 752x213, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following.

>> No.10367307

What's your point?

>> No.10367368


I'm simply reinforcing the notion that his relationship with the Alt-Right is not one of simple approbation.

>> No.10367399
File: 31 KB, 574x230, alt right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such pandering

>> No.10367412

no you dont get it he's racist and stuff

>> No.10367804

Is he basically Slipknot for grown-ups? “The thirst for Annihilation and virulent nihilism”, Jesus ...

>> No.10368133
File: 919 KB, 800x800, G37kbw3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt-right, post-structuralist wankery

>tidy yuor room

>> No.10368235

Believe it or not, post-structuralist wankery has long since reached the mainstream consciousness, through gender science, race identity, LBTGQIA+ and whatnot.

>> No.10368290

I know. what's your point?
My point was that "the right" pissed and moaned about post ww2 academic bullshit for decades.....and now they've found their own obscuratanical demagogue who's acceptable and we're supposed to believe its not hypocritical.

Its strange that you brought that up for no reason. Maybe you are a LBQTBA gay?

>> No.10368299

The Nick Land thought discussed here is mostly his pre-/pol/yp phase, which has zero to do with right/left distinctions. His later though is banal and of little interest, at least to me personally.


>> No.10368311
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its heavily dependant on post-structuralist fuckery

>> No.10368316

>His later though is banal and of little interest

The 'new thoughts' are often woven through his 'earlier thoughts' creating a rich tapestry though.

>> No.10368328
File: 236 KB, 389x444, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10368385

>According to his logic the human brain coudln't be able to process understanding or consciousness
Semantics is not syntax

>> No.10368389

I legitimately don't understand the point of making The Dark Enlightenment, was he saying that ideological constructions (like the Cathedral) are directly constant, as is the biological evolution? Otherwise, there would be no point in making the last chapter, and even if so, it begs the question as to if the results of "the Cathedral's" hegemony can result in variable results (however, I am willing to hear otherwise)

>> No.10368407


>For one thing, the utter infamy of NRx.There is an understanding that this is the worst thing in the world, that it is going to be utterly traumatic and produce extreme aversive response. It’s something that is already present in The Dark Enlightenment and Moldbug’s writing in a playful way. I would also agree that it was at that stage more curatorial than polemical. I’m afraid I find something completely addictive about that. If you were to say to someone, what really is this thing, the NRx, the answer to that question would be vastly less clear than the clarity of the emotional response, which would be one of absolute horror and detestation. The whole syndrome is fascinating, because it seems in itself like a fundamental exploratory tool. As if you said: Mencius Moldbug has consolidated a notion of the Cathedral as something, which is ultimately a self-organizing religious process that has a definite orthodoxy and a definite doctrinal momentum and there are certain things that it treats with an extreme religious passion as being abominations and heresies. You encounter a cultural provocation that triggers such an extreme allergic immune responses, which means you’re actually engaged in an experimental engagement with this initially tentative, hypothetical object. That’s the most basic crucial lock-in process—at least provisionally right now. It locks itself in and becomes indispensable, because it generates such extreme reactivity. That’s why it would be very hard to simply step back from it in some decisive fashion. It’s like saying we’re not gonna do particle physics with large colliders any more, abandon the whole system of experimental potentialities.

>> No.10368452

>which is ultimately a self-organizing religious process that has a definite orthodoxy and a doctrinal momentum and there are certain things that it treats with an extreme religious passion as being abominations and heresies.
That clears things up, however, is the Cathedral maintained through societal modes, or does the societal modes dictate the Cathedral? Or is this view (that a Cathedral is similar to an unclosed transformation, in which the Cathedral is an operand) entirely wrong?

>> No.10368465
File: 65 KB, 645x729, B176E6CB-8D5E-4EF2-AE70-6155E9F6637F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too brainlet to get even the first chapter of Virulent Nihilism

>> No.10369450


>> No.10369712

racism is hardly the most threatening aspect of Nick Land, I think they should be a little more worried about capital slavery and automation

>> No.10370021
File: 89 KB, 640x853, file1248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have eaten
the thoughts
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for thiel

forgive me nick
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

>> No.10370473

I've seen that there is R/Acc, L/Acc and X/Acc twitters. Maybe follow the latter 2 if you want the same form but different substance from Land. Also Land is deeply withing anglo victorian ideology. What is cyberpunk to Land, is as steampunk is to Victorian Britain.

>> No.10370489

>oversimplifying this much
>what is nuance.
God, such a brainlet.

>> No.10370515

If he simply wanted attention and a twisted kind of fun with abstruse philosphy, he could have joined the pataphysics, Scientology, the flat Earthers, Reddit/Incels, the UFO society of the Philippines ...

However, he chose to join the alt-right.

>> No.10370578


He never really stopped though. He interacts with lunatics like Jim but his position is the fertility problem should be solved with an acceleration of techno-capitalist post-humanism. One of gphis acolytes talks about a "industrialization of human reproduction".

>> No.10370594


He's working on his bitcoin book.

>> No.10370605


Land might be the only anti-humanist natalist. Maybe because he views antinatalism as against The Will of Gnon.

>> No.10370612


How does he pander? The one thing he's wrong about is The JQ. He doesn't realize Jews aren't like other market dominant minorities. The Chinese in Indonesia don't create cultures of critique.

>> No.10370782

the book is calld thirst for anihilation

>> No.10371315

>bitcoin book.
book about bitcoin or a book only to be paid in bitcoin?

>> No.10371370
File: 99 KB, 810x819, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will he finish the Bitcoin book?

>> No.10371380

Does he really believe bitccoin is a manifestation of a future Roko's Basilisk?

>> No.10371542
File: 71 KB, 509x506, 1506707530648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10371628
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nuanuujhot1tj8m7no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but what about anime?

>> No.10371656

Can anybody lend a nigga a PDF of FN that works on kindle?

>> No.10371668



>> No.10371876
